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Name : Zaenal Abidin

ID Number : 201101060025
Class : TBI 1

Students’ Perception on Motivation of the Development of Their English

Skills in Facing Online Learning
The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on a number of areas, including our
educational system. As a result of this situation, teachers have begun to transfer direct classroom
education to virtual instruction. Today, online learning is the newest and most popular type of
distant education1. Due to the practicality of the scenario in this epidemic, it is currently the most
employed teaching method. Online learning focuses on internet-based courses synchronous and
asynchronous2. However, for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher, undertaking online
learning for English might be a struggle.

This situation of living in pandemic becomes the most significant problem that should be
overcome for EFL teachers. It arose as a result of the shift in instructional methods from face-to-
face to online learning, which prompted English Teacher to deliver more exercises instead of
teaching the students.

Students, furthermore, were frequently late or even hesitant in collecting and completing
some assignments assigned by teachers, owing to the fact that the majority of them did not
understand what they were meant to complete the task and lacked knowledge of the materials
related to the assignment. If the professors keep asking the children to perform the same thing
over and over, the situation might become much worse3.

Further, with the poor enthusiasm of students and a must that should be done by them,
learning English and the monotonous technique of teaching such, keep asking them to complete

Joshua Stern, Ph.D., Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning, page 1, 2019.
Lin, X.,&Gao, L., Students’ sense of community and perspectives of taking synchronous and asynchronous
online courses, Asian Journal of Distance Education, Vol. 15,page 171, 2020.
LathipatudDurriyah, T., &Zuhdi, M., Digital Literacy With EFL Student Teachers: Exploring Indonesian Student
Teachers’ Initial Perception About Integrating Digital Technologies Into a Teaching Unit, International Journal
of Education and Literacy Studies, Vol. 6, page 53, 2018.
their assignments through online, will worsen the student’s motivation to learn, there must be a
new system of teaching learning that fits with the implementation of online classroom itself.
According to several researches, employing a virtual classroom with video conferencing such as
Google Meet, Zoom, and etc can encourage students to learn English. When utilized in an online
class, PowerPoint presentations are clearly helpful in increasing students' enthusiasm to learn
English4. The findings revealed that a teacher's power point presentation might stimulate pupils
to study, maintain their attention, and engage their involvement and attentiveness.

(GAP) These terms of both developing student’s English skills and online learning for
students have been many times discussed in the previous papers and by other writers.
Meanwhile, this paper writer is in the aim of clarifying some aspects existing in the
implementation of teaching learning where it is rare considered and assumed as one of important
things in the implementation of teaching learning itself “Student’s Motivation”. Whereas, the
existence of motivation by learners becomes the first fundamental excuses for the students to
keep studying the subject they learn, because, with the non-existence of motivation, it will be
absolute that the students are not even touching the part of subject you want to teach, including

(NOVELTY) Thus, teachers and instructors must also put their attention on the students’
learning motivation whether they are still eager to learn or not, because it will form nonsense
thing to do, if even teachers teach the students seriously without the motivation of students to
learn, and etc. In this paper, the mindset of teacher on the essential position of student’s learning
motivation is replaced as an crucial thing to discuss, moreover, the condition created by COVID-
19 just worsen all teacher efforts in teaching, and supposing them to use the virtual instruction
for teaching. Virtual spaces used for teaching might not be considered bad at all, but its
implementation doesn’t always mean it bring the advantages and it ensures that the students will
be taught well.

(Statement linking to the objective) In hope, even the teaching and learning process,
nowadays, is implemented through the online instruction; the right motivation built for the
students would mean everything, that in the end, it will be the reasons of the students get the
development on their process of learning English even in the worst condition, caused by their
Miftah, The Use of Power Point Presentation to Improve Students’ Motivation in Learning English, English
Language Journal, Vol. 3, page 5–12, 2018.
strong learning motivation, while, it will be able to provide the significant influence for the
development of their English during pandemic.

Research Question

1. How the students’ motivation is can increase their English skill in facing online learning?

Research Objective

1. To find out how the students’ motivation can increase their English skill in facing online


In this paper, the researcher employs a quantitative technique, which entails determining
a true fact with the method used is survey which aims to know whether motivation takes a
significant role in developing students’ English skill in facing online learning. Therefore, the
data can be found with their experiences in facing online learning.

For the data collection, the participants are 20 students of English Education Department
which have experience in online learning. There is no any qualification in taking the participant
in the research. Therefore, the researcher takes 20 students randomly in each class. In order not
to go far away with the aim of this research, the data collection uses questionnaires with the
question related to the validity that can motivation develop their English skill in online learning
or not. In addition, the data obtained from the questionnaires is further evaluated in order to
improve its validity which uses percentage calculation of Likert Scale. Then, the valid data can
be found after the percentage of the questionnaires is answered by the students with using this
scale exactly.

This article with title Students' Motivation for the Development of Their English Skills in Online
Learning, will adequately welcome various theoretical and practical benefits to several
associated components, as follows:

1. Theoretical Significance

According to the increasing or development skill of English, this paper will provide
some facts in developing of English skill exactly for those who are studying while using
online platform of online learning as a learner. It is proved that with online learning, some
students don’t really have a big interesting to study or develop their English skill. However,
this paper will show how is the students’ motivation play a role in developing or increasing
students’ English skill in online learning.

