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Welcome to this Microsoft Excel 2000 Introduction course. The primary objective of the course is to introduce a user to the
basic operations of Microsoft Excel 2000, hereafter referred to as simply "Excel," in most cases. More detailed objectives are
listed later in this section.
1.1 Course Objectives

After participating in this course, you should be able to:

Microsoft Excel
 Start Excel.

 Display Help information.

 Reset the working folder.

 Open and close a workbook.

 Enter labels and values into a worksheet.

 Enter a formula into a worksheet.

 Adjust column width in a worksheet.

 Print a worksheet.

 Automatically fill a range.

 Move and copy cell entries.

 Automatically compute a row/column total.

 Insert and delete rows and columns.

 Adjust row height in a worksheet.

 Realign cell entries.

 Reset the font and number format of cell entries.

 Add a border and shading to a worksheet.

 Change the page setup and preview a worksheet.

 Print selected worksheet entries.

 Use Excel functions (SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN and COUNT).

1.2 Course Conventions

A number of conventions are used in this manual. Please be sure that you understand them.

The course is divided into sections. Most sections consist of an introduction and various subsections.

Most subsections include an overview of the topic to be presented and an exercise headed by the word
Objective. The exercise is often preceded by a section headed PREPARATION, which includes one or
more preliminary instructions. Be sure to follow any directions under this heading.

Exercises are presented in two columns, with each step clearly numbered. Your instructions are in the
column headed ACTION (You Do); the second column headed COMPUTER RESPONSE / Comments
describes the program response and/or may include other comments. Be sure to complete each step in the
order shown.

Instructions of an exercise may be a combination of selecting a command (or command sequence), typing
information and/or pressing one or more keys. Typical examples are given below:

Example 1

2. Choose the File command.

This means that you should select the File command on the Menu bar.

Example 2

4. Choose the File, Open command.

This means that you should first select the File command on the Menu bar and then select the Open option
on the File menu.

Example 3

When a shortcut button is available for a command sequence, that button is usually indicated.

6. Click on the Print button.

This means that you should position the mouse pointer on the Print button and then click the mouse button.
(When clicking on any command, button or other screen object, or when dragging a screen object, use the
left mouse button unless otherwise instructed.)

Example 4

8. Type: Department Budget

Press [ENTER].

This means that you should type the words Department Budget and then press the [ENTER] key. (In
such instructions, special keys, such as [ENTER], [ESC] and [F1], can be easily identified because they are
always enclosed in square brackets.)
Example 5

When you are required to press two keys at the same time, the + sign is used.

10. Press [CTRL] + [O].

This means that you should press the [CTRL] key and, while holding it down, press the letter O.

At several points throughout the course, Further Practice activities are provided. These have been
included to enable you to review techniques you have learned. Again, follow the instructions carefully. If
necessary, refer to any notes you may have taken as you work through these activities.

This course assumes that you are using a mouse. Basic mouse techniques are summarized below.

Point Position the mouse pointer on the specified screen item.
Click Press and release the left mouse button.
Double-click Press and release the left mouse button two times in rapid succession.
Right-click Press and release the right mouse button.
Drag Move the mouse pointer from its initial position to another area of the screen
while holding down the left mouse button.

It is recommended that you create a folder named Course Docs (in the root folder of Drive C) and
copy all files on the course data diskette into this folder. (This course assumes that you have done

1. This course assumes that all default Excel settings are in effect when you start the program.

1.1 Introduction

This section begins with a discussion of Excel and the various tools it provides. It then covers various
program fundamentals. In it, you will learn how to:

 Start Excel.

 Identify the elements of the Excel Application window.

 Display Help information.

 Exit from Excel.

1.2 What is Excel?

Excel is a popular spreadsheet program designed for use on a personal computer. Although it has many
applications, Excel is used primarily as a financial modeling package for such purposes as budgeting, cash
flow forecasting, sales reporting, and the preparation of profit and loss statements.

The advantages of using a program such as Excel are immediately apparent if you have ever used a strictly
manual procedure to perform operations similar to those that are available. Not only does the program
make it easier to enter information, it can save countless hours in calculating and recalculating information.
In addition, it allows you to quickly obtain answers to what are called "what-if" scenarios.

For example, suppose you wish to predict the income from the sale of a particular product over a period of
time. Using Excel, you can set up the appropriate model and then test various assumptions -- for example,
"What if our costs rise by 5%?" or "What if actual sales fall short of projections by 10%?"

Excel provides three principal types of modeling tools -- worksheets, charts and lists.

Worksheets A worksheet, also known as a spreadsheet, is used to store numeric data, calculations
involving that data, as well as descriptive text. The information is arranged in
columns and rows in a format similar to an accountant's ledger. Related worksheets
are saved in a workbook, which can be thought of as an electronic binder. An
example of a worksheet might be a departmental budget.

Charts A chart is used to graphically represent the data contained in a worksheet. For
example, a pie chart could be generated to show how a budget is allocated between
different areas of expenditure.

Lists A list, sometimes called a database, serves as an electronic filing system. The
information can be sorted, filtered, and otherwise manipulated according to a user's
specific needs. An example of a list might be a detailed listing of company
employees, including their names, addresses, titles, salaries, and so on.

In this introductory course, you will learn how to use Excel worksheet features.

1.3 Starting Excel

You start Excel from the Programs submenu of Windows' Start menu.

In this exercise, you will start Excel and display the opening Excel Application window.

1. If necessary, switch on your computer system, and load Windows.


1. Click on the Start button. The Start menu is displayed.

2. Point to Programs. The Programs submenu is displayed.

3. If the Microsoft Excel option does not appear
on the Programs submenu, select the necessary
option(s) to display the submenu on which it
does appear.
4. Click on Microsoft Excel (on the submenu). Excel is started, and the Excel Application window
is displayed.

1.4 The Excel Application Window

The Excel Application window includes the following elements:

Title bar This displays the name of the program, Microsoft Excel, as well as the name
of the current workbook if it has been saved. (If the workbook has not been
saved, it is identified by number -- for example Book1.) The standard
Windows Control-menu box and window sizing buttons appear at the left end
and right end of the bar, respectively.

Menu bar This displays Excel's primary commands.

Standard/Formatting These display a number of shortcut buttons and boxes for performing
toolbars common Excel operations. When you point to one of these buttons or boxes,
a ScreenTip (the name of the button/box) appears next to the pointer. The
Standard and Formatting toolbars, by default, appear side-by-side. On your
screen, however, one toolbar may appear above the other.

Name box This identifies the active cell (described below).

Formula bar This displays the contents of the active cell, if any. As you will soon learn, it
is also used to enter the formulas that specify calculations in a worksheet.

Workbook window This window, which occupies the majority of the screen, displays an Excel
workbook. A workbook initially contains three worksheets, which are saved
in a single file. Each worksheet consists of a series of columns (identified by
the letters A, B, C, etc., which appear across the top of the window) and a
series of rows (identified by the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., which appear down the
left side of the window). Since an entire Excel worksheet contains 256
columns and 65,536 rows, only a small part appears in this window at one

Columns and rows of a worksheet intersect to form cells. Each cell is

identified by its column/row coordinates, or cell reference (for example, B5).
Notice that cell A1 is currently surrounded by a border. This border, or cell
pointer, identifies the active cell -- that is, the cell in which any information
entered from the keyboard will be stored.

Vertical/Horizontal These are used to scroll the Workbook window vertically/ horizontally
scroll bars through a worksheet.

Worksheet tabs These identify the various worksheets in a workbook, and allow you to move
from one worksheet to another.
Status bar This displays helpful information as you use the program. The "Ready"
indicator that currently appears lets you know that the program is ready for
data input.

Title bar
Menu bar
Standard Formatting
toolbar toolbar
Name box Formula bar


scroll bar

Status bar
Worksheet tabs Horizontal scroll bar

Excel Application Window

1.5 Displaying Help Information

Excel provides an extensive Help system, which is always ready to provide assistance should you
encounter a problem or just need additional information while using the program.

Help Information
You can access the Help system by choosing the Help, Microsoft Excel Help command or by clicking on
the Microsoft Excel Help button on the Standard toolbar. Doing this displays the Office Assistant in
which you then type a specific request.

Microsoft Excel Help Button

You also can obtain context-sensitive Help information for a specific screen element (for
example, a button on the Standard or Formatting toolbar) or for an option in a dialog box.
To display information for a screen element, choose the Help, What's This? command, and
then click on that element; to display information for a dialog box option, click on the Help
button (which displays a question mark), and then click on that option.

In this exercise, you will access the Excel Help system and display Help information for various topics.

Make sure that all menus and dialog boxes are closed.


1. Click on the Microsoft Excel Help button (on The Office Assistant is displayed (as illustrated
the Standard toolbar). below).

2. Click in the text box (which currently displays A list of topics is displayed.
"Type your question here, . . .").
Type: create a formula
Click on the Search button.
3. Click on See more. A list of additional topics is displayed.
4. Click on See previous. The previous list of topics is redisplayed.
5. Click on Enter a formula to calculate a The Help window is opened, displaying a list of
value. subtopics.
6. Click on Enter a formula. Information for the selected subtopic is displayed
(as illustrated below).

7. In the Help information, click on formula The definition of the word "formula" appears in a
(which appears in blue). small window.
8. Click anywhere in the Help window. The definition window is closed.
9. Click on the Show button (on the toolbar of The Help window is expanded (as illustrated
the Help window). below).

10. If the Contents panel does not appear in the A list of topics is displayed in the left pane of the
left pane of the Help window, click on the Help window.
Contents tab.
11. Click on the plus sign (+) to the left of The topic is expanded.
Editing Worksheet Data.
12. Click on the plus sign to the left of Inserting, The subtopic is expanded.
Copying, and Moving Cells and Data.
13. Click on the plus sign to the left of Copying Additional subtopics are displayed.
and Moving Cells and Data.
14. In the list of subtopics, click on Move or copy Information about moving or copying cell data is
cell data. displayed in the right pane of the Help window.
15. In the Help information, click on Move or Information about moving or copying whole cells is
copy whole cells (which is underlined). displayed.
16. Click on the Back button (on the toolbar of the Information about moving or copying cell data is
Help window). redisplayed.

