3 Devotion Sanskrit

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भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 1

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 2

Book Name : Devotion _ Sanskrit

Edition : 2015
Pages : 192
Size : Demmy 1/8
Published by : Initiative for Moral and Cultural Training
Foundation (IMCTF)
Head Office :
4th Floor, Ganesh Towers, 152, Luz Church Road,
Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004.
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Luz, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004.
Email : imcthq@gmail.com,
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Website : www.imct.org.in

Printed by : Shri Vignesh Prints

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भक्ति - संस्कृतम ्

Class 1
1. विनायगर पञ्चरत्नम ् (गणेशपञ्चरत्नम ्) - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः.......... 14
2. श्लोकं - मात ृ वन्दनं - नीतिशतकम ्.......................................14
3. श्लोकं - मात-ृ पित ृ वन्दनं - तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद्............................14
4. श्लोकं - 'मात ृ दे वो भव I......................................................15
5. श्लोकं - श्री गुरु गीता - वेद व्यास.......................................15
6. श्लोकः - श्री गणेश..............................................................16
7. श्लोकं - सरस्वती वंदना ......................................................16
8. श्लोकं - कराग्रे ...................................................................16
9. श्लोकं – मम माता दे वता - गीतवाणी.....................................17
10. श्लोकं - अन्नपर्णा
ू स्तोत्रम ् - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः .................17
11. श्लोकं - सर्वे भवन्तु ...........................................................17
12. श्लोकं - श्री सद्-गुरु-स्तोत्रम ् - विश्वसारा तन्त्रं........................18
13. श्लोकं -नारायणीयं : - दशकम ् 17.........................................19
14. श्लोकं -नारायणीयं : - दशकम ् 94.........................................19
Class 2
1. गणेश पञ्चरत्नम ् - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः................................22
2. श्लोकं - आरोग्य मंत्रम ्.........................................................22
3. श्लोकं - उपनिषद्................................................................23
4. श्लोकं - तुलसी वन्दनं - संस्कार बिन्दु ...............................23
5. श्लोकं – (चतुर्द शोऽध्याय): श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता .........................23
6. गोमाता मंत्रम .्. ....................................................................24
7. महामतृ ्युंजय मन्त्र: - ऋग्वेद............................................24
8. गोवर्धन-पूजा का मंत्रम ्.........................................................24
9. तुलसी स्तोत्रम .्. ...................................................................25
10. गजेन्द्र मोक्ष स्तोत्रम ् ..........................................................26
Class 3
1. नाग वन्दनं - (दशकम ् 55) – नारायणीयं................................27
2. नव नागा स्तोत्रम ्................................................................28
3. श्री सर्प सूक्तम.्. ..................................................................29
4. श्लोकं - वक्ष
ृ वन्दनम .्. .........................................................29
5. श्लोकं – (आरण्य काण्डं) - वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् .....................29
6. श्लोकं - श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता...................................................30
7. श्लोकं – वक्षृ ....................................................................31
8. श्लोकं – नाग ...................................................................31
9. श्लोकं - बिल्वाष्टकं ............................................................32
10. पिप्पली वक्षृ पूजा ...............................................................33
11. मूल मन्त्र – नागा................................................................33
Class 4
1. भूमि वन्दनं - क्षमा प्रार्थना ..............................................34
2. आपः सूक्त्तम ् - ऋग्वेदः........................................................34
3. गङ्गा स्तोत्रम ् – (श्री शंकराचार्यः कृतं) : श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः.. 35
4. श्री सूर्यकवचस्तोत्रम ् ............................................................36
5. गङ्गा - श्रीमद् भागवतम ् ..................................................37
6. वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् - किष्किन्दा काण्डम ् ...........................39
7. श्लोकं - आरोग्य मन्त्रम ्.......................................................41
8. सूर्याष्टकम ् ........................................................................41
9. श्रीयमन ु ाष्टकम ् - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः...................................42
10. नर्मदाष्टकम ् - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः.....................................45
11. शान्ति मन्त्रं - उपनिषद्......................................................47
12. श्लोकं – (स्नान श्लोकः) : संस्कार बिन्दु.................................48
13. नवग्रह - वैदिक मंत्रम ्..........................................................48
Class 5
1. ललिता पञ्चकम ् - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः.............................50
2. मीनाक्षी पञ्चरत्नम ् - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः.............................51
3. श्रीसूक्तम ् - ऋग्वेदः.............................................................53
4. नारायणीयं : - दशकम ् 78...................................................54
5. महालक्ष्मि अष्टकं - पद्म पुराना : स्तोत्र माला.....................55
6. श्रीदर्गा
ु सप्तश्लोकी - दे वी महात्म्यं........................................58
7. अन्नपर्णा ू स्तोत्रम ् - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः................................59
8. श्रीभगवतीस्तोत्रम ् - वेद व्यास...............................................60
9. दे वी स्तुति : - दे वी महात्म्यं...............................................61
10. गायत्री मन्त्राः - प्रज्ञापुराण ..................................................62
11. वैष्णो दे वी के मंत्रम ्.............................................................62
12. श्री सरस्वती प्रार्थना - ऋषि अगस्त्य......................................63
Class 6
1. वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् अयोध्या काण्डम ् .................................65
2. श्लोकं -दे वी दे हिनो.............................................................67
3. रत्नाकराध्वैतपदां - संस्कार बिन्दु..........................................67
Class 7
1. गणेशपञ्चरत्नम ् - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः.................................68
2. ऐकमत्य सूक्तम ् ................................................................69
3. श्लोकं – (मात ृ वन्दनं) : नीतिशतकम .्. ...................................70
4. श्लोकं – (मात-ृ पित ृ वन्दनं) : तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद्..........................70
5. श्लोकं - 'मात ृ दे वो भव I......................................................70
6. श्लोकं – (श्री गुरु गीता) : वेद व्यास......................................71
7. श्री सद्-गुरु-स्तोत्रम ् - विश्वसारा तन्त्रम ्..................................72
8. श्लोकं - श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता...................................................73
9. नारायणीयं : - दशकम ् 17...................................................75
10. नारायणीयं : - दशकम ् 94...................................................79
11. दक्षिणामूर्ति स्तोत्रम ् - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः.........................83
Class 8
1. विनायगर पञ्चरत्नम ् (गणेशपञ्चरत्नम ्) - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः.......... 85
2. श्री नारायण सूक्तम ् - ऋग्वेदः...............................................86
3. श्लोकं - आरोग्य मंत्रम ्.........................................................89
4. श्लोकं - उपनिषद................................................................89
5. श्लोकं – (तुलसी वन्दनं) : संस्कार बिन्दु ...............................90
6. श्लोकं – श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता .................................................90
7. गोमाता मंत्रम .्. ....................................................................91
8. तुलसी स्तोत्रम .्. ...................................................................91
9. गजेन्द्र मोक्ष स्तोत्रम ्............................................................94
Class 9
1. नगःवन्दनं – (दशकम ् 55) : नारायणीयम .्. .............................97
2. नगःवन्दनं – (दशकम ् 56) : नारायणीयम .्. .............................99
3. श्री सर्प सूक्तम.्. ................................................................101
4. वक्ष
ृ श्लोका - श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता........................................102
5. वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् आरण्य काण्डम ् ...............................104
6. श्लोकं - बिल्वाष्टकम ् .......................................................104
7. श्लोकं - वक्ष
ृ .....................................................................107
8. नव नागः स्तोत्रम ्..............................................................107
9. पीपल वक्ष ृ की पूजा ..........................................................108
10. मूल मन्त्र – नागः..............................................................108
Class 10
1. भूमि वन्दनं - क्षमा प्रार्थना ............................................109
2. आपः सूक्तम ् – ऋग्वदः......................................................109
3. गङ्गा स्तोत्रम ् –( श्री शंकराचार्यः कृतं) : श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः ..... 111
4. नवग्रह स्तोत्रम ् .................................................................116
5. गङ्गा -श्रीमद भागवतं ......................................................117
6. वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् - किष्किन्दा काण्डम ् .......................123
7. सूर्याष्टकम ् ......................................................................124
8. श्रीयमुनाष्टकम ् - श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः ................................127
9. नर्मदाष्टकम ् - श्री आदि शंकाचार्यः.......................................132
10. शान्ति मन्त्रं - उपनिषद्......................................................137
11. नवग्रह - वैदिक मंत्रम ्........................................................137
Class 11
1. ललिता पञ्चकम ् - श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्यः.........................139
2. दे वी सूक्तम - ऋग्वेदा........................................................142
3. नारायणीयं : - दशकम ् 78.................................................145
4. कालिकाष्टकम ् - श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्यः ..............................147
5. भवान्यष्टकम ् - श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्यः ...............................153
6. श्रीदर्गा
ु सप्तश्लोकी - दे वी महात्म्यं......................................156
7. कनकधारा स्तोत्रम ् - श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्यः .........................159
8. अर्गलास्तोत्रम ् - दे वी महात्म्यं............................................165
9. श्री लक्ष्मी सूक्तम ् स्तोत्रम ् .................................................168
10. अन्नपूर्णा स्तोत्रम ् - श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्यः ..........................169
11. श्रीभगवतीस्तोत्रम ् - वेद व्यास ............................................173
12. दे वी स्तुति :सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये - दे वी महात्म्यं...................174
13. श्री सरस्वती स्तुति - ऋषि अगस्त्य.....................................175
14. गायत्री महामंत्र स्तुति - पद्म पुरानम ्..................................175
Class 12
1. वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् - अयोध्या काण्डम ् ..............................177
2. श्लोकं -दे वी दे हिनो...........................................................190
3. रत्नाकराध्वैतपदां - संस्कार बिन्दु........................................191
Initiative for Moral and Cultural Training Foundation [IMCTF] is
grateful to the dedicated team of Trustees, members of Organising
Committee and eminent scholars from diverse fields for their totally
voluntary work and support for compiling the ten volumes magnum
opus from the various ancient texts for competitions and games
based on the six themes of the IMCTF, namely --
i. Conserve Forest and Protect Wildlife
ii. Preserve Ecology
iii. Sustain Environment
iv. Inculcate Family and Human Values
v. Foster Women's Honour
vi. Instil Patriotism
In addition, the revised set of the above mentioned six themes’
compilation have been completed by the IMCTF.
The west-centric modernity has belittled all the values and virtues
in the young minds. IMCTF’s endeavour is to retrieve, revive and
re-instate these magnificent assets back to Bharat maata’s children
who can guide the world at cross roads. With this stimuli, various
assosciates of IMCTF came forward voluntarily to contributed their
In order to promote reverence to the aforesaid six values through
competitions, the IMCTF sought the contribution of the Trustees,
Organising Committee members,teachersand various eminent
scholars to work for building literature base drawn from our ancient
literatures and traditional lifestyle.
The volumes totalling to several hundred pages are the output of
tireless efforts by the team of scholars, artists and teachers who
have toiled hard to study, identify and select relevant materials from
hundreds of ancient scriptures and literary works by various saints
and seers.
A large corpus of literature on
1. Devotion – i. Tamizh
ii. Hindi
iii. Sanskrit

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 7
2. Personality Development – i. Tamizh
ii. Hindi
iii. Sanskrit
iv. English
3. Arts and Crafts - English
4. Culture and Fine arts - Tamizh and English
5. Traditional Games [Indian Native Games] – English and Tamil
has been compiled for the use of students in the competitions to be
conducted for lakhs of students.
We thank Sri. L. S. Muralidharan (Samskrita Bharati ), Sri. Ganapathy. B
( Sanskrit Collage) , Bala Subramanian( Sanskrit Collage) for their support.
We express our gratitude to the teachers and the educational
institutions who deputed them for helping and accomplishing this
herculean task.
1. Smt. G.Santhi
DAV school, Adambakkam
2. Smt. I.N.Umadevi, Smt. Kasturba Nimchand Shah P.Muthyalu
Chetty Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College, Perambur.
3. Smt J.Lakshmy, Sri Ram Dayal Khemka Vivekananda Vidyalaya
Junior College, Thiruvottiyur.
4. Sri.Sivasankar, Maharishi vidya Mandir, Chetpet.
5. Sri.Vinod Kumar Pandey, Smt. Narbada Devi J. Agarwal
Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College, Vyasarpadi.
6. Sri.K.Raja Vannamalai, Amritha Vidyalaya, Nesapakkam.
7. Smt.N.Krishnakumari, Smt. Narbada Devi J. Agarwal
Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College, Vyasarpadi.
We express our happiness for the persistent assistance received from
the following volunteers working at Gargi, the office of IMCTF.
1. Mrs. Lakshmi Harish
2. Ms. Jayasree. P
We appreciate the innovative inputs by the inhouse designer Mr.
Prem Kumar.
R. Rajalakshmi
Managing Trustee

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 8
The Indian traditional idea of Bhakti which is common to all Indic
religions has really no equal word in English. Devotion is a generic
term in English language which includes “a feeling of strong love
or loyalty : the quality of being devoted to the use of time, money,
energy, etc., for a particular purpose devotions” In contrast, quoting
Narada, Swami Vivekananda says: “Bhakti is intense love to God";
"When a man gets it, he loves all, hates none; he becomes satisfied
for ever”. And what is God? God is Divinity and everything is Divine
— from the tiniest atom and plant to the entire universe. Bhakti in
Indian civilisation has meant not just devotion or loyalty to any God
or Divinity. That is why, even though there are millions of persons
Divinities [Gods] in Indian tradition, it is not idolatry in the sense of
personal God but they are all manifestation of nature which is Divine.
The Indic faiths are thus founded on reverence and devotion [Bhakti]
to the Divine in nature. Millions and millions revere their sacred
rivers, mountains, trees, animals and the earth daily. The Chipko
(tree-hugging) Movement is the most widely known example of this
environmental aspect of Indian tradition. The Bhakti [devotional]
tradition in Indic faiths see the earth, bhumata, is manifestation of
the goddess and reveres the earth and all that is attached to the
earth. It sees the five elements of nature — space, air, fire, water and
earth -- as the manifestation Divinity. It implores the people that it is
their ‘dharma' [duty] to take care of the earth and the nature. It points
out that the treatment of nature directly impacts on human life. It
appealed to the people to live simple life, consume less and conserve
resources. Isavasya upanishad Tena tyaktena bhunjithah -- has been
translated, "Take what you need for your sustenance without a sense
of entitlement or ownership." Mahatma Gandhi exemplified many of
these teachings and declared that nature has provided for everyone’s
needs and for no one’s greed.
The Indic devotion to the pancha bhutas [five elements] is founded
on the philosophic premise that they are not chemical, physical or
atomic elements, but they are all derived from prakriti, the primal
energy. Each of these elements has its own life and form. The
Upanishads explains that the Ultimate reality Brahman arises space,
from space arises air, from air arises fire, from fire arises water, and

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 9
from water arises earth.” Therefore space is sacred. So are air, fire,
water and earth. According to Indic philosophies human body is
composed of and related to these five elements and connects each
of the elements to one of the five senses. The human nose is related
to earth, tongue to water, eyes to fire, skin to air and ears to space.
This bond between our senses and the elements is the foundation of
our human relationship with the natural world. In Indic philosophy
nature and the environment are not outside us, not alien or hostile to
us. They are an inseparable part of our existence, and they constitute
our very bodies.
A number of rural Indic communities such as the Bishnois, Bhils and
Swadhyaya have maintained strong communal devotional practices
to forests and water sources not as "environmental" acts but rather
as expressions of dharma. When Bishnois are protecting animals
and trees, when Swadhyayis are building Vrikshamandiras (tree
temples) and Nirmal Nirs (water harvesting sites) and when Bhils are
practicing their rituals in sacred groves, they are simply expressing
their reverence for creation according to Hindu teachings, not
"restoring the environment." These traditional Indian groups do not
see religion, ecology and ethics as separate arenas of life. Instead,
they understand it to be part of their dharma to treat creation with
Indic philosophic view of earth -- Devi -- as goddess and our mother
inspires devotion and protection. Indic faith rituals recognise that
human beings benefit from the earth, and offer gratitude and
protection in response. Millions of faithfuls touch the floor before
getting out of bed every morning and ask Devi to forgive them
for trampling on her body. Millions create kolams/rangolis daily
-- artwork consisting of bits of rice or other food placed at their
doorways in the morning. These express the faithful’s desire to offer
sustenance to ants and other creatures and to the earth.
The Indic idea of Bhakti [Devotion] is not limited to reverence to
nature. It comprehends all human relations. The Indic philosophic
motto of Matru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava,
Atithi Devo Bhava, an common to all people of India irrespective of
their faiths, incorporates devotion to mother, father, teacher [Guru]
and even Atithi [the unexpected stranger].

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 10
Likewise Bhakti also comprehends and extends to reverence for
womanhood the extended form of celebration and reverence
for motherhood. In all Indian tradition the girl child is revered as
manifestation of Divine mother — the Shakti.
Kanya Vandanam [Pujan] is common in all communities of Indic
faiths. A young girl aged 1 year to 12 years who is not attained
puberty considered as a Kanya for Kanya Puja. The Kanya Kumari is
named according to her age: 1 year – Sandhya; 2 years – Saraswati;
3 years – Tridhamurthi; 4 years – Kalika; 5 years – Subhaga; 6 years –
Uma; 7 years – Malini; 8 years – Kuvjika; 9 years – Kalasandarbha; 10
years – Aparajita; 11 years – Rudrani; 12 years – Bhairavi; and 13 years
– Mahalaxmi. Goddess Durga is worshipped in nine avatars during
Navratri. Some of the forms appear in Kumari or Kanya form of the
Goddess like Bala Tripura Sundari and some other manifestations of
Navadurga. One year old girls are not allowed to be worshipped as
Kanya because they dont able to receive bhogas and granthas. Here
is the list of Kanya puja Kanyakas and their age: 2- year old — Kumari;
3-year old – Trimurthi; 4-year old – Kalyani; 5-years old – Rohini;
6-year old – Kalika; 7-year old – Chandika; 8-year old – Shambhavi;
9-year old – Durga; 10-year old – Subhadra.
And a woman is revered as Suhasini — the ever smiling woman. This
attitude of reverence to women as manifestation of female Divinity
is regarded by many feminists in the West as the reason why women
could ascend to positions of political power in India but not as easily
in the West. This is achieved by the concept of Bhakti or devotion.
Similarly the concept of Bhakti integrates the concept of nation —
rashtra through the concept of mother land. The relation between
Indian people and India as a geography being one of sacred relation
between mother and children the concept of nationalism is both
spiritual and territorial and patriotism is worship of motherland and
the heroes who symbolised, protected and defender her including
the warriors.
For imparting and inculcating values in students which makes them
transcend as just individuals but as emotionally and sentimentally
part of the larger humanity and even the infinite idea of creation the
IMCTF has, after extensive study and research, designed six themes
or value systems. The themes are based on the founding idea of

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 11
Bhakti or devotion. Bhakti penetrates deep into one’s consciousness.
Bhakti is also the basic drive behind shaping and evolving one’s mind
through samskarams which is the practice of Bhakti. The six themes
themes or values of IMCT are imparted and implanted by samskarams
by use of symbols. For example, the value of inculcating family and
human values is imparted by the samskaram of Reverence for father,
mother, teacher and even stranger [atithi] by using all of them as
symbols of human and family values. The six themes, samskarams
and symbols are:
S. Theme Samskaram Symbols
1 Conserve Forest and Reverence for Plants Vruksha Vandanam
Protect Wild life & Wild Animals Naaga Vandanam
2 Preserve Ecology Reverence for all Go Vandanam
Plant Kingdom and Gaja Vandanam
Animal Kingdom Tulasi Vandanam
3 Sustain Reverence for Bhoomi Vandanam
Environment Mother Earth, Rivers Ganga Vandanam
and Nature
4 Inculcate Family & Reverence for Maathru-Pitru
Human Values Parents, Teachers and Vandanam
Elders Aacharya Vandanam
Aditi Vandanam
5 Foster Women’s Reverence for Girl Kanya Vandanam
Honour Children and Suvaasini Vandanam
6 Instill Patriotism Reverence for Nation Bhaarat Maata
and National War Vandanam
Heroes Param Veer Vandanam
These six values are contemporary need, in fact a compulsion of the
times. Today the world is tormented by ecological and environmental
crisis and forest denudation. But to develop these values the human
mind has to melt and evolve. These values cannot be acquired
or imparted and implanted into humans by reading books or
listening to lectures. Samskarams or mental training which melts
the mind is needed to ingrain these values into one’s subconscious
and behavioural DNA.In the modern West, some environmental
philosophers distinguish between shallow ecology and deep ecology

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 12
— meaning that deep ecology penetrates one’s subconscious. Mere
intellectual appreciation of a value will not penetrate value into the
inner and deeper consciousness, or the subconscious of a person
which is necessary to influence and shape one’s conduct and lifestyle.
For that a deeply penetrating training is needed. This is called as
samskarams in our traditions.
The volume of Devotion represents the devotional dimensions
explained here and it contains the following aspects
Slokas from the following Scriptures and Literatures
1. Sankaracharyakritham
2. Neeti Shatakam
3. Taittiriya Upanishad
4. Shri Guru Gita
5. Vishvasara Tantra
6. Narayaniyam
7. Sanskar Bindu
8. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
9. Rigveda
10. Valmiki Ramayana
11. Bilvashtakam
12. Padma Purana
13. Durga Saptshati
The volume has been compiled by the volunteering teachers
provided by the schools involved with the IMCT and other experts
who provided valuable input.
S. Gurumurthy
Chairman, Advisory Committee

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 13
Class - I

1. विनायगर पञ्चरत्नम ् (गणेशपञ्चरत्नम ्) श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

मुदाकरात्तमोदकं सदा विमुक्त्तिसाधकं
कलाधरावतंसकं विलासिलोकरक्षकम ् ।
अनायकैकनायकं विनाशितेभदै त्यकं
नताशुभाशुनाशकं नमामि तं विनायकम ् ॥१॥

नतेतरातिभीकरं नवोदितार्क भास्वरं

नमत्सुरारिनिर्जरं नताधिकापदद्ध ु रम ् ।
सरु े श्वरं निधीश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं
महे श्वरं तमाश्रये परात्परं निरन्तरम ् ॥२॥
Reference :
yy http://aadishankaracharya.blogspot.in/2012/05/sree-maha-ganesha-pancharatnam

2. श्लोकं - मातृ वन्दनं नीतिशतकम ्

नास्ति भूमिसमम ् दानम ् नास्ति मातसृ मो गुरुः ।
नास्ति सत्यसमो धर्मः नास्ति दानसमो निधिः ।।

3. श्लोकं - मातृ-पितृ वन्दनं तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद्

'मात ृ दे वो भव I पित ृ दे वो भव।
आचार्य दे वो भव I अतिथि दे वो भव।।
भावार्थः माता को, पिता को, आचार्य को और अतिथि को दे वता
के समान मानकर उनके साथ व्यवहार करो ।।
Respects to Mother, Father, Guru and Guest. They
are all forms of God.
yy http://hi.bharatdiscovery.org/india/तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद_शिक्षावल्ली_अनुवाक-11

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 14
4. श्लोकं - 'मातृ दे वो भव I
’’पितुरप्यधिका माता गर्भधारणपोषणातं ।
अतो हि त्रिषु लोकेषु नास्ति मातस
ृ मोगर
ु ूः।।’’

भावार्थः पत्र
ु के लिए माता का स्थान पिता से भी बढ़कर है
क्योंकि वह उसे गर्भ में धारण कर उसका पालन पोषण करती
है । अतः तीनों लोकों में माता के समान दस ू रा गरू
ु नहीं है ।
व्यास मुनि स्पष्ट कहते हे । कि धर्मज्ञ पुत्र माता पिता को एक
साथ दें खे, तो पहले माता को प्रणाम करें फिर पिता रूपी गुरू
को प्रणाम करें ।

मातरं पितरं चोभौ दृष्ट्वा पुत्रस्तु धर्मवित ्।

प्रणम्य मातरं पश्चात ् प्रणमेत ् पितरं गुरूम ्।।

भावार्थः मॉ ं के 21 नाम शास्त्रों में बतलाये गये हैं जिसकी पषु ्टि
करता हुआ यह स्त्रोत माता, दया, शान्ती, क्षमा, धतृ ि, स्वाहा,
स्वधा, गौरी, पदमा, विजया, जया तथा दःु खहन्त्री नाम से
माता की स्तुति करता है । व्यास जी कहते है । कि जिस प्रकार
मॉ ं भगवती के दर्शन से उत्पन्न आनन्द को वाणी द्वारा व्यक्त
नहीं किया जा सकता उसी प्रकार माता पिता का दर्शनमात्र
बालक की पीड़ा का शमन कर दे ता है । ब्रहमावैवत ृ पुराण में
सोलह स्त्रियों को माता की संज्ञा दी गयी है -
yy http://har-pal.com/node/2034

5. श्लोकं - श्री गरु

ु गीता वेद व्यास
अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जनशलाकया |
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगरु वे नमः ||
यस्य न ज्ञायते नाम न च गोत्रं न च स्थितिः ।
अकस्माद् गह ृ मायातः सोऽतिथिः प्रोच्यते बुधैः ॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 15
6. श्लोकः - श्री गणेश
वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ |
निर्विघ्नम ् कुरु मे दे व सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा |
O Lord Ganesha, of Curved Trunk, Large Body,
and with the Brilliance of a Million Suns,
Please Make all my Works Free of Obstacles,

7. श्लोकं - सरस्वती वंदना

सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि ।
विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा ॥
भावार्थः माँ सरस्वती आपको नमस्कार करता हूँ... हे कार्य
सम्पन्न करने की दे वी, मुझे वरदान दीजिये। सम्पूर्ण विश्व के
रूप के समान व विशाल नेत्रों वाली दे वी... माँ सरस्वती, मुझे
विद्या दीजिये।। वीणा व पस ु ्तक धारण करने वाली दे वी... माँ
शारदा को... मेरा नमस्कार है ।
मैं विद्या आरम्भ कर रहा हूँ... आप मझ
ु पर सदै व प्रसन्न रहें ।।
O Saraswati, salutations for you, O Giver of boons,
O Giver of form to desire,
I am going to start studying, may success be mine,
yy http://blog.practicalsanskrit.com/2009/06/saraswati-namastubhyam.html

8. श्लोकं - कराग्रे
कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी: करमध्ये सरस्वती।
करमूले तू गोविंद: प्रभाते करदर्शनम ्॥
भावार्थः इस मंत्र में बताया गया है कि हाथों के अग्रभाग में
महालक्ष्मी का वास होता है . हाथ के मध्यभाग में सरस्वती
और हाथ के मूलभाग में भगवान विष्णु का वास होता है . अत:

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 16
प्रात:काल दोनो हाथों के दर्शन करना चाहिये. हाथों के दर्शन
करते हुए यहां दिए मंत्र का जप भी करना चाहिए. इसके बाद
दोनों हाथों को अपने चेहरे पर फेर ले. प्राचीन ऋषि-मुनियों के
अनुसार ऐसा माना जाता है कि हमारे हाथों की हथेलियों में
दै वीय शक्तियां निवास करती हैं, जिनसे दिनभर के लिए ऊर्जा
प्राप्त होती है .
Reference: http://www.ajabgjab.com/2014/09/kar-darshnam-mantra-and-complete.html

9. श्लोकं – मम माता दे वता गीतवाणी

मम माता दे वता मम माता दे वता ।।
अतिसरला मयि मद ृ ल
ु ा गह
ृ कुशला सा अतुला ।।
पाययति दगु ्धं भोजयति भक्तं लालयति नित्यं तोषयति चित्तम ् ।।
सायड्.काले नीराजयति पाठयति च मां शुभड्.करोति ।।

10. श्लोकं - अन्नपूर्णा स्तोत्रम ् श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

माता च पार्वती दे वी पिता दे वो महे श्वरः ।
बान्धवाः शिवभकत्ताश्च स्वदे शो भवु नत्रयम ् ॥१२॥
भावार्थ : माता पार्वतीदे वी, पिता भगवान ् शङ्करः, बान्धवाः च
शिवभक्ताः, एते त्रयः लोकाः एव अस्माकं दे शः।
The goddess Parvathi herself is the mother, Lord
Shiva is the father, all devotees of the Lord Shiva
are the relatives, all the three worlds are own
country for all.

11. श्लोकं - सर्वे भवन्तु

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः |
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चित ् दःु खभाग ् भवेत ्॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 17
भावार्थः : सभी सख
ु ी होवें, सभी रोगमक
ु ्त रहें , सभी मंगलमय
घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दःु ख का भागी न
बनना पड़े।
May all be happy. May all remain free from
disabilities. May all see auspicious things. May
none suffer sorrows.
yy http://hindi.speakingtree.in/spiritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-spirituality/sarve-

12. श्लोकं - श्री सद्-गुरु-स्तोत्रम ् विश्वसारा तन्त्रम ्

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महे श्वर: ।
गुरुः साक्षात ् परं ब्रह्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ।।
The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru
Deva is Maheswara (Shiva),
The Guru is Verily the Para-Brahman (Supreme
Brahman); Salutations to that Guru.
अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम ् ।
तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥२॥
Whose Form is an Indivisible Whole of Presence,
and By Whom is Pervaded the Moving and the
Non-Moving Beings.
By whom is Revealed (out of Grace) That Feet (of
Indivisible Presence); Salutations to that Guru.
अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जनशलाकया ।
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥३॥
Who Removes the Darkness of Ignorance from our
Blind (Inner) Eyes by applying the Collyrium of the
Light ofKnowledge.
By Whom our (Inner) Eyes are Opened; Salutations
to that Guru.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 18
13. श्लोकं -नारायणीयं : दशकम ् 17
ृ तेर्मनुनन्दनस्य
जाया बभूव सुरुचिर्नितरामभीष्टा ।
अन्या सुनीतिरिति भर्तुनराद्दता सा
त्वामेव नित्यमगतिः शरणं गताऽभत ू ्॥
To the king Uttaanpaada, the son of Manu, his wife
Suruchi was extremely dear. The other wife Suneeti
being ignored by her husband, was helpless and
took shelter in Thee alone who are eternal refuge
of the helpless.
अङ्के पितुः सुरुचिपुत्रकमुत्तमं तं
दृष्ट्वा ध्रुवः किल सुनीतिसुतोऽधिरोक्ष्यन ् ।
आचिक्षिपे किल शिशुः सुतरां सुरुच्या
दसु ्सन्त्यजा खलु भवद्विमुखरै सूया ॥
Seeing Uttama, Suruchi's son, seated on his father's
lap, Suneeti's son Dhruva also tried to get up.
But as a result, the child was severly scolded by
Suruchi. Indeed, jealousy cannot be given up, by
those who are not devoted to Thee.
yy http://sanskritdocuments.org/doc_vishhnu/nArAyaNIyam.html?lang=hi

14. श्लोकं -नारायणीयं : दशकम ् 94

शुद्धा निष्कामधर्मै: प्रवरगुरुगिरा तत्स्वरूपं परं ते
शुद्धं दे हेन्द्रियादिव्यपगतमखिलव्याप्तमावेदयन्ते ।
नानात्वस्थौल्यकार्श्यादि तु गुणजवपुस्सङ्गतोऽध्यासितं ते
वह्नेर्दारुप्रभेदेष्विव महदणत
ु ादीप्तताशान्ततादि ॥१॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 19
People, whose minds are purified by performing
desireless actions, come to understand from the
instructions of competent teachers, Thy supreme
aspect which is immaculate, bodiless, taintless, all
pervading and transcendent. As for the qualities of
multiplicity, stoutness, thinness etc., which are in
association with the bodies constituted of the three
gunas, are super imposed on Thee. It is like the
expensiveness, small ness, dimness and brilliance
of fire according to the nature of the fuel (wood) on
which it manifests.
ण्यावेधोद्भासितेन स्फुटतरपरिबोधाग्निना दह्यमाने ।
कर्मालीवासनातत्कृ ततनुभुवनभ्रान्तिकान्तारपूरे
दाह्याभावेन विद्याशिखिनि च विरते त्वन्मयी खल्ववस्था ॥२॥
The fire of knowledge is ignited by the striking
of two fire sticks, the lower one represents the
teachings of the teacher, and the upper one the
disciple (who comes seeking the knowledge). This
fire illuminates perfectly clear knowledge and burns
the forest full of many tendencies and desires which
are an effect of past actions, and also the ignorance
of identification with the body and the world. When
such a forest is burnt up, the fire (of knowledge)
for want of fuel also subsides (in Thee). Then the
state of total merger in Thee alone remains.
yy http://sanskritdocuments.org/doc_vishhnu/nArAyaNIyam.html?lang=hi

he teacher, and the upper one the disciple (who

comes seeking the knowledge). This fire illuminates
perfectly clear knowledge and burns the forest
full of many tendencies and desires which are an

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 20
effect of past actions, and also the ignorance of
identification with the body and the world. When
such a forest is burnt up, the fire (of knowledge)
for want of fuel also subsides (in Thee). Then the
state of total merger in Thee alone remains.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 21
Class - II

1. गणेश पञ्चरत्नम ् श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

ु ाकरात्तमोदकं सदा विमक्त्
ु तिसाधकं
कलाधरावतंसकं विलासिलोकरक्षकम ् ।
अनायकैकनायकं विनाशितेभदै त्यकं
नताशुभाशुनाशकं नमामि तं विनायकम ् ॥१॥
नतेतरातिभीकरं नवोदितार्क भास्वरं
नमत्सुरारिनिर्जरं नताधिकापदद्ध
ु रम ् ।
सुरेश्वरं निधीश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं
महे श्वरं तमाश्रये परात्परं निरन्तरम ् ॥२॥
समस्तलोकशंकरं निरस्तदै त्यकुञ्जरं
दरे तरोदरं वरं वरे भवक्त्रमक्षरम ् ।
कृपाकरं क्षमाकरं मुदाकरं यशस्करं
मनस्करं नमस्कृ तां नमस्करोमि भास्वरम ् ॥३॥
Reference :

2. श्लोकं - आरोग्य मंत्रम ्

शरीरे जर्जरी भूते व्याधिग्रस्ते कलेबरे ।
औषधं जाह्नवीतोयं वैद्यो नारायणो हरिः ॥
Sharire jarjari bhute vyadhi graste kalevare
oushadham jaanhavi toyam vaidhyo naraayano
When all vital life forces leave the body, when the
whole being is seized by incurable diseases, what
medicine is there, than river ganga, who else but
Lord Narayana, Hari, would come as physician!

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 22
3. श्लोकं - उपनिषद्
ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मतृ ्योर्मा अमत
ृ ं गमय ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥1
Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya |
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
4. श्लोकं - तुलसी वन्दनं संस्कार बिन्दु
यन्मूले सर्वतीर्थानि
यन्मध्ये सर्वदे वताः ।
यदग्रे सर्ववेदाश्च
तुलसी, त्वां नमाम्यहम ् ॥
Oh Sacred Tulasi, I prostrate before you, as all the
sacred rivers reside at the root, all gods reside in
the middle and all Vedas all the tip.
5. श्लोकं – भगवद्गीता चतर्द
ु शोऽध्याय : श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता
मम योनिर्महद्ब्रह्म तस्मिन्गर्भं दधाम्यहम ् ।
संभवः सर्वभूतानां ततो भवति भारत ॥१४- ३॥
भावार्थः : हे भारत, यह महद् ब्रह्म (मूल प्रकृति) योनि है , और
मैं उसमें गर्भ दे ता हूँ। इस से ही सभी जीवों का जन्म होता है ।
सर्वयोनिषु कौन्तेय मूर्तयः संभवन्ति याः ।
तासां ब्रह्म महद्योनिरहं बीजप्रदः पिता ॥१४- ४॥
भावार्थः : हे कौन्तेय, सभी योनियों में जो भी जीव पैदा होते
हैं, उनकी महद् ब्रह्म तो योनि है (कोख है ), और मैं बीज दे ने
वाला पिता हूँ।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 23
6. गोमाता मंत्रम ्
ु े दे वि सर्वतीर्थीभिषेचनि ll
पावनि सुरभि श्रेष्ठे दे वि तुभ्यं नमोस्तु ते ll
Sarvakaamdudhe devi sarvatithirbhishechini l
Pavane surbhi shreshte devi tubhyam namostute ll
O Giver of all boons and fulfiller of all desires,
Embodiment of all Teerths (Sacred Places), O Pure,
Unparalleled and Divine Mother, I offer my prayers
to You!

