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1. Introduction
a. VCR engine
Explain along with CAD diagram

Where, F1 = Fuel consumption (kg/hr)

F2 = Air consumption (kg/hr)

F3 = Jacket cooling water (kg/hr)

F4 = Calorimeter water flow (kg/hr)

T1 = Jacket water inlet temp (°C)

T2 = Jacket water outlet temp (°C)

T3 = Calorimeter water inlet temp (°C)

T4 = Calorimeter water outlet temp (°C)

T5 = Exhaust gas to calorimeter inlet temp (°C)

T6 = Exhaust gas from calorimeter outlet temp (°C)

b. Eddy Current dynamometer

c. Injection Pressure
d. Compression ratio
e. Nozzle types
A. Performance Parameter
a. Indicated Power
b. Brake Power
c. Frictional Power
d. Indicated Thermal Efficiency
e. Brake Thermal Efficiency
f. Indicated mean effective pressure
g. Brake mean effective pressure
h. Mechanical Efficiency
i. Volumetric Efficiency
B. Combustion Parameters
a. Peak Cylinder Pressure
b. Cumulative Heat Release
c. Net Heat Release
d. Mean Gas Temperature
e. Exhaust Gas Temperature
f. Ignition Delay
g. Mass Fraction Burn
C. Thermal Balance Sheet
From the first law of thermodynamics, for a control volume, the steady flow equation will
Qs =Qbp + Qjw + Qex + Qmisc
Qs : Energy supplied by the fuel
Qbp : Output work delivered in the form of brake power
Qjw : Output work delivered in the form of heat to jacket cooling water
Qex : Output work delivered in the form of heat to exhaust
Qmisc : Output work delivered in the form of heat to miscellaneous loss
D. Emission Characteristics
a. 4 Gas Analyzer
b. 5 Gas Analyzer
c. 6 gas Analyzer
d. Opacity meter
e. Emission of CI and SI engine

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