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A concept Paper is an academic writing that presents a short summary that tells the reader what the project

is, why it is 1
important, and how it will be carried out.



A Concept Paper
presented to
Erlinda C. Sierte
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
in English for Academic Professional Purposes

Prepared by:

De San Andres, Hannah Joy B.

Janaban, leafar O.
Mahilom, Ayza L.

February 30, 2023

A concept Paper is an academic writing that presents a short summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is 2
important, and how it will be carried out.


📌Statement of the Problem (SOP)

Developing Proper Waste Management in Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National High School
Statement of the Problem The aim of this research is to find the possible ways to develop
proper waste management in Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National High School and to decide
what modification could be formulated to address the problem in waste management.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the possible ways to develop proper waste management in Dr. Maria D.
Pastrana National High School?
2. Why would this be beneficial to the school and its students?
3. What are the possible causes of the presence of garbage scattered in the school of
Dr. maria D. Pastrana National High School?
4. What are the possible effects of this on the students of Dr. Maria D. Pastrana
National High School if the garbage is not placed in the correct container?
📌Objectives of the Study

The objective of this study is to develop a proper waste management system in Dr. Maria D.
Pastrana National High School. The study aims to:

1. Identify the types and sources of waste generated in the school

2. Develop an effective waste management system that reduces waste and
promotes resource recovery and recycling
3. Educate students, staff, and the surrounding community about the importance
of proper waste management and how to implement the new waste
management system
4. Establish a long-term strategy for sustainable waste management in the school

📌Introduction about your research (Rationale, Background of the Study, Significance, Scope
and Limitation)

Waste management is a pressing concern that affects not only the environment but also the
health and well-being of communities. In Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National High School, proper
waste management is critical in ensuring the sustainability of the school environment and
promoting a healthy learning atmosphere for the students. This concept paper aims to
address the importance of developing a proper waste management system in the school,
including an overview of the current waste management practices, identification of the
A concept Paper is an academic writing that presents a short summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is 3
important, and how it will be carried out.

waste management challenges faced by the school, and the development of

recommendations for improving the waste management process. The goal of this concept
paper is to provide a comprehensive and effective solution to the waste management issues
in Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National High School and to promote a more sustainable and
cleaner school environment.


The issue of waste management has become a critical concern in recent years, particularly in
schools. With the increasing population and the ever-growing consumption of goods, the
amount of waste generated has also increased significantly. Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National
High School is not an exception to this situation. As such, there is a pressing need to address
the waste management problems in this school to promote a cleaner and healthier
environment for the students, faculty, and staff.

The collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of waste materials fall within the
complex, multidisciplinary field of waste management. Waste management in schools
necessitates an all-encompassing strategy that includes administration, instructors, and
students. Establishing effective waste management procedures at schools can help decrease
waste production, conserve natural resources, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and make the
environment safer and more sustainable.

This concept paper's goal is to investigate the necessity of establishing appropriate waste
management procedures at Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National High School. The paper will look
at the school's current waste management procedures, pinpoint the difficulties and barriers
to efficient waste management, and make suggestions for how to make improvements.

The study of developing proper waste management in Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National High
School is important because it will provide a framework for addressing the waste
management problems in the school, promote environmental awareness among the
students, and contribute to the development of sustainable waste management practices in
the school. The findings of this study will also serve as a basis for future research in this field,
providing valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of waste management in


The proper management of waste is an important issue in the society today. It helps in
reducing the negative impacts of waste on the environment and human health. In the
school setting, proper waste management is crucial in maintaining a clean and safe
environment for the students and staff.

Moreover, the implementation of proper waste management in the school can raise
awareness among the students and staff about the importance of reducing, reusing and
A concept Paper is an academic writing that presents a short summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is 4
important, and how it will be carried out.

recycling waste. It can also contribute to the development of a sustainable community by

promoting environmental sustainability and reducing waste generation.

Key Points:

1. Improved Student Outcomes: Proper management leads to better organization,

which in turn results in improved student outcomes. This includes higher grades,
better attendance, and a more positive attitude towards learning.
2. Increased Efficiency: Effective management leads to a more streamlined and
efficient school operation. This includes a more organized schedule, clearer
communication between staff, and reduced administrative burden.
3. Better Resource Utilization: Proper management helps ensure that resources, such
as classrooms, equipment, and supplies, are used efficiently and effectively. This
results in a more productive and cost-effective school operation.
4. Improved Staff Morale: Effective management fosters a positive working
environment, which leads to increased morale among staff. This in turn leads to
higher job satisfaction and reduced turnover, improving the overall stability of the
5. Enhanced School Reputation: Developing proper management in Dr. Maria D.
Pastrana National High School will enhance the school's reputation as a well-run,
high-quality institution. This will attract more students, leading to increased
enrollment and financial stability.


The scope of this study is focused on the development of proper waste management in Dr.
Maria D. Pastrana National High School. This includes the identification of the waste
management practices in the school, the evaluation of the existing waste management
system, and the development of a comprehensive waste management plan.

The study covers the following areas:

1. Waste generation and characterization

2. Waste collection and transportation
3. Waste segregation and storage
4. Waste treatment and disposal
5. Education and awareness program for the students and staff.


The following are the limitations of the study:

1. The study is limited to the area of waste management in Dr. Maria D. Pastrana
National High School only.
A concept Paper is an academic writing that presents a short summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is 5
important, and how it will be carried out.

2. The research is based on the available data and information from the school’s
administration, students, and teachers.
3. The study is limited to the financial and technical capabilities of the school to
implement the proposed recommendations.
4. The study does not cover the implementation of the recommended waste
management practices, as this is beyond the scope of the study.
5. The study does not consider the cultural and behavioral aspects of the stakeholders
in the implementation of waste management practices.
6. The limitations of the study serve as guidelines for the researchers in the conduct of
the study. Despite the limitations, the study is expected to provide valuable insights
into the waste management practices in Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National High School
and contribute to the improvement of waste management in the school.

II. Review of Related Literature (3) and Studies (3)

III. Research Paradigm

(See sample then delete also).

IV. References (APA Format, 7th Edition)

A concept Paper is an academic writing that presents a short summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is 6
important, and how it will be carried out.

Sample to delete:

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