Great Expectations CH 2

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Great Expectations

Chapter 2
Pip went downstairs to the pantry and took some bread, a
piece of hard cheese, a bone with bits of meat on it and a
pork pie
He went to the forge and took a file from Joe’s tool box
Then ran in the direction of his meeting place.
Pip came upon a man who was sitting on the ground with his
back to him and assumed he is the man he met yesterday
But when the man turned to look at him, he realized he’s not
the same man

The man had on the same clothes and irons on his feet, but the
face was different. He also had a long scar on one cheek. Once
he saw Pip he ran away, stumbling and disappearing in the

Pip assumed that it was the man who cut out the hearts of little
boys! And ran away too
When Pip reached the fort, he found the man from last
night. Then he wolfed down the food he had brought him
Then, Pip told him about the man he had saw and that he had a mark
on his face and looked hungry

The convict asked Pip about where the man is and he pointed in the
general direction he had seen him then he slipped away as the
convict began using the file on his leg iron.
Pip returned home expecting to find the police waiting for
him. But, instead he found Mr. and Mrs. Joe preparing up for
the day.

Guests arrived at Pip’s house including: Mr. Pumblechook, Mr.

Wopsle, Mr. Hubble and his wife.
Uncle Pumblechook
He was a slow moving and heavy-breathing man. He was fat and middle
aged with sandy hair that stood upright on his head. Every year, he
brought two bottles of wine as a gift, which he presented with an
unnecessary flourish to the hostess. He was a dull, pretentious and
insensitive man who largely ignored Pip and Mr. Joe.
Each year, the dinner began with a prayer from Mr. Wobsle who
always ended it with the hope that we be truly grateful.

His sister always used this an excuse to look at him sharply as

though he was ungrateful.

“Did you hear that? Be grateful!”


Then, everyone at the table would talk about how lucky he

was to have a noble sister like Mrs. Joe which made him feel
Mrs. Joe offered Mr. Pumblechook some whiskey, which he accepted.

BUT: it turned out that the whiskey had tar water in it making Mr,
Pumblechook rushing for the door, coughing violently and making
terrible faces.
Then, Pip’s fear explodes when he hears Mrs. Joe says that she will
serve Uncle Pumblechook’s tasty meat pie that he had brought

Knowing that he couldn’t escape being discovered this time, he

decided to flee for his life stumbling into the armed soldiers terrified,
he ran back inside and saw the dinner guests all rise from their seats
as the soldiers came into the kitchen
Pantry: a cupboard in the
kitchen where food can be stored.

Startled: shocked / alarmed

Stumbling: moving with


Who did Pip meet first when he

arrived to the churchyard?
Sip: drink a small mouthful

Chattering: click together from cold

or fear

Leapt: jumped

Why was Pip keen on returning back

home quickly?

What did Pip expect on his way home?

Clerk: office assistant

Thoroughly: deeply

Scrubbed: wash – clean

Flourish: do sth with noticeable


Who are the company expected for

the Christmas dinner?
Dull: boring

Pretentious: showy

Insensitive: hard-hearted /

Sympathizing: feel pitty/sorry


Pip and Mrs. Joe think differently of

Mr.Publechook. Discuss

Christmas wasn’t a pleasant

moment for Pip. Explain
Boast: show off
Pooled: collected together
Meagre: small
Superb: excellent
Bolted: flee- escape

How did Mr. Joe comfort Pip

during Christmas dinner?

In your opinion, why wasn’t Pip sorry

for filling the whiskey bottle with tar-

What was Pip’s reaction when his sister

went to get the meat pie?
1-Who did Pip meet first when he arrived to the churchyard?
2-Why was Pip keen on returning back home quickly?
3-What did Pip expect on his way home?
4-Who are the company expected for the Christmas dinner?
5-Describe Mr.Publechook.
6-Pip and Mrs. Joe think differently of Mr.Publechook. Discuss
7-Christmas wasn’t a pleasant moment for Pip. Explain
8-How did Mr. Joe comfort Pip during Christmas dinner?
9-In your opinion, why wasn’t Pip sorry for filling the whiskey bottle with tar-
10- What was Pip’s reaction when his sister went to get the meat pie?
1-“Aren’t you going to leave any food for your
2-“Did he have a mark on his face?”
3-“I went to see the carols.”
4-“Be grateful to those who brought you up by
5-“He would have been dead and buried long ago if I
had not looked after him.”

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