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concept, page 3
what are we?

about this project, page 4 - 13

our core values and philosophy
who are we?
goals and action plan
corporate image


corporate volunteering program, page 14 - 17

cinema of change
main responsible(s)
general area of action
objectives and purposes


corporate volunteering event, page 18

the sustainable movie gala
what is a sustainable movie film?

the event, page 19 - 25

meet the jury
programm of activities
main gala
workers and volunteers
monitoring and reporting

Cinema Paradiso is an independent cinema
theater. In order to define it, we must first take a
closer look to its meaning. Independent cinema
could be briefly summarized by saying “what is
outside Hollywood”, that is, cinema that is made
outside of the big American studios and removed
from commercial criteria. Therefore, an
independent film is a low-budget production or a
small production company.

In our independent cinema we screen

independent, art, foreign or other unconventional
films. We are characterized by a cinema that is
smaller in size and with stronger ties to our local
communities. Unlike mainstream cinemas, which
almost exclusively appeal to users looking to see
a particular movie and do not tacitly endorse the
films they screen, independent cinemas like ours
work to cultivate a reputation for good taste by
selecting high-quality films, which attracts users
who might know little about a film before going
to see it.



To fully understand us as a company is vital to have a clear statement of
our purposes, goals and values.

Our mission consists of giving visibility to the independent cinema scene and making
films a means to give visibilize to social issues. Become a source of inspiration and a
meeting point to drive new projects forward in Madrid.

On the other hand, our vision is to be a reference in independent cinema in Madrid and to
be recognized by our social commitment.


Commitment: with the independent cinema scene and social issues that are present in
our everyday lives.

Diversity: diversity towards art and culture in a way we are open to all forms of films. Also
our space is open to everyone interested in the seventh art, no matter who you are or
where you come from.

Sustainability: act in commitment with the environment. Sustainable initiatives will be

carried out and all of our actions as an enterprise will be driven in a sustainable way.

Passion: share our passion for the cinema through this project.

Innovation: develop new creative ideas to achieve our goals.

Visibility: to give visibility to the independent cinema in Madrid and visibilize social issues
through the schedule of a billboard compromised with society. Aspire to see a change in
both aspects (cinema scene and social issues) by providing our contribution.

Our business philosophy is based on the values just mentioned, which guide our actions.
We conduct our cinema in an ethical and socially responsible manner, since being socially
responsible is very important in our company. We respect the law, support universal human
rights, protect the environment, and benefit the communities where we work.

Underground cinema scene existence is based on the desire to rebel against the use and
abuse of technological equipment, millionaire budgets and the excessive role of directors in
today's cinema. It is a way of making cinematographic visual art that escapes in many ways
the canons established by Hollywood or by the massive and popular film industry. In the
long term we would like to promote new projects, always respecting our values and our
standards of social responsibility.



Javier Golvano
Head of Management and Artistic

Creative, dynamic and hardworking. His passion

for cinema and culture have led Javier to create
Cinema Paradiso in order to entertain and spread
the independent cinema. He has always been
concerned about social issues and always tries to
learn and talk about all kinds of issues through
cinema to make visible some problems, help
minorities, demonstrate against something…

Andrea Díaz
Artistic Department
Diplomat, imaginative and attentive
to details. Andrea has experience in
graphic design, market research and
project management.

Paula Almazán
Head of the CV Programme and of
the Marketing Department

Multidisciplinary profile specialized in marketing

and communication. Creative, and enthoustic. Her
curiosity has led her to become involved in projects
related with sustainability and culture.



Naomi Belleau
Marketing and Communication

Profile with extensive knowledge of computers,

social networks and new communication
technologies. Great ability to adapt to changes,
strategic and creative thinking and knowledge of
languages. Naomi is a specialist in advertising and
digital marketing.

Marta Jiménez
Head of Logistic and HR

Team leader, professional attitude, great capacity

for selection and decision making, defines goals
and priorities of the department with clarity,
motivation and transparency. Marta provides
equal and fair treatment to each employee,
striving to make them feel respected.

Elena Lladó
Logistic and HR Department
Innovative leader and project
manager, able to enhance HR
corporate processes including
selection and talent development.
Elena is a talented organizational
strategist with a broad-based
acumen in HR workflows...


In our company we differentiate three important departments that, together, have the
purpose of meeting our goals: marketing and communication department, artistic
department and logistic and HR department.


