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mm 4853503 0583554 643 mm INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 1402 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Hydrostatic testing Tuyaux et feubles en caoutchouc et en plastique — Esssis ydrostanques Reference number 130 14021904) ‘Copyright by the international Organization For Standardization Frict 06 14:38:26 2000 mm 4852903 0583555 568 mm 1S0 1402:1994(€) Foreword ISO the Intemational Organization for Standardization) is 8 worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for ‘which a technical commitige has been established has the right to be tepresented on that commit. Intemational organizations, governmental ‘and nomgavernmenta, in laison with ISO, also take part in the work. SO Collaborates closely with the Intemational Electrotechnical Commission AIEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standarcizaton. Draft Intemational Standards adopted by the technicel committees are reused to the memnbor bodies for voting. Publication as an Intemational Standard requires approval by at lesst 75 % of the member bodies casting avote International Standard 'SO 1402 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 45. Rubber end rubber products, Subcommittee SC 1, Hoses (rubber and plastics) ‘This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition 'SO 1402-1984), which has been technically revised. © 150 196 ‘Singha ena. Unaas chaise spctad o ar fi ablcaton may be eproduced ‘sr atkzed m any erm by ay mesra actos er eturted. cud BOSSE Od ‘sete, as persauan i wrtrg fon te plane “rterguoreOcgasten for Sanderson (Gan Forme aa Chie\1 Garave 20» Suzarand Petad m Seanad Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization Fri Qct06 14:43:18 2000, mm 4853503 0583556 ose INTERNATIONAL STANDARD © iSO 10 1402:19941E) Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Hydrostatic testing 1 Scope This International Standard specified methods forthe hydrostatic testing of rubber and plastics hoses and hose assembles, including methods for the determ:- ration of cimensional stability 2. Normative references The following standards contain provisions which ‘through reference in this text, constitute provisions ‘of ths Intemational Standard. At the time of pubica- ‘ion, the editions indicated were veld. All standards ‘are subject to revision, and parties to agreements ‘based on this Intemational Standard are encouraged 10 investigate the possibilty of applying the most re- cent ecitions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur- rently valid interationel Standards. ISO 471:—" Rubber — Times, temperatures and hur ‘midiies for conditioning and tasting. 180 4671:1964, Rubber and plastics hose and hose assemblies — Methods of measurement of dimen 180 7751:1991, Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Ratios of proof and burst pressure fo {design working pressure. 3 General Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be caried (out at standard temperature (see ISO 471). 4 Apparatus 4.1 Pressure source, capabie of appiving pressure at the rata specified in 6.2.2, up to the required test pressure 42 Calibrated pressure gauge oF pressure trans ducers with digital readouts, chosen for eech test 0 that th test pressure is between 15 % and 85% Of the fubscale reading In the interest of accuracy. calibrated pressure gauges ‘r pressure transducers with digital reacouts shal oa Checked at frequent intervals and the fitting of restrictors is recommended to minimize shock dam- 290. 43. Sliding vemier calipers or micrometer, and measuring tape. 5 Test pieces 5.1 Hose assemblies When hose assemblies are to be tested, the manu- factured assembiy length shall be used for the 52 Hoses The hydrostatic pressure and burst tosts shall be car- fied out on a hose test piece with a minimum free length, excluding end fittings and end reinforcements, of 600 mm when deformation is to be measured and 300 mm when i is not. 1, To be published. (Combination and revision of ISO 471:1963 ane ISO 1826-1981) by the International Organization For Standardization Copyriant | FricQct 06 14:43:18 2000, wm 4gs3903 0583557 350 mm 180 1402:1994(E) 5.3 Number of test pieces At last two test pieces shall be tested. 