Compost and Disease Suppression

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o compost Disease Suppression

for soils
characteristics and production factors
and it is important that salinity and
nutrient levels (particularly nitrogen) Compost
as well as a range of other factors
are considered before application. and Disease
Your compost supplier will be able to
provide you with a recent analysis of the
compost which should include salinity

measures (EC), nutrient levels, carbon Studies dating back to the late 19th
to nitrogen ratio and phytotoxicity century1 show that compost can
index. Cross check this against your soil reduce the occurrence and severity of
analysis to make sure you are applying 1 F.R. Magdoff, Soil Organic Matter in common plant diseases caused by fungi,
the right materials for your farm. Sustainable Agriculture, (Taylor & nematodes and bacteria2-4.
Francis, 2004)
2 Harry Hoitink, ‘Compost use for
Compost application disease suppression’, in On Farm
More recent research has shown that
all significant diseases affecting
Composting Handbook <http:// vegetable production in New South
Apply compost to the poorer The amount of composted soil
performing areas of your farm first Wales can be suppressed by the use of
conditioner to apply per hectare varies faculty-directory/hoitink-harry-a-j/> compost3.
to maximise the benefits provided
by compost. Manure spreaders are
considerably with the type of soil,
the crop, and the climate. Depending
3 Recycled Organics Unit ‘Compost use
for pest and disease suppression in
How does compost suppress disease?
frequently used to apply compost These plant diseases include:
particularly on soil NPK levels, NSW’, (2006) Adding compost to soil improves soil compost also protects your plants
and then typical cultivation methods • wilt caused by Fusarium spp.
application rates will probably be in the 4 G. Stirling, ‘Biologically active soils physical and chemical properties and against disease.
are used to incorporate compost into (species)
range of 20 – 80 tonnes per hectare, help suppress nematode pests’ increases the number and diversity
soil. Compost needs to be applied • damping off caused by Fusarium,
however your local agronomist can in Soil health: the foundation of (different types) of bacteria and fungi in Increases in yield are often an added
before seed bed preparation and Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Sclerotium
advise on quantities. sustainable agriculture, Proceedings soil3. These changes encourage healthier benefit of using compost in your
sowing. If your plot requires additional spp.
fertiliser, only add this after compost of a workshop on the importance plants that are better able to withstand cropping systems.
• stem and root rot caused by
has been applied. While compost can of soil health in agriculture, ed by Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, diseases while limiting disease-causing
be applied at any time of the year, it is
recommended to apply compost during
R. Lines-Kelly (June 20-21 2001),
Wollongbar Agricultural Institute,
Sclerotium and Aphanomyces
microbe populations.
dry weather to avoid compaction. NSW Agriculture, Bruxner Highway
Wollongbar 2477. While the effectiveness of compost at
Improving soil and plant encourages
Looking for more information? 5 Harry Hoitink, ‘Impacts of compost
on soil and plant health’, < http://
suppressing disease can vary according The relationship between compost and healthy plants
that are better
For more specific information on using compost to suppress disease, read the other to compost types and application healthy soils and healthy plants has
fact sheets in this series: rates used, in some cases compost has
faculty-directory/hoitink-harry-a-j/> been shown in many studies2. Compost
• compost and disease suppression - Pythium reduced disease severity by up to 90
• compost and disease suppression - Rhizoctonia (2008). contributes to healthy soils and plants in
percent3. at least three important ways:
to fight off
• compost and disease suppression - Fusarium
or contact the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, NSW. 1. By increasing the soil organic matter
(soil carbon) that is vital for good
crop growth disease and
All significant 2. By improving soil structure and
increases in
o DPNQPTU diseases of
moisture retention, making water
available for your plants when they yield are often
FORSOILS vegetables in need it, and
3. By increasing the amount of an added
An initiative of Compost Australia NSW can be nutrients that are available to plants
and steadily releasing nutrients over benefit of
suppressed by time.
For more information and a list of quality suppliers, go to
compost Healthy plants are better able to resist
soil and plant diseases. So, by improving soils’ ability
to produce healthy and robust plants, health
the resource for compost users
© Compost for Soils 2009
Boosting soil microbe • Induced systemic resistance
What kind of Salinity and nutrient levels and Rhizoctonia spp. are particularly
caused by beneficial microorganisms
Slowly High salinity causes plant stress and aggravated by shredded raw wood
activating a plant’s disease defences.
compost should I increases susceptibility to disease. It mulches2. As fresh organic matter
Amending your soil with quality
Plant defences against disease can breaks down, sugars are released which
apply to combat
compost that conforms to the can also nullify the natural disease
include thickening of the cell walls can provide food for plant pathogens
Australian Standard (AS4454) will boost
in plant roots and foliage to make woody suppressive effects of compost.
the populations of naturally-occurring
it more difficult for pathogens such disease on my Using livestock and poultry manure and also immobilise nitrogen.
bacteria and fungi that can suppress the materials as compost ingredients can increase Disease suppression can vary with
organisms that cause disease3. These
as fungi to get into plants2. Induced
farm? the salinity of compost and soil. High changes in compost maturity. This
helpful microbes are called biological
systemic resistance is the least
common form of biocontrol. can give long salinity compost ingredients can be
balanced by your compost processor by
relationship is influenced by many
other factors and is not straightforward.
control or biocontrol agents. Biocontrol
is the use of natural predators, parasites
Biocontrol: general suppression
Applying good quality compost on
your farm will improve the health lasting disease blending with low salinity feedstocks to As a result, general guidelines and
recommendations have not yet been
dilute the salinity of the final product.
or pathogens to control pests.
General suppression is disease
suppression caused by the
of your soil and plants. This is the
first step in disease suppression as
suppression Applying compost well ahead of developed in this area.
planting to allow salt leaching can also
Biocontrol agents suppress combined action of a wide range of healthy plants are more effective at
be effective , although it is important to
fighting off disease. While research
plant diseases in four main ways.
• Competition is the most common
microorganisms. It is the most common
form of disease suppression, and is still underway to tailor composts Composting process consider the surrounding environment’s
sensitivity to leached salts. Composts
How can I use
compost to
90 percent of mature composts will to combat specific diseases, the key Generating and maintaining the high
method of disease suppression. with a high salt content can encourage
provide general suppression against factors that influence the effectiveness temperatures needed to kill pathogens
Beneficial organisms out-compete Phytophtora and Pythium species,
disease-causing plant pathogens root rots caused by Phytophthora and
Pythium species5.
and duration of disease suppression
from compost are known. These
(and weed seeds) is an important part
of the composting process. This is called particularly if applied in warmer suppress disease
on my farm?
in the search for nutrients or seasons.
include compost ingredients and ‘peak heating’. To give your compost
colonisation space in specific
type of processing, moisture, salt the best disease suppressive properties,
habitats such as the root zone2. Nitrogen is a key nutrient in disease
and nutrient content and compost beneficial microorganisms can be
90 percent
Increased competition prevents suppression and nitrogen deficiencies Choosing the right compost for disease
maturity. added to compost after peak heating
pathogens from becoming can make plants susceptible to disease. suppression in your vegetable crop will
to provide an advantage over plant
established and multiplying to levels
that cause plant disease.
of mature Compost ingredients pathogens in the competition for space The availability of mineral nitrogen can
vary greatly between composts - your
depend on your specific needs.

