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Természet, időjárás – A1–C2 (346)

1. Világ, égtájak (62)

1. Világ, világegyetem (12)
earth noun /ɜːθ/ 1 Föld (bolygó) [no plural] also: Earth
The Earth takes approximately 365 days to go round the Sun.
Swimming in a pool is the best place on Earth to be on a hot day like this.
planet noun /ˈplæn.ɪt/ [C] bolygó (égitest)
the planet Earth/Venus
Might there be intelligent life on other planets?
space noun /speɪs/ 2 világűr [U]
space exploration/travel
a space rocket
Who was the first human being in space/the first to go into space?
star noun /stɑːr/ [C] 2 csillag (égitest)
Stars shone above them as they lay on the hill.
world noun /wɜːld/ 1 a világ, a föld [no plural]
She's travelled all over the world.
News of the disaster shocked the whole world.
We live in a changing world.
global adjective /ˈgləʊ.bəl/ globális (az egész világot érintő); teljes, teljes körű
a global disaster
the global problem of nuclear waste
the global economy
worldwide adjective, adverb /ˈwɜːld.waɪd/ világméretű; világszerte, az egész világon
a worldwide success
An increase in average temperature by only a few degrees could cause environmental
problems worldwide.
globally adverb /ˈgləʊ.bəl.i/ globálisan (az egész világra kiterjedően); mindenre kiterjedően
The company has to be able to compete globally.
Phrases and idioms:
the atmosphere légkör, atmoszféra (a Föld körül)
These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.
the globe a világ, a Föld
This event is being watched by 200 million people around the globe.
the moon hold (égitest)
We gazed at the moon.
the universe világegyetem
Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?

2. Napkelte, napnyugta (21)

rise verb /raɪz/ [I] *(rose, risen) 1 felkel (nap, hold)
The sun rises in the East.
set verb /set/ *(setting, set, set) 2 lemegy, lenyugszik (nap) [I]
The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
darkness noun /ˈdɑːk.nəs/ [U] sötétség
There was a power cut and the house was in darkness.
daylight noun /ˈdeɪ.laɪt/ [U] nappal, nappali világosság
The colours look much better in daylight.

Oldal 1 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
horizon noun /həˈraɪ.zən/ horizont, látóhatár [C]
We could see a large ship on the horizon.
moonlight noun /ˈmuːn.laɪt/ [U] holdfény, holdvilág
In the moonlight, she looked even more beautiful.
shade noun /ʃeɪd/ 1 árnyék (árnyékos terület) [U]
I'd prefer to sit in the shade.
The sun was hot, and there were no trees to offer us shade.
The children played in/under the shade of a large beach umbrella.
shadow noun /ˈʃæd.əʊ/ [C or U] árnyék, az árnyéka vminek
The tree had cast a long shadow.
The children were playing, jumping on each other's shadows.
Jamie followed his mother around all day like a shadow.
This corner of the room is always in shadow.
sky noun /skaɪ/ [U] ég, égbolt
a blue/cloudy/dark sky
Can you see those birds high up in the sky?
We looked up at/into the sky at the sound of the plane.
sun noun /sʌn/ [U or no plural] nap (égitest); napfény
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
We thought we'd go out for a walk while the sun was shining.
Shall we go and sit out in the sun?
I think I've had a bit too much sun today - I've got a headache.
sunlight noun /ˈsʌn.laɪt/ [U] napfény
The garden was bathed in sunlight.
sunrise noun /ˈsʌn.raɪz/ [C or U] napkelte
I always get up before sunrise.
sunset noun /ˈsʌn.set/ [C or U] napnyugta, naplemente
They close the park at sunset.
sunshine noun /ˈsʌn.ʃaɪn/ [U] napfény, napsütés
The children were out playing in the sunshine.
dark adjective /dɑːk/ 2 sötét (nincs fény)
It was too dark to see properly.
What time does it get dark in the summer?
light adjective /laɪt/ 3 világos (nappali/természetes fény)
It gets light very early these summer mornings.
Summer is coming and the evenings are getting lighter.
Let's finish the work while it's still light enough to see.
Phrasal verbs:
come out /kʌm/ 2 kijön, feljön, megjelenik (nap, hold, csillag)
It's really warm when the sun comes out.
come up /kʌm/ 3 felkel, feljön (nap, hold)
We watched the sun come up over the ocean.
go down /gəʊ/ 2 lemegy (pl. nap); elsüllyed (pl. hajó)
I sat with Ken and Olga and watched the sun go down.
Phrases and idioms:
darkness/night falls leszáll a sötétség/este (literary)
When darkness fell, I began to feel worried.
the dark a sötét
Cats can see in the dark.
I've always been afraid of the dark.