17. Click on the Forward button (on the toolbar Information about moving or copying whole cells is
of the Help window). redisplayed.

18. Click on the Index tab. The Index panel appears in the left pane of the Help
window (as illustrated below).

19. Type: print A list of topics containing the keyword you have
Click on the Search button. entered is displayed.
20. In the Choose a topic box, click on Set the Information for the selected topic is displayed in
print quality. the right pane of the Help window.
21. Click on the Close button on the Title bar of The Help window is closed, and the Help system is
the Help window. exited. You will now examine options for
customizing the Office Assistant.
22. Point to the Office Assistant (the paper clip A shortcut menu is displayed.
icon), and right-click the mouse button.

NOTE: If the Office Assistant no longer

appears, choose the Help, Show the Office
Assistant command.
23. Click on Options. The Options panel of the Office Assistant dialog
box is displayed.
24. Examine the various options on this panel.

NOTE: Do not change any of these options.

25. Click on the Gallery tab. The Gallery panel of the dialog box is displayed.
This panel allows you to select a different
26. Click on the Next > button. An alternate Assistant appears.
27. Continue clicking on the Next > button until The dialog box is closed.
all alternate Assistants have been displayed.
Then click on the Cancel button.
28. Point to the Office Assistant, and right-click The Office Assistant is closed.
the mouse button. Then click on Hide on the
shortcut menu that appears.

The Office Assistant can also provide useful tips as you work. To obtain such tips, display
the Office Assistant (by choosing the Help, Show the Office Assistant command), and leave it
open while creating your worksheets. When the Assistant has a tip, a light bulb will appear.
To display the tip, simply click on this light bulb.
1.6 Exiting from Excel

When you are finished using Excel, you can exit from the program either by choosing the File, Exit
command or by clicking on the Close button on the Title bar of the Application window. If you have not
saved changes in a workbook, you will be prompted to indicate whether or not you want to save those
changes before exiting.

1.7 Summary

In this section, you have learned how to:

 Start Excel. Use the Programs option on the
Windows Start menu.

 Identify the elements of the Excel Application


 Display Help information. Use the Help, Microsoft Excel Help command or
the Microsoft Excel Help button.

 Exit from Excel. Use the File, Exit command or the Close button for
the Excel Application window.

1.1 Introduction

This section discusses basic worksheet techniques using a worksheet that is partially set up. In it, you
will learn how to:

 Reset the working folder.

 Move the cell pointer.

 Change data in a worksheet.

 Reverse an edit operation.

 Save a workbook.

 Add data to a worksheet.

 Enter a formula into a worksheet.

 Adjust column width in a worksheet.

1.2 Resetting the Working Folder

The working folder is the default location in which Excel saves and retrieves your workbooks. When you
first install the program, this folder is set to My Documents.

To reset the working folder:

 Choose the Tools, Options command.

 On the General panel of the Options dialog box, which is subsequently displayed, enter the new path.

 Click on the OK button.

In this exercise, you will reset the current working folder.

This exercise assumes that you are storing your workbook files in a folder named Course
Docs. If this is not the case, you will need to modify step 4. If you are storing these files on
a data diskette, make sure that diskette is in the appropriate drive before beginning the

Make sure that the Excel Application window is displayed and that a blank worksheet
appears in the Workbook window.


1. Choose the Tools, Options command. The Options dialog box is displayed.
2. Click on the General tab. The General panel of the dialog box is displayed (as
illustrated below).

NOTE: If the working folder has already been set

to Course Docs, click on the Cancel button, and
skip the remaining steps.

3. Drag the mouse pointer over the current entry The current working folder is selected.
in the Default file location box.
4. Type: C:\Course Docs The new path is entered.
5. Click on the OK button. The dialog box is closed.

1.3 Moving the Cell Pointer

To enter data into a cell or to change a cell's contents, you must first select the cell by moving the cell
pointer to it. This can be done with either a mouse or the keyboard.

Using a mouse:
To: Use this procedure:
Scroll the Workbook window down (to reveal rows Click on the down arrow on the Vertical scroll bar
that are not initially visible). to scroll row by row, or press and hold down the
mouse button with the mouse pointer positioned on
the down arrow to scroll by several rows. (You can
also scroll by several rows by dragging the scroll
box or by clicking in the scroll bar itself.)
Scroll the Workbook window up (to reveal rows Follow the procedure for scrolling the window
that are not initially visible). down. Only use the up arrow on the Vertical scroll
Scroll the Workbook window to the right (to reveal Click on the right arrow on the Horizontal scroll bar
columns that are not initially visible). to scroll column by column, or press and hold down
the mouse button with the mouse pointer positioned
on the right arrow to scroll by several columns.
(You can also scroll by several columns by
dragging the scroll box or by clicking in the scroll
bar itself.)
Scroll the Workbook window to the left (to reveal Follow the procedure for scrolling the window to
columns that are not initially visible). the right. Only use the left arrow on the Horizontal
scroll bar.
Move the cell selector to a cell displayed in the Click in the cell.
Workbook window.

Using the keyboard:

To move the cell pointer: Press:

Down one cell [DOWN ARROW]
Up one cell [UP ARROW]
Right one cell [RIGHT ARROW] or [TAB]
Left one cell [LEFT ARROW] or [SHIFT] + [TAB]
Down one screen [PG DN]
Up one screen [PG UP]
Right one screen [ALT] + [PG DN]
Left one screen [ALT] + [PG UP]
To the beginning of the current row [HOME]
To the first cell in the worksheet (A1) [CTRL] + [HOME]

You can also move to a specific cell by entering the cell reference in the Name box and by
pressing [ENTER].
In this exercise, you will move the cell pointer through a worksheet and select cells by using both a
mouse and the keyboard. You will begin by opening the workbook in which the worksheet is stored.

The worksheets in this section are intentionally small so that you can better understand the basic Excel


1. Click on the Open button. The Open dialog box is displayed (as illustrated

NOTE: Clicking on the History button in the

Places bar along the left side of the dialog box
displays a list of files and folders you have recently
worked with.

2. In the list of filenames, click on Product The filename is selected.

Launch #1.xls.

NOTE: File extensions may or may not

appear in file listings on your screen. The
above file, for example, may be listed simply
as Product Launch #1 (as in the illustration).
3. Click on the Open button (in the dialog box). The workbook is opened. Notice that it includes
three worksheets (the default number). Only the
NOTE: Click on the button itself and not on currently-displayed worksheet, however, contains
the down arrow at the right side of the button. information. Notice also that some entries in
The down arrow is used to expand the box and column A are not fully displayed. Do not be
display options for opening a copy of the concerned about this now. You will soon learn
workbook and for opening the workbook in how to correct the problem by adjusting the column
read-only mode. In this case, you will simply width.
open the original workbook in edit mode.
4. Click in cell B5. The cell pointer moves to cell B5, which becomes
the active cell. Notice that the cell reference
appears in the Name box to the left of the Formula
5. Click in cell D9. D9 becomes the active cell.
6. Press [LEFT ARROW]. The cell pointer moves one cell to the left (to C9).
7. Press [DOWN ARROW]. The cell pointer moves one cell down (to C10).
8. Point to the down arrow on the Vertical The Workbook window is scrolled down.
scroll bar, and click the mouse button several
9. Point to the right arrow on the Horizontal The Workbook window is scrolled to the right.
scroll bar, and click the mouse button several
10. Press [CTRL] + [HOME]. The cell pointer returns to cell A1. You will now
use the Name box to move to a specific cell.
11. Click in the Name box. The current cell reference (A1) is highlighted.
12. Type: AB100 The Workbook window is scrolled to cell AB100,
Press [ENTER]. which is now selected.
13. Press [CTRL] + [HOME]. The cell pointer once again returns to cell A1.

1.4 Changing Data in a Worksheet

To change a cell's contents, simply select the cell, and type the new information. To actually enter the new
information into the worksheet, do one of the following: press [ENTER] to subsequently move to the cell
below, press any of the [ARROW] keys to subsequently move to the adjacent cell in the respective
direction, or click in any other cell to subsequently move to that cell.

Data in a worksheet falls into one of three general classifications:

Labels These include entries consisting of text only (for example, INCOME) or a combination of
text and numbers (for example, Year 1).

Values These include entries consisting of numbers only and entries that display a date and/or

Formulas These specify the calculations that are to be performed in a worksheet.

You can input an entry consisting solely of numbers (for example, a zip code) as a label by preceding the
entry with an apostrophe (for example, '94105).

In this exercise, you will modify entries in the current worksheet. Specifically, you will change the label
(INCOME) in cell A6, as well as the values (5000 and 50) in cells B4 and B5.
1. If you make a mistake while typing, use the [BACKSPACE] key to delete the incorrect character(s).

2. Excel includes an AutoCorrect feature, which automatically corrects common spelling errors as you type, and
an AutoComplete feature, which automatically repeats a label that appears in a cell above when you begin
typing a new label with the same initial characters. Since it is assumed these features are currently enabled, you
may see their effects from time to time as you enter data in the exercises of this course. (The various tasks of
the AutoCorrect feature are enabled/disabled with the Tools, AutoCorrect command. The AutoComplete
feature is enabled/disabled with the Tools, Options command.)

3. Be sure that Product Launch #1.xls is still open


1. Select cell A6. The cell pointer moves to cell A6.
2. Type: REVENUE The previous label in cell A6 (INCOME) is
Press [ENTER]. changed to REVENUE.
3. Select cell B4. The cell pointer moves to cell B4.
4. Type: 7000 The previous value in cell B4 (5000) is changed to
Press [ENTER]. 7000. Notice that cell B6 now displays the value
350000 since this entry depends on the value in cell
5. Make sure that cell B5 is selected. The previous value in cell B5 (50) is changed to 55.
Type: 55 Notice that cell B6 now displays the value 38500
Press [ENTER]. since this entry also depends on the value in cell
B5. The worksheet should now appear as
illustrated below.

