Health Practices of Healthcare Workers in Ilocos Norte During Covid-19

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Health Practices of Healthcare Workers in Ilocos Norte during Covid-19

Acido, Vincent Joshua

Acosta, Angel Keith

De Leon, Aloha Joy

Lopez, Christine Joy

Pascua, Nico John

Reyes, Jacqueline

Villanueva, Nathan Vince

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education

College of Teacher Education
Mariano Marcos State University
A. Castro Avenue, 2900 Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

This Study was conducted to determine health practices of healthcare worker’s in

Ilocos Norte during COVID-19, the study aimed to identify the health practices of front
liners in Ilocos Norte in terms of personal health hygiene; propose health sanitation
guidelines for front liners; health promotion and prevention; and safety and quality
performance of the community. 100 participated in the online survey using google forms
for sampling. A questionnaire developed by the researchers was used to gather data
through a survey form: and statistical analysis used frequency and percentages.
Healthcare workers adequately and appropriately practiced safety protocols in keeping
their self and others in a good health. The observed report shows that 91% of
Healthcare workers meet the safety protocols that is needed when they are on duty.
The results presented that mostly of the healthcare workers are females; 28-37 years
old. All of them gave their honest answers in personal health hygiene; propose health
sanitation guidelines for front liners; health promotion and prevention; and safety and
quality performance of the community. With regards to this, 95% of our respondents
says that they always wash and moisturize their hands. Likewise, in terms of safety, we
must always wash our hands to prevent spreading of virus.

Keywords: Ilocos Norte, COVID-19 Pandemic, SARS-COV-2, Healthcare workers,

Personal health hygiene, Outbreak, Front liners.
1. Introduction

A sudden outbreak Coronavirus Disease 2019 or also known as (COVID-19) is a

rapidly emerging pandemic caused by a novel human coronavirus (SARS-COV-2),
previously known as 2019-nCov. COVID-19 was first identified among patient’s in
Wuhan, China with symptoms of viral pneumonia in December 2019. They were
discovered to be affiliated with the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan, China's Hubei
province, where other non-aquatic animals were also sold prior to the outbreak. (Riou &
Althaus, 2020). Over 2.4 million cases and 165,0000 cases as of 20 April 2020, with
over 2.4 million cases and 165,000 deaths that have been reported globally (Hopkins,
2020). Through inhaling aerosols from an infected human, SARS-COV-2 is transmitted
from person to person. Patients with pre-existing conditions (such as hypertension,
heart disease, lung disease, cancer, or diabetes) and old age have been described as
possible risk factors for serious illness and mortality. No antiviral curative therapy or
vaccine has been prescribed for COVID-19 to date. (Sahin, Erdogan, Agaoglu, Dineri,
Cakirci, Senel, et al., 2019). More information is being analyzed on its distribution,
transmission, pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention. The World Health
Organization (WHO) recommends avoiding human - to - human transmission by
preventing infection and stopping diseases from animal sources by shielding close
contacts and health care staff. Daily hand washing, social distancing, and respiratory
hygiene (covering the mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing) are key preventive
steps. (Geneva, 2020).

During this pandemic, health authorities, military and police personnel, barangay
officials, food delivery drivers, government employees, and traffic personnel are at the
frontline of COVID-19 pandemic response and exposed to hazards that put them at risk
of infection, or in other words they are vulnerable to dangers such as exposure to
pathogens, long working hours, psychological distress, exhaustion, burnout and stigma
at work, and physical abuse. A poor understanding of the disease among front liners
can lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment, leading to infection spreading
quickly. COVID-19, a disaster for the environment and an obstacle to combating the
epidemic, has cost the lives of over 100 health workers. The World Health Organization
(WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and various government
agencies in different countries have established recommendations for healthcare
workers and online refresher courses to improve awareness and prevention strategies.
Appeared in (Olum et al., Chekwech et al., Wekha et al., Nassozi et al., Bongomin et al.,