7. महामतृ ्युंजय मंत्रम ् ऋग्वेदः

ॐ हौं जूं सः ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम ्
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनात ् मतृ ्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमत
ृ ात ् ॥
Om Try-Ambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pusstti-Vardhanam
Urvaarukam-Iva Bandhanaan
Mrtyor-Mukssiiya Maa-[A]mrtaat ||
http://shashiranjanmishra.jagranjunction.com/2010/04/25/ महामतृ ्युंजय-मंत्र-का-ता/

8. गोवर्धन-पूजा मंत्रम ्
लक्ष्मीर्या लोकपालानां धेनुरूपेण संस्थिता।
घतृ ं वहति यज्ञार्थ मम पापं व्यपोहतु।।
Govardhan puja is performed on the just next day
of Diwali. Govardhan parvat (Mount) is also known
as Shri Govardhan Maharaj. Govardhan puja is
done on the fourth day of Diwali. During Govardhan
puja you can chant the Govardhan Puja Mantra.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 24
9. तुलसी स्तोत्रम ्
जगद्धात्रि नमस्तुभ्यं विष्णोश्च प्रियवल्लभे ।
यतो ब्रह्मादयो दे वाः सषृ ्टिस्थित्यन्तकारिणः ॥१॥
Jagad-Dhaatri Namas-Tubhyam Vissnnosh-Ca Priya-
Vallabhe |
Yato Brahmaa-[Aa]dayo Devaah Srsstti-Sthity-Anta-
Kaarinnah ||1||
I bow down to You, O Jagaddhatri (the bearer
of the World); You are the most beloved of Sri
Vishnu, Because of Your power, O Devi, the Devas
beginning with Brahma are able to Create, Maintain
and bring an End to the World.
नमस्तुलसि कल्याणि नमो विष्णुप्रिये शुभे ।
नमो मोक्षप्रदे दे वि नमः सम्पत्प्रदायिके ॥२॥
Namas-Tulasi Kalyaanni Namo Vissnnu-Priye Shubhe
Namo Mokssa-Prade Devi Namah Sampat-Pradaayike
Who brings Goodness in life, Salutations to Devi
Tulasi Who is the beloved of Sri Vishnu and Who
is Auspicious,
Who grants Liberation, and Salutations to Devi
Tulasi Who bestows Prosperity.
तुलसी पातु मां नित्यं सर्वापद्भ्योऽपि सर्वदा ।
कीर्तितापि स्मृता वापि पवित्रयति मानवम ् ॥३॥
Tulasii Paatu Maam Nityam Sarva-[A]apadbhyo-Api
Sarvadaa |
Kiirtita-Api Smrtaa Vaa-[A]pi Pavitrayati Maanavam

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 25
O Devi Tulasi, please protect me always from all
misfortunes and calamities,
O Devi, Singing Your Glories, or even Remembering
You makes a person Pure.

10. गजेन्द्र मोक्ष स्तोत्रम ्

श्रीगजेन्द्र उवाच ||
ओं नमो भगवते तस्मै यत एतच्चिदात्मकम ्
पुरुषायादिबीजाय परे शायाभिधीमहि ||
यस्मिन्निदं यतश्चेदं येनेदं य इदं स्वयम ्
योऽस्मात्परस्माच्च परस्तं प्रपद्ये स्वयम्भुवम ् ||
यः स्वात्मनीदं निजमाययार्पितं क्वचिद्विभातं क्व च तत्तिरोहितम ्
अविद्धदृक्साक्ष्युभयं तदीक्षते स आत्ममूलोऽवतु मां परात्परः ||
कालेन पञ्चत्वमितेषु कृत्स्नशो लोकेषु पालेषु च सर्वहे तष
े ु
तमस्तदासीद्गहनं गभीरं यस्तस्य पारे ऽभिविराजते विभुः ||
न यस्य दे वा ऋषयः पदं विदर्ज
ु न्तुः पन
ु ः कोऽर्हति गन्तुमीरितम
ु ्
यथा नटस्याकृतिभिर्विचेष्टतो दरु त्ययानुक्रमणः स मावतु ||
दिदृक्षवो यस्य पदं समु ङ्गलं विमक
ु ्तसङ्गा मन ु यः सस
ु ाधवः
चरन्त्यलोकव्रतमव्रणं वने भूतात्मभूताः सुहृदः स मे गतिः ||


भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 26
Class - III

1. नाग वन्दनं दशकम ् 55 नारायणीयम ्

अथ वारिणि घोरतरं फणिनं प्रतिवारयितंु कृतधीर्भगवन ् ।
द्रुतमारिथ तीरगनीपतरुं विषमारुतशोषितपर्णचयम ् ॥ ५५१ ॥
भावार्थ : हे भगवन! फिर आपने जल में स्थित उस अत्यन्त घोर
सर्प का निवारण करने का निश्चय किया। आप शीघ्रतापूर्वक
यमुना के किनारे लगे हुए उस कदम्ब वक्ष ृ के पास आ कर
उस पर चढ गये, जिसके पत्तों का समूह विषाक्त वायु से सूख
गया था।
अधिरुह्य पदाम्बुरुहे ण च तं नवपल्लवतुल्यमोज्ञरुचा ।
हृदवारिणि दरू तरं न्यपतः परिघूर्णितघोरतरङ्गगणे ॥ ५५२ ॥
भावार्थः : आप उस पेड पर अपने नये सन ु ्दर और कोमल
पत्तो के समान चरण कमलों से चढ गये। घूमती हुई बडी बडी
तरङ्गोवाले उस जल के बीच आप ऊंची और लम्बी छलाङ्ग
लगाते हुए कूद पडे।
ृ ो भवतो गुरुभारविकम्पिविजम्भि
ृ जला ।
परिमज्जयति स्म धनुःशतकं तटिनी झटिति स्फुटघोषवती ॥
५५३ ॥
भावार्थः : त्रिभुवन के भार को वहन करने वाले आपके दीर्घ
भार से यमुना कम्पायमान हो उठी। उसका जल प्लावित होने
से धनुष तक का उसका तट जल निमग्न हो गया और उसमें
से घोर शब्द प्रस्फुटित हुआ।
अथ दिक्षु विदिक्षु परिक्षुभितभ्रमितोदरवारिनिनादभरै ः ।
ु गादरु गाधिपतिस्त्वदप ु ान्तमशान्तरुषान्धमनाः ॥ ५५४॥
भावार्थ : जल के अन्तर भाग से निकलता हुआ घोर निनाद
सारी दिशाओं और विदिशाओं में व्याप्त हो गया। अत्यन्त

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 27
क्षुभित और घूर्णित जल से विचलित और क्रोध से अभिभूत
अन्धमना नागराज जल से बाहर निकल कर आपके सम्मुख
आ गया।
फणशङ ृ ्गसहस्रविनिस्सृमरज्वलदग्निकणोग्रविषाम्बुधरम ् ।
परु तः फणिनं समलोकयथा बहुशङ ृ ्गिणमञ्जनशैलमिव ॥ ५५५

भावार्थ : सहस्रों शिखरों के समान फणों वाले, प्रस्फुटित अग्नि
कणों के समान कूट विष द्रव्य उगलते हुए, अनेक शिखरो वाले
कज्जल गिरि के समान उस भयंकर सर्प को आपने अपने
समक्ष दे खा जो अनेक शिखरों वाले कज्जल गिरि के समान
दिखाई दे रहा था।

2. नव नागः स्तोत्रम ्
अनन्तं वासुकिं शेषं पद्मनाभं च कम्बलम ् |
शंखपालं धत
ृ राष्ट्रं तक्षकं कालियं तथा ||१||
Anantam vasukim shesham padhmanabham cha
kambalam |
Shankhapalam dhartarashhtram taksakam kaaliyam
thatha || 1 ||
एतानि नव नामानि नागानां च महात्मनः |
सायंकाले पठे न्नित्यं प्रात:काले विशेषत: |
तस्य विषभयं नास्ति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत ् ||२||
Aitani navnamaani naaganaan cha mahatmnaam |
Sayankaale pattenitya praatkaale visheshth |
Tasya vishbhay naastit sarvatra vijayee bhavet ||
2 ||

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 28
3. श्री सर्प सूक्तम ्
ब्रह्मलोकेषु ये सर्पा शेषनाग परोगमा:।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।1।।
इन्द्रलोकेषु ये सर्पा: वासु‍कि प्रमुखाद्य:।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सप् ु रीतो मम सर्वदा।।2।।
कद्रवेयश्च ये सर्पा: मातभ ृ क्ति परायणा।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।3।।
इन्द्रलोकेषु ये सर्पा: तक्षका प्रमुखाद्य।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।4।।
yy http://hindi.webdunia.com/article/astrology-tantra-mantra-yantra/।।श् री-सर् प सू क् त ।।

4. श्लोकं - वृक्ष वन्दनम ्

वनस्यतेरपक्वानि फलानि प्रचिनोति यः।
स नाप्जोति रसं तेभ्यो बीजं चास्य विनश्यति ।।
ते वनस्पतयः पोक्ताः विना पुष्पैः फलान्ति ये।
द्रूमाश्च ते निगदिताः सह पुष्पैः फलान्ति ये ।।
प्रसरन्ति प्रतानैर्यास्ता तत्ताः परिकीर्तिताः ।
बहुस्तन्वा विटापिनो ये ते गुल्मः प्रकीर्तिताः।।

5. श्लोकं - आरण्य काण्डम ् वाल्मीकि रामायणम ्

धर्मात ् अर्थः प्रभवति धर्मात ् प्रभवते सुखम ् ।

धर्मेण लभते सर्वम ् धर्म सारम ् इदम ् जगत ् ॥३-९-३०॥

“From virtuousness prosperity emanates, from

righteousness happiness, and by honourableness
all are achieved, and this universe is the essence
of probity…..”

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 29
आत्मानम ् नियमैः तैः तैः कर्षयित्वा प्रयत्नतः |
प्राप्यते निपुणैः धर्मो न सुखात ् लभते सुखम ् || ३-९-३१

"Experts will make efforts to exhaust their own

selves with those and those principles, thus they
realise sublimity... unachievable is pleasure by
pleasuring alone……..”

नित्यम ् शचि
ु मतिः सौम्य चर धर्मम ् तपो वने |
सर्वम ् हि विदितम ् तुभ्यम ् त्रैलोक्यम ् अपि तत्त्वतः || ३-९-३२
"Always tread along the righteousness with a pure
mind, oh, gentle one, and specially in these sagely
forests... you know everything in all the three worlds,
in all its nuances...”
Reference: https://sa.wikisource.org/wiki/रामायणम ्/अरण्यकाण्डम ्/सर्गः_९

6. श्लोकं - श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

अश्वत्थः सर्ववक्षा
ृ णां दे वर्षीणां च नारदः ।
गन्धर्वाणां चित्ररथः सिद्धानां कपिलो मुनिः ॥१०- २६॥
भावार्थ : मैं सब वक्षों
ृ में पीपल का वक्ष
ृ , दे वर्षियों में नारद
मुनि, गन्धर्वों में चित्ररथ और सिद्धों में कपिल मुनि हूँ॥26॥
उच्चैःश्रवसमश्वानां विद्धि माममतृ ोद्भवम ् ।
ऐरावतं गजेन्द्राणां नराणां च नराधिपम ् ॥१०- २७॥
भावार्थ : घोड़ों में अमत
ृ के साथ उत्पन्न होने वाला उच्चैःश्रवा
नामक घोड़ा, श्रेष्ठ हाथियों में ऐरावत नामक हाथी और मनुष्यों
में राजा मुझको जान॥27॥
आयध ु ानामहं वज्रं धेनन
ू ामस्मि कामधकु ् ।
प्रजनश्चास्मि कन्दर्पः सर्पाणामस्मि वासकु िः ॥१०- २८॥
भावार्थ : मैं शस्त्रों में वज्र और गौओं में कामधेनु हूँ। शास्त्रोक्त
रीति से सन्तान की उत्पत्ति का हे तु कामदे व हूँ और सर्पों में
सर्पराज वासुकि हूँ॥28॥
Reference: https://hi.wikipedia.org/wiki/ भगवद् _गीता_१०

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 30
7. श्लोकं – वृक्ष
नमन्ति फलिनो वक्ष ृ , नमन्ति गुनिनो जनः ।
शुष्क वक्ष
ृ स्च मुर्खास्च ना नमन्ति कदाचन ।।
भावार्थ : गनु ी लोगों और फलों से भरा पेड़ नमन योग्य हैं I
क्यूंकि वे अपने गुण और भर से झुके होतें हैं I
किन्तु मुर्ख लोग सूखे पेड़ के सामान होता है जो I होता तो
ठूठ है पर घमंडी की तरह खड़ा रहता है I
इसलिए हमें गुणवान बनना चाहिए .

8. श्लोकं – नागा
नागराज महाराज पातालनिलय प्रभो।
पुत्रान ् यषः श्रियं चापि मम त्वं धातम
ु र्हसि।।

विष्णुलोके च ये सर्पाः अनंताद्या महाबलाः।

नमोsस्तु तेभ्यः सप्
ु रीताः पन्नगास्सन्तु मे सदा ।।

ब्रह्मलोके च ये सर्पाः वासुकिप्रमुखाः शुभाः ।

नमोsस्तु तेभ्यः सप्
ु रीताः पन्नगास्सन्तु मे सदा ।।

इन्द्रलोके च ये सर्पास्तक्षकाद्याः महाबलाः।

नमोsस्तु तेभ्यः सप्ु रीताः पन्नगास्सन्तु मे सदा ।।

कैलासलोके ये सर्पाः कार्कोटकबलादयः ।

नमोsस्तु तेभ्यः सुप्रीताः पन्नगास्सन्तु मे सदा ।।

पाताळलोके ये सर्पा आदिशेषादयो वराः ।

नमोsस्तु तेभ्यः सप्
ु रीताः पन्नगास्सन्तु मे सदा ।।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 31
द्वीपान्तरे च ये सर्पाः काळिन्दीनिलयस्तथा
नमोsस्तु तेभ्यः सप्
ु रीताः पन्नगास्सन्तु मे सदा ।।

सर्वताग्रेषु ये सर्पाश्शिलासंधिषु संस्थिताः ।

नमोsस्तु तेभ्यः सप् ु रीताः पन्नगास्सन्तु मे सदा ।।

ग्रामे वा यदि वारण्ये ये च सर्पा गह

ृ े षु वा ।
नमोsस्तु तेभ्यः सुप्रीताः पन्नगास्सन्तु मे सदा ।।

9. श्लोकं - बिल्वाष्टकम ्
त्रिदळं त्रिगुणाकारं त्रिनेत्रं च्र त्रियुधम ् I
त्रिजन्मपापसंहारं एक बिल्वं शिवार्पणम ् ll

I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,

Which has three leaves,
Which causes three qualities,
Which are like the three eyes of Shiva,
Which is like the triad of weapons,
And which destroys sins of three births.

त्रिशाखैः बिल्वपत्रैश्च अच्छिद्रै: कोमलैःशुभःै l

तव पूजां करिष्यामि एक बिल्वं शिवार्पणम ् ll

I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,

Which has three shoots,
Which do not have holes,
Which are good and pretty,
And worship Lord Shiva.

अखण्ड बिल्व पत्रेण पजि ू ते नन्दिकेश्वरे l

ु सर्वपापेभ्यो एक बिल्वं शिवार्पणम ् ll

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 32
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For if an uncut leaf is offered,
To his steed the god Nandi,
We get cleaned of all our sins.

साळग्राम शिलामेकां विप्राणां जातु अर्पयेत ् l

सोमय� महापुण्यं एक बिल्वं शिवार्पणम ् ll

I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,

For it is equal to, offering a saligrama to a Brahmin,
Or the great blessing got out of performing Soma

10. पिप्पली वृक्ष पज

ू ा
आय:ु प्रजां धनं धान्यं सौभाग्यं शरणं गत:।
दे हि दे व महावक्ष
ृ त्वामहं शरणं गत:।।
अश्वत्थ ह्युतझुग्वास गोविन्दस्य सदाप्रिय।
अशेषं हर मे पापं वक्ष
ृ राज नमोस्तुते।

11. मूल मन्त्रम ् – नागा

ऊँ नमो भगवते कामरूपिणे महाबलाय नागाय दीप्तये स्वाः।।
भुजडंग ् ेषाय विद्धहे सर्पजाताय दीमहि ।
तन्नो नाग प्रचोदयात ्।।
नमस्करोमि दे वेष नागेन्द्र हर भूषण।
अभी�दायिने तुभ्यं अहिराज नमो नमः ।।
र्ब्रह्माण्डकुम्भकारं भजु गाकारं जनार्दनं नौमि।
स्फारे यत्फणचक्रे शरावक्षियं वहति ।।
अनेके फकणनः सन्ति भेकभक्षणतत्पराः।
एक एक हि शेषोऽयं धरणीधरणक्षमः।।
युक्तोऽसि भुवन भारे मा वक्रां वितनु कन्धरां शेष।
त्वरयेकास्मिन्दुः रिवनि स्डाखितानि भवन्ति भुवनानि।।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 33
Class - IV

1. भूमि वन्दनं - क्षमा प्रार्थना

"समुद्र वसने दे वि पर्वतस्तन मंडले विष्णु

पत्नी नमस्तुभ्यं पादस्पर्शम ् क्षमस्व मे "

Samudra-Vasane Devi Parvata-Stana-Mannddale |

Kssamasva-Me ||

अर्थ : समुद्ररूपी वस्त्र धारण करणार्याa, पर्वतरूपी स्तन

असणार्याय आणि भगवान श्रीविष्णूची पत्नी असलेल्या हे
ृ ्वीदे वी, मी तुला नमस्कार करतो. तुला माझ्या पायांचा स्पर्श
होणार आहे , त्यासाठी तू मला क्षमा कर.

Salutations to you consort of Shri Vishnu, who is

clothed by oceans and who is adorned prettily by
the mountains, I bow to you; Please forgive us for
touching you with our feet.

2. आपः सूक्त्तम ् ऋग्वेदः

आपो हि ष्ठा मयोभुवस्था न ऊर्जे दधातन ।

महे रणाथ चक्षसे ॥१॥

O Water, because of your presence, the Atmosphere

is so refreshing, and imparts us with vigour and

We revere you who gladdens us by your Pure


भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 34
यो वः शिवतमो रसस्तस्य भाजयतेह नः ।

उशतीरिव मातरः ॥२॥

O Water, this auspicious Sap of yours, please share

with us,

Like a Mother desiring (to share her best possession

with her children).

तस्मा अरं गमाम वो यस्य क्षयाय जिन्वथ ।

आपो जनयथा च नः ॥३॥

O Water, when your invigorating essence goes to

one affected by weakness, it enlivens him,

O Water, you are the source of our lives.


3. गङ्गा स्तोत्रम ् - श्री शंकाचार्य कृतं श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

दे वि सुरेश्वरि भगवति गङ्गे त्रिभुवनतारिणि तरलतरङ्गे ।

शङ्करमौलिविहारिणि विमले मम मतिरास्तां तव पदकमले

O Devi Bhagavati Ganga, the Goddess of the

Devas, You liberate the Three Worlds with the
merciful waves of Your Liquid Form,
O the Stainless Pure One Who resides in the
Head of Shankara, May my Devotion remain firmly
established on Your Lotus Feet॥

भागीरथि सुखदायिनि मातस्तव जलमहिमा निगमे ख्यातः ।

नाहं जाने तव महिमानं पाहि कृपामयि मामज्ञानम ् ॥२॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 35
O Mother Bhagirathi, You give Joy to All, and the
Glory of Your Water is praised in the Scriptures,

I do not know Your Glory fully, but inspite of my

Ignorance, please protect me, O Compassionate

हरिपदपाद्यतरङ्गिणि गङ्गे हिमविधुमुक्ताधवलतरङ्गे ।

दरू ीकुरु मम दषु ्कृ तिभारं कुरु कृपया भवसागरपारम ् ॥३॥

O Mother Ganga, You originate from the Feet

of Hari, and flow down with Pure White Waves
resembling the Whiteness of Frost, the Whiteness
of Moon, as well as the Whiteness of Pearl,

O Mother, Please remove the burden in my Mind

created due to Evil deeds, and by Your Grace
finally make me cross the ocean of Samsara(Worldly

तव जलममलं येन निपीतं परमपदं खलु तेन गह

ृ ीतम ् ।

मातर्गङ्गे त्वयि यो भक्तः किल तं द्रष्टुं न यमः शक्तः ॥४॥

He who has drunk Your Pure Water, Indeed he will

obtain the Highest Abode,

Yama is not able to cast his glance on him (i.e. he

goes to Your Abode and not Yamaloka).

4. श्री सूर्यकवचस्तोत्रम ्

श्री गणेशाय नमः I

याज्ञवल्क्य उवाच I

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 36
श्रुणुष्व मुनिशार्दूल सूर्यस्य कवचं शुभम ् I
शरीरारोग्यदं दिव्यं सर्व सौभाग्यदायकम ् II १ II
दै दिप्यमानं मक
ु ु टं स्फ़ुरन्मकरकुण्डलम ् I
ध्यात्वा सहस्रकिरणं स्तोत्रमेतदद
ु ीरयेत ् II २ II

शिरो मे भास्करः पातु ललाटे मेSमितद्दुतिः I

नेत्रे दिनमणिः पातु श्रवणे वासरे श्वरः II ३ II

घ्राणं धर्म धणृ िः पातु वदनं वेदवाहनः I

जिह्वां मे मानदः पातु कंठं मे सुरवंदितः II ४ II

स्कंधौ प्रभाकरं पातु वक्षः पातु जनप्रियः I

पातु पादौ द्वादशात्मा सर्वागं सकलेश्वरः II ५ II

सूर्यरक्षात्मकं स्तोत्रं लिखित्वा भूर्जपत्रके I

दधाति यः करे तस्य वशगाः सर्वसिद्धयः II ६ II

सुस्नातो यो जपेत्सम्यक् योSधीते स्वस्थ मानसः I

स रोगमुक्तो दीर्घायुः सुखं पुष्टिं च विंदति II ७ II

II इति श्री माद्याज्ञवल्क्यमनि

ु विरचितं सर्य
ू कवचस्तोत्रं संपर्णं
ू II

5. गङ्गा -श्रीमद् भागवतम ् श्रीमद् भागवतं 5.17

श्रीशुक उवाच
तत्र भगवतः साक्षाद्यज्ञलिङ्गस्य
विष्णोर्विक्रमतो वामपादाङ्गुष्ठनख
निर्भिन्नोर्ध्वाण्डकटाह विवरे णान्तःप्रविष्टा
या बाह्यजलधारा

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 37
Sri Shukadeva said:

Then Bhagavat (the Godhead) Who is the visible

Yagya Linga (the deity of the yagya to whom all
oblations go) ...

Sri Vishnu, took the great stride (as Trivikrama),

and with the nail of the thumb of His Left Foot, ...

pierced the upper shell of the Brahmanda (Universe);

Then, from that opening entered ...

The Stream of Water (of Ganga) from outside (the

तच्चरणपङ्कजावनेजन अरुणकिञ्जल्कोपरञ्जित
अखिलजगदघमलापहा उपस्पर्शनामला
साक्षाद्भगवत्पदी इति अनप
ु लक्षितवचः
(That Water of Ganga) Washed that Lotus Feet (of
Sri Vishnu) which was Reddish in Colour like the
filament of Lotus...

(and by) directly touching that Pure (Feet of Vishnu),

(became) the remover of the Sins of the entire

She came to be known as "Bhagavat Padi" (or

"Vishnu Padi"),...
अभिधीयमाना अतिमहता कालेन
युगसहस्रोपलक्षणेन दिवो मूरन
्ध ्यवततार
यत्तद्विष्णुपदमाहुः ॥५.१७.१॥
And was considered thus since very old times,

After thousand Yugas, She descended on the head

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 38
of the Sky (i.e. Dhruvaloka),

She, Who is called Vishnu Padi,

यत्र ह वाव वीरव्रत औत्तानपादिः परमभागवतः
अस्मत्कुलदे वताचरणारविन्दोदकमिति
ु वनमतु ्कृ ष्यमाण भगवद्भक्तियोगेन दृढं
क्लिद्यमानान्तर्हृदय औत्कण्ठ्यविवश
Here indeed (i.e. at Dhruvaloka where river Ganga
has descended), firm in his vows, the son of king
Uttanapada (i.e. Dhruva Maharaj), who is the most
excellent Devotee,

(Thinking) "This is the water coming from the Lotus

Feet of our Kula-Devata (Sri Vishnu)",

With constantly increasing (Devotion), by steady

flow of Bhakti towards God (Sri Vishnu),

And the interior of the Heart moist (melting) with

spontaneous Yearning;

6. वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् किष्किन्दा काण्डम ्

Ch: 13 - श्लोकाः

तस्य तद् वचनम ् श्रुत्वा राघवस्य महात्मनः |

गच्छन्न् एव आचचक्षे अथ सुग्रीवः तत ् महद् वनम ् || ४-१३-१६

On hearing that sentence of that great soul Raghava,

then Sugreeva described about the significance of
that forest while proceeding on the way. [4-13-16]

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 39
एतद् राघव विस्तीर्णम ् आश्रमम ् श्रम नाशनम ् |

उद्यान वन संपन्नम ् स्वाद ु मूल फल उदकम ् || ४-१३-१७

"Raghava, this spacious hermitage with abundant

gardens and dainty tubers, fruits and water is a
weary remover." Thus Sugreeva started telling Rama.

अत्र सप्तजना नाम मुनयः संशित व्रताः |

सप्त एव आसन ् अधः शीर्षा नियतम ् जल शायिनः || ४-१३-१८

"There were hermits named sapta jana, Seven

Persons, who were dourly vowed with their heads
pendulous downward and legs up, as in shiirSa
aasana , the upside-down yogic body posture, and
who always reclined in water. [4-13-18]
सप्त रात्रे कृत आहारा वायुना अचल वासिनः |
दिवम ् वर्ष शतैः याताः सप्तभिः सकलेवराः || ४-१३-१९

"They were making diet on air alone that too once

in seven days, and living unwaveringly in that way
they practised their asceticism for seven hundred
years and went to heavens with their bodies. [4-

तेषाम ् एतत ् प्रभावेण द्रुम प्राकार संवत

ृ म् |
आश्रमम ् सुदरु ाधर्षम ् अपि स इन्द्रैः सुर असुरैः || ४-१३-२०
"This hermitage that has encircling trees for its
compound wall has become highly unassailable
even for Indra together with all gods and demons.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 40
7. श्लोकं - आरोग्य मन्त्रम ्
शरीरे जर्जरी भत
ू े व्याधिग्रस्ते कलेबरे ।
औषधं जाह्नवीतोयं वैद्यो नारायणो हरिः ॥
Sharire jarjari bhute vyadhi graste kalevare
oushadham jaanhavi toyam vaidhyo naraayano

For this body afflicted with disease and weakness.

Lord Narayana is the physician and the holywater
og Ganga is the medicine.

8. सर्या
ू ष्टकम ्

आदिदे व नमस्तुभ्यं प्रसीद मम भास्कर ।

दिवाकर नमस्तुभ्यं प्रभाकर नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१॥
My Salutations to You O Adideva (the first God),
Please be gracious to me O Bhaskara (the Shining
My Salutations to You, O Divakara (the maker of the
Day), and again Salutations to You, O Prabhakara
(the maker of Light).
सप्ताश्वरथमारूढं प्रचण्डं कश्यपात्मजम ् ।
श्वेतपद्मधरं दे वं तं सर्यं
ू प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥२॥
You are mounted on a Chariot driven by seven
Horses, You are excessively Energetic and the Son
of sageKashyapa,
You are the Deva Who holds a White Lotus (in
Your Hand); I Salute You, O Suryadeva.
लोहितं रथमारूढं सर्वलोकपितामहम ् ।
महापापहरं दे वं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥३॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 41
You are Reddish in colour, and mounted on a
Chariot; You are the Grandfather of all persons
(being the Adideva, the first God),
You are the Deva Who removes great Sins from
our minds (by Your Illumination); I Salute You, O
त्रैगुण्यं च महाशूरं ब्रह्मविष्णुमहे श्वरम ् ।
महापापहरं दे वं तं सर्यंू प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥४॥
You are the Heroic One having the Three Gunas
of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara (i.e. Qualities of
Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution),
You are the Deva Who removes great Sins from
our minds (by Your Illumination); I salute You, O
http://hindi.webdunia.com/astrology-tantra-mantra-yantra/श्री-सूर्याष्टकम ्-113112000026_1.

9. श्रीयमुनाष्टकम ् श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

मरु ारिकायकालिमाललामवारिधारिणी
ृ ीकृतत्रिविष्टपा त्रिलोकशोकहारिणी ।
ु ा
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा ॥१॥
Your River Water holds the (touch of the) Beautiful
(Bluish) Darkness of the Body of Murari (Sri
Krishna), ...
(and hence) making the Heaven insignificant like a
blade of Grass (due to the touch of Sri Krishna),
proceeds to Remove the Sorrows of the Three

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 42
Your River Banks hold Charming Groves (the breeze
of which is touched by Krishna) which shake and
remove our Arrogance (and makes us devotionally
O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda
Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,
मलापहारिवारिपरू भरू िमण्डितामत
ृ ा
ृ ं प्रपातकप्रवञ्चनातिपण्डितानिशम ् ।
सुनन्दनन्दिनांगसंगरागरञ्जिता हिता
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा ॥२॥
Your River Water, which takes away the Impurities,
is filled with abundant Nectar-like qualities,

Which (i.e. Your river water) is expert in washing

away deep-seated Sins of Sinners, continually,

Which (i.e. Your river water) is extremely Beneficial,

being coloured by the touch of the Body of the son
of virtuous Nanda Gopa,

O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda

Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,

लसत्तरं गसंगधूतभूतजातपातका
तटान्तवासदासहं ससंवत
ृ ाह्निकामदा
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा ॥३॥
The touch of Your Shining and Playful Waves wash
away the Sins rising in the Living Beings,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 43
On Your River Bank resides many Chataka Birds
(symbolic) who carry the Fresh Sweetness born of
Bhakti (Devotion) (and who always look towards
Bhakti like Chataka birds look towards water),

You grant the Wishes of many Hamsas (Swans)

(symbolic) who converge and dwell on the boundary
of Your River Banks,

O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda

Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,
गता गिरामगोचरे यदीयनीरचारुता।
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥४॥

The Breeze on Your Calm River Bank carries the

memories of the Pastimes and Rasa Leela (of Sri
Krishna and the Gopis), and the associated distress
of separation (of the Gopis from Sri Krishna), ...

(And hence also) The Beauty of Your River Water

has gone beyond what the Speech can express,

Due to the association with Your flow of Water,

the Earth and also the other Rivers have become

O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda

Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 44
10. नर्मदाष्टकम ् श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

द्विषत्सु पापजातजातकारिवारिसंयुतम ् ।
ू कालभूतभीतिहारिवर्मदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥१॥
Your River-body illumined with Sacred drops of
Water, flows with mischievous playfulness, bending

Your Sacred Water has the divine power to transform

those who are prone to Hatred, the Hatred born of

You put an end to the fear of the messenger of

Death by giving Your protective Armour (of Refuge),

O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,

Please give me Your Refuge.

कलौ मलौघभारहारि सर्वतीर्थनायकम ् ।
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥२॥
You confer Your Divine touch to the Lowly Fish
merged in Your Holy Waters,
You take away the weight of the Sins in this age
of Kali; and You are the foremost among all Tirthas

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 45
You confer Happiness to the many Fishes, Tortoises,
Crocodiles, Geese and Chakra Birds dwelling in
Your Water,
O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,
Please give me Your Refuge.
महागभीरनीरपरू पापधत
ू भत
ू लं
ध्वनत्समस्तपातकारिदारितापदाचलम ् ।
जगल्लये महाभये मक
ृ ण्डसूनुहर्म्यदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥३॥
Your River-body is Deep and Overflowing, the
Waters of which remove the Sins of the Earth, ...

and it flows with great force making a loud

reverberating Sound, splitting asunder Mountains of
Distresses, the distresses which bring ourdownfall,

In the Heat of this World, You provide the Place

of Rest and assure great Fearlessness; You Who
gave the place of refuge at Your Banks to the son
of Rishi Mrikandu (Rishi Markandeya was the son
of Rishi Mrikandu),

O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,

Please give me Your Refuge.
गतं तदै व मे भवं त्वदम्बुवीक्षितं यदा
ृ ण्डसूनुशौनकासुरारिसेवि सर्वदा ।
ु र्भवाब्धिजन्मजं भवाब्धिदःु खवर्मदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥४॥
O Devi, after I have seen Your Divine Water, my
attachment to the Worldly Life has indeed vanished,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 46
Your Water, which is revered by the son of Rishi
Mrikandu (The son of Rishi Mrikandu was Rishi
Markandeya), Rishi Shaunaka, and theenemies of
the Asuras (i.e. Devas),
Your Water which is a Protective Shield against
the Sorrows of the Ocean of Worldly Existence,
caused by repeated Births in this Ocean ofSamsara
(Worldly Existence),
O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,
Please give me Your Refuge.

11. शान्ति मन्त्रम ् - उपनिषद्

ॐ द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः

Om Dyauh Shaantir-Antarikssam Shaantih
May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well
as in the vast ethereal space everywhere.
ृ शान्तिरापः शान्तिरोषधयः शान्तिः ।
Prthivii Shaantir-Aapah Shaantir-Ossadhayah
Shaantih |
May peace reign all over this earth, in water and
in all herbs, trees and creepers.
वनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वेदे वाः शान्तिर्ब्रह्म शान्तिः
Vanaspatayah Shaantir-Vishve-Devaah Shaantir-
Brahma Shaantih
May peace flow over the whole universe. May
peace be in the Supreme Being Brahman.
सर्वं शान्तिः शान्तिरे व शान्तिः सा मा शान्तिरे धि ॥
Sarvam Shaantih Shaantireva Shaantih Saa Maa
Shaantir-Edhi |

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 47
And may there always exist in all peace and peace
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
Aum peace, peace and peace to us and all beings!

