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Isino, Aiza D.

BSN1-1B September 02, 2022

ASSESSMENT/ACTIVITY (please answer in 3 or more sentences)

1. Identify 2 dimensions of wellness in which you think you are doing well. Discuss
your answer.
I think I am doing well in the dimensions of environmental and financial
wellness. I am a type of person who conserve energy, I love to recycle things, and
I spend more time with nature than technology. In terms of financial wellness, I
spend my money wisely but sometimes if I received my salary I spend it to treat
myself or my grandmother.
2. Identify 2 dimensions of wellness in which you think you are not faring well. Why?
I am sure that I am not doing well in the dimensions of physical and
emotional wellness because of my lacking performance everyday. I am not
physically fit, I get tired easily and sleepy. In terms of my emotional wellness, I
am not the type of person who copes effectively with life and creating satisfying
relationships. I am afraid to make mistakes in my decisions in life because I don’t
want to receive judgements.
3. How can regular participation in physical activity help an overweight individual
even if it does not result to weight loss? Explain.
I believe the overweight individual can achieve fitness which is better than
weight loss because physical fitness is the ability to execute daily activities with
optimal performance, endurance, and strength with the management of disease,
fatigue, and stress and reduce sedentary behavior. Even the individual will not
lose weight, he/she can still do the things he/she wants without getting tired easily
and he/she can manage stress. Thus, it is important for the individual to
participate in regular activity to become physically fit even if it’s not weight loss.

4. Can regular exercise make a person smarter? Defend your answer.

I believe regular exercise make a person smarter because exercise can play
a role in improving learning and memory. Besides, research has consistently
linked exercise with improvements in attentional control, processing speed,
working memory capacity, and the ability to switch between tasks. This means
it’s likely to help you get better grades in school, learn new skills quicker, and
make smarter decisions.
5. How can weakness or deficiency in one of the health related fitness components
affect a person’s daily activities or work?

Weakness or deficiency in one of the health related fitness components

affect a person’s daily activities or work can lead to fatigue or not being
physically fit. It is important to work in one of your weakness components to be
balanced and be physically fit person. If you have one weakness components, this
can affect the other components and it can lead to low performance in work or

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