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Austraila. BrazIl.」apan ・ Ko「ea. MexiCO. SlngaPOre. Spa'∩ ・ Unlted K'ngdom. Un'ted States
Numbers′ Years and Dates, Subject and object pronouns, Possessive adjectives,
UnitO p4
There is几here are′The「e was几here were′ Question words, Prepositions of pIa⊂e

Being 「bgether p 6

丁rySomething New p26

Food and Drink p34

ReviewUnits3-41Song pp42-43   Videopp44-45

S⊂hoolandBeyond p46

Past simpie and present At the     5SOunds

Perfect simpie doctor’s

Possessive pronouns

Ou「Amazing Bodies p54

ReviewUnits5-6/Songpp62-63   Videopp64-辟角.こ

AllAround Us p 66

Prote⊂ting the Planet p 7叫

City Life p 86

Share and Enjoy p 94

F細omHereto丁here p「O6

」obs p 「14

Review Unitsll -12 / Song

Grammar References pp 126 - 135
Numbe園s to lOO,000 YearS and dates
1,OOO one thou5and 丁oday is Wednesday, 12 」uly 2020.
l1 0,00O fen thou5and 丁hewartook place in theyear 1486.
15,OOO H什eenthousand 丁hat was the輔teenth ⊂entury.
5O,OOO #ftythou5。nd 丁he famiiy lived in that house for two de⊂ades,
「OO,000 onehundredthou5。nd from 1999to 2019.

6,791 -→ 5扉thou5CJnd 5eVen hundred。nd

ninety-One 周 cir⊂1ethe⊂O事re⊂tWO「ds.

42,975 → forty-tWO thous。nd nine hundred

1 -tomorrow is the twenty first-⊂entu「y /
and seven ty-#ve 丁hursday, 7 0⊂tOber.
98,153 → ninety-eight thou5。nd one hundred
2 A de⊂ade/⊂entuI-y isten years.
3 A de⊂ade/⊂entury is one hundred years.

「 Listen.Cir⊂1ethenumbe「. 6│TR:0.2 4 She was bom on thefifteenthくentu看y/

Sunday, 30 」une.
1 1与,000 1,与00 1,050
5 The expIorersfirstvisited the isiand in
2 761与  76,01与  6701与
the eighteenth ⊂entu「y / de⊂ade.
3 1,984 12,894 12,984
2 w「itethe ⊂enturyfo「ea⊂h yea「.
4 63,948 63,498 69,348

与9780 19,781 97081 1 1892

2 1940
2 Readandwritethedigits.
3 2018
1 two thousand, eight hund「ed and forty-Six
4 12与0

2 seventeen thousand, nine hundred and

three Subjeくt and objeくt P臆onOunS

Subje⊂t P「OnOunS: l, yOu, he′ She, it, We, yOu, they

3 fifty-four thousand, SeVen hundred and Obje⊂t PrOnOunS: me, yOu, him, her it, uS, yOu, them

1 completethetable.
4 seventy-ninethousand and eight
1 Subje⊂tPrOnOunS

5 thirty-tWO thousand, five hund「ed and

ninety six

」「「_臆  them ___ l

4 UNi丁 O
Possessive adjeくtives Question words
Possessive adje⊂tives: Question wo「ds: how, What, Where, When,
my your; his, he巾ts, Our yOu再heir Who, Whose

Whenarewemeeting? Whosejacketisthis?

「 cirく1etheくOrre⊂tWOrds.

1 Mydad is35yea「soid・ His/Herbirthdayis 1 compietethe questions.

in Aprii.
is that boy?’‘丁hat’s Lee:
2 i′m Sofia andthis is her/mysiste「Ava.
bag is that? Is it Sarita’s?′
3 We wantto go tothe cinema towatch
their/ our favourite fiim. did 」im sayabout his present?′

4 Lookatthatcat.You「/ lts eyes are biue! do you iive?’At 46 Baker Street.′

5 Ben and ‘fonyare brothers and their/our did you visit us?’‘Last summer.′
mothe「 is my teacher.
do we get to the train station?′
‘巾Jm ieft here′ and it′s on the right.′

丁here ishrelwasIwere

There is one book on the table. P喜epositions of p看aくe

There a「en’t any pens.
There wel.e three biscuits in my lunch box.

1 completethesenten⊂eSWith is,糾。,W。S
Or Were.

す甲 e
1 There three students in the

in front of
room yesterday.

there anyoranges in the

kitchen now? 1 cirくiethe⊂Orre⊂tWOrds.

丁he red doo「 is between /

there a pencii on the deska
behind two white doors.
few minutes ago?

4 There iots ofgood books in

this Iibrary. Whi⊂h do you want?
丁he frog is under/in the ieaf

5 There a pizza in the kitchen.

We can share it.

丁he gir=s behind /in frontof

the red cu「tain.

丁hedog ison/nextto
the boy.

2 1alkaboutwhereyourthingsarewith 。

partner・ Use prepositions of p音a⊂e and

WOrd§ like booんpen`朽s`hool bag, et⊂.
a great time On time WaSte (one’s) time
Look at the time! time for
1 Listen.しistenand
repeat. r)TR: 1.1

2しistenand音。ad. OTR:1.2

Emre: Kerem′ areyOu eXCited aboutthe summer?

Kerem: Ofcou「se廿ve f刷一y got time for video

games. And l can sIeep late. I don′t need to

be on time for schooI.
E壷 That′strue. 1t′s nicetosIeep late.Whatelse

doyou do?

Kerem: Notmuch. I read′WatChTV … andyou?

Emre‥ I haveag「eattimeeverysummer. Iwork

On my uncie’s farm.

Kerem: Farm work? Re訓y? A greattime?

Emre: Yes. it′sgreattobewith myunc-e描miIy.

My un⊂le shows me howto careforthe

anjmais. 1t’s difficult, but itt fun.

Kerem: Thatfa !ot ofwork. When do you relax?

Emre: Aimost never. we can′twaste anytime

being lazy … SO nOTVorvideo games.

Kerem: Waste time? Lazy? Hmm … OK, We=, 1ook

atthetime= must be going.

Emre: i’m sorry Kerem. i didn′tmean … it′sjust,

We町there’stoo much work! But in the

evenings′ i sit outside with my aunt and

uncle. We iaugh at my auntt stories. We

SOmetimes play games. There′s some time

for fun,just not much.

Kerem: it′s OK. 1t 「ea=y does sound =ke fun. Ybu

WOn’t be bo「ed at a=.

Em「e: That’strue. Butl wi= betired!

3 comp-ete the senten⊂eS With the phrases

4 circleth。 ⊂o「r。CtWOrds.
from Aくtivity l.
1 During the s⊂hooI year Kerem has/hasn′t
1 Here′s Mum -She′salways
got much time for video games.
2 Hu「ry up! We haven′tgot 2 inthesummer Emre hasagreattime
a chat. Playing video games / wo「king on a farm.

3 Don′t 3 Emre can′twastetime/ be on time when

! Get backto work!
he’s at his uncie′s farm.
4 Have On hoiiday Grandad!
4 On his uncIe′sfdrm′ Emre relaxes by

=’m iate again. Watくhing TV/ sitting outside with his


5 Attheend ofthesummer Emrewi= be

bored / tired.

8 UNI丁l
写しisten.しisten and repeat. r)TR: 1.3
GRAMMAR Adverbs off「equency
enjoy i enjoy wo「king on our fa「m.
We use these adverbs to show how often we
grand⊂hiid Giida spendstimewith her do something.
grandchiId whiIe his pa「ents work. /W筋ends some書imes come to my hou5e.

laugh We′「e laughing because this fiim a看ways > usuaIIy> often i> sometimes > neve寡
is very fumy. 100% of 0% of
the time the time
!azy The lazy cat sieeps a= day.
Adve「bs off「equency go before the main verb:
OnIy⊂hi看d Serena hasn′tgot brothers or
77)ey never see G仰nd。d
Sisters. She′s an only ch胴・
But they go after the verb be:
nephew G旧s Uncie Ed′sfavourite nephew.
材y舟/end ;s never on time.
nie⊂e My niece is my sister′s daughter. Except in a question:

応your mum aIwqys 5O ni`e?

6 ⊂omplete the sent。n.。S With w。.ds Ybu can ask questions with How often.
f細om A⊂tivity 5.
How often do you go on ho〃dγ?

1 I’m the youngest of my grandparents′ three

8 putthewords in the⊂Or.e`tO.der.
. He hasn’t got
1 see/aIways/school/l/cousin/after/my
any brothers or sisters.

3 l’m one ofAuntAna′s seven

. We’re a= boys!

riding horses?
3 am/i/never/schooi/for/Iate
5 ThisfiIm makes me
actors are very funny.
6 Piease get up川’s eieven otIock. Don′t be

9しisten to Saliysaywhatsh。d。。SWith h。.

fami看y. Cir⊂ie the ⊂Or細eCt anSWerS. r) TR: 1.4
GRAMMAR P「esentsimpIe
1 Sa=yvisits hergrandparents twi⊂e/on⊂e
We use the present simple to taik about: a week.
a generaI truths.
2 Sa=yalways/sometimes has banana ice
1t mins a /ot in wi雨er here.
Cream On Saturdays.
b things we do regularly.
I v応it my unc/e every summer 3 Dad never/often goes on hoiidayto the sea.

⊂ Permanent StateS. 4 Ti=ygoes tothe parkevery Monday/

Satu rday.

10 Howoften doyou andyourfamilyd。th。S。

7 complete the sentenくeS With the present things? Tt看l you音pa「tner. use adve看bs of
Simple of the words in bl-a⊂kets. freq uen`y・

丁V with COOk go on holiday

you「 sisters? (wat⊂h) Visit g「andparents watch TV

at the weekends. We
Stay at home, (not work) l「 writefivesenten。eS。bout howoften

3 Emre you do things. Use a different adverb of

the farm is fun. (think)
frequen⊂y in ea⊂h one.
4 Myuncie breakfast. (not eat)

1 Listen.Listenand POPulation
repeat. nTR: 1.5     hunt hurt protect

2 Listenandread. OTR:1.6

」 Big cats like lions, tige「s, ieopards and cheetahs are

in danger. Their popu書ations are becoming sma=er.

ln some areas, these hungry animals hunt livestock,

like cows and goats. Farmers need the冊vestock to

Su「Vive. They want to proteくt their animals, SO they′re

k輔ng the big cats that huntthem.

Dereck and BeverIy 」oubert are filmmakers and

COnSerVationists. in 2009, the 」ouberts worked with

Nationai Geog「aphic to start the Big Cats lnitiative.

