ENGLISH 10 Q2 Module 2 Lesson 1

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Quarter 2 – Module 2: Lesson 1
Identifying Key Elements
and Language Features
of an Argumentative Text

Department of Education - MIMAROPA Region

English – Grade 10
Self-Learning Module
Quarter 2-Module 2- Lesson 1: Identifying Key Structural Elements and Language
Features of an Argumentative text
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education, MIMAROPA Region
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OIC, Assistant Regional Director : Atty. Suzette T. Gannaban -Medina
CLMD Chief : Mariflor B. Musa

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Maria Jemmelyn V. Ablaza and Norma M. Bagona
Editors: PSDS Lilian A. San Jose, Eva Jagmis
Content/Language Editor: Avegail A. Constantino, Rose Ann A. Cruz
Reviewer: EPS Nancy J. Alaska
Illustrators: Louie J. Cortez
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Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Grade Self-learning Module on Identifying Key
Structural Elements and Language Features of an Argumentative text.
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by
educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or
facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum
while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them
to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and
assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module. Facilitator or
teacher should also pay attention on the cards the students will place in every
activity for you to find out which activity is difficult for them to do that needs
your guidance and assistance.
For the learner:
Welcome you to your new exciting learning journey!
This module is specifically created for you grade 10 students as a modality
of learning in response to the crisis that we are facing due to COVID-19
Pandemic. This module contains engaging and interesting activities that will
develop your skills and intellect that is useful and appropriate in the new normal.
This module was written suitable for a 21st Century learners like you that
aims for the students to be multi-skilled and globally competitive in all aspects of
learning. The lessons to be discussed in this module will assist you in
understanding how to evaluate and make judgment about a range of texts using
sets of criteria through various methods and strategies appropriate to your abilities
and capabilities.
As you work on each activity presented in this module, you will feel the
real enjoyment and pleasure it offers. Discover and realize the true meaning of
your own learning journey.

What I Need to Know

The Most Essential Learning Competency you are about to learn from this
module is to identify key structural elements, e.g.
• Exposition- statement of position
• Arguments
• Restatement of positions, and language features of an argumentative
• Modal verbs: should, must, might, and modal adverbs: usually,
probably, etc.
After going through Lesson 1 of this module, you are expected to:

a. identify the key structural elements of an argumentative text;

b. summarize an argumentative essay using an outline; and
c. express self-impressions of pros and cons regarding common issues in
the community.

For Lesson 2, you are going to focus on Modal Verbs (should, must, might) and
Modal Adverbs. As you work on the activities of this lesson, you will be able to:

a. identify the specific use of modal verbs (should, must, might) and modal
b. construct sentences using modal verbs and modal adverbs;
c. show how modal verbs and modal adverbs help express strength of
opinion and emphasis; and
d. explain the importance of modal verbs and modal adverbs in our daily

h. What I Know

Before you go deeper into the exciting activities of this lesson, let’s first
have a short survey of what you know.
1. What is an argument?
a. A claim that has logic and facts.
b. A claim that has feelings in it.
c. A claim that has a story.
2. What is the hook or lead?
a. The sentence that is the main idea of the essay.
b. The sentence that ends the paper.
c. A sentence that gets the reader’s attention.
3. What is a claim?
a. The sentence that gets the reader’s attention
b. the counterargument.
c. Your views on a topic.
4. What is counterclaim?
a. Agreeing with your opponent’s claim.
b. The rebuttal.
c. The ending of an essay.
5. There are three parts of an argumentative essay. Which choice contains
all of them?
a. Thesis, Lead, Hook
b. Introduction, Body, Conclusion
c. Claim, Counterclaim, Rebuttal

For items 6-15, encircle the letter of the correct answer.