On one hand, the Marketing and Communications Department is in charge of a series of

functions like developing a marketing and communication plan. Also, we know the
importance of Social Media to ensure the success of our enterprise so this department will
ensure the presence in all social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter...). Tasks
related to the and maintenance of the website will also be addressed with the intention of
having a complete visual identity. Besides, publicity campaigns and public relations will
take place within this department - which means be in contact with the press, magazines,

Lastly, this department will focus directly in the development of a complete Corporate
volunteering programme and activities related to this. Despite they are main responsibles,
all departments of the project will be also involved, collaborating in a horizontal manner on
this part.(read the Corporate Volunteering part of the document for more information).


The need of an Artistic Department in the development of our project was essential. Since
this is a space devoted to art and to creativity, we want to devote the quality it deserves.

One of the main tasks allocated is the curation of the billboard. The team, made up by
professionals, have the criteria to select the films or documentaries that they consider more

Lastly, this department will be in charge of design: both graphic and interior design of the
venue. This regards the development of visual identity, website, tickets, posters, posts on
social media… together with the decoration and display of the venue, event decoration…

Sustainable design will be something present in all projects. Ensuring that most of our
materials are biodegradable and that the resources are minimized will reduce our carbon
footprint. Lastly, Universal Design will be something we will try to take a closer look at
through the development of all of the different designs. We want to ensure that all of our
projects are accessible for everyone interested, regardless of their age, disability and or any
other factors.



Lastly, the Logistic and HR Department (administration) is in charge of the assurance of:
the forecast of all material or products required, contact with local suppliers, affordable
budget and accounting and the forecast of the required staff.
Furthermore, we develop Covid-19 safety protocol, carry out interviews and provide any kind
of help to employees in case they have doubts about their contract.
As part of the Human Resources duties, this department will ensure that also, people with
disabilities will be hired to carry out the different vacancies offered in our enterprise. Such as
for example the person in charge of the tickets at the entrance.
Apart from the above, the logistics and HR department must ensure good and fluid internal

To carry out a detailed plan about the actions that are going to be performed for the
success of our brand, it is essential to know where we are now. In other words, to understand
our positioning within the cinema sector.

For that reason, a SWOT analysis has been carried out as a starting point to understand
our conditions both internal and external.


Differentiation. Requires investment.

Timeless films. We are new to the film industry and
Greater difficulty in copying the there are more experienced
experience. professionals.
We encourage and give visibility to
people who are starting out in
independent cinema.


Attractive for people who are just Large displays with wide film offerings.
starting out in the sector. Decrease in consumption.
New in the Spanish market. Decrease in the number of spectators of
Social profile viewers. cinema.
High demand for leisure. Improvement of domestic technology.
Increase in leisure offer.
Video streaming services.



Once we are conscious about our situation, we have established a series of objectives for the
first year that serve as a guide to achieve our goals. We differentiate our yearly objectives
into two groups. Within which we describe different related goals and what is our action
plan, in which we describe the activities we will carry out to achieve these objectives.



The opening of the cinema requires a phase of expansion. For this reason, visibility is key to
increase profits and gain new clients. In order to do this, an investment in promotion is
probably the main step we must focus on.

Our first goal within this point is to cover expenses during the first months and then,
acquire a 30% minimum of profits. To achieve this goal, we will create a website and a
social media profile.
Secondly, it is to assure that capacity of each session reaches a minimum of 70% of the
total. To do this, we will invest in SEM , Facebook Ads (promotion) and make a blog in the
website to reach a better positioning.
Increasing the number of sessions: at first it will be open from Thursday to Sunday. Once it
reaches a certain visibility, the idea is to open the cinema every day. For the Opening: we
will promote it on social media, and invite different Spanish artists to the event and to the
premiere of new films.

Another objective is to collaborate with the media and different social media profiles to
promote the cinema. For which, our action plan will be the following: post in Yorokobu
(magazine), post in Madrid Confidential (blog), post in Un Minuto Madrid (instagram profile).

Besides that, we will make a partnership with the city of Madrid to achieve greater
visibility and increase involvement with the independent film scene.

In addition, we will offer discounts to the students in order to achieve our goal of
collaborating with theater and film schools, promoting different initiatives.

We also want to give visibility to new amateur artists for which we will hold film
competitions every month: once a month some amateur film directors and their respective
film projects will be presented on our website. People will have to vote for their favourite. The
winner will have the opportunity to be part of our billboard for the rest of the month.

At last, we want to make a collaboration with the Spanish film platforms. To do so, we will
collaborate with Filmin, the Spanish film platform, and will make a list of the films we
recommend and publish it on the platform.



As stated before, we are concerned about social aspects. For this reason, one of our main
goals is to develop social initiatives addressing social problems or injustices.