Now they’re working to protect these big cats. They′re

also heiping the farmers protect their animais.丁he

」ouberts know that when the cats stop k冊g farm

animaIs′ the farmers stop hurting the cats. Now the

farmers are buiiding high, StrOng fences to protect

their farm animais.

They’re aiso writing books and making films. ln fact,

their work rea`hes m冊ons of people. together

the people working with the Big Cats initiative are

iooking after the big cats 。ndthe peopie they affect.

3 Read.丁i⊂kTfor7fueorFfor励庇. 4 cir⊂1ethe⊂or「e⊂tWOrd.

1 Livestock is hunting big cats, SO 1 The danger/ population ofourtown

their popuiation is going down・
回田 is 2与,000 peopie.

2 Fa「mersare k冊ng big catsto 2 Hungry Iions prote⊂t/ ki= farm animais

PrOteCt thejr farm anjmaIs. 回田 fbrわod.

3 The」ouberts help thefarmers 3 Leopards are a species in

PrOteCt their animais. 回田 dange細/ population.

4 The 」ouberts work to te= others 4 Leopards Iike to hunt/ hurt at night.
aboutthe danger big cats are in. 回田 5 Peopie need to worktogethe「to
5 M冊ons of people are affected PrOte⊂t / hunt big cats.
by big cats.
10 UNI丁「

5堕&醸m。畦tenand repeat. nTR:1.7 7 usethe pi⊂ture beiowto ⊂OmPietethe

Senten⊂eS With the present ⊂Ontinuous

国書を貴職    A vet cares for sick animaIs. form ofthe ve「bs in the box.

芋三軍ied of Many peopie a「e f「ightened of

eat piay run sit sieep

轟を東食 My camera doesn’t wo「k. ln fact,

i’m buying a new one today.

柵"霊魂e富 Farmers must look after their


寄葛○○こ書l Smartphones can heIp

information to quickiy reach
many people.

1 The「e’s a monkey. 1t

6 ci事dethe ⊂orre⊂t WO獲ds. the t「ee.

1 Wさ⊂an rea⊂h / 1ookafte「 Mum on her 2 The giraffe

3 Look! The zebras are frightened. They
2 The「e’s no schooI tomo「row. 1n fa⊂t /しet′s
細論⊂h, We’re on hoIiday for two weeks.
4 The mothe「 lion istired. In fact, She
3 We must音ookafte看/ be f音ightened of big
CatS to heIp them su「vive.

4 Myaunt ⊂areS fo獲/ rea`hes six chiIdren, 5 There are two lion cubs.They
in⊂iuding th「ee nieces and nephews.

与The baby isfrightened of/in fa⊂tthe

8 ListentoLauraand He音enandtiくkTfor
ieopard at the zoo.
77ueor FforFa/se. (│丁R: 1.8

GRAMMAR P「esent continuous

1 Laura isgoing shopping. 回田
2 Laura is meeting Lisaat
We use the present continuous to talk about: three o′cIock. 回田
a things that are tempora「y or are happening
now or around now.
3 Laura isgoingtothecinema. 回田
4 Laura’s grandma is eating
UncIe Dan応eaf加g bre。kfasL
He乍nof加ving fea w肋hi5 bre。kfasL
dinner at home. 回田
b fixed future pians.
5 HeIen isgoing outfo「dime「. 回田
I血v応itjng nry mend tomomow
Are you `Oming with u5?
⊂ Whatis happening in a picture.

ln拓応picture,初e /ion cub ;s p佃ying. Listen and circIe the sentence you hear.
応/ts mothers/eep血g /n勅e picture? 1 a i’meatingLisainthepa「k.
Nq 5he応nで
b i’m meeting Lisa in the park.
丁ime expressions now, at the moment, tOday,
2 a We’reworking tomo「「ow.
this moming, tOmO「「OW
b We’re waiking tomorrow.

3 a Areyoutalking,」ane?

b Areyou taking」ane?

ite the ⊂orre⊂t name under ea⊂h pi`ture. r)TR: 1.10

He=o=’m Marta Romero and this is my

famiiy! We live on a farm. It’s realiy coo書.

l’m ten years old and l go to Mine「va

Secondary Schooi. i play the piano. 1 have

iessons every Saturday. 1t’s great用ext

Week I′m playing the piano at a party.

ln this pICtu「e l’m not playing music. l’m

Sitting on the grass.

丁here’s a pictu「e of my brother Samuei,

too. He’s tweive and he likes footba=. Het

OK, but he’s very Iazy sometimes! At the

moment, he’s staying with our cousin ln

Colombia. He’s coming back next month.

The photo ofthe diver is of Mum

On holiday iast year. She rea=y Ioves
SWimming and diving. My dad doesn’t
SWim. He likes watching footbaii on TV
instead. ln the picture, he’s watching a

Worid Cup match.

The other picture is ofmy hor§e, O=ie. He

eats grass and carrots. ln the photo, he’s

running. Het reaIly fast!

2 changethewordsin boldtomakethe
SentenくeS true.

1 Marta has piano Iessons Emphasising wi章h so

every day.
it’s so frightening!

2 Marta is pIayingthepiano She’s so iazy!

at s⊂hool next week. Comp獲ete the dialogues with these

3 Samue=s staying with his ph「ases. Then praくtise saying them

With your pal.tnel..
Mum: Diana never helps at home!
4 Dad iikes swimming.
5 Oilieisaboy.
露oy; Look at that lion!
6 O帖e is good atfootbali. GirI: Ahh!

12 UNi丁「
WRI丁ING Time expressions and adve「bs
GRAMMAR PresentsimpIeand Of f「equency
PreSent COntinuous
We use the present simpie to ta看kabout general
A write PS nexttothewordswe usewith the
truths, things we do regularly and permanent PreSent Simple and P⊂ next to the words
StateS. We uSe With the p音esent ⊂Ontinuous.

明々柄e /n 。 big house.

atthe moment 鵜   nOW
We use the present continuous to taIk about
everyday onceaweek  」
things that a「e tempora「y or are happening
nowor a「ound now, fo「 fixed future pians and this winter sometimes
to saywhat is happening in a pictu「e. never today
If五going o調書wi拓rny cou5in tomorrow
next month  _  aiways

Note: There are some ve「bs that we

don’t use with continuous tenses. These B Read the des⊂ription. Cir⊂1e theく。「音。.t

are ca看ied stative verbs and they inciude time expressions or adverbs of frequen⊂y・

knovV 〃ke, /ov& thinんunderstt7nd and w。nt.

i’mTai andthis is

myfamily! i am
3 ⊂omplete the sentenくeS uSing the p細esent
twelve years oid
Simpte o「 the present continuous ofthe
Yerbs in b「a⊂kets. and igoto
Shogakko School.
1しOOk,the iion
i have swimming Iessons (1) twi⊂e a Week/

2 Grandad and Grandma now. 1 go on hoiiday (2) this summer/

(go) to the zoo this afte「noon. every summer and l (3) a看ways/today swim

in the sea. Mytwin brother」iro is between

3 Myfriendsand I
my parents. (4) At the moment / Sometimes,
footbaii every Saturday,
he’s visiting our grandparents in -fokyo but

4 inever (visit) my cousins. he’s coming back on Sunday night. Mum and

Dad are laughing in the picture.They are

(go) to horse riding
(5) a!ways / this morning happy!
lessons every week.

6 Oh,nO!Theanimals
⊂ writea des⊂ription ofyou獲fami音y. Usethis
任ight) again!
Plan to heip you.
4 ⊂omplete the senten⊂eS With these wo獲ds. Parag「aph 「 A=aboutme
Usethe present simp看e o看the p「esent Paragraph 2 My b「others and sisters
(O「 aunt/uncie/cousin etc)

Parag営aph3 Myparents
⊂Ome love notunderstand want write
Paragraph 4 My bestf「iend (or My pet)

my cat very much. D Rememberto usetime expressions and

adverbs of frequen⊂y in your desく営iption.
your sister

email to Grandma now?

UncIe 」ohn
to the pa「k?

this word. What does

it mean? 13
awfu l
carefu i
repeat. 4│TR:2.1 SaVe (money)

2 Listenandread. nTR:2.2

H冊m A看ek. Lookat my new bedroom. lsn’t it

g「eat? My old bed「oom was so awfu冊was my

older sister′s room, but she moved out. So, l moved

in鵜tO a Pinkand purple room! For manyyears′ my

parent§ didn′t paint it・ They said the room was fine:

ltwasn′tfine at a旧hated this room. l wanted to

s-eep in the living room - that′s how bad itwas.

FinaI回asked my mum to change it. ’We=,’she

said. ′We′re not ridr lt′s a lot of money to change

a room. Butwe can giveyou some money, and you

can pay the rest. Then′ yOu Can do what you want:

l was so excited= piamed the room first. l saved

my moneyfor paint and a new rug. l wasくarefulto

Pick the best things.

Now my room is so cooI・ It′s reaIiynyroom. l’m

⊂「aZy about music′ SO this is the pe「fe⊂t rOOm

for me. 1t′s aIl blackand white. Onewa旧s a

⊂halkboard. l can w「ite on it. And my bed iooks

like a piano.This room is a great pIaceto listen to

muiic, P看ay my guita「 and w「ite songs. =ove my

new bedroom. l never看eave it!

3 write the ⊂OrreCt WoI-d. 4 Readandmat⊂h.

1 Alek′s sister’s old a Ieaves hisnew

1 togive moneyto sOmeOne
bedroom 「○○m.

2 Whenhehadhis b saidtheold room

2 -fo rea=y disIike something oId room, AIek was fine.

3 Alek’s pa「ents C WaSPink.

4 AIekwas ca「efu1 d is pe「fe⊂tfor him.

3 -fokeep moneyina bank
5 Alek’s new room e hated it.

6 AIeknever f topickthebest
4 Ve「y′Very bad

5 Having a lotofmoney

16 UNi丁 2
7 しis章en.Listenand repeat. r)TR:2.3

晒e use the past simpie for:

a things that started and finished in the past.

Wとmoved here /。5tye。左 armchai「 COffee table fridge
Didyou We ne。rdy?
No, We didn7.

b things that happened one after the other

in the past.
WE `leaned拓e house, apened拓e door 。nd OVen Shower sink
Wa/ked down the 5treeL

⊂ habits in the past.

/ fjdied my bedroom every F所d。y nighL

Time expressions
SOfa toiiet wa「drobe
yeste rd ay
露ast nig ht/week/mo nth/year 8 Matれ       b
two days/a month/a yea「 ago

与 Re-read the pa「agraph on page 16.

under看ine the verbs that end in -ed.

How many a「e there?

6 completethesenten⊂e§With the past

Simpie ofthe verbs in bra⊂kets.