1.5 Reversing an Edit Operation

Excel's Undo and Redo features allow you to reverse one or more edit operations and restore a worksheet
to its previous state. They are useful when you find that you have accidentally deleted the wrong
information or performed some other operation that has erroneously modified your worksheet.

To reverse the previous edit operation:

 Choose the Edit, Undo command, or click on the Undo button on the Standard toolbar.

To reverse the previous undo operation:

 Choose the Edit, Redo command, or click on the Redo button on the Standard toolbar.

Undo / Redo Buttons

1. You can simultaneously undo or redo a series of edit operations by clicking on the down arrow at the right side
of the Undo/Redo button and by selecting an option on the list that appears. Doing this reverses the selected
edit operation and all subsequent edit operations.

2. The Undo and Redo commands on the Edit menu always reflect the last edit operation performed. For example,
it you paste information into a cell, the Undo command will appear as "Undo Paste." If you undo that
operation, the Redo command will then appear as "Redo Paste."

In this exercise, you will reverse (undo and redo) edit operations in the current worksheet.


1. Click on the Undo button (on the Standard The previous edit operation is reversed, and the
toolbar). value (50) is restored in cell B5.

NOTE: Click on the button itself, not on the

down arrow at the right side of the button.
2. Click again on the Undo button. The previous edit operation is reversed, and the
value (5000) is restored in cell B4.
3. Click on the Redo button (on the Standard The new value (7000) is restored in cell B4.

NOTE: Again, click on the button itself, not

on the down arrow at the right side of the

1.6 Saving a Workbook

To avoid losing what appears on the screen due to an unexpected occurrence, such as a power failure, it is
important that you periodically save a workbook as you work.

To save a workbook (for the first time):

 Choose the File, Save command, or click on the Save button on the Standard toolbar.

 In the Save As dialog box, which is subsequently displayed:

 Enter a name for the file in which the workbook is to be saved.

 If you wish to store the file in a folder other than the working folder, switch to that folder.

 Click on the Save button (in the dialog box).

To resave a workbook:
 Choose the File, Save command, or click on the Save button on the Standard toolbar.

Save Button

You can save a previously-saved workbook under a different filename and/or in a new location (for
example, drive or folder) by choosing the File, Save As command and by specifying the new filename/new
location in the Save As dialog box. In this case, you will have two copies of the workbook -- the original
version saved in the original file and a second version saved in the new file/new location. From the Save
As dialog box, you can also save a workbook in a different format (for example, one that can be used with
an earlier version of Excel or one that can be used by another program) by expanding the Save as type box
and by selecting the new file format in the list that appears.

In this exercise, you will save the current workbook and then close it.


1. Choose the File, Save as. Save window is displayed
2. Type Product Launch in Save as box
2. Click on the Save button. The workbook is saved as Product Launch

NOTE: You can also close a workbook by

clicking on the Close Window button at the right
side of the Menu bar.

1.7 Adding Data to a Worksheet

The worksheet in the Product Launch #1 workbook is not yet complete. In this subsection, you will enter
additional data into the worksheet. (In the next subsection, you will enter formulas to calculate various

In this exercise, you will enter additional labels and values into the worksheet in the Product Launch
workbook. Specifically, you will add two additional rows, representing unit cost and sales cost, by
entering the appropriate labels and values into those rows. You will also enter a date.

1. Make sure that the Workbook window is clear.


1. Select cell A7. The cell pointer moves to cell A7.
2. Type: UNIT COST The label is entered into cell A7, and the cell
Press [ENTER]. pointer moves one cell down (to A8).
3. Type: SALES COST The label is entered into cell A8.
Press [ENTER].
4. Select cell B7. The cell pointer moves to cell B7.
5. Type: 21 The value is entered into cell B7, and the cell
Press [RIGHT ARROW]. pointer moves one cell to the right (to C7).
6. Type: 23 The value is entered into cell C7.
Press [ENTER].
7. Select cell E1. The cell pointer moves to cell E1.
8. Type: 6/15/99 The value (date) is entered into cell E1. The
Press [ENTER]. worksheet should now appear as illustrated below.

9. Click on the Save button. The changes are saved.

1.8 Entering a Formula into a Worksheet

Formulas, as mentioned earlier, specify the calculations that are to be performed in a worksheet. A
formula consists of two elements: operands and one or more operators. An operand represents the data
that is to be used in the calculation and can include constants (for example, 30 or 1.75) and/or cell
references (for example, C20); an operator indicates what is to be done with the various operands and can
include any of the following:

^ (Exponentiation)

* (Multiplication)

/ (Division)

+ (Addition)

- (Subtraction)

To enter a formula into a worksheet:

 Select the cell in which the formula is to appear.

 Type = (an equals sign). Doing this activates the Formula bar.

 Specify a constant or operator by typing it.

 Specify a cell reference:

 By typing the column/row coordinates (for example, B5); or

 By pointing (moving the cell pointer) to it.

 Click on the Enter button next to the Formula bar, or press [ENTER]. (If necessary, you can cancel the
formula before entering it by clicking on the Cancel button next to the Formula bar or by pressing [ESC].)

Formula Bar

If you include more than one operator in a formula, you should consider operator precedence -- that is, the
order in which Excel carries out the various operations. Considering the five operators mentioned on the
preceding page:

 Exponentiation is performed first.

 Multiplication or division is performed next.

 Addition or subtraction is performed last.

In the case of two operators of the same precedence (for example, multiplication and division), the
operations are performed in a left-to-right order.

You can override the default operator precedence by enclosing the appropriate operands and operator in
parentheses. For example:


(3 + 4) / 2 = 3.5

7 * 6 - 2^ = 38

7 * (6 - 2^) = 14

7 * (6 - 2)^ = 112

1. Formulas can also be used to compare values and to join text strings. In this section, however, you will use
formulas only to perform mathematical operations.

2. Excel automatically identifies and corrects common formula errors, such as beginning the formula with two
equals signs instead of one.

In this exercise, you will enter two simple formulas into the current worksheet by using both the
pointing and typing methods. These formulas will calculate the SALES COST entries by multiplying the
UNITS SOLD entries by the UNIT COST entries.

1. Make sure that Product Launch.xls is still open.

You will first enter the two formulas by using the pointing methods for specifying operands.


1. Select cell B8. You are now ready to begin building the first
formula (B4*B7). You will use the mouse to point
to the operands.
2. Type: = The Formula bar is activated. The equals sign is
displayed in the current cell and on the Formula
3. Select cell B4 (by clicking in it). The cell is surrounded by a thin moving border,
called a marquee. The cell reference (B4) is added
to the formula.
4. Type: * The multiplication operator is added to the formula.
5. Select cell B7 (by clicking in it). The cell reference (B7) is added to the formula,
which is now complete.
6. Click on the Enter (check mark) button on the The formula is entered, and the result of the
Formula bar. calculation (147000) is displayed in cell B8.
7. Select cell C8. You are now ready to begin building the second
formula (C4*C7). This time you will use the
keyboard to point to the operands.
8. Type: = The Formula bar is activated.
9. Press [UP ARROW] four times. The current cell is surrounded by a marquee, and
the cell reference (C4) is added to the formula.
10. Type: * The multiplication operator is added to the formula.
11. Press [UP ARROW] one time. The cell reference (C7) is added to the formula,
which is now complete.
12. Press [ENTER]. The formula is entered, and the result of the
calculation (149500) is displayed in cell C8. The
worksheet should now appear as illustrated below.

13. Click the Undo button two times. The two previous edit operations are reversed, and
the two formulas you entered are deleted. You will
now re-enter those formulas by entering both the
operands and the operators from the keyboard.
14. Make sure that cell B8 is selected. The Formula bar is activated.
Type: =
15. Type: B4*B7

NOTE: Cell references can be entered into a

formula in either uppercase or lowercase
characters. The above, for example, can also
be entered as b4*b7.
16. Press [RIGHT ARROW]. The formula is entered, and the result of the
calculation (147000) is redisplayed in cell B8. The
cell pointer moves to cell C8.
17. Click on the Formula bar. The insertion point appears on the Formula bar.
18. Type: =C4*C7 The formula is re-entered into cell C8.
Press [ENTER].
19. Click on the Save button. The changes are saved.


1. With Product Launch #1.xls open, edit the current worksheet as follows:

a) In cell A9, enter the label FIXED COST.

b) In cell A10, enter the label TOTAL COST.
c) In cell A11, enter the label PROFIT.
d) In cell B9, enter the value 100000.
e) In cell C9, enter the value 100000.
f) In cell B10, enter a formula to calculate the TOTAL COST entry (the SALES COST entry plus
the FIXED COST entry, =B8+B9).
g) In cell C10, enter a similar formula (=C8+C9).
2. Save the workbook.

1.9 Adjusting Column Width in a Worksheet

You have no doubt noticed how entries that are too long to "fit" within the width of a cell are truncated
when the adjacent cell is filled. This problem can be easily corrected by adjusting the column width to
correctly display the entries in that column. There are several ways to do this.

To adjust column width (using the menu system):

 Select the column to be adjusted by clicking on the column heading.

 Choose the Format, Column, Width command, or select the Column Width option on the shortcut menu.

 In the Column Width dialog box, which is subsequently displayed, enter the new width.

 Click on the OK button.

To adjust column width (using a mouse):

 Point to the right border of the column heading.

 Drag the border to the right (to increase the width) or to the left (to decrease the width).

To adjust column width (to accommodate the longest entry in a column):

 Select the column to be adjusted.

 Select the Format, Column, AutoFit Selection command.


 Simply double-click on the right border of the column heading.

You can simultaneously adjust the width of multiple columns by selecting the columns and by then
performing the adjustment operation on any one column. To select adjacent columns, drag the mouse
pointer over the column headings. To select non-adjacent columns, click on the heading of each while
holding down [CTRL]. To select the entire worksheet, press [CTRL] + [A].