As a result, we will carry out thematic events (feminism, lgtb, refugees, environment...). For
example, the week before the 8M we will show films whose main plot is feminism. With these
actions we will be able to support everyone and the collectives, talk about all social issues
without taboos. Furthermore, our main intention is to everyone aware of social issues.

To let everyone enjoy and feel free, we will choose independent films that address these
different topics. We don't want anyone to be left out of this opportunity, we want everyone
to have access to cinematographic culture, so we will make discounts on Thursday
(Independent Viewer Day).

To conclude this point, we want to get involved with people with disabilities in our
company and work with them, so they will be in charge of selling tickets or food.

On the other hand, we are worried about global warming. For this reason, our main goal
is to reduce CO2 emissions of CO2 as much as we possibly can. The main initiatives and
actions taken in order to solve this are the following.

First of all, we want to be paper/plastic less. There are multiple ways we will do this and an
example are our tickets made with seed paper, which could be planted. Each would have a
seasonal plant that we change every month.

Furthermore, we want to hire sustainable and local suppliers that offer local products. To
do this we will follow our action plan, where we will contact sustainable companies such as
"Agua en Caja" to change the plastic bottles for the cardboard ones.

Finally, we have an annual goal to reduce electricity consumption (reduce global

warming) and improve our energy efficiency. To achieve this goal, we will use solar energy
for all lighting such as spotlights, light inside rooms, lamps, entrance panel light (logo).
Carbon footprint records will be registered to obtain a low carbon footprint diet. Lastly, an
annual gala of the most sustainable film will be performed (a detailed description of this
event is explained in the corporate volunteering event).


The corporate image of this project is developed by our artistic
department, who are in charge of all creative aspects.

As stated before, Universal Design and sustainability will be something that has been
taken into consideration for its development.

In general terms, what we want to express through a corporate visual identity is to show the
values and the perception of our company. The idea of the name Cinema Paradiso is based
on the Italian drama film with the same name that constitutes a sentimental portrait of
post-war Italy and a declaration of love for cinema, a sincere and emotional tribute to both
the cinema world and the movie theaters themselves.

By using this name, we want to transmit the idea of movie theatres being places where not
only cinematographic exhibition takes place but also, as a meeting point or meeting point
between people.

Our slogan, Expressing cinema as a means where social

concerns are addressed, where people can

“cinema binds put on somebody's shoes and as a result,

unite society.
us” is the
Inspiration from Cinema Paradiso film:
expression of
this same idea.


The logo is one of the main
factors that it is going to
represent our company, as
soon as you see it we want
you to associate the image
with our brand. Something
flashy and colorful, but
reminiscent of the cinema.


As stated before, sustainability is present also in the design of the tickets. These are made
with recycled seed paper, still preserving the color palette and essence of our Cinema



For the design of the posters of our cinema, we

wanted to continue in harmony with the palette of
colors, adding more striking tones so that we
can attract the
attention of the
public. Always
using reused and
eco friendly


Regarding social networks, we have given the
prominence to Instagram, since we believe
that at present it is the social tool that
reaches more all groups of the society. From
our point of view, we think that if we have a
good company profile and collaborate with
the right people, we can go much further.

Always acting in accordance with our values,

looking for people who have the same
mentality regarding our concern with the
environment and our importance to

On the other hand, our platform has a

universal design, it is accessible to everyone
since we believe that it is very important that
every person is able to understand what we
want to convey. We want to reach as many
people as possible and make our volunteer
projects unforgettable.

Volunteers have lots of choices of where to devote their time, so we need a catchy and
memorable name so they are more likely to consider our program. We thought “Cinema of
Change” is a good name since it reflects the purpose of our cause.

Our social commitment is incorporated in a horizontal manner. By this it is meant that all
departments and its respective members pursue a social responsibility in their every-day
actions. As explained in the hierarchical structure, departments perform their actions
bearing in mind social responsible issues. Hiring people with disabilities, becoming
paperless, ensuring Universal Design principles are just some of the examples of our social

However, a Social Volunteering Program will be performed mainly within the Marketing and
Communications department by the Volunteering Manager, Paula Almazán Méndez. The
organization and communication of the different social volunteering initiatives are carried
out here. Of course - as mentioned above - it would not be possible without the help and
support of the rest of the departments. Our social commitment comprises all departments
and members of this enterprise.

Meet Paula:
Paula is one of those
multidisciplinary profiles
whose head can’t stop
thinking about new projects
and ideas. She is a
marketing and
communication specialist
although curiosity leads her
to generate interests and
become involved in other
creative aspects such as
culture or sustainable issues.


