Chapter 6

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Discuss the concepts of the nature of portfolio assessment in the following situations:

1. After graduation, you plan to apply for a teaching position in a reputable school and one of the
requirements is for you to construct a teaching portfolio that will show your qualifications for the
position being applied for. What evidence (performance or product) will you include in your
portfolio? Explain your answer.

2. You are asked to evaluate the last portfolio you have submitted, how will you process it? Do you
think your portfolio satisfies its purpose, use and characteristics? Discuss your answer.

- I'm going to process it based on the type of portfolio they requested and the criteria provided. I
believe that our portfolio will fulfill its purpose, usage, and characteristics. we must ensure that the
criteria, purpose, usage, and characteristics of my portfolio are assured before submitting it and
requesting their evaluation.

A. Discuss the concepts of the nature of portfolio assessment in the following situations:

3. During the PTA conference, Mrs. Geronimo, mother of your student John, happens to see and
examine the portfolio of her son and daughter, Wena from another class. After spending almost 40
minutes going through the portfolio of her son and skimming the portfolio of her daughter, Mrs.
Geronimo approached you and said, “My daughter’s portfolio is very impressive and outstanding. To
be honest, john’s portfolio is less polished but I think he included everything in your class, the
products and performances. Why is there a difference in final rating?” How would you respond to
Mrs. Geronimo’s inquiry?

- I’m going to inform Mrs. Geronimo that the contents of their Portfolios are not the same. First, their
activity scores are not the same; one may have had a high score while the other did not. Second,
criteria are used to grade their portfolios. You have mentioned that one of them had a really good
portfolio, whereas the other had aless polished one. The criteria include creativity and cleanliness.

B. Get at least 5 samples of portfolio and examine its content, types and elements.
Make an analysis of what you have examined by answering the following questions:

1. What is the commonly used portfolio?

2. Have all the elements present in the portfolio been examined? What element/s is/are commonly
present? missing?

3. Do the portfolios provide strong evidence of improvement over the course unit?

4. What characteristics of the examined documents were observed from the portfolio?

- It teaches you how you make the most of your portfolio. The goals and objectives were matched to
the teaching and learning activities, as well as the assessment. It organizes the collection of student
work in an orderly manner.

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