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Oper ating Sys tem = epee Syste ms An @pt rc G ayrtem ds a prepam thot Men OG the computer POrOULAAL Ut ave provicles a baxs 4" application p -ams and acts as intermediary betuseery the Lem putr Ur amcl the com putty AOACULOL > Gurnations of eprating Sptem '- a) 1 Gennation (1945-1955) Varewm Tnkes amel Plate boon - b) 20% Genurvastson: (1459 21465») Tronsurors anol Batch Systems - C) the BA Genration (1465-1980 ) aA) 4 Gennotion ( 1980- Current J Personal Lomputer * Types of Sprroting System 1) Simpte Baten Syrtern !- dn teis, thems uve — direct Aa ten Dit aoe bef the us eas Scanned with GamScanner and the Aomputer > Se UMA +04 to pubmit a 46h (widow e LOA Or tops) tA Lomputer operator Mowamtoges i Batch System hh) Ne inkraction bilustern Uta Qo are 3) We mithamim £6 proricse tre preeenes: A Mutt proce e PECL By rte ts Atom conduit Of Serrrol processors HOt Ahan A eemmen physical mumery vault - POULLON Prowiols lyn Com MG pour nie nh omustecprociasor agate al 1) tram prferwouet a) Hu urudionr of Surat Zobk dy ditprtnt PeUnors Lencwvuintly » mrs AML agstem’s trveughectt Jpuding up tne exten 64 Aurel. AOR: Zz Durkinp Syston Aartirr , CPUs ancl Pls Aotkio the muda 49 protect om spiraling system, sfrern alr prognaimns PC eposiing. Sytem ataL NULL anulluder wer nul dating “Proustty , yeald of true ‘Scanned with CamScanner Cprrccumg systemd ee wth An, fuptracl Of marumise CPU amd phrriphrroe WU» atiion, tn tystuns wept fer MALI MIM AG CHA Lowbyj “OM Ouel Fer powsiuimeds © Wuse AYHtoms are Lalo Durtop Aysiems - oie CLl- Apple Macéntey, 4) Distributes Sprrating System De Metivation Aehinc olurcleping olidtuibutea spuating sytem is the cunceCoublity of Powafzul Oma Lrenpensive VULABPABCLAFOD ano Adwonrad sm LOomrmuucaten trun — -9 Dar mau bemugit of Abt hte system As 1) ABU PALCL / pogeumanet aatts Ce ct ae ee Fost i AAs L00k On Aht Hest machine: Typ 9% cistrivatedt sprroting Sipe + ak Klint sowirr Syste | & Purr tear a tht Rial tvme oprrceting aryrtem wich Jourudus the manimum Alm fer Avilliod eprrotions oma camps Au OM Am + 2a * t= a i itp VAAN AAANYY ee ——————————— oe a) 2) c+) a) Oprrosing Sepitenn Sumi User Tater } dled almert alt rainy (ALT) - Wu auntergoce Lom ie Aural poms One is a Lemmupol- Me dondenpat (CLI), whien rises tert Comm Onl & mUethedl fon suteriug thu * Prepon enetution t- Une Anytown mut 4 Able to Lpaol a Promos inte wu oe Jim thot eae easy DAB L]0 eprrations :- Me Mowing, programe Wey: TUWArt To, particle mor dvmolt a file Or am TL]? olunict- ter apeeipic ouuien , Apectol fesse nay Ja ousineh (Auch as A100 ing £9 LDA DVD ort or Te cng olicetly we do os ee eee ameons * r/o . ear portucusor wuriircrt, cia fe toch, spol, alerts omc olirectertes UVANANANAN LULL Eee, AYHerns Lntludt —prrirwislons mamogerrert £6 OALew er ay aArctrss AB tie Cr Arectoriny bastol on dee file tuenoryhip layup opLraiin | ystems provi Qa vari, a boo Ayo, horns | dims 48 Ollew pusr]encl cheiets AN Semis | ~™MU to Prewurwdk APLUrHe fot or Prporm “OWL AMorarrtuidtics , 6) Lommunications + Were ane Aarcunat - - Amt wm much one process nul 48 Cachouge dgemmotion mith amether prectss: Such Loum - - nicowen mrog CLL ALL prerissuls trot OAL Ey On tt dame Lemputer Or LeUtwtenr Press Mat arr Outing on hif¢perrnt Compu Jomplemenled tay aad eS Pes aol Aub OA MOA pPrBtrdinss ABH ancl writ fea Shor srctiorr WME pLmLdsage