6. We (a. should, b. must, c. might) have classes on Saturday.

7. Filipinos (a. should, b. must, c. might) care for the environment.
8. You (a. should, b. must, c. might) be able to apply what you have
learned in class to your daily life.
9. He (a. should, b. must, c. might) come early if the weather is good.
10. We will show them we can. We (a. should, b. must, c. might) finish
this project on time.
11. His parents (a. should, b. must, c. might) get upset once they
learn what happened.
12. Diane might (a. perhaps b. often c. rarely) celebrate her birthday
despite the crisis.
13. We should (a. perhaps, b. definitely c. frequently) eat healthy
foods every day to strengthen our immune system.
14. She should have (a. probably b. perhaps c. definitely) reached
home by now.
15. A good citizen must (a. likely b. definitely c. probably) obey
Lesson Key Structures of an
1 Argumentative Text

What’s In

The following are what had been discussed last week. Identify the topic
that is being defined in each sentence. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.

______1. A variable whose values are independent of changes in the values of

other variables.
a. research b. independent variable c. dependent variable
______2. It is a political process by an individual or group which aims to
influence public policy and resources allocation decisions within
political, economic, and social system and institutions.
a. advocacy b. campaign c. research
______3. Research involving distinctions based on qualities
a. qualitative b. quantitative c. purposive
______4. It provides a framework in which process of advocacy can be easily
developed and enclosed.
a. advocacy b. campaign c. research

______5. A systematic investigation to establish facts

a. advocacy b. campaign c. research
What’s New

The following chart presents the pros and cons of arguments about
using a cellphone in the classroom. Analyze these arguments and answer the
processing questions that follow.

ACTIVITY 1. Pro & Con Chart

What do you know about your side of the argument and what do you
know about the opposite side of the argument? A good way to organize your
ideas is to use a Pro and Con T-chart [Pro= in favor of thesis statement,
Con= against thesis statement].

Statement of Position: Cellphones should not be allowed in classroom


1. Cellphones distract students 1. Cellphones can easily be turned

from learning if they send off and kept out of sight.

messages or play games in


2. Cellphones might ring in 2, High school students are not

class and disturbed the children and cellphones are

teacher. important in an emergency.

3. Students could use 3. Cellphones can be useful tools

cellphones to cheat on tests. education such a being used as a

dictionary or to make memos.

Processing Questions

If you are to choose, which argument are you going to take side? Pro or





Using a strong and convincing argument is key to move the reader to

agree with what you believe in. This is very important to consider in an
Argumentative Text.

What Is It

An Argumentative essay is a type of essay that presents arguments

about both sides of an issue. It could be that both sides are presented equally
balanced, or it could be one side is presented more forcefully than the other.
(Clanza, Capin, et al. n.d.)
In an argumentative essay writing, your job is to make the reader agree
with your opinion about a controversial topic. You have to:
(1) state your opinion,
(2) Give reasons to support your opinion, and
(3) argue against the opposite opinion.
Overall, you must convince the audience that your side of the argument
is correct. To convince the audience, your essay must be balanced - it must
include your viewpoint and opposing viewpoint, or counterargument.
Even though you are arguing only one side of an issue, you must think
about what the other side would say about your opinion. After the counter-
argument, you must refute by showing that it is wrong. If your essay is
balanced, a reader is more like to agree with you.

The most common type of organization of an argumentative essay

has six paragraphs. Like all essays, it begins with an introduction and ends
with a conclusion. In between are the body paragraphs where you must do
three things: support your opinion, present the opposing point of view, and
tell why that viewpoint is wrong.

Hook Connecting/ Background

1 Main Idea Statement/Thesis
Support 1 (first reason)
◆ Explanation, detail, explanation
◆ Explanation, detail, explanation

Support 2 (second reason)

◆ Explanation, detail, explanation
O ◆ Explanation, detail, explanation

D Support 3 (third reason)

◆ Explanation, detail, explanation
◆ Explanation, detail, explanation

Opposite Side
◆ Counterargument 1
◆ Refutation (ATTACK)
◆ Counterargument 2

◆ Refutation (ATTACK)

Repeat your thesis statement

in different words
6 Suggestion/Opinion/Prediction
for the future.