In this exercise, you will increase the width of the first three columns in the current worksheet.

1. Make sure that Product Launch.xls is still open.

You will begin by using your mouse to widen column A.


1. Point to the border (vertical line) between the The mouse pointer will appear as a double-arrow
column A and column B headings (on the cross when it is properly positioned.
worksheet frame).
2. Press and hold down the (left) mouse button, The entries in column A should be fully displayed.
and drag the border to the right until the You will now use the Column Width dialog box to
column is approximately twice as wide. Then simultaneously widen columns B and C.
release the mouse button.

NOTE: Notice that the new column width

appears above the mouse pointer as you drag
the border.
3. Point to the column B heading. Press and Columns B and C are selected.
hold down the mouse button, and drag the
mouse pointer to the column C heading. Then
release the mouse button.
4. Point to the selected columns, and right-click A shortcut menu is displayed.
the mouse button.
5. Click on Column Width. The Column Width dialog box is displayed (as
illustrated below).

6. Type: 10 The dialog box is closed, and the width of each

Choose the OK button. column is increased to 10 (75 pixels).

NOTE: You can "choose" a button either by

clicking on it or by pressing [ENTER].
7. Make sure that columns B and C are still The width of each column is adjusted to
selected. Point to the border between the accommodate the longest entry.
column B and column C headings, and
double-click the mouse button.
8. Click on the Undo button. The column adjustment is reversed, and the
previous width of each column (10) is restored.
9. Cancel the selection by clicking in any cell. The worksheet should now appear similar to that
illustrated below.

10. Click on the Save button. The changes are saved.

1.10 Summary

In this section, you have learned how to:

 Reset the working folder. Use the Tools, Options command.

 Open a workbook. Use the File, Open command or the Open button, or
select the filename on the File menu.
 Move the cell pointer. Use the keyboard or a mouse.
 Reverse an edit operation. Use the Edit, Undo and Edit, Redo commands or the
Undo and Redo buttons.
 Save a workbook. Use the File, Save and File, Save As commands or the
Save button.
 Adjust column width in a Use the Format, Column, Width command, or drag the
worksheet. column border.
 Close a workbook. Use the File, Close command or the Close Window
button for the Workbook window.
1.1 Introduction

Excel includes a number of features to save you time in building a worksheet. In this section, you will be
introduced to several of these features. In particular, you will learn how to:

 Use AutoFill.

 Copy cell entries.

 Move cell entries.

 Clear cells.

 Use AutoSum.

 Insert and delete rows and columns.

 Insert and delete a range of cells.

1.2 Using AutoFill

With Excel's AutoFill feature, you can quickly enter a series of labels, values or formulas into a range
(contiguous group of cells). The program determines the series based on the contents of the first cell or
cells in the range. For example, the single entry "January" would generate the series "January, February,
March, April, May," etc., while the entries "10" and "20" would generate the series "10, 20, 30, 40, 50," etc.
A formula is simply copied into adjacent cells, with column/row coordinates adjusted to reflect the
columns/rows in which the new formulas appear.

To use AutoFill:

 Enter the first entry or entries of the series, and then select the cell(s) in which the information appears.

 Drag the fill handle, and extend the selection until it includes the entire range in which the series is to appear.

In this exercise, you will use AutoFill to create a series of labels and to copy formulas.

In the remaining exercises of this course, ranges are identified by their first and last cells, separated by a
colon (:). For example, the horizontal range that includes cells A1 through E1 is identified as A1:E1; the
vertical range that includes cells A1 through A10 is identified as A1:A10; the horizontal and vertical range
that includes cells A1 through E10 is identified as A1:E10.
1. Make sure that all workbooks are closed. Then open the workbook named Labor Costs #1.xls.


1. Point to cell B3. Press and hold down the The range B3:C3 is selected. You will now extend
mouse button, and drag the mouse pointer to this range to include Weeks 3 through 6.
cell C3. Then release the mouse button.
2. Point to the fill handle (the small black The mouse pointer will appear as a thin black cross
square) in the lower-right corner of cell C3. when it is properly positioned.
3. Press and hold down the mouse button, and The selected range is filled with the labels "Week
drag the fill handle to cell G3. (Make sure 3" through "Week 6."
that cell G3 is included in the selection.) Then
release the mouse button.
4. Enter the number of hours worked for Weeks
3 through 6 as follows:

Week 3: 38
Week 4: 34
Week 5: 40
Week 6: 44
5. Select cell C5. Using a procedure similar to The value in cell C5 (11.75) to copied into the
that described above, fill the range D5:G5. range D5:G5.
6. Select cell C6. Using a procedure similar to The formula in cell C6 is copied into the range
that described above, fill the range D6:G6. D6:G6.
7. Using a similar procedure, individually fill When you are finished, the worksheet should
rows 7 through 9. After filling row 9, cancel appear similar to that illustrated below.
the selection.

8. Save the workbook. The changes are saved.

1.3 Copying Cell Entries

In the previous subsection, you used AutoFill to copy a formula. You can also copy any cell entry into any
worksheet location by using either the standard Windows copy and paste technique or a drag and drop

To copy one or more cell entries (using copy and paste):

 Select the cell(s) containing the entry or entries to be copied.

 Choose the Edit, Copy command, or click on the Copy button on the Standard toolbar. Doing this places a
copy of the selected information on the Windows Clipboard, an intermediate storage area.

 Select the cell(s) in which the copy is to appear. If you are copying more than one entry, you can simply select
the first (upper-left) cell of the range.

 Choose the Edit, Paste command, or click on the Paste button on the Standard toolbar. Doing this places the
information on the Clipboard in the selected cell or cells.

Copy / Paste Buttons

When you perform a copy and paste operation, the entries that are copied normally replace any existing
data in the paste range. You can, if necessary, insert those entries without replacing existing data by using
either the Insert, Copied Cells command or the Insert Copied Cells option on the shortcut menu (instead
of the Edit, Paste command or Paste button), and by specifying the direction in which the existing data is to
be shifted.

To copy one or more cell entries (using drag and drop):

 Select the cell(s) containing the entry or entries to be copied.

 Point to the border of the selection. Then press and hold down both [CTRL] and the mouse button.

 Drag the mouse pointer to the new location (the first cell of the range if you are copying more than one entry).
Then release the mouse button and [CTRL].

In this exercise, you will copy an entry in the current worksheet by using both the copy and paste and
the drag and drop techniques.

1. Make sure that Labor Costs #1.xls is still open.


1. Select cell A1. You will now use copy and paste to copy the
current entry (the worksheet title) into cell A12.
2. Click on the Copy button (on the Standard The title is surrounded by a marquee. A copy of
toolbar). the title has also been placed on the Windows
3. Select cell A12. Then click on the Paste The title now appears in cell A12, as well as in cell
button (on the Standard toolbar). A1.
4. Click on the Undo button. The copy operation is reversed, and the title is
removed from cell A12.
5. Press [ESC]. The marquee is removed from cell A1.
6. Select cell A1. You will now use drag and drop to copy the title.
7. Point to the border of cell A1. The mouse pointer will appear as an upward
pointing arrow when it is properly positioned.
8. Press and hold down [CTRL]. Then press and
hold down the mouse button.
9. Drag the mouse pointer to cell A12. As you drag, an outline of the cell moves with the
mouse pointer.
10. With the mouse pointer positioned in cell A12, The title once again appears in cell A12.
release the mouse button. Then release

NOTE: Make sure that you release [CTRL]

after releasing the mouse button.
11. Close the workbook, without saving the The worksheet is cleared from the screen.

1.4 Moving Cell Entries

You can also move cell entries from one worksheet location to another by using either the standard
Windows cut and paste technique or a drag and drop technique.

To move one or more cell entries (using copy and paste):

 Select the cell(s) containing the entry or entries to be moved.

 Choose the Edit, Cut command, or click on the Cut button on the Standard toolbar. Doing this places the
selected information on the Windows Clipboard.

 Select the cell(s) in which the information is to appear. If you are moving more than one entry, you can simply
select the first (upper-left) cell of the range.

 Choose the Edit, Paste command, or click on the Paste button on the Standard toolbar. Doing this removes the
information from the Clipboard and places it in the selected cell or cells. It also deletes the information from its
previous location.

Cut Button

When you perform a cut and paste operation, the entries that are moved normally replace any existing data
in the paste range. You can, if necessary, insert those entries without replacing existing data by using either
the Insert, Cut Cells command or the Insert Cut Cells option on the shortcut menu (instead of the Edit,
Paste command or Paste button), and by specifying the direction in which the existing data is to be shifted.

To move one or more cell entries (using drag and drop):

 Select the cell(s) containing the entry or entries to be moved.

 Point to the border of the selection. Then press and hold down the mouse button.

 Drag the mouse pointer to the new location (the first cell of the range if you are moving more than one entry).
Then release the mouse button.

In this exercise, you will move an entry in the current worksheet by using both the cut and paste and
the drag and drop techniques.

1. Open Product Launch #2.xls.


1. Select cell A1. You will now use cut and paste to move the current
entry (the worksheet title) to cell E1.
2. Click on the Cut button (on the Standard The title is surrounded by a marquee.
3. Select cell E1. Then click on the Paste button. The title now appears in cell E1.
4. Make sure that cell E1 is still selected. You will now use drag and drop to move the title to
cell C1.
5. Point to border of cell E1. The mouse pointer will appear as an upward-
pointing arrow when it is properly positioned.
6. Press and hold down the mouse button, and The title now appears in cell C1.
drag the mouse pointer to cell C1. Then
release the mouse button.

