Assignment 2-WLFE 2023

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Department of Petroleum Engineering

B.Tech. Semester -IV
Assignment - 2

Course: Well Log and Formation Evaluation (20PEB225)

Gamma-ray Log:
Problem 1: Using the following figures, estimate GRcorrected under the following
GRlog reads 67 API units
Hole size = 8 inch
Mud weight = 16 lb/gal
Tool is centered
Hints: GR logs are subject to a number of perturbing effects including (a) Sonde
(b) Hole size
(c) Mud weight
(d) Casing size and weight
(e) Cement thickness
Since there are innumerable combinations of hole size, mud weight and tool
position, an arbitrary set of standard conditions is defined in the above figures. A
series of charts is available making the appropriate corrections.

Ans: GRcor = 100

Problem 2: On the GR log shown on figure below, choose a value for GR min and
GRmax and compute Vsh in sand C using linear correlation between GR response and

Ans: Vsh = 30%

Problem 3: In the following example, give most likely cause for the high activity
seen on the total GR intensity curve at the point marked “A”.
Problem 4:
On the log given below, estimate the amount of clay, Vsh, at the following depth:
8,540, 8,549, and 8,560 ft. Do the same using the SP curve and compare. Why does
the SP yield higher values for Vsh in the bottom zone?
Problem 5:
Using the total GR curve of the following figure, compute the value of Vsh at the
top and bottom of the zone indicated as “ sand+mica”.
Problem 6:

From the spectral gamma device described above, where the gamma rays from Th
and U are predominantly in windows 4 and 5, and where the K gamma ray is
contained only in window 3 and below, determine the response equations for U and
Th. This can be done from a single measurement where the window counting rates
are known, as well as the Th and U concentrations. Suppose window 5 and window
4 have 40 and 100 counts, respectively, in a formation containing 5 ppm Th and 20
ppm U.
Resistivity Log:

Problem 1: Table given below is some of Archie’s original data.

Porosity Formation Factor (F) Porosity Formation Factor (F)
30 9 27 10
32 7 30 9
25 13 28 10
27 11 20 8
34 14 28 8
27 11 27 11
30 9 28 9
31 9 27 10
25 9 25 1
30 9 21 20
20 14 23 15
25 14 24 14
27 11 25 13
26 12
For the sample listed, plot the formation factor (F) versus porosity, and graphically determine an
expression for a reasonable fit to the data. What is the maximum percentage error if the
approximate form F = 1/ø2 is used?
Problem 2: Below figure (Figure 1) shows resistivity measurements versus saturation for two
core samples. Using information derived from curve I, plot the values of relative conductivity for
Sw = 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.9 on the figure 2, which represents equivalent data from Leverett’s
experiments on sand packs.

Figure 1: Resistivity measurements of two core samples (I, II) as a function of water
saturation for use in electric log interpretation.

Figure 2: Calibration curve of Leverett’s core holder with sand pack, showing variation of
relative conductivity as a function of water saturation.
Problem 3: The following figure states that the salinity of the saturating water for the two
samples was identical and that the porosity of sample I is 45 p.u. and that of the sample II is 25
p.u. What two inconsistencies are indicated by the data shown in the figure?
Problem 4: Consider a two-electrode device shown in below figure, where the spacing, A-
M, between the current source and voltage monitor is 1 m.

a) What is the resistance seen by this device in a completely water saturated 20 p.u.
porous limestone formation? The formation water is seawater (20 kppm NaCl) and
the temperature is 1000F.
b) What resistance does it see in zero porosity limestone (marble).
Problem 5: The water resistivity Rw in a log example of below figure was estimated to be
0.016 ohm-m, based on the assumption that a water zone had been identified.

a) What is the estimate of Rw, if 10% residual oil saturation is present in the
‘water’ zone?
b) Assuming that the water contain only dissolved NaCl, what is a reasonable value
for the concentration at a temperature at 2000F.
Problem 6: The water saturation in zone A of the following figure was estimated to be 79%
assuming a concentration exponent of 2.

a) What value of cementation exponent produces a water saturation of 50%?

b) What value of porosity would be required to yield a value of Sw of 50% using a
saturation exponent of 2?
Problem 7: Suppose a series of core measurements on reservoir rocks in the range of 20-30
p.u. porosity has established that the cementation exponent is between 1.8 – 1.9, i.e., F =
1/ø1.8 or F = 1/ø1.9.

a) What percentage error in the logging measurement of Rt can be tolerated so that

its influence on the saturation estimate is smaller than that induced by the
possible variation in cementation exponent? Assume a saturation exponent of 2.
b) Show that a 20% error in Rt can be tolerated if the porosity is 10 p.u.

Problem 8: Prove that T (tortuosity) = F.ø. Calculate T at ø= 0.1 and ø= 0.2 assuming
m=2. Show that the assumption that m = 2 implies that tortuosity increases as porosity

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