To help us understand the concepts of an Argumentative Text, here are

some terms commonly used in this lesson:

• Hook – A sentence that gets the reader’s attention.

• Thesis Statement – A sentence which clearly presents the main idea of
your essay.
• Argument/Claim – A claim that has logic and facts.
• Counterargument/Counterclaim – Is an argument opposing the thesis
• Refutation – It is a part of an essay that disproves the opposing

What’s More

Directions: Read the following argumentative essay about “The School

Uniform Question”. Accomplish the activities that follow.

The School Uniform Question

1 Individualism is a fundamental part of society in many countries.

Most people believe in the right to express their own opinion without fear
place - the public school classroom. The issue is school uniforms. Should
public school students be allowed to make individual decisions about
clothing, or should all students be required to wear a uniform? School
uniforms are a better choice for three reasons.

2 First, wearing school uniforms would help make student’s lives

simpler. They would no longer have to decide what to wear every morning,
sometimes trying on outfit after outfit in an effort to choose. Uniforms will
not only save time but also would eliminate the stress often associated with
this chore.

3 Second, school uniforms influence students to act responsibly in

groups and as individuals. Uniforms give students the message that school
is a special place for learning. In addition, uniforms create a feeling of unity
among students. For example, when students do something as a group such
as meetings in the auditorium or eat lunch in the cafeteria, the fact that
they all wear the same uniforms gives them a sense of community. Even
more important, statistics show the positive effects that school uniforms
have on violence and truancy. According to a recent survey in a large school
district in Florida, incidents of school violence dropped by 50%, attendance
and test scores improved, and student suspensions declined approximately
30% after school uniform introduced.

4 Finally, school uniforms would help make all students feel equal.
Students’ standard of living differs greatly from family to family, and some
people are well-off while others are not. People sometimes forget that school
is a place to get an education, not to promote a “fashion show”.
Implementing mandatory school uniforms would make all the students
look the same regardless of their financial status. School uniforms would
promote pride and help to raise the self-esteem of students who cannot
afford to wear expensive clothing.

5 Opponents of mandatory uniforms say that students who wear school

uniforms cannot express their individuality. This point has some merit on
the surface. However, as stated previously, school is a place to learn, not to
flaunt wealth and fashion. Society must decide if individual expression
through clothing is more valuable that improved educational performance.
It is important to remember that school uniforms would be worn only during
school hours. Students can express their individuality in the way that they
dress outside of the classroom.

6 In conclusion, there are many well-documented benefits of

implementing mandatory school uniforms for students. Studies show that
students and society as a whole.

ACTIVITY 2. Post Reading

Directions: Identify the parts of the Argumentative Essay by answering the

following questions.

1. The topic of this essay is school uniforms. What is the Hook in the first

2. What is the Thesis statement in the first paragraph?

3. Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 each give reason for requiring school uniforms.
These can be found in the topic sentence of each paragraph. What are the

Paragraph 2:

Paragraph 3:


Paragraph 4:


4. In paragraph 4, what supporting information does the writer give to show

that uniforms make students equal?


5. Which paragraph presents counter-argument- an argument that is

contrary to, or the opposite of, the writer’s opinion? ________ What is the


5. The writer gives a refutation of the counterargument by showing that it is

invalid. What is the writer’s refutation?

6. Write the sentence from the concluding paragraph that restates the thesis.



Directions: Using the essay “The School Uniform Question”, fill in the
following activity.