12. श्लोकं – स्नान श्लोकः संस्कार बिन्दु

गङ्गे च यमुने चैव गोदावरि सरस्वति।

नर्मदे सिन्धु कावेरी जलेऽस्मिन ् सन्निधिं कुरु॥

13. नवग्रह - वैदिक मंत्रम ्

सूर्य : ऊँ आकृष्णेन रजसा वर्तमानो निवेशयन्नमत

ृ ं
मर्त्यण्च ।

हिरण्य़येन सविता रथेन दे वो याति भव
ु नानि पश्यन
चंद्र : ऊँ इमं दे वा असपत्नं ग्वं सुवध्यं ।
महते क्षत्राय महते ज्यैश्ठाय महते
जानराज्यायेन्दस्येन्द्रियाय इमममुध्य पुत्रममुध्यै
पुत्रमस्यै विश वोsमी राज: सोमोsस्माकं ब्राह्माणाना
मंगल : “ऊँ अग्निमर ू ्धादिव: ककुत्पति: पथि
ृ व्यअयम।
अपा रे ता सिजिन्नवति ।”

ु : ऊँ उद्बुध्यस्वाग्ने प्रतिजागहि
ृ त्वमिष्टापर्ते
ू स सज
ृ थ
े ामयं
अस्मिन्त्सधस्थे अध्युत्तरस्मिन्विश्वे दे वा
यजमानश्च सीदत ।।
ृ स्पति : ऊँ बहृ स्पते अति यदर्यो अर्हाद द्युमद्विभाति
क्रतुमज्जनेधु ।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 48
यद्दीदयच्छवस ऋतप्रजात तदस्मासु द्रविण दे हि
चित्रम । ।
शुक्र : ऊँ अन्नात्परिस्रुतो रसं ब्रह्मणा व्यपिबत क्षत्रं
पय: सेमं प्रजापति: ।
ऋतेन सत्यमिन्दियं विपान ग्वं, शक्र ु मन्धस
इन्द्रस्येन्द्रियमिदं पयोय्मृतं मधु ।
शनि : ऊँ शं नो दे वीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये ।
शं योरभि स्रवन्तु न: ।
राहू : ऊँ कयानश्चित्र आभुवदतू ीसदा वध
ृ : सखा।
कयाशश्चिष्ठया वत
ृ ा ।
केतु : “ऊँ केतंु कृण्वन्न केतवे पेशो मर्या अपे से

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 49
Class - V

1. ललिता पञ्चकम ् श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

प्रातः स्मरामि ललितावदनारविन्दं

बिम्बाधरं s पथ
ृ ुलमौक्तिकशोभिनासम ् ।
आकर्णदीर्घनयनं मणिकुण्डलाढ्यं
मन्दस्मितं मग
ृ मदोज्ज्वलभालदे शम ् ॥१॥
In the Early Morning, I Remember the Lotus Face
of Devi Lalita Tripurasundari,
(The Lotus Face on which) The Lips are (Red) like
Bimba Fruits, and the Nose is adorned with Large
The large Eyes are stretching upto the Ears, and
the Ears are richly decorated with Gem-studded
The Face is lit with a Gentle Smile and the Forehead
is shining with the Musk of the Deer (Kasturi),
प्रातर्भजामि ललिताभुजकल्पवल्लीं
रक्ताङ्गुलीयलसदङ्गुलिपल्लवाढ्याम ् ।
माणिक्यहे मवलयाङ्गदशोभमानां
पुण्ड्रेक्षुचापकुसुमेषुसणृ िदधानाम ् ॥२॥
In the Early Morning, I Worship the Arms of Devi
Lalita Tripurasundari which are like Wish-Fulfilling
Creepers (Kalpavalli),
(The Arms on which) The Fingers are like shining
Sprouts and are richly decorated with Red Finger-
The Arms are adorned with Golden Bracelets
studded with various Gems,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 50
The Arms are holding a Bow of Sugarcane, Arrows
of Flowers and an Ankusha (Goad).
प्रातर्नमामि ललिताचरणारविन्दं
भक्त्तेष्टदाननिरतं भवसिन्धुपोतम ् ।
पद्माङ्कु शध्वजसदर्श
ु नलाञ्छनाढ्यम ् ॥३॥
In the Early Morning, I Salute the Lotus Feet of Devi
Lalita Tripurasundari, (The Lotus Feet which are)
Engaged in granting the wishes of the Devotees,
and (finally) like a Boat make them cross the Ocean
of Samsara(Worldly Existence),
(The Lotus Feet which are) Worshipped by
Padmasana (Lord Brahma seated on Lotus) and
other leading Suras (demi-gods), ...
and richly endowed with the Auspicious marks of
Padma (Lotus), Ankusha (Hook), Dhwaja (Flag) and
Sudarshana Chakra (Discus),

2. मीनाक्षी पञ्चरत्नम ् श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

उद्यद्भानु सहस्रकोटिसदृशां केयूरहारोज्ज्वलां

बिम्बोष्ठीं स्मितदन्तपङ्क्तिरुचिरां पीताम्बरालङ्कृ ताम ् ।
विष्णुब्रह्मसुरेन्द्रसेवितपदां तत्त्वस्वरूपां शिवां
मीनाक्षीं प्रणतोऽस्मि सन्ततमहं कारुण्यवारांनिधिम ् ॥१॥
I continuously adore Minaksi, Who is the ocean
of mercy and benevolence, Who is resplendent
like a thousand morning-sun, Who is resplendent
with a garland of Keyur, Who has red-lips like the
Bimba flower, Who looks charming due to beautiful
teeth-array and smile, Who is adorned with yellow
apparel, Whose lotus-feet is served by Brahma,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 51
Vishnu and Siva, Who is the ultimate particle, and
Who is auspicion personified.||1||
मुक्ताहारलसत्किरीटरुचिरां पूर्णेन्दुवक्त्र प्रभां
शिञ्जन्नूपुरकिङ्किणिमणिधरां पद्मप्रभाभासुराम ् ।
सर्वाभीष्टफलप्रदां गिरिसुतां वाणीरमासेवितां
मीनाक्षीं प्रणतोऽस्मि सन्ततमहं कारुण्यवारांनिधिम ् ॥ २॥
I continuously adore Minaksi, Who is the ocean of
mercy and benevolence, Who is shining forth due
to a pearl necklace and a beautiful diamond, Whose
face is resplendent like the full-moon, Who has
tinkling anklets and bells studded with jewels, Who
is shiny with a lotus-like light (pink), Who bestows
all the fruits of wishes, Who is the daughter of
Himalaya, and Who is honored by Ramaa (Lakshmi)
and Vani (Sarasvati).||2||
श्रीविद्यां शिववामभागनिलयां ह्रीङ्कारमन्त्रोज्ज्वलां
श्रीचक्राङ्कित बिन्दुमध्यवसतिं श्रीमत्सभानायकीम ् ।
श्रीमत्षण्मुखविघ्नराजजननीं श्रीमज्जगन्मोहिनीं
मीनाक्षीं प्रणतोऽस्मि सन्ततमहं कारुण्यवारांनिधिम ् ॥३॥
I continuously adore Minaksi, Who is the ocean
of mercy and benevolence, Who is Srividya, Who
stays at the left-side of Siva, Who is adorned by the
‘hrii.m’ root-sound, Who resides in the middle of the
dot of Sricakra, Who is the ruler of the assembly
of demi-gods, Who is the mother of Six-headed
Kartikeya and hurdle-destroyer Ganesh, and Who
entices the whole world.||3||
श्रीमत्सुन्दरनायकीं भयहरां ज्ञानप्रदां निर्मलां
श्यामाभां कमलासनार्चितपदां नारायणस्यानुजाम ् ।
ृ ङ्गवाद्यरसिकां नानाविधाडाम्बिकां
मीनाक्षीं प्रणतोऽस्मि सन्ततमहं कारुण्यवारांनिधिम ् ॥४॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 52
I continuously adore Minaksi, Who is the ocean
of mercy and benevolence, Who is beautiful ruler
adorned with wealth, Who absolves fear, Who
bestows knowledge, Who is stainless, Whose Kali
form shines in light, Whose lotus-feet is revered by
Brahma (Kamalasana), Who is the Younger Sister
of Narayana, Who enjoys the sounds of lute, flute
and drums, Who is present in many forms, and
Who is the Mother.||4||
नानायोगिमुनीन्द्रहृन्निवसतीं नानार्थसिद्धिप्रदां
नानापुष्पविराजिताङ्घ्रियुगलां नारायणेनार्चिताम ् ।
नादब्रह्ममयीं परात्परतरां नानार्थतत्त्वात्मिकां
मीनाक्षीं प्रणतोऽस्मि सन्ततमहं कारुण्यवारांनिधिम ् ॥५॥
I continuously adore Minaksi, Who is the ocean of
mercy and benevolence, Who resides in the heart of
many Yogi and sages, Who showers many wealth
and siddhis to us, Who has many flowers present
at Her dual-feet, Who is honored by Narayana,
Who is present as Nadabrahman, Who is beyond
everything, and Who is the fundamental particle of
all the particles.||5||
॥ इति श्रीमच्छं करभगवतः कृतौ मीनाक्षी पञ्चरत्नं संपूर्णम ् ॥
http://www.greenmesg.org/mantras_slokas/devi_meenakshi- meenakshi_pancharatnam.php

3. श्रीसूक्तम ् ऋग्वेदः

ॐ हिरण्यवर्णां हरिणीं सुवर्णरजतस्रजाम ्।

चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो म आवह॥

तां म आवह जातवेदो लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम ्।

यस्यां हिरण्यं विन्देयं गामश्वं पुरुषानहम ्॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 53
अश्वपूर्वां रथमध्यां हस्तिनादप्रबोधिनीम ्।
श्रियं दे वीमुपह्वये श्रीर्मा दे वी जुषताम ्॥

कां सोस्मितां हिरण्यप्राकारामार्द्रां ज्वलन्तीं तपृ ्तां तर्पयन्तीम ् ।

पद्मे स्थितां पद्मवर्णां तामिहोपह्वये श्रियम ्॥

चन्द्रां प्रभासां यशसा ज्वलन्तीं श्रियं लोके दे वजुष्टामुदाराम ्।

तां पद्मिनीमीं शरणमहं प्रपद्ये अलक्ष्मीर्मे नश्यतां त्वां वण
ृ े॥

आदित्यवर्णे तपसोऽधि जातो वनस्पतिस्तव वक्षो

ृ ऽथ बिल्वः।
तस्य फलानि तपसानद
ु न्तु या अन्तरा याश्च बाह्या अलक्ष्मीः

4. नारायणीयं : दशकम ् 78

त्रिदशवर्धकिवर्धितकौशलं त्रिदशदत्तसमस्तविभूतिमत ् ।
जलधिमध्यगतं त्वमभूषयो नवपुरं वपुरञ्चितरोचिषा ॥१॥
Even though Vishwakarmaa, the divine architect had
employed all his excellent skills in building it and the
gods had lavished all their divine embellishments
on the city, which was situated in the middle of the
ocean, it was adorned by the marked resplendence
of Thy form.
ु रे वतभूभतृ ि रे वतीं हलभत
ृ े तनयां विधिशासनात ् ।
महितमुत्सवघोषमपूपुष: समुदितैर्मुदितै: सह यादवै: ॥२॥
At the instructions of Brahmaa, the king of Revata
gave his daughter Revatee in marriage to Balaraam.
On this event with all the Yaadavaas, who had
assembled, Thou happily performed a great festive

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 54
अथ विदर्भसुतां खलु रुक्मिणीं प्रणयिनीं त्वयि दे व सहोदर: ।
स्वयमदित्सत चेदिमहीभुजे स्वतमसा तमसाधुमुपाश्रयन ् ॥३॥
The daughter of the king of Vidarbh (Bheeshmaka),
Rukmini was indeed in love with Thee. O Lord! Her
brother,Rukmi, due to his ignorance caused by his
Tamas guna, of his own will resolved to give her to
the Chedi king Shishupaal. Rukmi had made friends
with Shishupaal who was totally non virtuous.
ृ प्रणया त्वयि बालिका सपदि काङ्क्षितभङ्गसमाकुला ।
तव निवेदयितंु द्विजमादिशत ् स्वकदनं कदनङ्गविनिर्मितं ॥४॥
For a long time holding love for Thee, which was
braught about by the cruel Cupid, the girl at once
instructed a Brahmin to acquaint Thee of her
distress by the immenent threat to the fulfillment of
her desire,
द्विजसुतोऽपि च तूर्णमुपाययौ तव पुरं हि दरु ाशदरु ासदम ् ।
मुदमवाप च सादरपूजित: स भवता भवतापहृता स्वयम ् ॥५॥
The Brahmin boy soon reached Thy city which
is inaccessible to wicked minded people. He was
highly delighted and attained great joy on being
received with honour by Thyself the remover of the
worldly travails and afflictions of men.

5. महालक्ष्मि अष्टकम ् पद्म पुराना : स्तोत्र माला

नमस्तेऽस्तु महामाये श्रीपीठे सुरपूजिते ।

शङ्खचक्रगदाहस्ते महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥१॥
Salutations to the Mahamaya (the Great Enchantress),
Who is Worshipped by the Devas in Sri Pitha (Her

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 55
Who has the Conch, Disc and Mace in Her Hands;
Salutations to that Mahalakshmi.
नमस्ते गरुडारूढे कोलासुरभयंकरि ।
सर्वपापहरे दे वि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥२॥
Salutations to the One Who Rides the Garuda,
Who is the Terror to Kolasura,
The Devi who Removes All Sins; Salutations to that
सर्वज्ञे सर्ववरदे सर्वदषु ्टभयंकरि ।
सर्वदःु खहरे दे वि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥३॥
Who is All-Knowing, Who is the Giver of All Boons,
Who is the Terror to All the Wicked,
The Devi who Removes All Sorrows; Salutations to
that Mahalakshmi.
सिद्धिबुद्धिप्रदे दे वि भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायिनि ।
ू सदा दे वि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥४॥
The Devi who Gives Success and Intelligence and
Gives Wordly Enjoyment and Liberation,
The Devi who Always abides as the Embodiment of
Mantra; Salutations to that Mahalakshmi.
आद्यन्तरहिते दे वि आद्यशक्तिमहे श्वरि ।
योग�ेे योगसम्भूते महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥५॥
The Devi who is Without Beginning and End, Who
is the Primal Energy, and the Great Goddess,
Who is Born of Yoga, Who is United with Yoga;
Salutations to that Mahalakshmi.
ू महारौद्रे महाशक्तिमहोदरे ।
महापापहरे दे वि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥६॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 56
Who is both Gross and Subtle and Most Terrible,
Who is With Great Power and Prosperity,
The Devi who Removes All Sins; Salutations to that

पद्मासनस्थिते दे वि परब्रह्मस्वरूपिणि ।
परमेशि जगन्मातर्महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥७॥
The Devi Who is Seated on a Lotus, Who is of the
Nature of Supreme Brahman,
Who is the Supreme Lord and the Mother of the
Universe; Salutations to that Mahalakshmi.
श्वेताम्बरधरे दे वि नानालङ्कारभूषिते ।
जगत्स्थिते जगन्मातर्महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥८॥
The Devi who is Dressed in White Garments, Who
is Adorned with Various Ornaments,
Who Abides in this Universe and is the Mother of
the Universe; Salutations to that Mahalakshmi.
महालक्ष्म्यष्टकं स्तोत्रं यः पठे द्भक्तिमान्नरः ।
सर्वसिद्धिमवाप्नोति राज्यं प्राप्नोति सर्वदा ॥९॥
Whoever recites this Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
Stotram with Devotion, ...
Will attain all Success and Prosperity, always.
एककाले पठे न्नित्यं महापापविनाशनम ् ।
द्विकालं यः पठे न्नित्यं धनधान्यसमन्वितः ॥१०॥
Reciting this Once Every Day will Destroy Great
Reciting this Twice Every Day will bestow one with
Wealth and Foodgrains.
त्रिकालं यः पठे न्नित्यं महाशत्रुविनाशनम ् ।
महालक्ष्मिर्भवेन्नित्यं प्रसन्ना वरदा शभ
ु ा ॥११॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 57
Reciting this Thrice Everyday will Destroy Great
Enemies, ...
And Devi Mahalakshmi will be Pleased with him
and extend Her Boon-Giving Grace and Auspicious

6. श्रीदर्गा
ु सप्तश्लोकी दे वी महात्म्यम ्

ॐ अस्य श्रीदर्गा
ु सप्तश्लोकीस्तोत्रमहामन्त्रस्य
नारायण ऋषिः । अनुष्टु पादीनि छन्दांसि ।
श्रीमहाकालीमहालक्ष्मीमहासरस्वत्यो दे वताः ।
श्री जगदम्बाप्रीत्यर्थ पाठे विनियोगः ॥
ज्ञानिनामपि चेतांसि दे वि भगवती हि सा ।
बलादाकृष्य मोहाय महामाया प्रयच्छति ॥१॥
ु स्मृता हरसि भीतिमशेषजन्तोः
स्वस्थैः स्मृता मतिमतीव शुभां ददासि ।
दारिद्रयदःु खभयहारिणि का त्वदन्या
सर्वोपकारकरणाय सदार्द चित्ता ॥२॥
सर्वमंगलमांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥३॥
शरणागतदीनार्तपरित्राणपरायणे ।
सर्वस्यार्तिहरे दे वि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥४॥
सर्वस्वरूपे सर्वेशे सर्वशक्तिसमन्विते ।
भयेभ्यस्त्राहि नो दे वि दर्गे
ु दे वी नमोऽस्तु ते ॥५॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 58
रोगानशेषानपहं सि तुष्टा रुष्टा तु कामान ् सकलानभीष्टान ् ।
त्वामाश्रितानां न विपन्नराणां त्वामाश्रिता ह्याश्रयतां प्रयान्ति
सर्वाबाधाप्रशमनं त्रैलोक्यस्याखिलेश्वरि ।
एवमेव त्वया कार्यमस्मद्वैरि विनाशनम ् ॥७॥

7. अन्नपर्णा
ू स्तोत्रम ् श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

नित्यानन्दकरी वराभयकरी सौन्दर्यरत्नाकरी

्धू ाखिलघोरपावनकरी प्रत्यक्षमाहे श्वरी ।
प्रालेयाचलवंशपावनकरी काशीपरु ाधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥१॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! renderer of the support of
compassion, the bestower of eternal happiness, the
donor of gifts and protection, the ocean of beauty,
the destroyer of all sins and purifier, the great
goddess, the purifier of the family of Himavan, and
the great deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.
नानारत्नविचित्रभूषणकरी हे माम्बराडम्बरी
मुक्ताहारविलम्बमानविलसद्वक्षोजकुम्भान्तरी ।
काश्मीरागरुवासिताङ्गरुचिरे काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥२॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! renderer of the support of
compassion, one who is adorned with ornaments
made up of different kinds of gems, wearer of
golden-laced dress, the space, in between whose
breasts shines with the pendant garland of pearls,
the beautiful – bodied, rendered and the presiding
deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 59
योगानन्दकरी रिपुक्षयकरी धर्मार्थनिष्ठाकरी
चन्द्रार्कानलभासमानलहरी त्रैलोक्यरक्षाकरी ।
सर्वैश्वर्यसमस्तवाञ्छितकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपर्णे
ू श्वरी ॥३॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support
of compassion, the giver of happiness obtainable
through yoga, the destroyer of the enemies, the
cause of (men) getting deep-rooted in righteousness,
the possessor of the waves of splendour of the
three worlds, the donors of all riches, the bestower
of the fruits of penance, and the presiding deity of
Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.
कैलासाचलकन्दरालयकरी गौरी उमा शङ्करी
कौमारी निगमार्थगोचरकरी ओङ्कारबीजाक्षरी ।
मोक्षद्वारकपाटपाटनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥४॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support
of compassion, the resident of the caves of the
Kailasa mountains, golden-complexioned, Oh! Uma!
the consort of Sankara, endowed always with
maidenhood, the cause of our comprehension of
the purport of the Vedas, whose basic syllable
is the syllable `Om’, the opener of the doors of
emancipation and the presiding deity of Kasi, (thou)
grant us alms.

8. श्रीभगवतीस्तोत्रम ् वेद व्यास

जय भगवति दे वि नमो वरदे जय पापविनाशिनि बहुफलदे।

जय शुम्भनिशुम्भकपालधरे प्रणमामि तु दे वि नरार्तिहरे ॥1॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 60
भावार्थ: हे वरदायिनी दे वि! हे भगवति! तुम्हारी जय हो। हे पापों
को नष्ट करने वाली और अनन्त फल दे ने वाली दे वि। तुम्हारी
जय हो! हे शम्भनि
ु शम्भ
ु के मणु ्डों को धारण करने वाली दे वि!
तुम्हारी जय हो। हे मुष्यों की पीडा हरने वाली दे वि! मैं तुम्हें
प्रणाम करता हूँ॥1॥
जय चन्द्रदिवाकरनेत्रधरे जय पावकभूषितवक्त्रवरे ।
जय भैरवदे हनिलीनपरे जय अन्धकदै त्यविशोषकरे ॥2॥
भावार्थ: हे सर्य
ू -चन्द्रमारूपी नेत्रों को धारण करने वाली! तम्हा
ु री
जय हो। हे अग्नि के समान दे दीप्यामान मुख से शोभित होने
वाली! तुम्हारी जय हो। हे भैरव-शरीर में लीन रहने वाली और
अन्धकासुरका शोषण करने वाली दे वि! तुम्हारी जय हो, जय
जय महिषविमर्दिनि शूलकरे जय लोकसमस्तकपापहरे ।
जय दे वि पितामहविष्णुनते जय भास्करशक्रशिरोऽवनते॥3॥
भावार्थ: : हे महिषसुर का मर्दन करने वाली, शूलधारिणी और
लोक के समस्त पापों को दरू करने वाली भगवति! तुम्हारी जय
हो। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, सर्य
ू और इन्द्र से नमस्कृ त होने वाली हे
दे वि! तुम्हारी जय हो, जय हो॥3॥
https://hi.wikipedia.org/wiki/ श्रीभगवतीस्तोत्रम ्

9. दे वी स्तुति : दे वी महात्म्यम ्

या दे वी सर्वभुतष
े ू विष्णु मायेती शब्दिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु चेतनेत्यभिधियते
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 61
या दे वी सर्वभत
ू ष
े ु बद्धिरू
ु पेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

या दे वी सर्वभुतष
े ु निद्रारूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु क्षुधारूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

10. गायत्री मन्त्राः प्रज्ञापुराण भाग -१.२४

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्वरे ण्यं I

भर्गो दे वस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात ll
भावार्थ: : उस प्राण स्वरूप, दःु खनाशक, सुखस्वरूप, श्रेष्ठ,
तेजस्वी, पापनाशक, दे वस्वरूप परमात्मा को हम अंतःकरण
में धारण करें । वह परमात्मा हमारी बुद्धि को सन्मार्ग में
प्रेरित करे । अर्थात ् 'सषृ ्टिकर्ता प्रकाशमान परमात्मा के प्रसिद्ध
पवणीय तेज का (हम) ध्यान करते हैं, वे परमात्मा हमारी
बुद्धि को (सत ् की ओर) प्रेरित करें ।
11. वैष्णो दे वी के मंत्र
ॐ सर्वतीर्थ समूदभूतं पाद्यं गन्धादि-भिर्युतम ् |
अनिष्ट-हर्ता गहृ ाणेदं भगवती भक्त-वत्सला ||
ॐ श्री वैष्णवी नमः | पाद्योः पाद्यं समर्पयामि ||
हिरण्यगर्भ-गर्भस्थं हे म बीजं विभावसोः |
अनन्तं पणु ्यफ़ल दमतः शान्ति प्रयच्छ मे ||
ॐ श्रीखण्ड-चन्दनं दिव्यं गन्धाढ्यं समु नोहरम ् |
विलेपन मातेश्वरी चन्दनं प्रति-गह ृ यन्ताम ् ||

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 62
पयस्तु वैष्णो समद ु -भत
ू ं मधरु ाम्लं शशि-प्रभम ् |
दध्या-नीतं मया स्नानार्थ प्रति-गह ृ यन्ताम ् ||
शीत-शीतोष्ण-संत्राणं लज्जाया रक्षणं परम ् |
दे हा-लंकारण वस्त्रमतः शान्ति प्रयच्छ मे ||
माल्या दीनि सुगन्धीनि माल्यादीनि वै दे वी|
मया-हृताणि-पुष्पाणि गह ृ ायन्ता पूजनाय भो ||
बन्दारूज-नाम्बदार मन्दार प्रिये धीमहि|
मन्दार जानि पुष्पाणि रक्त-पुष्पाणि-पेहि भो ||
ॐ वैष्णो दे वी नमस्ते-स्तु गह ृ ाण करूणाकरी|
अर्घ्य च फ़लं संयुक्तं गंधमाल्या-क्षतैयुतम ् ||
ॐ सहस्त्र शीर्षाः पुरूषः सहस्त्राक्षः सहस्त्र-पातस-भूमिग्वं
सव्वेत-स्तपुत्वा यतिष्ठ दर्शागुलाम ् |
आगच्छ वैष्णो दे वी स्थाने-चात्र स्थिरो भव ||

12. श्री सरस्वती प्रार्थना ऋषि अगस्त्य

या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावत
ृ ा
वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना।
या ब्रह्माच्युत शंकरप्रभतृ िभि र्देवैः सदा वन्दिता
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा ॥1॥
भावार्थ: जो विद्या की दे वी भगवती सरस्वती कुन्द के फूल,
चंद्रमा, हिमराशि और मोती के हार की तरह धवल वर्ण की हैं
और जो श्वेत वस्त्र धारण करती हैं, जिनके हाथ में वीणादण्ड
शोभायमान है , जिन्होंने श्वेत कमलों पर आसन ग्रहण किया
है तथा ब्रह्मा, विष्णु एवं शंकर आदि दे वताओं द्वारा जो सदा
पूजित हैं, वही संपूरण जड़ता और अज्ञान को दरू कर दे ने वाली
माँ सरस्वती हमारी रक्षा करें ॥1॥
शुक्लां ब्रह्मविचार सार परमामाद्यां

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 63
जाड्यान्धकारापहाम्हस्ते स्फटिकमालिकां विदधतीं
पद्मासने संस्थिताम्वन्दे तां परमेश्वरीं
भगवतीं बुद्धिप्रदां शारदाम ्॥2॥
भावार्थ: शुक्लवर्ण वाली, संपूर्ण चराचर जगत्में व्याप्त,
आदिशक्ति, परब्रह्म के विषय में किए गए विचार एवं चिंतन
के सार रूप परम उत्कर्ष को धारण करने वाली, सभी भयों से
भयदान दे ने वाली, अज्ञान के अँधेरे को मिटाने वाली, हाथों में
वीणा, पुस्तक और स्फटिक की माला धारण करने वाली और
पद्मासन पर विराजमान ् बुद्धि प्रदान करने वाली, सर्वोच्च
ऐश्वर्य से अलंकृत, भगवती शारदा (सरस्वती दे वी) की मैं वंदना
करता हूँ॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 64
Class - VI

1. वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् अयोध्या काण्डम ् - Ch: 100 (15 – 24)

कच्चिद् आत्म समाः शरू ाः श्त

रु वन्तो जित इन्द्रियाः |
कुलीनाः च इन्गितज्नाः च कृताः ते तात मन्त्रिणः || २-१००-१५
"I hope that ministers who are valiant like you,
learned, masters of their senses of noble birth and
skilled interpreting internal sentiments by external
gesture, are assigned to you." [2-100-15]
मन्त्रो विजय मूलम ् हि राज्नाम ् भवति राघव |
सुसम्वृतो मन्त्र धरै र ् अमात्यैः शास्त्र कोविदै ः || २-१००-१६
"The source of victory for kings indeed comes from
a concealed counsel by ministers, who are well-
versed in political sciences and who can hide their
thoughts within themselves." [2-100-16]
कच्चिन ् निद्रा वशम ् न एषि कच्चित ् काले विबुध्यसे |
कच्चिन ् च अपर रात्रिषु चिन्तयस्य् अर्थ नैपुणम ् || २-१००-१७
"I hope you do not fall a prey to excess of sleep
and do wake up at appropriate time. I hope you
contemplate during the later half of the night, about
the adroitness of an action." [2-100-17]
कच्चिन ् मन्त्रयसे न एकः कच्चिन ् न बहुभिः सह |
कच्चित ् ते मन्त्रितो मन्त्रो राष्ट्रम ् न परिधावति || २-१००-१८
"I hope that you do not deliberate alone nor indeed
with numerous men. I hope your decision arrived at
by you through such deliberation does not flow to
the public (even before it is carried out)". [2-100-18]

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 65
कच्चिद् अर्थम ् विनिश्चित्य लघु मूलम ् महा उदयम ् |
क्षिप्रम ् आरभसे कर्तुम ् न दीर्घयसि राघव || २-१००-१९
"O, Bharata! I hope considering your interest fully,
you lanuch an undertaking, which has maximum
benefit with minimum coast and indeed do not
delay it further." [2-100-19]
कच्चित ् तु सुकृतान्य् एव कृत रूपाणि वा पुनः |
विदःु ते सर्व कार्याणि न कर्तव्यानि पार्थिवाः || २-१००-२०
"I hope the other kings know your entire undertakings
only after they have been successfully completed
as well as those which have taken a shape, but not
your proposed undertakings." [2-100-20]
कच्चिन ् न तर्कै र् युक्त्वा वा ये च अप्य् अपरिकीर्तिताः |
त्वया वा तव वा अमात्यैर् बध
ु ्यते तात मन्त्रितम ् || २-१००-२१
"My darling! I hope that others are not knowing,
by their enquiries or strategies or by any other
approaches not mentioned, the details of discussions
you make with your ministers." [2-100-21]
कच्चित ् सहस्रान ् मूर्खाणाम ् एकम ् इग्च्छसि पण्डितम ् |
पण्डितो ह्य् अर्थ कृग्च्छ्रे षु कुर्यान ् निह्श्रेयसम ् महत ् || २-१००-
"I hope you solicit for one wise man rather than
for a thousand stupids for, a wise man can be of
a great help to you in difficult matters." [2-100-22]
सहस्राण्य् अपि मूर्खाणाम ् यद्य् उपास्ते मही पतिः |
अथ वा अप्य् अयत
ु ान्य् एव न अस्ति तेषु सहायता || २-१००-
"Even if a king employs thousands or tens of
thousands of fools, they will not be helpful to him."

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 66
एको अप्य् अमात्यो मेधावी शूरो दक्षो विचक्षणः |
राजानम ् राज मात्रम ् वा प्राप्येन ् महतीम ् श्रियम ् || २-१००-२४
"Even one wise, valiant sagacious and efficient
minister alone can cause to secure a great prosperity
to the king or to one who enjoys royal authority."

2. श्लोकं -दे वी दे हिनो

दे वि दे हिनो बलं धैर्य वीर्य संबलं

राष्ट्र मान वर्धनाय पुण्य कर्म कौशलं ।।
चण्ड मुण्ड नाशिनि ब्रह्म शांति वर्षिणि
तेजोसाते जातं नाशं आसु दःु ख यामिनिं
भातु धर्म भास्करं सत्य सौर्य भास्वरं
आर्य शक्ति पुष्टमस्तु भारतम ् निर्गलम ।।
साधु वनृ ्द पालिके विश्व धात्रि कालिके
दै त्य दर्प ताप ताप कालिके करालिके
रक्ष आर्य संस्कृ तिं वर्धयार्य संहतिं
वेदमंत्रपुष्टमस्तु भारतम ् समुल्तुलम ् ।।

3. रत्नाकराध्वैतपदां संस्कार बिन्दु

रत्नाकराधौतपदां हिमालयकिरीटिनीम ् ।
ब्रह्मराजर्षिरत्नाढ्यां वन्दे भारतमातरम ् ।।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 67
Class - VII

1. गणेशपञ्चरत्नम ् श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

ु ाकरात्तमोदकं सदा विमक्त्
ु तिसाधकं
कलाधरावतंसकं विलासिलोकरक्षकम ् ।
अनायकैकनायकं विनाशितेभदै त्यकं
नताशुभाशुनाशकं नमामि तं विनायकम ् ॥१॥
नतेतरातिभीकरं नवोदितार्क भास्वरं
नमत्सुरारिनिर्जरं नताधिकापदद्ध
ु रम ् ।
सुरेश्वरं निधीश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं
महे श्वरं तमाश्रये परात्परं निरन्तरम ् ॥२॥
समस्तलोकशंकरं निरस्तदै त्यकुञ्जरं
दरे तरोदरं वरं वरे भवक्त्रमक्षरम ् ।
कृपाकरं क्षमाकरं मुदाकरं यशस्करं
मनस्करं नमस्कृ तां नमस्करोमि भास्वरम ् ॥३॥
अकिंचनार्तिमार्जनं चिरन्तनोक्तिभाजनं
पुरारिपूर्वनन्दनं सुरारिगर्वचर्वणम ् ।
प्रपञ्चनाशभीषणं धनंजयादिभूषणम ्
कपोलदानवारणं भजे परु ाणवारणम ् ॥४॥
अचिन्त्यरूपमन्तहीनमन्तरायकृन्तनम ् ।
हृदन्तरे निरन्तरं वसन्तमेव योगिनां
तमेकदन्तमेव तं विचिन्तयामि सन्ततम ् ॥५॥
महागणेशपञ्चरत्नमादरे ण योऽन्वहं

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 68
प्रजल्पति प्रभातके हृदि स्मरन ् गणेश्वरम ् ।
अरोगतामदोषतां सुसाहितीं सुपुत्रतां
समाहितायरु ष्टभतू िमभ्युपैति सोऽचिरात ् ॥६॥
Reference :

2. ऐकमत्य सूक्तम ्

ऊँ संसमिद्दुवसे वष
ृ न्नग्ने विश्वान्नर्य आ
इळस्पदे समिद्ध्यसे स नो वसून्न्या भर ।।
संगच्छध्वं संवदध्वं संवो मनांसि जानतां
दे वा भागं यथापूर्वे संजानाना उपासते ।।
समानो मन्त्रस्समितिस्समानी
समानं मनः सहचित्तमेषां ।।
समानं मन्त्रमभिमन्त्रये वः
समानेन वो हविषा जुहोमि ।।
समानी व आकूतिस्समानो हृदयानि वः
समानमस्तु वो मनो यथा वस्सुसहासति ।।
YOU, mighty Agni, gather up all that is precious for
your friend.
Bring us all treasures as you art enkindled in
libation's place
Assemble, speak together: let your minds be all of
one accord,
As ancient Gods, unanimous sit down to their
appointed share.
The place is common, common the assembly,
common the mind, so be their thought united.
A common purpose do I lay before you,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 69
and worship with your general oblation.
One and the same be your resolve,
and be your minds of one accord.
United be the thoughts of all that all may happily

3. श्लोकं - मातृ वन्दनं नीतिशतकम ्

नास्ति भमू िसमम ् दानम ् नास्ति मातस

ृ मो गरुः
ु ।
नास्ति सत्यसमो धर्मः नास्ति दानसमो निधिः ।।

4. श्लोकं - मातृ-पितृ वन्दनं तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद्

'मात ृ दे वो भव I पित ृ दे वो भव।

आचार्य दे वो भव I अतिथि दे वो भव।।
भावार्थः माता को, पिता को, आचार्य को और अतिथि को दे वता
के समान मानकर उनके साथ व्यवहार करो ।।
Respects to Mother, Father, Guru and Guest. They
are all forms of God.

5. श्लोकं - 'मातृ दे वो भव I

’’पितुरप्यधिका माता गर्भधारणपोषणातं ।

अतो हि त्रिषु लोकेषु नास्ति मत
ृ समोगुरूः।।’’
भावार्थः : पुत्र के लिए माता का स्थान पिता से भी बढ़कर है
क्योंकि वह उसे गर्भ में धारण कर उसका पालन पोषण करती
है । अतः तीनों लोकों में माता के समान दस ू रा गुरू नहीं है ।
व्यास मुनि स्पष्ट कहते हे । कि धर्मज्ञ पुत्र माता पिता को एक
साथ दें खे, तो पहले माता को प्रणाम करें फिर पिता रूपी गुरू
को प्रणाम करें ।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 70
मातरं पितरं चोभौ दृष्ट्वा पुत्रस्तु धर्मवित ्।
प्रणम्य मातरं पश्चात प्रणमेत ् पितरं गुरूम ्।।
भावार्थः : मॉ ं के 21 नाम शास्त्रों में बतलाये गये हैं जिसकी
पुष्टि करता हुआ यह स्त्रोत माता, दया, शान्ती, क्षमा, धतृ ि,
स्वाहा, स्वधा, गौरी, पदमा, विजया, जया तथा दःु खहन्त्री नाम
से माता की स्तुति करता है । व्यास जी कहते है । कि जिस
प्रकार मॉ ं भगवती के दर्शन से उत्पन्न आनन्द को वाणी
द्वारा व्यक्त नहीं किया जा सकता उसी प्रकार माता पिता का
दर्शनमात्र बालक की पीड़ा का शमन कर दे ता है । ब्रहमावैवत ृ
पुराण में सोलह स्त्रियों को माता की संज्ञा दी गयी है -
स्तनदात्री, गर्भधात्री भक्ष्यदात्री गुरूप्रिया।
अभीष्ठदे वपत्नी च पत
ू ःपत्नी च कन्यका।।
सगर्भजा या भगिनी पत्र
ु पत्नी प्रियापसःू ।
मातुर्माता पितुमार्ता सोदरस्य प्रिया तथा।।
मातुः पितुश्च भगिनी मातुलानी तथैव च।
जनानां दे वविहिता मातरः षोडश स्मृताः ।।
भावार्थः : गर्भधारण करने वाली स्तनपान कराने वाली भोजन
कराने वाली, गरू ु पत्नि, विमाता, ईष्टदे वता की पत्नी, सौतेली
बहन, सहोदर बहन, पुत्रबधु, सास, दादी, परनारी, भाई की
स्त्री, मौसी, बुआ और नानी। माता के ये सभी रूप पूज्यनीय
हैं। माता पिता को सर्वेश्रेष्ठ गुरू मानकर सच्चे हृदय से उनकी
सेवा करने वाला ही संतान कहलाने योग्य है ।

6. श्लोकं - श्री गरु

ु गीता वेद व्यास

अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानांजनशलाकया |
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगरु वे नमः ||
यस्य न ज्ञायते नाम न च गोत्रं न च स्थितिः ।
अकस्माद् गह
ृ मायातः सोऽतिथिः प्रोच्यते वुधैः ॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 71
7. श्री सद्-गुरु-स्तोत्रम ् विश्वसारा तन्त्रम ्

गुरुर्ब्रम्हा गुरुर्विष्णु गुरुर्देवो महे श्वर:I

गुरुरे व परं ब्रम्ह, तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नम: ||१||
अखण्ड मंण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरं |
तत्पदं दर्शितं येन, तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नम: ||२||
अज्ञान तिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाज्जनशालाकया
चक्षुरून्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगरु वे नम: ||३||
स्थावरं जङ्गमं व्याप्तं येन कृत्स्नं चराचरम ् ।
तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥४॥
चिद्रूपेण परिव्याप्तं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम ् ।
तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥५|
सर्वश्रुतिशिरोरत्नसमुद्भासितमूर्तये ।
वेदान्ताम्बूजसूर्याय तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥६॥
चैतन्यः शाश्वतः शान्तो व्योमातीतोनिरञ्जनः ।
बिन्दूनादकलातीतस्तस्मै श्रीगरु वे नमः ॥७॥
ज्ञानशक्तिसमारूढस्तत्त्वमालाविभूषितः ।
भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदाता च तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥८॥
अनेकजन्मसम्प्राप्तकर्मेन्धनविदाहिने ।
आत्मञ्जानाग्निदानेन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥९॥
शोषणं भवसिन्धोश्च प्रापणं सारसम्पदः ।
यस्य पादोदकं सम्यक् तस्मै श्रीगरु वे नमः ॥१०॥
न गरु ोरधिकं तत्त्वं न गरु ोरधिकं तपः।
तत्त्वज्ञानात ् परं नास्ति तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥११॥
मन्नाथः श्रीजगन्नाथो मद्गुरुः श्रीजगद्गुरुः ।
मदात्मा सर्वभूतात्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥१२॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 72
गुरुरादिरनादिश्च गुरुः परमदै वतम ् ।
गरु ोः परतरं नास्ति तस्मै श्रीगरु वे नमः ॥१३॥
ब्रह्मानन्दं परमसख
ु दं केवलं ज्ञानमर्ति
ू म्
द्वन्द्वातीतं गगनसदृशं तत्त्वमस्यादिलक्ष्यम ्
एकं नित्यं विमलमचलं सर्वधीसाक्षीभूतम ्
भावातीतं त्रिगुणरहितं सद्गुरुं तं नमामि ॥१४॥

8. श्लोकं - श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता - द्वितीयोऽध्याय :

साङ्ख्ययोगः (21-24,58, 67)

वेदाविनाशिनं नित्यं य एनमजमव्ययम ् ।

कथं स पुरुषः पार्थ कं घातयति हन्ति कम ् ॥२- २१॥
भावार्थ : हे पथ
ृ ापुत्र अर्जुन! जो पुरुष इस आत्मा को नाशरहित,
नित्य, अजन्मा और अव्यय जानता है , वह परु ु ष कैसे किसको
मरवाता है और कैसे किसको मारता है ?॥21॥
Arjuna, the man who knows this soul to be imperishable,
eternal and free from birth and decay, - how and whom
will he cause to be killed, how and whom will he kill
? (21)
वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय नवानि गह
ृ ्णाति नरोऽपराणि ।
तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णान्यन्यानि संयाति नवानि दे ही ॥२-
भावार्थ : जैसे मनुष्य पुराने वस्त्रोंको त्यागकर दस ू रे नये
वस्त्रोंको ग्रहण करता है , वैसे ही जीवात्मा पुराने शरीरोंको
त्यागकर दस ू रे नये शरीरोंको प्राप्त होता है । २२
As a man shedding worn- out garments, takes other
new ones, likewise the embodied soul, casting off
worn-out bodies, enters into others which are new.(22)