Oldal 2 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
3. Égtájak (29)
east noun /iːst/ [U] also: East kelet
He turned and walked away towards the east.
Which way is east?
north noun /nɔːθ/ [U] also: North észak (északi irány)
The stadium is to the north of the city.
northeast noun /ˌnɔːθˈiːst/ [U] also: north-east északkelet
They live in the northeast.
northwest noun /ˌnɔːθˈwest/ [U] also: north-west északnyugat
The wind is coming from the northwest.
point noun /pɔɪnt/ 9 az iránytű fokjelzése [C]
the points of the compass
south noun /saʊθ/ [U] also: South dél (égtáj)
The best beaches are in the south (of the island).
We usually spend our holidays in the South of France.
Canberra is/lies to the south of Sydney.
southeast noun /ˌsaʊθˈiːst/ [U] also: south-east délkelet
We live in the southeast.
southwest noun /ˌsaʊθˈwest/ [U] also: south-west délnyugat
The wind was coming from the southwest.
west noun /west/ [U] also: West nyugat (égtáj)
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
east adjective /iːst/ also: East keleti, kelet-
New York is east of Chicago.
I don't know the east coast well.
eastern adjective /ˈiː.stən/ [always before noun] also: Eastern 1 kelet-, keleti
The eastern part of the country is very mountainous.
north adjective /nɔːθ/ also: North észak-, északi
North America/Africa
the north coast of Iceland
northeast adjective /ˌnɔːθˈiːst/ also: north-east északkelet-, északkeleti
I don't really know the northeast part of the country.
northern adjective /ˈnɔː.ðən/ also: Northern észak-, északi
northern Europe
the Northern Hemisphere
northwest adjective /ˌnɔːθˈwest/ also: north-west északnyugat-, északnyugati
We climbed the northwest face of the mountain.
south adjective /saʊθ/ also: South dél-, déli; délen fekvő; délre néző
South Africa
the South China Sea
These plants grow well on a south-facing wall.
southeast adjective /ˌsaʊθˈiːst/ also: south-east délkelet-, délkeleti
Kent is in the southeast corner of England.
southern adjective /ˈsʌð.ən/ also: Southern déli, délvidéki; dél-
a southern route
the Southern Hemisphere
southwest adjective /ˌsaʊθˈwest/ also: south-west délnyugat-, délnyugati
I come from the southwest part of the country.
west adjective /west/ also: West nyugat-, nyugati

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1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
the west coast of Ireland
They come from west London.
western adjective /ˈwes.tən/ also: Western 1 nyugat-, nyugati, nyugaton fekvő
western Europe
California and other western states
east adverb /iːst/ also: East keletre
They sailed further east.
north adverb /nɔːθ/ also: North északra, észak felé
The road leads north.
south adverb /saʊθ/ also: South délen, dél felé, délre vmitől
The Mississippi river flows south.
They drove south towards the coast.
west adverb /west/ also: West nyugatra, nyugaton
We travelled west.
They live in a village four miles west of Oxford.
Phrases and idioms:
the east keleti rész (pl. országé)
Her home is in the east of France.
Most of the country, except the east, is rural.
the north északi rész
They live in the north of the country.
Most of the country will be dry tomorrow, but the north will have some rain.
the south dél- (ország, város, stb. déli része)
We live in the south of the city.
the west nyugati rész
We live in the west of the city.
Most of the country will be dry tomorrow, but the west will have some rain.

2. Víz, szárazföld (51)

1. Szárazföld, domborzat (23)
erode verb /ɪˈrəʊd/ 1 kimar, kiváj, lepusztít, erodál (erózió) (partot, sziklát, talajt, stb.) [I or
The coastline is slowly being eroded by the sea.
cave noun /keɪv/ [C] barlang
The area is also home to one of the largest underground cave and lake systems in Latin
cliff noun /klɪf/ [C] sziklaszirt, parti sziklafal
Keep well away from the edge of the cliff.
the cliff edge
continent noun /ˈkɒn.tɪ.nənt/ [C] kontinens
the North American continent
Asia and Africa are the two biggest continents.
desert noun /ˈdez.ət/ [C or U] sivatag
the Sahara Desert
They were lost in the desert for nine days.
erosion noun /ɪˈrəʊ.ʒən/ [U] 1 erózió (természetben) (pl. talajerózió)
soil/coastal erosion
hill noun /hɪl/ [C] domb, (kisebb) hegy
We walked up/down the hill to the village.
They climbed the hill to get a better view.

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1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
Their house is on the top of a hill.
island noun /ˈaɪ.lənd/ [C] sziget
a desert island
a Pacific island
They live on the large Japanese island of Hokkaido.
land noun /lænd/ 2 szárazföld [U]
In the distance the crew sighted land.
The treaty has led to a dramatic reduction in the number of land-based missiles in Europe.
mountain noun /ˈmaʊn.tɪn/ [C] 1 hegy
The Matterhorn is one of the biggest mountains in Europe.
The Rockies are a mountain range in the western USA.
I'd love to go mountain-climbing.
peak noun /piːk/ [C] 1 csúcs, hegycsúcs
snow-covered peaks
It is one of the most difficult peaks to climb.
range noun /reɪndʒ/ 3 hegylánc [C]
The country is divided by a huge mountain range.
rock noun /rɒk/ 2 szikla; kőzet [C or U]
a layer of rock
Mountains and cliffs are formed from rock.
The boat struck a rock outside the bay and sank.
We climbed over the rocks and reached the sea.
slope noun /sləʊp/ [C] lejtő; lejtés
There's a steep slope to climb before we're at the top.
a mountain/ski slope
summit noun /ˈsʌm.ɪt/ [C] 1 hegycsúcs
They reached the summit at noon.
valley noun /ˈvæl.i/ [C] völgy
the Nile Valley
the Thames valley
There was snow on the hill tops but not in the valley.
volcano noun /vɒlˈkeɪ.nəʊ/ [C] plural: volcanoes or volcanos vulkán, tűzhányó
an extinct/active volcano
An active volcano may erupt at any time.
wilderness noun /ˈwɪl.də.nəs/ [C] vadon, pusztaság; érintetlen táj
a beautiful mountain wilderness
continental adjective /ˌkɒn.tɪˈnen.təl/ kontinentális
the continental US
rocky adjective /ˈrɒk.i/ 1 sziklás, köves
a rocky beach
sandy adjective /ˈsænd.i/ homokos (pl. tengerpart)
a sandy beach
Phrases and idioms:
down under Ausztrália; Ausztráliában
She was born in Scotland, but she's been living down under for 22 years.
the bush erdős-bozótos terület (pl. Ausztráliában, Afrikában)
He spent weeks wandering in the bush.

