Science VII FA4

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Session 2019-20 :FA4 Assessment

Class :VII
Subject :Science

Name: …………………………………………………………. Date: …./…../

Time : 40 Mns. MM :20
Note- Attempt all the questions
Q1. Select the correct answer: 1X4=4

I. A clock in which falling sand is used as timing device is called:

A. Water clock B. Sand clock C. Pendulum clock
II. After fertilisation, the ovary becomes:
A. Fruit B. Seed C. Seed coat
III. Which of the following pumps blood?
A. Heart B. Lungs C. Liver
IV. The rate of heartbeat (per minute) for a person at rest is:
A. 70 B. 74 C. 72
Q2. Fill in the blanks: 1X4=4

A. The red blood cells have red colour due to presence of………………………...

A. Two kinds of pollination are………………….and…………….

A. ……………….and………………relative terms.

B. The SI unit of time is………………….

Q3. State true and false: 1X4=4

A. Sand clock can work only in day.

B. Ovule turns into seed after fertilization.

C. Liquid part of blood is called plasma.

D. Kidneys act as filters to remove waste from blood.

Q4. What is Plasma? 2

Q5. What is grafting? 2


Q6. What is sundial? 2 Ans.


Q7. What is pollination? 2


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