1. Essay Topic: __________________________________________________________

Thesis Statement: ______________________________________________________

2. Fill-out the Pro & Con T-chart with information found in the essay.


1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Directions: Below is a statement of position (thesis statement). Complete the

Pro & Con T-Chart by writing three ideas supporting, and another three
against the statement.
Thesis Statement: Adults should pass a test before they can become



1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Choose three major reasons that supported the stand of the writer of the
A. ____________________________________________________________________

B. _____________________________________________________________________

C. _____________________________________________________________________
What I Have Learned

I have learned that Argumentative essay is


___. The three parts of argumentative essay are

_______________, ___________________, and


It is important that the essay must be balanced – it

must include your _____________________,

_________________, or ________________________.

What I Can Do

ACTIVITY 6. Planning Your Argumentative Essay

Directions: Follow the steps below to develop ideas for an argument essay.

1. First, choose any other topic and thesis statement that you want to write about.
Remember that the topic must have more than one point of view to qualify as an
Essay Topic: __________________________________________________________
Thesis Statement: ______________________________________________________
2. Now brainstorm ideas about your topic. Fill out the Pro & Con T-Chart with as
many ideas as you can.


1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

What I Can Do On My Own

Directions: Read the Argumentative text and complete the outline that
Room at the Top

A much-observed piece of advice to youngsters today is the quotation: “There

is plenty of room at the top.” The truth is, there is not much room at the top.

There is room at the top only for the few who have the imagination, the daring,

the ability, the personality, and the energy that make them stand out among


In a talk with a group of employees, Knute Rockne, a popular football coach,

emphasized self-confidence as a great factor in obtaining success. He stressed

that a person can’t get to the top if he just sits back and whispers to himself,

“There are so many competing. I haven’t got a chance . . .” Remy c. Kwant in the

Phenomenology of Social Existence says that without self-confidence, man

cannot live. Lewis Morris, an English poet, writes in a poem, “They only live who

dare.” A Russian author, Yevgenry Yevtushenko, echoed this sentiment in his A

Precocious Autobiography.

For the future is not ready-made for us. Therefore, we must have the self-

confidence to bring about the future that we want ourselves. We must have faith

in our ability to do whatever is to be done and to overcome whatever difficulty we

meet. We must have faith in our ability to make the best out of the little that we


Some people may say that hard work and faith are useless. If luck is working

against us. But it isn’t luck that determines our life. In Life More Abundant,

Charles I. Allen writes that it is our reaction to luck that makes or unmakes us.

If we depend on it, instead of preparing carefully and working hard, or if we use

it as an alibi for our failure, luck will ruin us.

Allen cites as an example, an athlete who has had the bad luck of taking a

hard fall. He doesn’t just sit in the middle of the field bemoaning his bad luck,

saying, “Why did this happen to me? What have I done to deserve this? Why did

I have to be the one who got hit?” Instead, he gets up and gets back into the

game, but he gets a name for being a good sport.

Don’t be dismayed by the odds against you. Don’t be discouraged by what

seems to be a fruitless effort. Tell yourself, “It can be done!” Before you know it,

your self-confidence has made you achieve your goal. Before you know it, you

have made for yourself your “room at the top”.

Source: Bumanglag, Cabanilla et.al. 1983

I. Introduction (Paragraph 1)

A. Hook: “There is plenty of room at the top.”

B. Thesis Statement: _________________________________________________________


II. Body

A. First Reason (Paragraph 2)

1. Self-confidence as a great factor in obtaining success

2. _______________________________________________________________(2)

B. Second Reason (Paragraph 3)

1. We must have the self-confidence to bring about the future that we

want ourselves.
2. _____________________________________________________________(3)
3. ______________________________________________________________(4)
A. Third Reason (Paragraph 4)
1. Some people may say that hard work and faith are useless.
2. _______________________________________________________________(5)
3. _______________________________________________________________(6)
B. Counterargument (Paragraph 5)
1. Counterargument #1 ___________________________________________
2. Counterargument #2 Why did I have to be the one who got hit?
Refutation (attack) Instead he gets up and gets back into the game, he gets
a name for being a good sport.

