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On the Algorithms Used to Compute the Standard Deviation of Wind Direction

Faculty of Science, University of Malta, Msida, Malta

(Manuscript received 2 June 2008, in final form 11 February 2009)


The standard deviation of wind direction is a very important quantity in meteorology because in addition to being
used to determine the dry deposition rate and the atmospheric stability class, it is also employed in the determi-
nation of the rate of horizontal diffusion, which in turn determines transport and dispersion of air pollutants.
However, the computation of this quantity is rendered difficult by the fact that the horizontal wind direction is a
circular variable having a discontinuity at 2p radians, beyond which the wind direction starts again from zero, thus
preventing angular subtraction from being a straightforward procedure. In view of such a limitation, this work is
meant to provide new mathematical expressions that simplify both the computational and analytical work in-
volved in handling the standard deviation of wind direction. This is achieved by deriving a number of Fourier series
and Taylor expansions that can represent the minimum angular distance and its powers. Using these expressions,
the relation between two algorithms commonly used to determine the standard deviation of wind direction is
analyzed. Furthermore, given that these trigonometric expansions effectively reduce the mathematical complexity
involved when dealing with circular statistics, their potential application to solve other problems is discussed.

1. Introduction ately apparent that the reasons for the differences be-
tween circular and linear variables are both qualitative
Most variables, such as length, age, birth rate, and so
and quantitative. Their dissimilarity can be traced back
on, are continuous and thus can be directly mapped
to the arbitrariness of the zero position, the fact that the
onto the real number line. As a consequence, such
variables are called linear variables, and for them the notion of high and low values does not apply, and the
statistical treatment is well established. However, there periodicity of the circular variables. In particular, it is
exist other variables, such as the horizontal wind di- the last point that makes it so difficult to treat circular
rection, that cannot be mapped onto a line because variables mathematically since their analysis has to be
they are periodic, restarting from zero at a certain confined within an interval of 2p radians. This makes
point. Such periodic variables need to be mapped on a subtraction or addition a nontrivial matter. Thus, a simple
circle, and as a result they are referred to as circular quantity like the minimum angular distance D(u, f) that,
variables. as its name implies, gives the least angular distance be-
If one considers the statistical treatment of circular tween two angles (u and f), including the associated sign
variables as is found in standard textbooks (Batschelet depending on which angle is larger, acquires the fol-
1981; Fisher 1995; Mardia 1972), it becomes immedi- lowing complicated expression:

jD(u, f)j 5 min(ju  fj mod2p, 2p  ju  fj mod2p), with D(u, f) $ 0 if f # u , f 1 p,

D(u, f) , 0 if f  p , u , f, and D(u, f) 5 (u  f) mod2p if jD(u, f)j 5 p, (1)

where angles are measured in radians and a modb gives

Corresponding author address: Pierre S. Farrugia, Department
of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Malta, Msida MSD the remainder obtained after dividing a by b. This
2080, Malta. quantity is very important because it is needed to com-
E-mail: pute the expectation values of fundamental statistics like

