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Anthropology is a new discipline on the study of the history of humans, its evolution on
society based on the behavior of the human being from the strangest to the most common
behaviors.Anthropology is responsible for the study of the various cultures that inhabit our
planet and the way in which they relate and interact with each other. It has come from the
caveman years to the present day, becoming a quite complex study.

It is a natural science that studies the mental state of a person, looking for information on the
behavior of human beings, and the mental evolution of people. Psychology has been
advancing as time goes by every time there are different studies on human behavior.
Psychology is an important element in a society, it helps to relate to being, with humanity
and with the characteristics that each person has within a society or community and their
different ways of adapting to a society. It tries to show us the development of each stage of
life in relation to himself and others cause frequently they do not always have the same state

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