3. Conclusion (Paragraph 6)
A. RestatedThesis:_____________________________________________________
B. Opinion/Suggestion/Prediction:

What I Can Do More

Identifying Topics for Argumentative Essays

Directions: Read the following topics. Put a checkmark (√) next to the ones
that could be good topics for argument essays.

Topics for Argument

Banning cigarettes Banning violent video games
Using animals for medical
Requiring school uniforms
Mandating military service Requiring a test for people who
want children
Lowering the drinking age to 18 Banning cell phones in schools
Getting rid of zoos Requiring a year of study abroad

Can you think of three additional topics that would be excellent for an
argumentative essay? Write your ideas on the blank provided below.


2. _______________________________________________________________________________


Modals Verbs (should, must, might)

Modal Adverbs

What’s In

Prior to this lesson, you learned about identifying key structural

elements of an Argumentative Text. Can you give the three structural
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
You also had a lot of activities and exercises in your encounter with
modals in your Grade 8 and Grade 9 lessons.
This time, you will enjoy learning about modal verbs with modal
adverbs coming into the picture to help express the strength of opinion and

What’s New

Activity 1. Read the following quotations and note the italicized words.

Those who have less in life must have more in law.

Ramon Magsaysay
If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace
Yogi Berra
The higher we are placed, the more humbly we should walk.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
What words were italicized in the above quotations?

The italicized words must, might, and should are called Modal Verbs.

What Is It

Modal verbs or modals are special kinds of helping verbs that help
writers express the strength of their opinion about a statement. In particular,
modals show different possibilities such as obligation, giving and asking for
permission, ability, possibility, and so on.
Can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, and must are
modal verb forms.
Activities in this lesson focus on modal verbs should, must, and might
as well as with modal adverbs of possibility in connection with your previous
lesson on argumentative texts.

Should indicates:

A. obligation: Filipinos should care for the environment.

B. expectation: You should be able to apply what you have learned
in class to your daily life.
C. advice: Martha should study more or she will fail the exam.
Must indicates

A. necessity: One must work hard in order to succeed.

B. assumption: He must have been stranded that is why he has not
arrived it.
C. prohibition: You must not smoke.
D. order: You must stay at home.
E. advice: You must eat healthy foods.
Might denotes:

A. very weak possibility: We might have classes on Saturdays.

B. permission: Might I ask you not to be so late next time?
C. polite request: Might I have a glass of cold water?

(Angeles 2010, Pinterest.com.mx)

Modal verbs are used to show how likely things are to happen. This can be
called expressing degrees of possibility.
Examples: It might rain today.
The parcel should arrive tomorrow.
Kevin’s brother must come first in the race - he’s such a
fast runner!
Some adverbs can also be used to express degrees of possibility.
Examples: Perhaps it rained last night.
The parcel probably arrived yesterday.
Kevin’s brother certainly has a good chance of winning the
race - he’s such a fast runner.
Sometimes both modal verbs and adverbs of possibility can be used in the
same sentence for emphasis.

Examples: He promised that he might occasionally visit the farm.

The man on the street must definitely be very old.

The ship should probably be leaving earlier.

( www.EdPlace.com)

Therefore, when an adverb is added to a modal verb to add meaning or

emphasis it becomes a modal adverb.
The following table of Modal Verbs and Adverbs will help you in answering the
next activities.
Modal Verbs and Adverbs


Certainty Modal Verbs/Adverbs Statement of Claim

will, can, must, It is certain that…

undoubtedly, always, It seems clear that…
never, definitely, clearly X is definitely…

should, would, can, ought It appears probable…

to, tends to It is usually the case
usually, likely, probably,that…
Moderate regularly, majority, In the majority of
generally, often, cases…
frequently, rarely The results suggest it
is likely that…
May, might, could, Conceivably…
possible, conceivable, It is possible that…
sometimes, occasionally, Occasionally…
Tentative seldomly, perhaps, maybe, It may be the case
uncertainly that…
Activity 1. Read the following sentences. On the space provided, write A if
the use of should in the sentence is to suggest an advice, and O if the use
indicates an obligation.
_______ 1. A good citizen should care for the needy.

