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Polynomial and Equations

1. If a+b+c=0, solve the equation ax2+bx+c=0.

Sol: Given , a+b+c=0
Or b=-(a+c)
Now , ax2+bx+c=0
Or ax2-(a+c)x+c=0
Or ax2-ax-cx+c=0
Or ax(x-1)-c(x-1)=0
Or (x-1)(ax-c)=0
Either x-1=0
Or ax-c=0
x= .
2. Show that the roots of the equation (a2-bc)x2+2(b2-ca)x+(c2-ab)=0 will be equal, if either b=0 or
Sol: Given equation is (a2-bc)x2+2(b2-ca)x+(c2-ab)=0
The equation comparing with Ax2+Bx+C=0
Then , A=a2-bc, B=2(b2-ca), and C=c2-ab
By question, Roots are equal so B2-4AC=0
Or 4(b2-ca)2 – 4(a2 – bc)(c2 – ab)=0
Or 4[b4-2ab2c+c2a2 – a2c2+a3b+bc3-ab2c]=0
Or a3b+b4+bc3-3ab2c=0
Or b[a3+b3+c3-3abc]=0
Either b=0
Or a3+b3+c3-3abc=0 Hence proved
3. Find the value of K so that the equation 3x2+7x+6-k=0 has one root equal to zero.
Sol: Given, equation is 3x2+7x+6-k=0 and one root is equal to zero. Let the non-zero root be .
Compare given equation with ax2+bx+c=0. Then a=3 , b=7 , c=6-k.
The product of roots =

Or 0. = .
Or 0=6-k
Or k=6
4. If one root of the equation is the square of the other, prove that: b 3+a2c+ac2=3abc.
Sol: let and be the two roots of equation.
Then , the sum of roots=

+ = …(i)
The product of roots =
Or =
Or = …(ii)
Cubing (i) on both side


Putting the value of (ii)


Or ca+c2-3bc=
Or ca2+ac2-3abc= - b3
Or b3+a2c+ac2=3abc. Hence proved
5. If one root of the equation x2-px+q=0 be twice the other, show that 2p2=9q.
Sol: Given, equation is x2-px+q=0 and suppose , 2 be the roots.
Then sum of roots = =
Or 3 =
And product of roots =
Or .2 =
Or =
Substituting the value of .

Or =

Or =
Or 2p2=9q
Hence proved
6. If the equations x2+px+q=0 and x2+qx+p=0 have common root, prove that either p=q or p+q+1=0.
Sol: If the equations x2+px+q=0 and x2+qx+p=0 have common root then the condition is (ab’-
a’b)(bc’-b’c)=(ca’-c’a)2 .
Or (1.q-1.p)(p2-q2)= (q.1-p.1)2.
Or (q-p)(p2-q2)-(q-p)2=0
Or (q-p)[(p-q)(p+q)-(q-p)]=0
Or (q-p)(q-p)[p+q+1]=0
Either p=q
Or p+q+1=0
Hence proved
7. Find the value of k so that the equation 3x2+kx-2=0has roots whose sum is equal to 6.
Sol: Given equation 3x2+kx-2=0 comparing to ax2+bx+c=0
Then , a=3, b=k and c=-2
Sum of roots =

Or 6=
Or k=-18
8. If the roots of the equation (a2+b2)x2-2(ac+bd)x(c2+d2)=0 are equal, prove that :
Sol: Given equation is (a2+b2)x2-2(ac+bd)x(c2+d2)=0 .
compare given equation with Ax2+Bx+C=0.
Then A=(a2+b2) , B=-2(ac+bd), C=(c2+d2)
Since the roots are equal so B2-4AC=0
Or 4(ac+bd)2-4(a2+b2)(c2+d2)=0
Or 4[a2c2+2abcd+b2d2-a2c2-a2d2-b2c2-b2d2]=0
Or [2abcd-a2d2-b2c2]=0
Or -[a2d2-2abcd+b2c2]=0
Or (ad-bc)2=0
Or ad-bc=0
Or ad=bc
Or Hence proved.
9. Find the value of P so that equation 5x2-px+16=0 has equal roots.
Sol: Given equation is 5x2-px+16=0 compare with ax2+bx+c=0
Then , a=5, b=-p, c=16
Since the roots are equal so b2-4ac=0
Or (-p)2-4.5.16=0
Or p2-320=0
Or p2=320

10. Form the equation whose roots are reciprocal of the roots of x 2-x+1=0
Sol: Let be the roots of equation x2-x+1=0.
Then , sum of roots ( )=1
Product of roots =1
Let the roots of new equation be .

