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Család, kapcsolatok – A1–C2 (373)

1. Család, rokonok (103)

1. Család, házasság (32)
marry verb /ˈmær.i/ [I or T] összeházasodik; megnősül, feleségül vesz; férjhez megy
Will you marry me?
They don't have any plans to marry at present.
He never married.
propose verb /prəˈpəʊz/ 2 megkéri a kezét vkinek [I]
He proposed to me on my birthday.
bride noun /braɪd/ [C] menyasszony (az esküvő napján)
He returned from New York with his lovely new bride.
The bride and groom posed for pictures outside the church.
brother noun /ˈbrʌð.ər/ [C] fivér, fiútestvér
Do you have any brothers and sisters?
Johnny is my younger/older/big/baby/little brother.
dad noun /dæd/ [C] (informal) apu
It was lovely to see your mum and dad at the school concert last night.
Can you give me a lift back from the cinema tonight, Dad?
daughter noun /ˈdɔː.tər/ [C] lánygyermek, lány, lánya (vkinek)
Liz and Phil have a daughter and three sons.
family noun /ˈfæm.əl.i/ 1 család [C or U + singular or plural verb]
A new family has/have moved in next door.
I come from a large family - I have three brothers and two sisters.
He hasn't any family.
He's American but his family come/comes from Ireland.
This film is good family entertainment.
How does family life suit you?
family noun /ˈfæm.əl.i/ 2 gyerekek (a családé) [C + singular or plural verb]
Single parents have to raise a family on their own.
Paul and Alison are hoping to start a family soon.
father noun /ˈfɑː.ðər/ [C] apa
My father took me to watch the football every Saturday.
groom noun /gruːm/ [C] (esküvő napján) vőlegény
The bride and groom were posing for pictures.
honeymoon noun /ˈhʌn.i.muːn/ [C] nászút
We went to Paris on our honeymoon.
husband noun /ˈhʌz.bənd/ [C] férj
I've never met Fiona's husband.
marriage noun /ˈmær.ɪdʒ/ [C or U] házasság; házasságkötés
They had a long and happy marriage.
She went to live abroad after the break-up of her marriage.
She has two daughters by her first marriage.
a marriage certificate
mother noun /ˈmʌð.ər/ [C] édesanya
a single mother
My mother was 21 when she got married.
My mother and father came to England in 1990.
mum noun /mʌm/ [C] anyuka (informal)
"Happy birthday, Mum!"
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All the mums and dads are invited to the school play at the end of the year.
parent noun /ˈpeə.rənt/ [C] szülő (apa/anya)
I'm going to meet Richard's parents for the first time this weekend.
proposal noun /prəˈpəʊ.zəl/ [C] 2 leánykérés, házassági ajánlat
As a young woman, she received several proposals.
sibling noun /ˈsɪb.lɪŋ/ [C] (formal) testvér
I have three siblings.
sister noun /ˈsɪs.tər/ [C] leánytestvér; húg; nővér
Sophie and Emily are sisters.
Emily is Sophie's younger/little/older/big sister.
son noun /sʌn/ [C] a fia vkinek
This is our son Raja.
We have two sons and three daughters.
spouse noun /spaʊs/ [C] (formal) házastárs
Is his spouse still living?
stepfather noun /ˈstepˌfɑːð.ər/ [C] mostohaapa, nevelőapa
His stepfather gave him a job.
stepmother noun /ˈstepˌmʌð.ər/ [C] mostohaanya, nevelőanya
My stepmother is only a few years older than me.
twin noun /twɪn/ [C] iker, ikertestvér; iker-
My sister has twin sons.
a twin sister
wedding noun /ˈwed.ɪŋ/ [C] esküvő
a wedding cake/dress/invitation/present/reception
Do you know the date of Cathy and Matthew's wedding?
It was their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last week.
wife noun /waɪf/ [C] plural: wives feleség
I met Greg's wife for the first time.
She's his third wife.
engaged adjective /ɪnˈgeɪdʒd/ 1 jegyes, jegyese vkinek
Debbie and Chris have just got engaged.
She was engaged to some guy in the army.
Phrases and idioms:
elder sister/brother/son/daughter idősebb lánytestvér/fiútestvér/fia/lánya (nővér/báty/stb.)
My elder sister is getting married.
eldest child/brother/daughter, etc. a legidősebb gyerek/fiútestvér/lánytestvér (báty, nővér)
Her eldest child is nearly 14.
get married összeházasodik; megnősül, feleségül vesz; férjhez megy
When are you getting married?
Chris and Debbie got married last summer.
Jamie's getting married to Laura.
tie the knot házasságot kötnek (informal)
We're planning to tie the knot in April.
your big brother/sister báty, nővér (idősebb testvér) (informal)
My big sister is coming to collect me.

2. Születés, származás (28)

adopt verb /əˈdɒpt/ 1 örökbe fogad, adoptál vkit [I or T]
They've adopted a baby girl.
She had the child adopted.

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bear verb /beər/ *(bore, borne) 3 szül (gyereket) (formal)
She has been told that she will never bear children.
conceive verb /kənˈsiːv/ 3 teherbe esik [I or T]
She had been trying for years, but never managed to conceive.
have verb /hæv/ [T] *(had, had) 4 (gyereket) szül
Elaine had a baby girl yesterday.
adoption noun /əˈdɒp.ʃən/ [C or U] örökbefogadás (gyermeké)
She couldn't have children, so they were considering adoption.
ancestor noun /ˈænˌses.tər/ [C] ős, előd
My ancestors came from Ireland.
birth noun /bɜːθ/ 1 születés, szülés (gyermeké) [C or U]
He weighed four kilos at birth.
What's your date of birth?
The application form will ask for your place of birth.
blood noun /blʌd/ [U] 2 vér, származás
I've got some Spanish blood in me.
descendant noun /dɪˈsend.ənt/ [C] leszármazott
She is a descendant of Queen Victoria.
heir noun /eər/ [C] örökös (az örököse vkinek)
He is the heir to a huge fortune.
labour noun /ˈleɪ.bər/ 3 vajúdás [C or U]
to be in labour
labour pains
offspring noun /ˈɒf.sprɪŋ/ [C] plural: offspring (formal) utód, ivadék (emberé/állaté)
to produce offspring
origin noun /ˈɒr.ɪ.dʒɪn/ [C or U] 2 származás (vkié) (ország/család/nemzetiség, stb.)
He is of North African origin.
What is your country of origin?
The president's family was of humble origins.
orphan noun /ˈɔː.fən/ [C] árva (gyerek)
They adopted an orphan.
pregnancy noun /ˈpreg.nə [C or U] terhesség (várandósság)
a teenage pregnancy
relation noun /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən/ 1 rokon (a rokonság tagja) [C]
The funeral was attended by friends and relations.
What relation are you to Julie?
She's a relation by marriage because she married my cousin.
Emma is a distant relation of my wife.
relative noun /ˈrel.ə.tɪv/ [C] rokon (a rokonság tagja)
There was a party for friends and relatives.
I haven't got many blood relatives.
All her close/distant relatives came to the wedding.
side noun /saɪd/ 10 oldal, oldalág (rokonság apai és anyai ágon)
They tend to be tall on my mother's side of the family.
adopted adjective /əˈdɒp.tɪd/ örökbe fogadott, adoptált (gyermek)
They've got two adopted children and one of their own.
close adjective /kləʊs/ 3 közeli (rokon) [always before noun]
There weren't many people at the funeral - just close family/relatives.
distant adjective /ˈdɪs.tənt/ 3 távoli (rokon)
a distant cousin