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 73
नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः ।
न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः ॥२- २३॥
भावार्थ : इस आत्मा को शस्त्रादि नहीं काट सकते, इसको आग
नहीं जला सकती, इसको जल नहीं गला सकता और वायु नहीं
सुखा सकता ।।23।।
Weapons cannot cut it, nor can fire burn it; water
cannot wet it nor can wind dry it.(23)
अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य एव च ।
नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः ॥२- २४॥
भावार्थ : क्योंकि यह आत्मा अच्छेद्य है , यह आत्मा अदाह्रा,
अक्लेद्य और नि:सन्देह अशोष्य है तथा यह आत्मा नित्य,
सर्वव्यापी, अचल, स्थिर रहने वाला और सनातन है ।।24।।
For this soul is incapable of being cut; it is proof
against fire, impervious to water and undriable as
well. This soul is eternal, omnipresent, immovable,
constant and everlasting.(24)
यदा संहरते चायं कूर्मोऽङ्गानीव सर्वशः ।
इन्द्रियाणीन्द्रियार्थेभ्यस्तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता ॥२- ५८॥
भावार्थ : जैसे कछुवा अपने सब अंगों को समेट लेता है , वैसे
ही जिसने अपनी सब इन्द्रियों को हटा लिया है , उसकी बुद्धि
स्थिर हो जाती है ।।58।।
When like a tortoise, which draws in its limbs from
all directions, he withdraws his senses from the sense-
objects, his mind is ( should be considered as) stable.
इन्द्रियाणां हि चरतां यन्मनोऽनु विधीयते ।
तदस्य हरति प्रज्ञां वायुर्नावमिवाम्भसि ॥२- ६७॥
भावार्थ : क्योंकि जैसे जल में चलने वाली नाव को वायु हर
लेती है , वैसे ही विषयों में विचरती हुई इन्द्रियों में से मन जिस
इन्द्रिय के साथ रहता है वह एक ही इन्द्रिय इस अयुक्त पुरुष
की बुद्धि को हर लेती है ।।67।।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 74
As the wind carries away a boat upon the waters,
even so of the senses moving among sense-objects,
the one to which the mind is joined takes away his
discrimination. (67)

9. नारायणीयम ् : दशकम ् 17

ृ तेर्मनुनन्दनस्य
जाया बभूव सुरुचिर्नितरामभीष्टा ।
अन्या सुनीतिरिति भर्तुरनादृता सा
त्वामेव नित्यमगतिः शरणं गताभत
ू ्॥
To the king Uttaanpaada, the son of Manu, his wife
Suruchi was extremely dear. The other wife Suneeti
being ignored by her husband, was helpless and
took shelter in Thee alone who are eternal refuge
of the helpless.
अङ्के पितुः सुरुचिपुत्रकमुत्तमं तं
दृष्ट्वा ध्रुवः किल सुनीतिसुतोऽधिरोक्ष्यन ् ।
आचिक्षिपे किल शिशुः सुतरां सुरुच्या
ु ्सन्त्यजा खलु भवद्विमुखरै सूया ॥
Seeing Uttama, Suruchi's son, seated on his father's
lap, Suneeti's son Dhruva also tried to get up.
But as a result, the child was severly scolded by
Suruchi. Indeed, jealousy cannot be given up, by
those who are not devoted to Thee.
त्वन्मोहिते पितरि पश्यति दारवश्ये
दरू ं दरु
ु क्तिनिहतः स गतो निजाम्बाम ् ।
साऽपि स्वकर्मगतिसन्तरणाय पुंसां
त्वत्पादमेव शरणं शिशवे शशंस ॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 75
The hen-pecked king who was under the influence
of Thy Maayaa, silently looked on as Dhruva was
scolded by Suruchi. Hurt for being scolded, Dhruva
then went to his own mother Suneeti who advised
him that the only way to overcome the evils of ones
own past actions is to seek shelter at Thy feet.
आकर्ण्य सोऽपि भवदर्चनिश्चितात्मा
मानी निरे त्य नगरात्किल पञ्चवर्षः ।
सन्दृष्टनारदनिवेदितमन्त्रमार्गस ्
त्वामारराध तपसा मधुकाननान्ते ॥
The self respecting Dhruva, who was only five
years of age, hearing his mother's words, became
determined to worship Thee, and so left the town.
In the forest of Madhuvana, he propitiated Thee by
penance, following the method of Mantra japa and
the Mantra given to him by Naarada, whom he had
met on the way.
ताते विषण्णहृदये नगरीं गतेन
श्रीनारदे न परिसान्त्वितचित्तवत्तौ
ृ ।
बालस्त्वदर्पितमनाः क्रमवर्धितेन
निन्ये कठोरतपसा किल पञ्च मासान ् ॥
The king who was full of remorse, was pacified and
consoled by Naarada who had gone to the town.
Dhruva, the boy with his mind fixed on Thee, spent
five months in severe penance, with increasing
तावत्तपोबलनिरुच्छ्वसिते दिगन्ते
दे वार्थितस्त्वमुदयत्करुणार्द्रचेताः ।
त्वद्रूपचिद्रसनिलीनमतेः पुरस्ता-
दाविर्बभवू िथ विभो! गरुडाधिरूढः ॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 76
Then, when all around in all the directions there
was suffocation by the power of Dhruva's penance,
the devas were seeking relief. Then, Thou surging
with compassion, appeared seated on Garuda,
in front of Dhruva, whose mind was absorbed in
contemplation of the Supreme Consciousness Bliss
which had assumed Thy form.
त्वद्दर्शनप्रमदभारतरङ्गितं तं
दृग्भ्यां निमग्नमिव रूपरसायने ते ।
तुष्टू षमाणमवगम्य कपोलदे शे
संस्पृष्टवानसि दरे ण तथाऽऽदरे ण ॥
At Thy divine sight, Dhruva was completely
overwhelmed and was full of the the waves of
Bliss and ecstasy. As his eyes were submerged in
the nectar of Thy entrancing form he was desirous
of singing Thy praise. Realising his incapability of
finding words, Thou with great affection touched his
cheek with the conch.
तावद्विबोधविमलं प्रणव
ु न्तमेन-
माभाषथास्त्वमवगम्य तदीयभावम ् ।
राज्यं चिरं समनुभूय भजस्व भूयः
सर्वोत्तरं ध्रुव पदं विनिवत्ृ तिहीनम ् ॥
He then sang Thy praise profusely, having been
purified and enlightened by pure knowledge.
Knowing what he had in mind, Thou blessed him
to enjoy the kingdom for long and then attain the
loftiest of states, that of Dhruva, from where there
is no return to lower states
इत्यूचुषि त्वयि गते नप
ृ नन्दनोऽसा-
वानन्दिताखिलजनो नगरीमुपेतः ।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 77
रे मे चिरं भवदनुग्रहपूर्णकामस ्
ताते गते च वनमादृतराज्यभारः ॥
When Thou disappeared after having said so, this
prince Dhruva came back to town delighting all
people. When his father had gone to the forest,
taking over the administration of the kingdom, with
all his aspirations fulfilled by Thy grace, he lived
happily for a long time.
यक्षेण दे व निहते पुनरुत्तमेऽस्मिन ्
यक्षैः स युद्धनिरतो विरतो मनूक्त्या ।
शान्त्या प्रसन्नहृदयाद्धनदादप
ु ेतात ्
त्वद्भक्तिमेव सदृ
ु ढामवण
ृ ोन्महात्मा ॥
When Uttama, Dhruva's brother was killed by
Yaksha, Dhruva battled with Yaksha, but withdrew
on Manu's advice. Pleased with Dhruva's peaceful
nature, Kuber came and offered him a boon, but
the great soul asked only for firm devotion to Thee.
अन्ते भवत्पुरुषनीतविमानयातो
मात्रा समं ध्रुवपदे मुदितोऽयमास्ते ।
एवं स्वभतृ ्यजनपालनलोलधीस्त्वं
वातालयाधिप! निरुन्धि ममामयौघान ् ॥
Finally, leaving along with his mother in the celestial
car brought by Thy attendents, he is even now
living happily in Dhruvaloka. O Lord of Guruvaayur!
Who are ever intent on protecting Thy devotees,
cure my hoards of ailments.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 78
10. नारायणीयम ् : दशकम ् 94

ु निष्कामधर्मै: प्रवरगरु
ु गिरा तत्स्वरूपं परं ते
शुद्धं दे हेन्द्रियादिव्यपगतमखिलव्याप्तमावेदयन्ते ।
नानात्वस्थौल्यकार्श्यादि तु गुणजवपुस्सङ्गतोऽध्यासितं ते
वह्नेर्दारुप्रभेदेष्विव महदणुतादीप्तताशान्तदादि ॥१॥
People, whose minds are purified by performing
desireless actions, come to understand from the
instructions of competent teachers, Thy supreme
aspect which is immaculate, bodiless, taintless, all
pervading and transcendent. As for the qualities of
multiplicity, stoutness, thinness etc., which are in
association with the bodies constituted of the three
gunas, are super imposed on Thee. It is like the
expensiveness, small ness, dimness and brilliance
of fire according to the nature of the fuel (wood) on
which it manifests.
ण्यावेधोद्भासितेन स्फुटतरपरिबोधाग्निना दह्यमाने ।
कर्मालीवासनातत्कृ ततनुभुवनभ्रान्तिकान्तारपूरे
दाह्याभावेन विद्याशिखिनि च विरते त्वन्मयी खल्ववस्था ॥२॥
The fire of knowledge is ignited by the striking
of two fire sticks, the lower one represents the
teachings of the teacher, and the upper one the
disciple (who comes seeking the knowledge). This
fire illuminates perfectly clear knowledge and burns
the forest full of many tendencies and desires which
are an effect of past actions, and also the ignorance
of identification with the body and the world. When
such a forest is burnt up, the fire (of knowledge)
for want of fuel also subsides (in Thee). Then the
state of total merger in Thee alone remains.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 79
एवं त्वत्प्राप्तितोऽन्यो नहि खलु निखिलक्लेशहानेरुपायो
नैकान्तात्यन्तिकास्ते कृषिवदगदषाड्गुण्यषट्कर्मयोगा: ।
ु कल्यैरकल्या अपि निगमपथास्तत्फलान्यप्यवाप्ता
मत्तास्त्वां विस्मरन्त: प्रसजति पतने यान्त्यनन्तान ् विषादान ्॥३॥
Other than the attainment of Thee, certainly, the
other means of eradicating sufferings, which are
resorted to, like cultivation, medicine, the six gunas,
the six steps of Yoga etc., are ultimately ineffective
in completely removing or the reccurence of all
sufferings. The Vedic paths are difficult to persue
with their many inherent difficulties. Even if they
are somehow persued and their results obtained, by
some, they in arrogance forget Thee, (who are the
ultimate aim) and are led into downfall and undergo
endless sufferings.
त्वल्लोकादन्यलोक: क्वनु भयरहितो यत ् परार्धद्वयान्ते
त्वद्भीतस्सत्यलोकेऽपि न सख
ु वसति: पद्मभ:ू पद्मनाभ ।
एवं भावे त्वधर्मार्जितबहुतमसां का कथा नारकाणां
तन्मे त्वं छिन्धि बन्धं वरद् कृपणबन्धो कृपापूरसिन्धो ॥४॥
O Lotus Naval One! Where is there another fearless
world other than Thy world the Vaikunthaloka?
Residing in Satyaloka also, at the end of two
Paraardhaas, Brahmaa is afraid of Thee (as Time)
and does not live in peace. That being so, what
to say of human beings who keep accumulating
sins by unrightious means! O Bestower of Boons!
O friend of the Lowly! O Ocean full of mercy!
therefore, do cut off my bondage.
याथार्थ्यात्त्वन्मयस्यैव हि मम न विभो वस्तुतो बन्धमोक्षौ
ु ्यां तव तु विरचितौ स्वप्नबोधोपमौ तौ ।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 80
बद्धे जीवद्विमुक्तिं गतवति च भिदा तावती तावदे को
भुङ्क्ते दे हद्रुमस्थो विषयफलरसान्नापरो निर्व्यथात्मा ॥५॥
O Lord! In reality, for me, who is merged in
Thyselfness only, there is no bondage or liberation.
Thy two aspects of Maayaa and knowledge
manifest, indeed, like dreaming and awakening.
The difference between the two, the bonded and
the one who has achieved liberation while living, is
that, the former, perched on the tree of the body
has to eat the fruits of the sense experiences, while
the latter does not have to do so and so is a non
suffering soul.
जीवन्मुक्तत्वमेवंविधमिति वचसा किं फलं दरू दरू े
तन्नामाशुद्धबुद्धेर्न च लघु मनसश्शोधनं भक्तितोऽन्यत ् ।
तन्मे विष्णो कृषीष्ठास्त्वयि कृतसकलप्रार्पणं भक्तिभारं
येन स्यां मङ्क्षु किञ्चिद् गुरुवचनमिलत्त्वत्प्रबोधस्त्वदात्मा ॥६॥
Of what use are the words about the state of
liberation in the embodied soul? This concept is far
fetched for the impure minded. There is no way
other than devotion for the mind to be even a bit
purified. O Lord Vishnu! Do bring about that for me
which by intense devotion, with surrendering of all
fruits of action to Thee, and with Thy realisation by
the teachings from a Guru, I may achieve oneness
with Thee.
शब्द्ब्रह्मण्यपीह प्रयतितमनसस्त्वां न जानन्ति केचित ्
कष्टं वन्ध्यश्रमास्ते चिरतरमिह गां बिभ्रते निष्प्रसूतिम ् ।
यस्यां विश्वाभिरामास्सकलमलहरा दिव्यलीलावतारा:
सच्चित्सान्द्रं च रूपं तव न निगदितं तां न वाचं भ्रियासम ् ॥७॥
In this world there are people who are totally
engrossed in the study of Vedas and other scriptures

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 81
and do not care to know Thee. It is a futile effort
on their part just as owning a cow which has
not calved. I will not study the scriptures wherein
Thy form saturated with Pure Consciousness, and
the world enchanting, all purifying and sportive
incarnations are not spoken of.
यो यावान ् यादृशो वा त्वमिति किमपि नैवावगच्छामि भूम-
न्नेवञ्चानन्यभावस्त्वदनुभजनमेवाद्रिये चैद्यवैरिन ् ।
त्वल्लिङ्गानां त्वदङ्घ्रिप्रियजनसदसां दर्शनस्पर्शनादि-
र्भूयान्मे त्वत्प्रपूजानतिनुतिगुणकर्मानुकीर्त्यादरोऽपि ॥८॥
O Lord of the Universe! Thou are this, that or of
that kind or of that sort, I do not at all understand
any of this whatsoever. In spite of my little
understanding, O Enemy of Chaidya (Shishupaal)!
Thy worship alone I will always dutifully perform.
May it thus happen to me that I get to see Thy
images and touch the feet of the groups of people
who are lovingly attached to Thy feet. May I also
worship Thee, sing Thy hymns, prostate to Thee,
and lovingly recite Thy excellences and deeds.
यद्यल्लभ्येत तत्तत्तव समप
ु हृतं दे व दासोऽस्मि तेऽहं
त्वद्गेहोन्मार्जनाद्यं भवतु मम मुहु: कर्म निर्मायमेव ।
सूर्याग्निब्राह्मणात्मादिषु लसितचतुर्बाहुमाराधये त्वां
त्वत्प्रेमार्द्रत्वरूपो मम सततमभिष्यन्दतां भक्तियोग: ॥९॥
O Lord! What ever comes to me, I offer to Thee.
I am Thy servant. May I always be in Thy service
without fail, like cleaning Thy temple etc. May I
worship Thy resplendent four armed form in the
sun, fire, Braahmin and Aatman. May my love
melting heart, through devotion continuously flow
into a torrential stream towards Thee.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 82
ऐक्यं ते दानहोमव्रतनियमतपस्सांख्ययोगैर्दु रापं
त्वत्सङ्गेनैव गोप्य: किल सुकृतितमा प्रापुरानन्दसान्द्रम ् ।
भक्तेष्वन्येषु भूयस्स्वपि बहुमनुषे भक्तिमेव त्वमासां
तन्मे त्वद्भक्तिमेव द्रढय हर गदान ् कृष्ण वातालयेश ॥१०॥
The state of supreme blissful union with Thee is
difficult to be attained by charity, sacrifice, vows,
desciplines, austerities or by following the methods
of Saankhya Yoga. The most meritorious Gopikaas
attained intense bliss only by attachment to Thee.
There are many devotees of Thine, but the loving
devotion of the Gopikaas, to Thee, is highly
esteemed by Thee. May that devotion strengthen in
me. O Lord Krishna! O Lord of Guruvaayur! remove
my sufferings.

11. दक्षिणामर्ति
ू स्तोत्रम ् श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

विश्वं दर्पणदृश्यमाननगरीतल
ु ्यं निजान्तर्गतं
पश्यन्नात्मनि मायया बहिरिवोद्भूतं यथा निद्रया ।
यः साक्षात्कु रुते प्रबोधसमये स्वात्मानमेवाद्वयं
तस्मै श्रीगरु
ु मर्त
ू ये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामर्त
ू ये ॥१॥
बीजस्याऽन्तरिवाङ्कु रो जगदिदं प्राङ्गनिर्विकल्पं पुनः
मायाकल्पितदे शकालकलना वैचित्र्यचित्रीकृतम ् ।
मायावीव विजम्भ
ृ यत्यपि महायोगीव यः स्वेच्छया
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥२॥
यस्यैव स्फु रणं सदात्मकमसत्कल्पार्थकं भासते
साक्षात्तत्त्वमसीति वेदवचसा यो बोधयत्याश्रितान ् ।
यत्साक्षात्करणाद्भवेन्न पुनरावत्ृ तिर्भवाम्भोनिधौ
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥३॥
नानाच्छिद्रघटोदरस्थितमहादीपप्रभा भास्वरं

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 83
ज्ञानं यस्य तु चक्षुरादिकरणद्वारा वहिः स्पन्दते ।
जानामीति तमेव भान्तमनुभात्येतत्समस्तं जगत ्
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥४॥
दे हं प्राणमपीन्द्रियाण्यपि चलां बद्धिं
ु च शन ू ्यं विदःु
स्त्रीबालान्धजडोपमास्त्वहमिति भ्रान्ता भश
ृ ं वादिनः ।
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥५॥
राहुग्रस्तदिवाकरे न्दुसदृशो मायासमाच्छादनात ्
सन्मात्रः करणोपसंहरणतो योऽभूत्सुषुप्तः पुमान ् ।
प्रागस्वाप्समिति प्रबोधसमये यः प्रत्यभिज्ञायते
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥६॥
बाल्यादिष्वपि जाग्रदादिषु तथा सर्वास्ववस्थास्वपि
ृ स्वनुवर्तमानमहमित्यन्तः स्फु रन्तं सदा ।
स्वात्मानं प्रकटीकरोति भजतां यो मुद्रयाभद्रया
तस्मै श्रीगरु
ु मर्त
ू ये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामर्त
ू ये ॥७॥
विश्वं पश्यति कार्यकारणतया स्वस्वामिसम्बन्धतः
शिष्याचार्यतया तथैव पितपृ त्राद्या
ु त्मना भेदतः ।
स्वप्ने जाग्रति वा य एष पुरुषो मायापरिभ्रामितः
तस्मै श्रीगरु
ु मर्त
ू ये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामर्त
ू ये ॥८॥
भूरम्भांस्यनलोऽनिलोऽम्बरमहर्नाथो हिमांशु पम ु ान ्
इत्याभाति चराचरात्मकमिदं यस्यैव मूर्त्यष्टकम ्
नान्यत ् किञ्चन विद्यते विमश
ृ तां यस्मात्परस्माद्विभोः
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥९॥
सर्वात्मत्वमिति स्फुटीकृतमिदं यस्मादमुष्मिन ् स्तवे
तेनास्य श्रवणात्तदर्थमननाद्ध्यानाच्च संकीर्तनात ् ।
सर्वात्मत्वमहाविभतू िसहितं स्यादीश्वरत्वं स्वतः
सिद्ध्येत्तत्पुनरष्टधा परिणतं चैश्वर्यमव्याहतम ् ॥१०॥
Reference: http://sacredhinduism.com/dakshinamurthy-stotram-hindi-lyrics/

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 84
Class - VIII

1. विनायगर पञ्चरत्नम ् (गणेशपञ्चरत्नम ्)

श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

ु ाकरात्तमोदकं सदा विमक्ति
ु साधकं
कलाधरावतंसकं विलासिलोकरक्षकम ् ।
अनायकैकनायकं विनाशितेभदै त्यकं
नताशुभाशुनाशकं नमामि तं विनायकम ् ॥१॥
नतेतरातिभीकरं नवोदितार्क भास्वरं
नमत्सुरारिनिर्जरं नताधिकापदद्ध
ु रम ् ।
सुरेश्वरं निधीश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं
महे श्वरं तमाश्रये परात्परं निरन्तरम ् ॥२॥
समस्तलोकशंकरं निरस्तदै त्यकुञ्जरं
दरे तरोदरं वरं वरे भवक्त्रमक्षरम ् ।
कृपाकरं क्षमाकरं मुदाकरं यशस्करं
मनस्करं नमस्कृ तां नमस्करोमि भास्वरम ् ॥३॥
अकिंचनार्तिमार्जनं चिरन्तनोक्तिभाजनं
पुरारिपूर्वनन्दनं सुरारिगर्वचर्वणम ् ।
प्रपञ्चनाशभीषणं धनंजयादिभूषणम ्
कपोलदानवारणं भजे परु ाणवारणम ् ॥४॥
अचिन्त्यरूपमन्तहीनमन्तरायकृन्तनम ् ।
हृदन्तरे निरन्तरं वसन्तमेव योगिनां
तमेकदन्तमेव तं विचिन्तयामि सन्ततम ् ॥५॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 85
महागणेशपञ्चरत्नमादरे ण योऽन्वहं
प्रजल्पति प्रभातके हृदि स्मरन ् गणेश्वरम ् ।
अरोगतामदोषतां सुसाहितीं सुपुत्रतां
समाहितायुरष्टभूतिमभ्युपैति सोऽचिरात ् ॥६॥
http://hindi.webdunia.com/aarti-chalisa/श्रीगणे श-आरती-सुखकर्ता-दख
ु हर्ता-114082600061_1.

2. श्री नारायण सूक्तम ् ऋग्वेदः

सहस्र शीर्षं दे वं विश्वाक्षं विश्वशंभुवम ।
विश्वै नारायणं दे वं अक्षरं परमं पदम ् ॥1॥
भावार्थः: सहस्त्रों शीर्ष एवं नेत्रों वाले(सर्वज्ञ एवं सर्वव्यापी)
अविनाशी श्री नारायण स्वयं सम्पूर्ण ब्रम्हांड हैं ।वह विश्व में
आनंद (शम्भु) एवं प्रकाश(ज्ञान) के श्रोत एवं (सभी जीवों ) के
परमात्मा (परम पद) हैं।
विश्वतः परमान्नित्यं विश्वं नारायणं हरिम ।
विश्वं एव इदं पुरुषः तद्विश्वं उपजीवति ॥2॥
भावार्थः: वह परमात्मा(परम पुरुष) (स्वयं) ही ब्रम्हांड हैं। अतः
(हर प्रकार से) सषृ ्टि उनसे से ही उपजी है (उतपन्न हुई है ), और
उनपर ही नित्य स्थित है (परमान्नित्यं)। वह सर्वव्यापी सबका
पाप नाश करने वाले हैं।
पतिं विश्वस्य आत्मा ईश्वरं शाश्वतं शिवमच्युतम ।
नारायणं महाज्ञेयं विश्वात्मानं परायणम ॥3॥
भावार्थः: वह श्री नारायण सम्पूर्ण सषृ ्टि के स्वामि(रक्षक या
पालनकर्ता), सभी जीवों के परमात्मा, शास्वत(चिरस्थायी),
परम पवित्र, अविनाशी, जानने योग्य परम ज्ञान एवं सभी
जीवों(आत्माओं) के परम लक्ष्य हैं ।
नारायण परो ज्योतिरात्मा नारायणः परः ।
नारायण परं ब्रह्म तत्त्वं नारायणः परः ।
नारायण परो ध्याता ध्यानं नारायणः परः ॥4॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 86
भावार्थः: श्री नारायण परम ब्रम्ह एवं (जानने योग्य) परम तत्व
एवं (जीवों के )परमात्मा हैं । वह ध्याता(योगियों द्वारा ध्यान
करने योग्य अथवा ध्यान का लक्ष्य) एवं (स्वयं)ध्यान हैं।
यच्च किंचित जगत सर्वं दृश्यते श्रूयतेऽपि वा ।
अंतर्बहिश्च तत्सर्वं व्याप्य नारायणः स्थितः ॥5॥
भावार्थः: इस जगत में जो कुछ भी दे खा जाता है ,सुना जाता है ,
जो कुछ भी (शरीर के)अंदर और(शरीर के बाहर) बाहर व्याप्त
(स्थित) है , वह सब स्वयं नारायण में ही(पर ही) स्थित हैं।
अनन्तं अव्ययं कविं समद्रे
ु न्तं विश्वशंभव
ु म ।
पद्म कोश प्रतीकाशं हृदयं च अपि अधोमुखम ॥6॥
भावार्थः : वह(श्री नारायण) अनंत, अविनाशी एवं सर्वव्यापी(अव्यय)
तथा सभी के हृदय में व्याप्त हैं। वह आनंद के श्रोत एवं जीवों
के परम धाम हैं। अधोमुखी कमल(उलटे कमल) के पुष्प के
समान वह सभी जीवों के हृदय के आकाश में स्थित हैं।
अधो निष्ठ्या वितस्त्यान्ते नाभ्याम उपरि तिष्ठति ।
ज्वालामालाकुलं भाती विश्वस्यायतनं महत ॥7॥
भावार्थः : कंठ से एक बित्ता नीचे, और नाभी के ऊपर(अर्थात
हृदय) में उस ज्वाला(लव) जो अग्नि की भाँती के समान
प्रज्वलित होती है का वास स्थान है (अर्थात परमात्मा जीव
ज्योति रूपी आत्मा के रूप में हृदय में का निवास करता है )।
सन्ततं शिलाभिस्तु लम्बत्या कोशसन्निभम ।
तस्यान्ते सुषिरं सूक्ष्मं तस्मिन सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम ॥8॥
भावार्थः : अधोमुखी कमल की पंखुड़ी के समान हृदय में जहाँ
से नाडी रं ध्र सभी दिशाओं में विस्तृत होती हैं वह सक्ष्म
ु प्रकोष्ठ
(जिसे सुसुम्ना नाडी कहते हैं) उसमें सम्पूर्ण तत्व स्थित होता
है (अर्थात परमात्मा का रूप आत्मा स्थित होता है )
तस्य मध्ये महानग्निः विश्वार्चिः विश्वतो मुखः ।
सोऽग्रविभजंतिष्ठन आहारं अजरः कविः ॥9॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 87
भावार्थः : हृदय के उस स्थान में (अर्थात सुसुम्ना नाडी में )
वह महाज्योति स्थित होती है जो अजर है , सर्वज्ञ है , जिसकी
जिव्हा एवं मुख सभी दिशाओं में व्याप्त हैं, जो उसके सम्मुख
आहार को ग्रहण करता है और जो स्वयं में उसको आत्मसात
करता है ।
(ऊपर के श्लोक में परमात्मा का आत्मा के रूप में हृदय में
स्थित होने की व्याख्या है , ऐसी ही व्याख्या श्रीमद भगवत
गीता में भी है )
तिर्यगूर्ध्वमधश्शायी रश्मयः तस्य सन्तता ।
सन्तापयति स्वं दे हमापादतलमास्तकः ।
तस्य मध्ये वह्निशिखा अणीयोर्ध्वा व्यवस्थिताः ॥10॥
भावार्थः : उसकी ज्योति ऊपर, नीचे, दायें और बाएं, सर्वत्र
व्याप्त है , जो पुरे शरीर सिर से पांव तक उष्ण करती हैं (प्राण
का संचार करती है )। उस अग्नि (अर्थात शरीर में स्थित प्राण)
के मध्य में सूक्ष्म (प्राण) ज्योति की जिव्हा लपलपाती है ।
नीलतोयद-मध्यस्थ-द्विद्युल्लेखेव भास्वरा ।
नीवारशूकवत्तन्वी पीता भास्वत्यणूपमा ॥11॥
भावार्थः : मेघ में बज्र के समान दीप्यमान, तिल के बीज के
समान महीन, सोने के समान पीला, परमाणु के समान सक्ष्म ू
यह ज्योति प्रखर होती है ।
तस्याः शिखाया मध्ये परमात्मा व्यवस्थितः ।
स ब्रह्म स शिवः स हरिः स इन्द्रः सोऽक्षरः परमः स्वराट
भावार्थः : उस ज्योति के मध्य में, वह परमात्मा निवास करता
है। वह ही ब्रम्हा, शिव, पालनकर्ता(हरि), और इन्द्र हैं। वह
अविश्नाशी, स्वयम्भू(स्वयं से स्थित होने वाले) एवं परमात्मा हैं।
ऋतं सत्यं परं ब्रह्म पुरुषं कृष्ण पिङ्गलम ।
ऊर्ध्वरे तं विरूपाक्षं विश्वरूपाय वै नमो नमः ॥13॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 88
भावार्थः : वह जो परम सत्य ,परम चरित्र एवं परम ब्रम्ह
हैं, श्याम वर्ण पर रे त के समान ज्योतिर्मय छवि वाले, परम
शक्तिमान एवं सर्वदर्शी (श्री नारायण) को बार बार प्रणाम है ।

ॐ नारायणाय विद्महे वासुदेवाय धीमहि ।

तन्नो विष्णुः प्रचोदयात ्॥
भावार्थः : हम श्री नारायण की शरण में जाते हैं और उस
वासुदेव का ध्यान करते हैं श्री विष्णु हमारा कल्याण करें ।

3. श्लोकं - आरोग्य मन्त्रम ्

शरीरे जर्जरी भूते व्याधिग्रस्ते कलेबरे ।

औषधं जाह्नवीतोयं वैद्यो नारायणो हरिः ॥
Sharire jarjari bhute vyadhi graste kalevare
oushadham jaanhavi toyam vaidhyo naraayano
When all vital life forces leave the body, when the
whole being is seized by incurable diseases, what
medicine is there, than river ganga, who else but
Lord Narayana, Hari, would come as physician!

4. श्लोकं - उपनिषद
ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मतृ ्योर्मा अमत
ृ ं गमय ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya |
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 89
5. श्लोकं - तुलसी वन्दनम ् संस्कार बिन्दु

यन्मूले सर्वतीर्थानि
यन्मध्ये सर्वदे वताः ।
यदग्रे सर्ववेदाश्च
तुलसी, त्वां नमाम्यहम ् ॥

6. श्लोकं – भगवद्गीता चतुर्द शोऽध्याय : श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता


मम योनिर्महद्ब्रह्म तस्मिन्गर्भं दधाम्यहम ् ।

संभवः सर्वभूतानां ततो भवति भारत ॥१४- ३॥
भावार्थः : हे भारत, यह महद् ब्रह्म (मूल प्रकृति) योनि है , और
मैं उसमें गर्भ दे ता हूँ। इस से ही सभी जीवों का जन्म होता
है हे भारत।
सर्वयोनिषु कौन्तेय मूर्तयः संभवन्ति याः ।
तासां ब्रह्म महद्योनिरहं बीजप्रदः पिता ॥१४- ४॥
भावार्थः : हे कौन्तेय, सभी योनियों में जो भी जीव पैदा होते
हैं, उनकी महद् ब्रह्म तो योनि है (कोख है ), और मैं बीज दे ने
वाला पिता हूँ।
उदासीनवदासीनो गुणैर्यो न विचाल्यते ।
गुणा वर्तन्त इत्येव योऽवतिष्ठति नेङ्गते ॥१४- २३॥
भावार्थः : जो इस धारणा में स्थित रहता है की गुण ही आपस
में वर्त रहे हैं, और इसलिये उदासीन (जिसे कोई मतलब न हो)
की तरह गुणों से विचलित न होता, न ही उन से कोई चेष्ठा
करता है ।
यदा सत्त्वे प्रवद्धे
ृ तु प्रलयं याति दे हभत
ृ ्।
तदोत्तमविदां लोकानमलान्प्रतिपद्यते ॥१४- १४॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 90
भावार्थः : जब दे हभतृ सत्त्व के बढे होते हुये मतृ ्यु को प्राप्त
होता है , तब वह उत्तम ज्ञानमंद लोगों के अमल (स्वच्छ) लोकों
को जाता है ।
मां च योऽव्यभिचारे ण भक्तियोगेन सेवते ।
स गुणान्समतीत्यैतान्ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते ॥१४- २६॥
भावार्थः : और जो मेरी अव्यभिचारी भक्ति करता है , वह इन
गुणों को लाँघ कर ब्रह्म की प्राप्ति करने का पात्र हो जाता है ।

7. गोमाता मंत्रम ्

ु े दे वि सर्वतीर्थीभिषेचिनि ll
पावने सरु भि श्रेष्ठे दे वि तभ
ु ्यं नमोस्तुते ll
Sarvakaamdudhe devi sarvatithirbhishechini l
Pavane surbhi shreshte devi tubhyam namostute ll
O Giver of all boons and fulfiller of all desires,
Embodiment of all Teerths (Sacred Places), O Pure,
Unparalleled and Divine Mother, I offer my prayers
to You!