1 Ming 1 armchair  □  6 sink

(not want) a
new bed. 2 ⊂OffeetabIe □  7 sofa

2 The chiIdren (arrive) at 3 fridge   □  8 toilet

G「andma’s house an hourago.

4 oven    □  9 wardrobe

(move) to the city in 5 shower   □

9 Listenand numbe音thepi⊂tureSinthe
(not tidy) the kitchen. ⊂Orreくt Order. (│TR: 2.4

(Oiive〃visit) the new flat?

(they/stay) at home?

10 TakeitintumstotaIkwitha pa「tnerabout
When you did these things. Make notes.

tidy/my bedroom arrive/at schooi

Piay/a sport orvideo game visit/a f「iend

「l w「itefoursenten⊂eS aboutwhatyour

Pa「tner Said in A⊂tivity lO. Use your notes.

1 Listen.Listenand
repeat・ rlTR:2.5  earthquake fu「niture glass modふn piasti. ,。uS。 rubbish

2 Listenandr。。d. r)TR:2.6

胸uj肌着drank∂ bot捉o航誠:y: Nb男励afcわJOu

do wh加庇botue? Do)りup〃筋力肪肋
鮎cyd航? Or do you use /t forsome拓/ng ehe?
BottIed drjnks create a ‘ot ofrubbjsh. But some

PeOPIe are reusjng bottIes jn a very interestjng way

- by creating houses out ofthem.

1n Puerto Iguaz血, Argentjna, artjst A冊edo Santa Cruz

and hjs famjiy bu航he EcoIogjcaI BottIe House. They

made thjs house with many types of rubbjsh, but

mostly plasti` botties. Even the fumiture is made
from oid pIastic bottIes. in another Argentinjan town,
Quilmes, artist Rubch ′丁ito’ingenieri made his house

from gIass bottles. He worked on jt for over 20 years.

丁he inside has got a modem kitchen and bathroom.

丁here’s aIso a ta= tower. A= in a=, the house is made

from more than six m冊on glass bottles廿hese a「tists

Want tO teaCh visitors about how much peopIe throw

away. They also want people to use less and make
Iess rubbish.

Maria Ponce iost her home in 2001, When a strong

earthquake hit in EI Saivador. Maria decided to buiid
a new house in hervilIage. She finished her house
in 2005,When shewas 76years old.You can see it in
this photo. 1t’s ve「y strong: the wa=s and

roof a「e piastic botties, and the fioor is

made from bottie tops. Maria is happy

the「e because she enjoys the visitors who

COme tO See her unusuai home.

3 Answerthe questions. 4 complete the sentences with words from

Aくtivity l.
1 Whatarethreethingsyou can dowith an
oid water bott看e? 1 Piease recyciethe botties.

2 What′sthe EcoiogicaI Bottie House made of?

2 The pictu「es came offthewa=s during the

3 How manyglass bottIes did Ingenieri use to

make his house?
TV hasgota computer in it.
4 What do the artists from A「gentina want to
teach peopie? 4 Putthe paperinthebiue bin andthe
in the bIack bin.
5 Whydid Maria Ponce build her housefrom
bottI es? 5 How⊂anWe giass botties?

18 UNI丁 2
写 しisten.Listenand 「epeat. rlTR:2.7 8 しisten to the ⊂OnVe「Sation and ⊂OmpIete
the sentenくeS. (ヽTR:2.8

1 MyIes madesomecoo看new

2 HeusedoId

baIcony bookcase 3 Lara asked ifMyles madethesethingsfrom

4 Myies madefour and two

roof rug
与MyIes his fu「nitu「e, but he

Photos of it first.

6 Myiesgot euros in totai

for his fu「niture.

VaCuum WaShing
⊂Ieane「 machine SOUNDS OF ENGL音SH r)TR:2J9,2.1O

6 Mat⊂h. A Read these wo「ds aloud, Paying attention

to the soun′ds ofthe highIighted letters.
1 baIcony a It’sthetopofa house.
What are the two different sounds?
2 book⊂aSe b It cIeansyour ⊂Iothes.
1 ye=ow      5 how

3 fi○○「 ⊂ You alwaysstand on it. 2 shower       6 snow

3 now        7 brown
4 microwave d it ⊂OOksfood fast.
OVen 4 know        8 show
e You putbookson it.
B Now putthewords in A in the co「rect
f ltcleans thefIoor. COlumns. Listen and check your answers.
6 rug be○○w town
g It’s outside a flat.
7 vacuum
h It coversthefloor.

8 washing

GRAMMAR #培烏rbs)
9 workin pairs. Choosean itemfrom
Aくtivity 5 and des⊂ribe it. Don′t name the
Wedo notadd -ed forthe past simpie
item. ⊂an you事partner guess the item?
a怖rmative of irreguiar ve「bs.

勅um gave /ny 。unt 。 V。`uum Cle。ner This ista=.    ¥

Wとgof 。 neW bookcose ye5terd。y it’s got sheives.You have it in

your living room. _ヨ三三二十、 「

-一二㌢ ̄

from !
7 completethe paragraph with the past bookcase?

Simple of the verbs in b「a⊂kets.

Lastyea「we(1)  (se看l)ourhouseinthe 「O Dis⊂uSS the foi○owing in pairs.

mountains. We (2)   (buy) a cottage
1 Whatthings doyou reuse? Whatdoyou
bythe sea. One day, I (3)   (find) a throw away?
⊂atOn the street. She didn’t have a home and
2 What is something unusual thatyou made?
She (4)   (be) very sick. Eve「y day she
What did you useto make it?
(5)   (come) to ou「 new house and I
3 What can you doto create Iess rubbish?
(6)   (give) herfood and water. Now
Name three things.
tties? She’s my pet and my best friend!

鵜音曲1●」 〇三三
1 Listen and音ead thedes⊂riptions.W細itethe ⊂Or「ect nameS underthe pi⊂tu「eS. 4│TR:2.11

My Home
」ian, 10
MyfamiIy and川ve in a houseboat. It′s sma= but it′s

got two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. There′s

a large tabiewith chairs in the kitchen.There′s also a

microwave oven for cooking. 1t′s even got a washing

machine. 1tt reaily cooI!

O軸a♭ 12
We lived in a large fIat nextto a riverfor manyyears.
We had a beautiful sitting room and a iong ba`cony
With a greatview ofa iarge garden. But itwas too
big. So last yearwe moved into a sma!i, mOdem
house. Now we live near my grandparents. We visit
them often.

書n9rid, 11

Myfamily and川ve in a huge oid house in the centre

Oftown, it’s got seven bedrooms, th「ee bathrooms

and two sitting rooms. l′m an on!y chiid, SO We don′t

use a= the rooms. Some rooms haven′t got any

fu「niture at all′ and there isn′t a very nice view f「om

my bedroom. i don′t hate my home, but l don′t iove

it eithe「!

Ka書ia, 14

We bought our flat three years ago. We haven′t got

a garden butwe′ve got a big balconyand a beautifui

dining room with a view ofa park.一rea一一y like

Our home.

2 write」 (」ian), O (Oma事), 1 (1ngrid) 。.


K (Katia). Who …

1 can seea parkfrom his/herhome?

ltliking about homes
2 mentions appiiances in his/her home? Whe「e do you live?
=ive in a townh flat/a houseboat, etC.
3 iives in averybig house?
i moved into my house six months∧wo years ago.
4 talks abouta home he/she doesn′t My house is big/smallfold/modem.
live in now?
Complete and pra`tise with you「 pa音tner.
5 moved into his/he「 houseth「ee

years ago?
in a cottage in a v川age.

is your cottage oId? No,竹)

20 UNi丁2
3しisten totheくOnVerSation.⊂hangethe ⊂ Read theadvertandくomP音ete itwith and,
WOrds in bold to make the sentenくeS true. be⊂auSe, but and so.
(1丁R: 2.12

1 Pauia visited he「cousin′s

new f看at.

2 it‘s reaiiy ni⊂e.

3 1t’sverybig.

4 it’sgotmodem


5 Thegarden isfuli House for sa音e

Of flowers. 丁his fantastic house is in a beautifu看

VⅢage. It is great for Iarge fam掴es

6 PauIa’s cousin wanted

to Iive in the ⊂ity.

it has got five
bedrooms, three bathrooms
4 Talkabouttheflat in the pi⊂tureWith a ia「ge sitting

your partner. room. It has aiso gota ve「y big kitchen

With a great view ofthe pretty iittie

garden.The house is modem

SOme Of
the fumitu「e is oid. There are two

S⊂hooIs in the same street,

ChiIdren can
WaIk to schooI in two minutes.
Come and see this great home soon!

WRITING Linking wo「ds

Cal音234 5694 today!

A Read aboutthese linking words.

We use and to add something eiseto a
D writean advertforyour home.
SentenCe. Answer these questions:
77諦H0t /5 OId ond 5m0Il. Whattype ofhome doyou Iive in (a house
We use but to show cont「ast (when two With a garden, a fIat with a baicony, etC)?

things are diffe「ent). Where is it?

771e 5itting room /5 Sm。/l b調でbeau棚方 Are there Iots of rooms? What rooms are
We use be⊂auSe before the reason for

isitoId ornew?
Is the fumiture mode「n?
I don出ike my bedroom be`ause it verysm。II.
What is near your house (schoois, Shops, etC)?
We use so before the resuIt ofsomething.
1 don’t`OOkso / don’t need on oven.
E Read youradvertandくhe⊂kthatyou have
B ci「⊂1ethe ⊂O看re⊂tWOrds. used and, but, beくauSe and so.

1 Mybed is bigand/butitisn’tcomfortable.

2 This rug is horribiebe⊂auSe/so i wanta

3 The stai「s are oid and / but dangerous.

4 i don’t like thisflat be⊂auSe/sothe

bedrooms are very sma=.

4 puttheadverbsoffrequen⊂yin braくkets in
the ⊂or「e⊂t Pla⊂e.

1 We don′tvisit myaunt on Saturdays.

(a iways)

2 Theyare at home in the moming. (neve「)

3 A「e Ben and his sisteron timeforschooI?


4 My best friend comes to my house. (often)

2 Mat⊂h theopposit。S.

1 hu「t a iate

2 reuse b oId 5 is yoursitting room clean? (aIways)

3 ontime c iove

4 hate d protect

5 awfui e throwaway 6 Does yourciass reuse oid paper?

6 modem f nice

3 comp鵜ete the senten.。S With th。S。 W。.ds.