In this time of pandemic, sanitation is very important. To protect human health during
all outbreaks of infectious diseases, including the COVID-19 outbreak, the provision of
clean water, sanitation and hygienic conditions is important. It would also help to
prevent human-to - human transmission of the COVID-19 virus by ensuring effective
and regularly enforced WASH and waste management practices on front liners also in
communities, homes, schools, markets, prisons and health care facilities. Safe
sanitation to health care centers is a very important component of quality care and
infection prevention and control strategies, particularly to forestall the exposure of health
service users and employees to infections (WHO, 2016a), and particularly to safeguard
pregnant women and newborns from infections which will result in adverse outcomes of
pregnancy, sepsis and mortality (Benova et al., Cumming et al., Campbell et al., 2016a).
Access to healthy sanitation systems in households, classrooms, workplaces, health
facilities, public spaces and other organizational environments (such as prisons and
refugee camps) is important for overall well-being, such as risk mitigation (Winter et al.,
Barchi et al., 2016; Jadhav et al., Weitzman et al., Smith et al., 2016). COVID 19 is
already circled with its record as one of the noted virus. Thus, it is thought, that the
researchers will study the health practices of front liners in Ilocos Norte and its
implications during COVID 19.
2. Methods

2.1 Sampling Plan

This study was participated by 100 front liners respondents selected from the
internet. It utilized the purposive sampling procedures, a collection of data from the
health care providers. The samples are logically assumed to be representative of the
population and best to give answers because they were the providers of health care
duringthis time of pandemic.

2.2 Questionnaire Design

Due to increasing numbers of people who are infected of the Corona Virus
Disease (COVID-19). People are prohibited to go outside and make contact between
and among people. Thus, the researchers made an online survey questionnaire to
gather data from the respondents. The survey questionnaire was translated in English
language and consists of 38 items that are divided into 5 parts namely: demographic
characteristics, personal health hygiene, propose health sanitation guidelines for front
liners, health promotion and prevention, and quality performance of the community. The
survey questionnaire was sent through a link. The respondents are required to select
their answers from the three options- Always, sometimes, and never – to rate the
frequency of applying safety practices indicated in the survey questionnaire.

2.3 Pilot of the Study

Data were gathered through a checklist form or survey form type and were
analyzed using frequency and percentage. To ensure that the instrument collected valid
and reliable data that can provide answers to the research questions, the instrument
was tested for face and content validity by an expert in measurement and evaluation.
2.4 Data Collection

Since physical contact between and among people is strictly prohibited due to
the pandemic, all of the items in the questionnaire was encoded to an online application
form so that the respondents can provide their answers in their free-time. First part of
the questionnaire was an informed consent form for the participant to witness their
agreement in providing their answers for the study. The researchers that respondents in
different towns in Ilocos Norte. Interestingly, the researchers asked permission to
identified respondents. After permission have been given, the researchers administered
the online survey questionnaire.

2.5 Data analysis

Descriptive statistics was used to summarize the demographic characteristics of

the respondents. The data was analyzed using the google survey form. This study used
descriptive statistics to recapitulate the collected data. The data was analysed through
computing the gathered data and by getting the percent of it by computing the
respondents answer divided by the total number of the respondents which is 100 times

3. Results and Discussion

Table 1 shows the places of residence of the respondents in Ilocos Norte. It is

shown that most of the respondents are residing in Dingras (30 percent), followed by
Piddig (24 percent), Laoag City (16 percent), San Nicolas (12 percent), Pagudpud (10
percent), Carasi (5 percent) and the Bangui (4 percent). Also in table 1 represents the
gender distribution of the respondents. The table shows that most of the respondents
are female (58.00 percent), while male respondents consist with only 42.00 percent.
This implies that there are more male front liners who are engaged into combating the
corona virus, because they are more passionate and hard-working than females. Table
1 shows that 7 percent of the respondents come from the age of 58-67. While 10
percent of the respondents age ranging to 48-57. And 15 percent of the respondents
come from the age of 38-47. Majority (42 percent) of the respondents come from the
age of 18-27 and above and the other 26 percent come from the ages of 28-37. Also in
table 1 represents the education attainment of our respondents. Out of 100 percent, 36
percent was still under college. 29 percent out of 100 percent was already graduated
and has their own work. While the 34 percent of 100 percent is under high school level.
And the remaining 1 percent was already graduated senior high school/grade 12.