potting er ere feo Ort movil L/w preces 4) rer dutection :- Unt 08 nudls to Le cet AAS CtLUA sn CPU F menory hor plsort (mel Od O mae DAO C4 A pou, fo); in T/0 oeutrees (seas ifs Ore cia, 0 Rommecticen parturt On te cee ———————E_tt—te 4 the fet 10th dupe Of rer, the OS should tan Opprepriatr action £0 wuts, sorreet om Uemaiatent 4 Orpe tt ryt 2D (ie ae eA. Ape Per AY yob with similar ot le luce COLL LOL pun cle and Submit to (aD. ‘Scanned with CamScanner MANNA VLU UU" + ADLER: % Batch 0S ; oti intern 2 < ABR Of unto.actcen b/w £ Ur Job Spud Sf L/o Se Cpu id oftew Tolle , because the ee Ds Bower thon CPU Ltn Lol Ott ‘ 3 Deggrcutt to provide Arscrr0l peewty a) Ti Shorey 0S ~tuhor omputr syste Ot the dome Ame: Prerisser’s Ame 4 sumuttonesostig (Cumioras shor among att wstrs ds Ar MLO Cd Adluotages = Guutk wrrpense — wesicl cluplication 6f SEPWart — Ree cPv dole aume Diveorvowtoges !- Po Provtome of Rtiabivity — Preble o MR a SEEM ate card 3) Austriputed carnratng System UH wt multip crt -preriors £6 tmudtipl user: Dato. prsersting qobs OM ‘Scanned with CamScanner Aowamtogs on Butler Av tO the Astor Relickion of the Lead on the hen j | Ss Reolirction. 4 oletays du cata ecw. Apuolup the exchourge % code. wth ! Oncthir via cuchenic moll: ! 4) Network 08 id Vik erk OS Tums Orr a SLA anel pepe the sur eapauulay £_ momage eer qreups, suurity applicotiens 5 amo othtr muLuerkimg “punter ouemtoges <= b Aight stale AMADA BOW a AuCuAtty poncrms arr honrolled ‘Scanned with Cam$canner | % | Bpoet ag Serveets Procus --— ve program un extution Ay £alted prods ° 3h:- gre state OF Protas us * Stow ef ai currint oliperad im port dry AM acwrtty Of thot precas s- the proces ds beimg ersaten. Wew L Ruwnirg - Instructions Ot dg soecuteal . J some waiting -- the process ds wating qe’ pent 40 CCUr (sUtH as an Z/o pet Auceptions 64 wignot ). Reasty - ne proctan ds waiting £0 At dans nest te AB A PAOTLLEOA - Temwatl '- Lhe -preurs ros fianirhak OEE ~ Men: sen as v v VVLLELULLULULLLLUELLECULLLUUUsvyvy LULUULUULULUI LLU pou ‘Scanned with CamScanner iW a 2 ‘ ¢ YY i ma | assig’ prem SY | ory } Fa INS AGS ¢ etter Alupt Legutee *Cemely | An | sump peut cu < j YY j Aunppeany ap ae j SK Process Lertret Bleck Jone process is repuaentel in the opirating spore Avy OQ -prettss Aevrel Aerk (PCB) — ales oll a TasR Lowtrol BOR it 4. CPU- Scruolutime Auforn ator u ‘Scanned with CamScanner AARNE ee | Process State | Precis Nutr Programs outer | | _ Ragestns | [ Memory ti Lirias | | teem SA Tease ee Big tonrtro{ Btecr Be es ABLE Sib con Se oisaee ert AG PU C8 omethir preci Requires popouming a. DEOL dot CF Ant Mrint -prectis ome a MOL TESOL Of A Cifferent procers » THs do4k As Rneun O08 Q Lontert susttth . Wut a ree ck the Col process i 4s PCB Rcd na ie pects) ck, ese, Mee Mecca Seti ost Lontent- Auth ALme Ab purr Cvumheod, becarse the ee aes o8 werk wnt spadk, thre mumbo ecto Ome the gut dumruetioun £6 Load or vtore all Rapa). xypicat spuct isa gue ‘Scanned with CamScanner ~ ——————— HK terods m 05 | | execute Dhrtaole 2- 4A thrtaol sa path of qwithin a proud: 4 prowl Ca” conto mwuldipu Aros ” KH Volo Rus os i Mayr wright prec j Muh ¢. tharoning thy folea Us to ache 4 porn linn ay oluMolinng Qa pret j unto mutteryple Hrn0oold - FOr enomuplr in O droutrr, multepl Aabd Lan ot otiggrenl Arou0n0 fox Cope MS Werol wits ale: Aext, anethr thrtaol to precesrs tupuls, att. *& Type of APALOMS 5 - de