She has become involved in numerous social volunteering programs related with culture
and environmental aspects. Her experience has led her to believe that “art has the power
to change someone’s perspective on a social issue. And films are a great way to do so:
it allows you to walk in another’s shoes. I can’t think of a better way to do that than by
watching a film or documentary”.

“The problem is not the cultural and artistic scene in Madrid but the little visibility it is given
to. That is why Cinema for Change seeks to give visibility to emergent independent artists
and give them the opportunity to share what they have to communicate to the world.
However, we want to give EVERYONE in the city the opportunity to enjoy culture and
cinema. No matter who you are, where do you come from or where do you go, you are
welcomed to Cinema Paradiso.”

As a result of the horizontal structure of the project, Paula tries to make employees part of
these programs as much as possible. “I could describe myself as the one who puts together
ideas collected from all members of the team in order to accomplish a common goal. That
is why we created the “Social Postbox” where anyone could share an idea, proposal or
feedback regarding the Social Volunteering Program. The involvement of all members and
departments is crucial and encourages team cohesion!”.

Paula is also a link between employees and cultural and social groups and associations.
We seek to collaborate with different associations through different initiatives - as it will be
exemplified in the area of action. Communication is key to the success of a proposal, that is
why these programs are organized within this department. A well-defined activity, which is
clear about the impact it wants to generate, not only on workers but also on the
community, will have a better chance of success than a generic activity, without specific
beneficiaries or objectives. “We try to give our social and cultural initiatives visibility to have
the strongest repercussion as possible in order to accomplish our goals: give visibility to the
underground scene and social issues. ” – Shares Paula.


Entering in the concept of general area of action, due to the fact that there are many ways
to volunteer as many as there are needs in a society we decided to not focus our
independent cinema on a single area, so we focus on: cultural volunteering and social

Within the framework of cultural volunteering we want to promote cultural tourism, that is,
to give visibility to an important art like the cinema. Allowing people who wish to contribute
in a free and supportive way to make film-making culture more accessible to other citizens,
collaborating with different Spanish platforms, with the aim of contributing in this way to
their intellectual, emotional and social enrichment. Social volunteering (one of the most
developed in our society) is a type of volunteering very close to the target people of the
projects: people with addictions, people with disabilities, children, young people, families,
immigrants and refugees, homeless people... With social volunteering actions we can
improve the quality of life and autonomy of people with functional diversity or disability and
promote equal opportunities. That is why we like the idea that 80% of our employees are
people with disabilities as an integration of all kinds of people in our independent cinema.



There are many objectives and purposes that we want to achieve. On one hand, through the
cultural volunteering we want to achieve the following: first of all, to give visibility to new
amateur artists; then, about short film contests we want to project all short films in an
event and the winner will be given a scholarship to develop their own one. Also, create
thematic months in which every once in a while and whenever there is a reason to create a
social theme, film projections will be based on a social issue during a whole month; and
cinema for everyone, an initiative which entails bringing the cinema to spaces that
normally it wouldn’t such as soup kitchens in Madrid.

On the other hand, through social volunteering we want to reach disadvantaged

neighbourhoods: hand out free tickets to people who normally don’t have the chance of
attending the cinema. We also want to create sustainable events: annual gala in which
the most sustainable film will be awarded. We want to reward those productions that
reduce electricity consumption, recycle sets, or build them with materials that are not
harmful to the environment, eliminate single-usage plastics, optimise transport during
filming, etc.

In order to achieve the objectives and purposes previously exposed, a 6-month calendar has
been created in which we expose the different activities to be carried out. To begin with,
every Thursday of each month will be the day of independent cinema and we want to bring
everyone closer to the cinema, for this reason we will offer free tickets to different
disadvantaged districts of Madrid. So depending on the months we will distribute free
tickets in different districts which are the most disadvantaged in Madrid. On the other hand,
as said before, some months will be thematics because of the need to create social themes
in which we will make more emphasis. In order to understand all this we present the official


To start, the month of January will be the month of people with disabilities. For this,
during the month we will project short films and feature films that deal with the issue of
people with disabilities and everything that surrounds them, such as how society treats

On Friday 25 there will be a special event in which we will offer a speech after a feature film
with the collaboration of CERMI (Comité Español de Personas con Discapacidad).

Every Thursday we want to bring cinema closer to people with fewer resources. So, for this
reason some free tickets will be distributed in Usera, one of the most disadvantaged districts
of Madrid). Finally, the last Monday of the month we are going to screen a feature film at
the Fundación de Mensajeros de la Paz in order to be able to entertain people who are in
a situation of inequality and at risk of social exclusion.