3.1 Personal Health Hygiene

Table 2 presents that out of 100 respondents, 5 percent answered sometimes

and 0 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (95 percent) answered that

they always wash and moisturize their hands. It also presents that out of 100

respondents, 45 percent answered always and 6 percent answered never. Majority of

our respondents (49 percent) answered that they sometimes use gloves in handling

things. Table 2 presents that out of 100 respondents, 70 percent answered always, 29

percent answered sometimes and 1 percent answered never. This implies that not

removing of their facemask is always practice by majority of our respondents (70

percent). Also in table 2 presents that out of 100 respondents, 52.5 percent answered

always, 47.5 percent answered sometimes and 0 percent answered never. This implies

that not removing of their face shield is always practice by majority of our respondents

(52.5 percent). Table 2 presents that out of 100 respondents, 10 percent answered

sometimes and 0 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (90 percent)

answered that they always use observe social/physical distancing. Also in table 2

presents that out of 100 respondents, 7 percent answered sometimes and 2 percent

answered never. Majority of our respondents (91 percent) answered that they always

sanitize themselves before and after duty. Table 2 presents that out of 100 respondents,

6 percent answered sometimes and 0 percent answered never. Majority of our

respondents (94 percent) answered that they always making sure that their hands are

well sanitize before eating. Also in table 2 presents that out of 100 respondents, 7

percent answered sometimes and 2 percent answered never. Majority of our

respondents (91 percent) answered that they always sanitize themselves before and

after duty. Table 2 presents that out of 100 respondents, 20 percent answered

sometimes and 0 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (80 percent)

answered that they always clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.

3.2 Propose Health Sanitation guidelines for front liners

Table 3 presents that out of 100 respondents, 8 percent answered sometimes

and 0 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (92 percent) answered that

they always respect everyone’s personal data especially their temperature. It also

presents that out of 100 respondents, 9 percent answered sometimes and 0 percent

answered never. Majority of our respondents (91 percent) answered that they always

instruct every safety protocol that is needed. Table 3 presents that out of 100

respondents, 13 percent answered sometimes and 0 percent answered never. Majority

of our respondents (87 percent) answered that they always apply GMRC. Also table 3

presents that out of 100 respondents, 50 percent answered always, 19 percent

answered sometimes and 32 percent answered never. This implies that some of our

healthcare workers do not following the protocols because majority of our respondents

(50 percent) answers always. Also in table 3, it presents that out of 100 respondents, 84

percent answered always, 16 percent answered sometimes and 0 percent answered

never. This implies that they avoid discrimination when someone coughs or sneezes.

(84 percent).
3.4 Health promotion and prevention
Table 4 presents that out of 100 respondents, 89 percent answered always, 10

percent answered sometimes and 1 percent answered never. This implies that the

remind safety protocols to everyone who enter and exits. (89 percent). Also in table 4

presents that out of 100 respondents, 25 percent answered always, 31 percent

answered sometimes and 44 percent answered never. This implies that they will not

tolerate people who don’t follow safety protocols. (44 percent). Table 4 presents that out

of 100 respondents, 20 percent answered always, 34 percent answered sometimes and

46 percent answered never. This implies that they will not tolerate people who don’t

want to log in (46 percent). Also in table 4 presents that out of 100 respondents, 21

percent answered always, 33 percent answered sometimes and 46 percent answered

never. This implies that they will not tolerate people who refuses their temperature to be

check (44 percent). In table 4 presents that out of 100 respondents, 45 percent

answered always, 7 percent answered sometimes and 48 percent answered never. This

implies that they will not tolerate people without face mask (48 percent). Also in table 4

presents that out of 100 respondents, 61 percent answered always, 32 percent

answered sometimes and 7 percent answered never. This implies that they don’t

tolerate people who are under the influence to enter (61 percent). It also presents that

out of 100 respondents, 37 percent answered always, 28 percent answered sometimes

and 35 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (37 percent), that they

don’t tolerate underage to enter. Table 4 presents that out of 100 respondents, 80

percent answered always, 20 percent answered sometimes and 0 percent answered

never. Majority of our respondents (80 percent), tolerate senior citizens to enter. In table

4 presents that out of 100 respondents, 50 percent answered always, 26 percent

answered sometimes and 24 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (50

percent) answers that they always seldom check the travel history. Table 4 presents

that out of 100 respondents, 80 percent answered always, 20 percent answered

sometimes and 0 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (80 percent)

answers that they always let everyone answer the log-in form on their own.

