Mayel Ya Ghzaiel

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Come by cutie

Mayel Ya Ghzaiel

Mayel ya ghzayel ya ghzayel mayel

Mayelak mayouli 2ayelak 2ayouli
Bs2eek fenjan 2ahwe b3melak tabboule
Ahhh mnak ya ghzayel ahh ya ghzayel ya ghzayel
Mn zman w zamaan hel2amar ma ban
Mayel tashoufak eshta2na lesahratak
Mayel eshta2na le7ekyatak
Mayel mayel wa7yatak mayel
W 2ayel tomro2 mn ta7t elshebak ma fi mar7aba
Mayel mayel mayel 3alal fayye
Eshrab shorbet mayye
Erta7lak shwaye 7aji ba2a tkhayel
Ya ghzayel ya ghzayel

Come by cutie, oh cutie come by

Come by a little bit and tell me a little story
I'll serve you a cup of coffee, I'll make you tabboule
woe from you cutie, and ohh cutie ohh cutie
For some time and long ago this moon did not show
by come by so we can see you, we miss staying up with you hanging out
Come by we miss your stories...
Come by, come by, I swear would you come by
you pass underneath the window without so much as a hello
come by, come by, come by when the shade is out
and have a drink of water, take a break, just imagine it
ohh cutie, ohh cutie

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