Uwer Arreel Threat - 9. Kunal sure tharaol Uses Mise tore BY dt is Avrplneuctecl diye [Pes * jameplonneat by Ur OSs. a] CS cent aresgniye ay Komal threo > 5] tevrtost Switch svequart nO Horclrnrt support FF haunt Aupport ( AW neodeol oe 6] tuompl vou Anrtoly | 6] Champs wivetey POSIX AWrcools Setar Y one usr domet trou 4] ent Rowal tiv am Lock nat- | -aa puperm blocking Pag wed Poe ie . meu Le bteckrol | cre ets itt esien. at a Es 2 Se ae Bune pes /aclwomtoges ef truods 1. Arras Miniming the xentent PE Oo. dime a. Use OF thrroos PAEHMOM LENLUIAEMLY wlth Gt Appicieet Lerymumicatien aumeval of the rignming procels Aer Paiste ei esans tor poyuccoitacge on the bas Sp cpr rE a pene adtgi HeLa thee Schecluting é - ND Make the system fat : mb) a a Ee oy Ok ae FUVVUAA ANT ¢ & Lk 3 es ‘Scanned with CamScanner ae TM 4) Movie ARL Wr Of uaLas recioing aceeplo ble Teipenses tum feet th qos to K Seteotuler {- Ui mon towk Ls 40 Ae dt submitted inte Ai system amd Aerio mtucn proceas to AUK VU tos Aree Aypus a 2) dong Aor SCALA od) ( sta su 2) Spel is Luswr thom)ya) spucis ya) Spot 44 in bi = ol rare Ahk bi! RRA 4.) Ak walmart abtent 4) ets ats minis) th tsa part aii fn Anat eee ae froin Aystom Auraria, dystton a em : 5.) Ut Aulects preciadys (5) at ater rer) 5.) UW canre- prom post anol Lens se Pesan ich entrecuuce ti | . Preis ab 4 ae 1) exseuts : = 1 beste aoe NE’ ‘Scanned with CamScanner LE ___ Process Sehudirbor 3- Apreerrs Scheolitor fe nd | Pisesies £0 Le asgncol 48 the CPU beter OM -portueutor ae alyerithury at po i ( Soricusting Val ee) | es } tm Firat come, Sirat- Strut (FCF S ) LP Shorteat-Joa- Next (SIN ) Schooling b> Prueruty Scheduling | Te Short Remcining Tine | Le Rouuol Rebin (RR) Sehroutiong DU Ae sepensielty At CPU Schtoliutor ke Ollet a preuds 48 CPU wher Ah CPU im dhe folle State: Wr CPU Scuolular selects O -precdls prom Beocly queue anol aluocats the process £8 CPU + ee ee ee ec suites pus ee patie, fe renoly state is cold | UV EVE UT UU UU ee ev “ ‘Scanned with CamScanner oh Se aaa ~ Un xelrrouting munich takes place win O Lem runny procs tryoninatu or suttehnu ’ er Atatt Any kimol Of CPU 48 wet Ki ACLOLL i 2s collect Nen- Praumpet Szneolr ve : | * Ur -pramptivt tre proces can Le aerrolrtea | * dn Wen-promptive the proces cam net &t Sthidutd - * Seheduting riteia‘ CPU utuiyation - Kuep the CPU au deny as-porsile (pore 07 £0 1004. ) 2) Thieugh put > Fe Of protesss Anat complete ARUA OUeLtien pu. time writ: 3) Tur oreund Ame J Amount ef tim Ae execute A porticlor process: 4) Waiting time - Amount o¢ Piva proceshas 5) Response Lent ameunt e¢ dime it takes prom UHM A TQ uest Was Admitted until Aha fost Atiponse 44 procera - 6) Prurst Ait 2 Pine ee Lp proce es pou CPU execution - 4) Arrival Aime Time at whien the process y Tarmareund Time = Cempltion— AWOL Try > Wasting Tort = Ta Mound Tu- BUt Ty. ‘Scanned with CamScanner - t Tnty Preece eV (7 4 * what 44 Inu Prous Lommurncatyeon (LPC) ? Ui Ad a -—prortds thet imnowes cermmsAuca tien % Ore preess mith anethr precras Lemmucation can Lt ef Hue ard. 1) Between related processes Avitio poem enly ony PYPCtds, AU Cs parent Anda Ch prectess &) Betuseem urtrclatedl processes, Or Lus© 61 TOAD clifgeremt Preceises - Sema Tmpertamt dows! * Pipu s Lemmumication b/w We relate procrucs Ce SI a LOTS ful preci communication with the sceond Pasies Sie OU PLO se Fer the Seeonol Press £0 Commuunitate with the rst