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pregnant adjective /ˈpreg.nənt/ terhes, állapotos (nő); vemhes (állat)
to get pregnant
She's five and a half months pregnant.
My mother stopped smoking when she became pregnant.
My sister is pregnant with twins.
related adjective /rɪˈleɪ.tɪd/ 1 rokon vkivel, rokoni kapcsolatban levő
Of course Elise and Linda are related to each other - they're cousins.
We're related by marriage only.
Phrasal verbs:
be descended from sb/sth /dɪˈsend/ származik vkitől/vmitől (formal)
Her father is descended from Greek royalty.
Phrases and idioms:
be born születik, megszületik (világra jön)
Ellen was born in 1994.
Archie was born in Melbourne.
be expecting (a baby) babát vár
I'm expecting our first baby in May.
give birth szül
She gave birth to twins.
your own flesh and blood saját vére/családja
I can't hate him - he's my own flesh and blood.

3. Rokonok (21)
aunt noun /ɑːnt/ [C] also informal: auntie/aunty nagynéni
I have an aunt in Australia.
Auntie Camille
brother-in-law noun /ˈbrʌð.ər.ɪn.lɔː/ [C] plural: brothers-in-law sógor
It's my brother-in-law's birthday today.
cousin noun /ˈkʌz.ən/ [C] unokatestvér (mindkét nemben)
My brother's wife and I both had babies around the same time, so the cousins are very
close in age.
daughter-in-law noun /ˈdɔː.tər.ɪn.lɔː/ [C] plural: daughters-in-law meny, menye vkinek
I get on well with my daughter-in-law.
father-in-law noun /ˈfɑːð.ər.ɪn.lɔː/ [C] plural: fathers-in-law após
My father-in-law was a banker.
grandchild noun /ˈgrænd.tʃaɪld/ [C] plural: grandchildren unoka
They spend a lot of time with their grandchildren.
granddad noun /ˈgrænd.dæd/ [C] also: grandad (informal) nagypapa
Isn't that your granddad over there?
granddaughter noun /ˈgrænd.dɔː.tər/ [C] leányunoka
Dave's granddaughter looked unhappy, and he tried to reassure her with a gentle smile.
grandfather noun /ˈgrænd.fɑː.ðər/ [C] nagyapa
My grandfather died before I was born.
grandma noun /ˈgrænd.mɑː/ [C] (informal) nagymama, nagyi
My grandma is a very good cook.
grandmother noun /ˈgrænd.mʌð.ər/ [C] nagymama
My grandmother lives in Argentina.
grandpa noun /ˈgrænd.pɑː/ [C] (informal) nagypapa
I usually see my grandpa twice a week.
grandparent noun /ˈgrænd.peə.rənt/ [C] nagyszülő

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We can learn a lot from our grandparents.
grandson noun /ˈgrænd.sʌn/ [C] fiúunoka
Nicholas was her first grandson.
granny noun /ˈgræn.i/ [C] (informal) nagyi
Our granny used to tell us funny stories.
mother-in-law noun /ˈmʌð.ər.ɪn.lɔː/ [C] plural: mothers-in-law anyós
I get on well with my mother-in-law.
nephew noun /ˈnef.juː/ [C] unokaöcs
My nephew is 21 today.
niece noun /niːs/ [C] unokahúg, unokanővér
We're taking my niece on holiday with us.
sister-in-law noun /ˈsɪs.tər.ɪn.lɔː/ [C] plural: sisters-in-law sógornő
My sister-in-law is a great cook.
son-in-law noun /ˈsʌn.ɪn.lɔː/ [C] plural: sons-in-law vő, a veje vkinek
My son-in-law helped me mend the fence.
uncle noun /ˈʌŋ.kl̩ / [C] nagybácsi; bácsi
I've got an uncle who lives there.
Did you bring me a present, Uncle Jack?

4. Nevelés, gondozás (22)

babysit verb /ˈbeɪ.bi.sɪt/ [I or T] *(babysitting, babysat, babysat) gyerekre vigyáz a szülők
I babysit for Jane on Tuesday evenings.
indulge verb /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ 2 elkényeztet vkit (mindent megenged/elnéz vkinek) [T]
Their children are dreadfully indulged.
raise verb /reɪz/ [T] 4 felnevel (gyereket) [often passive]
Her parents died when she was a baby so she was raised by her grandparents.
She raised the family on her own.
rear verb /rɪər/ nevel, felnevel (gyereket/állatkölyköt) [T]
In these waters they breed and rear their young.
spoil verb /spɔɪl/ [T] *(spoiled or spoilt, spoiled or spoilt) 2 elkényeztet, elront, félrenevel (pl.
gyereket); kényeztet vkit
Her children are completely spoiled.
babysitter noun /ˈbeɪ.biˌsɪt.ər/ [C] bébiszitter
I promised the babysitter that we'd be home by midnight.
custody noun /ˈkʌs.tə.di/ [U] 1 felügyeleti jog (váláskor a gyerek felügyeletének joga)
When they divorced, it was Nicola who won custody of their two children.
daycare noun /ˈdeɪ.keər/ [U] napközi ellátás; napköziotthon (gyerekeknek/öregeknek)
a daycare centre
home noun /həʊm/ 2 otthon, menhely (intézmény) [C]
a children's home
My grandmother lives in a home now.
nursery noun /ˈnɜː.sər.i/ [C] bölcsőde
Her youngest child is at nursery now.
upbringing noun /ˈʌpˌbrɪŋ.ɪŋ/ [no plural] nevelés, neveltetés
a middle-class/religious upbringing
She had a very strict upbringing.
caring adjective /ˈkeə.rɪŋ/ gondoskodó
I've always thought of Jo as a very caring person.
protective adjective /prəˈtek.tɪv/ 2 óvó, védelmező

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It's easy to be too protective towards/of your children.
She's fiercely protective of the man she married 30 years ago.
Phrasal verbs:
bring up ↔ sb /brɪŋ/ felnevel vkit
She was brought up by her grandmother.
David was brought up to respect authority.
care for sb/sth /keər/ gondoskodik vkiről, gondoz vkit/vmit
The children are being cared for by a relative.
She has to stay at home to care for her elderly mother.
cater for sb/sth /ˈkeɪ.tər/ ellát vkit, gondoskodik vkiről
The club caters for children between the ages of 4 and 12.
look after sb/sth /lʊk/ felügyel/vigyáz vkire/vmire/magára, gondoz vkit/vmit, gondoskodik
We look after the neighbours' cat while they're away.
If you look after your clothes they last a lot longer.
Don't worry about Mia - she can look after herself.
Phrases and idioms:
a broken home csonka család (elvált szülők)
Many of these children come from broken homes.
leave someone to their own devices sorsára hagy vkit
With both parents out at work, the kids were often left to their own devices.
run wild felügyelet nélkül/szabadon kóborol (pl. gyerek, állat)
Their nine-year-old son is left to run wild.
single parent a gyerekeket egyedül nevelő szülő
Many single parents find it difficult to get a job.
The number of single-parent families dependent on the state has risen enormously in
recent years.
take care of sb/sth gondoskodik vmiről/vkiről (gondját viseli)
Take good care of your sister, Patrick.
Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself.
My parents will take care of the house while we're away.