In addition to the Windows Clipboard, Excel also provides access to an Office Clipboard. Although the
Windows Clipboard and Office Clipboard are separate entities, they are used for similar purposes. The
Windows Clipboard, however, can hold only one item (selection) at a time and can, therefore, be used to
store and paste only single items. The Office Clipboard, on the other hand, can hold up to 12 items and
can, as a result, be used to collect and paste multiple items, either from the same or from different
Microsoft Office programs. (For more information on using the Office Clipboard, see the Excel Help

1.5 Clearing Cells

You may sometimes need to delete the entries in several adjacent cells. The easiest method for doing this
is that of selecting the range in which the entries appear and pressing [DEL]. This clears the contents of
those cells but retains any formatting that has been applied to the cells.

If necessary, you can also clear both the contents and formatting of cells, or you can simply clear the
formatting of cells while retaining the cell contents.

To clear the contents and formatting of one or more cells:

 Select the cell(s) to be cleared.

 Choose the Edit, Clear, All command.

To clear only the formatting of one or more cells:

 Select the cell(s) to be cleared.

 Choose the Edit, Clear, Formats command.

You can also use the Edit, Clear, Contents command or the Clear Contents option on the shortcut menu
to clear only the contents of a selected range.

In this exercise, you will clear a single cell and a range of cells in the current worksheet.

1. Make sure that Product Launch #2.xls is still open.

2. Enter some text (a few letters) into cell B16 and into the range B18:F18.


1. Select cell B16. You will now clear this cell.
2. Press [DEL]. The selected cell is cleared.

NOTE: Since you used [DEL] to clear the cell,

any formatting applied to the cell is not affected. In
this case, however, the cell does not include any
special formatting.
3. Select the range B18:F18. You will now clear this range.
4. Choose the Edit, Clear command, followed The selected range is cleared.
by All.

1.6 Using AutoSum

Excel's AutoSum feature allows you to quickly compute a row or column total.

To use AutoSum:

 Select the cell in which the total is to appear. (This should be the cell immediately to the right of entries to be
totalled in a row or immediately below entries to be totalled in a column.)

 Click two times on the AutoSum button.

AutoSum Button
Excel's AutoCalculate feature totals the numeric entries in the currently-selected cells and displays that
total in the Status bar. It is, therefore, an alternate method for computing a column or row total when you
simply want to sum the entries without entering the result into the worksheet.

In this exercise, you will use AutoSum to compute row totals in the current worksheet.

1. Make sure that Product Launch #2.xls is still open.


1. As a review use Auto fill to expand the table to
year 6.
2. In Row 4 Enter the following Units Sold:
D: 6800
E: 7500
F: 7200
G: 8000
3. Select cell H3. A column heading is entered. You will now total
Type: TOTAL the entries in row 4.
Press [ENTER].
4. Make sure that cell H4 is selected. Then click The entries in row 4 are totalled, and the result
two times on the AutoSum button (on the (43000) is displayed in cell H4.
Standard toolbar).

5. Using a procedure similar to that described When you are finished, the worksheet should appear
above, total the entries in rows 6, 10, 13 and similar to that illustrated below.
6. Select the range B4:G4. Look in the lower The message "Sum=43000" is displayed in the
right corner at the Status Bar. Status bar.

NOTE: This step demonstrates Excel's

AutoCalculate feature.

7. Cancel the selection. The changes are saved.

8. Save the workbook as Product Launch.xls The worksheet is cleared from the screen.
9. Close the workbook.
With Excel, you can quickly insert new rows and columns, as well as delete existing rows and columns,
anywhere in a worksheet. When you do so, existing data is automatically adjusted to open up space for an
inserted row/column or to close up space left by a deleted row/column.

To insert one or more rows/columns into a worksheet:

 Select the area in which the row(s) or column(s) is/are to be inserted by dragging the mouse pointer over the
row or column headings.

 Choose the Insert, Rows or Insert, Columns command, or select the Insert option on the shortcut menu.

To delete one or more rows/columns from a worksheet:

 Select the row(s) or column(s) to be deleted.

 Choose the Edit, Delete command, or select the Delete option on the shortcut menu.

In this exercise, you will insert both a new row and a new column into a worksheet. You will then
enter data into this row and column to complete the worksheet. You will also practice deleting a row
from this worksheet.

1. Make sure that Sales #1.xls is still open.


1. Click on the row 8 heading. Row 8 is selected. You will now insert a new row
in the selected area.
2. Choose the Insert, Rows command. A new row is inserted.
3. Click on the column D heading. Column D is selected. You will now insert a new
column in the selected area.
4. Point to the selected column, and right-click A shortcut menu is displayed.
the mouse button.
5. Click on Insert. A new column is inserted.
6. Cancel the selection. The worksheet should now appear similar to that
illustrated below.
7. Select cell A8. You will now enter data into the new row.
8. Type: Sanders The label is entered into cell A8, and the cell
Press [RIGHT ARROW]. pointer moves to cell B8.
9. Type: 20000 The value is entered into cell B8, and the cell
Press [RIGHT ARROW]. pointer moves to cell C8.
10. Type: 17500 The value is entered into cell C8. Notice that the
Press [ENTER]. DIFFCE and DIFFCE % entries for the new row
have automatically been calculated and now appear
in cells E8 and F8, respectively.
11. Select cell D3. The label is entered into cell D3, and the cell
Type: ACTUAL % pointer moves to cell D4.
Press [ENTER].
12. Type: =C4/B4 The formula is entered, and the result is displayed.
Press [ENTER].
13. Using AutoFill, copy the above formula into When you are finished, the worksheet should
the range D5:D10. Then cancel the selection. appear similar to that illustrated below. Next, you
will practice deleting a column from the worksheet.

14. Point to the column D heading, and right- The column is selected, and a shortcut menu is
click the mouse button. displayed.
15. Click on Delete. The selected column is deleted.
16. Click on the Undo button. The deleted column is restored.
17. Cancel the selection. Then save the The changes are saved.
workbook as Sales.xls.
18. Close the workbook. The worksheet is cleared from the screen.

1.8 Inserting and Deleting a Range of Cells

In the previous subsection, you learned how to modify a worksheet by inserting and deleting full rows and
columns. You can also insert and delete a range of cells anywhere in a worksheet.

To insert a range of cells into a worksheet:

 Select the area in which the range is to be inserted.

 Choose the Insert, Cells command, or select the Insert option on the shortcut menu.

 In the Insert dialog box, which is subsequently displayed, specify the direction in which existing data is to be

 Click on the OK button.

To delete a range of cells from a worksheet:

 Select the range to be deleted.

 Choose the Edit, Delete command, or select the Delete option on the shortcut menu.

 In the Delete dialog box, which is subsequently displayed, specify the direction in which surrounding data is to
be shifted.

 Click on the OK button.

In this exercise, you will insert a range of cells into a worksheet. You will then delete this range from
the worksheet.

1. Make sure that the Workbook window is clear. Then open the workbook named Sales.xls.


1. Select the range A3:A11. You will now insert a new range of cells into the
selected area.
2. Point to the selected cells, and right-click the A shortcut menu is displayed.
mouse button.
3. Click on Insert. The Insert dialog box is displayed (as illustrated

4. Make sure that the Shift cells right option is The existing data in the selected area will be shifted
selected. to the right.
5. Click on the OK button. The dialog box is closed, and the range of cells is
inserted. You will now delete this range.

NOTE: Notice that the worksheet title in cell A1

was not affected by the insertion of the new cells.
If you had inserted a full column, however, all data
in column A (including the title) would have been
shifted to the right.
6. Make sure that the range A3:A11 is still The Delete dialog box is displayed (as illustrated
selected. Point to the selected cells, and right- below).
click the mouse button. Then click on Delete
on the shortcut menu that appears.

7. Make sure that the Shift cells left option is The data to the right of the selected area will be
selected. shifted to the left.
8. Click on the OK button. The dialog box is closed, and the new range is
deleted. The worksheet has now been restored to
its initial appearance.
9. Close the workbook, without saving the The worksheet is cleared from the screen.

1.9 Summary

In this section, you have learned how to:

 Automatically fill a range with a series of Use AutoFill (drag the fill handle).
labels, values or formulas.
 Copy cell entries. Use the Edit, Copy and Edit, Paste commands or
the Copy and Paste buttons.
 Move cell entries. Use the Edit, Cut and Edit, Paste commands or the
Cut and Paste buttons.
 Clear cells. Use the Edit, Clear command or
the [DEL] key.
 Automatically compute a row or column Use AutoSum (the AutoSum button).
 Insert rows and columns into a worksheet. Use the Insert, Rows and Insert, Columns
 Delete rows and columns from a worksheet. Use the Edit, Delete command.
 Insert a range of cells into a worksheet. Use the Insert, Cells command.
 Delete a range of cells from a worksheet. Use the Edit, Delete command.
1.1 Introduction

Excel provides a number of features to enhance the presentation of data in a worksheet. This section
discusses a number of these features. In particular, you will learn how to:

 Adjust row height in a worksheet.

 Realign cell entries.

 Reset the font of cell entries.

 Reset the number format of cell entries.

 Add a border and shading to a worksheet.

 Use AutoFormat.

Before performing any of the above operations, however, you will learn how to quickly edit data in Edit

1.2 Working in Edit Mode

You can, as you know, edit a cell entry by selecting the entry, by typing the new information and by
pressing either [ENTER] or one of the [ARROW] keys. This, of course, replaces the previous contents of
the cell.

There may be times, however, when you will want to only partially edit the contents of a particular cell.
This is done from Edit mode, which allows you to move the insertion point within an entry and add and/or
delete characters, as necessary.

To switch to Edit mode:

 Select the cell in which the change is to be made, and press [F2]; or

 Double-click in that cell.

Edit Mode
In this exercise, you will edit the contents of cells while in Edit mode.