proens another preceds U req Uied: * FIFO '- Lemmunicatien b/w Ave unrelated FiFo 4 Opell OWaplery meaning the frst precud an Lemminicate wih the second precuvamna Ay MeMage Gusts) < Lommumccation blw tw armen Precbiies with futt olupler Capacity - ee will Lommumitate with ech othr a UAE li) We out Of the quence: Oncee, Retriewreol 1 the mesiage 1 ne Longer awattatite in the qyuue « aa essserssererseeeneee Vv ‘Scanned with CamScanner a a Pe * Shared meme Lervmuimication pbjw LWe ox ma Precisses VU cichiived threugh a shart Pie: Of Mmemery Gmeng OU prwcess Mt +e PMeAY MALLS Lo Me PALE Lteal prem each othr by Aynchorontying Aetess to atethe process * . Semapheres t ~ Sumaphere ane meant $e synch roniging OES to multiple processes When ene process wants 68 acces the Meme (fore 4 wacting) , it needs £0 be teckool (or protected) and reheasta when the Access U removed - ais Needs 0 Le peated by QL the proecises 40 See ote - HR Lritito Seurtlou $= Lorin a Aystenr Lonsist — ing, ey n prawn ohh RAL Buf och preeess Aas a Stprment ef cscle , Lolled a writial delien. in which the preces may be su rg pce Dobe pa. halal Be drab 4hat, when Ore -preends U execet | a im ib xrltecal Action, ne etArr precus ‘| Db altewed to exceute iw ith ae Walesa lp Pe critical scetion problem 4 £8 Asian a protoces| thol the processes” Gn ue Sf Cospuat - tach, ‘ prea muat repust prmiition st eter tty ‘ ‘Scanned with CamScanner Seetion OK the Cock _ = hg crtleal sector. Wt ' droplerymnting Ahi request As the entry Acetic i at 9 4 Y mn IVP i, She criticat section may * pottoused by an eutt sectren L. the Femanting cool, UV the Remainder Sectlen 5 al s v7 p wd delutten to the critinal-arettien problem wurst culiagy thn pe agen tri Tepuument = W Tt) Mutuot excluuion’- Y ont process Ay execrcty, in ity rzattiiat scetren , thon ne© etry precy can be & executing dn their crittag SeetLens yh a) Progxus és 4 ne pres U executing in in rttieal atelion and seme -precesies wut £0 enter fur erLttal sctiens, thon Soa procs {hat are net erecting in L aunteh aul enter ith critical svetien newt s and thi Arectien cannot be festpered Sgt. thorn exists a demit or = art allewol te miter treir cutieat ncbons Afr a preruens has mack a Se enter B prantel - RYNASSAA ASAE UE T ETT ey ‘Scanned with CamScanner a _ — “7 a ke anol » Truce gual approaches Ort cspeol 4 Ariticat Actions du OS- 1+) PrAwmptue Romals Q-) Nen- prem pert kumals K Ratt Lendition = Ut Ua situation Abot amo occur juviclt a eritecat scctien th happens when the result ef multiple thud exretien im cutceat as ceppexerch frO™ clips accerding fe the order im which the thrrod excrete | Lb Race cercdutiien um cutial scctien can be owes 4g the crtticot scttien Uv brated as an alemte Juudrucnen: & ALB PLSpe: faunal Ayn entyoren ‘Scanned with CamScanner ye the PElucer Curl LonsumUrs shart Lhe sam, Y 7 X , An me Vouy bufger that AS Of frud Uye ts £0 genvak the Cate : ly The gob St tht -preclueen y ol pain Atort genwats prt at inte the bugger » am alata. while tne 706 Sf the Conseemer Ls 408 Conseim, Ah dla. “prem the Dugg HK Preble i+ the preceeier precuctr Sheutol ~precluver oleta only whim the bugger do net pute. Uy the Anefger Bw full » Ahnu the -preclucnr Showobyrt be alterseol +9 put amy data Amite tht befor . be dhe consemur Ahailol consieme ata only whiny the Luger Uy net empty. the bugger 4» empty 5 thin eae OREN allouxrd tere b The percehep produc and consumur shell 2k Seturtions- the abeut three problems cam bt ORO WO RA AEP io(9 SMa eae Oe Tn the precdkucn -contwmer problem , us uit Aha semaphore variates ?