6 Application of hydrostatic pressure General Water or another liquid suitable for the hose under ‘st shall be used as the test medium, WARNING — Hoses and hose assemblies pres- ‘surized by liquids can fal in a potentially danger- ‘ous manner. For this reason, the test shall be performed in « suitable enclosure. Also the use of ‘ir and other gases as test media shell be avoided ‘because of the risk to operators. in special cases, 61 ‘test medium, it is essential that al ar is expelled {rom the test ploce because of the risk of injury the operator due to the sudden expansion ‘trapped alr released when the hose bursts. to ot 62 Procedure 162.1 Fl the test piece with test quid, expaling all ‘8%, and connect to the test equipment. Close the ‘vale and apply the hydrostatic pressure at 8 uniform ‘ate of increase. Measure the pressure using 2 cal- brated pressure gauge oF pressure transducer with ‘deta cout (4.2) NOTE 1 _ is important to slow unvesticted movement of the free or lugged end ofthe test place during the test. 622 The rate of pressure increase shall be constant land chosen to reach the final pressure after between 30 s and 60 s for hoses with nominal inside ciemeters up to 50 mm. For hoses with norinel inside ciam- ‘eters greater than 60 mm snd less than or equal to 250 men, the time needed to reach the fal pressure shall be between 60s and 240s, For hoses with nominal inside diameters larger than 250mm, the time needed to reach the fina! pressure shall be de- cided between the manufacturer and user. 7 Hydrostatic pressure tests 7.4. Proof pressure hold test When proof pressure tests are used to determine leakage of hoses or hose assembles. apply the specified proof pressure in accordancs with 6.2.2 and hold for not less than 30 8 or more then 60 8, unless by the international Organization For Standardization Copynit | Frioet 06 14:43:18 2000, e180 otherwise specified in the product standard, examin- ing the test pieces during this period for evidence of leakage, cracking. abrupt distortions indicating irreg- iy tel or antec, or other soe of Unless otherwise specified for the hose, the proof pressure shall be related to the design working pres- ‘sure by the ratio given in ISO 7761 NOTE 2 The tests not splicabe to curved hose, 7.2. Measurement of deformation under Pressure, 7.2.1 General procedure When tests for determining change in length, change in intemal diameter and twisting are require, strnighten the hose, lay it out horizontally for in- spection and apply 8 hydrostatic pressure of 0,07 MPa when this is necessary to stabilize the hose. Make three reference marks (A, 8 and C) on the ‘outer surface of the hose, the middle mark (B) being ‘made approximately midway along the length of the hose, and the two outer marks (A and C} being 250 mm from B. Each mark shail consist of an are on the circumference of the hose though whichis drawn 4 straight line perpendicular to the arc, the three “straight nes being colinear (see figure 1) Maintain the intial pressure of 0.07 MPa if aopied) ‘and make the appropriate measurements (see 7.2.2. 7.23 and 7.2.4) atthe reference marks. Aoply the specified test pressure at the rate specified jn 8.22 and maintain it for 1 min before making the ‘test measurements, which shall then be made as ‘quickly 2s possible to avoid prolonging the test period. NOTE 3 The test pressure wil be spectod inthe appr ‘rate hose product specification and could be the design ‘working pressure, the proof pressure or any othe pressure below the proct pressure at which the hose daformation choractstes are te be mensurme: 7.22 Change in length ‘Measure the length between the two outermost ref- ‘erence marks (A and C) with an accuracy of 1 mm, sing the measuring tape (4.3), at the intial pressure (0 0 0,07 MPa) and at the specified test pressure. Calculate the change in length, Al, expressed as 2 Percentage of the orignal length, from the equation mm 4853503 0583558 297 am °1s0 fy is the distance between the two outer. 1, is the distance between the same two reference marks measured atthe spec'fied test pressure. 7.23. Change in external diameter 723.1 General ‘The excemsl diameter should preferably be deter- mined from measurements of crcumference made with an accuracy of 1 mm using the measuring tape (see ISO 4871). The measurements may, however, be made ciectly, using sling verier calipers having a minimum useful tip width of 5 mm. 7.232 Determination by measuring the change in oxtamal circumference Using the measuring tape (4.3), measure the circum erence at each of the three reference marks (A, B ‘and C) atthe intial ressure (0 oF 0.07 MPa) and atthe specified test pressure. Calculate the change in diameter AD, expressed as 2 percentage ofthe original diameter, from the equation 2C; = Uy From Cy is the sum of the circumferences at the three reference marks messured at the intial pressure; EC, is the sum of the circumferences at the three reference marks measured at the specified test pressure. 