Then, during the month of February we will distribute free tickets in the district of Puente de
Vallecas, another disadvantaged district of Madrid. Apart from that, on Monday 22 a feature
film will be screened in the Dining room of Santa Isabel (one of the four soup kitchens that
has the Community of Madrid) with the intention of entertaining people who are vulnerable
and/or homeless.

The month of March is for us the month of the woman since March 8 is the International
Women's Day. Throughout the month, short films and feature films about this topic will be
screened. Those films will deal with the issue of women and in relation to issues such as
sexist violence. On Friday 12 there will be a special event after the screening of a woman's
feature film and we will offer a talk with the special collaboration of the Federación Estatal
de Organizaciones Feministas. Apart from that, during this month every Thursday will be
distributed free tickets to the neighborhood of Carabanchel. Also, the last Monday of March
we are going to screen a feature film in one of the day centers run by the Cruz Roja in order
to entertain the elderly who are alone.

To continue, during April the free tickets on thursday will be distributed in Villaverde and on
Monday 26 a feature film will be screened in the Niño Jesús Hospital and with the help of
the Aladina Foundation, in order to entertain children with cancer who are hospitalized.

During the month of May, tickets will be offered every thursday in the district of La Latina
and an important event will be celebrated on May 31, “The Sustainable Movie Gala”.

Finally, the month of June will be defined as the month of the LGTBIQ+ Collective.
Throughout this month, short and feature films will be screened that deal with the subject
of the LGTBIQ+ collective and issues such as discrimination, homophobia...

On Friday 25 there will be a special event after the screening of a feature film of LGTBIQ+
pride and we will offer a talk with the special collaboration of COGAM (association that
fights in Madrid for LGTBIQ+ rights). Also, as every Thursday free entrances will be offered,
this time in the district of Tetuán.


The sustainable movie gala
As explained before, environmental issues are one of the main aspects we care about in
Cinema Paradiso. Sustainable practices are part of our corporate values but we want to go
further with this event: the sustainable movie gala.

Cinema Paradiso aims to give visibility to ecological transformation of the film industry at
this event. This event is the result of joining sustainability with cinema. A turning point in the
way in which these two areas work together, to create marvelous pieces of art responsible
with our planet.

What is a sustainable film?

It is a well-known fact that the production process has a high impact on the environment
due to the building of stage sets, lighting, catering, use of transports… During the last recent
years, environmentalism has reached the cinema becoming engaged with the
protection of ecosystems and acting in a more sustainable way. From small to big-scale
practices, some film directors have started to reduce their carbon footprint during the
production of new films. These initiatives comprise all stages of a film: starting from the
shooting till its production.

The ecological transformation of the film industry is gaining visibility and a major
engagement with the environment. Simple practices such as sustainable food management
or the elimination of plastic bottles are making a change. These practices should be applied
by mega productions, which are the ones that have a greater impact on our planet. There
are numerous examples of films that have applied sustainable practices whilst its creation:
from small to mega productions, both are raising awareness about the problem. One of the
latest film productions is “Spider Man 2”, considered to be the most eco-friendly Sony
Pictures blockbuster (Sáez, 2019).

Green filming or sustainable shoots is a new concept that has been gaining visibility in the
film industry. These include actions such as eliminating disposable plastic bottles, giving
team members reusable bottles that they could fill with bigger containers distributed
around the set. Using hybrid vehicles during the shoot, using LED lighting, creating food
donation programmes from the catering, promoting recycling… (EUFCN, n.d.)

There are multiple associations that contribute daily to decrease the amount of CO2
emissions within the film industry. In Spain, the Estatuto para la Producción Verde is an
association with more than 100 european producers that establishes the so-called “Green
Guidelines”, a document with numerous criteria to be followed. They promote the figure of
the “sustainability consultant” in charge of coordinating the different activities ensuring the
importance of environmentalism. (Hacer películas, la sostenibilidad en los rodajes, 2021)


The event
Gathering all of these ideas in mind, the Sustainable Movie Gala event will take place in
Cinema Paradiso on May 31th.

The contest “The Most Sustainable Film” will be released where candidates will have to
present a film made by their own taking into consideration sustainable aspects during its
production. The most sustainable movie, the one that is more respectful with the
environment, wins the contest. Our jury made up by professionals will select the best 7
movies. A 10 minutes video will be posted on our webpage explaining what makes its movie
more sustainable. The public can vote which one is their favourite. This will represent 50% of
the total votes. The other 50% depicts the votes from the jury.