1. Make sure that all workbooks are closed. Then open the workbook named Purchase Order #3.xls.


1. Select cell A5. Then press [F2]. Edit mode is activated, and the entry in cell A5 is
surrounded by a thin border. The insertion point
appears to the right of the last character.
2. Type: , Grade B The entry now reads "Pencils, Grade B."
Press [ENTER].
3. Double-click in cell A6 to the right of the last Edit mode is activated, and the insertion point
character. appears after the last character of the entry in cell
4. Type: , Ballpoint The entry now reads "Pens, Ballpoint."
Press [ENTER].
5. Using a procedure similar to that described in
either step 1 or step 3, switch to Edit mode.
Then edit the entry in cell A7 to read Pens,

NOTE: As soon as you type the comma

following the word "Pens," the AutoComplete
feature will insert the remainder of the entry.
Simply press [ENTER] at this point.
6. Double-click in cell A5. Edit mode is activated.
7. Press [END]. Then press [BACKSPACE]. The insertion point moves to the end of the entry in
cell A5, and the "B" is deleted.
8. Type: A The entry now reads "Pencils, Grade A."
Press [ENTER].
9. Increase the width of column A so that all When you are finished, the worksheet should
entries are fully displayed. appear similar to that illustrated below.

10. Save the workbook as Purchase Order, and The changes are saved, and the worksheet is cleared
then close it. from the screen.

1.3 Adjusting Row Height in a Worksheet

The method for increasing or decreasing row height is similar to that for adjusting column width.
To adjust row height (using the menu system):

 Select the row to be adjusted by clicking on the row heading.

 Choose the Format, Row, Height command, or select the Row Height option on the shortcut menu.

 In the Row Height dialog box, which is subsequently displayed, enter the new height.

 Click on the OK button.

To adjust row height (using a mouse):

 Point to the bottom border of the row heading.

 Drag the border to down (to increase the height) or up (to decrease the height).

To adjust row height (to accommodate the tallest entry in that column):

 Select the row to be adjusted.

 Select the Format, Row, AutoFit command.


 Simply double-click on the bottom border of the row heading.

You can simultaneously adjust the height of multiple rows by selecting the rows and by then performing
the adjustment operation on any one row. To select adjacent rows, drag the mouse pointer over the row
headings. To select non-adjacent rows, click on the heading of each while holding down [CTRL]. To
select the entire worksheet, press [CTRL] + [A].

In this exercise, you will increase the height of rows in a worksheet.

1. Make sure that the Workbook window is clear. Then open the workbook named Sales #2.xls.

You will begin by using your mouse to increase the height of row 1.


1. Point to the border (horizontal line) between The mouse pointer will appear as a double-arrow
the row 1 and row 2 headings (on the cross when it is properly positioned.
worksheet frame).
2. Press and hold down the mouse button, and The new row height is set. You will now use the
drag the border downward until the row Row Height dialog box to increase the height of
height is increased to 18.00 (24 pixels). Then rows 3 and 11.
release the mouse button.

NOTE: Notice that the new row height

appears above the mouse pointer as you drag
the border.
3. Click on the row 3 heading. Press and hold Rows 3 and 11 are selected.
down [CTRL]. Click on the row 11 heading.
Then release [CTRL]. NOTE: This step demonstrates the [CTRL] key
method for selecting non-adjacent rows.
4. Point to either the row 3 heading or the row A shortcut menu is displayed.
11 heading, and right-click the mouse button.
5. Click on Row Height. The Row Height dialog box is displayed (as
illustrated below).

6. Type: 18 The dialog box is closed, and the height of each of

Choose the OK button. the selected rows is increased to 18.
7. Cancel the selection. The worksheet should now appear similar to that
illustrated below.

8. Save the workbook as Sales.xls. The changes are saved.

1.4 Realigning Cell Entries

By default, labels are left-aligned in a cell while values are right-aligned. You can easily change the
default alignment, however, in a single cell or in a range of cells, by using the appropriate alignment button
on the Formatting toolbar.

Align Left / Center / Align Right Buttons

In this exercise, you will realign cell entries in the current worksheet.

1. Make sure that Sales.xls is still open.

1. Select the range B3:F3. You will now center the entries in this range.
2. Click on the Center button (on the Formatting The selected entries are centered.
3. Select the range A4:A10. You will now right-align the entries in this range.
4. Click on the Align Right button (on the The selected entries are right-aligned.
Formatting toolbar).
5. Cancel the selection. The worksheet should now appear similar to that
illustrated on the following page.

6. Save the workbook, and then close it. The changes are saved, and the worksheet is cleared
from the screen.

1.5 Resetting the Font of Cell Entries

The ability to use different fonts to display and print cell entries is one of the most important features for
enhancing the appearance of data in a worksheet.

To reset the font of one or more cell entries:

 Select the cell(s) containing the entry or entries to be affected.

 Choose the Format, Cells command, or select the Format Cells option on the shortcut menu.

 On the Font panel of the Format Cells dialog box, which is subsequently displayed, select the new font

 Click on the OK button.

Alternatively, you can use the various buttons and boxes on the Formatting toolbar to reset font options.
For example, the Font and Font Size boxes allow you to select a new font and font size, respectively, while
the Bold, Italic and Underline buttons allow you to apply the corresponding attribute to entries.

Font / Font Size Boxes

Bold / Italic / Underline Buttons

The above procedures format the entire contents of the selected cell(s). You can also apply a font option to
only part of a cell's contents by selecting the appropriate character(s) on the Formula bar prior to applying
that option.

In this exercise, you will reset font options by using options in the Format Cells dialog box.

This exercise also demonstrates the use of the Edit, Repeat . . . command, which allows you to repeat the
previous operation.

1. Make sure that the Workbook window is clear. Then open the workbook named Exam Scores.xls.


1. Select cell A1. You will begin by applying various font options to
the worksheet title.
2. Click on Format, Cells command. The Format Cells dialog box is displayed.
3. Click on the Font tab. The Font panel of dialog box is displayed (as
illustrated on the following page).

4. In the Font style box, click on Bold. In the The bold attribute is turned on, and the font size is
Size box, click on 12. increased.
5. Expand the Color box (by clicking on the The new color is selected.
down arrow), and click on the Blue option
(the sixth option in the second row of the
color palette).
6. Click on the OK button. The dialog box is closed, and the selected font
options are applied to the title.
7. Select the range A4:A9. You will now apply font options to the row labels.
8. Point to the selected range, and right-click A shortcut menu is displayed.
the mouse button.
9. Click on the Format Cells. The Font panel of the Format Cells dialog box is
10. In the Font style box, click on Bold Italic. In
the Size box, click on 11. Then expand the
Color box, and click on the Plum option (the
seventh option in the fourth row of the color
11. Click on the OK button. The dialog box is closed, and the selected font
options are applied to the row labels. You will
apply the same options to the column labels.
12. Select the range B3:F3.
13. Choose the Edit, Repeat Format Cells The column labels now include the same font
command. characteristics as the row labels.
14. Cancel the selection. The worksheet should now appear similar to that
illustrated below.

15. Save the workbook as Exams.xls, and then The changes are saved, and the worksheet is cleared
close it. from the screen.

1.6 Resetting the Number Format of Cell Entries

Excel assigns the appropriate format to a number if you include a numeric symbol (for example, dollar sign
or comma) when entering it. Numbers entered without a numeric symbol are assigned the default General

To reset the number format of one or more cell entries:

 Select the cell(s) containing the entry or entries to be affected.

 Choose the Format, Cells command, or select the Format Cells option on the shortcut menu.
 On the Number panel of the Format Cells dialog box, which is subsequently displayed, select the new number

 Click on the OK button.

Alternatively, you can use the Currency Style, Percent Style and Comma Style buttons on the Formatting
toolbar to apply the corresponding numeric style to entries.

Currency Style / Percent Style / Comma Style Buttons

The Increase Decimal and Decrease Decimal buttons (to the right of the above buttons) can be used to
add and remove decimal places to and from an entry, respectively.

In this exercise, you will reset the number format of entries in a worksheet.

This exercise also demonstrates the use of the Format Painter, which allows you to copy the formatting in
one cell or range of cells and apply that formatting to another cell or range of cells.

1. Make sure that the Workbook window is clear. Then open the workbook named Sales.xls.


1. Select the range D4:D10. You will now apply the Percent style to the entries
in this range.
2. Click on the Percent Style button (on the The selected entries are displayed as percentages.
Formatting toolbar).
3. Click on the Increase Decimal button (on the A decimal place is added to the entries.
Formatting toolbar).

4. Select the range B4:C11. You will now apply the Currency style to the
entries in this range.
5. Click on the Currency Style button (on the Since the columns are not wide enough to correctly
Formatting toolbar). display the selected entries, they appear as a series
of pound signs.

NOTE: The program automatically increases the

column width to accommodate a newly-formatted
value if the column width has not been adjusted. In
this case, however, the width of each of the selected
columns was previously increased (to 10).
Therefore, the new width has been maintained.
6. Click two times on the Decrease Decimal The decimal places are removed, and all entries are
button (on the Formatting toolbar). now fully displayed. You will now eliminate the
dollar signs and commas from the entries in column

7. Select the range B4:B11. Point to the selected A shortcut menu is displayed.
range, and right-click the mouse button.
8. Click on Format Cells. The Format Cells dialog box is displayed.
9. Click on the Number tab. The Number panel of the dialog box is displayed
(as illustrated on the following page).

10. In the Category box, click on Number. The new format is selected.
11. Make sure that the Use 1000 Separator (,)
option is not selected.
12. Click on the OK button. The dialog box is closed, and the dollar signs and
commas are removed from the selected entries.
Notice that the entries once again include two
decimal places.
13. Click on the Undo button. The format operation is reversed, and the entries are
once again displayed with dollar signs and commas.
14. Select cell A2. Type the current date in the The date appears in the default date format. You
Month Day, Year format (for example, June will now reformat the date.
15, 1999), and press [ENTER].
15. Point to cell A2, and right-click the mouse Cell A2 is selected, and the Format Cells dialog
button. Then click on Format Cells on the box is redisplayed. Notice that the Date option is
shortcut menu that appears. selected in the Category box.
16. In the Type box, click on Mar-98. The new date format is selected.
17. Click on the OK button. The dialog box is closed, and the selected format is
applied to the date. You will now format the
entries in columns E and F by copying the
formatting in columns C and D, respectively.
18. Select cell C4. Then click on the Format Cell C4 is surrounded by a marquee. The
Painter button (on the Standard toolbar). formatting in this cell is copied.