Careful frightened of greattime 5 comp音ete the senten⊂eS With the p「。S。nt

POPuiation timefor wastetime Simple o「 the present `Ontinuous ofthe
Verbs in b「a⊂kets.
1 Dad hasn’tgot the match
tonight. He’s working Iate. 1 Look!Theiioncub (め=ow) its
2 Areyou tigers? Or do you
think they’re cooi? 2 Howoften (you meet) your
Of leopards is going
down. We must prote⊂t them. 3 Nextweekmyuncie
me out.
4 MsSmithwas to countail
he「 students before Ieaving the school, (not want) to pIay the
guitar now.
5 There’s Iots to do. Let′s not

5 Oh,nO!Thecat (run) away.

6 Myfriends wenttothe partyand they had a
(not know) 」ane’s niece.

22 UNI丁; 1-2
Song 。TR‥2.113

We’ve go† a new house and we mus†n・†

⊂kets in 6 writethe pastsimpie oftheseverbs. be iozy!

We ca冊was†e any †ime!
1 study 7 iive There’s Io†s of work for me.

2 「un 8 se= The house is very dir†y!

工† jus† Iooks awful, yOu See!

3 be 9 buy
工pick up †he rubbish and clean up
4 e巾Oy lO have CQ「efu =y.

与come 「l pay We’ve go† a new house and †here’s

SO muCh †o do!
6 stop 12 hurt
We ca冊was†e any †ime!
工’ve go† some work for you.
7 ⊂omplet。th。 Sh。「t。nSW。.S.
Please clean †he fridge and oven, †he
1 isyourgrandma coming Showらr and †he sink.
next week?     No, Pass †he vacuum cieaner †oo.

Oh′ Wha† do you †hjnk?

2 Doyou likeyour
new house?     Yes, We’re cieaning and we十e working.

3 Arewe pIaying footba=

this aftemoon?   Yes, 巨Bu† as soon as we finish, W。十。 Pl。ying
in †he sun.
4 Did yourcousins visit Le†’s enjoy an af†ernoon両he park.

you iast summe子?  No, Weli onIy go home af†er汁s dark.

5 Didyourmum save We十e a† our new house and now it’s cIean,

money?       Yes, I† Iooks be††er †han we,ve ever seen.

We worked so ha「d and now we′re done.

6 Isyour brother buying
We pIayed ou†side, Ou† in †he sun.
a houseboat?    No,

Now we十e in our new home, a= cIean

8 ⊂omplete the parag「aph with the p「esent Qnd †idy・
SimpIe′ the present ⊂Ontinuous or the past We十e having a great †ime, and we十e
Simple of the ve細bs in bra⊂kets. a” so happy!

i’m rea=y excited. 1bmorrow we

(move) into our new house.

(be) big - it
(have got) four bedrooms. I
(iove) my new bed「oom -
itt green and white and very modem. Last
Week we (5) (go) shopping for
newfumiture. My mum (6)
(buy) me a fantastic green and white bed.
准ste「day we (7)

the house. fonight we (8)

tstay) at my g「andparents′ house but

tomorrow I can sieep in my new bed forthe

first time!
Who does it? Ti⊂k P fo看Pengwhs, H for Mat⊂h the words to the pi⊂tu音eS.

Hunons, Ol. B fo「 Bo書h.

P H  寄 dive chick wait

1 Protect theiryoung
from danger.

2 Huntforfood.

3 Gototheshopsforfood. _ _ -

4 Feed theiryoung.

5 Cookfoodbeforeeatingit. _ _ _

Now talk about what you「 parents do to

take ⊂al-e Of you.

dimers! mewithmymaths


24 UNI丁5 1-2
Cir⊂!ethe things that you ⊂an See in the video. How do you keep in tou⊂h with your

ice pengulnS fish Pa音entS When you′音e not togethe音?

lt11k about it.
WhaIes sea sand


4 AFTERYOUWA丁CH mobiIe phone after

SChooi to tei川e「 that
Ånswer the questions with ′Yes′ or ′No†
l’m waIking home. My pa「ents and i

1 Canthe penguin chicks leave notes for each

Other on the fridge.
hear thei「 parents chirp?

2 Can the penguin parents hear

their chicks ⊂hirp?

3 Can the penguin chicks dive

into the sea to catch food?

4 Do penguins eatfish?

5 Canthe penguin chicks

Stay by themseives?

1 Listen.しistenand
repeat. nTR:3.1    deep dive equipment exp書ore hobby

2 Listenand「ead. nTR:3.2

What we「e you doing寡ast weekend?

Maybe you were reading a book or pIaying video games. These
are good hobbies′ but are you rea=y seeing the worId from

your sofat Why not try something new?一t′s time to get out
and explore!

鴫ke up an exciting hobby- SCuba diving=bu can be up c-ose

With訓the beautifuI underwater plants and animals. 1t′s good

exercise and great fun. But it can be dangerous. Before you

dive′ yOu muSt lea「n what to do to stay safe

Midtown Scuba can help. ln our one-Week training programme,

you ieam:
. whatequipmentyou need to stay safe

. howtotum onand usetheequipment

・ howto move around safdy in deep waters

・ Whatto do ifsomething goes wrong

You want to be sul.e yOu′re safe underwater州ake the right

Choice and ca= Midtown Scuba today!

3 completethew。「ds.Th。n m。t.h.
4 Read and ⊂omPiet。th。 S。nt。n。。S.

1 w----    a Gohead-firstinto 1 When scubadiving,yOu Can becIoseto

2 h____    b 巾aveiandleam
2 Scuba diving isgreatfun and
abouta new piace
3 --∨-     C Whatyoudoin
3 A badthing aboutscubadiving is
your free time
4 _X_____ d incorrect that itcan be

5 d---     e Forexamp-e,4m. 4 You needtoleam

(12 ft.) underwater
5 Midtown Scuba teaches what
and how

6 TheyaIsoteach you whatto do if


28 UNi丁3
GRAMMAR Pastcontinuous

間e use the past continuous to: Affi「mative

a talkaboutthings that were happening at a particular l/he/she/it was walking

time in the past. you/we/they were walking
Lo5t n匂ht we were pのinting pictu/es. Negative
b talkabout two or more things that were happening I/he/She/it wasn’t (was not) waiking
atthe sametime in the past. you/we/they weren’t (were not) waiking
Af e匂ht ot/ocんmy IittIe sister was drawhg 。nd
I朋s reading 。 book.
Was l/he/she/it walking?
⊂ tO Setthescene ofa story. Were you/we/they walking?
什wa5 SnOWing 。nd we were mのking 。 5nOWm。n.
Short answerS
Time exp「es§ions
Yes, l/he/she/it was.
三II day yeste「day iast year Yes, We/you/they were.
≡ll moming this moming No, i/he/she/it wasn’t.
三tう0′ciock at this time Iast week/year No, We/you/they weren’t.
モst Thursday f「om th「ee o′dock ti= four

5 ⊂ompletethesentenくeSWith the past 7 complete the sentences with words from

COntinuous of the verbs in bra⊂kets. A⊂tivity 6.

(teli) Ama about my new 1 it’sdark! PIease the Iight.

! l can’t p看aythis game.

2 veste「day moming, it
your new skiing
(dive) underwater.
(not piay)
4 Be carefuI! Ybu don′twantto
outside because it was ⊂OId.
With no ai「 in you「tank!

4 The newscuba equipment

5 Whydon’tyou start a new hobby? You can
(not wo「k).
(study) the scuba
diving book. 8 しisten.Ti⊂kTfol. 7Jueor F forF初se.
(ヽ丁R: 3.4

6 Listen.Listenand repeat. rlTR:3.3 1 Anita had agreatevening

endup 」on ended upstaying athome iast

yesterd ay. 回田
2 Anita was Iistening to music

giveup Don’t give up.You′「e aImost

and helping herfather. 回田
3 Sara was also Iistening
take up l’m taking upthe guitar. My看essons
to music. 回田
4 Raulwas having dimer
Sta「t tOmOrrOW.
With Anita’s famiiy.
tryout Noratried outscubadiving and she
rea=y Iiked it.
9 Askand answerthese questionswith
章細「nOn Tum onthecomputersowecan
your partner.
read about sharks.
1 What were you doing on Saturday aftemoon?
useup When scubadiving,yOu muStn’tuse

upa=theai「inyourtank. 2 Whatwe「e your parents doing befo「e schooI?

3 What was you「 teacher doing before cIass?

1 0 write four sentenくeS about what you we「e

doing at this time last week.
1 Listen.しistenand

「epeat. r)TR:3.5
Pu=   rope s!ide trick

2 Listenandr。ad. r)TR:3.6

WOrds mOW and JL〃初夢Poppen 5OId柄s 5nurfer to a

Peopie around the world enjoy snowboarding because toy company, and snowboa「ding was bom!

it’s such an exciting sport! Snowboarders slide down

Snowboarding was getting more popuiar in the 1980s
a hi○○, like skiers do. But snowboarde「s go down on a
and 1990s, and it became an Oiympic sport in 1998.
Singie board, nOtWith a ski on each foot. Ame「ican snowboa「der Shaun White has won two

Skiing is an oid spo「t - PeOPIe were using skis in the Oiympic goid medals for snowboa「ding. He’s one of

1200s. But snowboarding is much newer. In 1965, a the most famous snowboarders in the world. Shaun
man named Sherman Poppen wastrying to thinkofa WaS SnOWboarding when he was seven!
WaytO take his daughters skiing with him. He puttwo 看n this photo, Shaun is showing offa cool tri`k.
Skis together fo「 his daughters to stand on. Then, he
Can you do this? Maybe not, but think about t「ying
Pu看ied them with a rope.Theywere having so much SnOWboa「ding as a hobby. With a helmet, gOgg看es,
fun! So, Poppen worked on making a snowboard. His
a board,-a big h冊and lots ofsnoWyou′re su「eto
Wife ca=ed the new activity snur紡g, COmbining the
have fun!

3 Answerthe questions. 4 compiete the sentenくeS With words f「om

A⊂tivity l.
1 How a「e snowboarding and skiing different?

2 Whydid Sherman Poppen makea 1 Mydogisstrong.1tcan

SnOWboard? aIong when we waik.

3 When did ShaunWhite begin 2 Youcan down the h帖n you「

SnOWboarding? Sledge.
4 What mustyou haveto snowboard? 3 I’m tired from waIking upthis

4 Let′s fasten the boat with this

5 」anawantsto her new

COmPuter tO eVeryOne.
30 UNi丁 3
7 completethe senten⊂eS.
GRAMMAR PastsimpIeand
PaSt COntinuous 1 What (you /do) when i
(cali) you this moming?
¥判ecan usethe past simpleand the past
こOntinuous in the same sentence to: (get) tired whiIe i
a show one past action inter「upted another one. (swim).
I was w伽`hing 。 fi/m when / heard the
(Luis / yawn) when the

b te= a storyin the past.