2. Kapcsolatok, társaság (115)

1. Kapcsolatok (30)
accept verb /əkˈsept/ 3 befogad; felvesz (társaságba, csoportba, szervezetbe, stb.) [T]
She's been accepted by two universities.
He was accepted as a full member of the society.
His fellow workers refused to accept him.
bind verb /baɪnd/ [T] *(bound, bound) 2 összeköt (szoros kapcsolatot hoz létre emberek,
országok stb. között)
Culture and language bind people together.
contact verb /ˈkɒn.tækt/ [T] kapcsolatba lép vkivel
I tried to contact him at his office, but he wasn't in.
You can contact me on 771 4432.
meet verb /miːt/ *(met, met) 1 megismerkedik vkivel [I or T]
They met at work.
I met her in Hawaii.
Have you met my sister?
Come and meet my friend Laura.
"This is Helen." "Pleased to meet you."

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2. Közösség, társadalom – 11. Család, kapcsolatok
socialize verb /ˈsəʊ.ʃəl.aɪz/ [I] also UK: socialise összejár vkivel; társaságba jár, társas életet
I tend not to socialize with my colleagues.
I hope Adrian's actually doing some work at college - he seems to spend all his
time socializing!
circle noun /ˈsɜː.kl̩ / [C] 2 kör (baráti, családi, szakmai, stb.)
She's not one of my close circle of friends.
It's a technical term used in medical circles.
company noun /ˈkʌm.pə.ni/ 2 társaság (együttlét vkivel/akikkel együtt van vki ) [U]
I just enjoy his company.
Do you want company or would you rather go on your own?
I didn't realize you had company.
Margot came to stay for a week as company for my mother while I was away.
contact noun /ˈkɒn.tækt/ 2 kapcsolat (rendszeres kommunikáció vkivel) [U]
Do you still keep in contact with Peter?
I'm still in contact with Sarah - we write a couple of times a year.
There isn't enough contact between teachers and parents.
I'd hate to lose contact with my old school friends.
If you manage to make contact with her, do let me know.
The school likes to have a contact number for parents during school hours.
network noun /ˈnet.wɜːk/ [C] 3 hálózat (baráti-, munkatársi-, stb.)
a large network of friends
networking noun /ˈnet.wɜː.kɪŋ/ [U] hálózatépítés (jó kapcsolatok kialakítása fontos
I often go to networking events.
relationship noun /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən.ʃɪp/ [C] 1 kapcsolat, viszony (emberek/csoportok között)
He has a very good relationship with his father.
informal adjective /ɪnˈfɔː.məl/ kötetlen, baráti; nem hivatalos
The two groups agreed to hold an informal meeting.
He's the ideal sort of teacher - direct, friendly and informal.
'Hi' is an informal way of greeting people.
social adjective /ˈsəʊ.ʃəl/ 1 társasági
I had an active social life when I was at college.
Most British schools organize social events for the students.
I've just become a member of the company's sports and social club.
to preposition /tuː/ 6 valakinek a valakije (kapcsolat kifejezése)
I've been married to Peter for nine years.
She was an assistant to the chief executive.
Phrasal verbs:
associate with sb /əˈsəʊ.si.eɪt/ összejár vkivel
I don't want my children associating with drug addicts and alcoholics.
do without (sb/sth) /duː/ megvan/boldogul vmi/vki nélkül
Andrew's our best player - we can't really do without him.
drift apart /drɪft/ eltávolodik egymástól (átv.) (fokozatosan megszűnik a kapcsolat
Roz used to be one of my closest friends, but we've drifted apart.
fit in /fɪt/ beilleszkedik (társaságba)
He doesn't fit in with the other pupils in his class.
look on/upon sb/sth as sth /lʊk/ tekint vhogyan vkire/vmire (vélekedik vkiről/vmiről vhogy)
We looked on her as a daughter.

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I've lived there so long I look on the town as my home.
You shouldn't look upon this as a failure.
Phrases and idioms:
be on good/bad/friendly, etc. terms jó/rossz/baráti/stb. kapcsolatban van (vkivel)
I'm still on friendly terms with my old colleagues.
be/get/keep, etc. in touch kapcsolatban van/kerül, kapcsolatot tart vkivel
Are you still in touch with any of your old school friends?
Jane and I never kept in touch after college.
get in touch érintkezésbe/kapcsolatba lép vkivel
Please get in touch if you ever come back to Madrid.
get off/start on the wrong foot rosszul kezd (kapcsolatot, tevékenységet)
He got off on the wrong foot with my parents by arriving late.
get to know sb/sth (jobban) megismer vkit/vmit
The first couple of meetings are for the doctor and patient to get to know each other.
I'll need a few weeks to get to know the system.
have a high/low opinion of sb/sth jó/rossz véleménnyel van vmiről/vkiről
He has a low opinion of doctors.
keep in touch tartja a kapcsolatot vkivel
We've kept in touch by email for the last five years.
lose touch elveszíti a kapcsolatot vkivel/vmivel
We lost touch over the years.
relations kapcsolat, viszony (emberek/csoportok között)
Relations between the couple are said to be strained.
Britain enjoys friendly relations with Canada.
ties kötelék, kapcsolat (családi, baráti, érzelmi, stb.)
Family ties are weaker if you move a long way away.
I no longer feel any ties with my home town.
He urged governments worldwide to break diplomatic ties with the new regime.
where you stand (with sb) hol/hogy áll (vkivel) (mi a helyzet)
She said she will never leave her husband, so now at least I know where I stand.

2. Társaság, egyedüllét (15)

extrovert noun /ˈek.strə.vɜːt/ [C] extrovertált, kifelé forduló ember
She is an extrovert.
introvert noun /ˈɪn.trəʊ.vɜːt/ [C] introvertált, befelé élő ember
He's quite an introvert.
isolation noun /ˌaɪ.səlˈeɪ.ʃən/ 2 elszigeteltség, egyedüllét, magányosság [U]
I had this awful sense of isolation.
loneliness noun /ˈləʊəs/ [U] magány, magányosság; elhagyatottság
I wasn't prepared for the loneliness of living in a small village.
alone adjective, adverb /əˈləʊn/ 1 egyedül (mások nélkül) [never before noun]
He likes being alone in the house.
She decided to climb the mountain alone.
Do you like living alone?
anti-social adjective /ˌæn.tɪˈsəʊ.ʃəl/ 2 társaságkerülő, zárkózott
I hope they won't think I'm anti-social if I don't go to the party.
distant adjective /ˈdɪs.tənt/ 2 távolságtartó, kimért (modor)
She seemed cold and distant.
isolated adjective /ˈaɪs.ə.leɪ.tɪd/ 2 elszigetelt, magányos (ember)
Young mothers often feel isolated.

