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Famarin Kim Bryan M.

Would Jesus give an F

As I read this article by James a tucker, I realize how merciful God have been for me. He

is the great teacher, a teacher that will let his students feel hardship and pain, a teacher that

will guide us to overcome those struggles and when we succeeded, he is there being the first

one to congratulate us

This article should be read by every student as it offers a lot of realization and learning. The

article is also very student friendly because as you read the title, you are already hook and


I always thought of God as a Graceful and merciful God, but when angered he can do things

that you cannot imagine. Through reading this passage I can confidently say that the Lord is

indeed merciful. Because I admit that I done a lot of things that is not worthy in front of the

Lord. The Lord can punish me anytime however because of his goodness, as I admit my sins

through prayer instead of writing in a stone, he wrote it in a sand. Which signifies that he is

giving me a second chance to correct my wrongdoings.

The Lord God almighty a powerful being I wonder what would happen to us if he became a

tyrant dictatorship instead of a loving merciful father that he is.

But nevertheless, I believe he will never become a tyrant because that is just not how he is. But

if ever we take his mercy for granted, it is almost certainly that we get the judgement we

deserve. So let us not waste this chance, let us not waste the death of Jesus Christ, let us strive

to be a better person, be the best version of ourselves so by the time the Lord came and give

his final assessment, all of us will pass and graduate to heaven.

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