________2. Parents should teach their children right from wrong.

________3. A student should be punctual.

________4. You should have told your teacher about your


________5. We really should obey laws.

For items 6-10, indicate if a necessity (N), assumption (A), or prohibition

(P), order (O), advice (Ad) is expressed.
________6. Carlos P. Romulo must have been a good writer for he had

won a Pulitzer price.

________7. You must have an assignment notebook.

________8. You must not cut class.

________9. Safety protocols must be followed.

________10. Every household and establishment must segregate their

What’s More

Activity 2. Fill in each blank with a suitable modal verb. Choose from the ones
given in the box below.

should must might

1. Residents __________ stop throwing wastes in the river.

2. She was told that her sister will be coming back to the province next
week but she still hopes that it __________ be earlier.
3. They ___________ leave earlier to avoid getting caught with the curfew.
4. Social distancing ___________ be observed in public places.
5. Do your best _________ you given the responsibility.

Activity 3. Practicing Modal Verbs

Identify the meaning expressed by each underlined modal verb. (Choices:
necessity, weak possibility, obligation, prohibition, advice, expectation)

1. You should tell me the truth so I could help you.

2. We must arrive on time to witness the whole celebration.
3. We might be able to establish a community on Mars.
4. You must stop the habit of sleeping late.
5. Berto should listen to his parents or he will get sick.
6. We must think of the good of others too and not only of ourselves.
7. The guests might be more than we expect.
8. You should respect others.
9. Mike might join the club.
10. She should apologize before sundown.
Activity 4. Modal Verbs and Modal Adverbs in Context

Complete the paragraph by writing the correct modal verb (might, must, should)
at times paired with modal adverb (always, definitely, rarely) in each blank as

We are facing the challenge of a lifetime. The virus hit our country, our
world, unexpectedly. This 1. (modal verb) has different effects on us but we 2.
(modal verb) (modal adverb) remember that this too shall pass. We 3. (modal
adverb) (modal verb) cooperate. Disobedience 4. (modal verb) cause us more
problems. We 5. (modal verb) (modal adverb) pray for our front liners, our
country, and the whole world.

What I Have Learned

In this module, I have learned that modal verbs are

________________. Modal adverbs are

I realized the importance of using modal verbs and modal adverbs in

my everyday exchanges because ____________________

Special focus was given on the three modal verbs _________,

__________ and __________ in connection with my past lessons on
argumentative texts.

Should denotes ___________, __________ and _______.

Must indicates _________, __________, __________, _________ and ________.
Might denotes _____________________, _____________ and __________________.
What I Can Do

A. Fill in the blank with the correct modal verb given in the brackets.
1. She said that she _________ (should, might) visit Palawan next
2. Rules ________ (must, should) be obeyed to stop the virus from
3. Wildlife poaching _______ (might, must) be prohibited.
4. You ________ (should, might) help yourself and study harder.
5. Jackie _________ (must, should) practice what he had learned.
B. For numbers 6-8, underline the modal adverb that will fit the modal
6. I might (definitely, surely, possibly) enroll in a private school next
7. She (certainly, possibly, probably) must return to the province.
8. The bus should (certainly, possibly, probably) arrive tonight.
9. -10. Which two modal adverbs have almost the same meaning?
(maybe, definitely, probably, certainly)
C. Write a letter to your best friend reminding him or her of the safety
protocols to avoid getting infected with the virus.
Rewrite your letter using at least five modal verbs (should, must, and
might) with appropriate modal adverbs.
Compare the two letters.
Which one do you prefer?
What I Can Do On My Own

A. In the first sentence, underline once the modal verb. In the second

sentence, underline twice the modal adverb.