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Working at home was making her feel increasingly isolated.
lonely adjective /ˈləʊ 1 magányos, visszavonult (ember)
She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.
the lonely life of a farmer
outgoing adjective /ˌaʊtˈgəʊ.ɪŋ/ 1 közvetlen, barátságos, társaságkedvelő
Anne is very outgoing, but her sister's quite shy.
reserved adjective /rɪˈzɜːvd/ tartózkodó (zárkózott) (ember)
Marcus is more reserved than his brother.
sociable adjective /ˈsəʊ.ʃə.bl̩ / (approving) társaságkedvelő
Rob's very sociable - he likes his parties.
I had a headache and I wasn't feeling very sociable.
solitary adjective /ˈsɒl.ɪ.tər.i/ 1 magányos (egyedül van vhol)
a solitary figure/walker
solitary adjective /ˈsɒl.ɪ.tər.i/ 2 magányos (egyedül végzett) (pl. séta)
solitary walks
withdrawn adjective /wɪðˈdrɔːn/ [never before noun] visszahúzódó (zárkózott) (ember)
He seemed quiet and withdrawn.

3. Ismerősök, barátok (22)

know verb /nəʊ/ *(knew, known) 5 ismer vkit/vmit [T]
I've known Daniel since we were at school together.
She grew up in Paris so she knows it well.
I've seen the film 'Casablanca' so many times that I know a lot of it by heart.
Knowing Sarah, she'll have done a good job.
acquaintance noun /əˈkweɪn.tənts/ [C] ismerős (személy)
He's just a business acquaintance.
bunch noun /bʌntʃ/ 2 banda, csapat [no plural] (informal)
His friends are a nice bunch.
companion noun /kəmˈpæn.jən/ [C] társ (vmilyen tevékenységhez/időtöltéshez)
a travelling companion
Dan has been her constant companion these past ten years.
contact noun /ˈkɒn.tækt/ 1 kapcsolat (pl. ismerős aki segíteni tud vmiben) [C]
Julia's mother had contacts who helped her with her career.
business contacts
friend noun /frend/ [C] 1 barát
She's my best/closest friend - we've known each other since we were five.
He's a family friend/friend of the family.
This restaurant was recommended to me by a friend of mine.
Bob is an old friend of mine.
friend noun /frend/ [C] 2 ismerős (pl. interneten)
What do you think of making friends over the Internet?
friendship noun /ˈfrend.ʃɪp/ [C or U] barátság, baráti viszony
a close friendship
I value her friendship above anything else.
gang noun /gæŋ/ [C] 1 banda, galeri (bandázó fiatalok)
a gang member
He didn't want to join their gang.
gang noun /gæŋ/ [C] 3 baráti társaság (fiatalok) (informal)
I'm going camping with Holly and the rest of the gang.
girlfriend noun /ˈgɜːl.frend/ [C] 2 barátnő (nőé)

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She's going out with her girlfriends tonight.
mate noun /meɪt/ [C] cimbora; -társ
We've been mates since our school days.
Pete was there with a couple of mates.
She's my best mate.
peer noun /pɪər/ [C] egyenlő, egyen korú/képességű/-rangú/stb. ember
Most teenagers want to be accepted by their peers.
peer pressure noun /ˈpiəˌpreʃ.ər/ [U] az egyen korúak befolyása
When it comes to fashion, peer pressure can be intense.
penfriend noun /ˈpen.frend/ [C] levelezőpartner
When I was young, I had a penfriend in Jamaica.
stranger noun /ˈstreɪn.dʒər/ [C] ismeretlen, idegen (ember)
My mother always warned me not to talk to strangers.
I can't just walk up to a complete stranger and start talking to them.
fellow adjective /ˈfel.əʊ/ [always before noun] -társ (utas-, tanuló-, munka-, ember-, stb.)
She introduced me to some of her fellow students.
Our fellow travellers were mostly Spanish-speaking tourists.
Phrases and idioms:
be friendly with sb baráti viszonyban van, jóban van vkivel
Her brother is quite friendly with my brother.
be friends (with sb) barátja vkinek
I've been friends with Jo for years.
make friends (with sb) barátkozik, összebarátkozik vkivel
He finds it difficult to make friends.
He's made friends with a boy in his class called Alex.
old friend régi barát
I met an old friend who I was at college with.
the girls barátnők
I'm going out with the girls tonight.

4. Találkozás (19)
accompany verb /əˈkʌm.pə.ni/ [T] 1 kísér, elkísér vkit vhova
We accompanied her back to her hotel.
Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
call verb /kɔːl/ 5 hív vkit vhová, odahív [I or T]
She called me into her office.
He called me over to where he was sitting.
I keep the bedroom door open in case the children call for me in the night.
meet verb /miːt/ *(met, met) 2 találkozik vkivel [I or T]
We met for coffee last Sunday.
We agreed to meet on Tuesday to discuss the project.
I met my old English teacher while trekking in the Alps.
We met our old neighbours in town last Saturday.
Each student meets with an adviser at the start of the school year.
meet verb /miːt/ *(met, met) 3 kimegy vki elé, vár vkit vhol (pl. állomáson) [T]
Will you meet me at the airport ?
meet verb /miːt/ *(met, met) 4 találkoznak, összejönnek (egy csoport vmilyen célból) [I]
The children's club meets every Thursday afternoon.
see verb /siː/ *(seeing, saw, seen) 2 összejön/találkozik vkivel [T]
We're seeing friends at the weekend.

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No one has seen much of Daryl since he got married.
They see a lot of each other at weekends.
My mother is seeing the doctor again next week.
send verb /send/ [T] *(sent, sent) 2 küld/elküld vkit (vhova)
We're sending the children to stay with my parents for a couple of weeks.
The commander has asked us to send reinforcements.
They've sent their son (away) to school in Scotland.
He was trying to explain but she became impatient and sent him away.
separate verb /ˈsep.ər.eɪt/ 2 elválik, különválik (pl. találkozás után); elválaszt, különválaszt
(embereket egymástól) [I or T]
I shall separate you two if you don't stop talking.
Somehow, in the rush to get out of the building, I got separated from my mother.
Perhaps we should separate now and meet up later.
face-to-face adjective /ˌfeɪs.təˈfeɪs/ személyes (pl. találkozó)
a face-to-face meeting
alongside adverb, preposition /əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd/ 2 együtt vkivel/vmivel
She enjoyed working alongside such famous actors.
face to face adverb /ˌfeɪs.təˈfeɪs/ szemtől szembe
We need to talk face to face.
Phrasal verbs:
bump into sb /bʌmp/ véletlenül összefut vkivel (véletlenül találkozik vkivel)
I bumped into Mark when I was out shopping this afternoon.
call for sb /kɔːl/ érte jön/megy vkiért, beszól vkiért
I'll call for you at eight.
come along /kʌm/ 1 vele jön/megy, eljön/elmegy vkivel (vhova)
We're going to the cinema. Do you want to come along?
run into sb /rʌn/ összefut vkivel (véletlenül találkozik vkivel)
I ran into Harry on the train.
see off ↔ sb /siː/ kikísér vkit (pl. az állomásra)
They came to see me off at the station.
Phrases and idioms:
cross sb's path keresztezik egymás útját (találkoznak)
Mike has moved away and I doubt he'll ever cross my path again.
eye contact szemkontaktus
There was very little eye contact between them.
walk sb home/to sth hazakísér/elkísér vhova vkit
He walked me to my house.

5. Vendégség, összejövetel (29)

ask verb /ɑːsk/ 2 meghív [T]
I've asked David to the party.
I've asked David to come to the party.
"Are you going to Muriel's party?" "No, I haven't been asked."
Ian's asked us over for dinner next Friday.
Ian's asked us round to/for dinner next Friday.
In fact they've asked us to stay for the whole weekend.
gather verb /ˈgæð.ər/ 1 gyűlik vki/vmi köré, összegyűlik; összegyűjt vkiket [I or T]
A crowd had gathered to hear her speak.
Crowds of fans gathered at the stadium for the big match.
She gathered the children together and began to tell them a story.