3.4 Safety and quality performance of the community

Table 5 presents that out of 100 respondents, 94 percent answered always, 6

percent answered sometimes and 0 percent answered never. This implies that they

always taking care of themselves during duty hours (94 percent). Also in table 5

presents that out of 100 respondents, 59 percent answered always, 37 percent

answered sometimes and 4 percent answered never. This implies that they always

check elderly neighbors regularly (59 percent). It also presents that out of 100

respondents, 51 percent answered always, 44 percent answered sometimes and 5

percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (51 percent) answers that they

always reach people who need information about COVID. In table 5 presents that out of

100 respondents, 50 percent answered always, 24 percent answered sometimes and

26 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (50 percent) answers that they

always don’t give attention to misinformation about COVID cases. In table 5 also it

presents that out of 100 respondents, 47 percent answered always, 50 percent

answered sometimes and 3 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (50

percent) answers that they sometimes help people who are impacted by quarantine

measures. Table 5 presents that out of 100 respondents, 62 percent answered always,

37 percent answered sometimes and 1 percent answered never. Majority of our

respondents (62 percent) answers that they always share positive news to make other

relieve with the burdens during this pandemic. It also presents that out of 100

respondents, 66 percent answered always, 32 percent answered sometimes and 2

percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (66 percent) answers that they

always inform everyone when it comes to marketing schedule. Table 5 presents that out

of 100 respondents, 80 percent answered always, 20 percent answered sometimes and

0 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (80 percent) answers that they

always recommend everyone to use face shield in public areas. In table 5 presents that

out of 100 respondents, 23 percent answered always, 22 percent answered sometimes

and 55 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (55 percent) answers that

they never recommend them to reuse them disposable mask. Also in table 5 presents

that out of 100 respondents, 53 percent answered always, 21 percent answered

sometimes and 26 percent answered never. Majority of our respondents (53 percent)

answers that they always recommend people who are done with 14 days’ quarantine to

not to home quarantine anymore.

4. Implication

The findings of the study could be a skeletal framework that will guide the

healthcare professionals and other local residents in eliminating the spreading of the

pandemic Coronavirus 19 that we are facing nowadays. Proper disseminating of safety

protocols, attitudes and self-discipline is a great help of stopping the virus from

spreading. The following recommendations to the concerned citizens are the following;

Healthcare professional’s/ front liners should always prioritize and discipline themselves
first when they are in duties. Since, front liners are spending much more of their time in

healing patients rather than with their families, they should be given adequate tools and

equipment. They also deserve to be respected at all the times because without them,

there would be no decreasing of Covid cases. To the local residents should also

prioritize to protect themselves from getting infected with the virus. Wear facemask and

face shield whenever leaving the house. Don't be afraid with the penalties, instead. be

afraid of being one of the Covid patients.

In generally, following safety protocols doesn't degrade your personality as an

individual. It is your responsibility to protect yourself from anything that may harm you,

so follow safety precautions. Respect others especially the healthcare professionals if

they remind you to follow safety measures. Respect them as you respect yourself

because one's attitude depends on the person whom they are dealing with.

5. Study Limitation

This study has potential limitations within which our findings need to be interpreted

carefully. Apparently, data obtained from the online survey revealed response bias

because the respondents did not answer the survey honestly. Due to the lack of good

internet access by the researchers, the number of samples involved in the observation

process was limited. The majority of respondents were females, so the disparity

between males and females could be even greater than what was recorded in this

research. Current research does not reflect the entire rural household population of

Ilocos Norte
6. Conclusion

The COVID – 19 pandemics really means that many of us are staying at home and
doing less in terms is social interaction and exercise which we are commonly doing.
Hence 158 this crisis has a negative effect because we know that it affects our physical
health and even mentally. As a result, many of our heath care workers really gives their
best just to possess the necessary actions in order for them to mitigate, contain, the
effect of COVID 19 to every single economy in the province. This means that because
of their sacrifices we can be able to address the health practices being done of our
frontline’s. In some other way, we can say that most of the respondents are aware of
practicing to become responsible enough when it comes to proper self-hygiene.
Provided that because we should abide the regulations for our safety as to which we
can also help our healthcare in battling this COVID 19.