Then , sum of roots =

Again , product of roots =

Hence the required equation is x2-(sum of roots)x+product of roots =0
ie x2-1.x+1=0
or x2-x+1=0
11. Find a quadratic equation whose roots are twice the roots of 4x 2+8x-5=0.
Sol: Given equation is 4x2+8x-5=0 .
Then sum of roots
Product of roots
Now , the new two roots are .
Sum of roots = ( )
=2( )
Product of two roots=
Hence the required equation is x2- x+ 2 =0
ie x2-+4x-5=0
12. If one of the root of the equation ax2 +bx+c=0 is thrice the other, show that 3b2=16ac.
Sol: Given equation is ax2+bx+c=0. And let the roots are .
Then sum of roots

Or 4

Or …(i)
Again, the product of roots ( )=
Or 3
Or …(ii)
Substituting the value of (i) in (ii)

Or 3b2=16ac. Hence proved.

13. If the equation x2+2(k+2)x+9k=0 has equal roots, find k

Sol: Comparing the given equation x2+2(k+2)x+9k=0 with ax2+bx+c=0
Then, a=1, b=2(k+2), c=9k
Since roots are equal so b2-4ac=0
Or 4(k+2)2-4.1.9k=0
Or 4[k2+4k+4-9k]=0
Or k2-5k+4=0
Or k2-4k-k+4=0
Or k(k-4)-1(k-4)=0
Or (k-4)(k-1)=0
Either k-4=0 , k=4
Or k-1=0 , k=1
14. Find the condition that the two quadratic equations ax2+bx+c=0 and a’x2+b’x+c’=0 may have one
root common.
Sol: let be a common root of both given equations.
Then, a +b +c=0 and a’ +b’ +c’=0
By cross multiplication method

From first two terms


Or …(i)
From last two terms

Or …(ii)
From (i) and (ii)

Or (ab’-a’b)(bc’-b’c)=(ca’-c’a)2
Which is required condition.
15. Find the value of k so that the equation 3x2+7x+6-k=0 has one root equal to zero.
Sol: let be another root of given equation. Then
The product of roots (0.
Or 0=6-k
Or k=6
16. If the roots of the equation ax2+bx+c=0 be in the ratio 3:4, prove that 12b2=49ac.
Sol: Let 3 and 4 be roots of given equation.
Then , the sum of roots (3 )=

Or 7 =

Or = …(i)
Again, the product of roots (3
Or 12 …(ii)
Substituting the value of (i) in (ii)
Or .

Or 12b2=49ac. Hence proved
17. If one root of equation ax2+bx+c=0 the square of other, prove that b3+a2c+ac2= 3abc.
Sol: let the roots are .
The sum of roots …(i)
Product of roots
Or …(ii)
Cubing both side of (i)




Or a2c-3abc+ac2=-b3
Or b3+a2c+ac2=3abc
18. If the sum of roots of equation (m+1)x2+(2m+3)x+(3m+4)=0 is zero. Find the product of its roots.
Sol: The given equation is (m+1)x2+(2m+3)x+(3m+4)=0.
Now, The sum of roots =

Or 0=
Or 2m+3=0
Or m=
Again, the product of roots=

Or =

Or =

Or =
Or =1

19. If the roots of equation p(q-r)x2+q(r-p)x+r(p-q)=0 are equal, show that

Sol: Given equation is p(q-r)x2+q(r-p)x+r(p-q)=0

Compare the equation with ax2+bx+c=0.
Then, a=p(q-r), b=q(r-p) and c=r(p-q)
Since roots are equal so b2-4ac=0
Or q2(r-p)2-4p(q-r)r(p-q)=0
Or q2(r2-2rp+p2)-4pr(pq-q2-rp+qr)=0
Or q2r2-2r q2p+p2 q2-4p2qr+4p q2r+4r2p2-4pqr2=0
Or q2r2+2r q2p+p2 q2-4p2qr+4r2p2-4pqr2=0
Or (qr+pq)2+(2rp)2 - 4p2qr - 4pqr2=0
Or (qr+pq-2rp)2 + 4p2qr+ 4pqr2- 4p2qr - 4pqr2=0
Or (qr+pq-2rp)2=0
Or (qr+pq-2rp)=0
Or qr+pq=2rp
Dividing both side by pqr

20. If the difference of roots of the equation x2+px+q=0 is unity. Show that p2=1+4q.
Sol: Let the roots are and of the equation x2+px+q=0.
Now, the sum of roots=
Or 2 +1=-p
Or 2 =-(1+p)
Or …(i)
Again, product of roots= .