Oldal 11 / 23
2. Közösség, társadalom – 11. Család, kapcsolatok
invite verb /ɪnˈvaɪt/ [T] 1 meghív vkit vhova (társaságba, partira, stb.)
We're invited to Lola's party.
Her family invited me to stay with them for a few weeks.
mingle verb /ˈmɪŋ.gl̩ / 1 elvegyül (társaságban emberekkel találkozik/beszélget) [I]
The party will be a good opportunity to mingle with the other students.
mix verb /mɪks/ 3 elvegyül (társaságban); érintkezik (vkivel) [I]
She enjoys going to parties and mixing with people.
visit verb /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ 1 látogat, meglátogat vkit [I or T]
Will you visit me when I'm in hospital?
We have friends coming to visit this weekend.
call noun /kɔːl/ [C] 3 rövid látogatás
I thought I'd pay Gary a call.
entrance noun /ˈen.trənts/ 3 megjelenés (ált. figyelmet felkeltő) [C]
The whole room went quiet when he made his entrance.
gathering noun /ˈgæð.ə.rɪŋ/ [C] összejövetel
a family gathering
guest noun /gest/ [C] 1 vendég (vkinek az otthonában, egy partin, stb.)
We've got some guests coming this weekend.
There were 90 guests at their wedding.
hospitality noun /ˌhɒs.pɪˈtæl.ə.ti/ [U] vendégszeretet
The local people showed me great hospitality.
host noun /həʊst/ [C] 1 (vendéglátó) házigazda
We thanked our hosts for the lovely evening.
My host family looked after me very well during my month in London.
invitation noun /ˌɪn.vɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ 1 meghívás (vhova); meghívó [C or U]
Thanks for the invitation to your birthday party.
I'm happy to accept your invitation.
party noun /ˈpɑː.ti/ [C] 1 vendégség, buli, parti
a birthday party
We're having a party to celebrate Jack's new job.
Peter gives/throws really wild parties.
visit noun /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ [C] látogatás
the President's visit to Argentina
I think I'll pay a visit to the hairdresser's while I'm in town.
We had a visit from the school inspector last week.
visitor noun /ˈvɪz.ɪ.tər/ [C] látogató (személynél/helyen)
Ben, you've got some visitors to see you.
The museum attracts large numbers of visitors.
hospitable adjective /hɒsˈpɪt.ə.bl̩ / vendégszerető
We always find them very hospitable.
welcome adjective /ˈwel.kəm/ 1 szívesen látott/fogadott (pl. vendég)
You will always be welcome here.
She makes us (feel) welcome whenever we visit her.
round adverb /raʊnd/ 1 át (látogatóba, az otthonába)
Wendy's coming round this afternoon.
I'll go round and see her later.
Phrasal verbs:
call in /kɔːl/ beugrik vkihez/vhova (röviden meglátogat/belátogat)
I'll call in on my way home.
Do you mind if we just call in at the supermarket?

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come round /kʌm/ 1 eljön, feljön, átjön (rövid látogatóba vkihez)
Come round tonight and we'll watch a video.
get together /get/ összejön (társaság)
A few of us are getting together next week for a drink.
Phrases and idioms:
break the ice megtöri a jeget (feloldja a hangulatot)
I told everyone a joke, which helped to break the ice.
give a party partit ad
They're always giving parties.
have sb over/round/to stay, etc. vendégül lát/hív vkit, meghív vkit (ebédre, italra, stb.)
We had Justyna and Al round for dinner last week.
keep sb company vkivel van, társaságot nyújt vkinek
Come and keep me company, Isabel.
make yourself at home kényelembe helyezi magát, otthon érzi magát
Take off your coat and make yourself at home.
outstay/overstay your welcome túl sokáig marad (pl. vendégségben) (tovább marad mint
ameddig szívesen látják)
I don't want to outstay my welcome.
pay sb/sth a visit or pay a visit to sb/sth meglátogat vkit/vmit
We thought we'd pay Sam a visit while we were in Oxford.

3. Összhang, ellentét (102)

1. Összhang, kötődés (27)
bond verb /bɒnd/ kötődik vkihez (érzelmileg) [I]
Physical contact helps a mother bond with her baby.
click verb /klɪk/ 4 rögtön összebarátkoznak [I] (informal)
We met at college and we just clicked.
treat verb /triːt/ [T] 1 bánik vkivel vhogyan, kezel vkit vhogyan
My parents treated us all the same when we were kids.
He treated his wife very badly.
They treat her like one of their own children.
She felt she'd been unfairly treated by her employer.
bond noun /bɒnd/ [C] kötelék (érzelmi)
the bond between the mother and baby
There is a close/strong bond between the brothers.
We formed a strong bond in this difficult period.
A love of opera created a bond between them.
closeness noun /ˈkləʊs.nəs/ [U] 2 közelség, bensőség (emberi kapcsolatban)
A special closeness is said to exist between twins.
darling noun /ˈdɑː.lɪŋ/ [C] drágám, kedvesem
Would you like a drink, darling?
equal noun /ˈiː.kwəl/ [C] egyenrangú társ/partner
The good thing about having her as a boss is that she treats us all as equals.
harmony noun /ˈhɑː.mə.ni/ 1 összhang, harmónia (emberek/dolgok között) [U]
living together in peace and harmony
treatment noun /ˈtriːt.mənt/ [C or U] 2 bánásmód
There have been complaints about the treatment of prisoners.
Peter gets special treatment because he knows the boss.
close adjective /kləʊs/ 2 közeli (érzelmileg)
Mira is one of my closest friends.

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Her relationship isn't good with her father, but she's very close to her mother.
My brother and I have become much closer over the years.
close adjective /kləʊs/ 4 szoros (pl. kapcsolat)
I'm still in close contact with my school friends.
Our school has close links with a school in China.
compatible adjective /kəmˈpæt.̩ə.bl̩ / 2 összeillő, összeférő vkivel (kijönnek egymással)
After they got married, they soon found out that they weren't compatible.
My new job's going well, and my colleagues seem to be compatible.
devoted adjective /dɪˈvəʊ.tɪd/ odaadó (szerető/gondoskodó)
a devoted fan/husband/wife
Lucy is devoted to her cats.
inseparable adjective /ɪnˈsep.ər.ə.bl̩ / 2 elválaszthatatlan (nagyon közeli/szoros kapcsolatban
levő) (társ, barát, stb.)
The two girls got on very well and soon became inseparable.
intimate adjective /ˈɪn.tɪm.ət/ 2 közeli, bizalmas (emberi kapcsolat)
an intimate friend
strong adjective /strɒŋ/ 5 erős (partnerkapcsolat)
Throughout the crisis, their marriage remained strong.
Phrasal verbs:
get on /get/ 1 jól kijön vkivel
He doesn't get on with his daughter.
I get on well with most of her friends.
hit it off /hɪt/ jól kijön vkivel
Carla and Nina didn't really hit it off.
Phrases and idioms:
attached to sb/sth ragaszkodik vkihez/vmihez (érzelmileg kötődik vkihez/vmihez)
The children are very attached to their grandparents.
be good company jó társalgó/szórakoztató ember
Ann and Charles are always good company.
be in sb's good/bad books jó/rossz vkinél
I'm in Mum's good books at the moment for passing my exams.
be on the same wavelength azonos hullámhosszon vannak (megértik egymást)
We chatted occasionally, but I never really felt we were on the same wavelength.
find common ground közös nevezőt talál vkivel
It's difficult for me to find any common ground with my dad.
go out of your way to do sth megerőlteti magát, töri magát, strapálja magát (vki kedvéért)
He went out of his way to make us feel welcome.
mean well jót akar
I know my parents mean well, but I wish they wouldn't interfere.
shower sb with sth eláraszt vkit vmivel (ajándékokkal, bókokkal, stb.)
He showered her with expensive gifts.
She was showered with compliments after her performance.
special attention/care/treatment különös figyelem/gondosság (jobb bánásmód)
I don't expect special treatment - I just want to be treated fairly.

