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Toward a world that values insects

Rapid adoption of conservation measures is key to protecting insect populations

By Yves Basset1,2,3,4 and and homogeneous assemblages of generalist Assemblages monitored in the long term
Greg P. A. Lamarre2,3,5 species across space (8). Habitat loss is fueled must be representative of local insect popula-
by agricultural expansion and intensification, tions and reasonably diverse. Findings of low

nsects make up the bulk of terrestrial di- which involves substantial use of chemical insect densities and rates of local extinction
versity (1). Reports of insect declines, best pesticides (insecticides and herbicides). The must be corroborated with independent stud-
documented in Europe and North Amer- latter are another substantial threat to insect ies, particularly in the tropics, where many
ica, suggest that 40% of insect species in species; insecticides have been linked to in- species subsist at low densities (10). Further,
temperate countries may face extinction sect decline in temperate countries (2, 4) and contrasting insect responses to threats must
over the next few decades (2), although to global pollinator decline (6). The increas- be acknowledged and scrutinized (3, 10). For
this figure is probably inflated (3). Other ing introduction of large-scale agriculture example, many native species may be declin-
studies have highlighted falling insect bio- in the tropics may similarly cause substan- ing in temperate forests, but several pest spe-
mass in Germany and Puerto Rico (4, 5), as tial harm to insect populations through the cies are expanding their geographical range

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well as threats to many insect taxa impacts of pesticides beyond ag- in response to climate change (7). Efficient
in Europe (5) and insect pollinators ricultural systems (9). The use of monitoring programs can benefit from re-
worldwide (6) that support food fertilizers and herbicides may also cently developed technologies involving mo-
production (7). To protect insects, it shift plant composition, altering lecular methods (11) or bioacoustics, as well
is crucial that they are considered the population dynamics of host as from citizen participation (6).
as separate species with distinct EARTH plants and dependent insects (3). Conservation efforts cannot succeed with-
responses to threats, with particu- Read more articles Climate change, and especially out sound ecological knowledge of the role
lar attention to tropical insects and online at the frequency of extreme climatic of insects in ecosystem maintenance and
their habitats. Bees and butterflies TomorrowsEarth anomalies, may be especially det- functioning and of the complex processes,
may serve as an initial focus, but rimental to tropical insects, which such as adaptive strategies, food behavior, or
conservation efforts must go far beyond these tend to have narrow geographic ranges and cascading trophic interactions, that may be
iconic species. Halting habitat loss and frag- low tolerance to changes in temperature and disrupted by threats (5). Because even small
mentation, reducing pesticide use, and limit- rainfall (5, 10). Invasive species and patho- ecosystem fragments have conservation
ing climate change are all required if insect gens may also threaten local populations, as value for insect biodiversity and ecosystem
populations are to be preserved. can light pollution (2, 3). services, studies should focus on how to pre-
serve forest heterogeneity, enhance the values
THE MAIN THREATS IMPROVING KNOWLEDGE of fragments by increasing forest connectiv-
Trends in biodiversity decline are more se- Insects are the central component of the liv- ity, and promote habitat restoration favorable
vere for invertebrates than for vertebrates ing world, and their protection is crucial to to insects. Experiments should investigate
(4), because the former are highly specialized maintaining functioning ecosystems and en- the consequences of extreme temperatures,
in terms of food resources and microhabitats. suring food security (4, 7). However, scientific which may reduce the fitness of predatory
About half of insect species are herbivores knowledge is limited because of insufficient and parasitoid species. A better understand-
and have intimate relationships with their funding for entomological science and the ing and delineation of the species that need
host plants; the slightest alteration to plant resulting scarcity of adequate field studies. to be protected is also important. Taxonomic
abundance or phenology may therefore have Many past studies have relied on overall in- knowledge can be advanced by training more
severe consequences for insect populations. sect biomass measurements, which are rela- taxonomists and by developing DNA barcode
Multiple interacting threats affect insects, tively easy to conduct (2, 5). However, insect libraries, which provide tractable and test-
often with negative consequences not just biomass greatly varies in space and time and able taxonomic frameworks (11).
for the insect species themselves but also for provides little information about the popu-
other species that rely on them and for over- lation dynamics of specific species. Instead, PROTECTION MEASURES
all ecosystem functioning. However, little is population trends can be summarized by Insects are of crucial importance for ecosys-
known about the identity, genomics, or eco- combining insect species into different func- tem functioning (including pollination and
logical role of most insect species. tional groups (10), which may help to identify forest regeneration), for mitigation of pests,
Habitat loss and fragmentation are proba- which species are coping better or worse with and as a source of protein for animals and

