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Q2 - LESSON 7 Student’s name:..................................Class: 8C............

Corrector’s name:.................................

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Add a comma where necessary.
~ If you ...have... (have) toothache, go to the dentist.
1. If Peter ……………………………………………… (do) lots of exercise he’ll be fit and healthy.
2. Please call me if you ……………………………………………… (need) any help.
3. ……………………… Sarah ……………..…………………… (be) angry if we don’t go to her
4. Cathy will be able to go on holiday if she …………………………………… (save) enough money.
5. Unless it ……………………………………………… (rain) we’ll go for a walk.
6. If you ……………………………………………… (work) hard you may be promoted.
7. ……………………… you ……………..……………… (give) me a call if you have time tomorrow?
8. If you don’t do your homework I ……………………………………………… (not / let) you watch
9. Mary won’t go to Australia unless I ……………………………………………… (pay) for her
10. If he ……………………………………………… (arrive) on time we’ll have dinner before we go

II. Complete the article. Use the words in the box.

are be can does feel if
leaning learn should stand up try will

Body language can make a bigger impression on people than you might think. If you (0)
…….learn……... how to use it correctly, body language (11) ……………………………………. help you
to make and keep friends. For example, if you (12) ……………………………………. straight, you (13)
……………………………………. look confident and attractive, while arms crossed over your chest say
“stay away”.
Mirroring is another way of sending out the right signals. (14) ……………………………………. you
want someone to like you, you (15) ……………………………………. copy their body language. Why? If
someone (16) ……………………………………. what we do, we (17) …………………………………….
that we have a lot in common with them. So if you (18) ……………………………………. having a drink
with someone, (19) ……………………………………. taking a sip of your drink a few seconds after they
do. Look at their posture. If they are (20) ……………………………………. forwards, you should (21)
……………………………………. doing the same. Of course, you have to be careful. You don’t want to
look as if you’re making fun of them!

III. Underline the correct answer.

22. He wouldn’t come here so often if he doesn’t / didn’t like it.
23. I’d work a lot harder if I was / were you.
24. I wouldn’t be telling you this if I thought / would think you were going to repeat it.
25. If I were in your position, I ‘ll /’d get legal advice.
25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 1
26. If she lived / could live anywhere she wanted to, she’d live in Brazil.
27. If I were / would be ten years younger, I’d go out with him.
28. If they had enough money, they ‘d buy / bought this house tomorrow.
29. If they were asked / to ask me for my opinion, I’d advise them to reconsider their decision.
30. She might win / won first prize if she entered the competition.
31. Was / Were they to offer you the job, would you accept it?
32. If I wasn’t working / didn’t work this weekend, I’d spend the time with you.

IV. Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets
A: How’s Eli?
B: Not that well. Imagine how you (0) ……’d feel…..(feel) if you (33) ……………..…………………….
…... (discover) that you’d failed nearly all of your exams!
A: I’d feel terrible but if it were me, I (34) ……………………………………………… (keep) trying. She
can re-sit the exams she’s failed in September.
A: Have you decided what you’re doing this weekend?
B: If I (35) ……………………………………………… (can / borrow) some money, I (36)
……………………………………………… (definitely / go) away with you but I don’t think there’s
anyone who can lend it to me.
A: Couldn’t Nigel lend you the money?
B: Not really. You see, he’s broke. He (37) ……………………………………………… (can / earn) lots
of money if he (38) ……………………………………………… (want) to but money’s not that important
to him.
A: My car’s broken down. Can you help me?
B: If I (39) ………………………………… (know) anything about cars, I (40)
……………………………… (try) to fix it but I know less than you do. If I (41)
……………………………………………… (be) you, I (42) ………………………………………………
(call) a garage.
A: Sven has everything he wants but he’s always complaining. I’m sure if I (43)
………………………… ………………………… (have) so much money, I (44)
……………………………………………… (not complain) all the time.
B: Maybe not, but money isn’t everything.

V. Complete the articles. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Five Indonesian fishermen found themselves in deep trouble when a storm blew up suddenly off
the coast of Australia and wrecked their boat. They were almost out of food when they were spotted by
a rescue plane. In a way, they were unlucky: if they (0) …..hadn’t gone….. (not go) out fishing, their
boat (45) …………………………………………. (not be) destroyed. But in another way, they were
extremely fortunate: if the plane (46) …………………………………………. (not see) them, they (47)
…………………………………………. (probably / die).

