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Listening Section. Listen and complete the story below.

I am a student. I ............... up early every morning. I .......... to school every weekday.

I ........... a lots of books. I ......... reading so much. My father is a constructor.
He ...............houses. He usually work by car but he sometimes .............
My mother is a teacher. She. ................mathematics in the school. She
and she often ................piano. My sister Julia ................ very hard. She 7.30
and ................... at 8 o’clock in the evening. She is very clever. She ...............4 languages.
She .......... English, German, Spanish and Chinese.
The weather here is always cold. It sometimes ............but it often ...............
We small town. skiing every weekend. We so much.

1. She …………… those bananas with his sister.
a. Eat b. take c. eats d. takes
2. Any and Ady ……………….book at bookshop.
a. hold b. buy c.Buys d. holds
3. I ……………. because I am sad.
a. Laugh b. Cry c. Laughs d. Cries
4. My father ……………….. to airport
a. work b. Go c. works d. Goes
5. Susan …………………….the windows because it is very dirty.
a. open b. cleans c. opens d. clean
6. They ……………… their grandma every weekend.
a. visit b. visits c. See d. sees
7. My sisters ………………with their husband to L.A
a. Live b. travels c. Lives d. travels
8. i am bleeding cause He ………………….. me, right on my face.
a. punch b. slap c. punishes d. slaps
9. You …………………….. my hand very tight.
a. holds b. broke c. hold d. brokes
10. my boyfriend ……………………me a Rose.
a. sell b. bring c. sells d. brings
11. We ……………………….a bike to Campus.
a. drives b. drive c. ride d. rides
12.Viany ………………… a cake with his step sister in the kitchen.
a. buy b. buys c. make d. makes

1. she ………………….in that chair.
a. sites b. sits c.
2. the dog ……………….my hand.
a. bites b. bites
3. my aunt ………………at my bed.
a. sleepes b sleeps
4. Ida …………………… my homework.
a. finishs b. finishes
5. James …………. his house near Lake.
a. buildes b. builds
6. the Bell ………… 9 AM
a. Ringes b Rings
7. She ………….. a lot of things.
a. dos b does
8. my mother ………….. a lot of money in Lippo.
a. spendes b. spends
9. Ian ………………my debt.
a. payes b. pays
10. my brother ……………… his teeth
a. brushs b. brushes
11. she …………………when she is sad.
a. crys b. cries
12. He…………………..his holiday.
a.enjoys b. enjoies

1. Dian………………. with my friends in the living room………………
a. talk/every Sunday b. talks/tomorrow c. talks/once a week
2. Diana and Donny……………………. a letter…………………..
a. sends/twice a week b. send/yesterday c. send/twice a week
3. My sisters……………….. Butterfly with my Dad…………
a. Catchs/everyday b. catch/everyday c. catches/everyday
4. Mrs.Yuli……………………her car to school……………………….
a. drives/yesterday b. drive/once a week c. drives/every monday
5. Lanny…………………Mathematic………………….
a. study/once a week b. studys/once a week c. studies/once a week
6. They often………………..vegetables………………
a. buy/every Morning b. buys/every Morning c. buy/yesterday

7. Susan’s Boyfriend…………………about her………………

a. Thinks/every hour b. Thinks/tomorrow c. think/every hour
8. We always…………… Fried rice at Nostalgia Park ………………….
a. eats/every night b. eat/every Sunday c. eat/tonight
9. The Birds sometimes ……………… the sky………………….
a. flys/every morning b. flies/every morningc. fly/once a day
10. Andy and Donny ……………..a lettes to their girlfriend………………..
a. writes/twice a month b. write/next week c. write/twice a week
11. My Brothers ………….. English………
a. speaks/everyday b. speak/everyday c. speak/tomorrow
12. Mr. Sonny usually………. English in our class………
a. teach/once a week b. teachs/once a week c. teaches/once a week

Part 4. There are some error in these Present Tense sentences. Find it and replace it with the
correct word.
1. I am usually Speaking English with my English teacher.
2. Last night, My boyfriend always call me.
3. She give her jacket to me.
4. My dad watch football match every Saturday night
5. We met once a month.
6. Andy often ask me to go out.
7. They teaches me how to drive a car.
8. Damn. It scare me.
9. Vicky and Sonny always takes me home after school.
10. She love you. Do you knows that?

PART 6. Complete the conversation below using Present tense form.

Friend : hay, it has been a while since we met. Just curious, where do you study?
You :
Friend : what do you do for fun?
You :
Friend : and how do you spend your week?
You :
Friend : where do you like to hang out?
You :
Friend : what usually do you do at night?
You :
Friend : okay. Nice to meet you.
You :

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