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wurA) = tor A <1, and u(t-A) = 0 for A> Therefore the unit step response s(0) is given by, Unit Step Response, s(t) = J hQ) da Example 2.20 Example 2.20 Perform convolution of the following causal signals, x(t) =2ult), (0) = ult) &) x)=e7ut), x) <0 ut) c) x(t) =tult), x,() = e*u(t) Us x,(l) =costu(t), x (1) =tu(t) Solution a) Given that, x,(t) =2 u(t) =2 ; t20 x,t) =ult) =1; t20 bet, 20 =x (0) * x4(0) Sine x,(t) and x,() are causal, By definition of convolution, the limits of integration is O10 Xa) = X40 + x20) =f x0) xot-2) da = fext a a2f a ako ato yao = Aa}, =2[t-0] = 2t ; for t20= 2tult) b) Given that, x,(t) =e u(t) =e ; t20 x,(t) =e u(t) =e 5 t20 Let, (t) = x,(t) * x,(t) 40-400 ‘Since x,(t) and x,(0) are causal, By definition of convolution, the limits of integration is Oot et ewt = f ete eman ° seo Xo(t) = X(t) * X(t) = J x,(A) Xo(t-2) dr ao ! ‘Scanned with CanScanner eye | wot, OT nf oom 9 ot 5 25 |, [5 OS d) Given that, x,(t) = costu(t) =cost ; t20 x,)=tut) =t ;t20 Let, x(t) =x,(t) * x,(t) By definition of convolution, Since x (and (are pang the limits of integrationis ont fl cos | X5l0) = 410 + x00) =f x0) x(t) Joursufy veo uah Aat Joeosidi- fx cos. oi. yoo ato 0 J cost. « (t-2) oh reo 7 lo [sin 2], = fb sina. - ff sina] di.] = {sina [2 sina. + cosa, {{sint - sind] -[1 sint + cost - 0 x sind - coso] tsint-0-tsint-cost+0+1 = 1-cost ; for t20 = (1~ cost) u(t) Example 2.21 Determine the unit step response of the following systems whose impulse responses are given below. ihn = 3tu(t) b) h(t) = e* u(t) c) h(t) = u(t + 2) d) h(t) = u(t—2) VA ni = utt +2) + uct-2) ‘Scanned with CanScanner spaptor 2 Continuous Time Signals and Systems solution gp aiven that, hit) = Stu) =3t 5 t29 unit Step Response, st) =f hyay a “Elle 5) Given that, hit) =e" u(t) =e"; t20 Unit step Response, si) = fina) aa = ‘fem oe [= | - = 1 | = G0); fort20 = Lae) up 2.67 ¢) Given that, hit) = u(t +2) UniStep Response, st) = fay ax = fo = fl,= [+a] we Rs 2 th2! forte-2 = (42) ut+2) @) Given that, h(t) = u(t-2) =1 5 t22 an az Unit Step Response, s(t) = fa) dk = f de = [f= [1-2] = 122! fort22 = (U2) ut~2) ¢) Given that, h(t) = u(t +2) + u(t- 2) Let, h(t) = h,(t) +h, where, h(t) = u(te2) =1 3 t 2-2 hy) = ut-ay=1 3 622 yout) = (h,( +, ] Ud Unit step response, s(t) = h(t) = [hy@) «uth 1+ Eh, #ui] = 5,00 +8,(0 3,(t) =h,(t) «ul j hap, =[t+2] =t+2 ifort > -2 sp(t) = jn cdho= fe fa = [alett-a]=t-2 itor t>2 ase . j fort=—2t02 Now, e, s(t) tt) i Unit step response, 8¢ at) i rts 2 ; fort=-2t02 <. Unit step response, s(t) = t+? ee a tag + 1-2 = 2t 5 forte ‘Scanned with CamScanner 2.68 gnats £ Site Example 2.22 Perform convolution of the following signals, by graphical method. aI) =o U0, x,(t) = t u(t) b) x(t)=ew ; OStST. x) =1; Osts2T Solution a) Given that, x,(t) =e" u(t) =e" ; t20 xt) =tu(t) 3120 Let, x, (t) = x(t) * X,(t) By definition of convolution, xa) =f m0) welt =2) dh Letus change the time index t, in x,(t) and x,(t) 02, to get x,(2) and x4(2), and then fold x,(2) t0 get x(-7) graphic as shown below. xe" xno 1 tor 1 Change of index q » ; ’ Fig1: x(0. Fig 2: x,(4). x)= x,Q)=2 x{-A=-% tor Change of Fold index So « ry 4 x > 2 Fig 3: x,). Fig 4: x,0). Fig 5: x{-). Let us shift x,(-2) by t units of time to get x,(t— 2) and then multiply with x,(4) as shown below. xQ)=e™, 1 1 1]__ —___ Ss ° eo T h 3 1 ' (t-a)=t-af 2 -ayet-at 1 EDatnk No overlap E x(t-aystoa ' region z i —— 1 3 1 ts 8 ! ~*~ a 4 aii +2 shift index P inien Fig6: a shiftindex Wg 6: x0) and x,(t—2) when time shift, t < 0. Fig 7 x,(3) and x,t—2) when time shift” ‘Scanned with CanScanner Chapter 2 - Continuous Time Signals and Systems 2.69 From fig 6 and fig 7, itis observed that the product of x,(2) and x,(t— 2) is non-zero only for time shiftt> 0. For any time shift t> 0, the non-zero product exists in the overlapping region shown ragionis.