T7]e divers were tcking photos underw。ter 4 Themusic (not stop) while
When 。 5h。rkswam dy
(dance) at the party.
 ̄相e usua=y use when and whileto comect

5 Theboy (show off) when

jle tWO aCtions. We use when before the past
5impIe and whiIe befo「e the past continuous. (fa旧n) the water.

確we伯pI。ying footb。II when /t srarred to min.

8 ListenandwI.ite. r¥TR:3.8
伽d 。柄IIi。nt /dea whi/e / wのs w伽でhing

Adam Lena Sasha Erik  -fom

5 Listen.Listenand repeat. nTR:3.7

bored l’m rea=y bored with this fiIm.

horing l went to sIeep during that

boring fiIm.

ex⊂ited Are you excited to go diving?


ex⊂iting Scuba diving is an exciting sport.


inte営ested Naomi is interested in this book.

interesting This is a very interesting book.

細封axed Mum feeis relaxed after wo「k.

慮Ⅸing A hot bath ⊂an be very reIaxing.


tired UncIe巾o was snowboarding a=

afte「noon. Now, he’s tired.

掘轟ng∴∴∴ Snowboarding is very tiring. SOUNDSOF ENGLISH (lTR:3.9

A Read these pairs bfwords aioud, Paying

6 Read and ⊂ir⊂1ethecorre⊂tWOrd. attention to the lette「s in red. How do

they change when an e comes at.the

1 Reading a good book is reiaxed / relaxing.
end ofthe word?
2 Are you ex⊂ited / exくiting about skiing?
打       一
o m   脈

Tim time fin fine

3 」oaoand Paulawe「eswimming a= moming. hop hope hat hate
Now they’「e tired / tiring. B Now read thesewordsaloud,then iisten
4 The students a「en’t interested / inte「esting and check your answers.
in the iesson. S=d s=de

Can Cane


5 Ybu mustt「y out scuba diving.

1t isn’t bored / boring at a冊 Pin pine

1しisten and read l(yra′s b音og. How have herpastimes⊂hanged? r)TR:3・10

games with my friends. Now that l′m fourteen′ things are different. 1 don′t iike to play with

toys, Ofcourse冊ave a lot ofhomeworkand l can′t do manyfun things. For example′ these

days - don′t watch TV very often. 1 used to watch TV foT about two hou「S eVerY day.That was

a IotofTV! Now i go sw-mm-ng eVeryWeek.When I was nine′ l didn′t useto swim at aI= used

to pIayfootb訓for exercise′ and i used to play video games. But now’i know how to code. I’m

Ieaming howto make myownvideo games. Nextweek′ l′m going to posta linkforyou totry

out my game′ Robot Round-Up. it′s superfun!

So, myf「ee time is very different′ but the「e are some things that l sti= do. For exampIe′ I used

to go ice-Skating attheweekend′ and l sti= do. l also used to read befo「e bed′ and l neve「

stopped reading. But now′ l′m reading my history books for s⊂hooI′ nOt my favourite story

books.And ofcou「se,When l was nine, I didn′t useto have a blog. Now, i blog aIi thetime!

What about you? How is your life different from five yea「s ago? W「ite your comments beIow.

CO M M E N丁S [二二二二二=二二 ̄二二二二二二 ̄二二二二二二 ̄  ̄二=二二二 ̄二二二二二二一 ̄ ̄二二二二二二二二二二コ

post,1 Kyra=t
am leaming
Iooksto scuba
iike dive doing
you′re now.When
moreI interesting
was nine′ lthings
used togoswimming
than you usedin the
byronjm pool・ Scuba diving is very diffe「entfrom swimming′ but - think it′s much more fun!

2 Re-read Ky「a′s blog.Writefivethings she

used to do, and five things she does now.

Then Now lt11king about free time

What do you do in yourf「ee time?
I p旬′ Chess/侮otb。IL / go swimmingAunning.

Do you like/iove +ing?

Do you 〃ke rfding your bike/面of`hing TV?

¥les,川ke/love +ing.

yE5, / /ove ;`e Skaring.

i hate在an’t stand +ing

N。, l `an乍sfand drawing.

i started/stopped + /ng
l srarfedpainfing when / w峨5 ten.

藁豊k about free time with your partner・

32 UNI丁 3
We use used to to taik about: Affirmative
a actionsthat happened often in the past but don′t i/he/she/it/you/we/they used to piay
happen now.
W usedtogo to招re 7ym eVeIyday
l/he/She/it/you/we/they didn′t use to pIay
b states that existed in the past but don′t exist now.
I used to hve skiing but now / thihk布5 bohng・
Did i/he/she/it/you/we/they use to play …?
冊hen we use a negative′ We Saydidn′t useto.
Sho寡t answe「s
如d didnt use fo cook very o瓜en.
Yes, i/he/she it/we/you/they did.
We use a bare infinitive afte「 used to.
No, l/he/she it/we/you/they didn’t.

3 writesenten`eStO SayWhat Dan used t。。. B ⊂ompietethesenten⊂eSWith 。nd,Wh。n

didn′t use to do/be. O「 While.

1 George was piaying chess the

the phone rang.

2 ife旧nthewater

WaIking on the bridge.

1 begoodat/maths 3 1twas a fantastic day.The snowwasfa旧ng

the boys were skiing.

2 ⊂O=ect/stamps
⊂ Read the storyand ⊂ir⊂Iethe⊂Orr。。tW。.ds.

We were skiing in the mountains and /when

3 watch/丁V
We Were having a greattime. On the second
day ofour trip′ SOmething very inte「esting

happened・ We were putting our skis on when /

出RITiNG W「iting stories While I sawa littIe white rabbit.The rabbitwas
Sitting very stiII when /and it was difficuit to
Å Read aboutthetenseswe usuaIiy useto See him in the snow.
Write stories.
Ten minutes Iate「 I was skiing

We often use the past simpie and the past downthe h冊and/whi音e i saw
⊂Ontinuous to write stories. the rabbit again. l was t「ying to

move outofhis waywhen /whiie l fe= over.

We set the scene ofa story with a sentence
While/When I was getting back up, the
Which has two ve「bs in the past continuous. We
「abbit came nearerto me. He put his nose
linkthe two haives ofthe sentence with and.
right on my hand′ aS ifhe was caring for me.
居間s調lmng and the boy5 Were p仰ng
Happythat I was OK′ he ran away.
lむo tbal[

Wecan aIso usethe past simpie and the past D writea storyaboutsomething that
happened in your f「ee time.
⊂Ontinuous together in a sto「y. We use when

before the past simple and whi音e before the Paragraph 「 Setthe scene. When and whe「e
did the story happen?
PaSt COntinuous.
77,e beys were w。比hing TV when ;f happened. Pa「agraph 2 Say what happened.
什happened wh〃e折e bqrs were wa書でhing TV
Pa「agraph 3 Say howthe storyended.

E Remembertouseand,Whenandwhil。
⊂O「reくtly in the senten⊂eS Whi⊂h use the

PaSt ⊂Ontinuous and the past simp獲e.

Hang on! have got no idea i don’t believe it,
have a snack Hurry up!
1 Listen.しist。n。nd
I.epeat. 4│TR:4.1

2しistenand「。。d. 4│TR:4.2
Eiena: Let′s go and eat.There′s a huge breakfast

bu惟t in the hote- lobby.

」uiio: OK.Hangon冊brushingmyteeth.

Eiena‥ Hurryup!一can′twajt. l′msohung「y.

四t脇e bu侮日

川0: Wow"ookata一一thisfood冊on′tbelieveit!
Howmuch can we take?

園園圏 Elena: Wecantakeasmuchaswewant. Look冊o5e

eggs with tomato sauce look great.

」uiio: Yes, I′m having sometort冊swith myeggs.

That′s a real Mexjcan breakfast.

Elena: Yes′ but don′ttaketoo manytort冊s. There′s

a lot offood. Ybu′= be fu冊

Jl川o: That′strue. `wantsomefruit,tOO.

E!ena: Yes,andtrya皿eofthis bread・一tsmelIsgrea二

」u=o: OK.Andlookatthis.Whatisit?

Eiena: I旬egotnoidea!

Waiter‥ Excuse me. Those are旬o/es-fri。d beans.

丁hey′re deiicious. You must try them! Can i

b「jng you somejujce?

Elena: ves, Piease. l′冊avea mangojujce.

」ulio: And間havealitt-eorangejuice.

L鮪er b伯akfa5t]

EIena‥ Wow冊is breakfastwas the best. But, i ate

too much. i′m rea=yfu=.

」ulio: Notme.丁hefoodinMexicoissogood,i′ilbe

ready to have a sna`k soon.

3 cir⊂一ethe best response.

4 Answerthequestions.
1 You win a contest. Ybu say:
1 Whereare」uljoand Eiena?
a Hur「yup!  b idon′tbeiieve出

2 Your brotherasks howa spidergot jntoyou「 2 Whydoes EIena say, ′Hur「y up!′?

house. You say:

3 What foods do they take from the buffet?
a Idon′tbelieveit! b一′vegotnoidea.
4 What does the waitersay js deiicious?
3 You′re iatefor schoo一・ Your mum says‥

a Getd「essed川urry up! 5 Whatdoes thewaite「 bring them?

b Hang on! I′m making breakfast.
6 Who wants to eat more atthe end?
4 You′「e reading a good bookand yoursister
WantS yOu tO Piay with he「・ You say:

a Hangon!  b l′vegotnoidea.

5 Yourfriend is hungry. You say:

a i’vegotnoidea. b He「e,haveasnack.

36 UNIT4
写 しisten.Listenand「epeat. 6│丁R:4.3
GRAMMAR Aioto印otsoL
a few, a little
altogether The sandwich and fizzyd「ink
COSt ten eu「OS aItogether.
We usea lotofor lotsofwith countable and
uncountable nouns in affirmative and negative
disgusting Thatfishwassitting outaIl SentenCeS and questions.
afte「noon. 1t looks disgusting.
771ere are a /of ofbanana5 On thot free.
deii`ious May l please have hore cake? 771ere /5 /ots ofw伽er in thejug.
lt′s delicious.
We use a few with countable nouns in
fulI We ate a lot offood and now affi「mative sentences and questions.

we′re ful看. Robbie 。te a few c巧ps.

thirsty ifyou’「e thjrsty, l’看I b「ing you We use a littIe with uncountabIe nouns in
SOme Wate「. affirmative sentences and questions.
ls fhere a /柾Ie miIk/n the mdge?

さ 肌at⊂h.

1 l need somewater. a lt’s disgusting. 8 wl.ite a litt看e′afewora看otof.