DOI: 10.1175/2009JAMC2050.1

Ó 2009 American Meteorological Society


the angular mean and standard deviation (Batschelet wind direction provides the best way of estimating the
1981; Essenwanger 1986; Mardia 1972; Yamartino 1984). cross-wind dispersion, especially for low wind speeds
The study of circular statistics, of which wind direction (Cirillo and Poli 1992; Essa et al. 2005; Sharan et al. 1995;
forms a part, still lends itself to potential development in Yadav and Sharan 1996). A practical application of this
its mathematical treatment. The need for mathematical scheme is given by the work of Yamartino and Wiegand
tools can be inferred from the fact that for each statistic (1986), who use the standard deviation of wind direction
employed for linear variables there might be more than in their Canyon Plume box model to determine the level
one corresponding circular statistic. Furthermore, the of mixing and turbulence within the canyon. A similar
relationship among the various circular statistics used as a approach was adopted by Hertel and Berkowicz (1989)
measure for a given quantity is frequently not clear. The and Berkowicz et al. (1997).
measures of dispersions proposed by Mardia (1972) and The wind standard deviation can also be used to
Batschelet (1981) are a case in point. Both statistics were determine the aerodynamic resistance and the quasi-
developed using a linearization process as a measure laminar boundary layer resistance, which are quantities
of angular dispersion, but they differ by a multiplicative needed to determine the deposition velocity of particles
factor. It was only recently that these two quantities were (Hicks et al. 1987). Thus, there is a constant need to
related, after Farrugia and Micallef (2004) proposed a investigate and improve on the mathematical techniques
new geometric measure to describe circular variables. available for use with the wind standard deviation.
The development of an algorithm that can be used to Some simplifying methods that can be employed in
determine the standard deviation of wind direction has the determination of the minimum angular distance
encountered the same difficulties, as has already been have already been devised. These are also useful in the
pointed out by Fisher (1987). In fact, a number of computation of the standard deviation of wind direction.
equations have been proposed as possible measures To determine the absolute value of D(u, f), it is possible
of angular dispersion (Essenwanger 1986; Irwin 1980; to use (Batschelet 1981)
Nelson 1984; Skibin 1984; Turner 1986; Yamartino
1984). However, there seems to be no generally ac- jD(u, f)j 5 cos1 [cos(u  f)]; (2)
cepted equation and in addition little is known about
the connection between these algorithms. Some in- this expression would leave only the associated sign for
formation can be obtained from the work of Weber Eq. (1) to be set. A different approach was used by
(1997) in which he analyzed quantitatively, using field Fisher (1987) to determine the standard deviation from
data, the algorithms proposed by Yamartino (1984) and a known distribution that has a mean equal to zero. The
Essenwanger (1986), these being two of the most com- procedure involves finding the expectation value of f(x),
monly adopted equations to calculate the standard de- where f(x) 5 x2 for 2p , x # p and f(x 1 2p) 5 f(x),
viation of wind direction. His results showed that the when expressed in terms of a Fourier expansion. In ad-
two algorithms agree over almost all of the range of dition to these exact analytical tools, in the case of
angular dispersion, with the algorithm of Yamartino sample data many approximate techniques have been
(1984) underpredicting that of Essenwanger (1986) at suggested to estimate the standard deviation of wind
regimes of high dispersion. However, a direct mathe- direction from data parameters that do not require ex-
matical analysis to establish a relation between the two cessive data storage (Ackermann 1983; Castans and
equations has not been carried out so far. Barquero 1994, 1998; Farrugia and Micallef 2006; Fisher
The standard deviation of wind direction su is a very 1983; Ibarra 1995; Leung and Liu 1996, 1998; Mori 1986;
important quantity in meteorology because of its link Turner 1986; Verrall and Williams 1982, 1983; Weber
with the lateral turbulent intensity iy, given by the 1991, 1992, 1997; Yamartino 1984).
equation tan(su) 5 iy (Hanna 1983). The lateral turbu- Considering the importance of the minimum angular
lence intensity is in turn linked to the standard deviation distance in computing the wind standard deviation, in
of the lateral concentration distribution in the plume the following work an extensive array of alternative
sLat through the equation sLat 5 i y xf(x), where x is the ways of expressing D(u, f) that can be useful in different
downwind distance from the source and f(x) is some instances is developed. This will be carried out using
function of x (Pasquill 1976). Thus, the lateral spread both Fourier series and Taylor expansions. In the pro-
of a plume is linked to the angular standard deviation cess, in view of the fact that these expansions might need
through the equation sLat 5 tan(su)xf(x), which for small to be truncated, wherever possible the maximum error
su reduces to sLat 5 su xf(x). Even though there are var- introduced when a finite number of terms are consid-
ious proposed forms for f(x) (Irwin 1983), the use of ered has been calculated. Following this, a mathematical
schemes involving the horizontal standard deviation of analysis is carried out to establish the relation between

the algorithms suggested by Yamartino (1984) and

Essenwanger (1986).

2. Derivation of expressions for the minimum

angular distance
In this section, a number of alternative expressions for
the minimum angular distance, its absolute value, and its
powers in terms of trigonometric series are derived.
Starting from D(u, f) and considering the graphical plot
of this function against u 2 f as shown in Fig. 1, it can be
noted that the equation for the minimum angular dis-
tance is equivalent to the following periodic function:
f (u  f) 5 u  f for p # u  f # p and
f (u  f 1 2p) 5 f (u  f), (3)
FIG. 1. Graph of D(u, f) against u 2 f. This is equivalent to the
function f(u 2 f) 5 u 2 f for 2p , u 2 f # p and f(u 2 f 1 2p) 5
which has a Fourier series given by
f(u 2 f).