2. Tenger, tavak, folyók (28)

bank noun /bæŋk/ [C] 2 folyópart, csatornapart

Oldal 5 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
By the time we reached the opposite bank, the boat was sinking fast.
These flowers generally grow on river banks and near streams.
bay noun /beɪ/ [C] öböl
Dublin Bay
the Bay of Naples
beach noun /biːtʃ/ [C] (homokos/kavicsos) tengerpart
We spent the day on the beach.
a beach café
a beach towel
bed noun /bed/ 2 -ágy, -meder, -fenék (folyó-, tenger-, stb.) [C]
the sea bed
bottom noun /ˈbɒt.əm/ 4 tenger/tó/folyó fenék, alja [no plural]
The ship had sunk to the bottom of the sea.
canal noun /kəˈnæl/ [C] csatorna (mesterséges folyó)
The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific
coast noun /kəʊst/ [C] tengerpart
Rimini is a thriving holiday resort on the east coast of Italy.
The accident happened three miles off the coast.
We spent a week by/on the coast.
coastline noun /ˈkəʊst.laɪn/ [C or U] partvidék, tengerpart
a rocky coastline
iceberg noun /ˈaɪs.bɜːɡ/ [C] jéghegy
The ship hit an iceberg.
lake noun /leɪk/ [C] tó
We used to go boating on that lake.
Lake Windermere
ocean noun /ˈəʊ.ʃən/ [no plural] óceán
to swim in the ocean
It's an island in the middle of the ocean.
These mysterious creatures live at the bottom of the ocean.
pond noun /pɒnd/ [C] tavacska (természetes/mesterséges)
a duck pond
river noun /ˈrɪv.ər/ [C] folyó
the River Thames
Two major rivers flow through the town.
We sailed slowly down/up the river.
sea noun /siː/ [C or U] tenger
the Mediterranean Sea
We went swimming in the sea.
The sea was calm/smooth/rough when we crossed the Channel.
The refugees were at sea for forty days before reaching land.
When we moved to the US, we sent our things by sea.
We spent a lovely week by the sea this year.
shore noun /ʃɔːr/ [C or U] tengerpart; tópart
You can walk for miles along the shore.
The boat was about a mile from/off (the) shore when the engine suddenly died.
spring noun /sprɪŋ/ 2 forrás, vízforrás (a földből feltörő) [C]
hot springs
stream noun /striːm/ [C] patak

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a mountain stream
underground streams
A little stream flows through their garden.
the seaside noun /ˈsiː.saɪd/ tengerpart, tengermellék
We had a picnic at the seaside.
tide noun /taɪd/ [C] árapály
high/low tide
The tide is out/in.
water noun /ˈwɔː.tər/ [U] 2 víz, vízfelület (medence, tó, tenger, stb. vize)
The water's much warmer today - are you coming for a swim?
Dad, I swam a whole length of the pool under water!
waterfall noun /ˈwɔː.tə.fɔːl/ [C] vízesés
A waterfall rushed straight into a lake.
wave noun /weɪv/ [C] 1 hullám (vízen)
At night, I listened to the sound of the waves breaking/crashing against the shore.
coastal adjective /ˈkəʊ.stəl/ tengerparti
a coastal town
deep adjective /diːp/ 1 mély (tó, folyó, stb.)
a deep river/sea/lake
The water's not deep here - look, I can touch the bottom.
The water's only ankle-/knee-/waist-deep, so we'll be able to get across the river easily.
overseas adjective, adverb /ˌəʊ.vəˈsiːz/ tengeren túli; tengeren túl/túlra
We need to open up the overseas markets.
There are a lot of overseas students in Cambridge.
Many more people work overseas these days.
shallow adjective /ˈʃæl.əʊ/ 1 sekély; lapos (nem mély) (pl. víz, edény, stb.)
The stream was quite shallow so we were able to walk across it.
She told her children to stay in the shallow end (of the swimming pool).
Fry the onions in a shallow pan.
Phrases and idioms:
fresh water édesvíz
These fish live in fresh water.
mouth of a river folyótorkolat
It is a small village, by the mouth of a river.

3. Élővilág, állatok (124)

1. Élővilág (26)
breed verb /briːd/ *(bred, bred) tenyészt (állatot, növényt); szaporodik (állat) [T]
His main income comes from breeding cattle.
reproduce verb /ˌriːprəˈdjuːs/ 3 szaporodik (élőlény)
These organisms reproduce by dividing.
animal noun /ˈæn.ɪ.məl/ [C] 2 állat (élőlények a növényeket kivéve)
Are humans the only animals to use language?
breed noun /briːd/ [C] (állat) fajta
This rare breed of sheep is particularly good for wool.
What's your favourite breed of dog/dog breed?
cell noun /sel/ [C] 1 sejt (élőlényé)
brain/blood cells
cancer cells
creature noun /ˈkriː.tʃər/ [C] teremtmény, élőlény