In some manner, we can say that our healthcare workers in Ilocos Norte really
mitigates and always takes into account the proper way of practicing the proper
measure of avoiding 169 the possible effect of COVID 19 to them. Thus, frontline
physicians and nurses who had no infectious disease expertise had additional
challenges when it comes to adjusting their selves to a new way of working
environments in this stressful situation. Because of this trying times, we also need to
support and apply our respect to them. The findings of the study recommend that
researchers, educators, and health care workers should be aware of the possible
outcome if we didn’t follow the safety protocols that the government has been
implemented. Thus, practicing the health and safety protocols can help our health care
workers fight the spread of the virus.

Riou, J.& Althaus, C. (2020).

Hopkins, J. (2020).
Sahin, Erdogan, Agaoglu, Dineri, Cakirci, Senel, et al., (2019).
Geneva, S. (2020).
Olum et al., Chekwech et al., Wekha et al., Nassozi et al., Bongomin et al., (2020).
WHO, (2016a)
Benova et al., Cumming et al., Campbell et al., (2016a).
Winter et al., Barchi et al., 2016; Jadhav et al., Weitzman et al., Smith et al., (2016).
Table 1. Results of the difference of the respondents on Health Practices of Healthcare
Workers in Ilocos Norte during Covid-19

Municipality Frequency Percentage

Laoag City 16 16%

Pagudpud 10 10%

Bangui 4 4%

Dingras 30 30%

San Nicolas 12 12%

Piddig 24 24%

Carasi 5 5%


Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 42 42%

Female 58 58%

TOTAL 100%

Age Frequency Percentage

18-27 42 42.00%

28-37 26 26.00%

38-47 15 15.00%
48-57 10 10.00%
56-67 7 7.00%
68-Above 0 0.00%

TOTAL 100%

Degrees Frequency Percentage

Elementary 0 0.00%

High School 34 34.00%

College 36 36.00%

TOTAL 100%

Table 2: Personal Health Hygiene

Always Sometimes Never Total

I wash and moisturize my hands 95 5 0 100


I use gloves in handling things. 45 49 6 100

I never remove my face mask. 70 29 1 100

I never remove my face shield. 52.5 47.5 0 100

I observe social/physical distancing. 90 10 0 100

I sanitize myself before and after duty. 91 7 2 100

I make sure that my hands are well 94 6 0 100

sanitize before eating.
When on duty, I don’t drink in the 71 21 8 100
same cup
I clean and disinfect frequently 80 20 0 100
touched surfaces daily.

Table 3: Propose Health Sanitation Guidelines for Front liners

Always Sometimes Never Total

I respect everyone their personal data’s 92 8 0 100
especially their temperature.
I instruct every safety protocol that is 91 9 0 100
I apply GMRC (good manners and right 87 13 0 100
conduct all the time)
I let them pass if they exceed the normal 50 18 32 100
body temperature.
I avoid discrimination when someone 84 16 0 100
coughs or sneezes.

Table 4: Health Promotion and Prevention

I remind safety protocols to everyone 89 9 1 100

who enter and exits.

I will tolerate people who don’t follow 25 31 44 100

safety protocols.

I will tolerate people who don’t want to 20 34 46 100

log in.

I will tolerate anyone who refuses their 21 33 46 100

temperature to be check.

I will tolerate people without face mask. 45 7 48 100

I don’t tolerate people who are under the 61 32 7 100

influence of alcohol to enter.

I don’t tolerate underage to enter 37 28 35 100

I will tolerate senior citizens to enter. 80 20 0 100

I seldom check their travel history. 50 26 24 100

I let everyone answer the log-in form on 80 20 0 100

their own.

Table 5: Safety and Quality Performance of the Community

Always Sometimes Never Total

I take care of myself during duty hours. 94 6 0 100
I check elderly neighbors regularly. 59 37 4 100
I reach people who need information 51 44 5 100
about Covid.
I don’t give attention to misinformation 50 26 24 100
about Covid cases.
I help people who are impacted by 47 50 3 100
quarantine measures.
I share positive news to make others 62 37 1 100
relieve with the burdens during this
I inform everyone when it comes to 66 32 2 100
marketing schedule.
I recommend everyone to use face 80 20 0 100
shield in the public areas.
I recommend them to reuse their 23 22 55 100
disposable mask.
I recommend people who are done with 53 21 26 100
14 day’s quarantine not to home
quarantine anymore.

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