723.3 Direct measurement of change in external diameter Using the sliding vernir calipers (43), measure two perpendicular diameters at each of the three refer- ‘ence marks atthe intial pressure (0 or 0,07 MPa) and at the specified test pressure, Cicuate the change in diameter AD, expressed as percentage ofthe cxiginal darveter, fforn the equation DR oy 10 = PS «100 by the International Organization For Standardization Copyright| Fri Oct 06 14:43:18 2000 ISO 1402:1994(E) EDy_ is the sum of the six diameters measured at the reterence marks at the initial pres sure: 2D, is the sum of the six diameters measured ‘at the reference marks at the specified test pressure, 724 Twisting 1 twisting of the hose develops under pressure, the Crigina lines forring the reference marks will take up ‘a helical petern (see figure 2) With the hose at the specified test pressure, project 2 straight line slong the length of the hase from ret- ference mark A unt t intersects, t C, the circular are at reference point C. Than measure the langth s of the circular arc CC’ to the nearest milimetre, using the messuring tape (3). Calculate the amount of twisting per metre, T, ex pressed in degrees, trom the equation 2% 360 T xh where, Cq is the circumference at reference mark C, measured as described in; is the distance between A end C os measured in 72.2 72.8 Warping ‘Warping in hose tests is the deviation from @ straight line érewn from ‘iting to fitting in a plane parallel to the surface on which the hose rests at the inital pressure (0 oF 0.07 MPa). A tightly stretched cord may ‘be used to establish the straight line from contre to centre of the fittings. The amount of warping at the specified test pressure is the meximum deviation of ‘any portion of the hose from the straight line drawn from contre to centre of the fittings at the initia! pressure. Exoress warping as the distance from this line to the centreline of the hose at the point of rax- mum deviation. Report the result to the nearest 5mm. 7.3 Burst pressure test Incresse the pressure at 8 rate in sccordance with 6.2.2 until the hose or hose assembly fais. The pos- mm 4853503 0583559 323 mm ition and mode of failure shal be recorded in the test report ‘Any failure caused by blowing off of fittings. leakage ‘or bursts within 25 mm of afiting or within a stance ‘equal to the external diameter ofthe hose, whichever | greater, shall not be interpreted 2s 8 true hose burst. 74 Leakage test 7.44 Test places ‘The test pieces for tho leakage test shall comprise Lunaged hose assemblies on which the end fittings have been attached for not more than 30 days and not less than 1 cay. 7.42 Procedure Subject the test assemblies to a specified hydrostatic pressure equal to 70% of the specified minimum burst pressure. Maintain this specified test pressure for 5 min + 0.5 min and then reduce i to zero. Ree apply the specified test pressure and maintain it for 2 further period of § min 4 0,5 min. This is considered to be a destructive test and the test assemoies shall bbe destroyed after test. 743 Criteria for failure ‘There shall be no leakage or evidence of failure. by the International Organization For Standardization Faeroe 1249:18 2000 e1s0 Leakage at the end fitting, fitting blow-off or rupture of the hose adjacent to the fiting shall be considered 8 fallues in the pertormance of the assembly. NOTE 4 Such talus do cot necessary demonstrate an Tequiements inability of the hose to meet the specifies wah an akaenative ft, 8 Test report ‘The test report shall include the following particulars for each test undertaken: 2) 8 full description of the hose and, where applica ble, hose assembly tested. b) a reference to this Interations! Stenderd, i. 180 1402; ©) the method used: 1). the number of test pieces tested snd the length of each test piece: (@) the test pressure and rate of pressure increase: 4 the test medium ff other than water; 1) the results obtsined for each test piece: i if the test piece fails. the position and mode of fellure; |) any unusual features noted during the test; Dthe date of the test mm 4853503 0583560 545 mm ©180 180 1402:1994(E) Figure 1— Measurement of dimensional stability ‘Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization Fri Qct 08 14:43:18 2000 mm 4855503 056356) 66) mm 180 1402:1994(€) e180 Sas vay esa lnereneeneeeneEEEEEEREEEeeememeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ICS 23,040.70 Deserptors: rubber prodels. ples products, hoses, rubber hoes, paste hones, eee, hyhostate testa determination, Sreracre suber i bon on 5 pans _ Copyright by the international Organization For Standardization Fri ct 06 14:43:18 2000,

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