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Add Incidents (Mobile)

In this video, you’ll learn how to add incidents to the Incidents tool on
an iOS mobile device. While you can also add incidents on Procore’s web ap-
plication, we recommend using the mobile application to quickly and effi-
ciently record incidents while on a jobsite.
In the unfortunate event that an accident or near miss occurs in the
field, you can log the incident in Procore. To add an incident in Procore, you’ll
‘Standard’ level permissions or higher on the project’s Incidents tool.
To begin, navigate to the project level Incidents tool on an iOS mobile
device. This reveals the tool’s list page. Here you’ll notice table of the project’s
recorded incidents. Here, you can tap existing incident to view its details or
edit the item’s information. Let’s return to the Incidents list page.
Let’s say one of your team members slipped down the stairs at a jobsite
and injured his knee. To log this event, tap plus (+). Here, you can take a
photo or add any attachments. Enter a descriptive title for the incident. You
can also add a Location and select an Event Date. If you don’t know the time
the incident occurred, you can tap this toggle the ON position. If you know
the time the incident occurred, tap Event Time to enter a time. You can also
tap Distribution to select specific team members whom you want to give ac-
cess to the incident once its logged. Finally, you’ll have the option to set the
incident to Private. Private incidents are only visible only to users with ‘Admin’
permissions on the Incidents tool, the incident’s Creator, and members of the
item’s distribution list. As a best practice, we recommend keeping all incidents
marked as ‘Private.’

In final section of the incident form, you can add optional root cause
analysis information including the Hazard involved as well as any Contrib-
uting Condition and/or Contributing Behavior. It’s important to note that the
values are customized by your Company Admin. Documentation of the root
cause analysis information may provide legal protection in a personal injury
lawsuit or insight that may prevent similar incidents from occurring in the fu-
ture. Finally, you can add a description of the incident and include any addi-
tional notes or details. When you’re finished, tap Save to create the incident.
Now that you’ve entered the general information for the incident, you
can add incident records. These records document the affected companies
and individuals, the work activities involved, and injury details. An incident can
have zero, one, or multiple records depending on the situation. Tap Add and
then select Injury/Illness—since we’re adding an incident record for an injured
team member.
While we encourage you to use the included fields, it’s important to
note that these fields are optional. When adding an injury/illness incident rec-
ord, you can include the affect company, person, the activity the person was
performing at the time of the incident, any associated equipment or source of
harm, as well as details about the physical injury. When you’re finished, tap
It’s important to note that when you create an incident, its status will
be set to ‘Open.’ Generally, this signals that the incident has occurred and is
awaiting review and resolution. Once the investigation is resolved, you can
close the incident by tapping the status drop-down menu, and then selecting
Thanks for watching!

See Also

• Create Incidents (iOS)

• Create Incidents (Android)

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