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Expression of Asking Opinion

What do you think of…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
What is your opinion? (Apa pendapat mu?)
What do you think about…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
What your view on? (Bagaimana pandangan mu?)
What is your idea? (Apa pendapatmu?)
What is your comment? (Apa komentar anda?)
What is your reaction? (Apa reaksimu?)
How is your opinion? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
How do you think of my idea? (Bagaimana menurutmu pendapatku)
How about…? (Bagaimana tentang…?)
How do you think? (Apa yang kamu pikirkan?)
How do you feel? (Apa yang kamu rasakan?
Please give me your opinion? (Tolong berikan aku pendapatmu?)
Give me your comment? (Beri aku komentarmu?)
Do you have opinion of…? (Kamu punya pendapat tentang…?)
Do you have any idea? (Kamu punya ide?)
Do you like that? (Kamu menyukainya?

Expression of Giving Opinion

Personal Point of view:

General Point of view:

Contoh Asking and Giving Opinion

Mr. Angga: Hi Dio?
Mr. Dio: Hi Angga?
Mr. Angga: Have you heard about Terrorism in Sarina ?
Mr. Dio: Yes, I got information on television last night.
Mr. Angga: What do you think about that?
Mr. Dio: I think the terrorist is very brutal.
Mr. Angga: I think so, I hope next time there is no incident about it again.

I think the greatest problem with teens today is

miscommunication with family. When we don’t have a healthy
family relationship, eventually we end up doing things without
thinking, which leads to more problems. We start to think that
nobody cares for us and try to get attention by doing wrong
Task 4 (Tugas 4)
Read the dialog, record, and sent the audio file to this group!

Mira and Adi are talking about bullying.

Mira : Have you seen the news about the girl who got bullied and committed suicide because
of it?
Adi : Yeah... I've seen that news on TV. I feel very sad for her.
Mira : Me too. I think it shouldn't have happened in the first place. I heard it's because she
was often teased by her classmates about her weight and appearance.
Adi : I think people should be careful with their words. We might think that it's only a
teasing. But we don't really understand the impact of our words for other people.
Mira : I agree. To my mind, we shouldn't tease others even if it's small, it's considered as
bullying too. Don't you think so?
Adi : I think so too. In my opinion, we should start telling good things to other people
instead of teasing them. If we see someone gets bullied, we have to help them. Some
people ended up joining the bully when they should've helped the victim.
Mira : I totally agree. I really think we should stand up for the person who gets bullied
and don't turn our back on them.
Adi : Have you ever seen someone got bullied?
Mira : I haven't. Have you?
Adi : Me neither. I just hope no one gets bullied in our school.
Mira : Yeah, you're right. I hope so too.

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