- 1) Semophere S. &) Semaphore E 3) Semaphore F- VUUVVTT TTT i 4 AVVNANVUVIA VY ub Aviad! ‘Scanned with CamScanner I ed hors yarns By wring the abeuc three OT urctiow ys we Ard wring the naitl) ama signal a oe ; cto Cam sett cur preg problem (the A Aeertases the sUmaphere vyouabtle 4 Henot () qunchon Avercoaes the sumraphord Variable Ly 1), Se. hts sb hew- L) Se MaphersS:- Wn Armapheru vertalele una FO Achinw nurtuol Ortluten prtwenr preci - Py using ANU serial, , ther PRECLLEA © Conde, WILL Le QUaured AO USE OL Attrssid AML Fhorrol bugger at a prrticular Lore Wis vorindle i set £0 1 initially . 2 Semapherr E:- this semaphen variate ts used Enittoluy, Atay Art to Huwhote space the buppor On” becguse the bugger i ludheatty empty 3) a 5 Unis sumophere variate Ly ¢ eol tfine the spare that is filet PML - Witraly , it iu set to ‘0 Dolinea TAL 1 ne spare 4b Avy the prolir on ‘Scanned with CamScanner ~ apart (S) = append a) ~ signal (S) > , Atgnot (&) | = g | - p 3 She abort Caclt can * while () ts Ursecl £0 protiee olo.ta sOGOLM Are again Af Xt UWtMhes LO PrBoULle ; again anal a KLUMMAOALKA AS 2 d Cun 0 preousce |) puncte is cattial fo predairee lata Arty dhe prpcUecen © wattlE) will reoluce Thr vou of sumiaphore nariatte “E” by on Le whi the preclucenr prediutes Something them there 44 a orcas An the value ef tht empty space im the bugger cre ype Le kre value of Lt Suma ~-pheu variable eee oy shun the pregaam will step its outittien and production ail b¢ cone: wit(S) is usd £0 det tre vorudbtes “S” £00” & that nd eth -precus can ent, auto the e + Append () is usta £9 append the neusty produ 4c deta im the bugger sino (s) is udecl L041t tre semaphore vorlable “S” to “0” se that oth precise can comt Umts the itil section new because the — ‘Scanned with CamScanner ObrDbEAD ADM aD ape hhh WiKi) tl —————————————————— Prductien 44 dent And the append epooen 4) ae olent + | Signo (F) ay uatol £6 dncriue the AUViapAnOrl voiale “F” Ay ere beCauk aftr aotoung Ahe data inte the Auyper » one space 44 pied. im the Suppor ana the variable “FP? nut Ae upeatal {+ Uris is row au selua tA pysolucee Pportog 400 prrla ~ay Levu - preblent + Now, fet ae the censmuner blatant - the following Ad tht cece gor the COn— Pawn? votd certumnr () § awnite(T) $ aait (F ) wait (S) Aare ( ) sinat (S) Signa (E ) tu () 3 3 phe obeue CaaL COM BE AWmmAnLO Od wilt () is useol £6 contume data, again & again iy it wishes £0. contwme | ear amol . ‘Scanned with CamScanner [LNA NNUU UYU EVUU EU UL ev vv, variable” py ont becauk Ap AOru cata ds ¢ -uwidk by the conta, Ann Abe vonoley “P» mut Ae arercod coy, ont * mait(s) 14 ureol to 00 AA LAL AOMOPHOAL VOrInws, 645” Ep 40 40 that ne othr pyectss CAM enter Unto the caltitot section + tare () function uu ud £0 cake ota Pron ty | bupper toy tht Contemer + Signoi(S) Lund te Act the semaphore variabte 65°) Lot” 40 that thr precLHis Qu Gr tome unto Ht ervtical arctlen meur becaun ANAL Censump- - tert 43 olent anol Mth epoatcen 1 alse lene O SignatlE) Bund £6 inenwar the soraphert Voroble “Oey ome becom Aft aking dhe data prem tre buffer ent space U pred prone the bupgr aml the variatle “E” must be UMNCALASLA + 1 Uutl) a fuaebion that i4 usol fe use tr te lo Seme application - H Sumapho