‘ i11
(1) sin[i(u  f)]
f (u  f) 5 2 å
i51 i
. (4) and going through the algebra yields
As might have been expected, the expansion is in terms  2 k 
p 1 
of sine functions because D(u, f) is an odd function. Error # 4 
i51 i
. (8)
Equation (4) is the most basic Fourier expansion that
can be obtained for D(u, f). However, terms of the form
Thus, the series converges as 1/i2. The same procedure
[D(u, f)]n, where n is an integer, are frequently required,
cannot be used in the case of Eq. (4) because the series is
especially when determining expectation values. It is easy
not absolutely convergent.
to see that the procedure to find the Fourier expansion
Another series of interest is the Fourier expansion of
for such a term is similar to the one just presented.
jD(u, f)j, which can once again be inferred from a graph-
The graphical representation of [D(u, f)]n plotted against
ical representation of the function (Fig. 2) as follows:
u 2 f will be the same as that of the following function:
f (u  f) 5 (u  f)n for p # u  f # p and p 4

cos[(2i 1 1)(u  f)]
jD(u, f)j 5  å . (9)
f (u  f 1 2p) 5 f (u  f), (5) 2 p i50 (2i 1 1)2
from which the Fourier series follows immediately.
Its importance stems from the fact that it converges as
The case in which n 5 2 is of particular importance 1/(2i 1 1)2, which is faster than the convergence of Eq. (6).
because [D(u, f)]2 is used to derive the standard deviation This can be verified from the maximum error incurred in
(Fisher 1987). The Fourier series in this case is as follows: truncating the series using the first k 1 1 terms:

p2 (1)i  
[D(u, f)]2 5 14 å cos[i(u  f)]. (6) 
4 p 2

3 i51 i
Error #  
p 8
i50 (2i 1 1)
The expansion is in terms of cosine functions, the reason
being that [D(u, f)]2 is an even function. Considering The absolute value of the minimum angular difference
that the series in Eq. (6) is absolutely convergent, it is can have another representation, this time in terms of
possible to obtain an estimate of the error incurred in powers of cos(u 2 f). Noting that from Eq. (2) jD(u, f)j
truncating the expansion using the first k 1 1 terms. can be algorithmically implemented as cos21[cos(u 2 f)]
Taking the error to be and using the Taylor expansion of the arccosine function,
 8 9 it is easy to show that
 <p2 k i =
Error 5 [D(u, f)] 
i51 i
cos[i(u  f)] 
; ‘
 1 (2i)! cos2i11 (u  f)
jD(u, f)j 5 p  å , (11)
(7) 2 i50 22i (i!)2 (2i 1 1)

been carried out to relate two of these equations (Weber

1997), without mathematical confirmation there can still
be some concern as to the validity of the results obtained
when comparing findings of work done with different
algorithms. For this reason, in this section an analysis
of the mathematical relation between two commonly
adopted algorithms that are used to determine the
standard deviation of wind direction is carried out. The
two algorithms are those proposed by Yamartino (1984)
and Essenwanger (1986). This will be accomplished us-
ing the expansions derived above.
For a sample of wind angles ui having size n, the
FIG. 2. Graph of jD(u, f)j against u 2 f. This is equivalent to the unbiased standard deviation of wind direction sY —or,
function f(u 2 f) 5 ju 2 fj for 2p , u 2 f # p and f(u 2 f 1 2p) 5 to be more precise, the variance of the wind direction,
f(u 2 f). which is nothing more than the square of the standard
deviation sY2 —as suggested by Yamartino (1984) is the
where the maximum error in truncating the expansion following:
after k 1 2 terms is given by 8
n " n #2 9
  n <1 1 =


 s2Y 5 å
[D(ui , ua )]2  å
D(ui , ua ) ,
Error #  p 
å 2
i50 22i (i!) (2i 1 1)!
 (12) n  1 :n i51 n i51 ;

The advantage of this representation becomes apparent
when trying to determine the standard deviation from where ua is the mean angle of the sample that can be
distributions that are expressed in terms of powers of computed by mapping each angle ui to [cos(ui), sin(ui)], a
cos(u 2 f), which can be the case if the distribution is unit vector pointing in that direction, and then calcu-
symmetric about some value. For such situations, it lating the angle that the mean vector makes with the x
should be simpler to work with Eq. (11). direction. In algorithmic terms, this can be computed
From Fig. 1 it is easy to verify that D(u, f) is also using the following:
equivalent to the following function:  
ua 5 arctan , (16)
D(u, f) 5 2 tan1ftan[0.5(u  f)]g. (13) C