2. Ellenszenv, elutasítás (38)

compromise verb /ˈkɒm.prə.maɪz/ 2 kompromittál vkit/vmit/magát; veszélyes/nehéz
helyzetbe sodor vkit/magát [T] (formal)
The trial has been seriously compromised by sensational media coverage.
exploit verb /ekˈsplɔɪt/ [T] 1 kihasznál vkit; kizsákmányol vkit

Oldal 14 / 23
2. Közösség, társadalom – 11. Család, kapcsolatok
Laws exist to stop companies exploiting their employees.
judge verb /dʒʌdʒ/ 3 elítél vkit (rossz véleménye van vkiről) [I or T]
What gives you the right to judge people?
reject verb /rɪˈdʒekt/ [T] 3 elutasít (személyt) (kérőt, közeledést, stb.)
She felt rejected by her husband.
tease verb /tiːz/ [I or T] cukkol, szekál, ugrat vkit
I used to hate being teased about my red hair when I was at school.
I was only teasing, I didn't mean to upset you.
underestimate verb /ˌʌn.dəˈres.tɪ.meɪt/ [T] 2 alábecsül, lebecsül vkit
I thought it would be an easy game but I had underestimated my opponent.
undermine verb /ˌʌn.dəˈmaɪn/ [T] aláás (bizalmat, tekintélyt, stb.)
A series of scandals have undermined people's confidence in the government.
use verb /juːz/ [T] 4 kihasznál vkit; felhasznál vkit vmire
He was just using me to make his girlfriend jealous.
contempt noun /kənˈtempt/ megvetés, lenézés
He has utter contempt for anyone with power.
inferior noun /ɪnˈfɪə.ri.ər/ [C] alárendeltje vkinek, alacsonyabb rendű személy
She considered me her inferior.
inferiority noun /ɪnˌfɪə.riˈɒr.ə.ti/ [U] alacsonyabbrendűség, alárendelt helyzet
With these talented sisters, I always had a feeling of inferiority.
irony noun /ˈaɪə.rən.i/ 2 irónia, gúny
There is a lot of irony in his writing.
rejection noun /rɪˈdʒek.ʃən/ 3 elutasítás (személyé) (kérőé, közeledésé, stb.) [U]
a feeling of rejection
possessive adjective /pəˈzes.ɪv/ 2 vkit birtokolni vágyó/igyekvő
She stopped seeing him because he was becoming too possessive.
sarcastic adjective /sɑːˈkæs.tɪk/ gúnyos
a sarcastic comment/remark
Are you being sarcastic?
badly adverb /ˈbæ (worse, worst) 4 rosszul (kellemetlenül, bántón)
I thought he was treated very badly.
Phrasal verbs:
come between sb /kʌm/ közéjük áll (megrontja a kapcsolatukat)
I won't let anything come between me and my children.
look down on sb /lʊk/ lenéz vkit/vmit
I always felt she looked down on me because I wasn't as educated as she was.
pick on sb /pɪk/ pikkel vkire; ugrat/heccel vkit
The other boys pick on him because he's so small.
run down ↔ sb/sth /rʌn/ ócsárol vkit/vmit
Whatever the government do, the press will always run them down.
spy on sb /spaɪ/ leskelődik vki után
Have you been spying on me?
Phrases and idioms:
be hard on sb keményen bánik vkivel; igazságtalanul bánik vkivel
Don't be too hard on him - he's new to the job.
call sb names csúfol vkit
He said the other children were calling him names.
cramp sb's style zavar/feszélyez vkit (a jelenlétével)
Are you sure you don't mind me coming with you? I'd hate to cramp your style.
give sb a hard time megkeseríti az életét vkinek

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Ever since I missed the goal, the other players have been giving me a hard time.
have no time for sb/sth nem veszteget időt vkire/vmire (nem becsül vkit/vmit)
I have no time for people who are racist.
have sth against sb/sth vmi kifogása van vki/vmi ellen
I've got nothing against him personally, I just don't think he's the right man for the job.
(keep sb) at arm's length távol tart magától vkit (átv.)
I always had the feeling she was keeping me at arm's length.
make a fool of yourself bolondot csinál magából
I got very excited and made a fool of myself.
make a fool (out) of sb bolondot csinál vkiből
She was always trying to make a fool out of me in front of my friends.
make fun of sb/sth csúfol, kicsúfol, kinevet
The other children at school used to make fun of his hair.
not be sb's type nem az ő típusa (nem talál vonzónak vkit) (informal)
I like Bertrand but he's not really my type.
not take kindly to sth nem fogad szívesen vmit, nem vesz jó néven vmit
He doesn't take kindly to criticism.
not think much of sb/sth nem tart valami sokra vmit/vkit
I don't think much of the food here.
sb's/sth's clutches a karmai között vkinek/vminek
Keep your children out of his clutches.
steer clear of sb/sth távol tartja magát vkitől/vmitől, kerül, elkerül vkit/vmit
Steer clear of Tony this morning - he's in a bad mood.
take advantage of sb/sth kihasznál vkit/vmit
I think she takes advantage of his good nature.
take sth personally magára vesz vmit (átv.), sértésnek vesz vmit
You mustn't take everything so personally.

3. Vita, veszekedés (37)

argue verb /ˈɑːg.juː/ 1 vitatkozik, veszekedik [I]
My parents are always arguing.
Kids, will you stop arguing with each other?
They were arguing over/about which film to go and see.
bark verb /bɑːk/ 2 ráripakodik vkire [I or T]
I'm sorry, I had no right to bark at you like that.
bully verb /ˈbʊl.i/ [T] megfélemlít, terrorizál
He was bullied at school by some older boys.
She was bullied into leaving.
fight verb /faɪt/ *(fought, fought) 3 veszekszik (vitatkozik) [I] (!)
We've got to stop fighting in front of the children.
quarrel verb /ˈkwɒr.əl/ [I] veszekszik
I was always quarrelling with my brother.
snap verb /snæp/ 2 rámordul vkire, ingerülten odaszól vkinek [I or T]
I was snapping at the children because I was tired.
argument noun /ˈɑːg.jʊ.mənt/ [C] 1 vita, szóváltás
The children had an argument about/over what game to play.
He got into an argument with a man in the pub last night.
battle noun /ˈbæt.l̩ / 3 küzdelem (emberek/csoportok között) [C]
a battle for custody of their children
bully noun /ˈbʊl.i/ [C] erőszakoskodó és kötekedő személy