• Antibodies and secretions

produced by some microorganisms
composts Decaying organic matter provides
the ideal conditions for beneficial
and nutrients2.
compost supplier should provide you One of the first steps is to make sure
you know what is causing the disease
with a recent analysis of the compost
inhibit the growth of plant can suppress microorganisms to grow, but not all
Since poor management and
handling of compost can lead to early which will include nitrogen levels. on your property!
types of organic matter are equal
pathogens2,4. High nitrate (NO3) levels can increase
colonisation by plant pathogens, it is
• Predation and parasitism of plant when it comes to disease suppression. the impact of some diseases, while Talk to your local agronomist or send
important that compost is managed
pathogens by biocontrol agents
(where beneficial microbes use
and Pythium Different compost ingredients
(feedstock) can give different results
and handled correctly. It is a good immature composts (unprocessed
or limited processing of organic
diseased plant samples for identification
to the relevant government agency.
idea to take a tour of your compost
pathogens for food). which cause - choose the feedstock that matches
your needs and talk to your compost
processor’s facilities to make sure you material) with high microbial activity
can immobilise nitrogen, making it
Once you know exactly what you are
dealing with, you can start to choose

Quality plant root rots processor about choosing ingredients

specifically for disease suppression.
are satisfied with their composting
materials and methods and handling unavailable to plants2. the right compost for your needs.

As a general guide, apply compost 4 - 6
Woody materials that degrade
Compost maturity weeks before sowing to allow time for
naturally Biocontrol: specific suppression
Sometimes plant pathogens may be
slowly can give long lasting disease
suppression (more than 3 years) as
The particle size of composted materials
also affects disease suppression. As
It is essential that any compost applied
has been composted according to
the microbial population to colonise
and enhance disease resistance2.
contains suppressed by the presence of just one they release nitrogen, potassium
particle sizes decrease, the disease
suppressive impact increases
the Australian Standard (ASS4454) as
this ensures that all material has been
If you are using composts that have

a range of
species of biocontrol agent or a select and phosphorus slowly into the soil. high salinity, or your crop is particularly
group of biocontrol agents working and disease suppressive duration composted for a minimum of six weeks,
Carbon-rich composts are good at susceptible to saline conditions,
decreases2. Particle size also impacts on has undergone peak heating and is free
bacteria and together. This ‘specific suppression’
is less common and more difficult to
suppressing plant parasitic nematodes
because they support fungi which
soil structure and water infiltration so from weed seeds and plant pathogens.
applying compost earlier will allow salts
to leach before planting begins.
fungi which can engineer than general suppression2.
Only twenty percent of composts
are antagonistic to these nematodes4.
Pyrolised bark particles are particularly
make sure that the particle size of your
compost meets the needs of your soil Applying fresh green material or
It is also important to test your soil
suppress plant provide specific suppression of
Rhizoctonia root rots5.
inert and will not suppress disease2.
as well. immature compost can increase the
severity of plant diseases2,5. Diseases
prior to compost application. Compost
can impact on a wide variety of soil
diseases caused by Pythium, Phytophthora

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