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the Dry Bones Live!

An End Time Army for Harvest:

“Then the LORD said to me, ‘Prophesy to

these dry bones and say to them, Dry bones,
hear the word of the LORD!’ So I prophesied
as he commanded me, and breath entered
them; they came to life and stood on their feet
- a vast army” (1 Thess. 4:16; Ezek. 37:4,
10; cf. Rev. 14).
ABOVE: A Happy Valentine for us 2022

This is an expanded newsletter in line with the

expansion of this ministry! The title above
refers to the ministry magazine as of seventeen
years ago. It reflects God’s work for our
people in these last days. Words cannot
express my excitement for what God continues
to do in this ministry. He is using many people
(both in America – donors; and in Cameroon – ABOVE: Iboembom(Isaiah), our 17 year old
volunteer evangelists). son, made a public demonstration of his faith
in Jesus by the waters of baptism on March 27,
In Mid-March, I wrote to one of my ministry 2022.
partners in Cameroon that God is indicating to
my spirit that he is about to do something to TRACT MINISTRY
the ministry, especially in the production of
tracts. I wrote; “Heaven has spoken!” and Paul states that some plant, others water, but
more tracts will be printed! We had printed God gives the increase! “6 I planted the
20,000 tracts and they were running short seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been
within a short time. We needed more money to making it grow. 7 So neither the one who
print more tracts. Because God was clearly plants nor the one who waters is anything,
working in the field, I believed he was going but only God, who makes things grow. 8 The
to provide for the printing of more tracts: one who plants and the one who waters have
30,000. On March 27th as we lined up for a one purpose, and they will each be rewarded
meal after Isaiah’s baptism, I shared with one according to their own labor. 9 For we are co-
of the regular donors, and he said he had workers in God’s service; you are God’s
already sent in 10 times his monthly field, God’s building.” (1 Cor. 3:6-9) We are
contribution. In April, a brother who had been in any of these human stages, printing,
planning to support the ministry called me for mailing, and distributing tracts. We are
information to send his contribution. And it recruiting volunteer Evangelists who are
was a big contribution! Immense thanks to exceptionally excited to have FREE tracts for
God and those he is using mightily. The rest of witnessing. Yes, free tracts, all thanks to the
this newsletter is the clear testimony of God’s generous donations of our supporters. This is a
hand in this ministry. team effort and we thank God for everyone
involved, from donations, coordination,

mobilization, to going out on the streets. All
the locations mentioned in this newsletter are
using tracts for evangelism, and the places are
rapidly expanding! It is our confidence that the
Heavenly Father will give increase to this
work; “10 As the rain and the snow come
down from heaven, and do not return to it
without watering the earth and making it bud
and flourish, so that it yields seed for the
sower and bread for the eater, 11 so is my
word that goes out from my mouth: It will not
return to me empty, but will accomplish what
I desire and achieve the purpose for which I
sent it.” (Isa. 55:10-11).

In March and April, 50,000 tracts were printed

and 30,000 are to be printed soon! ABOVE: Alfred’s niece, Patience Ngam

OFFICE TRANSFORMATION BY I am particularly grateful for my niece,

Tom Murphy! Patience Ngam, who advised me to find
creative ways to promote my videos. It is
Alfred and Tom have been ministry partners working significantly! There are several
since we met each other 17 years ago. groups using an app called Whatsapp, and
through this, I am able to forward videos to
many people who in turn forward the videos to
other groups. It’s like a chain reaction or
domino effect! Hallelujah! We have created
several WhatsApp groups worldwide.


Having been asleep for a while, Tom stepped

in again shortly after I had made the statement
that heaven was about to do something to the
ministry. These circumstances have inspired FROM PASTOR NOAH: Happy Palm
the sub-title to this editorial: When God is Sunday and Easter season. We celebrated King
shouting! And indeed, he is shouting in this Jesus with the Pygmies, singing Hosanna in
ministry. And more is ahead in this newsletter! the Highest: visiting their homes, counseling,
praying and preaching to them, enjoying
domestic activities with them. We thank God
Alfred began preaching on YouTube since the Kongo chief’s wife is reconciled to her
April 1st 2020. Lately he is using more media husband. We will celebrate her return on
outlets to spread the word worldwide. Easter. The service was great with singing,
prayers and preaching in Kongo, Nyabande

and village 8 settlements. The pygmy family
in the village wishes to be baptized on Sunday
April 23.


Next Sunday is public confession of faith for
the pygmies in Nyambade. May God help his
kingdom advance further amongst the
pygmies. Thank You.

BAPTISM: Finally the pygmy chief and his

wife and another pygmy and wife in Kongo
village confessed faith in Christ via baptism
today. What great services with the Angels,
the pygmies their joy of salvation and we
celebrated with them. The service was marked
with singing, prayer, baptism, preaching,
testimony, breaking of bread and fellowship
led by Gooday and me. I had to hire a car and
a bike to carry us and food items. My bike
needs 25,000 francs ($50) to be repaired after
engine damage.

Pastor Noah and wife had a baby!

BAMENDA: Evangelist Daniel: Bible
School and Tract Ministry. Right now we have
24 volunteer Evangelists dedicate to tract
evangelism. They each receive a certain
quantity to use for a specific time and then
come for more. Most of these evangelists have
limited resources especially money. As we are
able, we provide a meager amount of money to
cover their transportation cost and then buy
data so we can communicate. We pray for
more resources so the workman can have
sufficient meat for encouragement.

ABOVE: Mr. Michael Muma received an

envelope of tracts to be used in his
evangelism. He is a Primary School Teacher.