On the Sustainable Movie Gala, the winner will be released, their movie will be played and
from that moment on it will make part of our billboard for the following 3 months.


Meet the Jury:

Our Jury is composed by; a film director of a sustainable movie (Fernando Colomo), one
person from Greenpeace, one person from FondoVerde, Javier Golvano (head of
CinemaParadiso) and one person from Estatuto para la Producción Verde.

Fernando Colomo
He is a Spanish director, actor, screenwriter and film
producer. His strong point has been film direction. As a
producer he has tried to make cinema sustainable.

Cecilia Carballo
Environmental activist and program director at

Sebastián González
Defender of culture and part of the Fondo Verde team.

Javier Golvano
Head of Cinema Paradiso and defender of culture and

Alicia Torres
Advisor on sustainability in filming and member of the
Estatuto para la Producción Verde.


Team members of the different movies participating, all staff from our enterprise,
Greenpeace and Fondo Verde guests, 2 two from Estatuto para la Producción Verde and
lastly, a person who knows sign language and anyone from the public interested will be
able to buy tickets.


Vegan and vegetarian food

Peppers stuffed with cream cheese Beverage
Artichoke base with beetroot and walnuts Craft beer
Hummus bowls of chickpeas Organic
Roasted vegetable skewer lemonade
Tomato bread canape with vegetable Organic wine
sobrasada Mineral water
Vegetable saute teaspoons with quinoa
Seasonal fruit skewer

Programme of activities:
The cinema will open its doors at 4:30 p.m. to receive all attendees. The event begins at 5
p.m. with the talk given by the film director Fernando Colomo. He will talk about his
experience making sustainable cinema and the difference of making cinema without
thinking about the environment and cinema thinking about each resource. A Greenpeace
representative will join the talk at 5:30 p.m. to briefly discuss the impact of non-sustainable
At 6:00 p.m., the two members of the Statute for Green Production will give a lecture on
how to create a film in the most sustainable way (from the first day of shooting to the
screening). At this conference, people will be encouraged to participate and ask questions.
Around 6:45 p.m. there will be a break of activities so that people can go out or, if they want,
walk around tables with exposed materials that were used for filming and are made with
other recycled materials.
At 7:15 p.m. all members of the jury will gather to announce the film winner of the Gala to
the Most Sustainable Film, which will receive as award: the screening of the film every
Friday of June, July and August and a course for the entire team, training focused on how to
be more sustainable in the film industry or the creation of a figure who is an advisor on
sustainability in a shoot. When the winner is announced, a video-summary of how they
made the film will be shown and a speech on the experience will be given (if it cost them a
lot, if they had difficulty accessing certain resources, if they spent a lot of time thinking
about how to make everything more sustainable, if they spent more budget than normal...).
At 8 p.m. o'clock there will be a cocktail, with natural drinks and a vegetarian catering with
vegan options.
And to end the event, at 9 p.m. will be screened the winning film that will remain on the
bill for the next 3 months.


As already said before, for this event we have decided to request the collaboration of
different entities that we consider very important since their entity philosophies are in line
with the type of event that we want to carry out.

The following collaborators detailed below are collaborators who have an entity philosophy
similar to ours. It is quite known that the participation of collaborators is very important for
the realization of an event since it is a mutual benefit, very positive for both parties. On one
hand, as a company we gain visibility thanks to the participation of these important
entities, apart from the fact that if they collaborate with us, they certify our quality as a
sustainable and responsible company. On the other hand, it benefits them to be part of this
type of event, it already helps to promote the ideas and values that they have as a company
and with all this, it is possible to reach a wider audience, thus transmitting the values and
objectives of their entities.

First of all, the collaboration of Estatuto para la Producción Verde is essential for the
event. This association, which is not a non-profit entity but just a statute, is specialized in
sustainable audiovisual production. As already said, this statute includes a series of
guidelines to reduce the environmental impact in audiovisual production and offers
sustainable solutions to the usual needs of a shoot. Thus, after this gala, the winning film
will be rewarded with being able to adhere to the statute, promoted by "The Europeans
Producers Club". The main purpose of this statute is to promote green technologies and
adopt methods with little negative impact on the environment, as well as to lead and
establish new sustainability standards in the film industry. Thanks to the so-called “Green
Guidelines”, we can fully understand what a sustainable film is and all that it entails. The
Green Guidelines are defined as follows:

Realization of a training course on how to be more sustainable.