19. Select the range E4:E11. The Currency style with 0 decimal places is applied
to the entries in the selected range, and the Format
Painter is disabled.

NOTE: If you double-click on the Format

Painter button (instead of single-click on it as you
did in the previous step), the Format Painter
remains enabled, allowing you to apply the same
formatting to multiple cells or multiple ranges.
Subsequently clicking on the Format Painter button
(or pressing [ESC]) disables the feature.
20. Using the Format Painter, apply the When you are finished, the worksheet should
formatting in cell D4 (Percent style with 1 appear similar to that illustrated below.
decimal place) to the range F4:F10. Then
cancel the selection.

21. Save the workbook, and then close it. The changes are saved, and the worksheet is cleared
from the screen.

1.7 Adding a Border and Shading to a Worksheet

One or more borders can add visual interest to a worksheet, as well as make the data easier to read and
understand. Shading can also visually enhance a worksheet, as well as call attention to important data.
Worksheet with Borders and Shading

To add a border to a worksheet:

 Select the range around which the border is to appear.

 Choose the Format, Cells command, or select the Format Cells option on the shortcut menu.

 On the Border panel of the Format Cells dialog box, which is subsequently displayed, select the desired
position and style for the border.

 Click on the OK button.

Alternatively, you can use the Borders button on the Formatting toolbar to add a border to a worksheet.

Borders Button

To add shading to a worksheet:

 Select the cell(s) in which the shading is to appear.

 Choose the Format, Cells command, or select the Format Cells option on the shortcut menu.

 On the Patterns panel of the Format Cells dialog box, which is subsequently displayed, select the desired color
and pattern for the shading.

 Click on the OK button.

The above procedure allows you to apply both a color and pattern when shading cells. If you wish to apply
only a color, you can alternatively use the Fill Color button on the Formatting toolbar to add shading to

Fill Color Button

In this exercise, you will add a border and shading to a worksheet.

1. Make sure that the Workbook window is clear. Then open the workbook named Purchase Order #3.xls.

2. Using the Currency Style button, format the entries in the range D5:D8 and in the range F5:F9.


1. Select the range A4:F9. You will now add an outline border to this range.
2. Point to the selected range, and right-click The Format Cells dialog box is displayed.
the mouse button. Then click on Format
Cells on the shortcut menu that appears.
3. Click on the Border tab. The Border panel of the dialog box is displayed (as
illustrated below).

4. In the Style box, click on the medium thick The border style is selected.
line option (the fifth option down in the
second column).
5. Under Presets, click on the Outline button. The border position is selected.

6. Click on the OK button. The dialog box is closed, and an outline border is
drawn around the selected cells.

NOTE: You will need to cancel the selection to

actually see the border.
7. Select the range A4:F4. You will now add a border to the bottom of this
8. Expand the Borders button (on the Formatting A list of border options is displayed.
9. Click on the Bottom Double Border option A border is drawn along the bottom of the selected
(the first option in the second row). cells. You will now shade the cells in which the
COST entries appear.
10. Select the range F5:F9. Then click on the The selected entries are bolded.
Bold button.
NOTE: It is a good idea to bold the entry in a cell
if the cell itself is to be shaded.
11. Make sure that the range F5:F9 is still A palette of colors is displayed.
selected. Then expand the Fill Color button
(on the Formatting toolbar).
12. Click on the Gray - 25% option (the fourth The color is selected, and the shading is added to
option down in the last column). the selected cells.
13. Cancel the selection.
14. Apply the necessary formatting so that the
worksheet appears similar to that illustrated at
the beginning of this subsection.
15. Save the workbook as Purchase Order.xls. The changes are saved.
16. Close the workbook. The worksheet is cleared from the screen.

1.8 Using AutoFormat

Excel provides a number of predefined worksheet formats, which are available through the Format,
AutoFormat command. Selecting this command displays the following dialog box:

AutoFormat Dialog Box

In this exercise, you will use AutoFormat to format a worksheet.

1. Make sure that the Workbook window is clear. Then open the workbook named Exam Results.xls.


1. Select the range A1:E8.
2. Choose the Format, AutoFormat command. The AutoFormat dialog box is displayed.


3. Click on the Colorful 1 option. Then click on The dialog box is closed, and the table is formatted
the OK button. in the selected style.
4. Cancel the selection. The selected cells are unhighlighted, making the
formatting visible. You will now remove the
5. Click on the Undo button. The format operation is reversed, and the worksheet
is restored to its previous appearance.

1.9 Summary

In this section, you have learned how to:

 Switch to Edit mode. Press [F2], or double-click in the cell.

 Adjust row height in a worksheet. Use the Format, Row, Height command,
or drag the row border(s).
 Realign cell entries in a worksheet. Use the Align Left, Center and
Align Right buttons.
 Change the font of cell entries. Use the Format, Cells command, the
Font and Font Size boxes and/or the Bold, Italic
and Underline buttons.
 Change the number format of cell entries. Use the Format, Cells command or the Currency
Style, Percent Style and
Comma Style buttons.
 Add a border to a worksheet. Use the Format, Cells command or the Borders
 Add shading to a worksheet. Use the Format, Cells command or the Fill Color
 Apply a predefined format to a worksheet. Use AutoFormat (the Format, AutoFormat
1.1 Introduction

This section discusses methods for controlling the print process so that what is printed meets your
requirements. In it, you will learn how to:

 Change the page setup of a worksheet.

 Preview a worksheet.

 Print selected worksheet entries.

1.2 Changing the Page Setup of a Worksheet

All page setup options for printing a worksheet are accessed through the File, Page Setup command.
Selecting this command displays the Page Setup dialog box, which includes the following panels:

Page This panel includes options for defining page characteristics, such as orientation
(portrait or landscape), paper size and print quality. It also includes a Fit to
option, which can be used to automatically scale down the font, if necessary, to
ensure that the worksheet is printed on a specified number of pages.

Margins This panel includes options for resetting the various margins, as well as options
for centering the page between the left and right and/or top and bottom margins.

Header/Footer This panel includes options for including a header and/or footer on each page.

Sheet This panel includes options for printing a specific area of the worksheet, as well
as options for specifying whether or not cell gridlines and the worksheet frame
(row and column headings) are to appear in the printout.

In this exercise, you will change various page setup options for a worksheet. Specifically, you will set
the necessary options to 1) print the entire worksheet on one page, 2) center the worksheet between the left
and right margins, and 3) include cell gridlines in the printout. You will also define a custom header and
custom footer.

1. Make sure that all workbooks are closed. Then open the workbook named Product Launch #4.xls.


1. Choose the File, Page Setup command. The Page panel of the Page Setup dialog box is
displayed (as illustrated below).

2. Under Scaling, click on Fit to. This option ensures that the entire worksheet will
be printed on one page.
3. Click on the Margins tab. The Margins panel of the dialog box is displayed
(as illustrated below).

4. Click on the up arrow at the right side of the The top margin of the worksheet is increased to two
Top box until the setting reads 2. inches.
5. Under Center on page, click on Horizontally. The worksheet will be centered between left and
right margins.
6. Click on the Header/Footer tab. The Header/Footer panel of the dialog box is
displayed (as illustrated on the following page).
You will now define a header and footer.

NOTE: The Header and Footer boxes include a list

of suggested headers and footers, respectively. In
this case, however, you will create your own
custom header and footer.
7. Click on the Custom Header button. The Header dialog box is displayed (as illustrated

8. Press [TAB]. The insertion point moves to the Center section

9. Type: Company Confidential The header text is entered. This text will be
centered at the bottom of the page.
10. Click on the OK button. The Page Setup dialog box is redisplayed.
11. Click on the Custom Footer button. The Footer dialog box is displayed (as illustrated

12. Click in the Left Section. The insertion point moves to the Right section box.
13. Click on the Date button. A date code is inserted. The current date will be
right-aligned at the bottom of the page.

14. Click on the OK button. The Page Setup dialog box is redisplayed.
15. Click on the Sheet tab. The Sheet panel of the dialog box is displayed (as
illustrated below).

16. Under Print, click on Gridlines. Cell gridlines will be included in the printout. You
are now ready to print the worksheet with the new
19. Close the workbook, without saving the The worksheet is cleared from the screen.
NOTE: You have not saved the changes made in
this exercise since you will reprint the document
with a different page setup in the next exercise.
1.3 Previewing a Worksheet

Excel allows you preview a worksheet as it will be printed before beginning the actual print operation.
From the Print Preview window, you can make any necessary adjustments to the page layout, thereby
saving time and paper.

Print Preview Window

To preview a worksheet:

 Choose the File, Print Preview command, or click on the Print Preview button on the Standard toolbar.

 In the Print Preview window:

 Use the Next or Previous button to display the next or previous page, respectively.

 Use the Margins button to adjust the top, bottom, right, left, header and/or footer margin.

 Use the Setup button to display the Page Setup dialog box.

 Use the Page Break Preview button to adjust a vertical and/or horizontal page break.

Print Preview Button

In this exercise, you will preview a worksheet before printing it.

This exercise also demonstrate the method for manipulating (for example, inserting, adjusting and
removing) page breaks in a worksheet.

1. Make sure that the Workbook window is clear. Then open the workbook named Product Launch #4.xls.


1. Click on the Print Preview button (on the The Print Preview window is opened, and the full-
Standard toolbar). page view of the worksheet is displayed in Preview
2. Point to any area of the worksheet, and click The worksheet display is enlarged.
the mouse button.
3. Click the mouse button once again. The worksheet display is restored to full-page view.
You will now use various buttons on the toolbar of
the Print Preview window.
4. Click on the Next button. Page two of the worksheet (which includes the last
column) is displayed.
5. Click on the Previous button. Page one of the worksheet is redisplayed.
6. Click on the Margins button. Margins are displayed.
7. Point to the top margin line (immediately The top margin of the worksheet is increased, and
above the worksheet title). Press and hold the body of the worksheet is moved down.
down the mouse button, and drag the margin
line downward approximately one-quarter
inch. Then release the mouse button.
8. Click on the Page Break Preview button. Both pages of the worksheet appear in the Page
Break Preview window (as illustrated on the
following page). A dotted line identifies the
location in which the page break will occur. You
will now adjust the page break so that the entire
worksheet "fits" on one page.

