Brief Essay

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Group 3 RZL110 – C6

Brief Essay 8/7/21

Integrating Project on the Life and Works of Rizal

In this learning outcome, our group decided to come up with a website since
most of the people have access to the internet. Our group also considered the
convenient way to disseminate information that may educate the youth and also the
people in the digital world. In the website it contains information that we divided into
three module categories which consist of the learning outcomes that the topics
discussed during the lecture in the life and works of Rizal. We also summarized the
topic in a more concise way and direct to the point so that the readers can easily
understand the topic that we want them to learn and understand. In the different
sections of the websites we discussed some of the controversial questions to enlighten
the youth or our fellow college students about the information on the grand narratives of
the Philippine history, most especially during Rizal's era.

This output aims to properly educate the people, especially the youth, to embody the
ideals and aspirations of how Rizal fought for his beloved country. Also the main reason
of this is to invade message about the importance of it is to awaken the spirit of
nationalistic consciousness for everyone. It gives us realization and lesson that may
applicable in our current society. The value of education that Rizal wants for his fellow
countrymen to be more aware for what are the issues and problems that the Philippine
country is been facing. It serves as an aspirations and makes Rizal a true hero of our
country because of his legal brilliance and exemplary achievements that he was done
for our country. It is also a great opportunity to explain in more in-depth information
about his two famous novels which is are Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo not
only about the novels itself but on how the shadow of this two novels where all about.

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Now diving in the more technical process of the website, a specific member of the group
suggested a website as the final output since it is the most convenient and effective use
of technology. The website was created through SimpleSite, it a site that provides the
most basic of tools for students to be able to understand and create a somewhat
minimalistic approach to the website.

Color to majority of people seems very unimportant, the only time the importance of
color arises is during an important even is during an important event like a wedding.
Some culture associate white as purity, while others sees as being neutral, the same as
for the colors used in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the sixth SDG is clean
water and sanitation and uses the color light blue since water is often associated as
having the color blue. The same goes for the 15 th SDG life on land, terrestrial
environments are often associated with trees, and wild life.

In a study done by Paul A. Bottomley and John R. Doyle in March 1, 2006, they found
perceived appropriateness, garnering consumer attention due to picking the right color
for the product that is sold. This is further supported by Jennifer Aaker a psychologist
and a professor in Stanford, in her paper she discusses the, “5 Dimensions of Brand
Personality.” Wherein she labeled colors as to what kind of personality they display, for
example blue can represent friendliness and hope, while violet can be associated with

Based on the study by Bottomley, the editor of the group who is Kyle Ethan Nicolai J.
Wico changed the initial color of the website which is red. Although it was the color red
is attractive to most people, it strained the eyes of the editor while editing. So the light
color blue was chosen in order to present a simple yet cool look at the same time
doesn’t strain the eyes of the viewer.

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The home page displayed the intentions of the website which is to comply with the
requirements needed for the last module. From the module one page until the last, it
consisted of information that will introduce upcoming freshmen students of Mapua
University to the RZL110 course. This is why all of the information within the website are
mostly topic that were discussed but it didn’t go in depth. The reason why we didn’t go
in depth is because our main goal was to introduce only the major key points of the
course, such as what to expect, what topic will arise, and what will they actually learn.

Our Group has been given a great opportunity to write these for this time of the module.
For this part, we were tasked to create sentences to provide the necessary information
on how we have provided the Group performance Task in creating a Digital Portfolio for
Module Three (3). First, we have tried and discussed different sorts of ideas on how we
will try to provide for everyone how we understand our modules. Next, we will vote for
what is the best, and try to have a short discussion on how each of us understand the
concept. Afterwards the Group will try to then bring some of the readings which where
they have gotten the idea, or what ideas the readings they have provided will provide.
After that the members will try to understand the readings that was provided, after which
as we once comprehended, we would cross check references from the book if it had
happened because it is easy to claim something, therefore it is better to know if were
following the right source of information. After once gathering the needed information,
each member will send the attached information on a word document, each member
having the same format of document, and we have discussed the format beforehand,
and it was that the text will be in front of the image, afterwards, the said format is
followed, and is now submitted to the editor of the group, which was edited through a
unique website called After editing, it was then
followed by a proofread to further correct any mistakes such us typographical errors and
missing punctuations and wrong grammar. Once the team has finally decided whether
to pass the project, the team will meet shortly after the projects has been done. And that
is all for this 1,000-word essay for this Module 3 Assessment.

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