An English couple had a narrow escape when a large tree fell on their home. They were parking
their car at the time of the accident. If the couple (48) ……………………………………………. (arrive)
25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 2
home a few minutes earlier, they (49) ……………………………………………. (be) in the house when
the tree came crashing down and they (50) ……………………………………………. (might / be) killed.

An Australian diver who found himself in the mouth of a great white shark survived to tell the tale.
The diver managed to stab the shark in the mouth with his knife and the great fish released him. If the
diver (51) …………………………………………. (not have) a knife with him, the shark (52)
……………………………………. (not open) its mouth and the diver (53) ………………………………….
(might not / survive).

A woman in Australia was bitten on the foot by a dangerous snake

which miraculously left no poison in the bite. If the snake (54)
……………………………………………. (inject) poison into her foot, the
woman (55) ……………………………………………. (could / die).

I. Underline the correct word in each sentence
56. Will you be at home / at house later this evening?
57. Paul’s room is at the top of the stairs / steps opposite the bathroom.
58. Can you remember to clean the wash-basin / sink in the bathroom?
59. The rooms downstairs are so low that I can touch the roof / ceiling.
60. Tony is a keen cooker / cook and always uses an electric cooker / cook.
61. You’ll find plates in the cupboard / wardrobe next to the fridge.
62. Ann was sitting at / to her desk, but Chris was sitting in / on an armchair.
63. I won’t be long. I’m just going upstairs for a bath / a bathe.
64. Lisa didn’t like doing homework / housework, so she paid a cleaner.
65. Under the house there’s a cave / cellar where we keep our old things.

II. Complete each sentence with a verb from the box in a suitable form. You can use a verb more
than once
drop finish get look move put take turn

66. I’ve got nowhere to stay tonight. Can you ………………………………. me up?
67. We’ve bought a new house but we can’t ………………………………. in until next month.
68. Adrian doesn’t ………………………………. on with his neighbors, because they’re so noisy.
69. Jan likes cooking, but she says it ………………………………. up a lot of her time.
70. Don’t forget to ………………………………. off the television before you go to bed.
71. Helen has done most of the decorating and plans to ……………………………. it off tomorrow.
72. I have a large room, and it ………………………………. out onto a beautiful garden.
73. Karen and Mike live next door and they often ………………………………. in for a chat.

Read the text and mark the letter next to the correct answer A, B, C or D.


25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 3
‘The best age to start learning the violin is between three and six.’ says Margaret Porter, a violinist
and music teacher. ‘It’s the time when you are learning about the world.’ Margaret, who lives in
London, prefers to take pupils at three and four, although she has made lots of exceptions for keen
five-year-olds. When she started teaching the violin in 1972, her first class consisted of her children’s
five-year-old school friends.
Margaret’s pupils have group lessons. Each group has about a dozen pupils and each lesson lasts
an hour, once a fortnight. In addition, each pupil has one individual lesson a week with her. Parents
also have to attend the classes. It is important that the parents take an active interest in the lessons.
From the earliest lessons pupils learn to play by ear. They do not even try to read music until they
have been playing for several years, and for a long time there is a big difference between their playing
and reading of music. Margaret says that her method is not supposed to produce great violinists, and
always suggests that pupils who perform particularly well should leave and study the violin using more
traditional methods.

74. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

A. explain why Margaret likes teaching the violin
B. describe a different way of learning the violin
C. give advice on how to find a music teacher
D. explain why Margaret has a lot of pupils

75. Why should someone read the text?

A. to discover how Margaret learnt the violin
B. to learn why it is important to read music
C. to find out about Margaret’s teaching method
D. to learn why children should play the violin

76. What opinion does Margaret have about her best pupils?
A. They ought to find another teacher.
B. They will become great violinists using her method
C. They could try harder.
D. They take several years to learn to read music.

77. Margaret’s first pupils were

A. her children.
B. three- and four-year-olds.
C. her own friends.
D. her children’s friends.

78. Which of the following would Margaret include in an advertisement for her classes?
A. Learn to play the violin with your children – 2 lessons a week.
B. Watch your children learn to play the violin
C. Group violin lessons for children – no more than 5 per group
D. We’ll look after your children while you learn the violin


25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 4
Q2 - LESSON 7 Student’s name:........................................Class: 8C..............
Corrector’s name:......................................

