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Increased accessibility and lower price rate would lead to more people getting

inclined towards it as experimentation. As a result more and more people from

different sections of the society be it upper lower or middle class will be able to
afford these drugs maybe just for an idea of trying them out. This would in turn
create a drug addicted society. Drugs have seriously harmful long term effects like
mentall illness, depression, mood swings and erratic behaviour. If children get
hands on these substances then it will drastically hamper their education and health
and will prove out to be a hindrance in the development of a society.

As the preceeding speaker said about decriminalizing cannabis I would like to

share my contradictory opinion

They might be legalized but the rate of crimes related to drug abuse and violence
may rise. There are two ways in which substance abuse is related to violence. First,
violence can be and under the influence of substances, and second, violence related
to substance abuse stems from the trade in drugs, which is all too often focused in
poor and underserved communities. The elimination of the market for drugs, and
thus the reduction in the demand for drugs, will bring about a reduction in
substance abuse-related violence.

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