8. तुलसी स्तोत्रम ्

जगद्धात्रि नमस्तुभ्यं विष्णोश्च प्रियवल्लभे ।

यतो ब्रह्मादयो दे वाः सषृ ्टिस्थित्यन्तकारिणः ॥१॥
Jagad-Dhaatri Namas-Tubhyam Vissnnosh-Ca Priya-
Vallabhe |
Yato Brahmaa-[Aa]dayo Devaah Srsstti-Sthity-Anta-
Kaarinnah ||1||
नमस्तुलसि कल्याणि नमो विष्णुप्रिये शभ
ु े ।
नमो मोक्षप्रदे दे वि नमः सम्पत्प्रदायिके ॥२॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 91
Namas-Tulasi Kalyaanni Namo Vissnnu-Priye
Shubhe |
Namo Mokssa-Prade Devi Namah Sampat-
Pradaayike ||2||
ु सी पातु मां नित्यं सर्वापद्भ्योऽपि सर्वदा ।
कीर्तितापि स्मृता वापि पवित्रयति मानवम ् ॥३॥
Tulasii Paatu Maam Nityam Sarva-[A]apadbhyo-Api
Sarvadaa |
Kiirtita-Api Smrtaa Vaa-[A]pi Pavitrayati Maanavam
नमामि शिरसा दे वीं तल
ु सीं विलसत्तनम
ु ्।
यां दृष्ट्वा पापिनो मर्त्या मुच्यन्ते सर्वकिल्बिषात ् ॥४॥
Namaami Shirasaa Deviim Tulasiim Vilasat-Tanum |
Yaam Drssttvaa Paapino Martyaa Mucyante Sarva-
Kilbissaat ||4||
तुलस्या रक्षितं सर्वं जगदे तच्चराचरम ् ।
या विनिहन्ति पापानि दृष्ट्वा वा पापिभिर्नरै ः ॥५॥
Tulasyaa Rakssitam Sarvam Jagad-Etac-Cara-
Acaram |
Yaa Vinihanti Paapaani Drssttvaa Vaa Paapibhir-Naraih
नमस्तुलस्यतितरां यस्यै बद्ध्वाञ्जलिं कलौ ।
कलयन्ति सुखं सर्वं स्त्रियो वैश्यास्तथाऽपरे ॥६॥
Namas-Tulasyati-Taraam Yasyai Baddhva-An.jalim
Kalau |
Kalayanti Sukham Sarvam Striyo Vaishyaas-Tathaa-
[A]pare ||6||
तुलस्या नापरं किञ्चिद् दै वतं जगतीतले ।
यथा पवित्रितो लोको विष्णुसङ्गेन वैष्णवः ॥७॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 92
Tulasyaa Na-[A]param Kin.cid Daivatam Jagatii-Tale |
Yathaa Pavitrito Loko Vissnnu-Sanggena Vaissnnavah
ु स्याः पल्लवं विष्णोः शिरस्यारोपितं कलौ ।
आरोपयति सर्वाणि श्रेयांसि वरमस्तके ॥८॥
Tulasyaah Pallavam Vissnnoh Shirasya-[A]aropitam
Kalau |
Aaropayati Sarvaanni Shreyaamsi Vara-Mastake
तुलस्यां सकला दे वा वसन्ति सततं यतः ।
अतस्तामर्चयेल्लोके सर्वान ् दे वान ् समर्चयन ् ॥९॥
Tulasyaam Sakalaa Devaa Vasanti Satatam Yatah |
Atas-Taam-Arcayel-Loke Sarvaan Devaan Samarcayan
नमस्तुलसी सर्वज्ञे परु
ु षोत्तमवल्लभे ।
पाहि मां सर्वपापेभ्यः सर्वसम्पत्प्रदायिके ॥१०॥
Namas-Tulasi Sarvajnye Purussottama-Vallabhe |
Paahi Maam Sarva-Paapebhyah Sarva-Sampat-
Pradaayike ||10||
इति स्तोत्रं परु ा गीतं पण
ु ्डरीकेण धीमता ।
विष्णुमर्चयता नित्यं शोभनैस्तुलसीदलैः ॥११॥
Iti Stotram Puraa Giitam Punnddariikenna Dhiimataa |
Vissnnum-Arcayataa Nityam Shobhanais-Tulasii-Dalaih
ु सी श्रीर्महालक्ष्मीर्विद्याविद्या यशस्विनी ।
धर्म्या धर्मानना दे वी दे वीदेवमनःप्रिया ॥२॥
Tulasii Shriir-Mahaalakssmiir-Vidya-Avidyaa Yashasvinii |

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 93
Dharmyaa Dharma-[A]ananaa Devii Devii-Deva-
Manah-Priyaa ||2||
लक्ष्मीप्रियसखी दे वी द्यौर्भूमिरचला चला ।
षोडशैतानि नामानि तुलस्याः कीर्तयन्नरः ॥१३॥
Lakssmii-Priya-Sakhii Devii Dyaur-Bhuumir-Acalaa
Calaa |
Ssoddashai[a-E]taani Naamaani Tulasyaah Kiirtayan-
Narah ||13||
लभते सुतरां भक्तिमन्ते विष्णुपदं लभेत ् ।
तुलसी भूर्महालक्ष्मीः पद्मिनी श्रीर्हरिप्रिया ॥१४॥
Labhate Sutaraam Bhaktim-Ante Vissnnu-Padam
Labhet |
Tulasii Bhuur-Mahaalakssmiih Padminii Shriir-Hari-
Priyaa ||14||
ु श्रीसखि शभ
ु े पापहारिणि पण
ु ्यदे ।
नमस्ते नारदनत
ु े नारायणमनःप्रिये ॥१५॥
Tulasi Shrii-Sakhi Shubhe Paapa-Haarinni Punnya-
De |
Namaste Naarada-Nute Naaraayanna-Manah-Priye

9. गजेन्द्र मोक्ष स्तोत्रम ्

श्री शुक उवाच – श्री शुकदे व जी ने कहा
एवं व्यवसितो बद्ध्या
ु समाधाय मनो हृदि ।
जजाप परमं जाप्यं प्राग्जन्मन्यनुशिक्षितम ॥१॥
ु के द्वारा पिछले अध्याय में वर्णित रीति से निश्चय करके
तथा मन को हृदय दे श में स्थिर करके वह गजराज अपने पूर्व

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 94
जन्म में सीखकर कण्ठस्थ किये हुए सर्वश्रेष्ठ एवं बार बार
दोहराने योग्य निम्नलिखित स्तोत्र का मन ही मन पाठ करने
लगा ॥१॥
गजेन्द्र उवाच गजराज ने (मन ही मन) कहा –
ऊं नमो भगवते तस्मै यत एतच्चिदात्मकम ।
ु षायादिबीजाय परे शायाभिधीमहि ॥१॥
जिनके प्रवेश करने पर (जिनकी चेतना को पाकर) ये जड शरीर
और मन आदि भी चेतन बन जाते हैं (चेतन की भांति व्यवहार
करने लगते हैं), ‘ओम’ शब्द के द्वारा लक्षित तथा सम्पूर्ण
शरीर में प्रकृति एवं परु
ु ष रूप से प्रविष्ट हुए उन सर्व समर्थ
परमेश्वर को हम मन ही मन नमन करते हैं ॥२॥
यस्मिन्निदं यतश्चेदं येनेदं य इदं स्वयं ।
योस्मात्परस्माच्च परस्तं प्रपद्ये स्वयम्भुवम ॥३॥
जिनके सहारे यह विश्व टिका है , जिनसे यह निकला है ,
जिन्होने इसकी रचना की है और जो स्वयं ही इसके रूप में
प्रकट हैं – फिर भी जो इस दृश्य जगत से एवं इसकी कारणभूता
प्रकृति से सर्वथा परे (विलक्षण ) एवं श्रेष्ठ हैं – उन अपने
आप – बिना किसी कारण के – बने हुए भगवान की मैं शरण
लेता हूं ॥३॥
यः स्वात्मनीदं निजमाययार्पितं
क्कचिद्विभातं क्क च तत्तिरोहितम ।
अविद्धदृक साक्ष्युभयं तदीक्षते
स आत्ममलोव
ू तु मां परात्परः ॥४॥
अपने संकल्प शक्ति के द्वार अपने ही स्वरूप में रचे हुए और
इसीलिये सषृ ्टिकाल में प्रकट और प्रलयकाल में उसी प्रकार
अप्रकट रहने वाले इस शास्त्र प्रसिद्ध कार्य कारण रूप जगत को
जो अकुण्ठित दृष्टि होने के कारण साक्षी रूप से दे खते रहते
हैं उनसे लिप्त नही होते, वे चक्षु आदि प्रकाशकों के भी परम
प्रकाशक प्रभु मेरी रक्षा करें ॥४॥
कालेन पंचत्वमितेषु कृत्स्नशो
लोकेषु पालेषु च सर्व हे तुषु ।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 95
तमस्तदाsssसीद गहनं गभीरं
यस्तस्य पारे sभिविराजते विभःु ॥५॥
समय के प्रवाह से सम्पूर्ण लोकों के एवं ब्रह्मादि लोकपालों
के पंचभत ू में प्रवेश कर जाने पर तथा पंचभत ू ों से लेकर
महत्वपर्यंत सम्पूर्ण कारणों के उनकी परमकरुणारूप प्रकृति
में लीन हो जाने पर उस समय दर्ज्ञे
ु य तथा अपार अंधकाररूप
प्रकृति ही बच रही थी। उस अंधकार के परे अपने परम धाम
में जो सर्वव्यापक भगवान सब ओर प्रकाशित रहते हैं वे प्रभु
मेरी रक्षा करें ॥५॥
न यस्य दे वा ऋषयः पदं विद-ु
र्जन्तुः पुनः कोsर्हति गन्तुमीरितुम ।
यथा नटस्याकृतिभिर्विचेष्टतो
दरु त्ययानुक्रमणः स मावतु ॥६॥
भिन्न भिन्न रूपों में नाट्य करने वाले अभिनेता के वास्तविक
स्वरूप को जिस प्रकार साधारण दर्शक नही जान पाते , उसी
प्रकार सत्त्व प्रधान दे वता तथा ऋषि भी जिनके स्वरूप को
नही जानते , फिर दस ू रा साधारण जीव तो कौन जान अथवा
वर्णन कर सकता है – वे दर्ग ु म चरित्र वाले प्रभु मेरी रक्षा करें
दिदृक्षवो यस्य पदं सुमंगलम
ु ्त संगा मन
ु यः सस
ु ाधवः ।
चरन्त्यलोकव्रतमव्रणं वने
ू त्मभत
ू ा सहृ
ु दः स मे गतिः ॥७॥
आसक्ति से सर्वदा छूटे हुए , सम्पूर्ण प्राणियों में आत्मबुद्धि
रखने वाले , सबके अकारण हितू एवं अतिशय साधु स्वभाव
मुनिगण जिनके परम मंगलमय स्वरूप का साक्षात्कार करने
की इच्छा से वन में रह कर अखण्ड ब्रह्मचार्य आदि अलौकिक
व्रतों का पालन करते हैं , वे प्रभु ही मेरी गति हैं ॥७॥
Reference: https://gajendramoksh.wordpress.com/gajendra-moksh/

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 96
Class - IX

1. नागा वन्दनम ् दशकम ् 55 नारायणीयम ्

अथ वारिणि घोरतरं फणिनं प्रतिवारयितुं कृतधीर्भगवन ् ।

द्रुतमारिथ तीरगनीपतरुं विषमारुतशोषितपर्णचयम ् ॥ ५५१ ॥
भावार्थः : हे भगवन! फिर आपने जल में स्थित उस अत्यन्त
घोर सर्प का निवारण करने का निश्चय किया। आप शीघ्रतापूर्वक
यमुना के किनारे लगे हुए उस कदम्ब वक्षृ के पास आ कर
उस पर चढ गये, जिसके पत्तों का समूह विषाक्त वायु से सूख
गया था।
अधिरुह्य पदाम्बुरुहे ण च तं नवपल्लवतुल्यमोज्ञरुचा ।
हृदवारिणि दरू तरं न्यपतः परिघूर्णितघोरतरङ्गगणे ॥ ५५२ ॥
भावार्थः : आप उस पेड पर अपने नये सुन्दर और कोमल
पत्तो के समान चरण कमलों से चढ गये। घूमती हुई बडी बडी
तरङ्गोवाले उस जल के बीच आप ऊंची और लम्बी छलाङ्ग
लगाते हुए कूद पडे।
भुवनत्रयभारभतृ ो भवतो गुरुभारविक्रम्पिविजम्भि
ृ जला ।
परिमज्जयति स्म धनुःशतकं तटिनी झटिति स्फुटघोषवती ॥
५५३ ॥
भावार्थः : त्रिभुवन के भार को वहन करने वाले आपके दीर्घ
भार से यमुना कम्पायमान हो उठी। उसका जल प्लावित होने
से धनुष तक का उसका तट जल निमग्न हो गया और उसमें
से घोर शब्द प्रस्फुटित हुआ।
अथ दिक्षु विदिक्षु परिक्षुभितभ्रमितोदरवारिनिनादभरै ः ।
ु गादरु गाधिपतिस्त्वदप
ु ान्तमशान्तरुषान्धमनाः ॥ ५५४॥
भावार्थः : जल के अन्तर भाग से निकलता हुआ घोर निनाद
सारी दिशाओं और विदिशाओं में व्याप्त हो गया। अत्यन्त

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 97
क्षुभित और घूर्णित जल से विचलित और क्रोध से अभिभूत
अन्धमना नागराज जल से बाहर निकल कर आपके सम्मुख
आ गया।
ृ ्गसहस्रविनिस्सृमरज्वलदग्निकणोग्रविषाम्बुधरम ् ।
परु तः फणिनं समलोकयथा बहुशङ ृ ्गिणमञ्जनशैलमिव ॥ ५५५ ॥
भावार्थः : सहस्रों शिखरों के समान फणों वाले, प्रस्फुटित अग्नि
कणों के समान कूट विष द्रव्य उगलते हुए, अनेक शिखरो वाले
कज्जल गिरि के समान उस भयंकर सर्प को आपने अपने
समक्ष दे खा जो अनेक शिखरों वाले कज्जल गिरि के समान
दिखाई दे रहा था।
ु विषश्वसनिष्मभरः स महाभुजगः ।
परिदश्य भवन्तमनन्तबलं समवेष्टयदस्फुटचेष्टमहो ॥ ५५६ ॥
भावार्थः : अहो! उग्र विष को उगलते हुए, तप्त वायु का
निश्वास छोडते हुए प्रज्वलित नेत्रों वाले, उस महानाग ने
अनन्त बलशाली और गुप्त चेष्टाओं वाले आपको डस लिया
और आपके चारों ओर लिपट गया।
अविलोक्य भवन्तमथाकुलिते तटगामिनि बालकधेनुगणे ।
व्रजगेहतलेऽप्यनिमित्तशतं समद
ु ीक्ष्य गता यमन
ु ां पशप
ु ाः ॥ ५५७ ॥
भावार्थः : बालकों और गौओं ने जब आपको नहीं दे खा, तब
अत्यधिक व्याकुल हो कर आपको खोजते हुए यमुना के तट पर
गये। व्रज के घरों में भी सौओं अपशगुनों को दे ख कर उद्विग्न
हुए गोप गण भी यमुना की ओर गये।
अखिलेषु विभो भवदीयदशामवलोक्य जिहासुषु जीवभरम ् ।
फणिबन्धनमाशु विमच
ु ्य जवादद
ु गम्यत हासजष
ु ा भवता ॥ ५५८ ॥
भावार्थः : हे विभो! वे सभी आपकी दशा दे ख कर अपने प्राण
त्याग दे ने को उद्यत हो गये। उसी समय आप शीघ्रतापूर्वक
फणों के उस बन्धन को खोल कर तुरन्त ही मुस्कु राते हुए
बाहर निकल आये।
अधिरुह्य ततः फणिराजफणान्ननत
ृ े भवता मद
ृ प
ु ादरुचा ।
ू रु मञ्चुमिलत्करकङ्कणसंकुलसंक्वणितम ् ॥ ५५९ ॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 98
भावार्थः : तब महा भुजङ्ग के फणों पर चढ कर आपने कोमल
सनु ्दर पैरों से नतृ ्य किया। पैरों के नप ू रु ों की मधरु झनक
हाथ के कङ्गनो के टकराने से उठी झन्कार के साथ मिल कर
,मनोहर ताल दे ती हुई, सुन्दर ध्वनि पैदा कर रही थी।
जहृषुः पशुपास्तुतुषुर्मुनयो ववष
ृ ुः कुसुमानि सुरेन्द्रगणाः ।
त्वयि नतृ ्यति मारुतगेहपते परिपाहि स मां त्वमदान्तगदात ् ॥
५५१० ॥
भावार्थः : हे मरुतगेह्पते! आपके नतृ ्य करने पर गोपगण हर्षित
हो उठे , मुनिजन तपृ ्त हो गये और दे वमण्डल ने कुसुमों की
वर्षा की। वही आप, अदम्य रोगों से मेरी रक्षा करें ।

2. नागा वन्दनं दशकम ् 56 नारायणीयं

रुचिरकम्पितकुण्डलमण्डलः सुचिरमीश ननर्तिथ पन्नगे ।

अमरताडितदनु ्दुभिसुन्दरं वियति गायति दै वतयौवते ॥ ५६१॥
भावार्थः : हे ईश! आप बहुत समय तक नाग के फणों के ऊपर
नाचते रहे । उस समय आपके कुण्डल मनमोहकता से कांप रहे
थे। आकाश में दे वों ने मधुर दनु ्दुभि बजाई और दे वाङ्गनाएं
सङ्ग में गाने लगीं।
नमति यद्यदमुष्य शिरो हरे परिविहाय तदनु ्नतमुन्नतम ् ।
परिमथन्पदपङ्करुहा चिरं व्यहरथाः करताळमनोहरम ् ॥ ५६२ ॥
भावार्थः : हे हरे ! कालिय का जो जो शिर झुक जाता था उसको
छोड कर आप उसके ऊपर उठे हुए शिरों पर चढ कर अपने
चरण्कमलों से मथ दे ते थे। इस प्रकार मनोहर करताल दे ते हुए
आप बहुत समय तक क्रीडा करते रहे ।
त्वदवभग्नविभुग्नफणागणे गलितशोणितशोणितपाथसि ।
फणिपताववसीदति सन्नतास्तदबलास्तव माधव पादयोः ॥
भावार्थः : हे हरे ! कालिय का जो जो शिर झुक जाता था उसको
छोड कर आप उसके ऊपर उठे हुए शिरों पर चढ कर अपने
चरण्कमलों से मथ दे ते थे। इस प्रकार मनोहर करताल दे ते हुए
आप बहुत समय तक क्रीडा करते रहे ।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 99
अयि पुरैव चिराय परिश्रुतत्वदनुभावविलीनहृदो हि ताः ।
ु रप्यनवाष्यपथैः स्तवैर्नुनव
ु रु ीश भवन्तमयन्त्रितम ् ॥ ५६४ ॥
भावार्थः : अहो! उन नाग पत्नियों ने बहुत पहले से ही आपकी
महानता का गुणगान सुना हुआ था और उनका हृदय सदा
आपमें ही निमग्न रहता था। हे ईश! वे, मनि ु यों को भी दष्ु प्राप्य
मार्गों से युक्त स्तोत्रों द्वारा, निर्बाध और अनियन्त्रित रूप से
आपका स्तवन करने लगीं।
फणिवधूजनभक्तिविलोकनप्रविकसत्करुणाकुलचेतसा ।
फणिपतिर्भवताच्युत जीवितस्त्वजि समर्पितमूर्तिरवानमत ् ॥
५६५ ॥
भावार्थः : हे अच्युत! नाग पत्नियों की उत्कट भक्ति दे ख कर
आपका चित्त करुणा के उद्वेग से व्याकुल हो उठा। आपने
नागराज को पन ु र्जीवित कर दिया। उसने स्वयं को समर्पित कर
के आपको प्रणाम किया।
रमणकं व्रजे वारिधिमध्यगं फणिरिपुर्न करोति विरोधिताम ् ।
इति भवद्वचनान्यतिमानयन ् फणिपतिर्निरगादरु गैः समम ् ॥
५६६ ॥
भावार्थः : 'तुम, समुद्र के बीच में स्थित रमणक द्वीप को
चले जाओ वहां गरुड तम ु से शत्रुता नहीं करे गा।' आपके इस
आदे ष का आदर कर के वह नागराज अन्य सर्पों के साथ चला
ु ू लविभूषितः ।
तटगतैः प्रमदाश्वरु िमिश्रितैः समगथाः स्वजनैर्दिवसावधौ ॥ ५६७ ॥
भावार्थः : नागपत्नियों ने आपको नाना भंति की मणियां
दे दिप्यमान हार और वस्त्र दिये। आप उनसे विभूषित हो कर,
सन्ध्या समय, तट पर प्रतीक्षा करते हुए आनन्दाश्रु मिश्रित
दृष्टि वाले स्वजनों के निकट गए।
निशि पुनस्तमसा व्रजमन्दिरं व्रजितुमक्षम एव जनोत्करे ।
स्वपति तत्र भवच्चरणाश्रये दवकृशानुररुन्ध समन्ततः ॥ ५६८ ॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 100

भावार्थः : रात्रि में अन्धकार हो जाने के कारण उस जन
समुदाय व्रज मे अपने अपने घर वापस जाने में असमर्थ हो
गया। आपके चरणों का आश्रय ले कर वे सभी वहीं यमुना के
तट पर सो गये। उसी समय दावाग्नि ने उन्हें सब ओर से घेर
प्रबुधितानथ पालय पालयेत्युदयदार्तरवान ् पशुपालकान ् ।
अवितुमाशु पपाथ महानलं किमिह चित्रमयं खलु ते मुखम ् ॥
५६९ ॥
भावार्थः : अग्नि के ताप से गोपाल गण जाग गये और 'बचाओ,
बचाओ' इस प्रकार आर्त स्वर में पुकारने लगे। उनको बचाने
के लिये आपने तुरन्त ही उस महाग्नि का पान कर लिया।
इसमे आश्चर्य भी क्या है क्योंकि अग्नि तो नि:सन्देह आपका
मुख ही है ।
शिखिन वर्णत एव हि पीतता परिलसत्युधना क्रिययाऽप्यसौ ।
इति नुतः पशुपैर्मुदितैर्विभो हर हरे दरु ितैः सह मे गदान ् ॥
५६१० ॥
भावार्थः : अग्नि में वर्ण स्वरूप 'पीतता' (पीलापन) है । अब यह
क्रिया स्वरूप 'पीतता' (पान की गई) से भी यक ु ्त हो गई है । हे
विभो! गोपों ने प्रसन्नतापूर्वकइन शब्दों में आपकी स्तुति की।
हे हरे ! पापों सहित मेरे रोगों को हर लीजिये।

3. श्री सर्प सूक्तम ्

ब्रह्मलोकेषु ये सर्पा शेषनाग परोगमा:।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।1।।
इन्द्रलोकेषु ये सर्पा: वासु‍कि प्रमुखाद्य:।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।2।।
कद्रवेयश्च ये सर्पा: मातभ
ृ क्ति परायणा।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सप्
ु रीतो मम सर्वदा।।3।।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 101

इन्द्रलोकेषु ये सर्पा: तक्षका प्रमख
ु ाद्य।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।4।।
सत्यलोकेषु ये सर्पा: वासुकिना च रक्षिता।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।5।।
मलये चैव ये सर्पा: कर्कोटक प्रमुखाद्य।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।6।।
ृ व्यां चैव ये सर्पा: ये साकेत वासिता।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सप्
ु रीतो मम सर्वदा।।7।।
सर्वग्रामेषु ये सर्पा: वसंतिषु संच्छिता।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।8।।
ग्रामे वा यदि वारण्ये ये सर्पप्रचरन्ति।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।9।।
समुद्रतीरे ये सर्पाये सर्पा जंलवासिन:।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा।।10।।
रसातलेषु ये सर्पा: अनन्तादि महाबला:।
नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सप्
ु रीतो मम सर्वदा।।11।।
http://hindi.webdunia.com/article/astrology-tantra-mantra-yantra/। । श् री - स र्प -

4. वृक्ष श्लोका - श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

अश्वत्थः सर्ववक्षा
ृ णां दे वर्षीणां च नारदः ।
गन्धर्वाणां चित्ररथः सिद्धानां कपिलो मुनिः ॥१०- २६॥
भावार्थः : मैं सब वक्षों
ृ में पीपल का वक्ष ृ , दे वर्षियों में नारद
ु , गन्धर्वों में चित्ररथ और सिद्धों में कपिल मनि ु हूँ॥26॥
उच्चैःश्रवसमश्वानां विद्धि माममत
ृ ोद्भवम ् ।
ऐरावतं गजेन्द्राणां नराणां च नराधिपम ् ॥१०- २७॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 102

भावार्थः : घोड़ों में अमत
ृ के साथ उत्पन्न होने वाला उच्चैःश्रवा
नामक घोड़ा, श्रेष्ठ हाथियों में ऐरावत नामक हाथी और मनुष्यों
में राजा मुझको जान॥27॥
आयुधानामहं वज्रं धेनूनामस्मि कामधुक् ।
प्रजनश्चास्मि कन्दर्पः सर्पाणामस्मि वासकु िः ॥१०- २८॥
भावार्थः : मैं शस्त्रों में वज्र और गौओं में कामधेनु हूँ। शास्त्रोक्त
रीति से सन्तान की उत्पत्ति का हे तु कामदे व हूँ और सर्पों में
सर्पराज वासुकि हूँ॥28॥
अनन्तश्चास्मि नागानां वरुणो यादसामहम ् ।
पितॄणामर्यमा चास्मि यमः संयमतामहम ् ॥१०- २९॥
भावार्थः : मैं नागों में (नाग और सर्प ये दो प्रकार की सर्पों की
ही जाति है ।) शेषनाग और जलचरों का अधिपति वरुण दे वता
हूँ और पितरों में अर्यमा नामक पितर तथा शासन करने वालों
में यमराज मैं हूँ॥29॥
प्रह्लादश्चास्मि दै त्यानां कालः कलयतामहम ् ।
ृ ाणां च मग
ृ ेन्द्रोऽहं वैनतेयश्च पक्षिणाम ् ॥१०- ३०॥
भावार्थः : मैं दै त्यों में प्रह्लाद और गणना करने वालों का समय
(क्षण, घड़ी, दिन, पक्ष, मास आदि में जो समय है वह मैं हूँ)
हूँ तथा पशुओं में मग ृ राज सिंह और पक्षियों में गरुड़ हूँ॥30॥
पवनः पवतामस्मि रामः शस्त्रभत
ृ ामहम ् ।
झषाणां मकरश्चास्मि स्रोतसामस्मि जाह्नवी ॥१०- ३१॥

भावार्थः : मैं पवित्र करने वालों में वायु और शस्त्रधारियों

में श्रीराम हूँ तथा मछलियों में मगर हूँ और नदियों में श्री
भागीरथी गंगाजी हूँ॥31॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 103

5. वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् आरण्य काण्डम ् Ch: 9 - श्लोकाः

धर्मात ् अर्थः प्रभवति धर्मात ् प्रभवते सुखम ् |

धर्मेण लभते सर्वम ् धर्म सारम ् इदम ् जगत ् || ३-९-३०
"From virtuousness prosperity emanates, from
righteousness happiness, and by honourableness
all are achieved, and this universe is the essence
of probity... [3-9-30]
आत्मानम ् नियमैः तैः तैः कर्षयित्वा प्रयत्नतः |
प्राप्यते निपुणैः धर्मो न सुखात ् लभते सुखम ् || ३-९-३१
"Experts will make efforts to exhaust their own
selves with those and those principles, thus they
realise sublimity... unachievable is pleasure by
pleasuring alone... [3-9-31]
नित्यम ् शुचि मतिः सौम्य चर धर्मम ् तपो वने |
सर्वम ् हि विदितम ् तुभ्यम ् त्रैलोक्यम ् अपि तत्त्वतः || ३-९-३२
"Always tread along the righteousness with a pure
mind, oh, gentle one, and specially in these sagely
forests... you know everything in all the three worlds,
in all its nuances... [3-9-32]

6. श्लोकं - बिल्वाष्टकम ्
त्रिदळं त्रिगुणाकारं त्रिनेत्रं च त्रियायुधम ् I
त्रिजन्मपापसंहारं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम ् ll
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
Which has three leaves,
Which causes three qualities,
Which are like the three eyes of Shiva,
Which is like the triad of weapons,
And which destroys sins of three births.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 104

त्रिशाखैः बिल्वपत्रैश्च ह्यच्छिद्रैः कोमलैः शुभःै ।
शिवपूजां करिष्यामि ह्येकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम ् ll
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
Which has three shoots,
Which do not have holes,
Which are good and pretty,
And worship Lord Shiva.

अखण्ड बिल्व पत्रेण पूजिते नन्दिकेश्वरे l

ु सर्वपापेभ्यो ह्येकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम ् ll
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For if an uncut leaf is offered,
To his steed the god Nandi,
We get cleaned of all our sins.

शालिग्राम शिलामेकां विप्राणां जातु चार्पयेत ्।

सोमयज्ञ महापणु ्यं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम ्॥
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For it is equal to, offering a saligrama to a Brahmin,
Or the great blessing got out of performing Soma

दन्तिकोटि सहस्राणि वाजपेये शतानि च l

कोटिकन्या महादानं ह्येकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम ् ll
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For it is equal to gifting thousand elephants,
Or the performing of hundred fire sacrifices,
Or giving away billions of girls.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 105

लश्म्यास्तनतु उत्पन्नं महादे वस्य च प्रियम.ह l
ृ प्रयच्छामि ह्येकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम ्॥
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For it is equal to giving a tree of Bilwa,
Which was born from the breast of Lakshmi,
And which is very dear to the Lord Shiva.

दर्शनं बिल्ववक्ष
ृ स्य स्पर्शनं पापनाशनम ् l
अघोरपापसंहारं ह्येकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम ् ll
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
As seeing and touching of a tree of Bilwa,
Washes away ones sins and also very great sins.
काशीक्षेत्रनिवासं च कालभैरवदर्शनम ्।
प्रयागमाधवं दृष्ट्वा ह्येकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम ्॥
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
After living in the city of Kasi,
Seeing the Kala Bhairawa,
And also visiting the temple
Of Madhawa in Allahabad.

मलू तो ब्रह्मरूपाय मध्यतो विष्णुरूपिणेl

अग्रतः शिवरूपाय ह्येकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम ् ll
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
As Brahma resides at its bottom,
Lord Vishnu lives in its middle,
And Lord Shiva lives in its tip.
बिल्वाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं यः पठे त ् शिवसन्निधौ।
सर्वपाप विनिर्मुक्तः शिवलोकमवाप्नुयात ् ll
Reading this holy octet of Bilwa,
In the presence of Lord Shiva,
Would save one from all sins,
And in the end take him to the world of Shiva.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 106

7. श्लोकं - वृक्ष
श्लोकं: 1
छायामन्यस्य कुर्वन्ति तिष्ठन्ति स्वयमातपे।
फलान्यपि परार्थाय वक्षाः
ृ सत्पुरुषा इव॥
श्लोकं: 2
अहो एषां वरं जन्म सर्वप्राण्युपजीवनम ् ।
सुजनस्येव येषां वै विमुखा यान्ति नार्थिनः ॥
श्लोकं: 3
गन्धनिर्यास भस्मास्थिताक्मैः कामान्वितन्वते।।
श्लोकं: 4
मल ु ्ं भज
ु डगै शिखरं प्लवडैगं: ।
शाखा विहडगैः कुसुमानि भड ृ गैः।
नास्त्येव तच्चन्दनपादपरूय
यन्नाक्षितं सत्वभरै ः समलात ्।।
श्लोकं: 5
परिमलसुरभितनभसो बहवः कनकाद्रिपरिसरे तरवः।
तदपि सरु ाणां चेतसि निवसितामिव पारिजातेनं ।।
श्लोकं: 6
एक वुक्ष समारूढा नानाष्र्ण विहं गमाः।
प्रभाते दिक्षु गच्छन्ति तत्र का परिवेदना।।

8. नव नाग स्तोत्रम ्

अनन्तं वासुकिं शेषं पध्मनाभ च कम्बलम |

शंखपालं धत
ृ राष्ट्र तक्षकं कालियं तथा ||१||
Anantam vasukim shesham padhmanabham cha
kambalam |
Shankhapalam dhartarashhtram taksakam kaaliyam
thatha || 1 ||

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 107

एतानि नव नामानि नागानां च महात्मनाम |
सायंकाले पठे न्नित्यं प्रात:काले विशेषत: |
तस्य विषभयं नास्ति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत ्||२||
Aitani navnamaani naaganaan cha mahatmnaam |
Sayankaale pattenitya praatkaale visheshth |
Tasya vishbhay naastit sarvatra vijayee bhavet || 2 ||

9. पीपल वृक्ष पज
ू ा

आयु: प्रजां धनं धान्यं सौभाग्यं शरणं गत:।

दे हि दे व महावक्ष
ृ त्वामहं शरणं गत:।।
अश्वत्थ ह्युतझगु ्वास गोविन्दस्य सदाप्रिय।
अशेषं हर मे पापं वक्ष
ृ राज नमोस्तुते।

10. मूल मन्त्रम ् – नागा

ऊँ नमो भगवते कामरूपिणे महाबलाय नागाय दीप्तये स्वाः।।

भुजडंगेशाय विद्धहे सर्पजाताय धीमहि ।
तन्नो नाग प्रचोदयात ्।।
नमस्करोमि दे वेष नागेन्द्र हर भूषण।
अभीष्टदायिने तुभ्यं अहिराज नमो नमः ।।
ब्रहमाण्डकुम्भकारं भज
ु गाकारं जनार्दनं नौमि।
स्फारे यत्फणचक्रे षरावक्षियं वहति ।।
अनेके फकणनः सन्ति भेकभक्षणतत्पराः।
एक एक हि शेषोऽयं धरणीधरणक्षमः।।
युक्तोऽसि भुवन भारे मा वक्रां वितनु कन्धरां शेष।
त्वरयेकास्मिन्दुः रिवनि स्डाखितानि भवन्ति भुवनानि।।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 108

Class - X

1. भूमि वन्दनं - क्षमा प्रार्थना

"समुद्र वसने दे वि पर्वतस्तन मंडले विष्णु
पत्नी नमस्तुभ्यं पादस्पर्शम ् क्षमस्वमे"
Samudra-Vasane Devi Parvata-Stana-Mannddale |
Kssamasva-Me ||
अर्थ : समुद्ररूपी वस्त्र धारण करणार्याa, पर्वतरूपी स्तन असणार्या्
आणि भगवान श्रीविष्णूची पत्नी असलेल्या हे पथ ृ ्वीदे वी, मी
तुला नमस्कार करतो. तुला माझ्या पायांचा स्पर्श होणार आहे ,
त्यासाठी तू मला क्षमा कर.
Salutations to you consort of Shri Vishnu, who is
clothed by oceans and who is adorned prettily by
the mountains, I bow to you; Please forgive us for
touching you with our feet.

2. आपः सूक्तम ् ऋग्वदः

आपो हि ष्ठा मयोभुवस्था न ऊर्जे दधातन ।
महे रणाथ चक्षसे ॥१॥
O Water, because of your presence, the Atmosphere
is so refreshing, and imparts us with vigour and
We revere you who gladdens us by your Pure
यो वः शिवतमो रसस्तस्य भाजयतेह नः ।
उशतीरिव मातरः ॥२॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 109

O Water, this auspicious Sap of yours, please share
with us,
Like a Mother desiring (to share her best possession
with her children).
तस्मा अरं गमाम वो यस्य क्षयाय जिन्वथ ।
आपो जनयथा च नः ॥३॥
O Water, when your invigorating essence goes to
one affected by weakness, it enlivens him,
O Water, you are the source of our lives.
शं नो दे वीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये ।
शं योरभि स्रवन्तु नः ॥४॥
O Water, may the auspicious divinity which is wished
for be present in you when we drink (water).
May the auspiciousness which supports you, flow
to us.
ईशाना वार्याणां क्षयन्तीश्चर्षणीनाम ् ।
अपो याचामि भेषजम ् ॥५॥
O Water, may the divinity in Water dwell in the
Farm lands,
O Water, I implore you to give nutrition (to the
अप्सु मे सोमो अब्रवीदन्तर्विश्वानि भेषजा ।
अग्नि च विश्वशंभुवम ् ॥६॥
O Water, Soma told me that in Water is present all
Medicinal Herbs of the World, …

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 110

and also Agni (Fire) who brings auspiciousness to
the World.
आपः पण
ृ ीत भेषजं वरूथं तन्वेऽ मम ।
ज्योक्च सूर्यं दृशे ॥७॥
O Water, you are abundantly filled with Medicinal
Herbs; Please protect my body, …
so that I can see the Sun for long (i.e. I live long).
इदमापः प्र वहत यत्किं च दरु ितं मयि ।
ु ह यद्वा शेप उतानत
ृ म ् ॥८॥
O Water, please wash away whatever wicked
tendencies are in me, …
and also wash away the treacheries burning me
from within, and any falsehood present in my Mind.
आपो अद्यान्वचारिषं रसेन समगस्महि ।
पयस्वानग्न आ गहि तं मा सं सज
ृ वर्चसा ॥९॥
O Water, today, to you who is pervaded by fine
Rasa (Invigorating Sap) I came,
I deeply enter (i.e. bathe) in you who is pervaded by
Agni (Fire Principle); May that Agni produce lustre
in me.

