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Pedoman Wawancara JPRI / Interview guidelines for JPRI


Berkaitan dengan Contempt of Court / Contempt of Court in Korea

a. Apa pengertian Contempt of Court atau ada istilah lainnya di Korea?
What is the definition of Contempt of Court or other terms in Korea?
b. Dimana kita dapat mengetahui pengaturan terkait Contempt of Cout?
Where can we find out any regulatons that regulate a Contempt of cout?
c. Seberapa banyak kasus contempt of court terjadi di negara anda
How many Contempt of Court cases occur in your country?
d. Bagaimanakah kualifikasi seseorang dapat dikatakan telah melakukan tindakan
Contempt of Court?
How can a person's qualifications be said to have commited the Contempt of
e. Dapatkah tindakan merendahkan wibawa pengadilan di luar persidangan, baik
secara nyata maupun virtual dikategorikan sebagai tindakan Contempt of Court?
Can conduct disrespectful of the court’s authority outside the court, whether real
or virtual categorized as commiting of Contempt of Court?
f. Bagaimanakah sanksi yang dapat diterapkan bagi pelaku Contempt of Court?
What are the sanctions be applied to the suspect of The Contempt of Court?
g. Bagaimanakah peran pengadilan dalam menjaga atau mengantisipasi tindakan
Contempt of Court selama ini?
How is the court's role in preventing of the Contempt of Court 's action?

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