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Prof. Ed.

10 – Chapter 4 Activity

Name: Nizelle A. Arevalo

Year & Block: BEED III–Block 4
Subject: PROF. ED. 10 (Assessment of Learning 2)
Instructor: Mrs. Soledad L. Lita

Answer the following questions: (10 pts.) each.

1. What is the meaning and Characteristics of Performance-Based Assessment?

Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) is a type of evaluation that measures a

person's ability to apply their knowledge and skills in practical, real-world situations. It is
designed to assess a person's performance, rather than just their knowledge or
understanding of a topic. It requires individuals to demonstrate their ability to use
knowledge and skills in practical applications, which is why it's commonly used in fields
that require a high level of skill and expertise.

Characteristics of Performance-Based Assessment

 Focus on real-world tasks. PBA focuses on tasks that are authentic and
meaningful to the individual being assessed. The tasks should simulate real-
world situations to assess the person's ability to apply their knowledge and skills
in practical applications.

 Emphasis on process as well as product. PBA assesses not only the final
product but also the process used to arrive at the product. The process includes
the individual's problem-solving approach, decision-making, and reasoning skills.

 Performance criteria. PBA uses clear and specific performance criteria to

evaluate the person's performance. The criteria should be aligned with the
learning objectives and provide a clear understanding of what is expected of the
person being assessed.

 Multiple measures. PBA uses multiple measures to assess an individual's

performance. This includes direct observation, interviews, portfolios, simulations,
and other forms of assessment that can provide a comprehensive understanding
of the individual's skills and knowledge.

 Collaborative evaluation. PBA often involves collaboration between the person

being assessed and the evaluator. This collaborative approach can provide
valuable feedback to the individual, help them reflect on their performance, and
identify areas for improvement.
2. What are the types of Performance Task? Explain each type.

Solving a problem
Critical thinking and problem solving are important skills that need to be sharpened and
developed by the learners. Teachers may include activities and make sense of complex
authentic problems or issues to be solved by the students. This helps the students the
students become independent thinkers and learners for life, and help them meet the
challenges of the 21st century.

Completing an inquiry
An inquiry tasks is one in which the students are asked to collect data in order to
develop their understanding about a topic or issue. Examples of inquiries include
science investigation, research based activities, survey and interviews or independent
studies. Students determine what data are needed and under what conditions that data
should be collected, present data and develop conclusions.

Determining a position
This task requires students to make decision or clarify a position. Case analysis and
issue related activities or debate are some examples of this task.

Demonstration task
This task shows how the students use knowledge and skills to complete well-defined
complex tasks. Students explain or describe how something works or how to do
something when they perform these tasks. Examples are: demonstrating steps or
procedures of cooking, explaining the earthquake safety procedures and demonstrating
how to set up microscope for viewing slides. The focus of demonstration tasks is
accuracy in clarifying the steps of process as well as careful reasoning concerning the
rationale for each step of the process.

Developing Exhibits
Exhibits are visual presentations or displays that need little or no explanation from the
creators. An exhibit is offered to explain, demonstrated or show something. Classroom
applications include exhibit of best works, pictures or paintings, projects or even

Presentation Task
This is a work or task performed in front of an audience. Storytelling, singing and
dancing, musical play, and theatrical acting are some presentations which demonstrate
presentations tasks.

Capstone Performances
These tasks that occur at the end of a program of study and enable students to show
knowledge and skills in the context that matches the world of practicing professionals.
These tasks include research paper, practice teaching, Internship or on-the-job training.
3. Discuss the strengths and limitations of Performance Assessment.

Performance assessment clearly identifies and clarifies learning targets

Authentic performance tasks such as real world challenges and situations can closely
match with the various complex learning targets. This offers a direct way to closely
match with the various complex learning targets. This offers a direct way to assess what
the students know and can do within the variety of realistic contexts.

Performance assessment allows students to exhibit their own skills, talents, and
Tasks show integration of the student’s skills, knowledge and abilities, provide
challenge and opportunities to exhibit their best creation. This also assesses the ability
“to do” of the students.

Performance assessment advocates constructivist principle of Learning

Students are more engaged in active learning and give more opportunities to
demonstrate their learning in different ways in complex tasks. Students use their
previous knowledge to build a new knowledge structures and be actively involved in
exploration and inquiry through different tasks.

Performance assessment uses a variety of approaches to student evaluation

This offers students a variety of way of expressing their learning and increases the
validity of student’s evaluation. Teachers may share criteria of assessment before the
actual evaluation so that students can use this criterion as well.

Performance assessment allows the teachers to explore the main goal and
processes of teaching and learning process
Teachers may reflect and revisit learning target, curriculum and instructional practices,
and standards as they utilize performance-based assessment. They may use a variety
of teaching strategies and techniques, and explore how students will use the
instructional material and resources given to them.

4. As a teacher education student, think of a subject you plan to teach and make
workable tasks which are applicable to your teaching situation in the different
types of performance assessment.

As a teacher education student, I think the subject that I want to teach is the English
subject. The workable tasks that are applicable to my teaching situation using the
different types of performance assessment are brainstorming, role-playing, classroom
debates, problem-solving, writing an essay, reflective writing, group and collaborative
work, field trip, and exhibit activities.

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