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surface by a
of a given spherical
the radius of
To determine
mirror, a scale (15 cm), a sharp pointed pencil,
plane glass strip, a convex
A sphermeter,

It is used for
principle of micrometer screw.
isdevice based on the
Pranciple: Spherometer upto 0.001 cm. whose
of spherical surfaces accurately on three fixed legs
frame, F supported
of cunvature
triangular metallic
A spherometer consists of a
an equilateral triangle. be moved
tips form the vertices of uniformly cut screw, S can
the triangular frame in
is fixed at the centre of scale is engraved
A vertical nut. N below it. Circular
circular metallic disc D attached slightly made pointed
with the help of knob,
K having the screw, S is
divisions. The lower end, N of
circumference into 100 or
200 equal the s c r e w clockwise

dividing the touches at its centroid. On moving scale

three legs, it main
it at the level of linear scale called
so that on lowering flat vertical metallic
disc m o v e s across a
of circular its centre.
anticlockwise, the edge millimetres with zero at
The main scale has divisions marked in
or scale.

Knob K
Circular Scale
(Circular metallic disc 'D)
Scale Screw 'S

Triangular metallic
frame 'F

Fig. A-6.1. Spherometer

the in one complete rotation of its head, i.e.,

Pitch: It is the linear distance
traversed by screw

the vertical scale

Distance moved by the plane of the disc along
Pitch (P)= Number of complete rotations given to the
circular scale

that can be measured accurately by the spherometer, i.e.,

Least count is the least measurement

Pitch (P)
Least count, LC =
Total number of divisions on the circular scale (n)
if three fixed and the central screw are at
Zero error: On placing the spherometer on a plane surface,
zero mark the disc is in line with the zero mark
level, i.e., touching the plane surface and the
the same
no zero error. Otherwise the instrument possesses zero error.
on the main scale, then the instrument possess
It may be of two types:

Section A: Experiments 43
() Poiilive zero rror, n d ( ) nogutive zUro error
the bulged out surtace,
just touchen the convex murface. To ensure that all the four tips are resting on
'aIve ritorthe zero mark on the circuliar -Knob 'K pass a paper strip under each of them.
zero mark on the
HCul lies u little above the
NC'ule (verlical neale), the zero e r r o r 1N pONitive,
To Votu at
Cucular Salo
(Circular metallc
6. Now rend the main scale. Let the number of complete main scale divisions below the edge of the circular
scale be m. The main scale reading = m x LC of main scale.
let the N" Metalie disc D)
determine the mugnitude of this error, of main scale. Let t
divinion of circular senle lying in line with any
Note the number of divisions on the circular scale which coincides with the edge
be C. The circular scale reading = Cx LC of the spherometer.
Krduntion on the vertical sCale is multiplied by Hence, the total reading main seale reading + circular scale reading = m x LC of main scale + C x L
tle least count, 1.e.,
of the spherometer.
Positive zero error = N x LC. orror
Flg. A-6.2. Positlive zor0 without
(u1) Negalive zero erTr It the zero mark on the cireular
6. Remove the spherometer from its position and remove the convex mirror, place the spherometer
disturbing on the glass slab.
scale lies a little below the zero mark on the main
HCle, the zero error is neg:ative. To determine the
magnitude of negative zero error, read the division
Knob 'K°
of circular scale coincuding with the edge of the
main seale (or piteh scale). Lt it be N'. Then the Ventical Circular Scalo Knob K
(Circular motallic Vertical Circular Scale
Negative zero error = - (n - N') x LC. delliil disc D) Metalic
inoar (Circular metallic disC 'D)
Working: When a spherometer is placed on a spheriealScalo Linear
surface (a part of large sphere) such that tips of three
fixed legs are touching it, the tip of the serew S will be Screw
a little higher on the bulged out portion of the convex Fig. A-6.3. Nogalive zero error
Nurface. This height called Sagitta (h) is related to the
Triangular metallic
radius of curvature of the surlace (radius of the large ram 'f
sphere whose part is the spherical surface).
P'rom the geometry. figure A-6.4 shows that
AO x OB = Q0 x OF Covex Mirror
rxr=h x
(2R -h) Glass Slab
2 h R - h*

Fig. A-6.6. To determine the radius of curvature of a convex mirror.