Or p2-1=4q
Or p2=1+4q
21. If a,b,c are rational and a+b+c=0 show that the roots of (b+c-a)x 2+(c+a-b)x+(a+b-c)=0 are rational.
Sol: Given that a,b,c are rational and a+b+c=0 . and given equation is (b+c-a)x 2+(c+a-b)x+(a+b-c)=0
compare with Ax2+Bx+C=0. Then, A=(b+c-a) , B=(c+a-b), and C=(a+b-c)
To show roots are rational we should show that B 2-4AC >0
Now, B2-4AC=(c+a-b)2 -4(b+c-a)(a+b-c)
=(-b-b)2 -4(-a-a)(-c-c)
Which shows that roots are rational.
Or Given that a,b,c are rational and a+b+c=0 . and given equation is
Or (-a-a)x2+(-b-b)x +(-c-c)=0
Or -2ax2-2bx-2c=0
Or -2(ax2+bx+c)=0
Or ax2+bx+c=0
To show roots are rational we should show that b2-4ac >0
Now, b2-4ac=b2-4a(-a-b)
Which shows that the roots are rational.
22. If the roots of the equation x2+px+q=0 are in same ratio as those of the equation x2+lx+m=0, show
that: p2m=l2q.
Sol: let are roots of equation x2+px+q=0 and a,b be roots of equation x2+lx+m=0. Then

Now, sum of roots ( )=

Or ( )=
Or (k+1)=-p
The product of roots ( )=
Or ( )=q
Or .
Substituting the value of

Or …(i)

Similarly, sum of roots (a+b)=

Or (b )=
Or b(k+1)=
Or b
The product of roots (ab)=
Or (b )=m
Or .
Substituting the value of b

Or …(ii)
From (i) and (ii)

Or p2m=l2q. hence proved.

23. For what value of k the equation 9x2+kx+1=0 has equal roots?
Sol: Given equation is 9x2+kx+1=0. Compare with ax2+bx+c=0. Then a=9, b=k, c=1. Since roots are
equal. So b2-4ac=0
Or k2-4.9.1=0
Or k2=36
Or k=

24. If are roots of equation px2+qx+q=0. Prove that:

Sol: If are roots of equation px2+qx+q=0.

Then the sum of roots

And product of roots

Now, LHS=

=- +
=0 RHS proved.
25. Determine the value of p for which one root of the equation x 2+px+1=0 is the square of other.
Sol: Given equation x2+px+1=0 compare with ax2+bx+c=0
Then, a=1, b=p, c=1
Let two roots are .
Now sum of roots (
Or (
Or ( …(i)
And product of roots

Or …(ii)
Squaring (i) on both side

Or 2 –p=p2
Or p2 +p-2=0
Or p2 +2p-p-2=0
Or p(p+2)-1(p+2)=0
Or (p+2)(p-1)=0
Either p+2=0 ie p=-2
Or p-1=0 ie p=1

26. Determine the nature of the rots of the equation 4x 2+8x-5=0

Sol: Compare the equation 4x2+8x-5=0 with ax2+bx+c=0
Then , a=4, b=8, c=-5
Now the discriminant =b2-4ac
Since the discriminant is perfect square so roots are rational and unequal.
27. If the equation x2+2(k+2)x+9k=0 has equal roots, find k.
Sol: Compare the equation x2+2(k+2)x+9k=0 with ax2+bx+c=0
Then , a=1, b=2(k+2), c=9k
Since the roots are equal so the discriminant =b2-4ac=0
Or 4(k+2)2-4.1.9k=0
Or 4[k2+4k+4-9k]=0
Or k2-5k+4=0
Or k2-4k-k+4=0
Or k(k-4)-1(k-4)=0
Or (k-4)(k-1)=0
Either k-4=0 , k=4
Or k-1=0, k=1.
Therefore, the value of k is 1 or 4.
28. Find the quadratic equation whose one root is 2+ .
Sol: If one root of quadratic equation is 2+ . Then another root is 2 - . Now sum of roots
=(2+ )+ (2- )
=2+ +2 -
Again, the product of roots=(2+ )( 2- )
Or =4-3
Or =1
The required equation is x2-(sum of roots)x+product of roots=0
ie. X2-4x+1=0
29. If the sum of roots is –p and product of roots is q, find the quadratic equation.
Sol: since the sum of roots is –p and product of roots is q.
The required equation is x2-(sum of roots)x+product of roots=0
ie x2+px+q=0
30. Determine the values of p for which the equations 3x2+4px+2=0 and 2x2+3x-2=0 may have a
common root.
Sol: let be a common root of both given equations.
Then, 3 +4p +2=0 and 2 +3 -2=0
By cross multiplication method

