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Research and Research Methodology

Part 1: Research and Research Methodology

A. Research structure

1. The research title and the abstract has a big impact and interrelated with each
other. There is a strong bond that the abstract defines the title itself and how effective
the CWLU to the elderly in Japan. It is stated in the abstract on how successful
CWLU on residential homes for the elderly.

2. First, they know how to manage the various style on how they engage with the
elderly, whether, public, private sector enterprises or a charity organization. Many of
the elderly needed help and these organizations and facilities for the elderly needy
will surely help them in good ways (physically, emotionally, psychologically and
their economic status). Second, it lightens the elderly’s burden and can improve their
QOL. These programs perform way to five star and great ways for adults. Lastly,
though it’s hard and it was a unique case, it is still implemented and being promoted
for the good sake of the elderly.

3. The researcher used qualitative method research, they constructed

questionnaire to be distributed and interviewed by the residents. They are 12
respondents (8 females and 4 males) and they were asked to answer by the
interviewee. They also used face scale that represents their feelings from sad (1) to
smiling face (5).

4. Yes, the reason that they have used Face Scale to determine their emotional
status as being a resident or beneficiary of the said CWLU. It was also conducted the
research questionnaire by their health status and issues.

5. They concluded that the unit care type of CWLU for elderly concerns the
decreasing of risk of malnutrition. It was stated that the implementation of unit care
systems could be an effective measure for the improvement of the overall quality of
the elderly. The result discusses that it is a great help to the staff as well, and to the
elderly. Under the homely environment, the elderly also gained weigh and this mean
malnutrition is decreasing and can eradicate malnutrition.

6. They applied ethical manners in doing the research because they are dealing with
the aged people and even also younger ones, we should respect them. They also used
formal and understandable language for the future readers and researchers. The article
is a great and unique case to study for having a knowledge and reference to address on
how to decrease malnutrition globally.
B. Understanding the Research

1. The researchers prompted to conduct this study to eradicate malnutrition of

aged or elderly in Kyoto, Japan.

2. Not only unit care staff can handle food for the aged people but also the elderly
themselves. It changed the behavior of the elderly in good terms and ways.

3. On their nutritional status has been decreased during the past 6 months and
classified as high risk. In their QOL, was measured by their daily activities, with their
satisfaction health, and as with the human support. It was conducted by questionnaires
in terms of evaluation meals residents and meal service by the staff.

4. It changed both positive and negative their behaviors in terms of being part of
the cooking and this means they will feel belong to be in that facility.

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