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Waltz - Was introduced in England in 1874 but it was in 1922 that it became as
fashionable as Tango. Waltz’s steps have already undergone change and
improvements as well and as a result of this, many more variations became possible.
 It is also considered by some as “mother of present-day dances” and the
“backbone dance” of the ballroom.
 It is a smooth, progressive dance that travels around the line of dance,
characterized by its “rise and fall” action.
 The time signature is 3/4 with the first beat accented. Each step = 1 beat. 
Counting in beats and bars: 1 2 3, 2 2 3, 3 2 3, 4 2 3, etc
Tango - Was first danced in Europe before World War I. The word “tango” may be an
African term for “closed space” or “reserved ground,” or it may be from the Latin verb
tanguere which mean “to touch”. It originates from Buenos Aires (Argentina) where it
was first danced in “Barrio de Las Rana”, the ghetto of Buenos Aires.
 It is a sensual ballroom dance that originated in South America during the early
20th century.
 The time signature is 2/4 with both beats accented. “Slow” count = 1 beat.
“Quick” count = 1/2 beat.
 Counting in beats and bars: 1 2, 1 and 2, etc.
Quick Step - Was developed during World War I in New York and became popular in
ballrooms. It has a common origin as that of the Foxtrot.
 It is an up-and-down, rise-and-fall swinging motion performed at a fast pace.
Music used is usually jazz or swing with a brisk tempo. It is little faster than brisk
walking, although it seems much faster for beginners.
 The time signature is 4/4 with the first and third beats accented.
 “Slow” count = 2 beats. “Quick” count = 1 beat.
 Counting in beats and bars: 1 2 3 4, 2 2 3 4, 3 2 3 4, 4 2 3 4, etc.
Cha – Cha - It is a passionate, energetic, lively and flirtatious dance in 4/4-time
A latin dance which originated in Cuba
-It is a fun, flirtatious and energetic dance with lots of hip movements and fancy foot
-Derived from Mambo
-Dance in 4/4 time.
-"Slow slow quick quick slow"
-"2 3 4 and 1"
Rumba - Rhumba, also known as ballroom rumba, is a genre of ballroom music and
dance that appeared in the East Coast of the United States during the 1930s. It
combined American big band music with Afro-Cuban rhythms, primarily the son cubano,
but also conga and rumba. Although taking its name from the latter, ballroom rumba
differs completely from Cuban rumba in both its music and its dance. Hence, authors
prefer the Americanized spelling of the word to distinguish between them.
Line Dance - is a choreographed dance in which a group of people dance along to a
repeating sequence of steps while arranged in one or more lines or rows.
 same premise as the more widely know Electric Slide. There are variations to the
Electric Slide, but the dance is always performed to the song "Electric Boogie" by
Marcia Griffiths.
Reggae - First developed in Jamaica in the late 1960’s. The term reggae more properly
denotes a particular music style that originated following on the development of ska and
rocksteady. It is based on rhythmic style characterized by accents on the offbeat known
as the skank. It usually accents the second and fourth beat in each bar. The music is
4/4time and counting is 1, 2, 3,4.
Bachata - Bachata is a style of social dance from the Dominican Republic which is now
danced all over the world. It is connected with bachata music.
Jive - Also known in recent years as "Swing"
-Is a lively, energetic dance combining quick footwork and graceful arm movements with
swirls and dips.
Damson - Dance- come from the German word "damson" which mean "to stretch" or "to
Pre – Historic - - Basic movements, Rituals.
Dance During the Late 16th and 17th Centuries (1501-1700) 1600 (Masque
Dancing) - Masque dancing started from elaborate pageants and shows in the 16th
century. Masque dancing involved intricate costuming and stage designing that also
incorporated singing and acting as well as dancing. It was often used as a court
entertainment.  A period in the history of dance in Italy, France, and England which
was considered to be pleasantly deep and rich. France became the forerunner in dance
during this period. -
Greeks - In Ancient Greece, dance was a form of ritual, as well as a pastime. Dance
could be included in hunting communities, initiation ceremony rituals of age, marriage,
and death, entertainment, dance festivals, and religious activity.
 Greek dance evolved from» basic dramatic form which incorporated dance,
music, spoken words, and costumes. Participation in dance and drama» festival
was a religious exercise not merely an amusement. There were more than 200
Greek dances designed for every mood and purpose.
Ancient Civilization - Dance is traced all the way back to the ancient civilizations of
India, Greece, and China. Although each dance varies based on the culture, the
reasons are similar: to tell a story or portray an important message, typically religious.