From first two terms


Or …(i)
From last two terms

Or …(ii)

From (i) and (ii)

Or (8p+6)(8p-9)=100
Or 64p2-72p+48p-54-100=0
Or 64p2-24p-154=0
Or 2[32p2-12p-77]=0
Or 32p2-12p-77=0
Or 32p2-56p+44p-77=0
Or 8p(4p-7)+11(4p-11)=0
Or (4p-7)(8p+11)=0
Either 4p-7=0,

Or 8p+11=0,

So the value of p is or
31. Prove that the roots of x2-3x+2=0 are rational.
Sol: Given equation x2-3x+2=0 compare with ax2+bx+c=0
Then , a=1, b=-3, c=2
The discriminant =b2-4ac
Since the discriminant is perfect square. Hence the roots are rational.
32. For what value of p will the equation 5x2-px+45=0 have equal roots?
Sol: Given equation is 5x2-px+45=0. Compare with ax2+bx+c=0. Then a=5, b=-p, c=45. Since
roots are equal. So b2-4ac=0
Or (-p)2-4.5.45=0
Or p2=900
Or p=

33. Prove that the quadratic equation can’t have more than two roots.
Sol: If possible suppose are three roots of quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0. Then
a +b +c=0 …(i)
a +b +c=0 …(ii)
a +b +c=0 …(iii)
solving (i) and (ii)

or a( - )+b( - )=0
or ( )[a( + )+b]=0
either ( )=0, then
or [a( + )+b]=0 …(iv)
solving (ii) and (iii)

Or [a +b]=0
Either =0 then
Or a +b=0 …(v)
Solving (iv) and (v)
a( )=a .
Or ( )=
Hence either or or
Thus there are only two roots.
34. If the roots of equation ax2+bx+c=0 be in the ratio 3:4, prove that 12b2 =49ac
Sol: let 3p and 4p be the roots of the given equation ax2+bx+c=0.
Then the sum of roots =(3p+4p)=

Or 7p=

The product of roots=(3p.4p)=

Or 12p2=
Or p2=
Substituting the value of p in p2

Or 12b2=49ac. Hence proved
35. If one of the root of the equation ax2+bx+c=0 be twice the other show that 2b2=9ac
Sol: Given, equation is ax2+bx+c=0 and suppose , 2 be the roots.
Then sum of roots = =

Or 3 =

And product of roots =
Or .2 =
Or =
Substituting the value of .

Or =

Or =
Or 2b2=9ac
Hence proved
36. From the equation whose roots are the reciprocals of the roots of ax 2+bx+c=0.
Sol: Let be roots of equation ax2+bx+c=0.
Then the sum of roots (
And product of roots

Let the roots of required equation are .

The sum of roots = =

The product of roots =

Or =

Or =
Now the required equation is x2 – (sum of roots)x+product of roots=0
ie x2+ x+ =0
or cx2+bx+a=0
37. Find the condition that the roots of the quadratic equation ax 2+cx+c=0 may be in the ratio m:n.
Sol: let the roots are of given equation ax2+cx+c=0
By question,

Then the sum of roots =( )=

Again the product of roots=

Now ,



Which is required condition.

38. Form a quadratic equation whose roots are -5 and 4.
Sol: The form of equation is
x2-(sum of roots)x+product of roots=0
x2 +x-20=0
39. Under what condition are the roots of the quadratic equation ax 2 +bx+c=0 i)real and unequal ii)
Sol: the two roots of equation are x= and x= .

If two roots are unequal then

If roots are real so b2-4ac>0
If roots are imaginary b2-4ac<0
40. Under what conditions will quadratic equation ax 2+bx+c=0 has
i) one root the reciprocal of the other.
ii) Roots equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.
Sol: i) let be the roots of given equation ax2+bx+c=0

Then the product of roots =

Or 1=
Or a=c
Which is required condition
iii) Let and - be the roots of equation ax2+bx+c=0
Then, sum of roots =

Or =

Or 0=
Or b=0
Which is required condition
41. If one root of the equation lx2 +mx+n=0 be the four times of other. Show that 4m2=25ln.
Sol: Given equation is lx2+mx+n=0. And let the roots are .
Then sum of roots
Or …(i)
Again, the product of roots ( )=
Or …(ii)
Substituting the value of (i) in (ii)


Or 4m2=25nl. Hence proved.

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