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PHY306 : End Semester Exam : Part 1

29th April 2021

IISER Mohali

Symbols have their usual meanings, unless specified.

Problems in this section carry 4 marks each.

1. If pµ = (P0 , Pi ) in the Cartesian co-ordinate obtain the expression for pµ and pµ in spherical
polar co-ordinates. Find the expression for pµ pµ in the spherical polar co-ordinates. [3 + 1]
2. The leading order relativistic correction is included for a particle in a 2-D box (x, y) ∈ [0, L].
Find out the perturbation Hamiltonian and first order energy correction for the first excited
state. [3 + 1]

3. If the 2-D simple Harmonic oscillator is perturbed by a term H0 = Kxy, find out the exact 1st
excited state energy. Compare the result with the first order pertubation theory. [2 + 2]
4. If αL̂+ L̂− term is added to the Hydrogen atom Hamiltonian, find out the energy shift for n = 2

5. For a relativistic Dirac particle, prove that Q = ρd3 x is a conserved quantity, where ρ is the

probability density. What is its value for a relativistic free particle. [2 + 2]

PHY306 : End Semester Exam: Part 2
29th April 2021
IISER Mohali

Symbols have their usual meanings, unless specified.

Problems in this section carry 6 marks each.

1. Evaluate [ẑ, L̂z ]. From this find out the condition of non-vanishing of hn0 l, m0 |ẑ|nlm >. Obtain
similar condition of non-vanishing for hn0 , l, m0 |ŷ|n, l, m > where |n, l, mi is a generic state in the
hydrogen atom. [2+2+2]
2. A two level system with eigenstates ψa/b and energy gap ~ω0 is in the initial state ψb0 . A time
dependent perturbation Ĥ0 = V̂ (cos ωt)n is applied between time 0 to some time T . Identify the
possbile resonance frequencies in this system. What is the ratio of probability of transition at the

highest resonace frequency to the lowest, if V̂ contains only off diagonal elements Vab = Vba = α,
for a constant α. [3 + 3]
3. A particle is contained in the following potential V (x) = V0 cos αx for 0 ≥ x ≤ L and V (x) = ∞
otherwise. For sufficiently high energy energy E  V0 , find out the quantized energy spectrum
of the particle. How do these states’ energy eigenvalues shift if α → 0 ? [4 + 2]
4. For the Hamiltonian H = p̂2 /2m + αx̂4 a trial wavefunction ψ(x) = A exp (−bx2 ) is used for
estimating the ground state. Find out the condition on b for locating the ground state of the
system. With that estimate what is the mean kinetic energy of the system in the ground state?
[4 + 2]

5. For a Dirac particle moving along the y− direction, find out the helicity eigenstates. How does
the probability density change in time for both these eigenstates? Find out the rate of change in
the probability density for positive and negative energy Dirac particle having the helicity +~/2.
[2 + 2 + 2]

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