Oldal 7 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
Rain forests are filled with amazing creatures.
Don't all living creatures have certain rights?
Blue whales are the largest living creatures.
DNA noun /ˌdiː.enˈeɪ/ [U] dezoxiribonukleinsav (DNS)
DNA evidence led to her arrest.
evolution noun /ˌiː.vəˈluː.ʃən/ [U] 1 törzsfejlődés, evolúció
the evolution of mammals
the theory of evolution
gene noun /dʒiːn/ [C] gén
Scientists have discovered the gene responsible for causing this disease.
germ noun /dʒɜːm/ baktérium, vírus
Wash your hands before cooking so that you don't spread germs.
habitat noun /ˈhæb.ɪ.tæt/ [C] (természetes) környezet, élettér (állaté, növényé)
We want to see lions in their natural habitat.
life noun /laɪf/ plural: lives 2 élet (minden élő dolog) [U]
human/plant life
nature noun /ˈneɪ.tʃər/ 1 természet (növény- és állatvilág) [U]
her love of nature
This new technique of artificially growing cells copies what actually happens in nature.
a nature article/book/programme
population noun /ˌpɒp.jʊˈleɪ.ʃən/ 2 populáció (ember/állat) (az egyedek összessége) [C +
singular or plural verb]
a 9% rise in the prison population
The dolphin population has been seriously affected by tuna fishing.
protein noun /ˈprəʊ.tiːn/ [U] fehérje, protein
Nuts and fish both contain protein.
reproduction noun /ˌriː.prəˈdʌk.ʃən/ 2 szaporodás (élőlényé)
We are learning about reproduction in biology.
species noun /ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ [C] plural: species faj (állat-, növény-)
a conservation area for endangered species
Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.
wildlife noun /ˈwaɪld.laɪf/ [U] vadvilág
a documentary on Peruvian wildlife
wildlife groups/conservation
endangered adjective /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒəd/ kipusztulással fenyegetett, veszélyeztetett (állatok,
Tigers are now an endangered species.
genetic adjective /dʒəˈnet.ɪk/ genetikai
a rare genetic disorder
genetic research
genetically modified adjective /dʒəˌnet.ɪ.kliˈmɒd.ɪˌfaɪd/ génkezelt, genetikailag módosított
They are opposed to genetically modified food.
native adjective /ˈneɪ.tɪv/ [always before noun] 3 honos, őshonos (növény, állat)
a large bird native to Europe
wild adjective /waɪld/ 1 vad (vadon termő/élő) (növény, állat)
a wild dog
wild flowers
on preposition /ɒn/ 13 -on, -en, -ön, -val, -vel (él vmin, működik vmivel)
What do frogs live on?
Does this radio run on batteries?

Oldal 8 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
Phrasal verbs:
die out /daɪ/ kihal, kipusztul (faj, család); kihal, megszűnik (szokás)
Dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago.
Phrases and idioms:
the animal/plant kingdom állatvilág/növényvilág
The monarch butterfly is one of the most beautiful creatures in the animal kingdom.

2. Állatok (24)
bark verb /bɑːk/ 1 ugat (kutya) [I]
They heard a dog barking outside.
go verb /gəʊ/ *(going, went, gone) 8 vmilyen hangot ad, mozog vhogy (pl. állat) [I or T]
A cat goes 'Miaow'.
"Your dog's behaving oddly!" - "He goes like that when he wants some food."
hop verb /hɒp/ [I] (-pp-) 3 ugrál, ugrándozik, szökdécsel (madár, rovar, állat)
Rabbits were hopping across the field.
hunt verb /hʌnt/ [I or T] 1 vadászik (állatra) (!)
Some animals hunt at night.
Cats like to hunt mice and birds.
roar verb /rɔːr/ 1 üvölt, bőg (oroszlán, bika, stb.); zúg, elzúg, elrobog
We could hear a lion roaring on the other side of the zoo.
She roared with laughter.
animal noun /ˈæn.ɪ.məl/ [C] 1 állat
wild/domestic animals
She's a real animal lover.
baby noun /ˈbeɪ.bi/ [C] 2 állatkölyök
a baby elephant/monkey
cage noun /keɪdʒ/ [C] ketrec, kalitka (pl. madárnak, állatnak)
It took about 10 minutes to get the mouse into her cage.
collar noun /ˈkɒl.ər/ [C] 2 nyakörv (pl. kutyáé)
a dog collar
I grabbed the dog by its collar and dragged it out of the room.
cry noun /kraɪ/ [C] 2 állatkiáltás (madár és állathangok)
an eagle's cry
fur noun /fɜːr/ [U] (állati) szőr, szőrzet; szőrme, prém
She stroked the rabbit's soft fur.
horn noun /hɔːn/ [C] 2 szarv (marháé, kecskéé, stb.)
These cows have curved horns.
master noun /ˈmɑː.stər/ [C] 1 gazda (pl. kutyáé)
With careful training, a dog will obey its master completely.
monster noun /ˈmɒnt.stər/ [C] 1 szörny, szörnyeteg
a sea monster
pack noun /pæk/ [C] 2 falka (pl. kutya-, farkas-)
a pack of wolves
paw noun /pɔː/ [C] mancs (kutyáé, macskáé, medvéé, stb.)
I found paw prints in the kitchen.
predator noun /ˈpred.ə.tər/ [C] ragadozó állat
These animals have remarkably few predators.
prey noun /preɪ/ [U] zsákmány, préda (ragadozóé)
Spiders usually catch their prey by building webs.
roar noun /rɔːr/ [C] üvöltés; morajlás, zúgás

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1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
a lion's roar
the roar of a jet engine
tail noun /teɪl/ [C] farok (állaté)
The male has beautiful tail feathers.
track noun /træk/ 5 nyom (emberé, állaté, járműé) [C usually plural]
Police found tyre tracks in the mud.
The hunters followed the tracks of the deer for hours.
The burglars were careful not to leave any tracks behind them.
trap noun /træp/ [C] 1 csapda, kelepce (az elfogásához vminek)
a mouse trap
The fox got its foot caught in a trap.
adult adjective /ˈæd.ʌlt/ [always before noun] 2 felnőtt (teljesen kifejlődött)
an adult male rat
poisonous adjective /ˈpɔɪ.zən.əs/ 2 mérges- (méreggel védekező/támadó) (állat)
a poisonous snake