BELOW: Pastor Waindim David Kimeng

receiving his tracts. He also used his
motorcycle to transport tracts to those who
were unable to come and collect their own
tracts. Ornella Ngong assists in the office to
package tracts.


BELOW: Godlove Yosimbi Yongka is a be your encouragement! He inspired me to
Government Primary School teacher that start the series on the coming kingdom of God.
received tracts to use in his school evangelism I have it outlined in my book, but he needed
short messages to present to the people using
television. The series resulted in short videos
that I share on whatsapp that has gone viral
around the world. I also prepared a series of 8
messages for an evangelistic outreach from
April 17 to 17th in Yaounde. Lives saved and
some baptized, and others edified!


YAOUNDE; Patrick Elombo:

We are working on starting zoom meetings,
where disciples can interact live with me.
What a wonderful blessing from technology!

DOUALA: Gladys and the Lady

Evangelists: These ladies are on fire with
evangelism. 11 of them go out at least 2 times
a week, and 6 at least once. They have been
joined by Pastor Divine, who requested tracts
together with his District Pastor, to use for
outreach. Gladys works with printing the tracts
and distributing to various locations.

Patrick has been one of my greatest

encouragements! Yes, your own disciple can



evangelist and transporter of tracts to Delphine
Shina graduated in an orphanage in my using his motorcycle
hometown, Fundong. She is currently in
Douala. She and about 18 friends have been
preparing for evangelism but needed direction.
We are stepping in with direction and tracts. It
is as though God has been preparing the
ground and leading us to finish the task. I have
just joined their worldwide Whatsapp group
and my leadership is welcome with
excitement. Surely, God is shouting! And we
will shout from the housetops!

DELPHINE: Abasakom

In the past Delphine was part of our outreach

group and we are glad she is continuing with
us. Delphine will be our representation and
tract distributor in the vast Abasakom area. IN
HER OWN WORDS: “I received Christ as
Savior and Lord in 1998. I am married to
Nkain Isaac and resident at Abuh. We have 5
children. I have worked and will continue to
work for tract evangelism calling.”

BELOW: NGWAIN ALPHONSIUS: On Campus Crusade Ministry, to watch a
the way from Yaounde to his home Village, documentary from Madagascar: The Book that
Mughef for evangelism will never burn. In a country where allegiance
was only for the Queen alone, new converts to
Christianity preferred to die than to surrender
their Bibles to be burned. As if to test why the
Bible was too important to these believers, the
authorities collected all the Bibles and burned
but the Bibles never burned! Comparing
Madagascar with its religious intolerance but
people preferred to keep their Bibles to
Cameroon, my country where there is religious
tolerance, yet we don’t own a Bible even at the
university where we have many books. What
then was the Bible? What scientific evidence
is therein that people would die for it? That is
how I met Jesus. I joined the Jesus Team
Department of Campus Crusade. I helped in
film projection of the Jesus film in several
inter-church ministries all over Cameroon. To
be continued…


(sitting): BOBONG & NJINIKOM
Alphonsius is Alfred’s classmate from primary
(elementary) school through High School.
Through a series of God-orchestrated events
(providence) we touched base the weekend of
April 29-May 1st. He has been receiving my
video messages and had mentioned to me in
conversation that the messages have been very
helpful to him. The night after the
conversation, God gave him a dream of
dramatic changes taking place in his village;
sort of like a revival. He interpreted this as
God asking him to bring the gospel to his
village. So I stepped in to provide the tracts.
He also mentioned of this zealous young
pastor Nelson. He will bring the tracts to him
and he will distribute in a cluster of villages,
including Alfred’s childhood 2 villages! Here
is Brother Alphonse in his own words:
God is authenticating this ministry by calling
The day was May 15th 1997. I was in my 3rd
and adding partners left and right. I grew up
year in the University of Yaounde. I was
in this village! I had started praying to the
invited over by a brother, Nsom Kennedy of
Father to provide someone within this area to

distribute tracts. It was in my conversation children are now 70 in number. Thanks for
with Alphonsius that he brought up Pastor caring.”
Nelson. Prayers answered! He and nine
trained and ready evangelists will carry tracts Specific items of our Tract Evangelism
to every nook and cranny in this region. Ministry we need money for
Pastor Nelson’s testimony and calling is
1. Funds to produce 60,000 tracts per
coming in the next issue of this newsletter.
Stay tuned…
month ($2,000).

BELOW: Worship at Pastor Nelson’s Church 2. Funds to cover transportation

allowance for about seventy volunteer
Evangelists ($1,000/month).

3. Funds for the salary of seven

permanent Evangelists (Daniel, Noah,
Gladys, Patrick, Doris, Delphine; Nelson,

4. Funds to purchase sound equipment for

open air preaching ($600)
MINISTRY IN FUNDONG 5. Funds for printing small discipleship
Doris is Alfred’s niece. We are glad to have
booklets (amount of booklets will be
her doing children’s ministry. printed depending on funds available;

6. Funds to produce tracts for the over

243 tribes (translating into their
languages) and ethnic groups in
Cameroon. Long term goal



1149 45TH AVE S. MOORHEAD, MN 56560

Here is Doris in her own words: “Hi Uncle, I Phone: 701-367-1137
have received 30,000 francs ($60 assistance)
from Mr. Nsom Daniel. Thank you so much YouTube: Alfred Tofibam
uncle. You are really a blessing for me and the
children. Stores are not open today for us to Web:
buy biscuits and share, but hoping to do so
Donation: Cashapp: $AlfredTofibam
next week. You have really proven to me that
I’m doing a good job. God bless you. The Central Missionary Clearing House (CMC);
see attached form

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