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Question 1 - Describe the provided sets/parameters/variables/equations with

your own words. With these definitions, rewrite the below stated equations in
your own words.

Answer- The Set, Parameters, Variables and Equations are used to describe the
energy optimisation and modelling software OSeMOSYS.

The “SET” are generally used to describe the structure of the model. It is the basis on
which the model is constructed and it involves various elements like-
1. Fuel- It is the type of fuel used to run the energy model.
2. Mode of Operation- Modes of operation used for energy production. These
are generally technologies which can have one or more fuels are both input
and output side of the model. Eg- Combined Heat and Power Plants.
3. Region- It refers to the area or region that is considered in the model.
4. Technology- It is the type technology used for energy production on the
5. Time Slice- These are the time slices considered in the model.
6. Years- It is used to define the number of years that are taken into account for
the modelling.

The “VARIABLES” are factors that can be increased or decreased in the model which
would impact the final results in the modelling like-
1. New Capacity- It refers to installing new or decreasing the existing capacity of
energy production.
2. Rate of Activity- It refers to the rate of activity of each region, technology and
mode of operation.
3. Trade- It refers to import or export of energy between regions in a given time

The “Parameters” are around which the model is made. They directly impact the
structure of the model and the results associated with it.
1. Accumulated Annual Demand- It defines the accumulated annual demand for
energy in each region and fuel type.
2. Capacity Factor- Capacity factor is the capacity the technology has for energy
in each year and region.
3. Capacity to Activity Unit- It refers to the conversion of capacities to activity
for the technology used in the model.
4. Input Activity Ratio- It defines the ratio of Input Activity in the particular
technology used for modelling.
5. Output Activity Ratio- It defines the ratio of output activity in the particular
technology used for modelling.
6. Residual Capacity- It is the capacity which is not used in the technology which
can be used to increase or decrease the production based on requirement.
7. Specified Annual Demand- It refers to the annual demand of energy in each
region in the particular time.
8. Specified Demand Profile- It is the pattern of demand observed in the
particular region at the particular time.
9. Trade Route- It is the specific trade route used to make the energy trade
between regions.
10. Year Split- It is the split of each year based on different time slices.

Based on the understanding we can rewrite the given equations as-

1. CAa4- Defines the capacity constraint, ensuring that the rate of activity for a
specific region, technology, and year does not exceed the available capacity.
2. EBa11- Defines the constraint for energy balance, ensuring that each region
based on each years energy demand is met through energy production and
3. Ebb4- Defines that the accumulated demand for each year in each region is
met through production and trade.

Question 2 - What variable can the model control/change in equation CAa4 to

satisfy the requirement
of the equation?

Answer- The model can control/change the variables "RateOfActivity,"

"NewCapacity," "ResidualCapacity," "CapacityFactor," and "CapacityToActivityUnit"
in the equation "CAa4 Constraint Capacity." These variables appear on the right side
of the equation and are used to compute the maximum value that the left side,
"summ in MODE OF OPERATION RateOfActivity[r,l,t,m,y]," can take.

To satisfy the equation's requirement, the sum of "RateOfActivity" must be less than
or equal to the right-hand side expression. To meet this requirement, the model can
control/change the values of the variables on the right-hand side.
Question 3 – What is the difference between equation Eba11 and EBb4?

Answer- The time horizon considered by "Eba11 EnergyBalanceEachTS5" and "EBb4

EnergyBalanceEachYear4" differs.

The equation "EBb4 EnergyBalanceEachYear4" takes into account the energy balance
for each time slice (i.e., each "l in TIMESLICE") within a year, whereas the equation
"EBb11 EnergyBalanceEachTS5" takes into account the energy balance for each year
(i.e., each "y in YEAR").

The left-hand side of both equations represents the sum of energy generated (i.e.,
"RateOfActivity * OutputActivityRatio") by various modes of operation and
technologies. The sum of energy consumed (i.e., "RateOfActivity *
InputActivityRatio") by various modes of operation and technologies, energy traded
with other regions, and accumulated annual demand is represented on the right side.

As a result, the "Eba11 EnergyBalanceEachTS5" equation ensures that the energy

generated within each time slice is greater than or equal to the energy consumed
within the same time slice, whereas the "EBb4 EnergyBalanceEachYear4" equation
ensures that the energy generated over a year is greater than or equal to the energy
consumed, plus energy traded and accumulated demand.

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