3. Háziállatok (18)
bull noun /bʊl/ [C] bika; hím (elefánt, bálna, stb.)
They did not see the sign by the gate saying 'Beware of the bull'.
calf noun /kɑ:f/ [C] plural: calves 1 borjú
There were some calves in the field.
cat noun /kæt/ [C] macska
I saw that orange cat today.
cattle noun /ˈkæt.l̩ / [plural] szarvasmarha
beef/dairy cattle
chicken noun /ˈtʃɪk.ɪn/ 1 csirke (állat) [C]
They keep chickens in the back yard.
cow noun /kaʊ/ [C] tehén
a dairy cow
dog noun /dɒg/ [C] kutya
my pet dog
wild dogs
dog food
We could hear dogs barking in the distance.
donkey noun /ˈdɒŋ.ki/ [C] szamár
The donkey struggled with its heavy burden.
duck noun /dʌk/ [C] kacsa
We took some bread to feed the ducks.
goat noun /gəʊt/ [C] kecske
goat's milk/cheese
horse noun /hɔːs/ [C] ló
to ride a horse
a horse and cart
kitten noun /ˈkɪt.ən/ [C] kiscica, kismacska, macskakölyök
Our cat's had two kittens.
lamb noun /læm/ [C or U] bárány; bárányhús
We were staying on a farm where there were lambs.
roast lamb
pet noun /pet/ [C] kedvtelésből tartott kisállat (kutya, macska, stb.)
my pet rabbit

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1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
pet food
pig noun /pɪg/ [C] disznó, sertés
The meat produced from a pig is called pork, bacon or ham.
a pig farm
pony noun /ˈpəʊ.ni/ [C] póni, póniló
I have a pony.
puppy noun /ˈpʌp.i/ [C] kölyökkutya
a six-month-old puppy
sheep noun /ʃiːp/ [C] plural: sheep birka
This cheese is made from sheep's milk.
The farmer has several long-haired sheep.

4. Emlősök (22)
bat noun /bæt/ [C] 2 denevér
Bats are present throughout most of the world.
bear noun /beər/ [C] medve
a brown/black bear
camel noun /ˈkæm.əl/ [C] teve
Have you ever ridden a camel?
deer noun /dɪər/ [C] plural: deer szarvas
a deer park
dolphin noun /ˈdɒl.fɪn/ [C] delfin
They swam with dolphins on holiday.
elephant noun /ˈel.ɪ.fənt/ [C] elefánt
a herd of African elephants
fox noun /fɒks/ [C] róka
A fox came in the night and killed the chickens.
giraffe noun /dʒɪˈrɑːf/ [C] plural: giraffes zsiráf
Giraffes are the tallest land animals.
kangaroo noun /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/ [C] kenguru
Kangaroos are a danger on the roads.
leopard noun /ˈlep.əd/ [C] párduc, leopárd
We saw leopards in their natural habitat.
lion noun /ˈlaɪ.ən/ [C] oroszlán
The lions came down to the water hole at sunset.
mammal noun /ˈmæm.əl/ [C] emlős
Dolphins and other sea mammals are being harmed by waste in the oceans.
monkey noun /ˈmʌŋ.ki/ [C] majom
Of all the animals at the zoo he liked the monkeys best.
mouse noun /maʊs/ [C] plural: mice 2 egér (állat)
a field mouse
a pet mouse
polar bear noun /ˌpəʊl.əˈber/ [C] jegesmedve
Polar bears can be very dangerous.
rabbit noun /ˈræb.ɪt/ [C] nyúl
She has a pet rabbit.
rat noun /ræt/ [C] patkány
Rats carry disease.
seal noun /siːl/ [C] fóka
We could see seals swimming near the coast.

Oldal 11 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
tiger noun /ˈtaɪ.gər/ [C] tigris
The zoo has several tigers.
whale noun /weɪl/ [C] bálna
a grey/blue/killer whale
wolf noun /wʊlf/ [C] plural: wolves farkas
Wolves hunt in groups known as packs.
We could hear wolves howling in the distance.
zebra noun /ˈzeb.rə/ [C] zebra (állat)
We saw a zebra in the distance.

5. Madarak (13)
nest verb /nest/ [I] fészkel
There are birds nesting under the roof.
beak noun /biːk/ [C] csőr (madáré)
It carried a huge stick in its beak.
bird noun /bɜːd/ [C] madár
caged/wild birds
sea birds
Most birds lay eggs in the spring.
eagle noun /ˈiː.gl̩ / [C] sas
Somewhere in the distance an eagle screamed.
egg noun /eg/ 2 tojás, madártojás, pete [C]
a hen's egg
feather noun /ˈfeð.ər/ [C] toll, madártoll
a feather pillow
nest noun /nest/ [C] fészek (madáré, darázsé, stb.)
a birds'/wasps' nest
owl noun /aʊl/ [C] bagoly
Owls hunt small mammals at night.
parrot noun /ˈpær.ət/ [C] papagáj
We saw parrots flying wild in the jungle.
penguin noun /ˈpeŋ.gwɪn/ [C] pingvin
A row of penguins stood at the water's edge.
swan noun /swɒn/ [C] hattyú
Swans live on or near water.
wing noun /wɪŋ/ [C] 1 szárny (madáré, rovaré)
wing feathers
Phrases and idioms:
lay eggs tojást rak
The hens have laid a lot of eggs this week.