This expression gives an easy single-step method of where C and S are the means of the cosines and the sines,
determining D(u, f)—something that up till now was not respectively, given by
available. Equation (13) can be used in numerical work, n
making computation simpler and more efficient and
reducing the possibility of introducing errors during the
C5 å
n i51
cos(ui ) and (17)

programming stage. It also provides a way of expressing

D(u, f) in terms of powers of tan[0.5(u 2 f)] using the 1
Taylor expansion of the arctangent: S5
n i51
åsin(ui ). (18)

(1) i11
tan2i11 [0.5(u  f)] In the computation, the arctangent needs to be calcu-
D(u, f) 5 2 å
i51 2i 1 1
. (14) lated taking into account in which quadrant C and S are
On the other hand, Essenwanger (1986) proposed the
use of the following expression for the sample variance:
3. The mathematical relation between the
algorithms of Essenwanger and Yamartino n
As of now there is no generally accepted equation to
s2E 5
n  1 i51
[D(ui , uM )]2 , (19)
compute the standard deviation of wind direction, and
researchers can choose between different algorithms for where the value of uM is varied until Eq. (19) attains a
this purpose. Even though some qualitative work has minimum value, in analogy with the same property of

the linear variables. Considering that in linear statistics take a value larger than [n/(n 2 1)](p2/3). Because uM
the arithmetic mean X for a discrete random variable X should minimize sE, we can deduce that, to a first-order
of size n minimizes the population variance—that is, approximation,
n uM ’ ua . (25)
s2L 5 å (X  Y)2
n i51 i
This confirms the quantitative relationship in Weber
(1997), where it was shown that, apart from some outliers
attains its minimum for Y 5 X—Essenwanger (1986)
that are located mainly where the values involved were
also proposes to use uM as the measure of the mean.
large, these two angles show good agreement. Thus, the
The first step needed to relate Eqs. (19) and (15) is to
theoretical relation derived above seems to hold rela-
minimize Eq. (19). Replacing [D(ui, uM)]2 in Eq. (19) by
tively well in a wide range of situations.
the equivalent expression given by Eq. (6) gives the
Once we have discriminated between the two possi-
bilities that uM can attain, it is also possible to equate uM
n ( ‘ ) to what Yamartino (1984) defined to be the arithmetic
1 p2 (1) j
s2E 5
n  1 i51
å 3
14 å
j51 j2
cos[ j(ui  uM )] . mean angle u, defined as
(21) å
D(ui , u) 5 0; (26)
Differentiating it with respect to uM and then setting the
derivative equal to zero to determine the turning points this can be directly verified by differentiating Eq. (19)
yields with respect to uM and setting the result equal to zero.
Thus, it follows that the difference between uM and ua is
n ‘
ds2E 4 (1) j (Yamartino 1984)
5 åå
n  1 i51 j51 j
sin[ j(ui  uM )] 5 0. (22) 8 n 9
> >
> sin[D(u , u )] >
> å >
< i M =
To find a solution to this equation, a first-order approx- 1 i51
ua  uM 5 tan n . (27)
imation, valid in principle for small angles, is considered: >
> >
> >
> å
: cos[D(ui , uM )];
ds2E 4

n  1 i51
sin(ui  uM ) 5 0. (23) As a result, as mentioned by Yamartino (1984), the
difference between the two angles depends on the level
of skewness of the distribution. In practice, the skewness
Using basic trigonometry, it can be shown that two
of the distribution for a sample of wind angles is very
values of uM that would satisfy Eq. (23) are ua and p 1
small. In fact, the isotropic Gaussian model, which gives
ua—something that can be verified by direct substitu-
a combined model for the wind speed and direction,
tion. To find which one needs to be adopted, the first two
predicts a symmetric distribution for the wind direction
terms of Eq. (21) are considered:
(Castans and Barquero 1994; Ibarra 1995). Also, in their
n work Verrall and Williams (1982) assumed the proba-
n p2 1
s2E ’
n1 3