To calculate the carbon footprint of production and track it.
Commit to reducing CO2 levels in the use of transport: use public transport as much
as possible, use bicycles or electric vehicles in the set, ...
Greater energy efficiency must be ensured on the set by obtaining electricity from
renewable energies, LED lighting, etc...
Adaptation of adequate methods for the elimination and recycling of waste,
forbidding the use of disposable plastics, promoting the use of recyclable materials
such as paper, prohibiting toxic materials, ...
Make use of local resources as much as possible, such as regional catering, tap
water used, ...
Scenography: make sure that the decoration is made with recyclable materials using
paper and wood as the main materials. As for the wardrobe, do not wear single-use
clothes and wash them with “clean detergents''; For makeup and hairstyles, use
vegan and environmentally friendly products and for special effects, use the ones
which are mostly done digitally.
(The Europeans Producers Club (2019, November). EPC Estatuto para la Producción


Continuing with the collaborators, the Catering company called "Novaterra Catering
Sostenible" will be the catering company that we will have for the cocktail of the gala . It is
a company that is committed to healthy, local and organic food that respects tradition and
includes cultural sensitivities, while trying to minimize the environmental impact of their
activity. It is a company that is totally in line with our values and that is why we could not
have chosen a better company to collaborate with in this sustainable event. They will
provide us the catering altruistically, since they want to promote sustainable catering and
publicize their company through the event. (Fundación Novaterra (2018). Novaterra
Catering Sostenible)

Finally, the collaboration of the following non-profit entities are very important: Greenpeace
and Fondo Verde. According to the theme of our event, there are no better NGOs than these
to collaborate in our gala. On the one hand, as almost everybody knows, Greenpeace is an
international NOGs that is present in 55 countries all around the world. This entity is an
ecologist and pacifist organization which works to stop climate change, to protect
biodiversity in all its forms, to prevent pollution and the abuse of the oceans, land, air and
fresh water, among other things… On the other hand, Fondo Verde is nowadays an
independent organization which supports important renewable energy projects that help to
mitigate climate change and help the most vulnerable societies to adapt their community
to the inevitable effects of such changes. As we can see, both NGOs are on the same line
based on sustainability and having their collaboration is extremely important for us.
(Greenpeace ONG (2021). Greenpeace España) (Fondo verde ONG (2003-2020). Bienvenidos a
Fondo Verde.)

Main goals:
Through the gala, we want to achieve a series of purposes related to the most important
issue, sustainability. Below, we present the main goals for which we organize the event:

Promote and give visibility to sustainable movies. With the purpose of filmmakers
doing an effort to improve in the aspect of caring for the environment, designing a
better production to try to make the residual impact as low as possible. With the
prize "to the most sustainable film" we intend, through artistic expression, to
generate a positive social change.
Give visibility to our cinema and increase our reputation as an enterprise that
attributes importance to sustainability. Through the event, in addition to
rewarding the fact of acting in accordance with the environment, we held the event
to make ourselves known in Spain. In addition, the collaboration with the large
sustainable entities and Fernando Colomo, makes it easier for us to reach more
people and create greater interest in the public.
Give visibility to new amateur artists related to the film industry. The films that
participate in the selection of the gala will be able to enjoy a greater dissemination
of their creation. Therefore, it will give visibility to the actors and actresses who have
a role in these films.
Become the first sustainable cinema gala in Madrid. We believe that it is quite
important to be pioneers in rewarding sustainability in the field of cinema. In
addition, it is an opportunity to influence society in prioritizing concern for the
environment and promoting sustainability.


Regarding workers and volunteers, We have decided to hire more people as extra staff for
the Gala, since with our regular employees it is not enough to take care of all the tasks
involved in the event. As already said, in our company we want to integrate everybody so we
are very committed to the idea of hiring people with disabilities. So, the following functions
and tasks will be carried out through the help of volunteers and people that we have hired,
some with different disabilities:
A volunteer and a person with a disability will be in charge of collecting, delivering
and selling tickets.
As we want everyone to be able to attend the event, a sign language professional
has been hired for all those who have hearing disabilities.
We will hire a person with disabilities to be in charge of keeping the guest list and a
volunteer will help with this task.
To accommodate the public and serve drinks/food to those who request it, we will
count with one volunteer and one person with disabilities that we will hire.
At the information point, there will be two hostesses: a person with a disability that
will be in charge of it and a volunteer will help.
Inside the room, two hostesses (both hired in a hostess company) will be in charge of
helping the jury, changing microphones, supporting anything that is needed. They
will basically be image hostesses, who are in charge of informing all the people who
attend the event about the different aspects of it, carrying out their work always
keeping in mind the care of the image of our company.
In addition, there will be two sound technicians and one light technician; and 2
persons in charge of the assembly and disassembly of the scenario.
Security personnel.