6. Halak, hüllők (8)

coral noun /ˈkɒr.əl/ [U] korall
coral islands
a coral necklace
crocodile noun /ˈkrɒk.ə.daɪl/ [C] krokodil
Hunted extensively for their skins, large crocodiles are becoming increasingly rare.
dinosaur noun /ˈdaɪ.nə.sɔːr/ [C] dinoszaurusz, őshüllő
So why did the dinosaurs die out?
fish noun /fɪʃ/ plural: fish or fishes 1 hal (állat) [C]

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1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
Several large fish live in the pond.
Sanjay caught the biggest fish I've ever seen.
frog noun /frɒg/ [C] béka
The frogs down at the lake were making a lot of noise.
reptile noun /ˈrep.taɪl/ [C] hüllő
Tom liked the reptiles, especially the snakes.
shark noun /ʃɑːk/ [C] cápa
a great white shark
The movie 'Jaws' is about a man-eating shark.
snake noun /sneɪk/ [C] kígyó
He's terrified of being bitten by a snake.
a snake bite

7. Rovarok (13)
crawl verb /krɔːl/ [I] 2 mászik (pl. rovar)
There's an ant crawling up your leg.
ant noun /ænt/ [C] hangya
There were ants crawling all over the ground.
bee noun /biː/ [C] méh
Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps.
bug noun /bʌg/ [C] 1 rovar, bogár; poloska
He'd found a bug in his bed.
butterfly noun /ˈbʌt.ə.flaɪ/ [C] lepke, pillangó
A butterfly landed on her sleeve for a moment.
cricket noun /ˈkrɪk.ɪt/ 2 tücsök (rovar) [C]
We could hear the crickets in the grass.
fly noun /flaɪ/ [C] légy
There were a lot of flies around.
insect noun /ˈɪn.sekt/ [C] rovar
Ants, butterflies and flies are all insects.
I've got some sort of insect bite on my leg.
mosquito noun /mɒˈski:.təʊ/ [C] plural: mosquitoes szúnyog, moszkitó
mosquito bites
spider noun /ˈspaɪ.dər/ [C] pók (rovar) (!)
a spider's web
wasp noun /wɒsp/ [C] darázs
There's a wasps' nest in that old tree.
web noun /web/ [C] háló (póké)
a spider's web
worm noun /wɜːm/ [C] féreg; kukac, giliszta
Blackbirds eat worms, insects, and berries.

4. Növények (31)
1. Növényzet (21)
bark noun /bɑːk/ [U] fakéreg
The bark of this tree is white.
branch noun /brɑːntʃ/ [C] 1 ág, faág
Birds often make nests in the top branches of the tree.
bush noun /bʊʃ/ [C] bokor
a rose bush
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1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
flower noun /ˈflaʊ.ər/ [C] virág
wild flowers
to pick/cut flowers
a bunch of flowers
forest noun /ˈfɒr.ɪst/ [C or U] erdő
the Black Forest
The children got lost in the forest.
grass noun /grɑːs/ [U] fű
I've cut the grass.
We lay on the grass in the sunshine.
jungle noun /ˈdʒʌŋ.gl̩ / [C or U] dzsungel, őserdő
The Yanomami people live in the South American jungle.
Either side of the river is dense jungle.
leaf noun /liːf/ [C] plural: leaves levél (növényé), falevél
a lettuce leaf
autumn leaves
He was sweeping up leaves in his garden.
plant noun /plɑːnt/ [C] növény
garden/indoor plants
native plants and animals
a tomato plant
rainforest noun /ˈreɪn.fɒr.ɪst/ [C or U] esőerdő
a tropical rainforest
root noun /ruːt/ [C] gyökér
These plants have really deep roots.
seed noun /siːd/ mag, vetőmag, virágmag [C]
Sow the seeds about 3 cm deep.
These vegetables can be grown from seed.
shell noun /ʃel/ [C or U] héj (dióé, tojásé, stb.); ház (csigáé); kagyló; páncél (ráké); teknő
Brazil nuts have very hard shells.
A piece of shell fell into the cake mixture.
the shell of a crab
a shell necklace
straw noun /strɔː/ 1 szalma; szalmaszál [U]
a straw basket/hat
straw-coloured hair
tree noun /triː/ [C] (élő) fa
an apple tree
We sat under a tree for shade.
trunk noun /trʌŋk/ [C] fatörzs
The trunks of these trees can be more than two metres wide.
vegetation noun /ˌvedʒ.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ [U] növényzet
The hills are covered in green vegetation.
Desert areas have little vegetation.
weed noun /wiːd/ [C] gyom; hínár
Keep the seedlings clear of weeds.
wood noun /wʊd/ 2 erdő [C] also: woods
an oak wood
We went for a walk in the woods after lunch.

Oldal 14 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
woodland noun /ˈwʊd.lənd/ [C or U] erdőség, erdős vidék
A lot of the area is woodland.
green adjective /griːn/ 2 zöld (füves, erdős)
green spaces

2. Növényfajták (10)
cereal noun /ˈsɪə.ri.əl/ [C or U] 2 gabona, gabonafélék
cereal crops
corn noun /kɔːn/ [U] gabona
fields of corn
grain noun /greɪn/ 1 gabona; gabonaszem
grains of wheat/rice
oak noun /əʊk/ [C or U] tölgy, tölgyfa (élő fa/faanyag)
an oak table/cupboard
palm noun /pɑːm/ [C] 1 pálma, pálmafa
They sat beneath a palm tree.
pine noun /paɪn/ [C or U] also: pine tree fenyő, fenyőfa (élő/faanyag)
a pine forest
rose noun /rəʊz/ [C] rózsa (növény)
a rose bush
She sent him a bunch of red roses.
tobacco noun /təˈbæk.əʊ/ [U] dohány (növény/szárított levél)
Twenty-eight per cent of people asked thought that the advertising of tobacco and alcohol
should be banned.
vine noun /vaɪn/ [C] szőlő, szőlőtő (növény)
The wall was covered in a vine.
wheat noun /wiːt/ [U] búza
wheat fields
Wheat is an important crop for millions of people across the world.

