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Part A

When we talk about the cause and effect in faces on any event, we're talking about what the
relevant causes are, and how these courses might combine to produce and have the
appropriate effect with regard to the same causes. As a result, exploratory research aids us in
identifying the numerous factors that may result in the same outcome. When it comes to
COVID-19 and the depression that people experienced during the pandemic, there are a
number of factors that might have contributed to this impact. The following are the different
causes of the depressive scenario in the pandemic:

The first and most important factor might be societal alienation and the contemporary era.
Many individuals have been left alone in their houses, they have been living alone, they have
been keeping distance from their family and friends, and as a result, they have developed
social anxiety and depression.When the epidemic was at its apex, all sort of social connection
was outlawed all throughout the planet. This meant that everyone lived on their own, received
their education on their own, and everything took place online. All of these variables worked
together to cause depression during the epidemic.

Many people were falling down or else because of the Covid 19, they suffer alone and there
was no family members and anyone to support them. They will admitted in the hospital and
over and nobody came to even check on them. Many people lost their family members, their
loved ones in this pandemic and because of losing someone you really care in love, this also
lead to depression and lonely less.


My party and I began our journey on August 23, 2014, at 10 a.m., by catching the KTM
UKM train to KL Central for RM3.30 per person. It took me 40 minutes to get to KL Central.
We ride the LRT to KLCC for RM1.20 each after arriving at KL Central. Adults were
charged RM15 apiece at Petrosains.

Petrosains is a scientific exploration information centre featuring a variety of exhibits. I'm a

liberal arts student. This basically implies that everything related to science or technology
will make me yawn 1,000 times before I grasp even a smidgeon of the notion.Science and
technology, on the other hand, are taught at the KLCC in an interactive, story-like fashion
that makes them entertaining and simple to learn. Science is the study of nature, and
Petrosains' educational curriculum somehow includes all of nature's aspects. The Scientific
Discovery Centre is a science discovery centre in Kuala Lumpur. This Science Discovery
Centre can be found on the fourth floor of the Suria KLCC. A million years ago, dinosaurs
were supreme. Dinosaurs are believed to be myths by many people. The KLCC and Science
Discovery Center, on the other hand, could well persuade you that dinosaurs existed.If you
believe this, you may be interested in how human activities have altered since the discovery
of fuel some years ago. A human being has five fundamental senses, and this Science
Discovery Centre will employ all of them since it is interactive.

The Petrosains centre uses a variety of interactive displays to help people completely
comprehend what is going on in the world of science and technology. I discovered that the
Petrosains Centre's many activities might keep me occupied for several hours. First and
foremost, the Geotime Diorama can transport you to a time when dinosaurs controlled the
earth over 200 million years ago.I am not usually an optimist, which is why it is tough for me
to believe that dinosaurs lived. When we were younger, we used to joke that God in heaven
was so irritated with earthquakes that he got off his feet and stomped them down to show the
angels who was in control. However, as I grew older, I discovered that earthquakes are
triggered by tectonic movements on the surface of the earth. This topic was so well stated in
Petrosains that I felt like tipping the presenter.

The Molecule Nano Universe transported me to a world ruled by molecules, polymers, and
atoms. I realised that there are a variety of things that our eyes are unable to see. Learning
science at the Science Discovery Centre is made more enjoyable by these discoveries.

When I first boarded the Dark Ride, I wished I had brought my family along. It was a
fantastic event that has captivated me to this day. Only in Kuala Lumpur will you be able to
take a virtual trip during a storm thanks to an oil platform and a helicopter flying
simulator.Just as in a normal helicopter ride, you will have to fasten your seatbelt for safety
as well as for comfort.
We learned that about how the science technology work out and gaining knowledge about the
function of raw material in our daily life.
Report by
Aiman Iskandar Bin Azman Shah
Part B


The greatest teacher of all is life itself. It has a way of teaching us things that no one else has
ever been able to teach us. I will teach you the most crucial things via nothing other but life.
You will be able to live a happy life if you can learn those things.

We recognise that sometimes we are dissatisfied with what we have and yearn for more. We
mistakenly believe that accumulating more things can bring happiness into our lives. The
reality, on the other hand, is rather different. No matter how much money you make, if you
don't have a positive attitude about life, you will never be happy. Try to see things from a
different viewpoint.

Money can't buy happiness because the things that generate long-term happiness and
fulfilment aren't available for purchase. Mani maja wants you to have fun and enjoy yourself,
but long-term satisfaction comes from things like spirituality connections and friendships.