2 Thesandwich is ;4 b I’mfu=. 1 I′mfuii becauseI had

andthejuiceis $1・ fo「 dinne「.
C i’mthirsty.

3 That fruit sme=s awfui! miik in mytea.

d lt′s deIicious. 2 I’vegotjust

4 That′s rea=y tasty!

e It′s ;5 aItogethe「. 3 We’ve got PeOPIe coming to
5 1can′teatanymo「e. the show tomorrow. We need more chairs.

4 You can onIyhave

GRAMMAR Much,many They aren’t good for you.

晒e use mu⊂h and manyto desc「ibe quantities. 9 complete the dia看ogue between the
早朝e use muくh in negative sentences and
shopkeeper (S) and the woman (W). Then,
questions with uncountabie nouns and we use 1isten and ⊂heくkyour answers. r)TR:4.4
many in affi「mative and negative sentences

and questions with plural countable nouns. S: Goodmoming.

Gny h。5n↑ got mu`h /emonade. W: He=o.Ineed(1) eggs. Have

柵ere 。re伍many appIes in拓e bowL you got any? l need six.
S: Ofcou「se. Hereyou are,Sixeggs.
Weuse How mu`h/many …? to askabout
W: Can you also give methree bottles of
quantities of countabie and uncountabie things.
Iemonade? We drink (2)
How mu`h money h。Ve yOu gOt?
iemonade. Oh, and (3)
How mony bon。naS didyou e。t?
van川a ice cream, tOO. And 4)

ofthose deii⊂ious doughnuts.


(与) doughnuts?
7 cir⊂Ie the cor「eくt WOl.ds.
Four, Piease.
1 How mu⊂h / manytime havewe got before
He「e you are!
丁hankyou. (6)
2 How mu⊂h / manyare those potatoes? aitogethe「?

S: That’s eIeven euros, PIease.

3 There aren′t muくh / many tins oftomatoes.

4 There isn′t much / many lemonade in the 1O workwith a partnerand p「a⊂tisethe

bottIe. dialogue in A⊂tivity 9. Then role-PIay going
shopping forfood with your own dialogue・
与Doweneed mu⊂h/manyeggs?

6 How mu⊂h / many sandwiches do we need

11 writedownadiaIogueIiketheoneinthe
forthe picnic?
A⊂tivity 9. 1n your diaiogue′ the customer

must askfo「 four items.

1 Listen.Listenand
SauCe Seafood soup
repeat. r)TR:4.5

2 Listenandread. r)TR:4.6

You can get Chinese food almost anywhe「e

in the world. And it seems =ke everybody

has got one Chinese dish that they think is
delicious, iike Peking duck or wonton soup.
But to rea=y enjoy traditional Chinese food,

you must travel to China.

With l.4 b冊on people, China has the

WOrId′s Iargest population・ And with so

many peopie′ the「e are thou§ands of

different dishes to try. Many of China’s

most popuiar dishes come from the

Sichuan region. But ̄ifyou visit that region

OfChina, don’t have a fam冊ar dish. Try a

hot-pOt dimer instead. And ifyou go′ be

Sure tO b「ing your-friends and family - yOu

get lots offood!

At a hot-POt reStaurant in Sichuan, the

food comes out raw. You cook it yourself
atthe table. You get a la「ge bowI ofbo輔ng
SOuP, nOOdIes′ Vegetables and raw meat

or seafood. You add these foods to the

POt, One at a time.Then′yOu mix itwith
a spoon or chopsticks. The food cooks in
front ofyou. When it’s finished, yOu Can

dip it in anyofthe sauくeSyOu have on the

table. Then, eat it and enjoy!

A hot-POt dimer i;
deIiciou;, healthy
and fun to make. At
a hot-POt reStaurant,
everybody is a chef!

3 Readandti⊂kTfo獲7血eo「FforF初se. 4 writethewo細dfo「eaくh definition.

1 Pekingduckisadishyoucan 1 Something you use to

get around the wo「id. 回田 boiI water

2 Few peopie a「ound the wo「Id Anything that′s good fo「

think Chinese food is deiicious.
your body
3 Mo「e peopleiive inChinathan
in any othe「 country. 回田 3 Not cooked

Something that you put

4 Hotpotistheonlypopuiardish
from the Sichuan region. 回田 on food to make it tastier

5 You cookyourown food at a 与 A hot dish thatoften has

hot-POt reStaurant. 回田 meat and nood看es

38 UNi丁4
しisten. Listen and repeat. r)TR:4.7
GRAMMAR lndefinite p「onouns

We use somebody, SOmething and

somewhe「e to taikabout one person, thing o「

Piace in affirmative sentences.

Somebody 。te my dinne工
add boii chop
We use anybody, anything and anywhe「e
to taikabout one person, thing o「 place in
negative sentences and questions.
厨here anyfhing for /unch? 〃71伯。均y hungIy

fry mix slice We use everybody′ eVe看ything and

everywhere to talk about a= people′ things or
⊂omplete the re⊂ipe with words from
p-aces but we use them with a singuIar verb fo「m・
Aくtivity 5.
I /ooked everywhere′ but / didn描nd the egg5.
1 the onions into sma11 pieces.
We use nobody, nOthing and nowhere to
the vegetabies in o乱 taIk about no pe「son′ thing o「 place.We use
an affirmative ve「b with these words but the
3 the 「i⊂efor 15 minutes. meaning ofthe sentence is negative.
W帥e hungry becau5e We hc,d nofhing for /unch・
4 the onions to the rice.

与 the onions and the rice together.

8 Matれ
6 a tomato to put on the rice.
1 Waite「!丁here’s a eve「ybody in
the room.

GRAMMAR Some,any,eVery, nO 2 」ames doesn’twant b nobody can

We use some and any when it isn’t impo「tant

how many people′ things or pIaces the「e are. 3 Giveacaketo ⊂ anything fo「

11fe use some for affirmative sentences and any lunch.

b「 negative sentences and questions. d something in

4 Theyasked th「ee peopIe
棚nf SOme Cake5, pIe。5e. fordinner but my soup!
│ere 。ren乍any peopIe 。t拓e請bIe.
9 Listen. Numberthe pictures in order.
習e use everywhen we talk about a= peopIe′
(1丁R: 4.8
軸ngs or p-aces. It has a positive meaning and
ue use it with a singula「verb form・

E+ery rest。ur。nt /n fown is expensive.

甑e use no when we talk about no person,

軸ng or p-ace. No has a negative meaning but
u時uSe it with an affirmative verb form.

Th料e were no s。uCe5 On fhe tt7bIe.

7 writesome,any,eVeryOrnO・

1 1didn’tget n○○dies. SOUNDSOF ENGしtSH nTR:4.9

2 B「ing beans from the garden.   A Say.What sound do the red letters make?

bee h oney tea

meat in the fridge.
B Listen and repeat the rhyme.
Please buy some.
l sawa beeasieep in atree. 1 said ’Wake

4 1sthere Suga「 in mytea? up, Mrs Bee′ here is some money. Bring
me some honeyfor my cup oftea:
5 Weadded food on the tabIe ‘l make honey,′ said she. ′l don,t take

tothe hot pot. money. And l′m asleep′ Can′tyou see?’

1 Listen and read the re⊂ipefo「Spi⊂yHot⊂ho⊂Olate. Doyouwanttotryit?
Whyorwhynot? r)TR:4.1O

●㊧● 緯玲

Spi⊂y Hot Cho⊂O音ate

丁his is a deIicious hot cho⊂Oiate recipe that′s

also a =ttie spicy. itwi= warm you up on a

COid day! Makes four servings.

You need:
. 50gwhitesugar
. 50gcocoa powde「
. 2tabiespoons ch冊powder
. 230mI bo掴ngwater
・ 1 redch冊peppersIicedthiniy
. 450mImiik

Howto make Spi⊂y Hot Cho⊂01ate:

1 Putthe sugar, COCOa POWde「and ch冊powde「 in a pan.

2 Heatthe pan gentiy.

3 Add thewaterand peppersiices and mixtogether・

4 Boii everything together for five minutes. Then, tum heat down.
5 Addthemiikand heatuntii itiswarm.
6 Removethe peppersiiceswith a spoon.
7 Pour into mugs and serve.You can even puta =ttie cocoa powde「on top, ifyou want.

2 ci音く1ethe ⊂O「re⊂tWOrds.
1 The re⊂ipe isfor hot chocoIate that′s a littie
SPiくy / salty.
What′s for dinne寡?

2 One ingredientthat′s not in the recipe is How about/What about +一ing

eggs / sugar. Wouid you like …?
How abouf cookhg 5eCJfood?
3 The first/se⊂Ond step in the recipe is to
heatthe pan. Wb〃〃you M略解h 。nd d1佃5?
yE5, thaft 。 gOOd /de。.
4 You must boil /frythewater sugar
No, ld 〃ke庇e座oup for dinne購
POWde「s and pepper together.

5 Before you serve, yOu muSt add / remove Workwith a pa音tneh Tbke it in turns to
the peppe「 siices. use Howabout …㌦Whatabout …?and

6 You can put⊂o⊂Oa POWder/sli⊂ed

WouId you like...? to make and respond
to suggestions fo音dinnel..
peppe鵜s on top ifyou want.

40 UNI丁4
3 ListentolbmastaIking aboutthefood the B comp漢etethe emaiI with the phrasesfrom
A⊂tivity A.
people in his family Iike and dislike. Then
⊂OmPlete the table. OTR:4.11
● ㊧ ●     Email
1 」ikes∴∴∴∴ : Doesn′t看ike く古 く簿 斡

A草   書♀里些
車yi 臆臆臆上皇些当園臆臆
I′m fine=’m
Susana f「ied eggs臆
“fomas Ca kes
sending a recipe fo「 my mum’s tomato

fondue. I hopeyou like it!

うLookagain atthetab看e in Aくtivity3・Then
workwith a pa看tner and take it in tums to Mum′s lbmato I:ondue

saywhat the peopIe thinkofthe food. Use

l匂u need:
these words.
One OnIOn
one tin oftomatoeS
awfuI de=cious disgusting tasty 200 g cheese

Fi「st, Chopthe onion and f「y it in a f「ying

Ana thinks
pan・Then add thetomatoes and the
PraWnS a「e taSty.
cheese. Mix everything together and
cook for five minutes. Last ofa=, dip
squares of bread into the tomato and
5 Nowworkwithapa獲tnerandtakeitin
cheese sauce and enjoy your meaI!
和rns to say what you think ofthese foods・
Use the words from A⊂tivity 4. i hopeyou like田(3)

⊂ writean email to afriend tosharean easy

re⊂ipe. Use the p看an beIow to help you・

Begin Iike this:

Answer the questions:

What′s the name ofyour dish?

