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kdn dtf, tqr crrfr'r.

rs. tEs uu (ttft lts), tr*TT-8ooool

fr-at-{ \'q qTtM frqFr, fr6n d q$-{ rrcrdq mfrrdoFroZwqdq
qtrdT dft1tofr-o q-{erT{t qrqror d q-d w fufro tg srjqt'T gM
q4TRTd fr"Ti" 21 /zozo, ss/2020, 40/2020 \q qs/zozo d eiottO qEilGDT{
or er*q{ fu-qr Tqt all I qTeilEFI{ q affi--d sffii ft1 gr-fdT or ftqlwr,
qfuk6 rnolu-gro er6 of rrurqr fdqrrffq ftNi et rrfrfr grgr o1 Tft
t t s-m qfrfr d sht-fi G sreno-rq d qq-q q,Tffid vqr"r trdt d einm
q1 ftqffu-o s:ffii qi qqF+If, frETq-{i A rfil.fd frq 3Tgfrf, otfu-d zh1
.r{ t,-
f{flrq-{ €wt 211 zozo (qrqqdr. erfqns)
s1. Roll Name Required documents / Remarks
No. No.
I 2 I 0004 NEHA EWS Certificate not submitted at the time of
KUMARI interview
2. 210034 ANKITA Permanent Residential Cert. not submitted.
J 210166 RINKY FFD Certificate not submitted at the time of
KUMARI interview
4. 210183 ANJALI JHA EWS Certificate not submitted at the time of

fr=nq-q rff-c{r ag ^nzo (€f,Sfutr' oTfuq-Trt)

sl. Roll Name Required documents / Remarks
No. No
1 390141 AMRITESH As Per web Copy of Marksheet Date of Passing
KUMAR & Percentage Marks are not Available.
Therefore, Date of Passing has been considered
from Verified Copy of Provisional M.Tech.
Certificate. According to Which the date of
passing is after cut off date. Hence, Zero Marks
in M.Tech. has been allotted.
Cert. & marksheet of passing M.Tech.
Before cut offdated i.e. 30-09-2020 is required.
2. 39082 1 NISHA Ineligible - ( B.Tech. Result Published after Cut
KUMARI off Date, B.Tech. Result Published on
J 390822 PRAVEEN Web copy of final marksheet submitted.
KUMAR Original marksheet is required.
4 391209 PRATIBHA M.Tech.- as per Departmental letter no. 3224,
MRINAL Patna Dated 24.12.2021, Master of Planning-
MDU,Rohtak is not Relevant to Civil Engg at
P.G(M.Tech.) Level. Hence Zero Marks

5. 391256 RISHAV Provisional Degree certificate submiffed, issued
RANJAN by College not by UniversitY.
Cert. issued unlv. ls
6. 391299 VISHAL Web copy (e- result) of Provisional marksheet
PRIYADARSHI before cut off date was submitted with
application form but Original marksheet
submitted on Interview date was issued after
cut offdate.
Cert./proof in original is required that
B.Tech. passed before cut off date. i'e
7 392233 AMIT KUMAR web copy (not verified) and is before cut off
SINGH date. Original marksheet (verified) issued after
cut offdate.
Cert./proof in original is required that
B.Tech. passed before cut off date. l.e
30.09.2020 .
8 392242 SUJEET Web copy of final marksheet submitted.
KUMAR Original marksheet is required.
9 393085 BITTU Web copy (e- result) of Provisional marksheet
KUMAR before cut off date was submitted with
application form but Original marksheet
submitted on Interview date was issued after
cut offdate.
Cert./proof in original is required that
B.Tech. passed before cut off date. i.e
10 393090 RAJA KUMAR B.Tech certificate not submitted. Provisional
PATEL issued by institute not by University.
Cert. issued unlv. ls uired.
11 393982 NITESH FFD Certificate not submitted at the time of
KUMAR Interview.
l2 394323 ANKITA Non-Creamy layer Certificate not submitted at
ADARSH the time of Interview.

f{f,rr{ ffqr 40 /zozo fuq3a sr$s qo-s gfr",2to")

sl. Roll Name Required documents / Remarks

No. No.
1 400722 ACHINT NCLC Certificate not submitted at the time of
2. 400777 NAINCY NCLC Certificate not submitted at the time of
PzuYA interview
J 402311 VISHAL FFD Certificate not submitted at the time of
NARAYAN interview
f{f,rrrq gqr +s / zozo Gn-{f,r. er.tfr)

sl. Roll Name Required documents / Remarks

No. No.
1 450020 ABRITY NCLC Certificate not submitted at the time of
THAKUR interview
Ph.D. Certificate not submitted at the time of
interview, only photo Copy of Ph.D. notification
2. 450099 ABHISHEK NCLC Certificate not submitted at the time of
KUMAR interview
J 450391 DEVINA FFD Certificate not submitted at the time of
KUMARI interview
4. 450394 SWETA hreligible (neither First Class in B.A. nor in
KUMARI M.A.) M.A. Cert. not submitted at the time of

sqfitr qfi t oifr.d efr ffii d sffif 6\ qftrd frrq qror

t fu t ft-{i6 02.03.2023 a endrr o.rqfdq fr sqR€Id Et-6q 3Tq-ft el'gfrf,
3TfuT neai sqFtrf, Hleq/Trilq (qr*IFI6 qqrr trrl H-trd) Xa tt q-sgd
6-{ scqlwl o-{EI gfrRqd ott r s.ilTtFI Tfr o-rTt qfi q,t f{aTfr fr um
ffi et si-dil/€q $fi/oTNeTUI o-r EltrT 311fr *qr ffi frI
orril{o Eq ffi{R Ett \-q s+d rre-ci t ertfr.r effii w{ t Fr"iq At d
fug Err, +q-r t

H'ft EqF+rf, q,fl-ul qrt aft werffiro urqtsfr d qFrq) fr

fu al+r offi[{rlc5 sq fr gfrtr4d o-tt I

vm fuitRo ftfq d Er< ilq ft,S ron or ergtuTqqT lft-firt q-€i

d'n t

qte:- A-S crrA(6'. qt B-tr qafr d

rfr S ertr BTd 6NI
TrT€flFFr< d ft-{ sIrrT{tF rt|Fo, frr5617dfq er'olarrtaw t
lrqfuo srlrot ot-rTuild enR sqfifo =rfr frtqrrqr d ai t fr s-m
ftfU of alrqtT orqff,q fi wq' sqRQIf, Eto.-t rl-GITtFI fu uurur ra
sq-d o-q s6A € I

fr6ri dI6 t-qT GTrqtT, q-TT

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