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Angol gyakorlás (past simple)

Állító mondat
I worked I worked last night.
you worked You worked last night.
he/she/it worked He worked last night.
we worked We worked last night.
you worked You worked last night.
they worked They worked last night.

Tagadó mondat (segédige a DID NOT/ DIDN’T)

I did not / didn’t work I didn’t work last night.
you did not / didn’t work You didn’t work last night.
he/she/it did not / didn’t work He didn’t work last night.
we did not / didn’t work We didn’t work last night.
you did not / didn’t work You didn’t work last night.
they did not / didn’t work They didn’t work last night.

Kérdő mondat (segédige a DID)

Did I work Did I work last night?
Did you work Did you work last night?
Did he/she/it work Did he work last night?
Did we work Did we work last night?
Did you work Did you work last night?
Did they work Did they work last night?

1. Használd az egyszerű múlt időt!
0) I ______did not drink________ (not/drink) any milk last night.
1) She _____________________ (get on) the bus in the city center.
2) I ________________________ (not change) trains in London.
3) We ____________________ (wake up) very late.
4) I _____________________ (receive) 300$ last Christmas.
5) We ____________________ (not/use) the computer last night.
6) They ___________________ (live) in Paris.
7) She _____________________ (read) the newspaper yesterday.
8) I _______________________ (not/watch) TV.
9) He ______________________ (not/study) for the exam.
10) She ______________________ (have) a shower.

2. Alkoss kérdéseket az egyszerű múlt segítségével!

0) What time _____did he get up______ yesterday?
1) Where ________________________ (you/ get off) the train?
2) What __________________________ (he/give) his mother for Christmas?
3) _______________________ (she/ make) good coffee?
4) _______________________ (he/call) you?
5) _______________________ (I/ forget) something?
6) What time ______________________ (the film/ start)?
7) Why _________________________ (you/come)?
8) ______________________ (he/go) to the party?
9) ________________________ (they/ like) his story?
10) What ________________________ (you/do) yesterday?


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