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Name of the Candidate: MEDAPATI VENKATA REDDY

Roll No: 21LLB069



I want to offer my significant thanks and profound respects to our esteemed Professor Dr.

Narasinga Rao Barnikana who offered me an extraordinary stage and chance to tackle
job on this insightful and educational project topic ‘GHOSTS OF MISSISSIPPI’. Proper and
timely guidance along with constant encouragement from my professor helped me throughout
the journey. Working under his has been a remunerating experience for me. The abilities
acquired during this research will be helpful for me later on.

I might likewise want to stretch out my appreciation to the DAMODARAM SANJIVAYYA

NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY library and the academic department for their ceaseless help
and accessibility of assets and books without which it would have been difficult to finish this
task inside the specified time period.

In conclusion, I might likewise want to thank my Parents and classmates for their thoughts and
viewpoints, which assisted me with working on my task.

Thank you, everyone.

(M.Venkata Reddy)



1 Acknowledgement 2

2 Abstract and Introduction 4

3 Introduction and Objectives of the Project 5

4 Synopsis 6

5 Survey and Literature Review 7

6 Plot Summary of the Movie 8

7 Judicial Perspective of the Movie 11

8 Outcomes of the Research 12

9 Conclusion and Suggestions 13

10 References and Footnotes 14


The movie “GHOSTS OF MISSISSIPPI” is a true story which is directed by Rob Reiner,
starring Alec Baldwin, Whoopi Goldberg and James Woods. The story is based on a murder
case courtroom drama. Medgar Evers, NAACP leader (role played by James Pickens Jr.) is
murdered in 1963 by De La Beckwith, a white supremacist (role played by James Wood) .
The case goes to trails in court in 1964 for two times and ends up in Hung Juries by stating
the reason that there are no proper evidences.

In 1989, the wife of Medgar Evers, Mrs. Myrlie Evers (Whoopi Goldberg) tries to get justice
for her husband’s death because of De La Beckwith come to Hinds county District Attorney
office but initially they refuse to take up the case as there are no proper evidences. Later,
Bobby DeLaughter (Alec Baldwin) reopens the case after almost 25 years and he starts in
search of evidences against De La Beckwith. He tries to pull of all the evidences which helps
the case to move further and he also tries to meet and take staments of the witnesses and
people who are related to the case. Later the court drama begins and there will be some strong
argument scenes. At last the justice is served to Mrs. Myrlie Evers and family. As a
punishment for the offence De La Beckwith got life time imprisionment.



In this Research work, we will discuss about the Movie , ‘GHOSTS OF MISSISSIPPI’ starred
by Alec Baldwin, Whoopi Goldberg, James Woods. We will look at the movie from a judicial
perspective and look at all the elements of law involved in this movie and the relevance of
those laws. We will also discuss few Pros and cons of the movie and also establish a deep
understanding of the movie by reviewing it.

Objectives of the Study:

• The objective of this study is to observe how legal English/language had been
implemented in the movie.
• To observe how Courts/ Law Enforcement agencies/law making bodies are perceived
by the Director/makers of the movie.
• To identify principles of law, that are used in the movie. And also, Review the movie
from legal perspective.
• To look at the rationality of verdict given in the movie when compared to real life
• To analyse the Pros and cons of the Movie.


Scope of the Research:

The study is confined to the movie GHOSTS OF MISSISSIPPI, its summary, Review, legal
systems and their implementation in the Movie.

Signification of the Research:

The research will help us in comprehending the past, present, and future of
legal perspectives, as well as their implementation in the legal profession and Legal oriented

Importance of the Research:

• This Research helps us understand the judicial perspective of the movie GHOSTS OF
• This Research also analysis the key elements contributing to the Legal technical
aspects of this movie
• This Research also helps to know the law and legal system in USA.
• This research helps in understanding the judicial working and perspective of movie
makers during the 1960’s and 1990’s.


The articles used in this project are:-

IMDB.COM:- A reviewer in this article reviewed movie as ‘Justice served for Medger
Evers’ as it is a true heart wrenching story and it is also a necessary movie to know the history
and case study in a entertaining manner for the young generation. He rated this movie with 7
out of 10.

ROTTEN TOMATOES:- A top critic in this article reviewed the movie with a
statement that ‘Strong performances but just another movie about civil rights issues that pays
too much attention to the white characters’ and she just gave the rating of 3/5 after the above
sentence and article is giving 43% based on other Reviews.

WIKIPEDIA: In this article the reviewer has explained the movie with in depth precision
not leaving even a single stone unturned, reading this review would feel like watching the
whole movie, this website has given a rating of 3.5/5.

ROGEREBERT.COM:- A reviewer in this article has analysed the view point of the
directors during that time and has analysed the movie from the makers point of view, he has
given a rating of 2.5/5 . He expressed any of his views that movie could be better if the journey
of Medgar Evers is shown and he did normally explain what the movie is about.