bly the most serious threats to temperate and anthropogenic changes (3). humans (7). Effective protection measures
tropical insects, particularly to rare, endemic, Furthermore, many studies are resurveys— can be implemented now to mitigate insect
and specialized species, resulting in reduced that is, snapshots taken at specific time inter- decline by examining the evidence available
vals rather than continuous monitoring. The for temperate insects. If decision-makers
ForestGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa,
latter is crucial for evaluating how insects fulfill their commitments toward the imple-
Ancon, Panamá. 2Faculty of Science, University of South
Bohemia, 37005 České Budějovice, Czech Republic. 3Institute respond to individual threats. Comparison of mentation of the 2015 Paris Agreement to
of Entomology, Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, snapshots is further complicated by habitat mitigate global warming, threats to insect
37005 České Budějovice, Czech Republic. 4Maestria de changes, does not accurately capture which populations resulting directly from global
Entomologia, Universidad de Panamá, 080814 Panamá,
Panamá. 5Taxonomia Biodiversity Fund, 75012 Paris, France. species are present or absent, and may yield climate change will be alleviated. In urban
Email:; misleading trends (3). areas, policies that favor organic agriculture

1230 28 JUNE 2019 • VOL 364 ISSUE 6447 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
and insect-friendly gardens can OUTLOOK
greatly support insect species No matter whether the insect
(12). Planting native species in apocalypse is global or not, im-
urban environments such as mediate actions are necessary
parks, roofs, and backyards can to mitigate insect decline. Here,
also help to protect insect pop- more insect-friendly agricultural
ulations and deliver pollination practices are key. Scientific re-
services. search into the cost effective-
In rural areas, insect species ness of pesticide use will help
would benefit from support for to reduce unnecessary pesticide
organic agriculture and perma- applications (9). Redistribution
culture, the reduction and more of eco-friendly subsidies to favor
efficient use of pesticides, use insect protection (5) can target
of integrated pest management integrated pest management,
(7), and local-scale farming the use of pesticide and fertiliz-
practices that nurture insect ers only when necessary for food
populations. Boosting the abun- security and the protection of
dance, diversity, and continuity remaining natural habitats from
of floral resources and providing land-use conversion. Changes of
nesting sites are efficient ways A male weevil (Rhinostomus barbirostris) protects an egg-laying female in Panama. laws can be implemented quickly