What ing「edients do you need?

What do you do fi「st?

丁hen what doyou do?

What doyou do last ofall?
Finish like this:
Love f「om

D Readyouremail and `he⊂kthat it in⊂Iudes

a= the phrases from Part A and First′ Then
構R町iNG Lette「s and emaiIs
and Last ofa=.

鼻we use these phrases when we send Ietters

and emaiis to our friends and fami看y.

Dear … Love f「om …

How a「e you?

Bye for now!

瑠」abeithephotos. 4 choosethe ⊂Orre⊂tanSWerS.

1 Betowas_On his newboatwhen hefeil

into the sea.
a showingoff b takingup c givingup

2 Be carefui廿his water is very_.

a reiaxing b deep c raw

3 Ma「ia feltve「y鵜and shefdl asieep.

a boring b tiring c bored

4 A「e you鵜that insect isn’t dangerous?

a reiaxed b sure    ⊂ fuii

5 i’m鵜. 1 don’twanttoeatanymo「e.

a heaithy b fuIi c thirsty

5 completethe parag「aph with the past

Simple or the pas章⊂Ontinuous ofthe verbs
in b獲a⊂kets.
2 c庇1etheoddoneout.
Lastweek i (1)
1 interesting exciting boring
a new water parkwith some friends. The
2 raw boii f「y (shine) and itwas

3 chop rea=y hot. We (3)

Pull siice
next to the water slide when some
4 showoff trick chop
(Say) something
5 i’vegotnoidea. i’mthirsty. I’mful看.
mean to us.Then myfriend
6 hobby deIicious equipment (faii) in the waterwith his
Ciothes on. Whiie he (6)
3 Repla⊂ethewo音d§ in b○○d with synonyms. Out, We (7) (see) that his
hatwas st旧n thewate「! We used a long stick
disgusting dive raw takingup wrong to get it out.

1 That’s not right. 6 ⊂il-C看ethe ⊂O「re⊂tWO音ds.

1 Can i haveafew/a littiefried rice, Piease?

2 Thefish was not ⊂OOked.
2 1 didn’t buyanything / nothing atthe
3 Fried pasta is nottastyatall.
4 She’s trying out a new hobby. 3 i don′twatch TV because l don′t have
mu⊂h / manyfree time.
5 Let’sjump head-first intothe pool.
4 Thereisa lotof/afewfood here-We⊂an′t
eataII ofit!
5 Arethere/1sthe「e manypeopIe in the

6 How many/ mu⊂h hobbies haveyou got?

7 Where is/are everybody?

8 We didn’t pIaythe game because nothing/
nobody knew how to pIay.

42 UNI丁5 3喜4
Song r)TR:4.12
Oh, Wha†’s your hobby?

Wha† doyou iike†o do?

7 ⊂omplete the sentenくeS With when orwhile.
Doyou Iike†o do †hesameoid †hing
1 Whatwereyou eating Or †ry ou† something new?
feIt si⊂k? Go surfing or snowboarding,
SCubQ div高9, †○○.
2 Sophiewatched me
Cooking, Singing or pai面ng,
Siiding down the h冊
it’s a= up †o you!
Em冊o was cooking, I
中 ﹁e 川-

Jane used †o be bored every af†ernoon.

madethe salad.
d 女

She had no ideawha††o do in her room.

the ac⊂ident happened,
Then one day while she was wa†ching TV
WaS it raining? She saw a programme on caring for bees.
Now Jane-s go† an exc涌ng new hobby:
8 ⊂ompletethe senten⊂eSWith use oI.uSed.
︰ ﹁﹁

Beekeeping and collec†ing bees’honey.

S⋮置 S章Ve

to read a lotofcomics but

Oh, Wha†’s your hobby?
now川ke writing my bIog.
Wha† do you Iike十o do?

2 Wedidn’t to enjoy Doyou =ke†o do †hesame oId †hing

SnOWboarding but we love it now. Or †ry ou† something new?

Go surfing or snowboarding,
3 Afewyears ago my brother
SCubo divin9, †○○.
to eat oniy cakes and sweets.
Cooking, Singing or pair面ng,
4 Didyou to have scuba it七a" up †o you!
diving Iessons once or twice a week?
Rick used †o spend hours jus† wa†ching TV.

Then one day he said,一Learning coding’s

9 剛inthe blankswith wordsthatstartwith
Some′ any′ eVery Or nO.
He s†udied and worked on a iap†op
1 Hi「o’s houseis nea「 he「e,
he bough†.
but I′m not sure whe「e.
He crea†ed and programmed his own robo†.

arrive at the party Now Rick †eaches coding †o chiIdren

Ontime? O「was Qf†e「 sch○○l.

He’s found a way †o be heIpfuI and i†’s

3 Thisfood istoo spicy.The「e are hotch冊
予e訓y c○○=
PePPerS in On the pIate.
Oh, ̄wha†’s your hobby?
4 There′s time to waste.
Wha† do you Iike †o do?
Hu「ry up!
工†′s up †o you †o †ry some†hing new.

5 We haven’tgot Yes, it’s up †o you †o †ry some†hing new!

to go to the hot-POt reStau「ant. We’i看have to

at home.
Ne Can’t

章O Answerthe questions.
うWhatwereyou doing last night?

u got? 2 How much freetime doyou have each day?

Whatdoyou dowith it?

)thing / 3 How manysweets doyou eat in a week?

4 Does anybody you know have an interesting

hobby? What is it?
言 i ‖ 口 上 . . - )             - i i † ⊥ -

What do you eatfor音un⊂h? Cir⊂ie. Match the words to the piくtureS.

Pizza yoghurt
Cauiifiower foodwaste consume reject
Iemonade nuts
a sandwich f「uit

At iunch, l eat

Now talk about your favourite food to eat

for lunくh.

44 UNI丁S 3-4
What a⊂tions ⊂an yOu See 丁iくkT for 77ue or F for F初se.

PeOPle doing in the video?
1 Peopie ⊂an’t eat ’ugiy’food.
These people are:
2 The cooks and volunteers are making enough
⊂hopping vegetables
food for 500 peopIe.
bo帖ng water

miXlng Vegetable curry 3 People in America waste a lot offood every year・

Siicing carrots
4 Feeding peoplewith ’ugiy’food is a soiution to
Car「ying boxes of vegetables
food waste.
COOking meat
5 People won′t buy,ugly′food be⊂auSe it is the
Shopping at the market
WrOng Shape or size.

How ⊂an yOu redu⊂e food waste? Talk about it.

半里_C聖:inishmyIunch′i ∴/ ̄ ̄。

Canhaveltforasna⊂kiater + f-n-Shmyiun⊂h.


1 Listen.Listenand

sweatshi rt

repeat. OTR:5.1 beI!    ⊂anteen magaZme

2 Listenandread. rlTR:5.2

HelpMe Hal

Dear Lonely Lea′
Dear HelpMe Hal,
Cong「atulations! You’ve people haven′t got the
l′vejust moved to Be「lin, says much to me at訓・
taken you「 first step. time to taik. lnstead, aSk
and this is myfirst tel’m We=, One PerSOn did・
Writing a letterto the to sit with classmates at
at Handel Schoo=’ve ShetoId methat l can’t
school magazine is a lunch, in theくanteen.
been at the school two wear a sweatshirt ove「
You′li have more time.
my uniform・ I′m rea=y g「eat thing to do. Now′
weeks, and l haven’t
Ol gO Outintothe
f「iendIy, and want to people w紺knowthat
met any new f「iends.
there′s a super-friendly pIayg「ound du「ing the
1 have t「ied to talkto meet people. I’ve neve「
new student. Here are b「eak. Find people
classmates after the bel○ changed schooIs before.
some ideas for making doing something that is
rings atthe end ofthe I don′t knowwhatto do.
f「iends. Fi「st, don’t taik interesting to you′ and
iessons, but nobody Please heIp!
to friends after the be= talk to them. You’看t
Lonely Lea friends in no time!
「ings. Most peopie must

move quickiy to their Good luck,

next lesson. 1t’s notyou -
HelpMe Hal

4 Read.TickTfo「 7加eand FforFatse.

3 uns⊂ramb音eand mat⊂h.
1 Leahasbeenathe「
1 mert a Somethingyou
§Chool fo「 two yea「s.
wea「 to keep wa「m
2 HaI is newtoHandel SchooI・
2 neacent b Something you
3 Lea haswo「n a sweatShirt
to sch○○1.

3 ekarb c †hetimein
4 Lea has made lots offriends.
between lessons
5 Hal telIs Lea totaIktof「iends
4 zagimean d Apa「tofthe after the be=.
SChool yea「
6 Lea can meetf「iends bytalking

5 histtwea「s e The placewhere to them in the canteen.

students eat lunch

48 UNI丁与
5しisten.Listenand repeat. OTR:5.3
k GRAMMAR For since, aiready,just,
⊂heat Greta is cheating. She′s iooking

at」on’s exam paper. We useforto showa period oftime and sin⊂e

to show when something started.
fair lt′s not fair that onIy some
I have been 0t拓応schoo/ for 5扉months.
Students got homewo「k.
77]ey加ve been in cI。S5 5B sin`e the outumn.
head tea⊂he「 The head teache「 must make
Sure that students a「e in ciass.
We use already to show a time before now and
just to taik about a recent event.
Don’t be Iate for Mr 」ones′s
Wとfye a/l.eady had 。 m。ths記5t拓応week.
⊂iass - he’s ve「y strict!
l’vejusf had a brM。nt ideo.
Let’s study for the maths test.
We use neve「 to taik about things that haven’t
happened so far. We use an affirmative verb
6 cir⊂1ethe ⊂Or「e⊂tWO「ds. With never but the meanlng iS negative.
I’ve never had a C in geog仰phy
1 Let’s study for our history test / head teache「.

2 Victor hastaIked to the headteaくher/

8 cir⊂1etheくOrre⊂tWOrds.
magazine about his schooi work.
1 i’ve known my bestfriend fo音/sin⊂e
3 Nobodyta看ks in Mr巾an’sclass because he is

SO fair / stri⊂t. Primary schooI.

2 i’vejust / never been to your schoo=s it fa「?

4 Gii was ⊂heating/fairon his Engiish test,

SOtheteacher made him start again. 3 Missl七O has taught usfor/sin⊂e Sixyears.

4 Alice is very ciever. She has ai看eady/ neve看

GRAMMAR Present perfectsimpie PaSSed the maths exam.

5 i′vejust/since metthe newgym teacher.