1. She must have forgotten it.

2. She obviously must have forgotten it.

1. You should take up that course.

2. You should undoubtedly take up that course.

1. I might return to work after the crisis.

2. I might probably return to work after the crisis.

B. Writing with Modal Verbs and Modal Adverbs

Write sentences using the modal verbs (should, might, must) with the

appropriate modal adverb. Underline the modal verb, circle the modal adverb.

Indicate the use after the sentence.

Ex. Everyone must definitely follow safety protocols. (necessity)

A. Should (obligation, expectation, advice)

B. Must (necessity, assumption, prohibition, order, advice)

C. Might (weak possibility, permission, polite request)

What I Can Do More

A. In the first sentence underline the MODAL VERB. Remember, modal verbs
are made ‘negative’ by adding the word ‘not’.
In a different color, in the second sentence underline the MODAL ADVERB.

1. You can’t have said that to her!

2. Surely you can’t have said that to her!

1. I might tell you all about it.

2. I might just tell you all about it.

1. You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble.

2. You really shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble.

1. I will call you tomorrow.

2. I will definitely call you tomorrow.

1. You can’t be serious!

2. You can’t possibly be serious!

1. She must have forgotten it.

2. She obviously must have forgotten it.

1. He could help us a lot.

2. He could probably help us a lot.

1. I can’t remember when I first met her.

2. I can’t exactly remember when I first met her.

1. You should take up that course.

2. You should absolutely take up that course
Answer Key lesson 1

What I Know What’s In

1. A 1. B
2. C
3. C 2. A
4. B 3. A
5. B
6. might 4. B
7. should 5. C
8. should
9. might
10. must
11. might
12. perhaps
13. definitely
14. probably
15. definitely

What’s More

Acitivity 1
1. Most people believe in the right to express their own opinion without fear
place-the public school classroom.

2. Individualism is a fundamental part of society in many countries.

3. (Paragraph 2) Wearing school uniforms would help student’s live simpler.

(Paragraph 3) Uniforms create a feeling of unity among students.
(Paragraph 4) School uniforms would help make all students feel equal.

4. Implementing mandatory school uniforms would make all the students look
the same regardless their financial status.

5. Counterargument) Opponents of mandatory uniforms say that students who

wear school uniforms cannot express their individuality.

6. Refutation) School is a place to learn, not to flaunt wealth and fashion.

Society must decide if individual expression through clothing is more
valuable that improved educational performance.
Activity 3

1. Essay Topic: Most people believe in the right to express their own opinion
without fear place-the public school classroom.
Thesis Statement: Individualism is a fundamental part of society in many

2. Fill-out the Pro & Con T-chart with information found in the essay.

1. First, wearing school 1. Students who wear school
uniforms would help make uniforms cannot express their
student’s lives simpler. individuality.

2. Uniforms will not only save 2. Society decides that individual

time but also would expression through clothing is
eliminate the stress often more valuable.
associated with this chore.

3. School uniforms influence 3.

students to act responsibly
in groups and as individuals.

4. Uniforms give students 4.

message that school is
special place for learning.

5. School uniforms would help 5.

make all students feel equal.

Activity 4
Choose three major reasons that supported the stand of the writer of the essay.
A. Uniforms will not only save time but also would eliminate the stress often
associated with this chore.
B. According to a recent survey in a large school district in Florida, incidents
of school violence dropped by 50%, attendance and test scores improved,
and students suspensions declined approximately 30% after school
uniform introduced.
C. School uniforms would promote pride and help to raise the self-esteem of

students who cannot afford to wear expensive clothing.