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He's just a bully.
clash noun /klæʃ/ [C] 2 ellentét; érdekellentét
a clash of personalities
conflict noun /ˈkɒn.flɪkt/ [C or U] 1 nézeteltérés, konfliktus
There was a lot of conflict between the two parties.
The Government was in conflict with the unions over pay.
It was an unpopular policy and caused a number of conflicts within the party.
confrontation noun /ˌkɒn.frʌnˈteɪʃən/ [C or U] összeütközés (átv. is)
She witnessed a confrontation between the two men.
enemy noun /ˈen.ə.mi/ 1 ellenség (személy) [C] (!)
He's made a few enemies in this company.
political enemies
fight noun /faɪt/ [C] 3 veszekedés, vita
I don't want to have a fight over this.
friction noun /ˈfrɪk.ʃən/ [U] súrlódás (átv.) (ellentét/feszültség emberek között)
There's less friction in relationships when you use teamwork.
quarrel noun /ˈkwɒr.əl/ [C] veszekedés
She had a quarrel with her neighbour.
They had a quarrel about/over money a few months back.
revenge noun /rɪˈvendʒ/ [U] bosszú, megtorlás
He's made life very difficult for me but I'll get/take my revenge.
She is seeking revenge for the murder of her husband.
row noun /raʊ/ [C] éles vita, veszekedés
a family row
My parents often have rows.
He had just had a row with his wife.
scene noun /siːn/ 4 jelenet (botrány, cirkusz) [C]
She made a scene when I told her she couldn't come with us.
bitter adjective /ˈbɪt.ər/ 3 elkeseredett (gyűlölködő, dühös) (vita, veszekedés)
a bitter argument/dispute
rocky adjective /ˈrɒk.i/ 2 zűrös (problémákkal teli) (kapcsolat, házasság)
I heard that their marriage is a bit rocky.
stormy adjective /ˈstɔː.mi/ 2 viharos (átv.) (kapcsolat, vita, stb.)
a stormy relationship
a stormy meeting/debate
Phrasal verbs:
drive sb/sth out /draɪv/ elhajt, elűz, elkerget vkit/vmit vhonnét
The supermarket has driven many small shops out of the area.
fall out /fɔːl/ összevész/összeveszik vkivel
She's fallen out with her sister.
They fell out over money.
kick sb out /kɪk/ kirúg vkit vhonnan
His wife kicked him out.
patch sth up /pætʃ/ elsimít (nézeteltérést, vitát, veszekedést); kibékül
Has he managed to patch things up with her?
stand up to sb/sth /stænd/ megvédi magát vkivel/vmivel szemben
He wasn't afraid to stand up to bullies.
stir up ↔ sth /stɜːr/ felkavar (átv.) (vitát, bajt, stb.)
I think he just likes to stir up trouble.
throw out ↔ sb /θrəʊ/ kidob vkit (távozásra kényszerít) (!)

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He was thrown out of school for taking drugs.
Phrases and idioms:
a bone of contention a vita/civódás/veszekedés/ tárgya
Housework is a major bone of contention in our house.
get rid of sb megszabadul vkitől (távozásra bír vkit)
We finally got rid of my little sister by telling her scary stories.
get your own back (on sb) visszavág, bosszút áll
I got my own back by putting a frog in her bed.
go so far as to do sth odáig megy hogy
He even went so far as to stop her using the telephone.
have it in for sb betart vkinek (vmiért haragszik rá)
She really has it in for me - I don't know what I've done to offend her.
not be on speaking terms nincsenek beszélő viszonyban
My brother and I aren't on speaking terms.
put sb in their place helyretesz vkit (átv.) (helyreutasít/rendreutasít vkit)
He was rather arrogant, but the other kids soon put him in his place.
teach sb a lesson megleckéztet vkit, móresre tanít vkit
The next time she's late, go without her. That should teach her a lesson.

4. Párkapcsolat, szakítás (53)

1. Párkapcsolat (26)
love verb /lʌv/ [T] 3 szerelmes vkibe, szeret vkit
Last night he told me he loved me.
I've only ever loved one woman.
affair noun /əˈfeər/ 1 (titkos) szerelmi viszony [C]
She's having an affair with a married man.
The book doesn't make any mention of his love affairs.
boyfriend noun /ˈbɔɪ.frend/ [C] udvarló, barát (férfi)
He's not my boyfriend - we're just good friends!
Cathy's ex-boyfriend was a really nice guy.
couple noun /ˈkʌp.l̩ / 2 pár (szerelmespár, házaspár/emberpár, páros) [C + singular or plural
a married couple
A young couple walked into the bar.
The couple skated well throughout the competition.
crush noun /krʌʃ/ 2 fellángolás (érzelem, fellobbanó szerelem) [C] (informal)
Tim has a crush on Jennifer.
date noun /deɪt/ [C] 3 randevú
He's asked her out on a date.
She has a hot date tonight.
girlfriend noun /ˈgɜːl.frend/ [C] 1 barátnő (férfié)
I've never met his girlfriend.
love noun /lʌv/ 2 szerelem [U]
He's madly in love with her.
She fell in love with her friend's brother.
"I've been seeing him over a year now." "Is it love?"
How's your love life these days?
love noun /lʌv/ 3 a szerelme (akibe szerelmes) [C]
He was the love of my life.
She was my first love.

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lover noun /ˈlʌv.ər/ [C] szerető
They were friends before they became lovers.
She had a string of lovers before her marriage finally broke up.
partner noun /ˈpɑːt.nər/ [C] 2 házastárs; élettárs
Partners are not invited to the office party.
relationship noun /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən.ʃɪp/ [C] 2 kapcsolat, viszony (partnerkapcsolat)
Have you had any serious relationships in the past year?
Are you in a relationship at the moment?
romance noun /rəʊˈmænts/ [C or U] románc, szerelmi idill
It was just a holiday romance.
Office romances are usually a bad idea.
jealous adjective /ˈdʒel.əs/ 1 féltékeny (vkire)
a jealous husband/wife
Anna says she feels jealous every time another woman looks at her boyfriend.
romantic adjective /rəʊˈmæn.tɪk/ 1 romantikus (szerelemmel kapcsolatos)
a romantic dinner for two
Phrasal verbs:
chat up ↔ sb /tʃæt/ ismerkedni próbál (nővel)
He spends hours in cafés, chatting up the waitresses.
fall for sb /fɔːl/ beleesik vkibe (beleszeret)
She fell for a tall, handsome Frenchman when she was on holiday in Paris.
go out /gəʊ/ 2 jár vkivel (párkapcsolatban van)
I've been going out with Peter for a year.
Dan and I have been going out together for over two years now.
live together /lɪv/ együtt él vkivel (élettársi kapcsolatban)
Nowadays many young people live together before they get married.
live with sb /lɪv/ együtt él vkivel (élettársi kapcsolatban)
She's living with her boyfriend.
stand up ↔ sb /stænd/ átver vkit (nem megy el a találkára) (informal)
I was starting to think I'd been stood up when he arrived.
Phrases and idioms:
arm in arm karonfogva
They walked through the park, arm in arm.
fall in love szerelmes lesz
I was 20 when I first fell in love.
hand in hand kézen fogva
The young couple walked hand in hand by the lake.
in love szerelmes
Have you ever been in love?
the opposite sex a másik nem
He would never dare to speak to a member of the opposite sex.