n  1 i51
4 cos(ui  uM ). (24) bility density for the angle to be a normal distribution;
hence, the expected difference between uM and ua is small.
This explains why they agree over a wide range of values.
Using a first-order approximation requires that the Once the relation between uM and ua has been es-
magnitude of the D(ui, uM)s has to be small, which means tablished, it follows that, to a first-order approximation,
that the angles ui are all clustered around a single di- the second term in Yamartino’s algorithm [Eq. (15)] is
rection. Considering this procedure and the vectorial zero so that
method used to obtain ua, it can be concluded that ua
is somewhere in the middle of the cluster of the angles sY ’ sE . (28)
and hence jD(ui, uM)j , 0.5p. Then, using uM 5 ua,
cos(ui 2 ua) . 0 for all values of i and Eq. (24) would This confirms the quantitative results obtained by Weber
take a value smaller than [n/(n 2 1)](p2/3). On the other (1997) that the two algorithms have a similar behavior
hand, taking uM 5 ua 1 p, then cos(ui 2 ua 1 p) 5 over the whole range of angular dispersion, with the
2cos(ui 2 ua) , 0 for all values of i and Eq. (24) would algorithm of Essenwanger (1986) overestimating relative

to that of Yamartino (1984) when the angular dispersion Essenwanger (1986) and Yamartino (1984) is just one
is high. Thus, once again, even though the relation was of their possible applications. In fact, they can also be
obtained by assuming small angles, it seems to hold well employed to find exact analytical expressions from dis-
for most practical situations. tributions, especially if these are expressed in terms of
In the limiting case in which the angular distribution is trigonometric functions as has already been carried out
perfectly symmetric around ua and n is sufficiently large, by Fisher (1987). A simple result can be inferred for
then distributions symmetric about the population mean m.
Considering that [D(u, m)]n would be expressed as a
cosine series if n is even and as a sine series if n is odd, it
sin[ j(ui  ua )] ! 0 (29) follows that the expectation values of [D(u, m)]2n11 for
symmetric distributions are always zero because in this
for any integer j. Hence, it follows from Eq. (22) that in case there will be an odd function integrated over a
this limit ua 5 uM and, as a consequence, the algorithms symmetric interval. Apart from this, if the computation
given by Essenwanger (1986) and Yamartino (1984) of exact analytical results becomes too complicated,
would be exactly identical so that approximations may be adopted, and the number of
terms needed for the required accuracy can be calcu-
sY 5 sE . (30) lated beforehand using the expressions for the maxi-
mum errors derived in this work.
This once again indicates that the difference in the The Fourier series and Taylor expansions presented in
values given by the two algorithms can be directly linked this work can also find potential use in remote data ac-
to the skewness of the distribution from which the sample quisition systems employed in the gathering of wind
has been taken. statistics. For such systems, the storage capacity might
be a limiting factor, and in such cases it would be in-
convenient to store all of the data, which is in fact a
4. Conclusions
necessary step needed to compute the multipass algo-
In this work a number of methods for computing the rithms used to calculate the wind standard deviation. On
minimum difference between two angles, its absolute the other hand, the inclusion of computation capabilities
value, and its powers are derived. This is carried out by to reduce the datasets might not be practical. Thus, the
expanding these quantities in terms of Fourier series and expansions presented in this work can be used to derive
Taylor expansions. Furthermore, a simple single-step direct approximations to these multipass algorithms by
expression for calculating the minimum angular distance truncating the associated series so as to reduce the
together with the relevant sign is given. number of terms that need to be stored for each dataset.
These expressions are then used to establish a math- The number of terms can be chosen as a tradeoff be-
ematical relation between two different algorithms that tween the impositions posed by the limited data capacity
are frequently used to determine the standard deviation and the need for accuracy.
of wind direction [i.e., those given by Essenwanger Given the extensive possible applications of the ex-
(1986) and Yamartino (1984)]. It is shown that the al- pansions and expressions derived here, it is envisaged
gorithms agree at least to a first approximation and that that this work would in the future become an integral
any difference is due to the skewness of the angular part of standard textbooks on the subject.
distribution. In the case in which the distribution of the
angles is exactly symmetrical about the mean angle and
the sample number is large, it has been shown that the Acknowledgments. We thank the American Meteo-
two algorithms would give the same result. Such an rological Society for the support they offered in the
outcome is significant because it gives backing to the publication of this work.
qualitative findings by Weber (1997) and establishes that
results obtained with one algorithm are consistent with APPENDIX
those of the other.
The expansions presented here are meant to address
List of Symbols Used
the analytical and computational problems encountered
when dealing with the calculation of the minimum an- C The average of the cosines of the angles of a
gular distance and hence with the wind standard devi- sample
ation. Their application to the problem of establishing f(x) A function defined as appropriate
an analytical relation between the algorithms given by iy The lateral turbulence intensity

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