What More I Can Do On My Own

I. Introduction (Paragraph 1)
A. Hook: “There is plenty of room at the top.”
B. Thesis Statement: There is room at the top only for the few who have the
imagination, the daring, the ability, the personality, and the energy that
make them stand out among others.(1)
II. Body

A. First Reason (Paragraph 2)

1. Self-confidence as a great factor in obtaining success
2. A person can’t get to the top if he just sits back and whispers to himself,
“There are so many competing. I haven’t got a chance . . .”(2)
B. Second Reason (Paragraph 3)
1. We must have self-confidence to bring about the future that we want
2. We must have faith in our ability to do whatever is to be done and to
overcome whatever difficulty we meet.(3)
3. We must have faith in our ability to make the best out of the little that
we have.(4)
C. Third Reason (Paragraph 4)
1. Some people may say that hard work and faith are useless.
2. But it isn’t luck that determines our life, it is our reaction to luck that
makes or unmakes us.(5)
3. If we depend on luck, instead of preparing carefully and working hard,
or if we use it as an alibi for our failure, luck will ruin us.(6)
D. Counterargument (Paragraph 5)
1. Counterargument #1 An athlete who has had the bad luck of taking a
hard fall. He just sit in the middle of the field bemoaning his bad luck,
saying, “Why did this happen to me? What have I done to deserve this?
Why did I have to be the one who got hit?” (7)
Refutation (attack)Instead he gets up and gets back into the game, but
he gets a name for being a good sport. (8)

III. Conclusion (Paragraph 6)

A. Restated Thesis: Don’t be dismayed by the odds against you. Don’t be
discouraged by what seems to be fruitless effort. (9)
B. Opinion/Suggestion/Prediction:Your self-confidence has made you achieve
your goal. Before you know it, you have made for your self your “room at the
top”. (10)

What More I Can Do

Answers may vary. Answer Key for lesson 2
What’s More

Activity 2
1. O
2. O
3. A
4. A
5. O
6. A
7. N
8. P
9. N

Activity 3

Activity 4 Activity 5.
Practicing Modal Verbs Modal Verbs and Adverbs in Context
1.obligation 1.might
2.necessity 2. should/always
3.weak possibility 3. definitely/must
4.prohibition 4.might
5.expectation 5.must/ always
6. advice
7. weak possibility
8. obligation
9. weak possibility
10. advice
What I Can Do
Activity 6
1.might 6. possibly
2.must 7. certainly
3.must 8. probably
4.should 9. -10 definitely and certainly
What More I Can Do

A. 1. She must have forgotten it.

2. She obviously must have forgotten it.

1. You should take up that course.

2. You should undoubtedly take up that course.

1. I might return to work after the crisis.

2. I might probably return to work after the crisis.

B. Writing with Modal Verbs and Adverbs

Answers may vary.

References for lesson 1

“Argumentative Essay Quiz.” quizizz.com, 2016,


Eclipse, Estela C. et.al. Communicating in English IV. Philippines: Insular

Printing Corp., 1983.
“Argumentative Thesis.” Owl.excelsior.edu. 2020.

Nordquist, Richard. “Refutation.” ThoughtCo.com, November 25, 2019,


“Argumentative Essay.” Kmslmc.eebly.com. Accessed July 14, 2020.



References for lesson 2

Angeles, Haidee M., Ebarle, Rex C. En1glish Understanding by Design.

Lipa City, Philippines: United Eferza Academic Publication, Co.,

Ignacio-Paez, Devi Benedicte C. Linking the World Through English IV.

Makati City, Philippines: Diwa Scholastic Press Inc., 2006.

Salazar, Evelyn S., Villamin, Araceli M., Bala, Edilberta C., Phoenix English
for Secondary Schools. Quezon City, Philippines: Phoenix Press, Inc.


Pinterest.com. July 3, 2020,

“To recognize Modal Verbs and Modal Adverbs-Primary Resources.”

Primaryresource.com, June 28, 2020,
“English Worksheets.” edplace.com. 2020,

“English Worksheets.” Englishlinx.com. July 6, 2020, https://englishlinx.com.

Cicero, Marcos T. brainyqoute.com. Accessed June 27, 2020,


Bera, Yogi. Brainyquote.com. June 27, 2020,


Eclipse, Estela C. et.al. Communicating in English IV. Philippines: Insular Printing

Corp., 1983.
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