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to mitigate pollinator decline (6). using bees or butterflies as the
Efficient, appropriate, and permanent diversity (14). Such activities may promote focus of attention, as recently demonstrated
conservation measures for natural habitats greater empathy and curiosity toward in- in Bavaria, Germany, where a grassroots citi-
(such as old-growth forests) and human- sects and their habitats. Finally, promoting zen campaign and a state referendum led to a
influenced areas of even very small sizes science through traditional and social me- law necessitating drastic changes in agricul-
can support high insect diversity (3). Na- dia can spread enthusiasm and respect for tural practice to protect biodiversity.
tional coordination, informed by scientific insects and those who study them. Efforts to mitigate the effects of climate
results, can lead to better conservation change, such as the boycott of harmful
management, such as supporting effective TROPICAL DATA GAPS chemical products by both the public and
landscape-scale ecological networks (13). In the tropics, where most insect species governments, will also help insect popu-
Funding of long-term research activities on live, circumstantial data exist, but long- lations to recover. To allow insect popula-
habitat conservation in general, and specifi- term records are too sparse to support the tions to prosper in both temperate and
cally on insect science and taxonomy, is es- conclusion of a global insect decline. Most tropical areas, scientists and policy-makers
pecially important to evaluate and mitigate tropical datasets (see supplementary mate- need to rethink scientific and public priori-
future changes in insect communities, ob- rials) were collected in locations buffered ties to reach out to the public and develop
tain reliable insect time series, and discover from the effects of agricultural practices effective protection measures. We need a
species before they go extinct (1). and habitat disturbance. Most of these stud- bioliterate society that protects insects to
ies do not unequivocally suggest a decline ensure humanity’s own survival. j
ENGAGING THE PUBLIC in insect abundance or species richness;
In general, the public tends to appreci- rather, they point to contrasting patterns in
1. N. E. Stork, Annu. Rev. Entomol. 63, 31 (2018).
ate aesthetic insects such as butterflies and population dynamics and to the possible im- 2. F. Sánchez-Bayo, K. A. G. Wyckhuys, Biol. Conserv. 232, 8
the beneficial role of pollinators (6). These pact of climate change. This may reflect an (2019).
3. J. C. Habel, M. J. Samways, T. Schmitt, Biodivers. Conserv.
perceptions can be used to strengthen the initial positive effect of rising temperatures 28, 1343 (2019).
conservation value of insects. However, bee or merely the dynamics of common species 4. C. A. Hallmann et al., PLOS ONE 12, e0185809 (2017).
and butterfly species represent only <4% of (see fig. S1 in supplementary materials). For 5. B. C. Lister, A. Garcia, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115,
E10397 (2018).
the insect species described worldwide (1). example, the species richness of a commu- 6. D. Goulson, E. Nicholls, C. Botías, E. L. Rotheray, Science
Many people have negative perceptions of nity of leaf litter ants in Ecuador remained 347, 1255957 (2015).
7. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
insects in general and do not perceive them constant for a study period of 11 years, with The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and
as separate species (14). Further, the roles of little or no evidence of directional change Agriculture (2019).
insects in ecosystem services can be difficult toward a new community (15). 8. T. Newbold et al., PLOS Biol. 16, e2006841 (2018).
9. N. Dudley et al., Biol. Conserv. 209, 449 (2017).
to comprehend (except for pollinators), as are Longer time series including diverse taxa 10. Y. Basset et al., Ecol. Evol. 7, 9991 (2017).
the consequences of insect species loss and are urgently required to understand what is 11. N. Barsoum, C. Bruce, J. Forster, Y.-Q. Ji, D. W. Yu, Ecol. Indic.
101, 313 (2019).
overall attrition of biodiversity. going on. However, tropical regions mostly 12. E. C. Lowe, C. G. Threlfall, S. M. Wilder, D. F. Hochuli,
Although public interest in insects var- composed of developing countries can only Biodivers. Conserv. 27, 829 (2018).
ies from one country to another, biological devote limited funds to research on nature 13. M. J. Samways, J. S. Pryke, Ambio 45, 161 (2016).
14. G. P. A. Lamarre, Y. Juin, E. Lapied, P. Le Gall, A. Nakamura,
education about the conservation of in- conservation. Successful examples of conser- Nat. Conserv. 29, 39 (2018).
sects and their natural habitats is urgently vation planning and public outreach in tem- 15. D. A. Donoso, Ecol. Indic. 83, 515 (2017).
needed at all levels of society, starting with perate regions could be shared with tropical ACKNOWLEDGME NTS
field education programs (14). The extraor- regions and could help to guide insect con- Supported by ForestGEO and SENACYT (FID2016-070) (Y.B.)

dinary natural history of insects offers servation in those locations. International and by GAČR (19-15645Y) and ERC (669609) (G.P.A.L.).
many opportunities in biological education collaborations involving scientists from both SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
and citizen science (14). Field surveys and developed and developing nations will be key
experiments help the public to appreciate to expertise sharing, as will be the develop-
the importance of insects in terrestrial bio- ment of global databases with open access. 10.1126/science.aaw7071

SCIENCE 28 JUNE 2019 • VOL 364 ISSUE 6447 1231

Published by AAAS
Toward a world that values insects
Yves Basset and Greg P. A. Lamarre

Science 364 (6447), 1230-1231.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw7071

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