3. गङ्गा स्तोत्रम ् - श्री शंकराचार्यः कृतं श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

दे वि सुरेश्वरि भगवति गङ्गे त्रिभुवनतारिणि तरलतरङ्गे ।
शङ्करमौलिविहारिणि विमले मम मतिरास्तां तव पदकमले

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 111

O Devi Bhagavati Ganga, the Goddess of the
Devas, You liberate the Three Worlds with the
merciful waves of Your Liquid Form,
O the Stainless Pure One Who resides in the
Head of Shankara, May my Devotion remain firmly
established on Your Lotus Feet॥
भागीरथि सख
ु दायिनि मातस्तव जलमहिमा निगमे ख्यातः ।
नाहं जाने तव महिमानं पाहि कृपामयि मामज्ञानम ् ॥२॥
O Mother Bhagirathi, You give Joy to All, and the
Glory of Your Water is praised in the Scriptures,
I do not know Your Glory fully, but inspite of my
Ignorance, please protect me, O Compassionate
हरिपदपाद्यतरङ्गिणि गङ्गे हिमविधुमुक्ताधवलतरङ्गे ।
दरू ीकुरु मम दषु ्कृ तिभारं कुरु कृपया भवसागरपारम ् ॥३॥
O Mother Ganga, You originate from the Feet
of Hari, and flow down with Pure White Waves
resembling the Whiteness of Frost, the Whiteness
of Moon, as well as the Whiteness of Pearl,
O Mother, Please remove the burden in my Mind
created due to Evil deeds, and by Your Grace
finally make me cross the ocean of Samsara(Worldly
तव जलममलं येन निपीतं परमपदं खलु तेन गह
ृ ीतम ् ।
मातर्गङ्गे त्वयि यो भक्तः किल तं द्रष्टुं न यमः शक्तः ॥४॥
He who has drunk Your Pure Water, Indeed he will
obtain the Highest Abode,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 112

Yama is not able to cast his glance on him (i.e. he
goes to Your Abode and not Yamaloka).
पतितोद्धारिणि जाह्नवि गङ्गे खण्डितगिरिवरमण्डितभङ्गे ।
भीष्मजननि हे मुनिवरकन्ये पतितनिवारिणि त्रिभुवनधन्ये ॥५॥
O Jahnavi Ganga, You are the uplifter of the
fallen, and You flow meandering through the Great
Mountains (of Himalayas), cutting through them and
adorning them,
O the Mother of Bhisma and the daughter of the
great Jahnu Muni, You save the fallen and bring
prosperity to the three Worlds.
कल्पलतामिव फलदां लोके प्रणमति यस्त्वां न पतति शोके ।
पारावारविहारिणि गङ्गे विमुखयुवतिकृततरलापाङ्गे ॥६॥
You bestow Fruits to the Worlds like the Kalpalata
(Wish-Fulfilling creeper); He who reverentially bows
down to You does not fall into Grief,
O Mother Ganga, You flow into the ocean with the
sportiveness of a young Maiden turning away with
side glances.
तव चेन्मातः स्रोतःस्नातः पुनरपि जठरे सोऽपि न जातः ।
नरकनिवारिणि जाह्नवि गङ्गे कलुषविनाशिनि महिमोत्तुङ्गे
O Mother, he who has bathed in the flow of Your
Pure Water, he will not again take birth from the
womb of a mother (i.e. have rebirth),
O Jahnavi Ganga, You save people from falling in
the Naraka (Hell) and destroy their Impurities; O
Mother Ganga, Your Greatness standsHigh.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 113

ु रसदङ्गे पण
ु ्यतरङ्गे जय जय जाह्नवि करुणापाङ्गे ।
इन्द्रमुकुटमणिराजितचरणे सुखदे शुभदे भतृ ्यशरण्ये ॥८॥
O Jahnavi Ganga, Victory to You, You make the
Impure Body Pure again by Your Holy Waves and
Compassionate Glance,
8.2: O Mother Ganga, Your Feet is adorned with
the Crown-Jewel of Indra; You give Joy and
bestow Auspiciousness to the servant who takes
रोगं शोकं तापं पापं हर मे भगवति कुमतिकलापम ् ।
त्रिभुवनसारे वसुधाहारे त्वमसि गतिर्मम खलु संसारे ॥९॥
O Bhagavati Ganga, Please take away my Diseases,
Sorrows, Afflictions and Sins & Evil-Tendencies
from my Mind,
O Mother Ganga, You are the Prosperity of the
Three Worlds and the Garland of the Earth, You
verily are my Refuge in the Samsara (Worldly
अलकानन्दे परमानन्दे कुरु करुणामयि कातरवन्द्ये ।
तव तटनिकटे यस्य निवासः खलु वैकुण्ठे तस्य निवासः ॥१०॥
O the giver of Great Joy, Please listen to my
Prayers and be Gracious to me, O the Merciful One
Who is adored by the Helpless,
He, who resides near Your River Bank, is indeed
residing in Vaikuntha,
वरमिह नीरे कमठो मीनः किं वा तीरे शरटः क्षीणः ।
अथवा श्वपचो मलिनो दीनस्तव न हि दरू े नप
ृ तिकुलीनः ॥११॥
O Mother, It is better to live in Your Waters like a

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 114

Tortoise or Fish, or in Your River Bank like a feeble
Chameleon, ...
Or be an unclean and miserable Low born (but
living near You), rather than be a King or High
Born but being far away from You.
भो भुवनेश्वरि पुण्ये धन्ये दे वि द्रवमयि मुनिवरकन्ये ।
गङ्गास्तवमिमममलं नित्यं पठति नरो यः स जयति सत्यम ्
O Bhuvaneswari (Goddess of the World), You are
the bestower of Holiness and Prosperity; O Devi,
You are thedaughter of the great Jahnu Muni in
Liquid Form,
He who regularly recites this Pure Ganga Stava
(Hymn), he truly becomes successful.
येषां हृदये गङ्गाभक्तिस्तेषां भवति सदा सुखमुक्तिः ।
मधुराकान्तापज्झटिकाभिः परमानन्दकलितललिताभिः ॥१३॥
He who fills his Heart with Devotion to Devi Ganga,
he always feels the Joy of Freedom (within his
This Ganga Stotram which is Sweet and Pleasing
is composed in Pajjhatika meter; It is like a Great
Joy formed with Artless Innocence (of Devotion).
गङ्गास्तोत्रमिदं भवसारं वाञ्छितफलदं विमलं सारम ् ।
शङ्करसेवकशङ्कररचितं पठति सुखी स्तव इति च समाप्तः
This Ganga Stotram is the true substance in this
Samsara, giving desired Fruits, and is the essence
of Purity,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 115

This hymn is composed by Shankara (Adi
Shankaracharya), the servant of Shankara (Shiva);
those who read it will be filled with Joy; thus ends
this Stava (Hymn) (with good wishes for all).

4. नवग्रह स्तोत्रम ्
अथ नवग्रह स्तोत्र II
श्री गणेशाय नमः II
ु संकाशं काश्यपेयं महदद्युतिम ् I
तमोरिंसर्वपापघ्नं प्रणतोSस्मि दिवाकरम ् II १ II
दधिशंखतुषाराभं क्षीरोदार्णव संभवम ् I
नमामि शशिनं सोमं शंभोर्मुकुट भूषणम ् II २ II
धरणीगर्भ संभत
ू ं विद्युत्कांति समप्रभम ् I
कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं तं मंगलं प्रणाम्यहम ् II ३ II
प्रियंगुकलिकाश्यामं रुपेणाप्रतिमं बुधम ् I
सौम्यं सौम्यगुणोपेतं तं बुधं प्रणमाम्यहम ् II ४ II
दे वानांच ऋषीनांच गरुंु कांचन सन्निभम ् I
बुद्धिभूतं त्रिलोकेशं तं नमामि बह
ृ स्पतिम ् II ५ II
हिमकंु द मण
ृ ालाभं दै त्यानां परमं गुरुम ् I
सर्वशास्त्र प्रवक्तारं भार्गवं प्रणमाम्यहम ् II ६ II
नीलांजन समाभासं रविपत्रं
ु यमाग्रजम ् I
छायामार्तंड संभूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम ् II ७ II
अर्धकायं महावीर्यं चंद्रादित्य विमर्दनम ् I
सिंहिकागर्भसंभूतं तं राहुं प्रणमाम्यहम ् II ८ II

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 116

पलाशपुष्पसंकाशं तारकाग्रह मस्तकम ् I
रौद्रंरौद्रात्मकं घोरं तं केतुं प्रणमाम्यहम ् II ९ II
इति श्रीव्यासमख
ु ोग्दीतम ् यः पठे त ् सस
ु माहितः I
दिवा वा यदि वा रात्रौ विघ्न शांतिर्भविष्यति II १० II
नरनारी नप
ृ ाणांच भवेत ् दःु स्वप्ननाशनम ् I
ऐश्वर्यमतुलं तेषां आरोग्यं पुष्टिवर्धनम ् II ११ II
ग्रहनक्षत्रजाः पीडास्तस्कराग्निसमुभ्दवाः I
ता सर्वाःप्रशमं यान्ति व्यासोब्रुते न संशयः II १२ II
II इति श्रीव्यास विरचितम ् आदित्यादी नवग्रह स्तोत्रं संपूर्णं II
Reference: https://mr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ग्रह

5. गङ्गा -श्रीमद भागवतम ् श्रीमद भागवतम ् 5.17

श्रीशुक उवाच
तत्र भगवतः साक्षाद्यज्ञलिङ्गस्य
विष्णोर्विक्रमतो वामपादाङ्गुष्ठनख
निर्भिन्नोर्ध्वाण्डकटाह विवरे णान्तःप्रविष्टा
या बाह्यजलधारा
Sri Shukadeva said:
Then Bhagavat (the Godhead) Who is the visible
Yagya Linga (the deity of the yagya to whom all
oblations go)...
Sri Vishnu, took the great stride (as Trivikrama),
and with the nail of the thumb of His Left Foot, ...
pierced the upper shell of the Brahmanda (Universe);
Then, from that opening entered...

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 117

The Stream of Water (of Ganga) from outside (the
तच्चरणपङ्कजावनेजन अरुणकिञ्जल्कोपरञ्जित
अखिलजगदघमलापहा उपस्पर्शनामला
साक्षाद्भगवत्पदी इति अनुपलक्षितवचः
(That Water of Ganga) Washed that Lotus Feet (of
Sri Vishnu) which was Reddish in Colour like the
filament of Lotus...
(and by) directly touching that Pure (Feet of Vishnu),
(became) the remover of the Sins of the entire
She came to be known as "Bhagavat Padi" (or
"Vishnu Padi"),...
अभिधीयमाना अतिमहता कालेन
युगसहस्रोपलक्षणेन दिवो मूरन
्ध ्यवततार
यत्तद्विष्णुपदमाहुः ॥५.१७.१॥
and was considered thus since very old times,
After thousand Yugas, She descended on the head
of the Sky (i.e. Dhruvaloka),
She, Who is called Vishnu Padi,
यत्र ह वाव वीरव्रत औत्तानपादिः परमभागवतः
अस्मत्कुलदे वताचरणारविन्दोदकमिति
यामनुसवनमुत्कृ ष्यमाण भगवद्भक्तियोगेन दृढं
क्लिद्यमानान्तर्हृदय औत्कण्ठ्यविवश
Here indeed (i.e. at Dhruvaloka where river Ganga
has descended), firm in his vows, the son of king

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 118

Uttanapada (i.e. Dhruva Maharaj), who is the most
excellent Devotee,
(Thinking) "This is the water coming from the Lotus
Feet of our Kula-Devata (Sri Vishnu)",
With constantly increasing (Devotion), by steady
flow of Bhakti towards God (Sri Vishnu),
And the interior of the Heart moist (melting) with
spontaneous Yearning;
अमीलितलोचनयुगल कुड्मलविगलितामलबाष्पकलया
अभिव्यज्यमान रोमपुलककुलकः
अधुनापि परमादरे ण शिरसा विभर्ति ॥५.१७.२॥
With the pair of Eyes Half-Open, from which Tears of
Pure (Love) is flowing, as if emanating from Flowers,..
and manifesting as ecstasy making the Hairs of the
Body stand,
(In such a state) Even today, with great Reverence,
Dhruva Maharaj is bearing the river Ganga on his
Head (while constantly meditating on the Feet of
Sri Vishnu from where the river has emanated).
ततः सप्त ऋषयस्तत्प्रभावाभिज्ञा यां ननु
तपस_आत्यन्तिकी सिद्धिरे तावती भगवति सर्वात्मनि
There (i.e. below Dhruvaloka), the Saptarshis (Seven
Great Sages), indeed knowing the great efficacy of
Her (i.e. of River Ganga in reaching Vasudeva,
since She flows from His Feet), ...
(Vasudeva Who is) The Supreme culmination
of all Tapas, the greatest Siddhi (Spiritual
accomplishment), Bhagavati (Divine Godhead) and

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 119

Sarvatmani (Residing as the Soul of all),...
वासुदेवेऽनुपरत भक्तियोगलाभेनैव
मुक्तिमिवागतां मुमुक्षव इव
सबहुमानमद्यापि जटाजूटैरुद्वहन्ति ॥५.१७.३॥
(The Saptarshis) Meditate on Vasudeva
uninterruptedly, to commune with Him through
Bhakti Yoga alone, ...
Disregarding all other paths which leads towards
such as attaining Mukti through Mumukshava
(Intense desire for liberation),...
(The Saptarshis) With great reverence even today
carry Ganga on their Matted Hairs (and meditate
on the Lotus Feet of Vasudeva from where Ganga
ततोऽनेकसहस्रकोटिविमानानीकसङ्कुलदे वयानेन
ब्रह्मसदने निपतति ॥५.१७.४॥
(i.e. from Saptarshiloka), riding on many thousand
crores of Celestial Spacecrafts (i.e. through celestial
passageway), ...
(River Ganga) descend on the sphere of the Moon,
and flowing unimpeded...
Falls on the abode of Lord Brahma,
तत्र चतुर्धा भिद्यमाना
चतुर्भिनामभिश्चतुर्दि शमभिस्पन्दन्ती

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 120

सीतालकनन्दाचक्षुर्भद्रेति ॥५.१७.५॥
There (i.e. at the abode of Lord Brahma), River
Ganga divides into four parts,
It assumes four names and flows in four directions,
(And finally) Enters into the husband of all Rivers
(i.e. into the Ocean),
(The four branches of River Ganga are) River Sita,
River Alakananda, River Cakshu and River Bhadra,
सीता तु ब्रह्मसदनात्के सराचलादिगिरिशिखरे भ्यो
ऽधोऽधः प्रस्रवन्ती गन्धमादनमर
ू स
्ध ु पतित्वान्तरे ण
भद्राश्ववर्षं प्राच्यां दिशि क्षारसमद्र
ु मभिप्रविशति ॥५.१७.६॥
River Sita flows from the abode of Brahma to
Kesarachala and other mountain peaks, ...
And flowing downward falls on the top of the
Gandhamadana mountain, and then falls within, ...
Bhadrashvavarsha, and thereafter flowing in the
eastern direction enters into the Salty Ocean,
एवं माल्यवच्छिखरान्निष्पतन्ती ततो ऽनुपरतवेगा
केतुमालामभि चक्षुः प्रतीच्यां दिशि सरित्पतिं प्रविशति
In this way, falling on the top of the Malyavan
mountain, and then with uninterrupted force, ...
flowing towards Ketumalavarsha, River Cakshu
flows in the western direction and finally enters into
the husband of all rivers (i.e. the Ocean),

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 121

भद्रा चोत्तरतो मेरुशिरसो निपतिता
गिरिशिखराद्गिरिशिखरमतिहाय शङ
ृ ्गवतः शङ
ृ ्गादवस्यन्दमाना
उत्तरांस्तु कुरूनभित उदीच्यां दिशि जलधिमभिप्रविशति ॥५.१७.८॥
The river Bhadra falls from the top of Mount Meru
from the northern side, ...
And jumping from one peak to another it flows
on the peak of Mount Sringavana, And thereafter
flowing towards north on the land of Kuru enters
the Ocean.
तथैवालकनन्दा दक्षिणेन ब्रह्मसदनाद्बहूनि गिरिकूटान्यतिक्रम्य
हे मकूटाद्धैमकूटान्यतिरभसतररं हसा लठ
ु यन्ती
भारतमभिवर्षं दक्षिणस्यां दिशि जलधिमभिप्रविशति
यस्यां स्नानार्थं चागच्छतः पंस
ु ः पदे पदे ऽश्वमेध
राजसूयादीनां फलं न दर्ल ु भमिति ॥५.१७.९॥
Similarly, river Alakananda flows from the southern
side of the abode of Brahma, and crossing many
mountain peaks, ...
It rolls down (i.e. fall) on Hemakuta and Himakuta
mountains with great force, ...
and then raining on (i.e. entering) Bharatavarsha,
flows towards the south and enters the Ocean,
By taking bath in this (holy river), for a person to
obtain at every step, the fruits of Ashwamedha, ...
Rajasuya and other yagyas is not very difficult.
Reference: http://www.greenmesg.org/bharatavarsha/stotras/ganga_stotras.php

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 122

6. वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् किष्किन्दा काण्डम ्

Ch: 13 - श्लोकाः (16- 23)

तस्य तद् वचनम ् श्रुत्वा राघवस्य महात्मनः |
गच्छन्न् एव आचचक्षे अथ सुग्रीवः तत ् महद् वनम ् || ४-१३-१६
On hearing that sentence of that great soul Raghava,
then Sugreeva described about the significance of
that forest while proceeding on the way. [4-13-16]
एतद् राघव विस्तीर्णम ् आश्रमम ् श्रम नाशनम ् |
उद्यान वन संपन्नम ् स्वाद ु मूल फल उदकम ् || ४-१३-१७
"Raghava, this spacious hermitage with abundant
gardens and dainty tubers, fruits and water is a
weary remover." Thus Sugreeva started telling Rama.
अत्र सप्तजना नाम मुनयः संशित व्रताः |
सप्त एव आसन ् अधः शीर्षा नियतम ् जल शायिनः || ४-१३-१८
"There were hermits named sapta jana, Seven
Persons, who were dourly vowed with their heads
pendulous downward and legs up, as in shiirSa
aasana , the upside-down yogic body posture, and
who always reclined in water. [4-13-18]
सप्त रात्रे कृत आहारा वायुना अचल वासिनः |
दिवम ् वर्ष शतैः याताः सप्तभिः सकलेवराः || ४-१३-१९
"They were making diet on air alone that too once
in seven days, and living unwaveringly in that way
they practised their asceticism for seven hundred
years and went to heavens with their bodies. [4-

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 123

तेषाम ् एतत ् प्रभावेण द्रुम प्राकार संवत
ृ म् |
आश्रमम ् सद
ु रु ाधर्षम ् अपि स इन्द्रैः सरु असरु ै ः || ४-१३-२०
"This hermitage that has encircling trees for its
compound wall has become highly unassailable
even for Indra together with all gods and demons.
पक्षिणो वर्जयन्ति एतत ् तथा अन्ये वनचारिणः |
विशन्ति मोहाद् ये अपि अत्र न निवर्तन्ति ते पन
ु ः || ४-१३-२१
"Birds and other forest moving animals forbear this
hermitage and those that unknowingly enter in there
they do not return. [4-13-21]
ू ण रवाः च अत्र श्य
रू ंते सकलाक्षराः |
तूर्य गीत स्वनाः च अपि गन्धो दिव्यः च राघव || ४-१३-२२
"From there artistically worded lyrical and instrumental
tunes, and even the sounds of ornaments are
audible, and oh, Raghava, one can sense a divine
fragrance too. [4-13-22]
त्रेताग्नयो अपि दीप्यन्ते धूमो हि एष प्रदृश्यते |
वेष्टयन ् इव वक्ष
ृ अग्रान ् कपोत अंग अरुणो घनः || ४-१३-२३
"Even the triadic ritual-fires glow there, and their thick
and ochry coloured smoke like that of a reddish-
brown pigeon is apparent muffling the treetops.

7. सूर्याष्टकम ्
आदिदे व नमस्तुभ्यं प्रसीद मम भास्कर ।
दिवाकर नमस्तुभ्यं प्रभाकर नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 124

My Salutations to You O Adideva (the first God), Please
be gracious to me O Bhaskara (the Shining One),
My Salutations to You, O Divakara (the maker of the
Day), and again Salutations to You, O Prabhakara
(the maker of Light).
सप्ताश्वरथमारूढं प्रचण्डं कश्यपात्मजम ् ।
श्वेतपद्मधरं दे वं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥२॥
You are mounted on a Chariot driven by seven
Horses, You are excessively Energetic and the Son
of sageKashyapa,
You are the Deva Who holds a White Lotus (in
Your Hand); I Salute You, O Suryadeva.
लोहितं रथमारूढं सर्वलोकपितामहम ् ।
महापापहरं दे वं तं सर्यं
ू प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥३॥
You are Reddish in colour, and mounted on a
Chariot; You are the Grandfather of all persons
(being the Adideva, the first God),
You are the Deva Who removes great Sins from
our minds (by Your Illumination); I Salute You, O
त्रैगुण्यं च महाशूरं ब्रह्मविष्णुमहे श्वरम ् ।
महापापहरं दे वं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥४॥
You are the Heroic One having the Three Gunas
of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara (i.e. Qualities of
Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution),

You are the Deva Who removes great Sins from

our minds (by Your Illumination); I salute You, O

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 125

ृ तं तेजःपुञ्जं च वायुमाकाशमेव च ।
प्रभुं च सर्वलोकानां तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥५॥

You are a massively Enlarged Mass of Fiery Energy,

which (i.e. that energy) pervades everywhere like
Vayu(Air) and Akasha (Sky),

You are the Lord of all the Worlds, I salute You,

O Suryadeva.

बन्धुकपषु ्पसङ्काशं हारकुण्डलभषि

ू तम ् ।
एकचक्रधरं दे वं तं सर्यं
ू प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥६॥
You appear beautiful like a Red Hibiscus Flower
and You are adorned with Garland and Ear-Rings,

You are the Deva Who holds a Discus in one

Hand; I salute You, O Suryadeva.

तं सर्यं
ू जगत्कर्तारं महातेजः प्रदीपनम ् ।
महापापहरं दे वं तं सर्यं
ू प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥७॥
You, O Suryadeva are the Agent behind the World
(i.e. Who gives energy for action to everyone), You
enlivenothers with great Energy (and thus imparting
the ability to work),

You are the Deva Who removes great Sins from

our minds (by Your Illumination); I salute You, O

तं सूर्यं जगतां नाथं ज्ञानविज्ञानमोक्षदम ् ।

महापापहरं दे वं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥८॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 126

You, O Suryadeva are the Lord of the World, Who
grants Understanding and Knowledge which leads
You are the Deva Who removes great Sins from
our minds (by Your Illumination); I salute You, O
Reference: http://stotraratnawali.blogspot.in/2011/03/blog-post.html

8. श्रीयमन
ु ाष्टकम ् श्री आदि शंकराचार्यः

मरु ारिकायकालिमाललामवारिधारिणी
ृ ीकृतत्रिविष्टपा त्रिलोकशोकहारिणी ।
ु ा
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा ॥१॥
Your River Water holds the (touch of the) Beautiful
(Bluish) Darkness of the Body of Murari (Sri
Krishna), ...
(and hence) making the Heaven insignificant like a
blade of Grass (due to the touch of Sri Krishna),
proceeds to Remove the Sorrows of the Three
Your River Banks hold Charming Groves (the breeze
of which is touched by Krishna) which shake and
remove our Arrogance (and makes us devotionally
O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda
Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,
मलापहारिवारिपरू भरू िमण्डितामत
ृ ा

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 127

ृ ं प्रवातकप्रपञ्चनातिपण्डितानिशा ।
ु न्दनन्दिनांगसंगरागरञ्जिता हिता
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा ॥२॥
Your River Water, which takes away the Impurities,
is filled with abundant Nectar-like qualities,
Which (i.e. Your river water) is expert in washing
away deep-seated Sins of Sinners, continually,
Which (i.e. Your river water) is extremely Beneficial,
being coloured by the touch of the Body of the son
of virtuous Nanda Gopa,
O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda
Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,
लसत्तरं गसंगधत
ू भत
ू जातपातका
तटान्तवासदासहं ससंवत
ृ ाह्निकामदा
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा ॥३॥
The touch of Your Shining and Playful Waves wash
away the Sins rising in the Living Beings,
On Your River Bank resides many Chataka Birds
(symbolic) who carry the Fresh Sweetness born of
Bhakti (Devotion) (and who always look towards
Bhakti like Chataka birds look towards water),
You grant the Wishes of many Hamsas (Swans)
(symbolic) who converge and dwell on the boundary
of Your River Banks,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 128

O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda
Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,
गता गिरामगोचरे यदीयनीरचारुता।
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥४॥
The Breeze on Your Calm River Bank carries the
memories of the Pastimes and Rasa Leela (of Sri
Krishna and the Gopis), and the associated distress
of separation (of the Gopis from Sri Krishna), ...
(And hence also) The Beauty of Your River Water
has gone beyond what the Speech can express,
Due to the association with Your flow of Water,
the Earth and also the other Rivers have become
O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda
Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,
तरं गसंगसैकतान्तरातितं सदासिता
शरन्निशाकरांशुमञ्जुमञ्जरी सभाजिता।
ु ाधन
ु ा विशारदा
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥५॥
Your curved interior Sand Banks always Shine by
being in contact with Your flowing Waves,
Your River-body and River-banks are praised (i.e.
adorned) by the blossom of beautiful Moonbeams
of the Autumn Night,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 129

5.3: You are expert in adorning the World by
washing with Your Beautiful Water,
O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda
Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,
जलान्तकेलिकारि चारुराधिकांगरागिणी
ु भांगताङ्गतांशभागिनी ।
ु ोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥६॥
Your River-Body is coloured by the touch of the
Beautiful Radharani who used to play within Your
Waters (with Sri Krishna),
You Nourish others with that Sacred Touch (of
Radha-Krishna), which is so difficult to obtain,
You also share that Sacred Touch with the Sapta
Sindhu (Seven Rivers) silently, You being an expert
in penetrating (the realms of others),
O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda
Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,
सदावगाहनावतीर्णभर्तृभतृ ्यनारदा
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥७॥
On Your River-body has fallen the colour from the
Body of Acyuta (Sri Krishna) when He played with
thepassionate Women (i.e. Gopis) who flocked like

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 130

and also (on Your River-body has fallen) the Bee-
like Campaka Flowers which garlanded the dangling
Hairs of Radharani,
(And again) On Your River-body, sage Narada, the
servant of the Lord, always descend to take bath,
Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda Mountain),
Please Wash away the impurities from my Mind,
सदै व नन्दिनन्दकेलिशालिकुञ्जमञ्जुला
तटोत्थफुल्लमल्लिकाकदं बरे णस
ु ज
ू ्ज्वला ।
जलावगाहिनां नण
ृ ां भवाब्धिसिन्धुपारदा
धुनोतु नो मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा ॥८॥
Your River-Bank abounds in Beautiful Groves in
which the Son of Nanda (i.e. Sri Krishna) always
Play, ...
And Your River-Bank shines brightly with the Pollen
(i.e. Blossoms) of Mallika and Kadamba Flowers,
Those Persons who take bath in Your River Water,
You take them across the Ocean of the Worldly
O Kalinda Nandini (Daughter of the Kalinda
Mountain), Please Wash away the impurities from
my Mind, Always,


भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 131

9. नर्मदाष्टकम ् श्री आदि शंकाचार्यः
द्विषत्सु पापजातजातकारिवारिसंयत
ु म् ।
ू कालभूतभीतिहारिवर्मदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥१॥
Your River-body illumined with Sacred drops of
Water, flows with mischievous playfulness, bending
Your Sacred Water has the divine power to transform
those who are prone to Hatred, the Hatred born of
You put an end to the fear of the messenger of
Death by giving Your protective Armour (of Refuge),
O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,
Please give me Your Refuge.
कलौ मलौघभारहारि सर्वतीर्थनायकम ् ।
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥२॥
You confer Your Divine touch to the Lowly Fish
merged in Your Holy Waters,
You take away the weight of the Sins in this age
of Kali; and You are the foremost among all Tirthas
2.3: You confer Happiness to the many Fishes,
Tortoises, Crocodiles, Geese and Chakra Birds
dwelling in Your Water,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 132

O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,
Please give me Your Refuge.
ध्वनत्समस्तपातकारिदारितापदाचलम ् ।
जगल्लये महाभये मक
ृ ण्डसूनुहर्म्यदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥३॥
Your River-body is Deep and Overflowing, the
Waters of which remove the Sins of the Earth, ...
and it flows with great force making a loud
reverberating Sound, splitting asunder Mountains of
Distresses, the distresses which bring ourdownfall,
In the Heat of this World, You provide the Place
of Rest and assure great Fearlessness; You Who
gave the place of refuge at Your Banks to the son
of Rishi Mrikandu (Rishi Markandeya was the son
of Rishi Mrikandu),
O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,
Please give me Your Refuge.
गतं तदै व मे भवं त्वदम्बुवीक्षितं यदा
ृ ण्डसन
ू श
ु ौनकासरु ारिसेवि सर्वदा ।
पुनर्भवाब्धिजन्मजं भवाब्धिदःु खवर्मदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥४॥
O Devi, after I have seen Your Divine Water, my
attachment to the Worldly Life has indeed vanished,
Your Water, which is revered by the son of Rishi
Mrikandu (The son of Rishi Mrikandu was Rishi
Markandeya), Rishi Shaunaka, and theenemies of
the Asuras (i.e. Devas),

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 133

Your Water which is a Protective Shield against
the Sorrows of the Ocean of Worldly Existence,
caused by repeated Births in this Ocean ofSamsara
(Worldly Existence),
O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,
Please give me Your Refuge.
सुलक्षनीरतीरधीरपक्षिलक्षकूजितम ् ।
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥५॥
You are worshipped by lakhs of (i.e. innumerable)
invisible celestial beings like Kinnaras (Celestial
Musicians), Amaras (Devas), and also Asuras and
Your River-body with Auspicious Waters, as well as
Your River-banks which are Calm and Composed,
are filled with the sweet Sounds oflakhs of (i.e.
innumerable) cooing Birds,
You confer Happiness to great sages like Vashistha,
Sista, Pippala, Kardama and others,
O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,
Please give me Your Refuge.
सनत्कु मारनाचिकेतकश्यपादिषट्पदै ः_
ृ ं स्वकीयमानसेषु नारदादिषट्पदै ः ।
रवीन्दुरन्तिदे वदेवराजकर्मशर्मदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥६॥
By Rishis Sanatkumara, Nachiketa, Kashyapa and
others who are like the six-feeted (Bee) (since they

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 134

seek the honey of divine communion), ...
is held (Your Lotus Feet) in their Heart; and also
by Bee-like sages Narada and others (is held Your
Lotus Feet in their Heart),
You confer Happiness to Ravi (Sun), Indu (Moon),
Ranti Deva and Devaraja (Indra) by making their
works successful,
O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,
Please give me Your Refuge.
ततस्तु जीवजन्तुतन्तुभक्ति
ु मक्तिद
ु ायकम ् ।
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥७॥
You cleanse lakhs of (i.e. innumerable) Invisible
and Visible Sins with Your River-body, the Banks
of which are beautifully decorated with lakhs of (i.e.
innumerable) Sarasas (Cranes or Swans),
In that Holy Place (i.e. in Your River Banks), You
give both Bhukti (Worldly Prosperity) as well as
Mukti (Liberation) to the series of Living Beings
including Animals (who take Your Shelter),
The presence of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankara
in Your Holy Dhama (i.e. River body) provides a
Protective Shield (of Blessings to the Devotees),
O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,
Please give me Your Refuge.
ृ ं स्वनं श्रुतं महे शकेशजातटे

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 135

ू वाडवेषु पण्डिते शठे नटे ।
दरु न्तपापतापहारिसर्वजन्तुशर्मदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि दे वि नर्मदे ॥८॥
O, I only Hear the Sound of Immortality, flowing
down as Your River-body, originating from the
Matted Hairsof Shankara, and filling Your River
There (i.e. in Your River-banks), everyone, whether
Kirata (Mountain-Tribe), Suta (Charioteer), Vaddava
(Brahmin), Pandita (Learned and Wise) or Shattha
(Deceitful) gets purified within the Dance of Your
By vigourously removing Papa (Sins) and Tapa
(Heat of the miseries of Life) of all Animals
(Including Man), You confer that Happiness (born
of Purification),
O Devi Narmada, I Bow down to Your Lotus Feet,
Please give me Your Refuge.
इदं तु नर्मदाष्टकं त्रिकालमेव ये सदा
पठन्ति ते निरन्तरं न यान्ति दर्ग
ु तिं कदा ।
ु भ्य दे हदर्ल
ु भं महे शधामगौरवं
पुनर्भवा नरा न वै विलोकयन्ति रौरवम ् ॥९॥
This Narmadashtakam, those who always during
Three times of the day ...
Recite constantly, they do not ever undergo
It becomes easy to obtain the great privilege of
going to the abode of Mahesha, which is very

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 136

difficult for an embodied being to attain,
And those persons do not have to see the fearful
World again (by taking birth).
Reference: http://www.greenmesg.org/mantras_slokas/devi_narmada-narmadashtakam.php

10. शान्ति मंत्रम ् - उपनिषद्

ॐ द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः
ृ शान्तिरापः शान्तिरोषधयः शान्तिः ।
सर्वं शान्तिः शान्तिरे व शान्तिः सा मा शान्तिरे धि ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well
as in the vast ethereal space everywhere.
May peace reign all over this earth, in water and
in all herbs, trees and creepers.
May peace flow over the whole universe.
May peace be in the Supreme Being Brahman.
And may there always exist in all peace and peace
Aum peace, peace and peace to us and all beings!

11. नवग्रह - वैदिक मंत्रम ्

सूर्य : ऊँ आकृष्णेन रजसा वर्तमानो निवेशयन्नमत

ृ ं
मर्त्यण्च ।

हिरण्य़येन सविता रथेन देवो याति भव

ु नानि पश्यन ् ।।
चंद्र : ऊँ इमं दे वा असपत्नं ग्वं सुवध्यं ।

महते क्षत्राय महते ज्यैश्ठाय महते

जानराज्यायेन्दस्येन्द्रियाय इमममुध्य पुत्रममुध्यै

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 137

ु मस्यै विश वोsमी राज: सोमोsस्माकं ब्राह्माणाना

मंगल : “ऊँ अग्निमूर्धादिव: ककुत्पति: पथि

ृ व्यअयम। अपा
रे ता सिजिन्नवति ।”

बुध : ऊँ उद्बुध्यस्वाग्ने प्रतिजागहि

ृ त्वमिष्टापर्ते
ू स सज
ृ थ
े ामयं
च ।

अस्मिन्त्सधस्थे अध्युत्तरस्मिन्विश्वे देवा यजमानश्च

सीदत ।।

ृ स्पति : ऊँ बहृ स्पते अति यदर्यो अर्हाद द्युमद्विभाति
ु ज्जनेधु ।
यद्दीदयच्छवस ऋतप्रजात तदस्मासु द्रविण देहि चित्रम

शुक्र : ऊँ अन्नात्परिस्रुतो रसं ब्रह्मणा व्यपिबत क्षत्रं पय:

सेमं प्रजापति: ।

ऋतेन सत्यमिन्दियं विपान ग्वं, शुक्रमन्धस

इन्द्रस्येन्द्रियमिदं पयोय्मृतं मधु ।

शनि : ऊँ शं नो दे वीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये । शं

योरभि स्रवन्तु न: ।

राहू : ऊँ कयानश्चित्र आभुवदतू ीसदा वध

ृ : सखा ।
कयाशश्चिष्ठया वत
ृ ा ।
केतु : “ऊँ केतुं कृण्वन्न केतवे पेशो मर्या अपे से
समष ु भ्दिंरिजायथाः।”

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 138

Class - XI

1. ललिता पञ्चकम ् श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्यः

प्रातः स्मरामि ललितावदनारविन्दं
विम्बाधरं पथ
ृ ुलमौक्तिकशोभिनासम ् ।
आकर्णदीर्घनयनं मणिकुण्डलाढ्यं
मन्दस्मितं मग
ृ मदोज्ज्वलभालदे शम ् ॥१॥
In the Early Morning, I Remember the Lotus Face
of Devi Lalita Tripurasundari,
(The Lotus Face on which) The Lips are (Red) like
Bimba Fruits, and the Nose is adorned with Large
The large Eyes are stretching upto the Ears, and
the Ears are richly decorated with Gem-studded
The Face is lit with a Gentle Smile and the Forehead
is shining with the Musk of the Deer (Kasturi),
प्रातर्भजामि ललिताभुजकल्पवल्लीं
रक्ताङ्गुलीयलसदङ्गुलिपल्लवाढ्याम ् ।
माणिक्यहे मवलयाङ्गदशोभमानां
ु ड्रेक्षुचापकुसम
ु े षस
ु णृ िदधानाम ् ॥२॥
In the Early Morning, I Worship the Arms of Devi
Lalita Tripurasundari which are like Wish-Fulfilling
Creepers (Kalpavalli),
(The Arms on which) The Fingers are like shining
Sprouts and are richly decorated with Red Finger-Rings,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 139

The Arms are adorned with Golden Bracelets
studded with various Gems,
The Arms are holding a Bow of Sugarcane, Arrows
of Flowers and an Ankusha (Goad).
प्रातर्नमामि ललिताचरणारविन्दं
भक्तेष्टदाननिरतं भवसिन्धुपोतम ् ।
पद्मासनादिसरु नायकपज
ू नीयं
पद्माङ्कु शध्वजसुदर्शनलाञ्छनाढ्यम ् ॥३॥
In the Early Morning, I Salute the Lotus Feet of Devi
Lalita Tripurasundari, (The Lotus Feet which are)
Engaged in granting the wishes of the Devotees,
and (finally) like a Boat make them cross the Ocean
of Samsara(Worldly Existence),
(The Lotus Feet which are) Worshipped by
Padmasana (Lord Brahma seated on Lotus) and
other leading Suras (demi-gods), ...
and richly endowed with the Auspicious marks of
Padma (Lotus), Ankusha (Hook), Dhwaja (Flag) and
Sudarshana Chakra (Discus),
प्रातः स्तुवे परशिवां ललितां भवानीं
त्रय्यन्तवेद्यविभवां करुणानवद्याम ् ।
विश्वस्य सषृ ्टिविलयस्थितिहे तुभूतां
विद्येश्वरीं निगमवाङ्मनसातिदरू ाम ् ॥४॥
In the Early Morning, I Eulogize the Auspicious
Nature of Lalita Bhavani which is beyond the mind,
(The Auspicious Nature) Whose Majesty, Compassion
and Spotless Purity can only be comprehended by
understanding the Vedanta, ...