We use the present perfe⊂t Simpie to saywhat:

a started in the pastand is st川happening. 6 」ason and Ben have aiready/since gone
S。l妨not。t5ChooI She七gone to the dent庇
t0 5Ch○○i.

b hasjust finished.
ルejus=in応hed my homewo庇No男/e巧 9 しistenandw「itethenames. r)TR:5.4
⊂ happened in the past without saying when. Ada Anders Ivan Hannah Lucy
771e he。d把c,Cher has been very bur画伍s week・

d happened in the past but affects the present.

He七broken his hand so he can† w所e.

1b form this tense, uSe have and the past
Pa「ticipIe ofthe main verb.

7 ⊂omp音ete the senten⊂eS With the p音esent

pe「fe⊂t Simple of the verbs in bra⊂kets. 10 completethese senten⊂eSWith a partner.

(finish) the book. Atschooi thisweek′ I have ai「eady …

In class, l havejust …
(ieam) about Egypt.
At schooi, l have never …
(have) Engiish
Nowtell theくIass what your partner said.
看essons before.

11 write down thethreesenten〔eSyOu tOid

(do) two tests today.
the ⊂1ass about your partner in A⊂tivity lO.

葛圏塵 f「iendship
in thewild
1 List。n.List。n。nd   態委毒
repeat. nTR:5.5    eXam nature dis⊂uSS

2 しistenandread. r)TR:5.6

野電撃アブてら Have you ever taken a schooi trip to a nature

で 宮古
l.eSel.Ve? Well, One SChoo=n South Af「ica is

actua=y on a nature reserve. The Southe「n

C「oss Boa「ding SchooI, in Hoedsp「uit, Sits on

a l,100 hectare (2,700 ac「e) natu「e rese「ve,

w軸many different types ofw=dlife incIuding

gira純§, Snakes and wild boars.

At Southem C「oss, Students work inside

classrooms,just like you, but they also spend

time Ieaming in the wild. The schooI′s teachers

feei students need a deep understanding of

the natural world so that they can care for it.
1eache「s take students outside du「ing a= types

of les§OnS. For example, PreSChooI students

don′t leam counting with a workbook. lnstead′

theygotothefarm to ⊂Ount animais. in a

ianguage Iess〇時tudents disくuSS P「Oblems

facing the p看ants and animaIs on the reserve.

They worktogether to find the best solutions.

Southem Cross students aiso enjoy activities

such as rock c=mbing, kayaking and ho「se

riding. Their education isn’tjust about

homewo「k and
exams. Students
soive reai-WO「id

PrOblems, have
fun and bui看d

f細iendship§ - al看

While lea「ning to

care fo「 the Earth!

3 ⊂hangethewo「dsin boldtomakethe 4 compIete the senten⊂eS With words f「om

A⊂tivity l.
SentenCeS true.

1 The Southem Cross schoo=s in a vii看age. 1 1ttakestimeto builda

With another pe「son.
2 Uniike most schoo看s, Students atthis schooi
spend iots oftime in a ⊂lassroom. the probiems at

3 -feacher§ Want Students to have an ou「 school to find good soIutions.

understanding of taking exams.

3 MrLeeisagreatteacher・ He′sgotagood
4 PreschooI students leam counting with a of maths.
4 The「e′s no hunting the animaIs on the
5 1n addition to lessons, Students enjoy
studying and doing lots of homework.
5 Didyou studyforthefinal
in history?

与0 UNi丁 与
5 しisten.Listenand repeat. r)TR:5.7

boa「ding Gise=e goesto boarding school. We use ever in questions to ask about things
S⊂hooI She’s home on holiday. that have happened up to now. Ever comes
edu⊂ation Mum says thata good education before the past participie in the sentence.
is more important than anything. Have you ever been 。Way On a SChooI t所?

marks Anya receives the highest marks We use yet with negatives and questions when
Ofa= the students in herc看ass. We Want tO Say untiIno順Yet comes at the end
report The teacher gave Victor a good ofthe sentence.
repo「t, Saying he is kind. H。Ve yOu CIecJned fhe board yef?

timeoff WegetIotsoftimeofffrom l h。Ve伍5tudied for my ex。m yef.

SChool: Six weeks during the yea「.

7 completethesenten⊂eS.
6 Mat⊂h.

1 Mateo is pa⊂king a gotsometimeoff (not do) a spe=ing test

his bag fo「 in December, tOO. yet this week.

2 in herrepo「t, b students workwith

the teacher PIants and animais. (M「s Smith /give) you bad marks?

3 Hestudieda Iotfo「 ⊂ hisnexttermat

(not have) a bad report
hisfinaI exam, SO boarding s⊂hooI.
this year.
4 We’re on hoiiday d hegotthe highest
(you / finish) you「 prQject?
in」uneand」uiy marks.
and we′ve
e said she neededto (not lea「n) about the

5 In natu「e-based Study more. Amazon yet.

8 Mat⊂h the questionswith the short answers.

GRAMMAR Present perfect simple 1 Has Lucygother a Yes,theyhave.

report yet?
Negative 2 Has Peterever b No,She hasn’t.
l haven’t (have not) eaten. had bad marks?
He/§he/lt hasn’t (he/she/it has not) eaten.
3 Havethey read ⊂ No,he hasn’t.
We/You/丁hey haven’t (have not) eaten.
this book yet?
4 Haveyou ever d Yes, i have.
Have I eaten?
Has he/she/it eaten? PaSSed an exam?

Have we/you/they eaten?

9 しisten. Ci音⊂1ethe ⊂OrreくtWOrds. nTR:5.9
Short anSWerS
1 Mr Rogers/ MissAndrews is away.
Yes, i have. / No, I haven’t.
`fes, he/she/it has. / No, he/she/it hasn’t.
2 Theclass hasdone Exer⊂ise 5 on page 15/50.
Yes, We/you/they have.
3 ThecIass has/hasnotreadthetextonthe
No, We/you/they haven′t.
next page.

4 isla/ Henry reads the articie on elephants.


1O workin pai「stota看kaboutthefoIIowing.

A Say these pai「s ofwords. Whi⊂h sound 1 Haveyou had muchtimeoffs⊂hooiyetthis

starts each word in the Ieft co看umn?
yea「? When is your next hoIiday?
head Ed had add
2 Haveyou ea「ned high marksthisyear? ln
has as hold old
What c看asses?
B Listen and repeatthe rhyme.
3 Hasyourtea⊂her given a report on you?
Hoppy oId Ed held hi5 hat on h応he。d.
What has he/she said about you?
1しisten and readthe inte営viewfora thes⊂hooI pap。..
Whatdoesthe reporte「 hopeattheend? nTR:5.10

亀 Who,snewatschool?診

This yea巾he看e al.e a Iot of new teaChers

at s`hool and today we are interviewing

one of them′ Ml. Romero′ the new

F「en⊂h tea`hel..

Angela: M「 Rome「o′ Why did you come tO

S=va Community School?

Mr R: We=, l was working in France but

one day l saw an adve「tforthisjob on the

Internet. 1 came backhome, gOtthejob and

he「e l am!

Ange-a: So how Iong haveyou been

Ange-a: Haveyou met many neW PeOPle
teaching here?
since you came back?
M「 R: Let me see.Three monthsJ think;Yes′
Mr R: Yei, I have becau§e it isn′t a big town.
i moved he「e in the summer hoiidays and
Everyone knows eve「yOne else・ That加ice!
then we started ie§SOnS in September・
My daughte「 E一§a has made lots off「iends′

Ange-a: Have you eVertaught in thistown too. And there a「e many PeOPle herewe

before? have known fo「 a long time′ because l′m

from this town.

MrR: Yes, i have.lworked in a schoo=nthe
town cent「e a few years agO. =ove it he「e. Angela: We町t was nice talking to you′ Mr

Romero. 1 hope you don′t give us too muCh

Ange-a: Haveyou taught in many other

Mr R: No, I haven′t.」ustthree: One in France

and two here.

2 Answe「thequestions.
1 Where was Mr Romero working before he
∵Ttliking about sくhooI
Came tO Silva Community SchooI?
Where do you go to schooI?
2 HowIong has hebeen inthistown?

3 WhereeIseinthetown has MrRomero What is you favourite su切ect?

WOrked? Myfavou「ite subject is ….
What are you good at?
4 HowmanyschooIs has hetaughtin?
5 Has he metmanynewpeople? Who is your favourite teache子?

Myfavourite teacher is ….
6 Who has made iots offriends?
‡三三Discuss these questions with a partner.
与2 UNI丁与
GRAMMAR P「esent perfect simple and HowIong

鴨⊂an uSe How -ong with the p「esent pe「fect simple to ask questions about the Iength oftime
Srmething has happened・

岬ow Jong have you /ived here?′ ′77}ree ye。r5.’

¶fow ,ong have you taughf庇nch?′ ′7ivo months.’

3 write questions with the p「esent pe「fe⊂t B Readtheemai音and underIinethetopic

SfmpIe and How Iong. sentenくeS in ea⊂h paragraph.

1 Sandra/teach German/?
● ㊧ ●     Email

く牽 く縛 吟
2 Petra and RauI / havetennis lessons/?
Hi Sam,

How areyou? l′m writing to te= you about

3 she/beteacher/? my new schooi・There′s a iot happening this

week. 1 had a school t「ip yesterday, and l

have a project. We’ve got a histo「y test this

4 you/knowMyma/? aftemoon and we′ve aIready had three this

week! i′ve never done three tests in one

week before!
5 they/beatthisschool/?
i′vejust had Iunch in the canteen.The food

has been good this week・ l had spaghetti

6 1/study/science/? today. 1t was deiicious!

Why don′tyou come overto my house

this weekend? You haven’t seen my new
7 thestudent/sleep/in class/? computer yet. it′s br冊ant! You can have

iunch with us. Let me know aboutthe

8 Miss」ones/work/atGoiding Schooi/?
Bye for now!

4 wo「kin pairs. Dis⊂uSSthequestions.

1 How Iong haveyou iived in thistown?

2 How long haveyou known your bestfriend?

3 How Iong haveyou been atthi§ SChooI?

晒RITING Pa「agraphs ⊂ writean emailtoafriend in anothertown

about what you a「e doing at s⊂hoo音this

A Read about paragraphs andtopic week. Use this plan to heIp you・

Paragraph l: How are you? 1’m writing

because …
A piece ofwriting ⊂OnSistS of paragraphs′ and
Paragraph 2: Say what is happening at
each paragraph has got a different subject.
丁he first or second sentence ofa paragraph

usuaIly introduces this su切ect. This is ca=ed

Pa「agraph 3: Invite your friend to you「

house and say what you

the topic sentence.
Can do together.

Paragraph 4: End the email・ Bye fo「 now!

D Readyouremail andくhe・kthatthe main

paragraphs a音i ⊂Ontain a topi⊂ Senten⊂e.


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