The movie starts with opening scene of a car which is driven by De La Beckwith with John F
Kennedy’s speech in the background. He goes near the house of Medgar Evers who is a black
civil rights leader and wait there for him to arrive. After after his arrival De La Beckwith shoots
Medgar Evers and escapes from there by throwing his rifle in the crime scene. Because of the
huge sounds of gunshot Mrs. Myrlie Evers who is the wife of Medgar Evers comes to the body
of Medgar Evers. This incident took place after midnight on June 12, 1963. In the Police
investigation Beckwith is considered as the culprit. In 1964 Beckwith was produced in the court
and local prosecutor tries to convict Beckwith on two different cases but on both of the
occasions he managed to escape with the help of white male juries.

Now the story skips to 1989 in hinds County District attorney where Bobby DeLaughter and
his boss discuss about the article which is published in the paper of the murder of Medgar
Evers. Later Mrs Myrlie Evers comes to hinds County District attorney in search of Justice.
But then initially the boss of Bobby DeLaughter refuse to reopen the case as there are no proper
evidences present. There is only a police report which is also against Mrs Myrlie Evers and in
favour of De La Beckwith. But Bobby DeLaughter decides to help in getting justice for Mrs
Myrlie Evers but she don’t have any hope or trust on Bobby DeLaughter helping her. Bobby
DeLaughter decides to reopen the case and starts searching for the evidences which can be
helpful to the case to move further.

A reporter named Jerry who is researching on the case of Medgar Evers gives some reports to
Bobby. On the basis of the reports Bobby decides to meet the investigating officer by going to
the crime scene, he asks the investigating officer to explain what happened. In 1990 Bobby
calls to Mrs. Myrlie Evers to tell that he had reopen the case. Bobby and his friend goes to
library for finding the articles which are published in the newspaper relating the murder. Bobby
finds an article stating that ‘Car hope saw the murderer Beckwith near the car.’ After seeing
that article he tries to find live witnesses who are alive but he will get to know that most of the
members are no more. Jerry calls to Bobby and tell that there are two eyewitnesses who told
that they saw break with 90 miles away from the murder spot during the time of murder. Then

Bobby and his friend decides to go to meet the two witnesses and after meeting them they gave
the same statement that they saw Beckwith 90 miles away from the murder spot. After that
Bobby calls to Mrs. Myrlie Evers and say I am going through case don’t worry justice will be
served then she replies I don’t know why you are showing so much interest in the case and that
too you are the son-in-law of most racist judge who had given many judgements in the past in
favour of Whites including this case.

While going through the past evidences Bobby finds that the rifle is missing after thinking
deeply he gets a doubt that his uncle is a racist judge so to save De La Beckwith, maybe he
tried to hide the evidence. So Bobby goes to his uncle’s house and search of the rifle in his
office and room and his guess was correct he will find the rifle in his uncle’s office. Again he
will start in search of evidences then his friend will find and indirect statement which means
‘The murder was done by me’ given by De La Beckwith which was published in an article by
person named Denice. Bobby and his friends goes to meet Denice and starts enquiring him
about it. Bobby requests Denice to come to court whenever required as a witness of the
statement. The boss of Bobby ask him indirectly to leave the case but he continues to deal with
the case. Mrs. Myrlie Evers comes to Bobby and handover certified transcripts of last three
attorneys and tells him that she needs Justice. Later on the case continues to cause more
controversy that the taxpayers money are going waste on this 27-year-old murder case. One
fine day the court accepted the petition and request and requested the police to again reopen
the case and make a new autopsy report of Medgar Evers. Also an arrest warrant issued on

Now the courtroom drama starts by Bobby saying to juries that ‘There is a coward who shot
Mr Medgar Evers from the backside and that coward is De La Beckwith.’ Then the judge asks
Bobby to produce first witness. Bobby calls Mrs. Myrlie Evers and ask her what happened on
the Night when Medgar Evers was killed. Myrlie Evers tells that she saw her husband crawling
on the floor with pain. Next Bobby calls a woman who saw De La Beckwith and he and his car
during the time of murder. She tells that she had saw a white car with an antenna and De La
Beckwith near it. Next Bobby calls the investigating officer to identify the gun and the
fingerprints as it was done under his authority. Later again as an evidence he calls Denice
because Beckwith directly outspoken the truth in the presence of Denis in the bar indirectly
that he had murdered Medgar Evers. Then the advocate of De La Beckwith object’s Denice
that his statement was wrong and he asked Denice that Did De La Beckwith directly gave an