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 140

and which is the cause of Sristhi (Creation), Vilaya
(Dissolution) and Sthiti (Maintenance of Creation) of
this Universe,
(The Auspicious Nature) Which is Consciousness
embodied as Goddess, and which is beyond what
the Scriptures can express, Speech can refer to,
and Mind can think about,
प्रातर्वदामि ललिते तव पुण्यनाम
कामेश्वरीति कमलेति महे श्वरीति ।
श्रीशाम्भवीति जगतां जननी परे ति
वाग्देवतेति वचसा त्रिपुरेश्वरीति ॥५॥
In the Early Morning, O Devi Lalita Tripurasundari,
I utter Your Holy Names, ...
(which are) "Kameshwari", "Kamala", "Maheshwari", ...
Sri "Sambhavi", "Jagat Janani", "Para", ...
"Vagdevi" of speech and "Tripureshwari",
यः श्लोकपञ्चकमिदं ललिताम्बिकायाः
सौभाग्यदं सललि
ु तं पठति प्रभाते ।
तस्मै ददाति ललिता झटिति प्रसन्ना
विद्यां श्रियं विमलसौख्यमनन्तकीर्तिम ् ॥६॥
He who (recites) these Five Slokas of Mother Lalita
Tripurasundari, ...
which bestows good fortune and is charming to listen
to; (He who) recites these in the Early Morning, ...
To him Mother Lalita bestows, being instantly pleased, ...
(She bestows) Vidya (Knowledge), Sri (Prosperity),
Pure Happiness and Endless Fame.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 141

2. दे वी सूक्तम ् ऋग्वेदः
नमो दे व्यै महादे व्यै शिवायै सततं नमः ।
नमः प्रकृत्यै भद्रायै नियताः प्रणताः स्म ताम ् ॥१॥

रौद्रायै नमो नित्यायै गौर्यै धात्र्यै नमो नमः ।

ज्योत्स्ना यै चेन्दुरुपिण्यै सख
ु ायै सततं नमः ॥२॥
कल्याण्यै प्रणतां वध
ृ ्दयै सिध्दयै कुर्मो नमो नमः ।
नैऋत्यै भूभत
ृ ां लक्ष्म्यै शर्वाण्यै ते नमो नमः ॥३॥
ु यै दर्ग
ु पारायै सारायै सर्वकारिण्यै ।
ख्यातै तथैव कृष्णायै धूम्रायै सततं नमः ॥४॥

अतिसौम्यातिरौद्रायै नतास्तस्यै नमो नमः ।

नमो जगत्प्रतिष्ठायै दे व्यै कृत्यै नमो नमः ॥५॥

या दे वी सर्वभत
ू ष
े ु विष्णुमायेति शाध्दिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥६॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु चेतनेत्यभिधीयते ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥७॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु बुध्दिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥८॥

या दे वी सर्वभत
ू ष
े ु निद्रारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥९॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु क्षुधारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१०॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु छायारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥११॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 142

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु शक्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१२॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु तषृ ्णारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१३॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु क्षान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१४॥

या दे वी सर्वभत
ू ष
े ु जातिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१५॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु लज्जारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१६॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु शान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१७॥

या दे वी सर्वभत
ू ष
े ु श्रद्धा रूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१८॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु कान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१९॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु लक्ष्मीरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२०॥

या दे वी सर्वभत
ू ष
े ु वत्ृ तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२१॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु स्मृतिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२२॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु दयारूपेण संस्थिता ।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 143

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२३॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु तुष्टिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२४॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु मातरू
ृ पेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२५॥

या दे वी सर्वभूतष
े ु भ्रांतिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२६॥

इंद्रियाणामधिष्ठात्री भूतानं चाखिलेषु या ।

े ु सततं तस्यै व्याप्तिदे व्यै नमो नमः ॥२७॥

चितिरूपेण या कृत्सन मेतद्वाप्य स्थिता जगत ् ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२८॥

स्तुता सुरैः पूर्वमभीष्टसंश्रया,

तथा सरु े न्द्रे ण दिनेषु सेविता ।
करोतु सा नः शुभहे तुरीश्वरी,
शुभानि भद्राण्यभिहन्तु चापदः ॥२९॥

या सांप्रतं चोध्दतदै त्यतापितै-

रस्माभिरीशा च सुरैर्नमस्यते ।
या च स्मृता तत्क्षणमेव हन्ति नः,
सर्वापदो भक्ति विनम्रमूर्तिभिः ॥३०॥

गुह्यातिगुह्यगोप्त्री त्वं गह
ृ ाणास्मत्कृ तं जपम ् ।
सिध्दिर्भवतु मे दे वि त्वत्प्रसादान्महे श्वरि ॥३१॥

इति दे वीसूक्तम ् समाप्तम ् ।

Reference :
दे वीसूक्तम ्-॥-107100800061_1.htm

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 144

3. नारायणीयम ् : दशकम ् 78
त्रिदिववर्धकिवर्धितकौशलं त्रिदशदत्तसमस्तविभूतिमत ् ।
जलधिमध्यगतं त्वमभूषयो नवपुरं वपुरञ्चितरोचिषा ॥१॥
Even though Vishwakarmaa, the divine architect had
employed all his excellent skills in building it and the
gods had lavished all their divine embellishments
on the city, which was situated in the middle of the
ocean, it was adorned by the marked resplendence
of Thy form.
ु रे वतभूभतृ ि रे वतीं हलभत
ृ े तनयां विधिशासनात ् ।
महितमुत्सवघोषमपूपुष: समुदितैर्मुदितै: सह यादवै: ॥२॥
At the instructions of Brahmaa, the king of Revata
gave his daughter Revatee in marriage to Balaraam.
On this event with all the Yaadavaas, who had
assembled, Thou happily performed a great festive
अथ विदर्भसुतां खलु रुक्मिणीं प्रणयिनीं त्वयि दे व सहोदर: ।
स्वयमदित्सत चेदिमहीभज
ु े स्वतमसा तमसाधम
ु प
ु ाश्रयन ् ॥३॥
The daughter of the king of Vidarbh (Bheeshmaka),
Rukmini was indeed in love with Thee. O Lord! Her
brother,Rukmi, due to his ignorance caused by his
Tamas guna, of his own will resolved to give her to
the Chedi king Shishupaal. Rukmi had made friends
with Shishupaal who was totally non virtuous.
ृ प्रणया त्वयि बालिका सपदि काङ्क्षितभङ्गसमाकुला ।
तव निवेदयितंु द्विजमादिशत ् स्वकदनं कदनङ्गविनिर्मितं ॥४॥
For a long time holding love for Thee, which was
braught about by the cruel Cupid, the girl at once

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 145

instructed a Brahmin to acquaint Thee of her
distress by the immenent threat to the fulfillment of
her desire,
ु ोऽपि च तर्ण
ू मपु ाययौ तव परु ं हि दरु ाशदरु ासदम ् ।
ु मवाप च सादरपजि
ू त: स भवता भवतापहृता स्वयम ् ॥५॥
The Brahmin boy soon reached Thy city which
is inaccessible to wicked minded people. He was
highly delighted and attained great joy on being
received with honour by Thyself the remover of the
worldly travails and afflictions of men.
स च भवन्तमवोचत कुण्डिने नप
ृ सुता खलु राजति रुक्मिणी ।
त्वयि समतु ्सुकया निजधीरतारहितया हि तया प्रहितोऽस्म्यहम ् ॥६॥
And he said to Thee 'In Kundinaa (capital of
Vidarbha) lives the noble princess Rukmini. She
is deeply in love with Thee. She who has lost her
own restrain has indeed sent me here.'
तव हृताऽस्मि पुरैव गुणरै हं हरति मां किल चेदिनप
ृ ोऽधुना ।
अयि कृपालय पालय मामिति प्रजगदे जगदे कपते तया ॥७॥
From long since I am a captive of Thy excellences.
Now the king of Chedi (Shishupaal) is going to
captivate me. O Abode of Compassion! Save me.'
O Lord of the worlds! Thus she prayed to Thee.
अशरणां यदि मां त्वमुपेक्षसे सपदि जीवितमेव जहाम्यहम ् ।
इति गिरा सुतनोरतनोत ् भश
ृ ं सुहृदयं हृदयं तव कातरम ् ॥८॥
If Thou will foresake me, the helpless one, I will
certainly end my life soon.' This massage of the fair
Rukmini from the good hearted Braahmin, brought
about deep agitation in Thy heart.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 146

अकथयस्त्वमथैनमये सखे तदधिका मम मन्मथवेदना ।
ृ समक्षमुपेत्य हराम्यहं तदयि तां दयितामसितेक्षणाम ् ॥९॥
Thou then told him, 'O friend! My love pangs are
more intense than hers. Therefore, I will come, and
in presence of the kings, take away the dear dark
eyed one.'
प्रमुदितेन च तेन समं तदा रथगतो लघु कुण्डिनमेयिवान ् ।
गुरुमरुत्पुरनायक मे भवान ् वितनुतां तनुतां निखिलापदाम ् ॥१०॥
O Lord of Guruvaayur! Along with the highly
delighted Braahmin, Thou immediately got into the
chariot and soon reached Kundina. May Thou deign
to bring about relief for me from all my afflictions.

4. कालिकाष्टकम ् श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्यः

महोघोररावा सुदंष्ट्रा कराला ।
विवस्त्रा श्मशानालया मक
ु ्तकेशी
महाकालकामाकुला कालिकेयम ् ॥१॥
(Salutations to Devi Kalika) From Her Neck is
hanging a Garland of (severed) Heads from which
Blood is dripping down,
She is making a very Terrific Sound revealing Her
large Teeth, and Her appearance is extremely
Dreadful to look at,
She is without any Clothes and Residing in the
Cremation ground; Her Hair is let loose and Free
(as is Her entire appearance),

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 147

Her entire being is manifesting the great Yearning to
merge with Mahakala (to take the devotees beyond
Samsara); She is Kalika, the Great Dark Goddess.
भुजेवामयुग्मे शिरोऽसिं दधाना
वरं दक्षयुग्मेऽभयं वै तथैव ।
तुङ्गस्तना भारनम्रा
ृ ्कद्वया सस्मि
ु तास्या ॥२॥
With Her Left pair of Hands, She is Holding a Head
and a Sword (symbols of Death), ...
and in like manner with Her Right pair of Hands,
She is depicting the Vara (Boon-Giving) and Abhaya
(Fearlessness) mudras (gestures) (assurance of
taking the devotees to the world beyond death),
Her well-built middle Torso is slightly Bent with the
weight of Her lofty Breasts,
Her pair of Lips are Shining with Redness (the
colour of blood), at the corner of which is playing
a beautiful smile (of death).
शवद्वन्द्वकर्णावतंसा सक
ु े शी
लसत्प्रेतपाणिं प्रयक
ु ्तैककाञ्ची ।
शवाकारमञ्चाधिरूढा शिवाभिश ्_
चतुर्दिक्षुशब्दायमानाऽभिरे जे ॥३॥
Her Ear Rings are displaying the symbols of Corpse
(death) and She is having a beautiful long Hair,
Her Shining Girdle in the waist is made up of the
(severed) joined Hands of the Dead,
She is Mounted on the Platform of Corpses;.. and Jackals...

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 148

from all four Directions are making howling Sounds
(of terror); ... and in the midst of all these is
Reigning Kalika, the Great Dark Goddess.
विरञ्च्यादिदे वास्त्रयस्ते गण
ु ास्त्रीन ्
समाराध्य कालीं प्रधाना बभब
ू ःु ।
अनादिं सरु ादिं मखादिं भवादिं
स्वरूपं त्वदीयं न विन्दन्ति दे वाः ॥१॥
Viranchi (Sri Brahma) and the other Devas of the
Trinity, by taking recourse to Your Three Gunas, ...
and equally considering Kali as their Aradhya
(worshippable), have become the Chief among the
You are without any Beginning, You are the
Beginning of all Devas (i.e. the Primordial Power
giving birth to the Devas), You are theBeginning of
all Sacrifices (i.e. the Primordial Power to which all
sacrificial oblations go), You are the Beginning of
all the Worlds (i.e. the Primordial Power giving birth
to the Worlds),
Even the Devas do not know Your Transcendental
जगन्मोहनीयं तु वाग्वादिनीयं
सुहृत्पोषिणीशत्रुसंहारणीयम ् ।
वचस्तम्भनीयं किमुच्चाटनीयं
स्वरूपं त्वदीयं न विन्दन्ति दे वाः ॥२॥
You are the Power Enchanting the Worlds, and
(what more), You are the Power Proclaiming Speech

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 149

You are the Power which Nourish the Good-Hearted,
and You are the Power which Destroy the Enemies
(i.e. Evil Hearted),
You are the Power which can Supress the Speech,
and what more, You are the Power which can
Eradicate Speech itself (i.e. destroy the vain pride
of enemies),
Even the Devas do not know Your Transcendental
इयं स्वर्गदात्री पुनः कल्पवल्ली
मनोजास्तु कामान ् यथार्थं प्रकुर्यात ् ।
तथा ते कृतार्था भवन्तीति नित्यं
स्वरूपं त्वदीयं न विन्दन्ति दे वाः ॥३॥
You can give Heaven itself (i.e. great prosperity),
and again like a Wish-Fulfilling Creeper ...
fulfill the Mind-Born wishes uttered with true devotion,
Thus, to You the World is always Grateful,
Even the Devas do not know Your Transcendental
सुरापानमत्ता सुभक्तानुरक्ता
लसत्पूतचित्ते सदाविर्भवत्ते ।
ू ासध
ु ाधौतपङ्का
स्वरूपं त्वदीयं न विन्दन्ति दे वाः ॥४॥
You take great Delight Drinking the Sura (liquor
signifying transcendental bliss) and You are Pleased
with sincere Devotees,
Within the Heart Shining with Purity, You Always
Manifest Yourself, ...

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 150

the Heart which is Cleansed of Impurities by the
Nectar of Japa (repetition of God's name), Dhyana
(Meditation) and Puja (worshipping God),
Even the Devas do not know Your Transcendental
चिदानन्दकन्दं हसन ् मन्दमन्दं
शरच्चन्द्रकोटिप्रभापुञ्जबिम्बम ् ।
मुनीनां कवीनां हृदि द्योतयन्तं
स्वरूपं त्वदीयं न विन्दन्ति दे वाः ॥५॥
You are a Form within the Sky of Consciousness
of Spiritual Bliss and You make Your presence felt
by Smiling Gently (deep within),
Your Form is like the Moon in the Autumn Sky (of
Spiritual Consciousness) which Reflects the Million
Rays contained within it,
The Sages and the Enlightened feel Your presence
within the caves of their Hearts,
Even the Devas do not know Your Transcendental
महामेघकाली सरु क्तापि शभ्
ु रा
कदाचिद् विचित्राकृतिर्योगमाया ।
न बाला न वद्धा
ृ न कामातुरापि
स्वरूपं त्वदीयं न विन्दन्ति दे वाः ॥६॥
You are Black like the great Cloud and also Deep
Red, and again White,
Sometimes You assume various Forms through
Your Yogamaya,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 151

You are neither a Small Girl, nor an Old Woman,
and also not of any age filled with Love Desires
(i.e. Youth),
Even the Devas do not know Your Transcendental
क्षमस्वापराधं महागुप्तभावं
मया लोकमध्ये प्रकाशिकृतं यत ् ।
तव ध्यानपत
ू न
े चापल्यभावात ्
स्वरूपं त्वदीयं न विन्दन्ति दे वाः ॥७॥
Please Forgive my Mistake (if any), (because) Your
Great Hidden Nature ...
has been Revealed by me in the midst of the World,
It has been revealed by the Childlike Nature (within me)
which has been made Pure by Meditation on You,
Even the Devas do not know Your Transcendental
यदि ध्यानयुक्तं पठे द् यो मनुष्यस ्_
तदा सर्वलोके विशालो भवेच्च ।
ृ े चाष्टसिद्धिर्मृते चापि मक्
ु तिः
स्वरूपं त्वदीयं न विन्दन्ति दे वाः ॥८॥
If any person Reads this with Meditative Devotion, ...
then he will become Great in All the Worlds,
In the House (i.e. while living in this world) he will
get the Eight Siddhis, and after Death he will attain
Even the Devas do not know Your Transcendental
Reference: http://www.greenmesg.org/mantras_slokas/devi_kali-kalika_ashtakam.php

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 152

5. भवान्यष्टकम ् श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्यः
न तातो न माता न बन्धुर्न दाता
न पुत्रो न पुत्री न भतृ ्यो न भर्ता ।
न जाया न विद्या न वत्ृ तिर्ममैव
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥१॥
Neither the Father, nor the Mother; Neither the
Relation and Friend, nor the Donor,
Neither the Son, nor the Daughter; Neither the
Servant, nor the Husband,
Neither the Wife, nor the (worldly) Knowledge;
Neither my Profession,
You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh
Mother Bhavani.
भवाब्धावपारे महादःु खभीरु
पपात प्रकामी प्रलोभी प्रमत्तः ।
कुसंसारपाशप्रबद्धः सदाहं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥२॥
In this Ocean of Worldly Existence which is Endless,
I am full of Sorrow and Very much Afraid,
I have Fallen with Excessive Desires and Greed,
Drunken and Intoxicated,
Always Tied in the Bondage of this miserable
Samsara (worldly existence),
You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh
Mother Bhavani.
न जानामि दानं न च ध्यानयोगं
न जानामि तन्त्रं न च स्तोत्रमन्त्रम ् ।
न जानामि पूजां न च न्यासयोगं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥३॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 153

Neither do I know Charity, nor Meditation and Yoga,
Neither do I know the practice of Tantra, nor Hymns
and Prayers,
Neither do I know Worship, nor dedication to Yoga,
You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh
Mother Bhavani.
न जानामि पुण्यं न जानामि तीर्थ
न जानामि मुक्तिं लयं वा कदाचित ् ।
न जानामि भक्तिं व्रतं वापि मातर्गतिस्त्वं
गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥४॥
Neither do I Know Virtuous Deeds, nor Pilgrimage,
I do not know the way to Liberation, and with little
Concentration and Absorption,
I know neither Devotion, nor Religious Vows;
Nevertheless Oh Mother,
You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh
Mother Bhavani.
कुकर्मी कुसङ्गी कुबुद्धिः कुदासः
कुलाचारहीनः कदाचारलीनः ।
कुदृष्टिः कुवाक्यप्रबन्धः सदाहं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥५॥
I performed Bad Deeds, associated with Bad
Company, cherished Bad Thoughts, have been a
Bad Servant,
I did not perform my Traditional Duties, deeply
engaged in Bad Conducts,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 154

My eyes Saw with Bad Intentions, tongue always
Spoke Bad Words,
You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh
Mother Bhavani.
प्रजेशं रमेशं महे शं सुरेशं
दिनेशं निशीथेश्वरं वा कदाचित ् ।
न जानामि चान्यत ् सदाहं शरण्ये
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥६॥
Little do I know about The Lord of Creation
(Brahma), The Lord of Ramaa (Goddess Lakshmi)
(Vishnu), The Great Lord (Shiva), The Lord of the
Devas (Indra),
The Lord of the Day (Surya) or The Lord of the
Night (Chandra),
I do not know about other gods, but always seeking
Your Refuge,
You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh
Mother Bhavani.
विवादे विषादे प्रमादे प्रवासे
जले चानले पर्वते शत्रुमध्ये ।
अरण्ये शरण्ये सदा मां प्रपाहि
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥७॥
During Dispute and Quarrel, during Despair and
Dejection, during Intoxication and Insanity, in
Foreign Land,
In Water, and Fire, in Mountains and Hills, amidst
In Forest, please Protect me,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 155

You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh
Mother Bhavani.
अनाथो दरिद्रो जरारोगयुक्तो
महाक्षीणदीनः सदा जाड्यवक्त्रः ।
विपत्तौ प्रविष्टः प्रनष्टः सदाहं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥८॥
I am Helpless, Poor, Afflicted by Old Age and
Very Weak and Miserable, always with a Pale
Fallen Asunder, Always surrounded by and Lost in
Troubles and Miseries,
You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh
Mother Bhavani.
http://www.xn--j2beko0a2dfo5c.com/chaitra-navratri-special /॥-भवान्यष्टकम ्-॥-107092600045_1.

6. श्रीदर्गा
ु सप्तश्लोकी दे वी महात्म्यम ्
ॐ अस्य श्रीदर्गा
ु सप्तश्लोकीस्तोत्रमहामन्त्रस्य
नारायण ऋषिः । अनुष्टु पादीनि छन्दांसि ।
श्रीमहाकालीमहालक्ष्मीमहासरस्वत्यो दे वताः ।
श्री जगदम्बाप्रीत्यर्थ पाठे विनियोगः ॥:
Om, this Sri Durga Saptashloki Stotra Maha Mantra
which is composed by Sri Narayana Rishi, is in
Anusthup and other Metres.
This Maha Mantra is Dedicated to the Goddesses Sri
Mahakali, Sri Mahalakshmi and Sri Mahasaraswati,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 156

This Maha Mantra is Meant to be Recited to Please
the Jagadamba (Mother of the Universe).
ज्ञानिनामपि चेतांसि दे वि भगवती हि सा ।
बलादाकृष्य मोहाय महामाया प्रयच्छति ॥१॥
O Bhagavati Devi (Divine Goddess), the Wisdom
of the Jnanis (Spiritually-Evolved or Wise) are
Indeedreflection of a Part of Your Consciousness,
And O Devi Mahamaya (the Great Enchantress), by
Your Will, You can also Forcibly Attract their Minds
towards Delusion (such is Your Power and Divine
ु स्मृता हरसि भीतिमशेषजन्तोः
स्वस्थैः स्मृता मतिमतीव शुभां ददासि ।
दारिद्रयदःु खभयहारिणि का त्वदन्या
सर्वोपकारकरणाय सदार्द चित्ता ॥२॥
O Devi Durga, whoever Remembers You with
Devotion, You Remove the very Root of their Fear.
Whoever Meditates on You as being present within
their own Hearts, with Extreme Devotion, You
Bestow (i.e. Reveal to them) YourAuspicious Nature
(which is beyond description),
O Mother, Apart from You, Who Else can Destroy
Poverty, Sorrow and Fear from our Lives? (which
appears to be a never-ending cycle),
Your Heart is Always Full of Compassion to Render
All sorts of Help to Your Devotees.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 157

सर्वमंगलमांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥३॥
You are the Auspiciousness in All the Auspicious,
Auspiciousness Yourself, Complete with All
theAuspicious Attributes, and You fulfill All the
Objectives of the Devotees (Purusharthas - Dharma,
Artha, Kama and Moksha),
You are the Giver of Refuge, You have Three
Eyes (spanning the Past, Present and Future; and
containing within them the Sun, Moon and the
Fire), You are Gauri (the Shining One); Salutations
to You O Narayani.
शरणागतदीनार्तपरित्राणपरायणे ।
सर्वस्यार्तिहरे दे वि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥४॥
You are Intent upon Rescuing the Distressed and
the Oppressed who take Your Refuge whole-
heartedly, ...
and Remove All their Sufferings; Salutations to You
O Narayani.
सर्वस्वरूपे सर्वेशे सर्वशक्तिसमन्विते ।
भयेभ्यस्त्राहि नो दे वि दर्गे
ु दे वी नमोऽस्तु ते ॥५॥
You Exist in All Forms of All Gods, and You are
the Possessor of All Powers,
O Devi, Please Protect us from all Fears; Salutations
to You, O Durga Devi.
रोगानशेषानपहं सि तुष्टा रुष्टा तु कामान ् सकलानभीष्टान ् ।
त्वामाश्रितानां न विपन्नराणां त्वामाश्रिता ह्याश्रयतां प्रयान्ति ॥६॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 158

When You are Pleased with our Devotion, You
Destroy to the very Root our worldly Diseases (our
inner demons); but if You are Displeased with us
(for any reason), You will destroy All our Aspirations
and Wishes (i.e. they will remain ever unfulfilled),
By Your Refuge, Men cannot Go Astray and no
Misfortunes can finally overcome them; Your Refuge
Indeed is my final Refuge when I Departfrom this
सर्वाबाधाप्रशमनं त्रैलोक्यस्याखिलेश्वरि ।
एवमेव त्वया कार्यमस्मद्वैरि विनाशनम ् ॥७॥
O Goddess of All the Three Worlds, when You are
Pleased, You Mitigate All our Distresses.
Thus, in this Manner, Your Grace Works to Destroy
our Inner Enemies.

7. कनकधारा स्तोत्रम ् श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्यः

अङ्गं हरे ः पुलकभूषणमाश्रयन्ती
ृ ्गाङ्गनेव मक
ु ु लाभरणं तमालम ् ।
माङ्गल्यदास्तु मम मङ्गलदे वतायाः ॥१॥
(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Who always dwell
in the Body of Hari like an ornament of Ecstatic
Delight (Pulaka), ...
Like the Bees which delightfully decorate (dwelling
over) the half-open Flowers of the Tamala tree
(with their ecstatic humming sound),
Who has contained within Her Body the entire
Opulence of the Universe, (and She showers Wealth)
through the Play of Her Divine Glance(Apanga Leela),

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 159

May that Glance bring Auspiciousness in my Life;
that Divine Glance of the Mangala Devata (Godhead
of Auspiciousness and Welfare),
मुग्धा मुहुर्विदधती वदने मुरारे ः
प्रेमत्रपाप्रणिहितानि गतागतानि ।
माला दृशोर्मधुकरीव महोत्पले या
सा मे श्रियं दिशतु सागरसम्भवायाः ॥२॥
Who is charmed (by Hari), and incessantly directs
Her Glances on the Face of Murari,
(The Glances) Filled with Love and Bashfulness,
directed towards Hari, go out in this moment (Out
of Love) and return in the next moment (out of
As if the series of Glances have taken the form
of (a series of) Female Bees (Madhukari) who go
round and round a Huge Water Lily(Mahotpala),
May She bestow on me (Her Glance filled with)
Sriyam (Good Fortune), She Who has arisen out of
the Ocean (Sagara Sambhava),
विश्वामरे न्द्रपदविभ्रमदानदक्षम ्_
आनन्दहे तरु धिकं मरु विद्विषोऽपि ।
ईषन्निषीदतु मयि क्षणमीक्षणार्धम ्_
इन्दीवरोदरसहोदरमिन्दिरायाः ॥३॥
Who is capable of granting the position of the Chief
of the Devas of the (Three) Worlds (i.e. Indra Deva)
by a mere Wish,
And also (capable of) overflowing the Enemy of
Mura (i.e. Sri Hari) with great Joy,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 160

May a little of that Glance (of Grace), even for a
moment rest on me from Her Half-Closed Eyes,
(The Eyes with) Splendour resembling the Blue
आमीलिताक्षमधिगम्य मद
ु ा मक
ु ु न्दम ्_
आनन्दकन्दमनिमेषमनङ्गतन्त्रम ् ।
भूत्यै भवेन्मम भुजङ्गशयाङ्गनायाः ॥४॥
Whose fully opened Eyes have captured within it
the Joyous Form of Mukunda,
And the Unwinking Eyes are (now) showering great
Joy filled with great Love (Tantra of Ananga or
From the corner of that Eye, let a ray of Glance
take Wing, ...
And come to me; (Come to me) from the Consort of
Bhujaga Sayana (the one resting on the Serpent),
बाह्वन्तरे मधुजितः श्रितकौस्तुभे या
हारावलीव हरिनीलमयी विभाति ।
कामप्रदा भगवतोऽपि कटाक्षमाला
कल्याणमावहतु मे कमलालयायाः ॥५॥
Who resides between the Arms (i.e. in the Heart)
of Madhujita (Conquerer of demon Madhu) where
lies theKaustubha Mani, ...
There She shines like Haravali (A String of Pearls)
which are Harinila (Yellowish-Blue),

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 161

Who gives rise to Love even in Bhagavan through
the string of Her Kataksha (Side Glances),
May those (Side Glances) bring Auspiciousness to
me (by touching my Life); (Those Side Glances of
the One) Dwelling in Lotuses,
कालाम्बुदालिललितोरसि कैटभारे र_्
धाराधरे स्फु रति या तडिदङ्गनेव ।
मातःु समस्तजगतां महनीयमर्ति
ू र्_
भद्राणि मे दिशतु भार्गवनन्दनायाः ॥६॥
Who play like a Bee on the Bosom of the enemy
of Kaitabha (i.e. Sri Hari), which is like a Black
Water-Bearing (Cloud) ...
(The Play which is) Like Lightning flashing over the
Cloudy Sky,
O Mother, Your Form is the most Glorious in all
the Universe,
(May that Auspicious Form) bestow Auspiciousness
to me (by touching my Life); (The Auspicious Form
of the) Gladdener of the Bhargava lineage,
प्राप्तं पदं प्रथमतः किल यत्प्रभावान ्
माङ्गल्यभाजि मधुमाथिनि मन्मथेन ।
मय्यापतेत्तदिह मन्थरमीक्षणार्धं
मन्दालसं च मकरालयकन्यकायाः ॥७॥
By Whose Power indeed (Manmatha) first obtained
a place; ...
Manmatha (Kamadeva) (obtained a place) on the
slayer of Madhu (i.e. Sri Hari); (That Hari) Who is

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 162

always connected with the conferrer of Happiness
(i.e. Devi Mahalakshmi),
May that Power from the (Glance of the) Gentle
Half-Open Eyes fall on me now,
(That Glance which is) Soft and Gentle; (That
Glance) of the Daughter of the Ocean,
दद्याद् दयानप
ु वनो द्रविणाम्बुधाराम ्_
अस्मिन्नकिञ्चनविहङ्गशिशौ विषण्णे ।
दषु ्कर्मधर्ममपनीय चिराय दरू ं
नारायणप्रणयिनीनयनाम्बुवाहः ॥८॥
May She bestow the Wind of Her Mercy and Shower
of Her Wealth ...
to this Utterly Destitute, who is helpless like a child
of a Bird, and downcast (with Poverty), ...
and remove forever the Heat of Sinful Activities
(from life),
May the Shower of the Rain (of Mercy) from the
Eyes of the Beloved of Narayana (bestow this),
इष्टा विशिष्टमतयोऽपि यया दयार्द्र_
दृष्ट्या त्रिविष्टपपदं सुलभं लभन्ते ।
दृष्टिः प्रहृष्टकमलोदरदीप्तिरिष्टां
पषु ्टिं कृषीष्ट मम पषु ्करविष्टरायाः ॥९॥
By Her Merciful Glance even the most Distinguished
(and Difficult) Desires, ...
like a Position in Heaven is obtained with ease; Such
is the Power of Her Glance moist with Compassion,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 163

That Glance which is like the Splendour contained
within the interior of a Lotus, a Lotus which is
blossoming (by being) Thrilled with Joy, ...
May that Glance Nourish my Wishes; That Merciful
Glance of the One Seated on the Lotus,
गीर्देवतेति गरुडध्वजसुन्दरीति
शाकम्भरीति शशिशेखरवल्लभेति ।
सषृ ्टिस्थितिप्रलयकेलिषु संस्थितायै
तस्मै नमस्त्रिभुवनैकगुरोस्तरुण्यै ॥१०॥
Giir-Devate[aa-I]ti Garudda-Dhvaja-Sundarii-[I]ti
Shaakambharii-[I]ti Shashi-Shekhara-Vallabhe[a-I]ti |
Srsstti-Sthiti-Pralaya-Kelissu Samsthitaayai
Tasmai Namas-Tri-Bhuvanai[a-E]ka-Guros-Tarunnyai
Who is called as "Gir Devata" (Goddess of Speech),
"Garuda Dhwaja Sundari" (The Beautiful Consort of
the One with Garuda as Emblem), ...
"Shakambhari" (Who sustains everyone with
Vegetation) and "Shashi Sekhara Vallabha" (Who is
the beloved of the One with Moon on the Head),
Who eternally abides during the Divine Play of
Sristhi (Creation), Sthiti (Maintenance) and Pralaya
To Her, Who is the ever Youthful Consort of the
One Guru of all the Worlds, the Three Worlds offer
their Reverential Salutations,
http://hindi.webdunia.com/astrology-tantra-mantra-yantra/क न कध ा र ा - स ्तो त्र - हि न ्दी -

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 164

8. अर्गलास्तोत्रम ् दे वी महात्म्यम ्
जय त्वं दे वि चामुण्डे जय भूतापहारिणि ।
जय सर्वगते दे वि कालरात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१॥
Victory to You, O Devi Chamunda, Victory to You
Who are the Remover of Worldly Afflictions and
Victory to You O Devi, Who are Present in All
Beings; Salutations to You, O Devi Kalaratri (a form
of Devi Durga, literally means the Dark Night).
जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी ।
ु शिवा क्षमा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तु ते ॥२॥
Salutations to the Ever-Victorious and Ever-
Auspicious Devi Kali, Salutations to Devi Bhadrakali
Who Wear a Garland of Skulls,
Salutations to Devi Durga, the Ever-Auspicious
One, and One with Shiva (as His Consort), Who is
the embodiment of Forbearance andSupporter of All
Beings; Who is Swaha (the cosmic being to whom
the individual being is surrendered) and Swadha
(the cosmic being to whom the sacrificial offering
goes); Salutations to You.
मधुकैटभविध्वंसि विधातव
ृ रदे नमः ।
रूपं दे हि जयं दे हि यशो दे हि द्विषो जहि ॥३॥
Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed the
Demons Madhu and Kaitabha, thus Granting the
Boon of Protection to Sri Brahma.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please
Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 165

(Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner)
महिषासुरनिर्नाशि भक्तानां सुखदे नमः ।
रूपं दे हि जयं दे हि यशो दे हि द्विषो जहि ॥४॥
Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed (to the
very root) the Demon Mahishasura; Salutations to
Her Who Gives Great Joy to theDevotees.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please
Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me
(Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner)
धूम्रनेत्रवधे दे वि धर्मकामार्थदायिनि ।
रूपं दे हि जयं दे हि यशो दे हि द्विषो जहि ॥५॥
Salutations to Devi Durga Who Slayed the Demon
Dhumranetra (Dhumralochana); Salutations to Her
Who is the Giver of Dharma (path of Righteousness),
Kama (Fulfilment of Desires) and Artha (Prosperity)
to Her Devotees.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please
Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me
(Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner)
रक्तबीजवधे दे वि चण्डमण
ु ्डविनाशिनि ।
रूपं दे हि जयं दे हि यशो दे हि द्विषो जहि ॥६॥
Salutations to Devi Durga Who Slayed the Demon
Raktabija and Destroyed the Demons Chanda and

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 166

O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please
Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me
(Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner)
निशुम्भशुम्भनिर्नाशि त्रैलोक्यशुभदे नमः ।
रूपं दे हि जयं दे हि यशो दे हि द्विषो जहि ॥७॥
Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed (to the
very root) the Demons Nishumbha and Shumbha;
Salutations to Her Who Bestows Auspiciousness in
the Three Worlds.

