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i Toe No of Questions :8} (Toa Ho. of Prine Pager? SUNDER. RING nemo PY-805 (C) BPharmacy VIII Semester Examination, Jane 2017 Herbal Drug Technology (lective Mime: Taree Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 70 ‘ote :i) Alterman five questions i) All questions carry equal mas {lll pars ofeach question are to be anempted a one ple 1. Stale e WHO guideline fr sessing quality of herbal ‘madicie. plac in detail ewe index and foaming inex 2, What sr herbal doug? Expin diferent sources of herbal ug wth sulle examples, ‘3. plain th tridosh theory and panchmababbve theory of gure 4. Wit det note on 2 Callaseitare 3) Hairy roe colt ‘ wos-suyuosdasrasn 'S. What ae Asava and Arstha? Explain their method of feepalen even as per Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia of \ 6. Explain“HPTLC und HPLCas important tol for qualicaive snd qualitative analysis of Herbal medicine” with saab examples. 7. Explain the following 8) Plant base indus involved in Rand D work on ‘medicinal end arena pls inal, 1b) Requlaory requitement forbes ndusties widrespet tolifiasttctre and quality conto, 8, Define plan tissue cule. Explain the techniques of plat cell immobilization in plant tissue culture. Gives its limpotace. remo, wos'auyuosdaarawn

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