5. Időjárás, klíma (78)

1. Időjárás, meleg, napsütés (23)
break verb /breɪk/ *(broke, broken) 7 megváltozik (időjárás) [I]
The weather is due to break at the weekend.
climate noun /ˈklaɪ.mɪt/ 1 éghajlat, klíma [C or U]
a hot/dry/cold/wet climate
They wanted to move to a warmer climate.
climate change noun /ˈklaɪ.mɪtˌtʃeɪndʒ/ [U] klímaváltozás (a Föld klímaváltozása)
Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing the world today.
drought noun /draʊt/ [C or U] szárazság, aszály
A severe drought ruined the crops.
global warming noun /ˌgləʊ.bəlˈwɔːr.mɪŋ/ [U] globális felmelegedés
Very few people now deny that global warming is caused by CO2 emissions.
heat noun /hiːt/ [U] hő, hőség, meleg; hőfok
the heat of the sun/fire
How do you manage to work in this heat without air conditioning?
She always wore a coat, even in the heat of summer.
Cook the meat on a high/low heat.
warmth noun /wɔːmθ/ [U] 1 melegség (napé, tűzé, stb.)
I've put a T-shirt on under my sweater for extra warmth.
Oldal 15 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
weather noun /ˈweð.ər/ [U] idő, időjárás
bad/good/cold/dry/hot/stormy/warm/wet weather
The weather in the hills can change very quickly, so take suitable clothing.
We're going to have a picnic, weather permitting.
weather forecast noun /ˈweð.əˌfɔːr.kɑːst/ [C] időjárás-előrejelzés, időjárás-jelentés
Have you heard the weather forecast for tomorrow?
arid adjective /ˈær.ɪd/ nagyon száraz (éghajlat, talaj)
an arid region/climate
boiling adjective /ˈbɔɪ.lɪŋ/ (informal) forró (hőség/forróság van vhol) (szobában, odakint,
It's boiling in this room!
It's boiling hot outside.
calm adjective /kɑːm/ 2 sima, nyugodt, csendes (időjárás, tenger, tó)
calm seas
The weather was calmer the next morning so we set sail.
There was no rain that day and the sea was calm.
clear adjective /klɪər/ 3 világos, tiszta (nem felhős)
clear blue skies
dry adjective /draɪ/ (drier, driest or dryer, dryest) 2 száraz (nincs eső)
a dry summer
fine adjective /faɪn/ 3 jó/szép idő
If it's fine tomorrow, we could have a picnic.
fresh adjective /freʃ/ 3 friss, üde, üdítő (pl. levegő, illat, stb.)
a fresh smell/breeze
hot adjective /hɒt/ (hotter, hottest) 1 forró
a hot sunny day
hot weather
a hot drink/meal
It's too hot in here, can we turn down the heating?
Bake the cake in a hot oven, about 220°C, for 30 minutes.
mild adjective /maɪld/ 1 enyhe (időjárás)
We've had a mild winter this year.
still adjective /stɪl/ 3 nyugodt, csendes, mozdulatlan (víz, levegő, stb.)
She dived into the still water of the lake.
The air was so still that not even the leaves on the trees were moving.
sunny adjective /ˈsʌn.i/ napos, napfényes
We're having the party in the garden, so I'm praying it'll be sunny.
It was a lovely sunny day.
tropical adjective /ˈtrɒp.ɪ.kəl/ trópusi, forró égövi
a tropical island/region/climate
a tropical storm
She specialises in tropical medicine.
The Amazon river basin contains the world's largest tropical rainforest.
warm adjective /wɔːm/ 1 meleg (hőmérséklet)
Are you warm enough or do you want the fire on?
I've got my hands in my pockets to keep them warm.
Phrasal verbs:
clear up /klɪər/ kitisztul (az idő)
I hope the weather clears up before this afternoon.

Oldal 16 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
2. Köd, eső (19)
hail verb /heɪl/ 2 jégeső esik
It was hailing.
pour verb /pɔːr/ 2 ömlik; zuhog (eső) [I]
We can't go out in this weather - it's pouring!
cloud noun /klaʊd/ 1 felhő (az égen) [C or U]
Do you think those are rain clouds on the horizon?
The sky was a perfect blue - not a cloud in sight.
Dark clouds massed on the horizon.
fog noun /fɒg/ [C or U] köd
Thick/Heavy fog has made driving conditions dangerous.
It took several hours for the fog to clear/lift.
hail noun /heɪl/ [U] jégeső
Hail was drumming against the windows.
mist noun /mɪst/ [C or U] köd, pára
The early-morning mist soon lifted/cleared.
The mountain villages seem to be permanently covered in mist.
rain noun /reɪn/ [U] eső
heavy/light rain
We had to walk home in the rain.
Rain is forecast for tomorrow.
We got caught in pouring/torrential rain.
rainbow noun /ˈreɪn.bəʊ/ [C] szivárvány
all the colours of the rainbow
We could see a rainbow.
shower noun /ʃaʊər/ [C] 3 zápor
You're soaked! Did you get caught in the shower?
There will be thundery/wintry showers over many parts of the country.
thunderstorm noun /ˈθʌn.dəˌstɔːm/ [C] zivatar
We sheltered in the barn during the thunderstorm.
cloudy adjective /ˈklaʊd.i/ felhős (égbolt)
This morning was lovely but it's quite cloudy out there now.
foggy adjective /ˈfɒg.i/ ködös
a foggy day
grey adjective /greɪ/ 2 szürke, borús (idő)
a cold, grey morning
humid adjective /ˈhjuː.mɪd/ nyirkos, párás (pl. levegő, időjárás)
It's very humid today.
misty adjective /ˈmɪs.ti/ ködös, párás
a cold and misty morning
rainy adjective /ˈreɪn.i/ esős
a rainy afternoon
torrential adjective /təˈren.ʃəl/ szakadó, ömlő, zuhogó (eső)
The rain was absolutely torrential.
wet adjective /wet/ (wetter, wettest) 2 esős, nyirkos (időjárás)
We've had wet weather all week.
This is the first wet day for two months.
The presentation will take place indoors if it's wet.
Phrases and idioms:
it rains/it is raining esik (az eső)

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It's starting to rain.
It rained hard/heavily all night.
It was raining all weekend.

