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Springtime Frolic

The snow has melted, the sun is bright, Springtime has arrived to our delight! The
flowers bloom, the birds do sing, As all of nature awakens in spring.

The squirrels scamper, the rabbits hop, The chipmunks play, they never stop. The world
is alive, the earth is new, As we welcome the season with a cheerful "moo!"

2. The Kindness of a Butterfly

A butterfly flew by my way, Fluttering its wings, so light and gay. I watched as it danced
in the breeze, And landed softly on my knees.

It stayed awhile, as if to say, "Hello friend, have a happy day!" Then off it went, so
gracefully, Leaving me with joy and positivity.

3. In the Meadow

In the meadow, the grass grows tall, And the flowers sway, one and all. The bees buzz
by, the butterflies flit, As the sun shines down, bit by bit.

The birds sing sweetly, their melodies true, And the animals roam, without a clue. But in
this peaceful meadow, one thing is clear, That kindness and love are always near.

4. The Kindness of a Fawn

A fawn wandered into my yard one day, Its eyes so big, its coat so gray. It looked at me,
with a timid stare, As if to say, "Please be aware."

I slowly approached, with gentle ease, And offered it some food and cheese. The fawn
nibbled, and then looked up, And licked my hand, with a grateful "pup."

I smiled and petted, with care and grace, And felt my heart fill with joy and grace. For in
this moment, I knew for sure, That kindness is the key, now and evermore.

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