Middle Ages / Renaissance - They range from slow, stately "processional" dances
(bassadance, pavane, almain) to fast, lively dances (galliard, coranto, canario). The
former, in which the dancers' feet were not raised high off the floor were styled the
dance basse while energetic dances with leaps and lifts were called the haute dance.
Cordillera - Jerrah is the most well known kind of dance in the cordillera region. Within
the Cordilleras' dances, there are the Banga, Bendayan, Lumagen/Tachok, Manmanok,
Ragragsakan, Salisid, Talip, Tarektek, and Uyaoy/Uyauy. The Banga dance shows the
grace and strength of women in the Kalinga tribe.
Spanish Influence - Some of the folk dances with Spanish influence are Estudiantina,
Mazurka Boholana, Mazurka Mindorena and Polka sa Nayon. Among these, you will
learn how to dance the last two dances, the Mazurka Mindorenaand Polka sa Nayon.
Rural Dance - are traditional dances throughout the country with common basic
movement or pattern but with slight variation. Examples; Carinosa, Kuratsa ,Balitaw,
Rigodon, Pandanggo, Surtido
Tribal Dance - are dances found in certain localities or regions only. Examples:
Alcamphor (Leyte) Maglalatik (San Pablo Laguna) Basulto (Pampanga)
Occupational Dance - are dances that depict actions, characteristics, occupations,
industries, and phases of human labors. Examples: Rice Festivals has the largest
number of dancers Pagtatanim, Paggapas, Paggiik, Paglulugas, Paghangin,
Pagbabayo, Pabirik depicts the different stages of gold panning.
War dance - are intended to show imaginary combat or duel with the use of fighting
implements like bolo, kris or spear. Examples: Inabaknon. Sagayan
Comic Dance - are dances with funny and humorous movements mainly intended for
entertainment. Examples: Makonggo (movements of monkey) Kinoton (imitates of
movement of person bitten by ants)
Game Dance - are dances that have some play elements and are for recreation
purposes. Examples: LubiLubi. Gayong-Gayong, Pabo
Festival Dance - Are cultural dances performed to thestrong beats of percussion
instruments by a community of people sharing thesame culture usually done in honor of
aPatron Saint or in thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest
Folk Dance - The traditional recreational dance of an indigenous society showing the
cultural characteristics of a specific people at a given time and place.
 Traditional, social expression through movements with rhythmic accompaniment
which are characteristics of the community life of people of different nationalities.
 The vivid intimate bond of customs, ideals and traditions of the past through which a
multitude of national characteristics in music, steps and costumes are preserved.
 A dance developed spontaneously and naturally by specific folk, usually handed down
from generation to generation and following a fixed basic pattern
Oldest Form Of Dance - Tinikling is one of the oldest traditional Philippines dances
performed using long bamboo poles. The dance takes its name from the tikling bird
native to the island of Leyte in the central Philippines. The movements of the dance
mimic the tikling bird as it strides through its marshy habitat. The tikling bird can be
found in wetlands and grasslands. The movements of this bird as it meanders through
the grass and around tree branches are mimicked in the dance. The dancers leap up
and down on bamboo poles that clap together like branches of a tree, their dance
guarded by quick feet so as not to be hit by the rhythmically moving bamboo.
Modern Dance - Born in the early 20th century, modern dance is a dance style that
focuses on a dancer's own interpretations instead of structured steps, as in traditional
ballet dancing. Modern dancers reject the limitations of classical ballet and favor
movements derived from the expression of their inner feelings
Spatial Consideration - WHERE the dancer moves eg pathways, levels, directions,
size of movements, patterns, spatial design
Rhythm - Is a term which denotes an aspect of a quality of movementthat is sometimes
thought of as dance. When an individual moves in response to a particular rhythm or
music we call the movements as rhythmic movements or rhythms. Structured forms
which start creative rhythmic movements are called rhythms
Dynamic - HOW the dancer moves eg fast/slow, sudden/sustained,
acceleration/deceleration, strong/light, direct/indirect, flowing/abrupt.
Martha Graham - Mother of modern dance
-American dancer and choreographer
-Learned to dance at demishawn studio in NYC
-First to establish moving scenery and speech with dancing.
-Broke social norms on dancing.
Loie Fuller - She was the first choreographer to incorporate lighting into her pieces.
Isadora Duncan - Accrediting with inventing modern dance (Barefoot, free flowing)
-Brought dance back to its roots from other cultures.

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