open statement that he had killed Mr. Medgar Evers. Denise replies “no but it means the same.”
The advocate asked the juries juries to remove the words of Denice from the records. Now
Bobby calls a lady with whom Beckwith directly told that he kill a black American then the
advocate of Beckwith asks her that is she suffering with mental trauma and the lady says I have
gone through mental trauma but my mental condition is stable now. Next comes the most racist
judge who had given the judgement in the past and he speaks that court need evidences and
witnesss which are clearly in favour of De La Beckwith and the person who gave the witness
statement is a court official and he had testify Underoath and request the juries do not to render
the non-guilty person. He also states that there is no different judgements based on the race.
Finally the judge asks Bobby to give the closing argument then Bobby says Mr. Medgar Evers
was gunned downed bya coward that is none other than De La Beckwith. His car his gun his
fingerprint and last but not least his mouth because he had outspoken with some people that he
had killed Evers, here in the law there is no statutory limit that the case has reopened after 20
years or 30 years or 50 years or the culprit is of 40 years 55 years or 60 years Justice need to
be serve and criminal need to be punished. Bobby requests the juries to give a perfect verdict.
The court is adjourned for one hour for the final judgement. At last after referring all the
evidences and witnesses the juries give the verdict in favour of Mrs. Myrlie Evers.

Judicial Perspective of the Movie

In this particular movie, even though high details are not given on legal aspects (as that might
dull up the movie tactics) a brief discussion can be glanced.

The case in this movie revolves around a murder of blacks civils rights activists.

The cases goes for trails for time and the mureder get escpaes because of the juries giving
wrong judments.

After 25 years agaim the case gets reopend by a distict attorney and there will be only one trail
where the juries give perfect verdict and the justice will be served in a manner that the murderer
get a life time imprisionment as punishment.

In most of the countries like india and USA, the murder is considered as a serious crime and
punishment is Life time impriosionment.

Outcomes of the Research

The objective of this study is to observe how legal English/language had been implemented
in the movie, like how the movies working is, in relevance to the judicial system the elements
that how racism influenced the verdicts as whites are in the supereme position and later on
how the point of racism is decresed and justice came intlo light.

To observe how Courts/ Law Enforcement agencies/law making bodies are perceived by the
Director/makers of the movie, the movie was a 2000’s classic wherin we can see the mindset
of the movie makers in those days when it comes to these types of controvertical and
problematic topics like murders, racism they showed how judicial system over came the myth
of whites are superior and blacks are low class. Justice should be equally served to all.

To look at the rationality of verdict given in the movie when compared to real life, when
compared to real life the movies verdict if far behind the mind, wherin the verdict is given
purly on a sense of cinematic value and feels but not according to the law perspective, and we
cannot say this wrong , as that is the law of movie making, but not to be dishearted the trails
in the court were actually not bad when compared to other movies of that time

To analyse the Pros and cons of the Movie, Like the movie has discussed a lot about the
relations of the whites and the blacks which itself is controversial in nature and also a lot of
criticism is gained by this movie because of the vague interesting first half but the dragging
and vague ending.


In Ghosts of Mississippi, white society is seen insightfully. We adapt by and by about the
foundation of White Citizens Councils and their obscure connections with the Ku Klux Klan.
The film utilizes DeLaughter's first spouse, Dixie (Virginia Madsen), as a connection to the
past through her dad, the most bigoted judge appointed authority in Mississippi. Old folks
utilize uncovering word decisions , alluding to Evers as the social equality pioneer that had
himself chance. All of that is all around good done, however going to the individuals of colour,
Myrlie Evers capacities as a still, small voice who is generally off-screen. Other dark characters
are tracked down generally in jam-packed scenes. What we get, truly, is self-praise. Whites
might have been answerable for isolation of the darks.

There is a fundamental issue here. This film, in the same way as other others, is truly about
white recovery. As Godfrey Chesire calls attention to in his audit in Variety, When people in
the future go to this present period's motion pictures for a record of the battles for racial equity
in America, they'll gain proficiency with the amazing example that such fights were battled and
won by square-jawed white folks..

This is a moving story, yet it's anything but an especially convincing one in Ghosts of
Mississippi, which plays like a TV docudrama and doesn't produce the passionate power of
such comparative movies as A Time to Kill. Perhaps it centres around some unacceptable
characters. The film is seen through the eyes of DeLaughter, who takes care of his business
competently, and at some peril yet his story is to a greater extent a legitimate procedural rather
than a human show. The passionate focus of the film ought to presumably be Myrlie Evers
,who supported her draining spouse as he kicked the bucket that evening, her sobbing and
scared kids around her. Yet, the job is endorsed so much that Myrlie never truly arises besides
as a token, and Goldberg plays her like the visitor of honour at a tribute meal.

Aside from the Cinematic perspectives , coming to legal lines, the film isn’t a unique
masterpiece for legitimate abilities, however certainly not a film wherein not so much as a
solitary spot is adjust

References and Footnotes

Movie link:-


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