2. Nemi kapcsolat (15)

fancy verb /ˈfæ [T] 2 (szexuálisan) vonzódik vkihez
I fancied him the first time I saw him.
kiss verb /kɪs/ [I or T] csókol, megcsókol, csókolgat; csókolódzik; puszil, megpuszil
She kissed him on the mouth.
He kissed the children good night/goodbye.
seduce verb /sɪˈdjuːs/ [T often passive] 1 elcsábít vkit (szexre) (!)
She was seduced by her boss.

Oldal 19 / 23
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attraction noun /əˈtræk.ʃən/ 2 vonzódás, vonzalom (ált. testi, nemi) [U]
physical attraction
kiss noun /kɪs/ [C] csók; puszi
Give your granny a big kiss.
a kiss on the lips
sex noun /seks/ [U] 1 szex, szexuális kapcsolat, nemi aktus (!)
Sex before/outside marriage is strongly disapproved of in some cultures.
She was complaining about all the sex and violence on television.
She'd been having sex with a colleague at work for years.
Most young people now receive sex education at school.
unprotected sex
virgin noun /ˈvɜː.dʒɪn/ [C] szűz
She was a virgin at the time of her marriage.
faithful adjective /ˈfeɪθ.fəl/ 2 hűséges (szexuális kapcsolatban)
a faithful husband
They remained faithful to each other throughout their long marriage.
gay adjective /geɪ/ homoszexuális, meleg
gay rights
Have you told your parents you're gay yet?
sexual adjective /ˈsek.ʃʊ.əl/ 1 szex-, szexuális (nemi élettel kapcsolatos) (!)
a sexual relationship
Most people remember their first sexual experience.
sexy adjective /ˈ szexi, vonzó, erotikus
sexy underwear
He's very sexy.
Phrasal verbs:
cheat on sb /tʃiːt/ megcsal vkit (más szexuális partnerrel)
She found out that Jeremy had been cheating on her.
come out /kʌm/ 5 megvallja másságát (homoszexuális)
He hasn't come out to his family.
sleep with sb /sliːp/ lefekszik vkivel (szexuális kapcsolatot létesít) (! informal)
She accused him of sleeping with her friend.
Phrases and idioms:
be attracted to sb vonzódik vkihez (ált. testileg)
I was attracted to him straight away.

3. Szakítás, válás (12)

divorce verb /dɪˈvɔːs/ [I or T] elválik (házastárstól)
She's divorcing her husband.
dump verb /dʌmp/ 2 ejt vkit, dob/kidob vkit (megszakítja a kapcsolatot vkivel) (informal)
If he's so awful, why don't you just dump him?
leave verb /liːv/ *(left, left) 6 elhagy vkit (partnert/házastársat) [I or T]
I'll never leave you.
She left him for a younger man.
part verb /pɑːt/ 2 elválik, szétválik vki (nem folytatják a kapcsolatot) (formal)
That summer, after six years of marriage, we parted.
separate verb /ˈsep.ər.eɪt/ 3 elválnak egymástól (együttélést megszüntetnek) [I]
My parents separated when I was four.
divorce noun /dɪˈvɔːs/ [C or U] válás (házasfeleké)
The last I heard they were getting a divorce.

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Divorce is on the increase.
Ellie wants a divorce.
What are the chances of a marriage ending in divorce?
separation noun /ˌsep.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ [C or U] 2 különélés (pl. házasfeleké)
They decided on a trial separation.
apart adverb /əˈpɑːt/ 2 külön (nem élnek együtt)
By this time my parents were living apart.
Phrasal verbs:
break up /breɪk/ 1 szakít vkivel
Jenny and George have broken up.
She's just broken up with her boyfriend.
finish with sb /ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/ szakít vkivel (véget vet a párkapcsolatnak)
Paula's just finished with her boyfriend after three years.
split up /splɪt/ szakít vkivel (szerelmi kapcsolatot megszűntet)
She's just split up with her boyfriend.
Phrases and idioms:
break sb's heart összetöri a szívét vkinek
She really broke his heart when she left.
It breaks my heart when I hear the terrible things that have been said about him.

7.2. Meghívás
(How) would you like to do sth
Would you like to come with us?
Would you like to come to the concert with us?
How would you like to come sailing?
Would you like to have a meal with us?
Would you like to have dinner with us next Saturday?
What/How about doing sth
What about having lunch together?
How about going to a movie tonight?
1. Meghívás hangsúlyozása
Do sth (imperative)
Do spend a weekend at our place.
You (simply) must do sth
You must come to dinner with us.
You must stay for lunch.
2. Bizonytalankodó meghívás
You wouldn't like to do sth, would you?
You wouldn't like to stay with us, would you?
I don't suppose you'd like to do sth, would you?
I don't suppose you'd like to come to the concert, would you?
3. Rákérdezés meghívás elfogadására
Can/will you do sth (after all)? (with high rise)
Will you be coming to the concert after all?
Will you be coming to dinner after all?
Do you know (yet) whether you can/will do sth (after all)
Do you know yet whether you can come?
7.3. Meghívás, ajánlat elfogadása, elutasítása

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1. Ajánlat, meghívás elfogadása
Yes, please!
Thank you!
That will be very nice.
With pleasure!
I'd like/love to!
2. Határozott elutasítás
No, thank you.
(I'm sorry but) I can't (do sth)
I'm sorry but I can't come that day.
I'm sorry but I can't stay any longer.
It's very good/kind of you (to offer/invite us) + but-clause
It's very good of you, but my wife is ill.
It's very kind of you, but I can't come that day.
Unfortunately I can't (do sth)
Unfortunately, I can't come that day.
I'm afraid I can't (do sth)
I'm afraid I can't come to the party.
I'm afraid I can't manage the time to see you at the moment.
I'm afraid I can't leave the dog.
3. Habozás, bizonytalankodó elutasítás
I don't think I really ought to.
I don't want to put you to any trouble.
Are you sure (+ complement clause)?
Are you sure it's convenient?
I don't really know (whether I can)
I'd like to, but ... (with fall-rise)
I'd like to, but I don't know if I could spare the time.
I'd like to, but I have to work.
9.3. Bemutatás, bemutatkozás
1. Formális bemutatás
address form + may I introduce + honorific
Professor Smith, may I introduce Dr Anthony Brown?
address form + I'd like you to meet + first name + family name
Mrs Alexander, I'd like you to meet Jonathan Prior.
2. Informális bemutatás
address form + this is + first name + family name
Jane, this is John Hargreaves.
first name + meet + first name (and reverse, especially among young people on social
Jenny, meet Bill: Bill, meet Jenny.
3. Formális bemutatkozás
(Good morning/afternoon/evening) How do you do?
How do you do? My name is James Scott.
I'm/My name is + first name + family name
4. Formális válasz bemutatáskor
How do you do.
5. Informális bemutatkozás
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Hallo. I'm + first name (+ family name)
Hallo, I'm Ted.
6. Informális válasz bemutatáskor
(It's) good to meet you.
(I'm) (very) pleased to meet you.
7. Rákérdezés bemutatás szükségességére
Do you know each other?
Address form, + do you know + honorific/first name + family name
Miss Jones, do you know Captain Clark?
I think you (two) know each other (, don't you).
Have you already met?

Oldal 23 / 23
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