O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please

Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me
(Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner)
वन्दिताङ्घ्रियुगे दे वि सर्वसौभाग्यदायिनि ।
रूपं दे हि जयं दे हि यशो दे हि द्विषो जहि ॥८॥
Whose Pair of Feet is Praised by All, and Who is
the Bestower of All Welfare and Good Fortune.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please
Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me
(Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner)
अचिन्त्यरूपचरिते सर्वशत्रुविनाशिनि ।
रूपं दे हि जयं दे हि यशो दे हि द्विषो जहि ॥९॥
Whose Form and Acts are Beyond Comprehension,
and Who is the Destroyer of All Enemies.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 167

Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me
(Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner)
नतेभ्यः सर्वदा भक्त्या चापर्णे दरु ितापहे ।
रूपं दे हि जयं दे हि यशो दे हि द्विषो जहि ॥१०॥
Salutations to Devi Aparna (another name of Devi
Durga) to Whom the Devotees Always Bow with
Devotion and who Keeps Away the Devotees from
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please
Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me
(Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner)
Reference : http://apsaramagic.blogspot.in/2011/10/durga-argala-stotram.html

9. श्री लक्ष्मी सक्त

ू म ् स्तोत्रम ्
पद्मानने पद्मिनि पद्मपत्रे पद्मप्रिये पद्मदलायताक्षि।
विश्वप्रिये विश्वमनोऽनुकूले त्वत्पादपद्मं मयि सन्निधत्स्व॥
भावार्थ : हे लक्ष्मी दे वी! आप कमलमुखी, कमल पुष्प पर
विराजमान, कमल-दल के समान नेत्रों वाली, कमल पषु ्पों को
पसंद करने वाली हैं। सषृ ्टि के सभी जीव आपकी कृपा की
कामना करते हैं। आप सबको मनोनुकूल फल दे ने वाली हैं। हे
दे वी! आपके चरण-कमल सदै व मेरे हृदय में स्थित हों।
पद्मानने पद्मऊरू पद्माक्षी पद्मसम्भवे।
तन्मे भजसिं पद्माक्षि येन सौख्यं लभाम्यहम ्॥
भावार्थ : हे लक्ष्मी दे वी! आपका श्रीमुख, ऊरु भाग, नेत्र आदि
कमल के समान हैं। आपकी उत्पत्ति कमल से हुई है । हे
कमलनयनी! मैं आपका स्मरण करता हूं, आप मझ ु पर कृपा
करें ।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 168

अश्वदायी गोदायी धनदायी महाधने।
धनं मे जुष तां दे वि सर्वांकामांश्च दे हि मे॥
भावार्थ : हे दे वी! अश्व, गौ, धन आदि दे ने में आप समर्थ हैं।
आप मुझे धन प्रदान करें । हे माता! मेरी सभी कामनाओं को
आप पर्णू करें ।

10. अन्नपर्णा
ू स्तोत्रम ् श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्यः
नित्यानन्दकरी वराभयकरी सौन्दर्यरत्नाकरी
्धू ाखिलघोरपावनकरी प्रत्यक्षमाहे श्वरी ।
प्रालेयाचलवंशपावनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥१॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! renderer of the support of
compassion, the bestower of eternal happiness, the
donor of gifts and protection, the ocean of beauty,
the destroyer of all sins and purifier, the great
goddess, the purifier of the family of Himavan, and
the great deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.
नानारत्नविचित्रभूषणकरी हे माम्बराडम्बरी
ु ्ताहारविलम्बमानविलसद्वक्षोजकुम्भान्तरी ।
काश्मीरागरुवासिताङ्गरुचिरे काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥२॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! renderer of the support of
compassion, one who is adorned with ornaments
made up of different kinds of gems, wearer of
golden-laced dress, the space, in between whose
breasts shines with the pendant garland of pearls,
the beautiful – bodied, rendered and the presiding
deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 169

योगानन्दकरी रिपुक्षयकरी धर्मार्थनिष्ठाकरी
चन्द्रार्कानलभासमानलहरी त्रैलोक्यरक्षाकरी ।
सर्वैश्वर्यसमस्तवाञ्छितकरी काशीपरु ाधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥३॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support
of compassion, the giver of happiness obtainable
through yoga, the destroyer of the enemies, the
cause of (men) getting deep-rooted in righteousness,
the possessor of the waves of splendour of the
three worlds, the donors of all riches, the bestower
of the fruits of penance, and the presiding deity of
Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.
कैलासाचलकन्दरालयकरी गौरी उमा शङ्करी
कौमारी निगमार्थगोचरकरी ओङ्कारबीजाक्षरी ।
मोक्षद्वारकपाटपाटनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपर्णे
ू श्वरी ॥४॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support
of compassion, the resident of the caves of the
Kailasa mountains, golden-complexioned, Oh! Uma!
the consort of Sankara, endowed always with
maidenhood, the cause of our comprehension of
the purport of the Vedas, whose basic syllable
is the syllable `Om’, the opener of the doors of
emancipation and the presiding deity of Kasi, (thou)
grant us alms.
दृश्यादृश्यविभूतिवाहनकरी ब्रह्माण्डभाण्डोदरी
लीलानाटकसूत्रभेदनकरी विज्ञानदीपाङ्कु री ।
श्रीविश्वेशमनःप्रसादनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥५॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 170

Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support
of compassion, the conveyor of the visible and
invisible prosperity, the container of the primordial
egg, the directress of the sportive drama (of the
world), the flame of the lamp of true knowledge, the
source of the mental happiness of Sri Visvanatha,
and the presiding deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us
उर्वीसर्वजनेश्वरी भगवती मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी
वेणीनीलसमानकुन्तलहरी नित्यान्नदानेश्वरी ।
सर्वानन्दकरी सदा शभ
ु करी काशीपरु ाधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपर्णे
ू श्वरी ॥६॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support
of compassion, the maker of the letters ‘a’ (‚) to
‘ksha’ (®¸), he cause of the three acts of Sambhu,
namely, the creation, protection and destruction, the
wearer of saffron, the consort of the destroyer of
the three cities, the consort of the three-eyed lord,
the governess of universe, the form of the goddess
of night, the opener of the gates of heavens, and
the presiding deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.
आदिक्षान्तसमस्तवर्णनकरी शम्भोस्त्रिभावाकरी
काश्मीरात्रिजलेश्वरी त्रिलहरी नित्याङ्कु रा शर्वरी ।
कामाकाङ्क्षकरी जनोदयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥७॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support
of compassion, the form of the earth, the governess
of all men, the cause of victory, the mother, the
ocean of compassion, the possessor of beautiful

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 171

and dark braid of hari resembling the flower of
the indigo plant, the giver of food daily, the direct
bestower of emancipation and eternal welfare, and
the presiding deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.
दे वी सर्वविचित्ररत्नरचिता दाक्षायणी सुन्दरी
वामं स्वादप
ु योधरप्रियकरी सौभाग्यमाहे श्वरी ।
भक्ताभीष्टकरी सदा शभ
ु करी काशीपरु ाधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपर्णे
ू श्वरी ॥८॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support
of compassion, Oh! Goddess! adorned with different
kinds of gems, the daughter of Daksha, the most
beautiful, bearer of benign breasts, doer of good
to all, endowed with good fortune, fulfiller of the
desires of the devotees, doer of auspicious acts,
and the presiding deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us
चन्द्रार्कानलकोटिकोटिसदृशा चन्द्रांशुबिम्बाधरी
चन्द्रार्काग्निसमानकुन्तलधरी चन्द्रार्कवर्णेश्वरी ।
मालापुस्तकपाशासाङ्कु शधरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपर्णे
ू श्वरी ॥९॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support
of compassion, one who resembles crores and
crores of suns, moons and fires, endowed with lips
resembling the red pearl and the bimba fruit, bearer
of ear-ornament resembling the moon, sun and fire
(in radiance), having a complexion of the goad, and
the presiding deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.
क्षत्रत्राणकरी महाऽभयकरी माता कृपासागरी
साक्षान्मोक्षकरी सदा शिवकरी विश्वेश्वरश्रीधरी ।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 172

दक्षाक्रन्दकरी निरामयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां दे हि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥१०॥
Oh! Mother Annapurna! the renderer of the support
of compassion, the protector of the dominion remover
of great fear, the mother, the ocean of compassion,
the cause of the happiness of all, the eternal doer
of good, the consort of Visvesvara, the form of
Lakshmi, the destroyer of the sacrifice of Daksha,
one who makes us free from diseases, and the
presiding deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.
ू सदापर्णेू शङ्करप्राणवल्लभे ।
ज्ञानवैराग्यसिद्ध्यर्थं भिक्षां दे हि च पार्वति ॥११॥
Oh! Parvati! Annapurna! always full, the dear consort
of Sankara, grant us alms for the sake of securing
knowledge and detachment.
माता च पार्वती दे वी पिता दे वो महे श्वरः ।
बान्धवाः शिवभक्ताश्च स्वदे शो भव
ु नत्रयम ् ॥१२॥
Goddess Parvati is my Mother, Lord Mahesvara
is my Father, the devotees of Lord Siva are my
relatives; and the three worlds are my own country.

11. श्रीभगवतीस्तोत्रम ् वेद व्यास

जय भगवति दे वि नमो वरदे जय पापविनाशिनि बहुफलदे।
जय शम्भनि
ु शम्भ
ु कपालधरे प्रणमामि तु दे वि नरार्तिहरे ॥1॥
भावार्थ : हे वरदायिनी दे वि! हे भगवति! तुम्हारी जय हो। हे
पापों को नष्ट करने वाली और अनन्त फल दे ने वाली दे वि।
तुम्हारी जय हो! हे शुम्भनिशुम्भ के मुण्डों को धारण करने
वाली दे वि! तम्हाु री जय हो। हे मषु ्यों की पीडा हरने वाली दे वि!
मैं तुम्हें प्रणाम करता हूँ॥1॥
जय चन्द्रदिवाकरनेत्रधरे जय पावकभूषितवक्त्रवरे ।
जय भैरवदे हनिलीनपरे जय अन्धकदै त्यविशोषकरे ॥2॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 173

भावार्थ : हे सूर्य-चन्द्रमारूपी नेत्रों को धारण करने वाली! तुम्हारी
जय हो। हे अग्नि के समान दे दीप्यामान मख ु से शोभित होने
वाली! तुम्हारी जय हो। हे भैरव-शरीर में लीन रहने वाली और
अन्धकासुरका शोषण करने वाली दे वि! तुम्हारी जय हो, जय
जय महिषविमर्दिनि शल
ू करे जय लोकसमस्तकपापहरे ।
जय दे वि पितामहविष्णुनते जय भास्करशक्रशिरोवनते॥3॥
भावार्थ : हे महिषसुर का मर्दन करने वाली, शूलधारिणी और
लोक के समस्त पापों को दरू करने वाली भगवति! तुम्हारी जय
हो। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, सर्य
ू और इन्द्र से नमस्कृ त होने वाली हे
दे वि! तुम्हारी जय हो, जय हो॥3॥
जय षण्मुखसायुधईशनुते जय सागरगामिनि शम्भुनुत।े
जय द:ु खदरिद्रविनाशकरे जय पुत्रकलत्रविवद्धि
ृ करे ॥4॥
भावार्थ : सशस्त्र शङ्कर और कार्तिकेयजी के द्वारा वन्दित
होने वाली दे वि! तुम्हारी जय हो। शिव के द्वारा प्रशंसित एवं
सागर में मिलने वाली गङ्गारूपिणि दे वि! तुम्हारी जय हो। द:ु ख
और दरिद्रता का नाश तथा पुत्र-कलत्र की वद्धि
ृ करने वाली हे
दे वि! तम्हा
ु री जय हो, जय हो॥4॥
जय दे वि समस्तशरीरधरे जय नाकविदर्शिनि द:ु खहरे ।
जय व्याधिविनाशिनि मोक्ष करे जय वाञ ्िछतदायिनि
सिद्धिवरे ॥5॥
भावार्थ : हे दे वि! तम्हा
ु री जय हो। तम
ु समस्त शरीरों को धारण
करने वाली, स्वर्गलोक का दर्शन करानेवाली और द:ु खहारिणी
हो। हे व्यधिनाशिनी दे वि! तुम्हारी जय हो। मोक्ष तुम्हारे
करतलगत है , हे मनोवाच्छित फल दे ने वाली अष्ट सिद्धियों
से सम्पन्न परा दे वि! तम्हा
ु री जय हो॥5॥

12. दे वी स्तुति :सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये दे वी महात्म्यम ्

सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 174

Salutations to the consort of Sri Narayana (Sri
Lakshmi Devi), who is all auspicious, who is the
knower of all, who blesses devotees succeed in
their efforts and who is the refuge of all.

13. श्री सरस्वती स्तुति ऋषि अगस्त्य

या कंु दें द ु तुषारहार धवला, या शुभ्र वस्त्रावत
ृ ा |
या वीणावर दण्डमंडितकरा, या श्वेतपद्मासना ||
या ब्रह्माच्युतशंकरप्रभ्तरृ िभिर्देवै: सदा वन्दिता |
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेष जाड्यापहा ||
शुक्लां ब्रह्मविचार सार परमां आद्यां जगद्व्यापिनीं
वीणा पुस्तक धारिणीं अभयदां जाड्यान्धाकारापाहां|
हस्ते स्फटिक मालीकां विदधतीं पद्मासने संस्थितां
वन्दे तां परमेश्वरीं भगवतीं बुद्धि प्रदां शारदां||
भावार्थ : जो कंु द फूल, चंद्रमा और वर्फ के हार के समान श्वेत
हैं, जो शभ्र
ु वस्त्र धारण करती हैं|
जिनके हाथ, श्रेष्ठ वीणा से सुशोभित हैं, जो श्वेत कमल पर
आसन ग्रहण करती हैं||
ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश आदिदे व, जिनकी सदै व स्तुति करते हैं|
हे माँ भगवती सरस्वती, आप मेरी सारी (मानसिक) जड़ता को
हरें ||

14. गायत्री महामंत्र स्तुति पद्म परु ाना : स्तोत्र माला -1

गायत्र्येव परो विष्णुर्गात्र्येव परः शिवः ।
गायत्र्येव परो ब्रह्मा गायत्र्येव त्रयी ततः ॥
Gayatri Indeed is the Supreme Vishnu, Gayatri
Indeed is the Supreme Shiva,

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 175

Gayatri Indeed is the Supreme Brahma; within
Gayatri is Indeed Present the Essence of the Three.
गायत्री वेदजननी गायत्री ब्राह्मणप्रसूः ।
Gayatri is the Mother of the Vedas and Gayatri
gives Birth to Brahmana (by bestowing divine
गायत्री वेदजननी गायत्री लोकपावनी ।
Gayatri is the Mother of the Vedas and Gayatri is
the Purifier of the Worlds.
गायत्री वेदजननी गायत्री पापनाशिनी ।
Gayatri is the Mother of the Vedas and Gayatri is
the Destroyer of the Sins.
गायत्री तु परं तत्त्वं गायत्री परमा गतिः ।
Gayatri Indeed is the Supreme Truth and Gayatri
Indeed is the Supreme State to be Attained.
ॐकारस्तु परं ब्रह्म गायत्री स्यात्तदक्षरम ् ।
Omakara Indeed is the Supreme Brahman (Absolute
Consciousness) and Gayatri is the Syllable (or
Letter) of That.
न गायत्र्याः परो मन्त्रः सा सर्वश्रुतिमध्यगा ।
There is No Mantra Greater than Gayatri; She
Abides in the Middle of All the Shrutis (Vedas).

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 176

Class - XII

1. वाल्मीकि रामायणम ् अयोध्याकाण्डम ्

Ch: 100 (15 – 75)
कच्चिद् आत्म समाः शूराः श्रुतवन्तो जित इन्द्रियाः |
कुलीनाः च इन्गितज्नाः च कृताः ते तात मन्त्रिणः || २-१००-१५
"I hope that ministers who are valiant like you,
learned, masters of their senses of noble birth and
skilled interpreting internal sentiments by external
gesture, are assigned to you."
मन्त्रो विजय मूलम ् हि राज्नाम ् भवति राघव |
सुसम्वृतो मन्त्र धरै र ् अमात्यैः शास्त्र कोविदै ः || २-१००-१६
"The source of victory for kings indeed comes from
a concealed counsel by ministers, who are well-
versed in political sciences and who can hide their
thoughts within themselves."
कच्चिन ् निद्रा वशम ् न एषि कच्चित ् काले विबुध्यसे |
कच्चिन ् च अपर रात्रिषु चिन्तयस्य् अर्थ नैपुणम ् || २-१००-१७
"I hope you do not fall a prey to excess of sleep
and do wake up at appropriate time. I hope you
contemplate during the later half of the night, about
the adroitness of an action."
कच्चिन ् मन्त्रयसे न एकः कच्चिन ् न बहुभिः सह |
कच्चित ् ते मन्त्रितो मन्त्रो राष्ट्रम ् न परिधावति || २-१००-१८
"I hope that you do not deliberate alone nor indeed
with numerous men. I hope your decision arrived at

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 177

by you through such deliberation does not flow to
the public (even before it is carried out)".
कच्चिद् अर्थम ् विनिश्चित्य लघु मूलम ् महा उदयम ् |
क्षिप्रम ् आरभसे कर्तुम ् न दीर्घयसि राघव || २-१००-१९
"O, Bharata! I hope considering your interest fully,
you lanuch an undertaking, which has maximum
benefit with minimum coast and indeed do not
delay it further."
कच्चित ् तु सुकृतान्य् एव कृत रूपाणि वा पुनः |
विदःु ते सर्व कार्याणि न कर्तव्यानि पार्थिवाः || २-१००-२०
"I hope the other kings know your entire undertakings
only after they have been successfully completed
as well as those which have taken a shape, but not
your proposed undertakings."
कच्चिन ् न तर्कै र् युक्त्वा वा ये च अप्य् अपरिकीर्तिताः |
त्वया वा तव वा अमात्यैर् बुध्यते तात मन्त्रितम ् || २-१००-२१
"My darling! I hope that others are not knowing,
by their enquiries or strategies or by any other
approaches not mentioned, the details of discussions
you make with your ministers."
कच्चित ् सहस्रान ् मर्खा
ू णाम ् एकम ् इच्छसि पण्डितम ् |
पण्डितो ह्य् अर्थ कृच्�ेषु कुर्यान ् निह्श्रेयसम ् महत ् || २-१००-२२
"I hope you solicit for one wise man rather than for
a thousand stupids for, a wise man can be of a
great help to you in difficult matters."
सहस्राण्य् अपि मूर्खाणाम ् यद्य् उपास्ते मही पतिः |
अथ वा अप्य् अयत
ु ान्य् एव न अस्ति तेषु सहायता ||२-१००-२३

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 178

"Even if a king employs thousands or tens of
thousands of fools, they will not be helpful to him."
एको अप्य् अमात्यो मेधावी शूरो दक्षो विचक्षणः |
राजानम ् राज मात्रम ् वा प्रापयेन ् महतीम ् श्रियम ् || २-१००-२४
"Even one wise, valiant sagacious and efficient
minister alone can cause to secure a great prosperity
to the king or to one who enjoys royal authority."
कच्चिन ् मुख्या महत्सु एव मध्यमेषु च मध्यमाः |
जघन्याः च जघन्येषु भतृ ्याः कर्मसु योजिताः || २-१००-२५
"I hope that superior servants are assigned superior
works only, mediocre servants in mediocre works
and inferior servants in inferior works."
अमात्यान ् उपधा अतीतान ् पित ृ पैतामहान ् शची
ु न् |
श्रेष्ठान ् श्रेष्ठे षु कच्चित ् त्वम ् नियोजयसि कर्मसु || २-१००-२६
"I hope you are appointing those ministers, who are
eminent incorruptible, born of the fathers and for
bears of good family and who are full of integrity in
matters of great importance."
कच्चिन्नोग्रेण दण्डेन भश
ृ मद्वेजि
ु तप्रजम ् |
राज्यं तवानुजानन्ति मन्त्रिणः कैकयीसुत || २-१००-२७
"O, Bharata! I hope your ministers do not watch as
mere witnesses, while your subjects in the kingdom
wielding tremble with great fear, under your inflexible
wielding of the scepter."
कच्चित ् त्वाम ् न अवजानन्ति याजकाः पतितम ् यथा |
उग्र प्रतिग्रहीतारम ् कामयानम ् इव स्त्रियः || २-१००-२८

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 179

"I hope those who perform the sacrifice do not hold
you in contempt, as one who accepts terrible gifts;
as one who is fallen, as women hold in contempt
of those highly lustful men."
उपाय कुशलम ् वैद्यम ् भतृ ्य संदष
ू णे रतम ् |
शूरम ् ऐश्वर्य कामम ् च यो न हन्ति स वध्यते || २-१००-२९
"He, who does not slay a physician skilled in ways
and means of aggravating a disease, a servant
intent on bringing disgrace and a valiant warrior
seeking kingly power, is *himself) slain by them."
कच्चिद्द् हृष्टः च शरू ः च धतृ िमान ् मतिमान ् शचिः
ु |
कुलीनः च अनुरक्तः च दक्षः सेना पतिः कृतः || २-१००-३०
"I hope an army-chief, who is cheerful, wise,
courageous, valiant, well-behaved, born in a good
family, who is beloved by his subordinates and
efficient, is selected by you."
बलवन्तः च कच्चित ् ते मख
ु ्या यद्ध
ु विशारदाः |
दृष्ट अपदाना विक्रान्ताः त्वया सत्कृ त्य मानिताः || २-१००-३१
"I hope those warriors, who are excellent strong,
skilled in war-face, whose excellent actions were
seen before and the most courageous ones are
duly honoured and respected by you."
कचिद् बलस्य भक्तम ् च वेतनम ् च यथा उचितम ् |
सम्प्राप्त कालम ् दातव्यम ् ददासि न विलम्बसे || २-१००-३२
"I hope you are regularly giving your army, the daily
provisions and the suitable salary to them, without
any delay."

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 180

काल अतिक्रमणे ह्य् एव भक्त वेतनयोर् भत
ृ ाः |
भर्तुः कुप्यन्ति दषु ्यन्ति सो अनर्थः सुमहान ् स्मृतः || २-१००-३३
"When there is delay in giving bread and wages,
the servants become incensed against their master
and become corrupt; and that is said to be a great
unfortunate occurrence."
कच्चित ् सर्वे अनुरक्ताः त्वाम ् कुल पुत्राः प्रधानतः |
कच्चित ् प्राणामः तव अर्थेषु सम्त्यजन्ति समाहिताः ||२-१००-३४
"I hope all the foremost descendents of your race
(kshatriyas) are devoted to you and do they lay
down their lives steadfastly for your sake?"
कच्चिज ् जानपदो विद्वान ् दक्षिणः प्रतिभानवान ् |
यथा उक्त वादी दत
ू ः ते कृतो भरत पण्डितः || २-१००-३५
"I hope that a knowledgeable man, living in your
own country, a wise man a skilled person endowed
with presence of mind and the one who knows how
to speak to the point, is selected as an ambassador
by you."
कच्चिद् अष्टादशान्य् एषु स्व पक्षे दश पन्च च |
त्रिभिः त्रिभिर् अविज्नातैर ् वेत्सि तीर्थानि चारकैः || २-१००-३६
"Do you get to know throught three spies, each
unacquainted with each other, about the eighteen*
functionaries of the enemies and the fifteen
functionaries of your own side?"
कच्चिद् व्यपास्तान ् अहितान ् प्रतियातामः च सर्वदा |
ु ान ् अनवज्नाय वर्तसे रिपु सद
ू न || २-१००-३७
"O, slayer of your Foes! I hope you do not forever
think lightly of your foes, who are weak and having
been expelled, return again."

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 181

कच्चिन ् न लोकायतिकान ् ब्राह्मणामः तात सेवसे |
अनर्थ कुशला ह्य् एते बालाः पण्डित मानिनः || २-१००-३८
I hope are not honouring the materialistic brahmins,
My dear brother! These men are skilled in perverting
the mind, ignorant as they are and thinking
themselves to be learned."
धर्म शास्त्रेषु मुख्येषु विद्यमानेषु दर्बुध
ु ाः |
ु मान ् वीक्षिकीम ् प्राप्य निरर्थम ् प्रवदन्ति ते || २-१००-३९
"Reaching to their logical acumen, these men of
perverted intellect preach meaninglessly, in the
presence of eminent books on righteousness."
वीरै र ् अध्युषिताम ् पूर्वम ् अस्माकम ् तात पूर्वकैः |
सत्य नामाम ् दृढ द्वाराम ् हस्त्य् अश्व रथ सम्कुलाम ् || २-१००-४०
ब्राह्मणैः क्षत्रियैर ् वैश्यैः स्व कर्म निरतैः सदा |
जित इन्द्रियैर ् महा उत्साहै र ् वत
ृ अमात्यैः सहस्रशः || २-१००-४१
प्रासादै र ् विविध आकारै र ् वत
ृ ाम ् वैद्य जन आकुलाम ् |
कच्चित ् समुदिताम ् स्फीताम ् अयोध्याम ् परिरक्षसि || २-१००-४२
"I hope you preserve the City of Ayodhya, furnished
with everything and flourishing, that was formerly
inhabited by our heroic ancestors, O my dear brother,
that is worthy of its name, with its fortified gates,
its elephant horses and chariots that fill it, with its
brahmins, warriors and merchants in thousands,
ever engaged in their respective duties, with its
noble citizens self-controlled and full of energy, with
its palaces in various shapes and the learned who
abound there."

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 182

कच्चिच ् चैत्य शतैर ् जुष्टः सुनिविष्ट जन आकुलः |
दे व स्थानैः प्रपाभिः च तडागैः च उपशोभितः || २-१००-४३
प्रहृष्ट नर नारीकः समाज उत्सव शोभितः |
ु ृ ष्ट सीमा पशम
ु ान ् हिंसाभिर् अभिवर्जितः || २-१००-४४
अदे व मातक
ृ ो रम्यः श्वा पदै ः परिवर्जितः |
परित्यक्तो भयैः सर्वैः खनिभिश्चोपशोभितः २-१००-४५
विवर्जितो नरै ः पापैर्मम पूर्वैः सुरक्षितः |
कच्चित ् जन पदः स्फीतः सख
ु म ् वसति राघव || २-१००-४६
I hope that the kingdom, adorned with peaceful
places rich in temples and sheds where water
stored for distribution to passers-by in tanks, with
happy men and women, graced by social festivities,
with land well-tilled, abiding in cattle which are
totally free from cruelties, the agricultural land not
exclusively fed by rains, which is beautiful and is
purged of beasts of prey, which is completely rid of
fears, studded with mines, a destitute of sinful men,
and well-protected by our fore-fathers, is prosperous
and an abode of happiness.
कच्चित ् ते दयिताः सर्वे कृषि गो रक्ष जीविनः |
वार्तायाम ् संश्रितः तात लोको हि सुखम ् एधते || २-१००-४७
"Are you cherishing all those who live by agriculture
and cattle-rearing, O, dear borhter! The people living
on agriculture and cattle-rearing indeed prosper
तेषाम ् गप्ति
ु परीहारै ः कच्चित ् ते भरणम ् कृतम ् |
रक्ष्या हि राज्ना धर्मेण सर्वे विषय वासिनः || २-१००-४८

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 183

"I hope their maintenance is being looked after by
you, in providing what they need and eschewing
what they fear. All the citizens are indeed to be
protected by a king through his righteousness."
कच्चित ् स्त्रियः सान्त्वयसि कच्चित ् ताः च सुरक्षिताः |
कच्चिन ् न श्रद्दधास्य आसाम ् कच्चिद् गुह्यम ् न भाषसे ||
"I hope you are pacifying the women well. Are they
protected by you? I hope you are not believing the
words of these women and not telling them the
कच्चिन्नागवनं गुप्तं कच्चित्ते सन्ति धेनुकाः |
कचिन्न गणिकाश्वानां कुञ्जराणां च तपृ ्यसि || २-१००-५०
"Are you supervising the woods inhabited by
elephants? I hope female elephants are there to you
in good number. I hope you are not simply satisfied
with the existing population of female elephants,
horses and male-elephants."
कच्चिद् दर्शयसे नित्यम ् मनुष्याणाम ् विभूषितम ् |
उत्थाय उत्थाय पूर्व अह्णे राज पुत्रो महा पथे || २-१००-५१
"O, Prince! Do you, regally adorned, appear before
the people on rising each morning, on the great
high way?"
कच्चिन्न सर्वे कर्मान्ताः प्रत्यक्षास्तेऽविशङ्कया |
सर्वे वा पुनरुत्सृष्टा मध्यमे वात्र कारणम ् २-१००-५२
"I hope that all your servants, in your presence, do
not adopt a disrespectful attitude or on the other
hand all of them do not hasten away on seeing
you. Ofcourse, a middle course only in the principle
to be followed in this matter."
कच्चित ् सर्वाणि दर्गा
ु णि धन धान्य आयुध उदकैः |
यन्त्रैः च परिपूर्णानि तथा शिल्पि धनुर ् धरै ः || २-१००-५३

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 184

"I hope all your citadels are quite full of money,
grain, weapons, water and mechanical contrivances
as well as artisans and archers."
आयः ते विपुलः कच्चित ् कच्चिद् अल्पतरो व्ययः |
अपात्रेषु न ते कच्चित ् कोशो गच्छति राघव || २-१००-५४
"I hope your income is abundant and expenditure,
minimum. I hope your treasure does not reach
undeserving people, O, Bharata!"
दे वता अर्थे च पित्र् अर्थे ब्राह्मण अभ्यागतेषु च |
योद्धेषु मित्र वर्गेषु कच्चिद् गच्छति ते व्ययः || २-१००-५५
"I hope that your expenditure goes for the cause
of divinity, manes, brahmins, unexpected visitors,
soldiers and hosts of friends."
कच्चिद् आर्यो विशुद्ध आत्मा क्षारितः चोर कर्मणा |
अपषृ ्टः शास्त्र कुशलैर ् न लोभाद् बध्यते शुचिः || २-१००-५६
"If one of noble work, despite his honesty and
integrity, is falsely accused of some offence, I hope
he is not killed impatiently, without enquiry by those
well-versed in law-books."
गह ृ ीतः चैव पषृ ्टः च काले दृष्टः सकारणः |
कच्चिन ् न मच ु ्यते चोरो धन लोभान ् नर ऋषभ || २-१००-५७
"O, foremost of men! If a thief is seen and even
caught at the time of his act on sufficient ground
and interrogated-I hope, he is not released from
greed of wealth."
व्यसने कच्चिद् आढ्यस्य दर्ग ु तस्य च राघव |
अर्थम ् विरागाः पश्यन्ति तव अमात्या बहु श्रुताः || २-१००-५८
"O, Bharata! I hope that your well-educated ministers
examine a case dispassionately when a contention
occurs between a rich man and a poor man, after
studying the situation carefully."

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 185

यानि मिथ्या अभिशस्तानाम ् पतन्त्य् अस्राणि राघव |
तानि पुत्र पशून ् घ्नन्ति प्रीत्य् अर्थम ् अनुशासतः || २-१००-५९
"The tears fallen from those who are the victims
of false accusations, O Bharata, destroy their sons
and herds of those who are indifferent to justice,
merely for the sake of pleasure."
कच्चिद् वध ृ ामः च बालामः च वैद्य मुख्यामः च राघव |
दानेन मनसा वाचा त्रिभिर् एतैर ् बुभूषसे || २-१००-६०
"I hope that you seek to conciliate by the following
three means, viz. gifts, a loving mind and polite
words- the aged, the children and the foremost
कच्चिद् गुरूमः च वद्धाृ मः च तापसान ् दे वता अतिथीन ् |
चैत्यामः च सर्वान ् सिद्ध अर्थान ् ब्राह्मणामः च नमस्यसि ||
"I hope you greet your teachers, the elderly, the
ascetics, the deities; the unexpected visitors, the
trees standing at cross roads and all the brahmins
of auspicious life and conduct."
कच्चिद् अर्थेन वा धर्मम ् धर्मम ् धर्मेण वा पुनः |
उभौ वा प्रीति लोभेन कामेन न विबाधसे || २-१००-६२
"I hope you do not abrogate virtue by your
excessive devotion to wealth or your excessive
devotion to wealth or your earthly interests by your
over-emphasis on religion or both your religious
and secular interests by your self-indulgence in
pleasure, greed and gratification of the senses."
कच्चिद् अर्थम ् च धर्मम ् च कामम ् च जयताम ् वर |
विभज्य काले कालज्न सर्वान ् भरत सेवसे || २-१००-६३
"I hope your pursue wealth, religion and the
delights of the sense dividing them all according
to time, O Jewel among the victorious, the one

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 186

who is conversant with the proper time and O, the
bestower of boons!"
कच्चित ् ते ब्राह्मणाः शर्म सर्व शास्त्र अर्थ कोविदः |
आशंसन्ते महा प्राज्न पौर जानपदै ः सह || २-१००-६४
"O, the one who is endowed with great wisdom! I
hope that brahmins versed in the knowledge of the
scriptures, the inhabitants of town and the country
pray for your happiness."
नास्तिक्यम ् अनत ृ म ् क्रोधम ् प्रमादम ् दीर्घ सूत्रताम ् |
अदर्शनम ् ज्नानवताम ् आलस्यम ् पञ्च वत्ृ तिताम ् || २-१००-६५
एक चिन्तनम ् अर्थानाम ् अनर्थज्नैः च मन्त्रणम ् |
निश्चितानाम ् अनारम्भम ् मन्त्रस्य अपरिलक्षणम ् || २-१००-६६
मङ्गलस्य अप्रयोगम ् च प्रत्युत्थानम ् च सर्वशः |
कच्चित ् त्वम ् वर्जयस्य् एतान ् राज दोषामः चतरु ् दश || २-१००-६७
Do you eschew the following fourteen for of kings
-viz. atheism, falsehood, anger carelessness,
procrastination, disregard of the wise, sloth, bondage
to the five senses, himself alone devoting thought
to the affairs of the state (without consulting the
ministers); taking counsel with those of perverted
insight; failure to undertake the projects already
decided, failure to keep secrets, failure to utter
auspicious words (at the beginning of an undertaking);
and rising from one's seat (indiscriminately) to
receive all.
दशपंचचतुर्वर्गान ् सप्तवर्गं च तत्त्वतः |
अष्टवर्गम ् त्रिवर्गं च विद्यास्तिस्रश्च राघव २-१००-६८
इन्द्रियाणां जयं बुद्ध्यं षाड्गुण्यं दै वमानुषम ् |
कृत्यं विंशतिवर्गं च तथा प्रकृतिमण्डलं || २-१००-६९
यात्रादण्डविधानं च द्वियोनी संधिविग्रहौ |
कच्छिदे तान ् महाप्राज्ञ यथावदनुमन्यसे २-१००-७०

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 187

"O, the very wise Bharata! I hope you understand the
following and deal them properly the ten evils(1); the
five kinds of fortifications(2); the four expedients(3);
the seven limbs of state(4); the eight evils (born of
anger) the three objects of human pursuit(5); the
three branches of learning(6) subjugation of the
senses, the six strategic expedients(7); adversity
brought about by divine agencies(8); and by human
agencies(9); the twenty types of monarches(10);
and the entire population of the kingdom, setting
about an an expedition, drawing up an army in a
battle-array and the two bases viz, peace and war.
(1). Ten evils attendant on royalty to be eschew.
Hunting, gambling, sleeping during the day,
lustfulness, inebriation, pride, calumny, lounging
about idly or aimlessly, diversions such as singing
and dancing. (2). Five kinds of fortifications: By moat,
high bank, trees thickly planted, a space destitute
of grain or provisions, the turning of waters. (3)
Four expedients:- Making peace, liberality, sowing
dissension, chastisement. (4) Seven limbs of state
king, ministers, friends, treasure, territory, forts and an
army. (5) Three objects of human pursuit: Religious
merit, material wealth and sensuous enjoyment or
the three kinds of power (viz. energy, power of
dominion, power of counsel) (6) Three branches of
learning: the three Vedas, the knowledge relating to
agriculture, commerce and other vocational pursuits
and political science. (7) Six strategic expedients:
Coming to terms with the enemy, waging war against
him, marching against him, biding one's time to seek
a favourable opportunity, causing dissension in the
enemy's ranks, seeking protection of a powerful

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 188

ally. (8) Adversity brought about by divine agencies:
Fire, water in the shape of excessive rains or
floods, epidemic or endemic diseases, famine and
pestulence, earthquakes and Tsunamis. (9) Adversity
brought about by human agencies: officials, thieves,
enemies, king's favourites and king himself, when
acutated by greed. (10)Twenty types of monarchs
(who are not worth-negotiating with):1. a king who
is yet a child. 2. Aged. 3. Who has been ailing for
a long time. 4. who has been ostracised by his own
kith and kin. 5. ho is characterized by a cowardly
attitude. 6. who is surrounded by cowards. 7. who
is greedy. 8. has greedy associated. 9. who has
estranged his ministers and others. 10. who confers
with fickle-minded persons 11. who speaks ill of
divine begins and brahmins; 12. who is extremely
indulged in sensuous pleasures and luxuries; 13.
who is ill-fated; 14. a fatalist (who believes that all
things are pre-determined or subject to fate);
15. who is afflicted by famine and; 16. by military
reverses; 17. who (mostly) remains away from
home; 18. who has numerous enemies; 19. who is
in the clutches of adverse times and; 20. who is
not devoted to truth and piety.
मन्त्रिभिस्त्वं यथोद्दिष्टैश्चतर्भिस्त्रिभि
ु रे व वा |
कच्चित्समस्तैर्व्यस्तैश्च मन्त्रं मन्त्रयसे मिथः || २-१००-७१
"I hope that you consult with three or four ministers
as mentioned in scriptures any proposal collectively
and singly with each of them in secret."
कच्चित्ते सफला वेदाः कच्चित्ते सफलाः क्रियाः |
कच्चित्ते सफला दाराः कच्चित्ते सफलं श्रुतम ् || २-१००-७२
"Do you find advantages in your study of Vedas?

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 189

Are your acts, production of fair results? Do you
benefit from the company of your consorts? Has
your learning been fruitful?"
कच्चिदे षव ै ते बुद्धिर्यथोक्ता मम राघा |
आयषु ्या च यशस्या च धर्मकामार्थसंहिता || २-१००-७३
"O, Bharata! I hope that your conviction, is the
same as mentioned by me in the foregoing verses,
which is conducive to long life, fame, religious merit,
enjoyment and wealth."
यां वत्तिं
ृ वर्तते रातो यां चनः प्रपितामहाः |
तां वत्तिं
ृ वर्तसे कच्चिद्याच सत्पथगा शुभा २-१००-७४
"Do you follow the common practice, which our fore
fathers observed and which is in accord with the
path of the virtuous and which is distinguished in
कच्चित ् स्वाद ु कृतं भोज्यमेको नाश्नासि राघव |
कच्चिदाशंसमानेभ्यो मित्रेभ्यः सम्प्रयच्छसि २-१००-७५
"I hope you do not eat by yourself nicely made
eatable and do you share it with your friends, who
seek it?"
Reference : http://www.valmikiramayan.net/utf8/ayodhya/sarga100/ayodhyasans100.htm
2. श्लोकं -दे वी दे हिनो
दे वि दे हिनो बलं
धैर्य वीर्य संबलं
राष्ट्र मान वर्धनाय
पुण्य कर्म कौशलं ।।
चण्ड मुण्ड नाशिनि
ब्रह्म शांति वर्षिणि
तेजोसाते जातं नाशं
आसु दःु ख यामिनिं
भातु धर्म भास्करं

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 190

सत्य सौर्य भास्वरं
आर्य शक्ति पुष्टमस्तु
भारतम ् निर्गलम ।।
साधु वनृ ्द पालिके
विश्व धात्रि कालिके
दै त्य दर्प ताप ताप
कालिके करालिके
रक्ष आर्य संस्कृ तिं
वर्धयार्य संहतिं
वेदमंत्रपषु ्टमस्तु
भारतम ् समल ु ्तुलम ् ।।
3. रत्नाकराध्वैतपदां संस्कार बिन्दु
रत्नाकराधौतपदां हिमालयकिरीटिनीम ् ।
ब्रह्मराजर्षिरत्नाढ्यां वन्दे भारतमातरम ् ।।

भक्ति - संस्कृतम ् 191

1. Books
1) Neethi satakam
2) Thithareeyopanishad
3) Sri Guru Gita
4) Samskara Bindu
5) Gitvani
6) Vishwa Sarah Tantram
7) Narayaniyam
8) Srimad Bhagavad-Gita
9) Rigveda
10) Valmiki Ramayana
11) Bilvashtakam
12) Bhagavad Puranam
13) Sri Sankaracharya kritham
14) Devi Mahatmya - Markandeya Purana
15) Padma Puranam
16) Pragya Puran
1. Website
1) http://jaimaharashtratourism.blogspot.in
2) http://kanfusion.blogspot.in
3) http://sanskritdocuments.org
4) http://sanskritdocuments.org/sites/valmikiramayan
5) http://shashiranjanmishra.jagranjunction.com
6) http://stotraratnawali.blogspot.in
7) http://www.ajabgjab.com
8) http://www.asaramji.org
9) http://www.hindustanlink.com
10) http://www.iskcondesiretree.com
11) http://www.narayaneeyam-firststep.org
12) http://www.pandit.com
13) http://www.pratilipi.com
14) http://www.sandipn.com.np
15) http://www.totalbhakti.com
16) http://www.valmikiramayan.net
17) http://www.voidcan.org/durga-saptashloki
18) https://astroprabha.wordpress.com
19) https://en.wikipedia.org
20) https://hi.wikipedia.org/wiki/ भगवद्_गीता_१०
21) https://sa.wikisource.org/wiki/रामायणम्/

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