Eol 3 Leadership Seminar

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Yuktha Pemmasani

EOL #3: Leadership Seminar

19 November 2022

EOL #3

I had the opportunity to attend a leadership seminar at The University of Kansas. The

seminar had a diverse number of people from all different backgrounds to share their form of

leadership. These speakers spoke on a variety of subjects including, how to improve your

leadership skills, the steps to leadership, and the importance of leadership. It was a great

experience meeting with others who have a similar mindset to my own to discuss an important

virtue in business and in life. The seminar also opened my eyes to the true importance of

leadership in terms of helping others but also getting help when necessary.

The knowledge I gained from this seminar will be very helpful in my future and right

now as I get through my last two years of highschool. Along with learning about leadership, the

seminar gave me a chance to network with college students and the speakers who led the event.

While speaking to various people I learned more about doing finance in college as well as some

advice for college applications. In particular, one of the speakers I was able to connect with

worked at an investment bank and told me about his daily life at the bank. He gave me a good

insight into what the job I'm considering is really like. I will be able to use this knowledge

towards moving forward in beginning my journey to my future career.

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