3. Szél, vihar (16)

blow verb /bləʊ/ *(blew, blown) 1 fúj (szél) [I]
The wind was blowing harder every minute.
break verb /breɪk/ *(broke, broken) 6 kitör (pl. vihar) [I]
The storm broke just as we reached home.
breeze noun /briːz/ [C] szellő
a cool breeze
She let the gentle breeze cool her face.
lightning noun /ˈlaɪt.nɪŋ/ [U] villám, villámlás
thunder and lightning
a flash of lightning
That tree was struck by lightning.
She changed her clothes with lightning speed.
storm noun /stɔːm/ [C] vihar
A lot of trees were blown down in the recent storms.
They're still clearing up the storm damage.
thunder noun /ˈθʌn.dər/ [U] mennydörgés
thunder and lightning
tornado noun /tɔːˈneɪd.əʊ/ [C] plural: tornados or tornadoes forgószél, tornádó
A tornado had swept through the north of the state, causing terrible destruction.
wind noun /wɪnd/ [C or U] szél
There isn't enough wind to fly a kite.
The weather forecast warned of strong/high winds and rain for today.
There was a light/gentle wind blowing.
There wasn't a breath of wind.
The wind is beginning to pick up.
fierce adjective /fɪəs/ 2 heves, vad (erős, hatalmas) (vihar, tűzvész, stb.)
a fierce wind
The government's policies came under fierce attack.
Fire fighters had to retreat from the fierce heat.
rough adjective /rʌf/ 3 durva, viharos (időjárás, tenger)
The boat sank in rough seas off the Swedish coast.
stormy adjective /ˈstɔː.mi/ 1 viharos (időjárás)
a stormy night
stormy seas
wild adjective /waɪld/ 4 vad, viharos (időjárás)
a wild and stormy night
windy adjective /ˈwɪn.di/ szeles (időjárás)
It was a windy night.
It was wet and windy for most of the week.
Phrasal verbs:
blow away ↔ (sth) /bləʊ/ elfúj vmit (elhord, elvisz) (a szél)
The letter blew away and I had to run after it.
The wind blew the balloon away and we watched it disappear.
blow down ↔ (sth) /bləʊ/ ledönt, kidönt, lever (a szél)
Two huge trees had blown down in the storm.

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The wind blew our fence down last night.
Phrases and idioms:
a clap of thunder mennydörgés
We heard a clap of thunder.

4. Hideg, fagy (20)

freeze verb /friːz/ *(froze, frozen) 1 fagy, megfagy, befagy; fagyaszt, megfagyaszt,
befagyaszt [I or T]
Water freezes at a temperature of 0°C.
The ground had frozen hard/solid.
When the lake freezes (over), we can go skating on it.
snow verb /snəʊ/ [I] havazik, esik a hó
It's snowing.
It's starting to snow.
It had snowed overnight and a thick white layer covered the ground.
chill noun /tʃɪl/ 1 csípős hideg [no plural]
There's a definite chill in the air.
coldness noun /ˈkəʊld.nəs/ [U] 1 hidegség (hőmérséklet)
I was distracted by the coldness of my feet.
coolness noun /ˈkuːl.nəs/ [U] 1 hűvösség (hőmérséklet)
the coolness of the breeze
frost noun /frɒst/ [C or U] fagy; dér, zúzmara
When I woke up this morning the ground was covered with frost.
There was a frost last night.
There were a lot of hard frosts that winter.
snow noun /snəʊ/ [U] hó
Outside the snow began to fall.
Let's go and play in the snow!
A blanket of snow lay on the ground.
Her hair was jet-black, her lips ruby-red and her skin as white as snow.
zero number /ˈzɪə.rəʊ/ plural: zeros or zeroes 2 nulla fok, fagypont
The temperature is expected to drop to ten degrees below zero tonight.
bitter adjective /ˈbɪt.ər/ 5 kegyetlen hideg, metsző (pl. szél)
a bitter wind
bleak adjective /bliːk/ 2 zord (időjárás), kietlen, kopár, sivár (hely)
a bleak landscape
chilly adjective /ˈtʃɪl.i/ fagyos (kellemetlenül hideg, pl. idő)
a chilly evening
cold adjective /kəʊld/ 1 hideg (hőmérséklet)
cold weather
a cold day
cold food/water
cold hands
My feet are so cold.
It's freezing cold today.
cool adjective /kuːl/ 2 hűvös, hűsítő
cool water
a nice cool breeze
crisp adjective /krɪsp/ 2 friss, csípős (levegő/időjárás)
a crisp autumn day

Oldal 19 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás
freezing adjective /ˈfriː.zɪŋ/ dermesztő hideg
It's absolutely freezing in here - can I close the window?
They survived for four hours in the freezing water.
After walking through the snow, my feet were freezing.
frozen adjective /ˈfrəʊ.zən/ 2 befagyott (víz)
They skated over the frozen lake.
harsh adjective /hɑːʃ/ 1 kemény, durva, zord (pl. időjárás, körülmények, stb.)
harsh conditions
icy adjective /ˈaɪ.si/ 1 jeges (jéggel borított)
icy roads
icy adjective /ˈaɪ.si/ 2 jeges (nagyon hideg) (időjárás, szél, stb.)
an icy wind
Phrases and idioms:
the cold a hideg
Don't stand out there in the cold - come in!

Oldal 20 / 20
1. Ember, környezet – 10. Természet, időjárás

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