2. Practical Significance

At this point, the study's goal is very certainly linked to the advantages gained by the
instructor, student, or perhaps the next researcher who will go deeper into the issue of
teaching integrated skill. Firstly, the practice done by the teacher will show how the
students’ motivation play a role in developing or increasing students’ English skill in online
learning. Then, it can be found that does students’ motivation play a role in it. Further, for
other future researchers, this paper will be one of sources for the increasing student
motivation to seek more in English, while this paper will also be the material of evaluation
for the better from of developing English skill itself.


1. Students’ Motivation

Student motivation is defined as a process where the learners' attention becomes focused
on meeting their scholastic objectives and their energies are directed towards realizing
their academic potential5. In learning process, motivation is really needed to be the
power or be the support to seek more what the students to study.

Christophel, 1999; Lepper, Greene & Nisbett, 1973)
2. Online Learning

Online learning is a type of education in which students learn in a completely virtual

setting. Online learning (also known as e-learning) was first introduced in the 1990s with
the creation of the internet and was used in distance learning. It allows students from all
over the world to connect with academic institutions and other students online and learn
at their own pace while working toward a degree or certificate. Online learning is also
well-known as an internet-based learning environment that allows individuals from all
backgrounds and viewpoints to connect. A learning management system, or LMS, will be
used by a higher education institution to enable online learning.


From the title above, this research uses the quantitative data approach due to the process of
collecting data gained from the participants’ experiences during the learning that was used online
learning. Here, the students experience would be the matrix data of this research data. While, the
design method uses the survey research that brings up the topic of how their experience of their
learning English using online learning. This collection data will also remind them about how
important motivation is in learning English exactly with online learning. After it shows how
important motivation in pushing up students ability in learning English, this research hopefully
can be useful or can be the implemented in order to produce students who has high ability in
English while they are using online learning in seeking their knowledge.


Due to the quantitative technique utilized in this study, data was collected from 20
English Education Department students who participated in online learning to improve their
English skills. This data collection endeavor is to discover the true and absolute facts so that
motivation may help them improve their English skills through online learning. In addition, 20
students from the English education department will be surveyed using questionnaires provided
by the researcher with questions that refer to students’ experiences in facing online learning
exactly in the developing of their English skill. As the example; the question of “how is
motivation can boost you up in developing your English skill in online learning?” Therefore,
after answering the questionnaires, it can be gained that how is the motivation boost up student
English skill in online learning.


In collecting the validity of the data collected from some student of English Education
Department, the researcher uses questioner in the research. Hereby, the researcher chooses 20
respondents in gaining the data with answering the question given in the questioner by the
researcher. The questions given revers to how is the influence of students motivation on the
development of their English skill in facing online learning. As a consequence, gaining the valid
data with 20 respondents hopefully will give the valid data either motivation plays an important
role or not in developing their English skill. With the data collected after answering the question
in the questioner, it needs to be analyzed more by using Likert Scale. The data collected are;

 Strongly agree (score 5)

 Agree (score 4)
 Neutral (score 3)
 Disagree (score 2)
 Strongly disagree (score 1)
With the calculation formula: T x Pn (T=total respondent, Pn= Choice of Likert score

In order to get the interpretation results, it must first be known the highest score (X) and
the lowest score (Y) for the assessment item with the following formula;

Y = Likert's highest score x number of respondents

X = Likert’s lowest score x number of respondents

Index formula % = Total Score / Y x 100

Interval Formula

 I = 100 / Total Score (Likert)

Then = 100 / 5 = 20
Result (I) = 20

The following are the criteria for interpreting the scores based on intervals:

 Number 0% – 19.99% = Strongly disagree

 Number 20% – 39.99% = Disagree
 Number 40% – 59.99% = Neutral
 Number 60% – 79.99% = Agree
 Number 80% – 100% = strongly agree

After all the data calculated by using Likert Scale, it can be concluded that the score after
answering the question give valid answer for the data collected by the researcher.

 Simulation of Likert Scale calculation;

30 participants
 Strongly agree (score 5) = 6
 Agree (score 4) = 4
 Neutral (score 3) = 5
 Disagree (score 2) = 3
 Strongly disagree (score 1) = 2

Likert calculation formula: T x Pn (T= Total Respondents & Pn= Likert Score Number

 Strongly agree (score 5) = 6 x 5 = 30

 Agree (score 4) = 4 x 4 = 16
 Neutral (score 3) = 5 x 3 = 15
 Disagree (score 2) = 3 x 2 = 6
 Strongly disagree (score 1) = 2 x 1 = 2

Score total: 69

 Interpretation formula, (Y = Likert Highest Score x total respondent, X = Likert lowest

score x total respondent)

Y = 5 x 20 = 100
X = 1 x 20 = 20

 Index formula % = score total / Y x 100

69/ 100 x 100 = 69%
 The percentage scale includes;
 Strongly disagree (0%-19, 99%)
 Disagree (20%-39, 99%)
 Neutral (40%-59, 99%)
 Agree (60%-79, 99%)
 Strongly agree (80%-100%)

In the conclusion, after knowing that the percentage of the data gained is 69% from the
questionnaires, it means that the students are agree that motivation is really needed for them to
develop their English skill in online learning itself.

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