Take a look at the things you have in your life that aren't related to money. You've had
enough after you've considered those factors. Enough to make your life a pleasant experience.
When it comes to money, individuals are constantly in need of more. Make sure you're not
expecting too much from your life. Expectation can sometimes lead to our own heartbreak.
When you anticipate too much from simple things, they become complicated.

If you do not attain your desired outcome, it will crush your heart; instead, attempt to find
satisfaction in the tiniest of things. You will be able to discover happiness if you expect
nothing and enjoy everything.

Gratitude allows us to appreciate what we have in our life, no matter how insignificant. It can
present itself in a variety of ways. For some, it means praising God for each new day, which
brings with it a slew of new opportunities and difficulties. Others may view it as a time to
pause and appreciate the things that our loved ones have done to improve their lives.
Thankfulness benefits not only ourselves, but also other people.

We must also be mindful of allowing our gratitude for the little things in life to devolve into
complacency. To put it another way, while you should always be grateful for what you have,
this should not be an excuse to stop working hard. After all, the finest way to show your
thankfulness to God and your loved ones is to just appreciate the faith they have placed in
you. At the same time, you must ensure that your quest for improvement does not lead to
discontent with your current situation. This may appear perplexing, and the balancing act is
undoubtedly difficult, but the key is to give credit where credit is due, especially to oneself.

Why is it so difficult to appreciate what we have in life? It is undoubtedly a habit that cannot
be shared without some practise. Surprisingly, the more pleased you are with what you have,
the more driven you are to improve.


Two or more people collaborated to create a written piece in collaborative writing. It is a

group work strategy that may be used in the industry or in the classroom. It refers to a labour
distribution procedure that involves writing and results in the co-authorship of a text by
several writers.

Collaborative writing is a common occurrence in many academic and business settings.

Collaborative writing implies that all participants in the writing process have equal
responsibility. The material should be divided into sections to ensure that the burden is
distributed equitably and that participants collaborate and engage throughout the writing
process. It must be assured that everyone contributes to planning, idea generation, and

Some of the benefits of collaborative writing are listed below. With more minds working on
the project, there will be more ideas and a wider range of perspectives. It is also extremely
improbable that the group as a whole would experience writer's block. A group of writers can
divide down a major project into tasks or portions. It is critical, however, that labour be
distributed evenly and that individual members are held accountable for their contributions. It
is necessary to have a lot of persons edit a writing assignment as long as there are no
arguments concerning grammar.

Aside from the benefits described above, there are some drawbacks. Mines, on the other
hand, make it more possible for disagreements to arise about the content or technique of
writing. Mein's joint writing endeavour has an unwelcome difference in writing style that has
not been thoroughly corrected. Members of the team may also have various working styles.
Another disadvantage is peer pressure; if a team member is quiet and forceful, he or she may
have a difficult time being heard in a group situation. Foster collaborative working projects
However, it may be a fantastic way for shy people to learn to communicate with others more
effectively. Many students create papers that make sense to them but aren't clear or
convincing to others. Collaboration helps students view writing as a public rather than a
private solitary activity. Peer review assisted pupils in realising that they are not writing for
themselves, but for others to read. As a result, collaboration aids young writers in developing
a feeling of audience. Too frequently, students write just to impress their teachers, who have
realistic expectations. Knowing that yours will read the papers provides kids a feeling of
where they are writing and why they are writing. Students benefit from collaboration because
they gain a better understanding of academic discourse conventions. Students will learn
where their readers fail when discussing their papers with their worries. Students get
experience analysing writing through collaboration. Students must participate in peer review
sessions and answer out questions about their work in order to collaborate and receive a
grade. They must explain and defend their writing techniques at times. As they finish writing
tasks in collaborative groups, students may use group members as built-in Peer reviewers.

Expect some conflict and disagreement.

Although it may be tempting to get started on your project right away, especially if you are
short on time, this is not a good idea. Setting ground rules from the start will aid your group's
writing process. During the course of most long-term projects, conflicts and challenges will
undoubtedly develop. It will be easier to smooth out these creases if you know how to
manage challenges before they become pure. Co-authors must be respected. Everyone has
their own set of skills, and it's easy to dismiss someone if things aren't going your way right
away, but this attitude may be fatal to a healthy group mentality. Instead, check in with each
other to see how you might best contribute to the group's work.

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