= 0 to A= 1, Hence integration of x,(2) and x,(t—2) is performed from 2. =0to2 = LRN ticis i) ant oe) = FM) rlt-2) 5 tz 0 ato = fe® ena = froma from a Ine oh Slee] 0 o o vee™ b) Given that, x,(t)=e"" 5 O o 1 2 3 m . . The sum of product sequence v_,(m) Fig 4 : Computation of y(-1). gives y(-1). =. y(-1)=1 When = 0; y(0) = $5 xim)n(o—m) = 5% xm) helm) = 3% vot) hon) xo) wy) 1 it sh OE 3 x B > 4p | | 1 1 tH Hoe . The sum of product sequence v,(m) Fig 5 : Computation of y(0). gives y(0). -. y(0)=2 + 2=4 ‘Scanned with CanScanner chapter 6 ~ Discrete Time Signals and Systems 659 When n = 1; y(1) = eon het=m) = ¥ xin hm) = F vim hm) xm) 4 Bins ¥ a 2 x 2 1, 1 1 | r > 7 pe Taste noe a : ‘The sum of product sequence v,(m) a Fig 6 : Computation of y(1). gives y(1). :. y(1)=14+443 28 When n = 2: y(2) = 9° x(m)h2@—m) = $5 xi) ny(m) =F vai) him) + x(m) 4 ne vine y a x 2 rhy abbr s |. To a, y * . wa? 1 Fig 7: Computation of y(2). ore eae Poeeerset cn ¥ sccm) nglm) = When n = 3; y(3) = >> xm) h(-m) = 2 ‘The sum of product sequence v,(m) gives y(3). -. y(@)= -2+3+2=3 Fig 8 : Computation of y(3)- vinen y= 43 yt) = Se atm nem) =F x0) = ey ra x(m) a \ ‘Tho sum of product sequence v,(m) Fig 9: Computation of y(4) Then ot pai egere ‘Scanned with CanScanner <6 Signals & Systems When n = 5; yi) = > x(m)h(G—m) =} xim)hgim) =D! vale) hm) ae x(m) vm) 3 2 x 2 1 1 1 1 eal - ae ae oe EF Fy FFF Fy The sum of product sequence I . vg(m) gives y(5). °. y(5) = =1 Fig 10 : Computation of y(5). =f z The output sequence, y(n) = yh 4 8, 8, 3, , } y(n) * ay 8 A Ho 2 a 2 Fig 11 : Graphical representation of y(n). Tabular Method ‘Scanned with CanScanner 6.62 Example 6.23 Determine the output y(n) of a relaxed LT! system with impulse response, h(n) = a" u(n) ; where Jal < 1 and ‘When input is a unit step sequence, ie., x(n} Solution u(n). The graphical re Presentation of x(n) and h(n) alter replacing n by m aro shown below. Also the sequence xing folded to get x(-m) him) x(m) x(-m) 1 1 | | | | 1 I ees : ot Fig 1 : Impulse response. Fig 2 : Input sequence. Fig 3 : Folded input sequence. Here both h(m) and x(m) are infinite duration se be an infinite duration sequence starting at n = 0 By convolution formula, quences starting at n = 0. Hence the output sequence yin) will also vio) = 5 Nm) x(n=m) = 5° hm) x,(m); where xm) = x(n =m) nets mao ‘The computation of some samples of y(n) using the above equation are graphically shown below. Whenn = 0; viol = > mI xim) = ° Him) xm) = 3 vim) ory a med h(m) 1 x,(m) vm) m 7 Fig 4: Computation of y(0). When n = FM) =F nem) act— my =F him xm) =F vim) ro moo x,(m) y Torta ™ Fig 5 : Computation of y(1). yatta ‘Scanned with CanScanner chapter 6 - Discrete Time Signals and Systems 6.63 Whenn = 2; y(2) = > him) x(2—m) = oY him) x2(m) = > vem) mo aro mo x,(m) v,(m) o 1 2 3m y2)=1+a+a Fig 6 : Computation of y(2). Solving similarly for other values of n, we can write y(n) for any value of n as shown below. yinl=l+asa?s.ed = a? ; forn20 one y(n) o 1 2 3 Fig 7 : Graphical representation of y(n). ‘Scanned with CanScanner 7 =xample 3.2 Consider a periodic signal x(1), form of eq. (3.25) as with fundamental frequency 27r, that is expressed in the 43 x) = 3° ayei?