For the cocktail organized, we have the collaboration of Novaterra Catering Sostenible.
They will offer us the catering and the waiters of its company will serve drinks and vegan
starters. Also some staff of our enterprise will help to carry out this part of the gala, since
enough staff will be needed to attend to all the guests.
Taking into account the collaborators, another reason why they are very important for the
development of the gala is the fact that they will provide us with various volunteers, already
mentioned, who will help us to carry out the tasks and maintain the gala. Also, they will
collaborate with some materials needs. The volunteers provided by them are the following:

From Estatuto para la Producción Verde, professionals in charge of the sound and
lighting will be provided. Also they will be in charge of the assembly and disassembly
of the sustainable scenario of the event.
Greenpeace will provide uniforms for the workers.
Novaterra Catering Sostenible will provide the catering and some waiters.
Fondo Verde will provide anti-covid measure control and security personnel.

First of all, we must analyze the functions that will take place during the event and
therefore, the staff that is needed. So, to get all the necessary personnel, on the one hand we
will hire the personnel that we consider through certain employment companies and on the
other hand, for the selection of volunteers, we will carry out a recruitment campaign.


We will publish in our networks the possibility of working with us on a voluntary basis and
thus give the opportunity to know this sector and create experiences in the working world
with great socio-environmental value for young people. Thus, the recruitment campaign will
consist of online interviews two months before to all those that we have previously selected,
after having opened a period to request to collaborate with us. Once we have decided who
will be part of our team, a virtual meeting will be held in which we will explain to each one
of them their functions and emergency protocols. Finally, it will be provided to them a
dossier with all the information they need, which will be read with them in case there is any
doubt. The day of the event, the workers will be called 2 hours before the event, so that they
can personally see the facilities, their jobs, show them the protocol to act in case of an
emergency, services, etc.

Monitoring and reporting:

Once we have the entire action plan and the execution of the gala, we must make sure that
things work well during the event, therefore it is key to have all the planning organized step
by step. We have to make sure that the day of the event lives up to expectations. After all,
we want the event to do justice to all that planning and organization, in addition to being
able to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.
To do this, we will organize checklists to have all the tasks we have to perform well
structured: preparing the premises, taking care of the guest registry, encouraging the
participation of guests in the debate, promotions on social media, etc. After months of work,
and after the stress and nerves of the live show, the gala is over, but there is still work to be
done, and a very important part: evaluating, analyzing, seeing results and writing the
final report. It would be a mistake not to follow up and exhaustively assess the event, since
it will be essential in planning future events at our cinema, there will always be areas for

First we must thank all those involved, that is, all volunteers, assistants, workers,
collaborating entities, etc. Then we should have a post-event review, to talk about how
things were and what could be improved. We have to evaluate if the gala was a success
according to our established objectives, if this event has promoted sustainable films, if it
gives us greater long-term visibility, etc. Evaluate what worked well and what went wrong
and why. What could have been done differently if we had had the opportunity. All these
questions are key to the realization of our next event. Both offline and online, it is important
to monitor all communications made, through different media, paying special attention to
social networks because they generate conversations and share information that may be of
great interest. Communication is essential in all the phases of our event in which it is highly
recommended to spread the results, for example, in specialized media, social networks,
blogs, and also internally. All the guests will discuss the event and share their impressions of
the gala over the next few days. It is important to follow the conversation and comment
where it makes sense to add information, thank the guests or answer questions. Share the
most flattering photos and videos on our social media profiles and official event websites or

Finally, it is necessary to make the final report. Post-event monitoring is as important as

planning and this document must be a true reflection of the event, so it should include all
kinds of important information about our gala.


EUFCN (n.d.). Green Filming . (2021) Hacer Películas, La Sostenibilidad En Los Rodajes.

Sáez, C. (2019, January 28) Eco-Friendly Practices In The Film Industry. CCCB LAB

Evento Plus. (2019, January 8). Checklist para elaborar el informe post-evento.

González, N. (2020, June 2). La guía definitiva para la organización de eventos.


Magro, S. (2020, January 24). ¿Para cuándo un premio a la película más sostenible?

Fundación Novaterra (2018). Novaterra Catering Sostenible.

Fondo verde ONG (2003-2020). Bienvenidos a Fondo Verde .

Greenpeace ONG (2021). Greenpeace España

The Europeans Producers Club (2019, November). EPC Estatuto para la Producción


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