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to make correct type 2 conditional sentences.
1. If cameras ……………DIDN’T COST………………………. (not / cost) so much, we …………………
WOULD BUY…………………. (buy) one.
2. We ………………WOULD PAINT……………………. (paint) the house if we …………………
HAD…………………. (have) the time.
3. If she ……………GOT………………………. (get) good grades, she…COULD GO/ WOULD DO/
MIGHT GO…. (go) to university.
4. If I …WAS……. (be) rich, I …WOULD NEVER WORK…. (never / work) again.
5. Helen ……WOULD POST…………. (post) the letters if she ……HAD………. (have) some stamps.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to make correct type 3 conditional sentences.
6. If he ……HAD…REMEMBERED……. (remember) earlier, he …WOULD HAVE SENT……… (send)
her a birthday card.
7. If you ……………HADN’T BEEN……………. (not / be) ill, you ………WOULD HAVE GONE……….
(go) to the party.
8. Jason …WOULD…HAD BROKEN………. (not / break) his arm if he …………HAD BEEN……….
(be) more careful.
9. Helen ……………WOULD HAVE GOT………. (get) wet if she ………hadn’t taken……. (not / take)
her umbrella.
10. If I …………HAD DONE………. (do) my homework, my teacher ……WOULD’ HAVE
SHOUTED……. (not / shout) at me.

III. The people below all want to see some live entertainment. There are descriptions of eight
festival performances. Decide which performance A-H would be the most suitable for each person.

11 Peter is studying English. He hopes either to write plays or to be an actor. He

. particularly enjoys plays about real people who have interesting lives. G

12 Glenda is studying the history of music at college. She wants to listen to as much
. music from the past as possible, and particularly likes listening to people singing. C

13 Wong is a dancer from China. He would like to see people performing dances from as
. many other parts of the world as possible to give him some new ideas. A

14 Maria is celebrating her birthday tomorrow. She wants to go out for the whole day with
. her friends. They all enjoy listening to pop music. B

15 Ruth is a teacher who is planning to start a drama club for the children at her school.
. She would like to see some children acting if possible.


25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 5
A. International Youth Celebrations
Local youth groups, together with students from various countries including Spain, Finland, Austria and
Estonia, are each performing three dance pieces. Then they will join together in a play about international
friendship. The evening will finish with the singing of songs from different countries.
B. River Festival
A day of fun on the river bank, with a Chinese theme. Street entertainers and pop musicians perform during
the day, followed by fireworks in the evening. Something for everybody to watch, both children and adults.
C. Songs of Summer
The Hunton Consort consists of eight voices singing music from hundreds of years ago right up to modern
times. The group will perform songs, old and new, all of which are about the summer.
D. Music in the Open Air
Well-known nationally for their traditional dance music, Jimmy Locke and his band play throughout the day
in the open air on the Promenade Bandstand - if the weather allows!
E. Life Flows Between Us
Kent Arts and Libraries present the first performance of a new dance group called the Street Dancing
Company. The group will perform dances from the past on several of the bridges in the town.
F. A Star May Be Born
Toni Arthur produces plays with seven- to eleven-year-olds, performed at the weekends for parents, family
and friends. The plays come from children’s stories, and encouragement from the audience is always very
G. Vita and Harold
The Image Theatre Company dramatises the love-letters of Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicholson. The
play is about the couple’s lives and their most unusual marriage. Unsuitable for children.
H. Variety Music Evening
A great evening with the latest pop songs, and comedy and dancing from several great and unusual
performers. Members of the audience will be invited to join in and will have the chance of winning tickets to
a theatre show.

You will hear long talks or conversations. Each talk or conversation will be followed by three or
more questions. Choose the best answer to each questions.
1. What is the subject of the discussion?
A. The Earth’s oceans B. The Gulf Stream
C. Where currents flow D. Currents and climate:

2. Why does the boy mention the Gulf Stream?

A. To bring up an important point B. To ask what exactly it is
C. To answer the teacher’s question D. To prove that he knows where it flows

3. Why does the water in the Gulf Stream become progressively cooler?
A. Because of the action of the wind B. Because of the cold water it flows through
C. Because of the changing seasons D. Because of the depth that it flows

4. What will the teacher probably do next?

A. Continue talking about currents B. Dismiss the class for the day
C. Assign the students some homework D. Ask the students another question


25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 6
25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 7

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