Fig. A-6.4. Measurement of

From figure A-6.5, if l is the length between two tips of a spherometer,
radius of curvature of a convex
BD Surface using spherometer.
7. Now turn the central screw very gently in the clockwise direction till its tip just touches the surface
then =cos 30
BO of glass slab. During rotation keep on counting the complete number of revolutions (r) executed by the
r3 screw with the help of circular scale. When the tip of the screw just touches the glass slab, note the
2 reading of the circular scale, main scale and also note if the zero of the circular scale has moved down
the main scale, i.e., The reading is negative or positive. In the case of negative value
or up the zero
the circular scale reading is
(100 circular scale division coinciding) x LC.

Hence, radius of curvature, k: The difference between two sets of observations with proper sign i.e., the (curved surface
reading gives the value of h.
plane surface)
8. Repeat the steps 4, 5, 6, 7, two times and get the mean value of h.
R 6h 2 Fig. A-6.5. Section of the sphere
cut by the plane containing 9. Now place the spherometer on the plain sheet (left page) of the notebook and press it. Thus, you will
B and C of three leg9s.
tips A,
Hence, R may be calculated by substituting the values of l and h. get the impression of between
the tips the Join the pricks
of the threewithlegs.millimetre with the help of sharp pencil and scale


Measure the distane
It is the value of .
pricks a scale and take the of the three distances.

1. Take a spherometer. Examine it to Record the observations as follows:

check that its legs and vertical scale
is not loose.
are not shaky and central screw
2. Determine the pitch and the least
count of spherometer
3. Set the given convex mirror on a
explained in prerequisites.
1. Value of the smallest division on the main scale mm
horizontal surface (let glass slab) in such a
out) surface is upwards. way that its convex (bulged 2. Distance moved by 5 rotations of the screw (r) mm

4. Now take the 3. Pitch of the screw

spherometer, move its central screw
sufficiently up and place it on the convex surface so mm cm.
that its three legs rest on it as shown in figure A-6.6. Also move the
central screw downwards till its tip
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Section A: Experiments 45
4. Total number of divisions on the cireular scale
5. Least count of the spherometer mm


6. Zero error in the spherometer = (i) Cm (i) cm (iii) cm

7 Mean zero error cm

SDistance between fixed legs: AB Cm BC Cm CA cm

9 Mean distance. / between two legs of spherometer = cm


Curved surface reading Plane surface reading corrected

S.No. MSR CSD CSR Curved MSR CSD CSR Plane surface h' (1)- h' =- ( e)
(cm) (cm) surface (cm) (cm) Total reading (2) (cm)

Total reading (MSR+ CSR] (cm)

IMSR CSR] (cm)
(with sign) (2)
(with sign) (1)
h Cm

h Cm

hg cm

Mean corrected value of sagitta, h ="1*gt n3 = CIm


R 6h

The radius of curvature of given convex mirror = cm.

1. Select the spherometer according to the size of the spherical surface, i.e., the three legs should lie on
the surface.
2. Before starting the experiment examine the working of the spherometer that the main scale is
legs are not shaky and the vertical
screw moves
smoothly in the nut.
3. Central should just touch the
plane or curved surface.
4. To minimize the backlash
error, rotate the screw in one direction at one
5. The distance between the
legs should be measured accurately as in the
6. Note the curved surface and formula 12 is involved.
plane surface readings with proper sign.
1. The main scale
may not be exactly vertical.
2. The
on the scale may not be uniform.
3. The screw
may be loose.
4. Precautions are not
properly observed.
5. Personal error.

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