Somaphe iu dimply a voriabk which i Vorlons J Useol bo 20LULL the crctvenl section prbiem and £6 achinn spreees synchronization Un the multiprecusing erutronment: ‘Scanned with CamScanner meres, -a. | ts Se MAPA ] / ae ' mah) at y 2} | ane conn? | Guta > Semvopt | Ir) Prnary Semaphore’ UH ds Clie Ruswtr ads vtuten Lock: Ut Lan -toavt only twee volun -O0and1: tH valud i Anitia iy tol so 1-U ww und to implement thre Asetutton of Arctical suction prottom ritth mullet prec 2) ATA Sema phort - tts Valu carr Aduge Or an uUnrLiiuietad demain: tu Uno &£@ contrel Aettds AOA rrrource that has onuclerple vuitonets: le charnetuistics of Semaphore I) te Ba mechan that Can te Uso £0 prio Mynchreunyatien of to4ks a) Ua Aow- Aus Ayrehrouatien pavechovaison | 3) Sema phew atl aa het QA Nen- negat-| “Ave Ander, VOU 4) Sumapherr cam be duplomouted en 1 teat epoations amd dnrterrupts ,whien { canteh Bete casey pe olesercotou. | ‘ ‘ ‘Scanned with CamScanner ra Count Semaphore > 4 > Release ~- (Count = count +1) flere ~ r unt!) | > ~ ee | Be titles iat sy yon + Gok e we acquire f : Gunt=0) e Vequire (Count= Ee we - pr Hower, 4 Hu count 0 >0 , tre somapher is PS Arrated im che avaclabte Stotr, avo he be mumbur of tokens it Aasrequal £6 Lt count: ey Bieta ee eR opens Kee é a Pe #F elvawtages of Semapherys « UH allows meu than ene Head to actu tht | Atco Aeetion ne ee hehane to a ‘Scanned with CamScanner DU EO) )8=—ts tA a, Vy ole not allew wmuttipt.- prectes 6 + Ahe critical Action hey atiow fleriblr mousgumid of TUSUCE Ms thi As busy wattrg in Aumraphents » thencdl TULA a avoutage Of -precs tums amd RLLourcls VUrniy on machine —incepivolent , wirieh sreutd An van am tht machi -Annolepenrcleut caole of Anh ammuene - Rema x Diraclvanrtages * One of tht biggut Ainitotlen og tt Araphort Ze prcortty AMUEAHBU * - + the 0S hor te Rup Aacrk“all cats te wait P "ae AUMa phorus * Semaphert 44 pront 40 PYEPrauuUtr L081: ic ae) CL a OG ie CAL 5 Crease ure au thir we tn eg et 2g. pee 2 wd ver ting <* prnary Sema prort Semaphore 1) we muclual exetunion 1) Muto eurtunon a) ing ductiper voulat [» een. ae 3) vlew than Ore Met Pop onset § ®) peutte 0 at of Preuss) rs a Meniter Demo |/ Name 64 Monitor Pp r ‘Scanned with CamScanner ' OK eI Wworrtage of Wenctor r Ty Maring poroltel Pregpramvm ing Losr ana is e i OAL prone than using Arey sehr os i Ama Prorrs- x Disdorontege of Mentor { - Mowiter haut £9 ue implement as pot OF the Prego ing dowgringe. Unt com piter mut genrroute Cool or thou. Wu qevu Ave Aemptin tht qoblitional Burcu of Hom Bick asi OAK CUVOLLALLE ares £0 or0Acal ALLEN 4M eencurrent Ke ussage Passung Meclel e¢ Process Communication Joy bre epvating sytem that olleus proeesies £0 vuusinge pasong rnpolut UUs multiple precerses fo mraol amot write closa to tht meage quere te, ih conmicteol 48 Cath other Meroe Au ster00l on the Quan wnt thi, resp oretiptemt + tye uy OT ee ee eee Oe pee ‘Scanned with CamScanner AAA ATTA TIT: i _ mr eommurmication, ape by mo opr nadine Syetern and ant => ~~ Precis Pd i > Proctss P2 re je s > f gi iy Ps b> | a * Musyage Gut Ye ye eaters ~~ WuLLasage Passing wool ft vidwamtage 6+ Vussage Rossing Maclel * itis much earner to impturent than the Anovr0ot model * tt wr © bull parolll Haroloore cere ean ace cP Reel OF i quite telramt of fugir cornmumication Lotineies (the olay a Avomager of clout. 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