™, (ea) a where ay = 1, ai =ial\ oo 1 1) = y pv p42 5, wette! p= a= 5 Rewriting eq. (3.26) and collecting each of the harmonic components which have the same fundamental frequency, we obtain x(t) = 14 item ecm) 4 he + ety (3.27) + 1 (gion + en omy, 3 Equivalently, using Euler’s relation, we can write x(#) in the form 1 2 8 x(t) = 1+ zoos 2mt + cos 4at + zoos 6mt. 3.28) In Figure 3.4, we illustrate graphically how the signal x(1) is built up from its harmonic components. ‘Scanned with CanScanner Example 3.3 | * Consider the signal a(t) = sinwot, ini Fourier series ' whose fundamental frequency is wo. One approach to determining ce Soucy coefficients for this signal is to apply eq. (3.39). For this simp! eA linear combination of complex exponentials easier to expand the sinusoidal signal as a linea 2 " and identify the Fourier series coefficients by inspection. Specifically, we can express } sinwor as 1 jot — — eivot, e a sinoot = 35 Comparing the right-hand sides of this equation and eq. (3.38), we obtain wi aed a = 5p 1 = 354 a, = 0, k#+lor - 1. Example 3.4 Let x() = 1+ sinwor + 2cos wot + cos (2008 + 3) a which has fundamenial frequency wo. As with Example 3.3, we can again expand x(t) directly in terms of complex exponentials, so that 1 xO H1+55 Collecting terms, we obtain x) = 1+ ( + He + ( = nem + (jeter + (ert) [elt — ¢7 Ho") + (eo! + gWJ¥0"] 4 Reimers en Hmorenyy, ‘Thus. the Fourier series coefficients for this example are 8 u = 1 el “ W + ve seat ‘Scanned wth CanScanner Sec. 3.3 Fourier Series Re . lepresentation of Continuous-Time Periodic Signals 193 ere tenm = Bay a = 0, [A> 2, In Figure 3.5, w ‘© show a bar graph of the magnitude and phase of ay. Vet “8-2-1012 3 a Figure 3.5 Plots of the magnitude and phas ‘the signal considered in Example 3.4. hahaa Cy = \ is signal that We will encounter a numberof times throughout this ‘book. This signal is periodic with fundamental period 7 and fundamental frequency #0 all. To determine the Fourier series coefficient of the symmetry of x(t) about ¢ = 0, it is conveni ( ota Te ern a, Gal) ts for x(t), we use eq. (3.39). Because jent to choos¢ e-T <1 “(3.55) ae! are equal at every Value of ¢, What it does say is that there is no energy in their difference The type of convergence guaranteed when x(1) has finite energy over a single pe- riod is quite useful. In this case eq. (3.54) states that the difference between x(1) and its Fourier series representation has zero energy. Since physical systems respond to signal en - ergy, from this perspective x(r) and its Fourier series representation are indistinguishable. Because most of the periodic signals that we consider do have finite energy over a single period, they have Fourier series representations. Moreover, an alternative set of conditions, developed by P. L. Dirichlet and also satistied by essentially all of the signals with which we will be concerned, guarantees that v(t) equals its Fourier series representation, except at isolated values of ¢ for which x(7) is discontinuous, At these values, the infinite series of eq. (3.55) converges to the average of the values on cither side of the discontinuity. The Dirichlet conditions are as follows: Condition 1. Over any period, x(1) must be absolutely integrable, that is, [ tntar <= (3.56) Ir ‘Scanned with CanScanner 198 Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals Chap. 3 As with square i Square int ili is. 4 tegrability, this guarantees that each coefficient a; will be finite, since 1 <= — jhe _! la,| Tt {, [x(eJ4"'| dt = T i, |x| de. So if | |x(@Q|dt <%, T then lai] < A periodic signal that violates the first Dirichlet condition is x(t) = - O

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