Nokhaiz Azhar Pakistan Studies Assignment

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To divert the attention of Pakistan’s government from Kashmir issue India
increasing the tension on the LOC day by day. Recently the Indian troops fired
on a bus and then the ambulance which came to rescue the victims in
Kashmir. At least another 40 were injured in this attack. In another incident 3
Pakistani soldiers and 7 Indian soldiers died near LOC. Such things should be
stopped because it is creating problems on the both sides of the border but
the mastermind behind this issue India is not willing to do well to both ends.

Indian government finds it easy to do all this violence because the so called
world leaders find it difficult to take a clear stand against India as Indians have
support of USA and Israel. The Pakistani state and government officials have
condemned India and promised retaliation. The Pakistani DGMO has taken a
step to tell his Indian counterpart, warning him that Pakistan reserves the right
to strike back at any time.

If this situation continues it would led to war that will have no end. To end this
brutal act of violence Pakistani government should take this matter to the
international leaders that India is deliberately targeting civilians in both
Pakistan and Kashmir and ask the world community how they can be quite on
this act of violence.

The government of Pakistan and people of Pakistan know that the LOC firing
and the occupation of Kashmir are connected since India has always used
them as a distraction from its crimes in the Kashmir. General Raheel Sharif
the ex COAS conducted a meeting at the corps commander level to review
the situation. And even in his farewell speech he clearly told Indian
government that this brutal act of violence will not be tolerated by the
Pakistani military and they will be responsible for the circumstances.

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