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PASTOR NOAH & PYGMY well though it’s been hard for him to continue
MINISTRY school because of financial requirements.
Thank you and your family, and all supporters
Greetings from us: How is the family? for the sacrifice to the spread of the gospel
Spreading the gospel amongst the pygmies is amongst the pygmies. I pray more of God’s
our joy and duty, and the Holy Spirit is helping blessings upon you. Stay strong
us do the work of ministry. I am presently
mobilizing those of Nyabande into a small TRANSPORTATION
farming activity besides teaching them the
Word. We just chose the piece of land to be
cultivated, which requires cleaning, burning,
and getting seeds and seedlings planted. It
also requires encouraging them with food or
local drinks to have some energy for the work.
They are indeed excited and really wish the
farm activity to take off and now is farming
season. My family is doing well. Having left
the church house and the village, related
needs have increased.

About the computer you inquired some time

ago, a good desktop with related accessories
and a printer cost 150,000 francs ($300). I
wish to have one for important purposes.
Ministry is going well in the other villages. I
wish it were possible to organize farming
activities there as well. The chief in Congo lost
a son. My Helper, Brother Goodday, is doing


PASTOR NOAH AND CHILDREN Alfred. So we combine videos lectures with

face to face classroom lectures. The students
have been very excited to participate and
learn from our unique approach of teaching
the Bible. Daniel continues to distribute tracts
to these students to be used for evangelism in
their church communities. We have run short
of tracts and we need to reprint more. Also
we need transportation allowances for our
tract evangelism. Thanks s million to our
DANIEL IN BAMENDA: Disciple supporters in raining funds to keep the work
and Pastor Training and Evangelism going.


Daniel is in a unique position; an opportunity

that God just throw on our laps: he teaches in
an interdenominational Bible School. Students
come from all over, and are not only taught
Bible interpretation, but also using our tracts
for evangelism. The only thing keeping us
behind is enough money to continue to print
as many tracts as possible. People are still
receptive to tract evangelism. Below is Daniel
in first person:

It has been an exciting three months for

Daniel and Alfred in the teaching of Pauline
Epistles in International School of Theology,
Bamenda. Alfred prepares video lessons and
sends to Daniel. Then Daniel sends them to
the students via Whatsapp forum to be
listened to by all students taking the course. It
is interesting to note that the students are
pastors from both Evangelical and Pentecostal
backgrounds. Daniel teaches the class every
Tuesday after projecting the videos from


PATRICK IN YAOUNDE: been sending them to most of his Whatsapp

EVANGELISM AND BIBLE STUDY contacts! BELOW from Patrick: We are
enjoying the teachings! Hallelu-Yah!!!
Patrick and the disciples with him do regular
Bible study and evangelism. Alfred is
producing videos in both English and French
that Patrick downloads and project to the
disciples. The difficulty is good equipment.
Patrick needs a strong phone ($150) that can
download well. Patrick also conducts open air
evangelistic outreaches (Gospel Crusades).
New bilingual tracts are currently being
printed for door-to-door evangelism and
invitations to crusades. A main one is being
organized for next April 15-17, 2022.


Meeting after listening to: The Coming New
world: Kingdom of God on Earth

Patrick requested, and Alfred began a New

Series: The Coming New World: The Kingdom
of God on Earth. Alfred produces the videos
and sends them to Patrick. Actually Alfred has


DOUALA: GLADYS & THE LADY called one of his friends to come and chain
EVANGELISTS her up, locking the chain with a padlock. She
started praising God and the chains fell off
We go out least 3 days a week for evangelism
from her legs and she ran immediately to my
and also do weekly Bible study. The past few
(Gladys) house and told me the story. We
weeks we have been going out every day—
prayed together and I encouraged her to
doing door-to-door evangelism. Some days
stand firm because what happened was to
we do open air preaching in public town
strengthen her.
squares with their megaphone.
BELOW: Guemdjo Kemogne Cecile

The following is a testimony from one of my

disciples who is a student in the University of
Dchang. Her father seized her Bible and
phone. He took her to a “Native Doctor” to
block that she should not believe in Jesus
again. None of these native doctors could look
at her in the face, and they complained to the
Then I told her; “You will travel to school and
father that “She is more than us!” Her father
your father will give back all he has taken
went to the university and collected all her
from you. But do not ask him anything.” The
things and brought them home to Douala. Her
transportation fare money I gave her was also
classmates called her to let her know she had
taken by her father. She went back to their
some courses to rewrite. She told her father
house and was asked who removed the
and he responded; “Did you not see that I
chains. She responded that Jesus did. The
have taken all your things from school? That
father called the friend again to come and
means no more school for you!” She replied;
chain her a second time, saying; “If that your
“My God that I serve has not told me that my
God who liberated you in the morning still do
school is finished. I will go back and complete
it again, I will serve him.” Straightaway, she
my studies.” Early in the morning of Thursday
(Cecil) told the man;” Be ready to serve my
24th 2022, her father told her; “we are going
God because he will set me free.” The man
at 8:00 am.” At that time she took her
chained her and locked the chain this time
handbag but her father took is from her and
with 4 padlocks and locked the door behind


them. She started praising God and found a BELOW: Doris Anguh and the Children
key in one of the padlocks. This key opened all
the padlocks! Her mother came and opened
the door to see if more pains will cause her to
deny Jesus. She found her free and ran back
and told her husband to come and see. When
he found her free, he told her; “My ‘pickin’
(child), the road you have chosen is the right
one; continue in it.” Her father returned all
that he had taken from her and gave her
more money and she traveled to school to
complete her courses. Glory to God

T-SHIRT: Repentez-vous! Repent!



Group increasing, and now up to 60 children!

Lessons and memory verses are taught and

booklets given to the children to encourage
them. And of course, with children, treats are
always a wonderful motivation. Those who
perform well are given prizes for
encouragement, which motivates the rest to
do well.


Specific items of our tract evangelism CONTACT:

ministry we need finances for
1. Funds to produce 40,000 tracts every 1149 45TH AVE SOUTH
per month ($1,250.00).
2. Funds to cover transportation
YouTube: Alfred Tofibam
allowance for about thirty five volunteer
Evangelists ($600.00/month). Web: www.everlasting-gospel-
3. Funds for the salary of five permanent
Evangelists (Daniel, Noah, Gladys, Patrick,
Delphine; $800/month)

5. Funds to produce tracts for the over

243 tribes (translating into their
languages) and ethnic groups in

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