NOTE: If the Welcome to Page Break Preview

box also appears, click on the OK button to close it.

9. Point to the page break line. Press and hold The page break is moved to the right border of the
down the mouse button, and drag the mouse last column.
pointer to the right edge of the worksheet.
Then release the mouse button. NOTE: You can also move a vertical page break
to the left so that the worksheet will be split at any
other column.
10. Choose the View, Normal command. The worksheet is redisplayed in Normal view.
11. Select column E. Then choose the Insert, A page break is inserted before the selected
Page Break command. column. Therefore, column E and all subsequent
columns will appear on a separate page.
12. Click on the Print Preview button. Page one of the worksheet is redisplayed in the
Print Preview window. Notice that only columns A
through D appear on this page.
13. Click on the Next button. Page two of the worksheet is displayed. Notice that
columns E through H appear on this page.
14. Click on the Close button. The Print Preview window is closed. You will now
remove the page break.
15. Make sure that column E is still selected. The page break is removed.
Then choose the Insert, Remove Page Break
16. Cancel the selection.
17. Optionally, redisplay the worksheet in the
Print Preview window to verify the above
operation. Then close the Print Preview
18. Save the workbook, and then close it. The changes are saved, and the worksheet is cleared
from the screen.

1.4 Printing Selected Worksheet Entries (NOTE: This section is for reference only and will not be used
in class)

Up to this point, you have printed all entries in a worksheet when performing a print operation. If
necessary, you can print only selected worksheet entries by setting a print area.

To set a print area:

 Select the range(s) in which the entries appear. To include multiple ranges in the print area, press and hold
down [CTRL] while selecting each block. (In this case, each range will appear on a separate page.)

 Choose the File, Print Area, Set Print Area command.

To clear a print area:

 Choose the File, Print Area, Clear Print Area command.

You can also print one or more areas of a worksheet without setting a print area. To do this, select the
range(s) to be printed, choose the File, Print command, and select the Selection option (under Print what)
in the Print dialog box. In the case of multiple ranges, each range is printed on a separate page.

In this exercise, you will set a print area in a worksheet.

1. Make sure that the Workbook window is clear. Then open the workbook named Product Launch #4.xls.

You will set a print area that includes the data for the first three years.


1. Select the range B3:D14.
2. Choose the File, Print Area command, The print area is set.
followed by Set Print Area.
3. Cancel the selection.
4. Click on the Print Preview button. The worksheet is displayed in the Print Preview
window. Notice that the printout will include only
the data you have selected. You will now add
another range to the print area.
5. Click on the Page Break Preview button. The worksheet appears in the Page Break Preview
window. Notice that the print area is highlighted.

NOTE: Again, if the Welcome to Page Break

Preview box also appears, click on the OK button
to close it.
6. Select the range F3:F14. The data for the fifth year is selected.
7. Point to the selected range (F3:F14), and The print area is increased.
right-click the mouse button. Then click on
Add to Print Area on the shortcut menu that
8. Click on the Print Preview button. The worksheet is redisplayed in the Print Preview
window. Notice that the printout will now include
a second page. Page 1 (which includes the range
B3:D14) is currently displayed.

NOTE: When a print area includes more than one

range, each range is printed on a separate page.
9. Click on the Next button. Page two (which includes the range F3:F14) is
10. Click on the Normal View button. The worksheet is redisplayed in Normal view. You
will now define the labels in column A as print
titles, which will appear on each page of the
11. Choose the File, Page Setup command. The Page Setup dialog box is displayed.
12. Click on the Sheet tab (unless the Sheet panel
of the dialog box already appears).
13. Click on the Collapse button to the left of the The dialog box is collapsed. Notice that only the
Columns to repeat at left box. Title bar now appears at the top of the Workbook
window. You will now specify the column
containing the print titles.

14. Click in any cell in column A. Column A is surrounded by a marquee.

15. Click on the Expand button on the Title bar of The dialog box is expanded. Notice that the
the collapsed Page Setup dialog box. selected column (A) is now listed in the Columns to
repeat at left box.

NOTE: You can also specify the column(s)

containing the print titles by simply typing the
column range in this box.
16. Click on the OK button. The dialog box is closed.
17. Click on the Print Preview button. Page one of the worksheet is redisplayed in the
Print Preview window. Notice that this page now
includes print titles (the column A labels).
18. Click on the Next button. Page two of the worksheet is redisplayed. Notice
that this page also includes the same print titles.
19. Click on the Close button. The Print Preview window is closed.
20. Optionally, print the worksheet. Next, you will clear the print area.
21. Choose the File, Print Area command, The print area is cleared.
followed by Clear Print Area.
22. Close the workbook, without saving the The worksheet is cleared from the screen.

1.5 Summary

In this section, you have learned how to:

 Change the page setup of a worksheet. Use the File, Page Setup command.
 Preview a worksheet. Use the File, Print Preview command or the Print
Preview button.
 Adjust a page break in a worksheet. Use the Page Break Preview button (in the Print
Preview window).
 Insert a page break into a worksheet. Use the Insert, Page Break command.
 Remove a page break from a worksheet. Use the Insert, Remove Page Break command.
 Set a print area. Use the File, Print Area, Set Print Area command.
 Clear a print area. Use the File, Print Area, Clear Print Area
The following Case Study will give you the opportunity to review and practice many of the Excel features
you have learned. It is divided into several steps.


Assume that you work in the Sales Department of an ice cream company. Your company is considering
introducing a new flavor, Pineapple Coconut, and has commissioned market research.

One of your colleagues, who has not attended an Excel course, has started a worksheet to present the
information and has now handed the job over to you. This worksheet is stored in a workbook named Sales

You need to produce a projection over a five-year period to analyze the viability of this project.

Step 1

Open the workbook mentioned above.

Step 2

Increase the width of column A so that all labels are fully displayed.

Increase the font size of the worksheet title (in cell A1).

Bold and center the entry in cell B3.

Add shading to cell B13.

Step 3

Edit the entry in cell A1 to read SALES PROJECTION -- Pineapple Coconut.

Enter column headings into the range C3:F3. (These headings should read Year 2, Year 3, etc.)

Step 4

The sales volume is forecast to grow by 10% per year. In C4, enter the formula =B4*1.1.

The formula for income will, of course, be the same for all years. Copy this formula into the appropriate

Step 7

Insert a row above what is currently row 7.

In cell A7 of the new row, enter the label Unit Costs:. Indent the labels in the range A8:A10 (Raw
Materials, Labor and Other).

You can quickly indent an entry by selecting it and by clicking on the Increase Indent button on the
Formatting toolbar.

Step 8

Unit costs over the five-year period are forecast as indicated below. Enter this data into your worksheet.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Raw Materials 6 6.3 6.3 6.5 6.5
Labor 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9
Other 2 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.4

Step 9

The overhead is expected to remain the same for all years. Copy this amount into the appropriate cells.

Step 10

The formulas for production costs, total cost and gross profit are the same for all years. Copy these
formulas into the appropriate cells.

Step 11

Calculate gross profit as a percentage of total cost, as follows:

a) In cell A15, enter the label Profit %.

b) In cell B15, enter the formula =B14/B13.

Format cell B15 so that the entry is displayed as a percentage with 1 decimal place.

Copy the above formula into the appropriate cells.

Save the workbook once again.

Step 12

Your worksheet is now complete, but the presentation could still be improved.

Use the available format options to enhance the appearance of the numeric data.

Use other available format options to make further enhancements (for example, reset the font, add borders
and shading, etc.).

Step 13

Set print options of your choice (for example, add a header and/or footer, center the data horizontally,
Preview, and then print, the worksheet.

(Your worksheet should appear similar to that illustrated below. The formatting will vary, of course,
depending on the options you have chosen.)

Step 14

Save the workbook once again, and then close it.

Completed Worksheet
The following is a summary of the keyboard and toolbar shortcuts for Excel operations discussed in this


File, New [CTRL] + [N]

File, Open [CTRL] + [O]

File, Close [CTRL + [W] or [CTRL] +

File, Save [CTRL] + [S]

File, Print [CTRL] + [P]

File, Print Preview

File, Exit [ALT] + [F4]

Edit, Undo [CTRL] + [Z]

Edit, Redo [CTRL] + [Y]

Edit, Cut [CTRL] + [X]

Edit, Copy [CTRL] + [C]

Edit, Paste [CTRL] + [V]

Edit, Clear, Contents [DEL]

Insert, Cells [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [+]

Format, Cells [CTRL] + [1]

Format, Cells
(to left-align entry)

Format, Cells
(to center entry)

Format, Cells
(to right-align entry)

Format, Cells [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [F]

(to reset font)
Format, Cells [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [P]
(to reset font size)

Format, Cells [CTRL] + [B]

(to turn bold attribute on/off)

Format, Cells [CTRL] + [I]

(to turn italic attribute on/off)

Format, Cells [CTRL] + [U]

(to turn single underline attribute

Format, Cells [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [$]

(to apply currency format)

Format, Cells [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [%]

(to apply percent format)

Format, Cells
(to apply comma format)

Format, Cells [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [!]

(to apply comma/two decimal
places format)
Format, Cells [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [#]
(to apply day-month-year date
Format, Cells
(to increase number of decimals)

Format, Cells
(to decrease number of decimals)

Format, Cells [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [&]

(to add outline border)

Format, Cells [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [_]

(to remove outline border)

Format, Cells
(to add shading)

Tools, Spelling [F7]

Help, Microsoft Excel Help [F1]

Help, What's This? [SHIFT] + [F1]

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