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By Muhammad Pandu Wiranegara

This song contains the meaning of a man's affection for the woman he loves. He is willing to do
anything for the woman he loves. In the lyrics of “i swam across, i jump across for you, oh what a thing
to do, cause you were all Yellow,” it can be seen that the songwriter presupposes that his idol woman
is like the color yellow which is always associated with beautiful things. Which is where the yellow
color makes him more enthusiastic to fight for the woman.

"your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones turn into something beautiful and you know, you know I love
you so," from this lyric the writer tries to convey that a woman is not only beautiful from the outside
but also her personality, which it makes the man love the woman very much.

In another lyric, "for you, i'd bleed myself dry" describes unconditional love, which means that he is
willing to shed blood and even be willing to die for someone he loves sincerely. So in this song the
color yellow or yellow also depicts love, devotion, and pain. Therefore the songwriter wants to fight
for the woman, even though it will end up bleeding, he will still sincerely pursue her. With one simple
reason, the woman he idolizes is "yellow" or beautiful in his eyes.

Loving someone unconditionally and willing to fight for him sincerely is the most beautiful thing that
can be done in loving someone. Well, you can express that through this yellow song

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